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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 70 KB, 809x393, wow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15533864 No.15533864 [Reply] [Original]

what's the saddest thing you've ever read?

>> No.15533873

Good find.

>> No.15533889
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Not necessarily the saddest, I don't make it a regular thing to photo pages of books as I'm reading, but considering the context this part really stood out for me.

>> No.15533896

how is this even real

>> No.15533907

unironically I cried at the horse scene in crime and punishment. Call me a pussy, in reality my subconscious was recognizing the parallels between the unjust death of the horse and the sacrifice Jesus Christ made on the cross. I'm convinced it communicated to me in a way I did not understand until months later, and that is why it had such an effect on me.

>> No.15533909

Children exist. They might even be in the room with you right now.

>> No.15533930

That the person who wrote that didn't die instead

>> No.15533934

The oldman and his dog in Dosto's The Humilliated and Injured.

>> No.15533941
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>> No.15534039

That anon who didn't notice his highschool tomboy crush leave a note for him in his year book to catch up over summer with her phone number attached.
That or news headlines.

>> No.15534048

here i sit, broken-hearted
tried to poop and only farted

>> No.15534055

There is no way that is real, it’s just a kid making shit up to prove his point, even soulless 14 year olds who’s friends actually do commit suicide don’t take away the lesson “you might miss cool stuff bro”

>> No.15534112

Missing out on watching Game of Thrones doesn’t seem like a good argument to me

>> No.15534137

For sale.
My dick.
Never used.

>> No.15534154

There was this guy at my work who would always try to tell me about Marvel and the Thanos glove and that bullshit and it really ticked me off. Dude, just do your job and leave me alone. I don't want to hear about Thanos. If you like it that's fine but clearly I am not interested. He was stupid as fuck too and tried to serve frozen food to people.

>> No.15534158
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>> No.15534165


>died just in time to miss shit movies, tv, music, and memes

if only we could all be so lucky

>> No.15534169


>> No.15534171

How tragic

>> No.15534175

The two things that continue to bother me are:

>> No.15534209

you’ve never jerked off?

>> No.15534238
File: 515 KB, 1764x2779, Mungs2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like for sale/my dick/ever torn

>> No.15534242

Without religion people search for meaningless symbols to bring meaning to their lives.

>> No.15534252

Thank you, Jordan Peterson

>> No.15534264

Missing the end of sons of anarchy does?

>> No.15534316

cringe, that guy is a meme

>> No.15534337

This is so fucking retarded.

>> No.15534358

>So what I did, I wrote about my brother Allie's baseball mitt. It was a very descriptive subject. It really was. My brother Allie had this left-handed fielder's mitt. He was left-handed. The thing that was descriptive about it, though, was that he had poems written all over the fingers and the pocket and everywhere. In green ink. He wrote them on it so that he'd have something to read when he was in the field and nobody was up at bat. He's dead now. He got leukemia and died when we were up in Maine, on July 18, 1946.
The way he abruptly relates the exact date of his brother's death, seemingly without thought, and out of a completely unrelated context, is both jarring to read and immediately makes it obvious how fucked up Holden was over it. Really stuck out to me the first time I read it.
This was also really sad. There's also a passage I remember in the very beginning of the book where some peasant lady is confessing to Zosima, and describes how her young son died and how now she can't bear to look at his little belt and his little boots next to his bed, and how she doesn't want to return to her house and see them. Really devastating stuff. Dostoevsky's three year old son Alexei died shortly before TBK was written so I suspect that's what inspired all the dead children. Alyosha's also named after him.

>> No.15534361

How much of a bugman do you have to be to think that way? Srs

>> No.15534365
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And it gets worse. Is the average american a manchildren?

>> No.15534375

This is sad because this guy thinks that cardi b is an experience worth living for right

>> No.15534403

Fuck you

>> No.15534404

The scarlet Ibis

>> No.15534501
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>> No.15534535

>don't kill yourself
>because sons of anarchy, game of sloppy endings, jewrapper, cardi b, marvel capeshit, and memes
wew it's like he's trying to get them to kill themselves

>> No.15534538

For sale. A pack of condoms. Never worn.

>> No.15534548
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most kids literature

>> No.15534552

Sorry but shit thread

>> No.15534628

>Americans can't name a general
I'm not even American. Are Americans actually that retarded?

>> No.15534648

Yo this was low key some of the saddest stuff I've ever read. I teared here more than in the whole book. Cruel kids

>> No.15534786

>characterizing Joker by how predictable he is
What a moron.

>> No.15534809

I just listened to pillow talking by lil dicky and I want to kill myself now.

>> No.15534830

I think of COVID like a mute crow, there's no R (like a cawwing sound). Or maybe like a cow which is a corvid minus the r.

>> No.15534846

fuck dont remind me of that

>> No.15534885

It's funny how reddit is exactly like you would expect them to be

>> No.15534893

Lol Christians are such pussies. I’m gonna cry about sin abloobloobloo

>> No.15534899

>some literally whos on twitter represent the average american

>> No.15535076

it's hanged fucking niggers stop degrading the english language
hanged = death by hanging
hung = action of hanging up an object

>> No.15535092

The Universe is the Practical Joke of the General
at the Expense of the Particular, quoth FRATER
PERDURABO, and laughed.
But those disciples nearest to him wept, seeing the
Universal Sorrow.
Those next to them laughed, seeing the Universal
Below these certain disciples wept.
Then certain laughed.
Others next wept.
Others next laughed.
Next others wept.
Next others laughed.
Last came those that wept because they could not
see the Joke, and those that laughed lest they
should be thought not to see the Joke, and thought
it safe to act like FRATER PERDURABO.
But though FRATER PERDURABO laughed
openly, He also at the same time wept secretly;
and in Himself He neither laughed nor wept.
Nor did He mean what He said.

