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15539799 No.15539799 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw reading books makes you guilty now because there's so much political issues and stuff going on and you're just sitting at home obsessing over fictional characters cucking each other

>> No.15539806

There isn't much one can do, anon.

>> No.15539816

none worth fighting for

>> No.15539825

Ha! What do plan to do? Participate in this tumult? Change the world?
Retreat from the nonsense. Keep reading, keep writing. There's nothing out there, as hard as that is to admit. Find yourself a qt maybe, it might offer some relief if you're lucky. But most importantly read and retreat.

>> No.15539828


There's a protest going on in my city today but I'm to scared to go.

>> No.15539855


Twitter told me ignoring the problems makes me just as bad as the nazis.

>> No.15539861

I'm going fucking insane because my brain can't process the Corona situation, are people just ignoring it now or is it over or what? The strict regulations in stores and unis while outside everything's back to normal and places are crowded seem like something straight out of Kafka. I feel detached

>> No.15539863

Power is dominated by the dynamics of iself and it's environment, your participation or lack thereof is both meaningless and pointless.

>> No.15539867

And then there's the protests. They happen here in Germany too.
I don't want this world. Ew!

>> No.15539882

There's nothing wrong with escapism at this time anon. The world is a shit show at the moment.

>> No.15539897

Pussy shit desu


>> No.15539903

Really? I stopped reading news. Are they just protesting for the sake of protesting? Instead of protesting against institutionalised racism which is a non-issue here they should march on Wolfsburg.

>> No.15539906

Keep reading books until you've fully understood all the issues. Then and only then, should you engage in politics

>> No.15539917

I feel so alienated from the current protests because of their banality, aimlessness, and stupidity.

>> No.15539936 [DELETED] 

I wouldn't worry about it. Keep reading and expanding your views. White privilege is a misnomer and it isn't equally distributed. I'm waiting until these protests adapt to that and then maybe i'll join.

>> No.15539945
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I'm living comfy in the countryside.

>> No.15539966


cops or other protestors/rioters (who knows how it will turn out) will beat me up

>> No.15539968
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>makes you guilty now because there's so much political issues and stuff going on

As in, feel bad for being white? I can't believe there are people that self-flagellate for this. Stop being such a fag.

>> No.15539969
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>is it over or what?
The popular position is now that it depends on your motivations.
Enjoy Mr. Bones’ Wild Ride!

>> No.15540007
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Why the hell would you go? This entire "movement" was orchestrated by DNC think tanks in attempt to disrupt the country in preparation fr the 2020 election. There is nothing organic about this movement, and the underlying reasons provided don't hold up to scrutiny. This is all propaganda, the only way to win is to not participate.

Actually you know what? If you think this protest/riot is justified. Please go and get the disease they are all passing around and die. You won't be missed.

>> No.15540014 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15540024

"It's all just a coincidence! This is an organic grass roots movement and implying otherwise is racist!!!" - Some Jew Bureaucrat probably

>> No.15540044

Would you say the same of corona? Because I think I've seen that graph before...

>> No.15540055

>people do not organically become more politically emboldened around electoral events
Why don't you wait until after the elections to complain then, hmm?

>> No.15540065

Fucking hell, this shit is the reason I’ll never go to the doctor unless I’m badly injured. People underestimate how deeply the tendrils of idpol have gotten into even “apolitical” fields.

Secondly, how the fuck can a normal, 100IQ person with basic logic capabilities see this and say “yeah, sounds about right”? Absolute nonsense even by 2020’s standards where the bar is already on the ground.

>> No.15540082

The election of Donald Trump was the most grass roots organically driven political campaign since Teddy Roosevelt. This is a fact, your opinion on him is inconsequential.