Onion Peelings, Crowley

>> No.15535131


>> No.15535139

forgot not to sage whoops

>> No.15535152
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Was he right /lit/?

>> No.15535162

So hung himself is fine.

>> No.15535275

Thank you Mung

>> No.15535289

>That anon who didn't notice his highschool tomboy crush leave a note for him in his year book to catch up over summer with her phone number attached.

>> No.15535346

is this satire?

>> No.15535354

>serious replies only

>> No.15535417


>> No.15535422

"a grief observed" c.s. eliot

>> No.15535560

chomsky in general. he has only really written one book outside of academia, manufacturing consent. all his 100 other "books" are annual rants about how the usa was bad that year. the rest are literally $25 100 page babble of random topics. his sycophants at akpress were even selling his rants on tape in the 90s. like i don't get the point. this confusion attracts disgruntled youth and who will literally waste time trying to figure the fucking point. gateway to more interesting things perhaps, but utterly pointles.

>> No.15536062

Every time I visit that site I am amazed that reddit is exactly as bad as 4chan has told me it is.

>> No.15536069

Funny how we don't have to slander and lie as they do with us.

>> No.15536070

>c.s. eliot
Eh? I assume you mean Lewis? Honestly found that book kind of uplifting at the end.

Saddest for me is Ishiguro's Remains of the Day which gutted me.

>> No.15536185

The saddest thing I can remember reading is Chapter six of The Idiot, about his time with the children in Switserland and that poor girl Marie. The coldness of those around her who treat her like less than dirt, how she cared for a mother that let her be publically scorned and ridiculed in her own house and how the pastor made her out to be a great sinner that caused her mothers death just to appear virtuous to others. The way the Prince takes pity on her, how the children go from throwing dirt at her to loving and caring for her every day. The fact that her life was completely miserable, she died knowing love and happiness because of an honest fool and a group of pure children. It was beautifully tragic, and it made me shed a tear.

The part where the second eldest daughter thanks Raskolnikov for paying for her drunken fathers funeral by giving him a hug was also very touching, as was the endig of C&P. Reading about the life of Dostoevsky realyl makes me appreciate the tragic characters in his book even more.

>> No.15536210

The part in The Sufferings of Young Werther when he blows his brains out after visiting Lotte for the last time and bleeds out paralyzed for 12 hours before finally dying .

>> No.15536211
File: 96 KB, 206x239, 1483937624630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is the saddest thing I've ever read, just in a different sense of the word.

>> No.15536271

>no one cares about the sensible person
>the zoomer thot has 10x as many likes

>> No.15536278
File: 92 KB, 1024x774, D514iRTVUAA9n5r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome to hell you're here forever

>> No.15536298

Just reading your post about that made me sad.

>> No.15536372


>> No.15536428

Herr Doctors character witness in the court for Dimitri absolutely moved me. Something about a kid remembering and being thankful for such a small act of kindness all those years later.

>> No.15536455

are you serious

>> No.15536457

>without meaningless symbols people search for meaningless symbols
thanks Einstein

>> No.15536530

this reads like what someone on 4chan would write while pretending to be a redditor to make fun of redditors

>> No.15536556
File: 49 KB, 303x475, 76620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone who's read the ending knows the tears come easily

>> No.15536567

>627 points

>> No.15536576

One time I read a well written Game Informer article about a Pro Gamer who lost his hands. It was sad.

>> No.15536602

The least your friend could have done was take out Lil Dickey before he went

>> No.15536656

Fuck that drivel makes me want to kms right now

>> No.15536669

So this is the power of the "mysterious Russian soul?"

>> No.15536672

Touching passages, but too hypertrophic for my taste. Wouldn't be Dostoy without larger than life characters.

For me it's Agnes on her death bed wishing to die before her husband arrives in Kundera's Immortality. As a healed schizo the one thing that never leaves even if the delusions are a distant memory is the experience of alienation from a psychotic break. Agnes's character is out of place in a world where change is accelerating. While easily dismissed as the cliche crotchety ranting of an old man her deathbed desire speaks to me. Some natural tether to community in me has been irreparably severed. Kundera explores this idea many times in his works. In The book of laughter and forgetting he likens the phenomenon to dancing in a ring and then making one fatal misstep and being flung out of orbit into empty space. This is a man describing his experience of ardently supporting communism in his youth, watching his country be swallowed by the state, rebelling, and utimately fleeing to a foreign land. He is intimately acquainted with the feelings of an outcast. I am happy for Agnes that she gets her wish and expires before her loving husband reaches her bedside. I wish a similar fate for myself, but there is grief from losing the ability to dance in rings. There's a sadness in acknowledging the desire to die selfishly alone and at peace is within me. The confrontation cuts through the facade of relationships and burden of responsibilities to expose my true feelings towards community connection.

>> No.15536732

To elaborate, to some extent you can choose who you love, but you have even less control over who loves you. The people in my life who love me are like Agnes's husband. They merrily dance in rings and spit at death for decreasing the number of dancers in their ring. As is their right. But when my time comes I truly wish to be left alone. I want to be spared having to perform in the dance I lost connection to and feel only increasing distance from its existence.

>> No.15536742

"don't worry, he knows"

>> No.15536815

A dog with one leg saying "I can make it on my own."

>> No.15536848

how did that man not commit murder?

>> No.15536856

What's worse still he didn't get to hear that he is racist and misogynist because he is a white male and all white males should die.
He died thinking he is not a scourge upon the earth.

>> No.15536921

Batman does use guns though. The Batmobile has fucking miniguns in the grill.

>> No.15536936
File: 81 KB, 604x1796, Screenshot_2019-06-16 The End of a Beautiful Era English Poems.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The death of Anna Karenina, Jean Valjean, prince Myshkin (figuratively).
That part from the White Nights when narrator gets into how any fantasy world will sooner or later wither away and all one is left with is the absence of life that you could've been living.
That one line from The Great Gatsby: "Can't repeat the past?" he cried incredulously. "Why of course you can!"
Mayakovskiy - Lilichka.
Brodskiy - The End of a Beautiful Era.

>> No.15536962

Fuck my grandma would read this to me. She has dementia now. I wonder if she'd recognize it

>> No.15536963

Afghan was no adventure story. My image of it is a dead peasant, all skinny with big hands... During action you pray (I don't know to who, God probably): please let the earth, or this rock, open up and swallow me. At night the mine detecting dogs whined pathetically in their sleep. They got killed and wounded too. You'd see them lying there next to the men, dead and with their legs blown off. You couldn't tell their blood apart, in the snow.

To me, this is the saddest thing I've ever read because they're not the creation of an author. They're the words of a teenage conscript, discarded by his country in a shameful war. The part about the dogs whining hit me like a punch to the gut.

>> No.15537036
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>> No.15537037

My attempts at writing.

>jk I don't write and can't read

>> No.15537045
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Never knew Corona Chan either

>> No.15537167
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>> No.15537201
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some scenes in infinite jest. in fact the whole book was quite sad. remember the dead crack baby scene?

>> No.15537226


>> No.15537245
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>> No.15537246

>what's the saddest thing you've ever read?
Certain visual novels. Books don't really affect me in that way.

>> No.15537274

Is this Danish?

>> No.15537279
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>And a person thinking the word “wrong” has no factual meaning does not imply that she would have no objection, for instance, to priests putting their penises in seven-year-old boys’ mouths, no matter how much so many pious, holy, and venerated fathers of the church like doing such things.

*tips* although what the fuck was I expecting from a book that began with a quote from fucking hawking lol

>> No.15537292

Bruh you're supposed to read the words

>> No.15537294

She sounds desperate.

>> No.15537302

It just doesn't get to my emotions in a significant way. I have to have something combined with music and visuals, otherwise it's just not enough sensory input.

>> No.15537306


>> No.15537308

Lmao this should be a /lit/ banner

>> No.15537312

By the same token I don't get much emotional reaction to only music or only visual art either.

>> No.15537314
File: 361 KB, 519x740, oregairu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why that is, but western canon doesn't affect me that emotionally either. It stimulates me intellectually, fascinates me, gives me a lot to thing about and reflect on - but it doesn't make me cry.
To cry, I need to indulge in the lowest of the low. Visual novels, LNs, even video games, genre shit. Something that is absolutely terrible from a literary standpoint, but if I filter out the garbage, I'm able to FEEL to the point of madness.

>> No.15537333

This cannot be fucking real

>> No.15537335

Isn't the point of Batman that he's deontologically opposed to killing, so even if killing a villain entails utilitarian benefits, he wouldn't do it?

>> No.15537341

Is there a particular mental condition that handicaps your ability to imagine, or are you trolling?

>> No.15537351

if something doesn't move you, it doesn't move you
imagination has nothing to do with it

>> No.15537363

train your mind's eye

>> No.15537368

Yeah this is basically what's going on with me. In normal life I'm an emotionless husk so for something to affect me it has to captivate all of my senses and be some strong, calculated emotional manipulation.
Depression maybe?

>> No.15537374

You haven't run across these media worshippers, have you?

They base their entire existence on watching TV/Film and collecting merchandise.

>> No.15537446
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At least some redditors weren't NPCs

>> No.15537455

Maybe not the saddest moment ever but this small passage in One Hundred Years of Solitude gave me a lot of feels for some reasons.

>Meme took her hand and let herself be led. The last time that Fernanda saw her, trying to keep up with the novice, the iron grating of the cloister had just closed behind her. She was still thinking about Mauricio Babilonia, his smell of grease, and his halo of butterflies, and she would keep on thinking about him for all the days of her life until the remote autumn morning when she died of old age, with her name changed and her head shaved and without ever having spoken a word, in a gloomy hospital in Cracow.

>> No.15537502

A moment that stands out to me is in God Emperor of Dune when Leto II freaks out and asks Moneo what's happening to him as he feels emotions for the first time in hundreds of years.

I was touched by the idea of this hurt this godlike figure being completely helpless and reaching out to the equivalent of an ant for some sort of help. Also goes to show how good of a writer Frank Herbert was that he could make an omniscient character relatable and tragic.

>> No.15537514

That's not the point of whether something moves you or not, it's the point of perception. A book in itself can move or not move you, here the case is that anon "has to have something combined with music and visuals, otherwise it's just not enough sensory input".