>> No.15540086

>>tfw reading books makes you guilty now because there's so much political issues and stuff going on and you're just sitting at home obsessing over fictional characters cucking each other
Pre-election consolidation of power... Progressives control every facet of society, but Trump is president. Just a final nail in the coffin before election, things won't get really bad until 5-10 if Trump loses, if he wins The progessives will go full-out, and there's not a legitimate opposition to them. Remember both the police and military are multi-cultural, and conservatives agree with them on mostly everything but are 5 years behind.
and this >>15539806 Read some Joyce and Nietzsche and Musil, Pessoa, Dosto, Hemingway, Tolstoy, Nabokov, Fitzgerald, Melville, Homer, Dante, Plato while you still can

>> No.15540104
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Think: who would have a special interest in making you feel this guilty? Pay attention to the specific insults they use.

If they call you a Nazi or a racist for ignoring the problem, see how far you can extend that idea. For example, this idea would mean that if you were a terrified non-Jew German during World War 2 (in a Jewish town) who did nothing, you would be allied with the Nazis since you weren't actively harboring Jewish refugees. But why would any man betray his common sense by getting himself in trouble for following his conscience? Similarly, in North America, it was illegal to harbor escaped slaves before the Emancipation, so why would a common person involve himself?

That is not to say that harboring refugees wasn't happening, or wasn't noble. It means that not everyone CAN take political action. You need money, power, influence, in a word, resources you can leverage against the unjust laws.

But if the law were really unjust, why wouldn't the movement call on specific people with the means to make change? Why does the movement need to call attention from everyone? Can you think of a greater goal that would require everyone's participation? And, does it necessarily have to help those it says it helps?

I hope that by thinking about these things it will help you stay grounded, stay sane, and stay safe. Cheers

>> No.15540112

A real shame he'll be losing at the hands of Teddy Roosevelt's ghost then.

>> No.15540123

>Teddy Roosevelt's ghost
Uhhh, what?

>> No.15540126

>But why would any man betray his common sense by getting himself in trouble for following his conscience?
And so the Nazis no longer attempt to even recruit, but do the best they can by simply telling other whites to "stay out of it, stay at home, eat your doritos."

>> No.15540138

You cannot seriously be under the impression someone like Rosevelt would have liked Trump, right?

>> No.15540140

They're protesting to show solidarity

>> No.15540150

He absolutely would've admired Trump, especially in comparison to fucking Biden. Trump and Roosevelt were very similar.

>> No.15540154

Why not?

>> No.15540158

Okay buddy, not going to look at any of Rosevelt's work Trump is rolling back I guess.

>> No.15540159

Oh cool. Solidarity of what, exactly?

>> No.15540162

Roosevelt was a brillant well-read man, he might view Trump as the best of a bad situation but would be disgusted with America as a whole, I'd imagine.

>> No.15540166

Then I guess I'm a Nazi. But in drawing parallels like that, do they REALLY want me to follow through with their accusation?

>> No.15540170

Like what? The Corporations such as Amazon are all leftist, Roosevelt would not support the party that supported that either, and also talked about White Man's burden. I said he'd think Trump was stupid, but would also be disgusted with conservatives.

>> No.15540182

>the most grass roots organically driven political campaign since A Guy Who Took Office Because McKinley Got Shot
based retard

>> No.15540190

>He's confusing FDR with Teddy Roosevelt
You absolute fucking moron. You historically illiterate idiot. Someone as ignorant as you shouldn't be allowed to vote or even publicly voice their opinion. Your very existence collectively makes humanity stupider. The fact that you believe that you have any grounds to lecture/teach another person anything shows how truly delusional you are.

Learn about history, and you'll find the current views you hold were put there by powerful groups interested in subverting your country.

>> No.15540197

Any of his conservation policies? The Antiquities Act, for example?

>> No.15540213

No, you're confusing FDR with Teddy, retard. I guess that means "someone as ignorant as you shouldn't be allowed to vote or even publicly voice their opinion. Your very existence collectively makes humanity stupider. The fact that you believe that you have any grounds to lecture/teach another person anything shows how truly delusional you are.

Learn about history, and you'll find the current views you hold were put there by powerful groups interested in subverting your country."