>> No.15537548

I would imagine actually clinically depressed people to have lack of sensory response all across the board. IDK, it just sounds to me like anon never learned to read, view or listen. If all you consume daily since your childhood is flashy shit on TV and internet, naturally you'd be in the state of mind where a book without pictures that doesn't click every time you turn a page and has no running soundtrack would make you feel indifferent.

>> No.15537550

Wew lad.

>> No.15537562

>it just sounds to me like anon never learned to read, view or listen. If all you consume daily since your childhood is flashy shit on TV and internet
Which has nothing to do with my experience. Save your insipid psychologizing for something you aren't clueless about.

>> No.15537570

I feel you bro, the only stuff that can genuinely make me cry are documentaries, biographies and unironically NGE. I'm not an anime fag by any account so maybe the cultural shock that was watching NGE for the first time was even more striking I imagine

>> No.15537573
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Sorry to hear it anon, your grandma had good taste


>> No.15537576

Done because we are too menny

>> No.15537596
File: 394 KB, 742x603, 1562690788027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sometimes i feel like i will never understand anything

>> No.15537757

Wew lad I was expecting something tangible and insightful but it reads like a real try hard pseud take
I imagine people who gain courage for suicide would also have the lucidity to question the shit they believe in

>> No.15537761

>Which has nothing to do with my experience.
Ok? It's still abnormal. As if someone's perceptional development stood still since he was 3 y/o watching filmstrips.

>> No.15537835

fucking TELL me about it homie, made me sadder than the funeral at the end desu

>> No.15537861

He dodged a bullet.

>> No.15537877

Although I cannot relate personally, well said. I hope you find peace in solitude at your time of death away from rejection and naivety.

>> No.15537948

Not all of them :)

>> No.15537959

Based and soulpilled

>> No.15538537

That video where he's talking about his schizophrenia and how he knows the radio isn't really talking to him always gets to me.

>> No.15538898

>He missed out on the explosion of memes
Boy that's a lucky guy

>> No.15538924

Yeah guys, can you imagine not having any sex life for a whole year? It would be devastating!

>> No.15538976

all of Woyzeck

>> No.15538978

“ Hal himself hasn’t had a bona fide intensity-of-interior-life-type emotion since he was tiny; he finds terms like joie and value to be like so many variables in rarified equations, and he can manipulate them well enough to satisfy everyone but himself that he’s in there, inside his own hull, as a human being – but in fact he is far more robotic than John Wayne.”

>> No.15539011


>> No.15539028

>hanging up an object
Schizo-kun, what do you think happens when someone dies by hanging?

>> No.15539038


>> No.15539041

That's sad for reasons other than what the author intended.

>> No.15539047

you just like melodrama
NGE is high culture tho

>> No.15539056

Haha what a pathetic fate. Imagine someone who would have to endure WHOLE YEAR without sexual relations. I don't know how would one survive this without going mad lmao. there was one girl who I think may have fallen in love with me. it never resulted in anything because I was to weak to talk about it seriously with her and I wasn't able to overcome my low hedonism and egocentrism; soon enough I lost all contact with her yet I can't help but wonder would could have been if I wasn't such an asshole

>> No.15539073
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Every other scene in this book past the first 1/4 or so is heartbreaking.
>wolfpups softly crying out for comfort as their dead mother's womb grows cold
>coming home to find his parents are dead and home is gone forever
being abandoned by his only living family
>nearly getting into a shootout in a bar in fuck nowhere over literally nothing because who fucking cares anymore
>dragging the brother's body across the desert even though he wouldn't have wanted it that way
chasing a scared, lonely dog out into the rain for no reason and breaking down into tears after immediately regretting it, the very kind of thoughtless, unnecessary cruelty he once struggle against
Every bit as good as Blood Meridian. Incredible book.

>> No.15539335

>nooooo don't suicide so you can consoom more

>> No.15539635

Might've meant ts eliot. Remains of The Day was as fantastic as it was affecting. Have you read An Artist of The Floating World? Ishiguro's of the rare breed of author that can rend the heart without use of cloying sentimentality.

>> No.15539956

Shut the fuck up you niggerfaggot you can look it up yourself, I'm right and you're wrong

>> No.15540094

For sneed.
Baby Chucks.
Never sucked.

>> No.15540175
File: 27 KB, 852x480, 1581279329692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hot damn!

>> No.15540177

I really hate women guys

>> No.15540205

"It might have been."

>> No.15540262

learn English before you rip on Americans

>> No.15540291

When I went off SSRIs I remember reading about the Schindler guy from WWII and even just reading about that made me tear up

>> No.15540292


>> No.15540297

hanged implies a person was executed / killed by someone else

>> No.15540304

English is a stupid language. Imagine only speaking English lmfao

>> No.15540320

This is pretty much tied with BM as my favorite Corncob YeCarthy. I have no idea why it doesn’t get the recognition it deserves. So much of it just made me feel sick and lonely, without the appalling brutality that BM uses towards the same effects.

>> No.15540329

lmao, modern (((journalism))) is written in the most infantile way possible

>> No.15540339


>> No.15540353

chomsky is a hack

>> No.15540374

>unarmed blacks being murdered
literally 15 unarmed nigs were shot by police last year and at least half of them were attacking. And you lying faggots are calling it genocide!


>> No.15540420

good thing I’m quarantined with my gf

>> No.15540430

you should read Blankets by Craig Thompson

>> No.15540464
File: 22 KB, 480x360, A3B152C5-AF65-4D4B-9E2E-9AC0E4DDEEC1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't know why that is, but western canon doesn't affect me that emotionally either. It stimulates me intellectually, fascinates me, gives me a lot to thing about and reflect on - but it doesn't make me cry.
>To cry, I need to indulge in the lowest of the low. Visual novels, LNs, even video games, genre shit. Something that is absolutely terrible from a literary standpoint, but if I filter out the garbage, I'm able to FEEL to the point of madness.

>> No.15540478


>> No.15540599

This one is sad but for me it’s more hopeful than sad. It’s like an affirmation of the struggle of humanity

>> No.15540609

ironically being an asshole is probably made her like you in the first place

>> No.15540620

imagine letting such a stupid language conquer every culture in the world lmao

>> No.15540621

it's just random schizo babble
desu it's the same effect as that "lion yes!" poem, somebody obviously far from the mental capacity of a regular human says something cool sounding and it's taken as amazing (look at him go!)

>> No.15540629

the part in The Things They Carried where they mutilate the baby water buffalo and it’s still sputtering in pain after having its face shot off

>> No.15540634

loving vincent and into the abyss made me cry to the point where I thought I was having some kind of breakdown
I genuinely thought people who cried to media were faking it for attention until that happened, but it's never happened to fiction, I always see it from a different perspective, like I'm more detached and watching for the technicalities

>> No.15540698

Your “depression” was never real. It’s self-infliction and you, like 99% of people on antidepressants, are just huge pussies who need to man up.

>> No.15540705

From everything that actually/potentially contains the world outside or the world of my conscience, from everything that i've ever perceived, that has been copied into the domain of my soul, all i did have 5 minutes ago was a cup of coffee, cigarette and a tree that grows in front of my balcony.

Five minutes ago, smoking there i heard a woman's laugh. I couldn't see her face, her body, her appearance: it was only a laugh that literally sounded from nowhere like an angelic reminder that other objects aside from balcony, cooled coffee, the chair i was sitting on exist. Crowded streets, Others, evenings spent with someone you love, moons that are being observed by couples or friends, suns that give joy, sunsets, glances.

The thought was unbearable. There is nothing in my possibilities that can save me from the emptiness that suddenly, though it was always near and reappearing constantly, enveloped me. Caught by surprise in the moment of my greatest vulnerability, wearing the fragile shell of my body.

>> No.15540755

Second reply is based. People don't usually kill themselves because not enough new consumer products are coming out. Just because he would have loved said products doesn't mean he wouldn't have killed himself anyway

>> No.15541094

Saddest shit I've read recently? This thread. >>>/pol/261360797

tl;dr - OP can't attend his mother's funeral because of covid-19, despite mass protests despite mass protests being allowed to take place. The real kicker is the mother had an operation scheduled in March but was canceled due to the pandemic.

>> No.15541104

/lit/ died yesterday... or maybe it was today
go back to /pol/ you shameless fucking boomer

>> No.15541129

The saddest part of that thread is that half the thread is unmoderated willing roll spam
The second saddest part of this post is that you willingly read threads populated by those troglodyte retards

>> No.15541133

Death is the most natural part of life. Everything else is optional.

>> No.15541150

how can the absence of life be considered a part of life? think before you speak

>> No.15541167

Darkness only exists because of light

>> No.15541180

I won't respond to you until you stop posting from a phone

>> No.15541195

>4.48 Psychosis by Sarah Kane

literally a suicide note in the form of a play.

>> No.15541196
File: 76 KB, 1080x1440, 1590394420899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makes the fucking blood boil.

>> No.15541202

The act of dying can only happen to someone who's alive

>> No.15541214
File: 932 KB, 2133x1521, asK57yG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to make fun of you but i can't deny that i do feel genuine sadness in some of berserks panel's.
pic related was the one that stood out to me.
just a silent resignation and kind of acceptance that the only person he loves isn't coming back and will remain in this fractured child like state forever, simultaneously being frightened of her own protector.
at least until the new shit changed that.

>> No.15541412
File: 424 KB, 862x2184, 1407060319730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NGE is high culture tho

>> No.15541540
File: 1.03 MB, 1199x545, lit in a nutshell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15541570

i agree idk why anyone is crying about the dead black guy

>> No.15541597

good taste anon

>> No.15541600

Based beyond belief

>> No.15541601

>nooooooooo you can’t just be sad about your dead mom you heckin boomerino nooooooooooo

>> No.15541680


>> No.15541698

>I would listen to my heart beat. I couldn't imagine that this sound which had been with me for so long could ever stop.

>> No.15541710

relative to everything today, it very much is unironically

>> No.15541938

Modern media is intentionally made to just smash emotional buttons without subtlety. That's the only way they can compete for attention in a crowded media landscape. Most of the Western canon precedes this and aim for more subtle emotions. And even that can feel distant because of the time between you and the culture they were written in. I definitely feel emotions while reading Sophocles or something, but I don't feel what an ancient Athenian would feel.

>> No.15541963


>> No.15542005

That's because we be using that family planning method baby B)

>> No.15542026

Lil brudder....

>> No.15542034

>OP can't attend his mother's funeral because of covid-19
Only a fool would take that post as fact. It's bs brah. Not to say it doesn't happen, but that it didn't happen to that anon.