>> No.15540214

>Amazon = Leftist

why the fuck do we even use left/right anymore when nobody can even decide on what it means

>> No.15540226

>Realizes he confused the two presidents, proceeds to cope by re-posting the insult that was given to him (he's not intelligent enough to write his own rebuttal)
Haha, cope more you indolent retard.

>> No.15540233

Except I didn't, retard. When was the Antiquities Act?

>> No.15540249

>thinks Antiquities was FDR
>thinks FDR was McKinley's running mate
Yup, you're brainwashed

>> No.15540260

Stop, you're just embarrassing yourself now. If you're white, please don't reproduce, your genes aren't worth passing on and will just weaken our race further.

>> No.15540268

Virgin detected - saves gay fake 80s pol images and thinks they’re cool

>> No.15540272

t. cuckold

>> No.15540274

I cannot even imagine how embarrassed you are right now anon

>> No.15540287

Within 10 years, someone just like me will drag you from your home and execute you on the front lawn. Remember the entire time, until right before the projectile passes through your mind, that you chose this future.

>> No.15540300

Not very believable coming from someone sided with enforcement who toss tear gass through the windows of people's property just because they see a camera

>> No.15540305

I am incapable of shame, so embarrassment has eluded me my entire life. It's just a white thing, I guess.

>> No.15540310
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The absolute state of midwits. Your use of twitter gave it away. Imagine being so cucked that you feel guilty about what people think. You are NOT going to make it.

>> No.15540313

Damn bro you’re edgy

>> No.15540318

>I am incapable of shame
Guess that's why you'll still be voting

>> No.15540323

I can see the future. Look into my crystal ball. and see what awaits your children.

>> No.15540338
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>> No.15540340

Chad energy

>> No.15540347

What stock should I invest in?

>> No.15540376

Privatized potable water. Enjoy your wealth.

>> No.15540414

learn something new, get skilled at something, not all books are fictional you know

>> No.15540465

>The Corporations such as Amazon are all leftist

They are about as totalitarian and disgustingly unfeeling as possible. So far, far right, extremist right.

A buddy of mine worked at an Amazon warehouse, sorting and moving packages and shit. Hearing him talk about it and the fucked up kind of policies they had made me think of 1984 or a Vonnegut novel. They ran their "employees" into the fucking ground, and if you complained or asked for help you would be instantly fired

>> No.15540466


They're all perfect examples of people who can't even pass their own IQ test

>> No.15540527

Right wing authoritarianism with a veneer of leftist identity politics for the engineers and technocrats running it

>> No.15540536

>they put rainbows on their shoes :(

>> No.15540545

The symbolism itself only offends MAGAtards. The real issue is that it’s only symbolic.

>> No.15540551

That has nothing to do with right or left wing, idiot.

>> No.15540553
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Nah we white people can definitely feel shame. So this must be your way of telling us you're not white, then. What a shocker, considering how you're apparently obsessed with "being white", and bringing up race randomly, out of nowhere.

Personally, I'd argue it was an attempt to deflect from how dumb you made yourself look. Go ahead, keep spazzing out more about even further unrelated race shit. It won't help you save face, but it will be very funny.

>> No.15540560

And this is the issue the left and even liberals take with it. It makes no sense to call a right winged Amazon who disguises itself as left "left winged" simply because of the disguise. To do so is to assert that it is not actually a disguise at all, which removes the initial complaint this was all predicated upon.

>> No.15540586

Aesthetics is the basis of all experience. It is the most important aspect of society.

>> No.15540588

There is one thing you'll find as a constant between those joining the BLM protests, brown eyes. That will inf3orm you to the proclivities of their race.

>> No.15540597

Good goy. Don't worry about declining white birth rates, anti-white propaganda everywhere, and ongoing ethnic replacement. Just read!

>> No.15540628
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Whose aesthetic is it to put the pride flag between their sole and the ground while working laborers to death, exactly? They're right winged.