>> No.15542047


>> No.15542068

>I’m not saying it didn’t happen but it definitely didn’t happen

>> No.15542107

>if it happens, it definitely happened to that anon
Are you unable to differentiate between a general and specific statement? Do you have no capacity for abstract thought?

>> No.15542110

faggot, try posting in english

>> No.15542128

Real or not, it's still pretty sad, and this thread is full of examples from fiction anyway. Eat shit.

>> No.15542136

Yes every American is retarded. There are none with any redeemable qualities.

>> No.15542272

Not the saddest thing I've read, but my saddest realization was being in high-risk neonatal care area in a hospital as a med-student.
All the newborn threading between life and death, a lot of them addicts before being born, and those who only came to the world to suffer from some disease and ultimately perishing before they even get a chance at understanding the meaning of their pain, and those who will ultimately survive and live with the everlasting consequences of bad luck or shitty parents.
I realized that if you were to try and convey the scene in any form of media it would just come off as melodramatic and ingenuine, just something to make you feel bad and bum you out.
And that there's just no replacement for first-hand experience in shaping your worldview and awakening your emotions and that I really need to experience more of the world before I even have anything worthwhile to say or write.

>> No.15542392

Yeah, in my balls

>> No.15542417

wtf I genuinously don't understand what stands for which name

>> No.15542440

Doesn't get any more based than this. Haven't read this in years and I still immediately recognized it.

>> No.15542443

>Real or not, it's still pretty sad
Is it?
>dead person
>woah that's so sad, dead is sad

>> No.15542444

Is this whore serious or a troll account?

>> No.15542693

I can translate it for you if you want

>> No.15542702

Leopold Bloom meets Stephen Dedalus

>> No.15542705

It's crazy.

>> No.15543610

when odysseus' dog dies upon his return

>> No.15543881

Because, in America the barbarians are born inside the gates.

>> No.15543904

god I fucking hate women so much

>> No.15543914

For all sad words of tongue and pen, The saddest are these, '/pol/ was right again.

>> No.15544394

It's gotta be this. I wish more than anything that /pol/ was wrong about everything but here we are.

>> No.15544431
File: 2.51 MB, 500x357, 1591098173560.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my friend hung himself 8 years ago
>he never got to consoom

>> No.15544545

>plebbit is retarded
Woah dude..

>> No.15544787

>hating cardi b
fucking plebs i swear to god

>> No.15544858

>David Wallace
>reading a book written by a CFO of a paper company

>> No.15544942

> Esther is a stowaway. She’s hidden herself away in the Librarian’s book wagon in an attempt to escape the marriage her father has arranged for her―a marriage to the man who was previously engaged to her best friend. Her best friend who she was in love with. Her best friend who was just executed for possession of resistance propaganda.

The future American Southwest is full of bandits, fascists, and queer librarian spies on horseback trying to do the right thing.

God I want to be live and let live but this is the shit people write when there’s no standards and identity sells.

>> No.15544959
File: 50 KB, 640x400, Falstaff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a bit cringe and reddity, but essentially yeah he's right if he wants his friend to stay alive;-- enjoy what is, for there are beautiful rolling hills as well as there is decrepity and perversion of all kinds. Rudimentary joy there is; you'd have to be a fool to deny it!

>> No.15544990

Berserk is garbage if you're going to compare it to actual art or literature at all. Alright manga and anime though.

It was only really sad in like maybe three or five times though.

>> No.15544999

>NGE is high culture tho
Relative to the rock in my back yard; and all eternity-- NGE is not high culture.

>> No.15545013

You sick fuck. I am literally reading the book right now you absolute spazmoid. I was only 70 pages away. FUCK YOUU

>> No.15545031

in the near future, journalism will devolve into conveying current events as memes.
cap this

>> No.15545037

It already is though, in the original meaning of meme, not the internet ones.

>> No.15545043
File: 38 KB, 512x365, terry davis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This one is sad but for me it’s more hopeful than sad.

>> No.15545044

schizophrenics are often quite shrewd in moments of lucidity

>> No.15545046

The moomin cover is shockingly accurate.

>> No.15545094

I read this in Dan Carlin's voice

>> No.15545195
File: 298 KB, 578x565, 1583862018829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But let's be honest, it's not as if his death was a surprise.

>> No.15545229


>> No.15545259

>Sure. It's been hopeless for a long time, from the very beginning. You will never represent, Raphaël, a young girl's erotic dream. You have to resign yourself to the inevitable; such things are not for you. It's already too late, in any case. The sexual failure you've known since your adolescence, Raphaël, the frustration that has followed you since the age of thirteen, will leave their indelible mark. Even supposing that you might have women in the future - which in all frankness I doubt - this will not be enough; nothing will ever be enough. You will always be an orphan to those adolescent loves you never knew. In you the wound is already deep; it will get deeper and deeper. An atrocious, unremitting bitterness will end up gripping your heart. For you there will be neither redemption nor deliverance. That's how it is.

>> No.15545267


>> No.15546210


>> No.15546231
File: 82 KB, 1024x678, 1580933182002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that the shrek meme? in 2020?

>> No.15546365 [DELETED] 

Probably The Death of Ivan Ilyich but actually it's just the sight of puzzle boxes. I used to puzzle with my grandma when she got dementia in the hope that it might improve her condition but it was way too late for that and I mostly ended up doing the whole puzzle myself most of the time. I would push easy pieces over to her so she could have some sense of accomplishment I guess, but probably I just wanted it to be like when I was a kid and she was helping me out. Sometimes I'd tear up a bit but made sure she never noticed. She's dead now, probably didn't even recognize me anymore.

OPs pic made me think of a quote by a German literary critic whose biggest fear was not being able to read the next day's newspapers once he'd die. These redditors might cling to mindless shit, but they talk of the same thing: one day there won't be anything new to experience and you won't be able to share it and it'll forever for everyone and there is not a thing anyone can do.

>> No.15546402

>>15533864 (OP) #
Probably The Death of Ivan Ilyich but actually it's just the sight of puzzle boxes. I used to puzzle with my grandma when she got dementia in the hope that it might improve her condition but it was way too late for that and I mostly ended up doing the whole puzzle myself most of the time. I would push easy pieces over to her so she could have some sense of accomplishment I guess, but probably I just wanted it to be like when I was a kid and she was helping me out. Sometimes I'd tear up a bit but made sure she never noticed. She's dead now, probably didn't even recognize me anymore.

OPs pic made me think of a quote by a German literary critic whose biggest fear was not being able to read the next day's newspapers once he'd die. These redditors might cling to mindless shit, but they talk of the same thing: one day there won't be anything new to experience and you won't be able to share it and it'll be forever for everyone and there is not a thing anyone can do.

>> No.15547685

tl pls!

>> No.15547700
File: 91 KB, 1024x766, khaleesichild.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15547726

marketing ruined everything, we're chasing nothing

>> No.15547730

based unironically
if chuck palanicuck reads your post he may be tempted to write some edgy garbage about it

>> No.15547739

please delete this thread right now

>> No.15547774

Well said

>> No.15547775

perhaps the end of stoner, if not that than the end of lord jim

>> No.15547777

triggered? upset? seething? cope? u mad? rustled? literally crying? almonds activated? gonna piss your pants? maybe shit and cum?
well then you fucking normie, maybe you should click on my username and on my profile you should see three dots to the right of my username. Click those three dots to open a dropdown menu reads "Block". Click that option and confirm that you want to block me to avoid seeing my future posts

>> No.15547851

please do or tell me where its from

>> No.15547862

The post yesterday about the anon who said that someone raped his girlfriend but that he wasn't sympathetic for her and was only angry at her rapist out of jealousy

>> No.15547904
File: 265 KB, 540x540, rock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine pretending that consuming books written hundreds of years ago is any better than consuming current media. It's all worthless. None of it matters in the end, you're all just trying to grasp at any escapism that comes to you.

Being alive is escapism. The only way to stop it is to commit suicide.

>> No.15547918

post it

>> No.15548027

>nothing ever happens to anyone

>> No.15548053


>> No.15548060

The first/last part of Infinite Jest where he couldn't speak properly or be understood, that was really relatable when I was young because I had pretty severe social anxiety.
These days not much really makes me sad, worldly experience makes you a little detached from strong emotions.

>> No.15548843
File: 76 KB, 640x640, unending_pain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15548863

The flu lives in a society

>> No.15548876


>> No.15548891

You'll wish corona lived in a society. It lives in a Bat. And it waits to unleash itself.

Tbqh I fully expect Batman to have a nemesis based on this now. I look forward to how camp it will be.

>> No.15548944


>> No.15548986
File: 104 KB, 2518x1024, 1591383290678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ma-maybe g-gno-nostics are r-right.

>> No.15549320

>a lot of them addicts before being born

How do you mean?

>> No.15549335

This is very painful...

>> No.15549513
File: 466 KB, 1000x1065, thorehansen9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's from the very great children's book "Ruffen og den flyvende hollender, and its a really beautiful book about regret, compassion and redemption, with wonderful illustrations. In the picture Ruffen has just met the flying dutchman and cries with pity

>"Aren't you afraid of me?" asks the Dutchman. But Ruffen shakes his head
>Then the wild journey stopped. The wind was extinguished. And the ship lies quiet
>"You're lonely" said Ruffen "You think no one cares about you"
The Dutchman nods. "No one" he says
>Then Ruffen begins to cry. Because he feels more sorry for the Dutchman than he can explain
>And now something strange happens. When Ruffen cries, the icicles on the Dutchman's face melts and turns to tears also.
"It must he horrible if one has done something stupid or bad... something one regrets deeply." Ruffen says carefully "...but which can never be done right again"
"It's not good, no" says the Dutchman quietly
"And it's a very long time ago" says Ruffen
"I've been regretting for 300 years, I have..." says the Dutchman.

It sucks the whole thing isn't in english because it's one of my fave stories ever since I was little

>> No.15549528
File: 50 KB, 800x450, crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(The dutchman also reminds me of bitter 4channers. But there's always someone who care, I care)

>> No.15549595

The ocean at the end of the lane.

>> No.15549601
File: 193 KB, 1440x1080, 1589927591939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

usually this state of mind stuck you in a supposedly "first hand experience" and you usually dont put effort in expressing that experiences.
so you end with all that melodramatic and ingenuine writing because your premise of life is melodramatic and ingeuine in itself. you are shaping and tainting your mind with all that melodramatic bullshit of "i have to experience the world to have anything worthwhile to say".

you are making it good in this post. you start explaining the usual emotional melodramatic and manipulative attention to this kind of things and you contrast it with your own personal, warm hearted and compassionate point of view. some readers understand you and feel what your feel only because you are expressing it right.
its all about expression, not about life.