>> No.15540637

Honestly, as a white man, why should I care? Don’t give me reasons that are sexual

>> No.15540670

>my fellow white men
Nice, Schlomo.
If you don't care, you're not a real man. Men have the inherent urge to further their own line and by extension their own race. The white race is the most superior race, which makes it all the more imperative it be preserved. If you don't understand this you are probably gay or a tranny.

>> No.15540674

get the fuck out underage zoomer

>> No.15540679

A man of action i see

>> No.15540681

I don't even live in US of Cuckland. Fuck you and fuck your dead joggers..

>> No.15540687

BLM protests in Yurop are retarded. Europeans should be mocked and ridiculed.

>> No.15540690

Go back to discord, tranny.

>> No.15540696

which state?

>> No.15540713

based aesthete

>> No.15540723

You stupid faggot. Have you watched the news? You're lucky you're still able to buy books by dead European males. You think this is bad? Buckle up, it will get worse. So be grateful you still can read the good stuff. Now, back to your daily soi intake.

>> No.15541487

Not very convincing. I’m not Jewish by the way.

>> No.15541502
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Global fertility has been declining with each passing decade.

>> No.15541797

Good thing these twitterfags made a hashtag or retweeted a post to save the day, otherwise they would be literal nazis

>> No.15542054
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The entire brexit and trump movements were synthesized by targetting individuals high in neuroticism and delivering them personalized content to get them angry. Because when people get angry, they dont think straight, and make bad decisions. Are you angry anon?

<<< read

>> No.15542064

No they were both 100% because people don't want immigration and the 'left' parties shit all over white people

>> No.15542073

The 'progressives' could not organize a piss up in a brewery. No one person is ruling america, or the world. Its many competing individuals with personal motives working with and against each other. Like WW1 but with billionaires.

>> No.15542092

This is something an angry and neurotic person would say

>> No.15542105

Well it's certainly convenient for you to be able to dismiss all argument like that. You can view your opponents like that if you want but having such an impaired worldview will make you very bad at predicting future events.

>> No.15542118

Dont worry, all the fuckers that are out protesting or pushing old men will die of corona soon

>> No.15542125

>In the summer of 2014, Cambridge analytica began developing fake pages on Facebook and other platforms that looked like real forums, groups and news sources. This was an extremely common tactic that Cambridge analytica's parent firm SCL had used throughout its counterinsurgency operations in other parts of the world... The firm did this at the local level, creating right wing pages with vague names like Smith Country Patriots or I Love My Country... When users joined CA's fake groups, it would post videos and articles that would further provoke and inflame them.

>> No.15542132

>political groups push propaganda
imagine that

>> No.15542165


>both 100% percent
the world is not black and white, the only people I met who deal with absolutes are children and the mentally ill.

vague term, usually a projection of 'me'

>shit all over white people
im white and there is no shit on me ;)

Yes, so trumps campaign was not a 'grass roots' movement but a highly advanced propaganda machine

>> No.15542194

You can obfuscate if you like but Brexit and Trump are about race politics, and the left parties are openly hostile towards whites.

>> No.15542215

I dont even know what obfuscate means, im a pretty simple guy. Why do you think left parties are being hostile to whites?

>> No.15543822
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who gives a shit
fuck the earth, do drugs and jack off.

>> No.15544624

Am I the only one who never really cared about the goings on of the world and stuff? I don't feel any connection to it, it just feels like stuff other people do. I agree with the message, no one should be treated any better or any worse just because of what they look like, and black people deserve to be treated like actual people. But despite that I just don't care to participate or expend any energy to this or any other thing really. Maybe I'm a schizoid, cause 99% of what drives normies doesn't do anything for me.

>> No.15544666

And what do you want to do about it?

>> No.15545261

Read tolkein or something

Enjoy yourself and dont let the emptiness of the world make you empty inside, i know it can be difficult.

>> No.15545283

Solid advice

>> No.15545351