>> No.15549789

David Reimer's wikipedia page.

>> No.15549882


>> No.15549901

In 9th grade french we read this play called Tit-Coq that was about this loner orphan that grows up to join the army. He gets together with his best friend's sister and their family accepts him with open arms. He gets deployed and when he gets back she's already left him for some other guy who's better off. The family's pretty much forgotten about him and when he pipes up about it his best friend turns his back on him and they all call him a loner orphan who nobody will ever give a fuck about. The whole class got pissed at the ending. The guy really didn't deserve any of it.

>> No.15549920

this fills me with the rage of a thousand suns.

>> No.15549935

my eyes went straight to nikker

>> No.15549949

haha yeah

>> No.15549999


>> No.15550016

lol i remember that post but i never saw the actual proof pic.

>> No.15550221


the post said he hung himself so he actually did

learn to read pseud

>> No.15550571
File: 646 KB, 1236x1600, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe not the saddest but I can't read this stupid comic without tears in my eyes. Damn you Scrooge, you should have gone for the girl.

>> No.15550604
File: 180 KB, 1112x2128, Mare Love.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15550716
File: 714 KB, 480x266, 53gq5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy horsedicks, that's uncanny

>> No.15550740

Man looses wife due to brain tumor and one year later their only child to a brain tumor as well.
It's in German.
I fewl sorry for the author, it's a terrible fate.

>> No.15550796

what in the everloving fuck is this?

>> No.15550800

a man who lost the love of his life

>> No.15550857

>the love of his life
Oops, autocorrect: should be his sanity*

>> No.15550860

There were a couple sections in East of Eden that made me cry a lot desu. The stuff between Adam and Charles was especially relatable because of how I grew up.

>> No.15551177

And gold aka real money

>> No.15551261

I can't even imagine sex or someone validating me.

>> No.15551852
File: 2.44 MB, 200x200, 1550327442016.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never got a chance to hate cardi b

>> No.15551886

I don't believe for a second the owner let him fuck the horse.

>> No.15551926

Some guy horsin around.

>> No.15552254
File: 184 KB, 1490x838, horseman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we have a winner.

>> No.15552272

>he never got to see the end to Sons of Anarchy

BAHAHAHAHAHA, HOLY FUCKING SHIT, now THAT'S fucking comedy gold.

>> No.15552369

>NGE is high culture
based and non-/lit/-elitist-pilled

>> No.15552380

The horse had it coming.

>> No.15552391
File: 347 KB, 484x689, coomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even women can be coomers

>> No.15552509

any issue of the new york times published in the last 20 years.

>> No.15552534


>> No.15552647

It would be good for society if there were a newspaper today that was credible to both left and right. Unfortunately there isn't. Once upon a time there was. The New York Times under Arthur Ochs "Punch" Sulzberger.

Unfortunately, his son, Arthur Ochs "Pinch" Sulzberger was more of a social justice warrior than a newspaper publisher. You cannot be both. Now the idiot son of the idiot son, A. G. Sulzberger, is the publisher.

To people like myself, the New York Times has not been credible for more than 20 years. I used to be one of those people who could not go a day without the New York Times. I cannot begin to describe how much I miss it. It's slow death has been a national tragedy and painfull to watch.

>> No.15552684

and nellie

>> No.15552748

we live in an age of impedemant adult undergarment
and vomitbreath

>> No.15552824
File: 28 KB, 619x453, 4660A93A-6C90-4592-8292-D458656F1026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'd ask you to stop houellebecq but theyre words i need to hear

>> No.15552827

I 100% would've texted the number with the smallest hope that it was still hers. Of course, her life may have spiraled into a different place where she's no longer attracted or attractive to him.

So sad...

>> No.15552830

honestly, this board when there’s no rapture thread, OP..........

>> No.15552832

brutal and houellebecqpilled

>> No.15552838
File: 1.33 MB, 269x164, B44E915E-E5C6-489E-936C-90FF1132B3B6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

catharsis eludes me

>> No.15552842

sounds like it was written by a 15-year-old

>> No.15552845

OP's diary tbqfh

>> No.15552891

Jesus wept.

>> No.15552928

That's actually a great point that I didn't think about anon.

>> No.15552936

damn I never thought redditors could be this brutal

>> No.15552945

I mean, it's relatable, but I'm not sure if it's so bad

>> No.15553008

It is so sad, I can't even bear to post it here

>> No.15553016
File: 744 KB, 1666x3169, till we meet again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a long time ago, I kept the screencap another anon made some time later

>> No.15553088


>> No.15553305

I am not sure if it is the saddest, but what comes to mind is the end of a farewell to arms....the book itself is well enough, but the ending paints a cold image of the death of our loved ones which I found so close to my own experience that I nearly shed a tear....although I do not remember whether it was the published ending, or one of the unpublished ones which wounds most

>> No.15553334

Only time that I have teared up while reading a book.

>> No.15553570

how old are you?

>> No.15553637
File: 19 KB, 462x320, 1400215650827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15553655


Damn this one is very sad. Wasn't prepared.

>> No.15553739
File: 809 KB, 1000x984, its terminal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ

>> No.15553758

I'm retired.

>> No.15554079

No, I meant what I said the first time.

>> No.15554336
