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/lit/ - Literature

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15536464 No.15536464 [Reply] [Original]

Which fiction book is the most popular in leftist circles? What do far left people read for emotional masturbation?

>> No.15536478

Unironically Harry Potter, since most self-avowed leftists/far leftists are braindead dilettante college women who see rallies as social events at this point.

>> No.15536500

maybe "white settlers" by j. sakai or "the wretched of the earth" by fanon.

>> No.15536510

The works of Thomas Mann

>> No.15536511

Fuck off, toddler.

>> No.15536513

Ragged Trousered Philanthropists

>> No.15536521

Mostly the classics of the Western cannon. Literature and politics don't have much overlap if you're doing them properly.

>> No.15536522
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Well, you're not wrong there. All though JK Rowling was pretty based making the Jews literal goblins

>> No.15536524

>What do far left people read for emotional masturbation
Ideology. They don't read fiction, but they are constantly jacking off arguing about and citing authorities. They are as bad as christcucks

>> No.15536538

you will never be a real woman

>> No.15536552


>> No.15536563

sounds like every group

>> No.15536589
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Oh my

>> No.15536596

I think 1984 and Animal Farm are pretty popular with them, or like Junot Diaz.

>> No.15536605

>everyone who doesn't like my favorite children's fantasy franchise must be a tranny!
Go back.

>> No.15536606

Have you ever noticed how leftists are effeminate social climbers who are terrified of conflict but also violent anarchists hell bent on destroying and looting everything?

>> No.15536611

wtf are you talking about tranny, read the posts you reply to

>> No.15536629
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He was the one shitting on Harry Potter, retard

>> No.15536633

You have the mind of a child. You are literally incapable of reading anything other than children's books written by a liberal billionaire cunt. Being a TERF is her only positive quality.

>> No.15536640

arent liberals the ones who worship harry potter??

>> No.15536643

that's what he's saying

>> No.15536651

how do you not understand what's going on?

>> No.15536652

No, he wasn't. He was trying to shit on 'leftists' but ended up exposing his own lack of literacy.

>> No.15536654

Marx admired Dante

>> No.15536660

Are you having a stroke?

>> No.15536662

Lol, what? You are profoundly confused.

>> No.15536668

Dilate, bitch boy libfag.

>> No.15536670

He was saying that leftists are retarded because they think Harry potter is actual literature

>> No.15536685

Yes, that's precisely why he is retarded. Leftists detest corporate fantasy garbage like Harry Potter. You both seem very confused about a lot of things.

>> No.15536701

Most leftists tend to really like Harry Potter, I don't see your point. Both leftists and Harry Potter are retarded garbage

>> No.15536712

the post says "self avowed." buy a dictionary you tranny tourist, and stop getting asspained over insults against "leftism" on the internet when your confreres are pimply twinks currently burning down black communities

go back to revleft and argue about praxis with your tranny friends if you get this petulant over nothing

>> No.15536721

In your dreams, libshit.

>> No.15536727

>the post says "self avowed
Right, and the favorite activity of "self-avowed" women is dilating. Doesn't mean jack shit. Looks like you're the real trannie here, cumguzzler. Go back.

>> No.15536729
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Stay consistent with your fucking argument, you fucking ape

>> No.15536734

Holy fuck, are you clinically retarded?

>> No.15536745

you write like a tourist desperate to fit in, but the first thing about fitting in is not getting petulant and clearly mad over random shit

in this instance it caused a bunch of people to laugh at you for misreading and you had to backpedal, leading to further embarrassment. let this be a lesson to you, as you begin your posting career on 4chan. enjoy your stay, seems like it'll be a brief one.

>> No.15536753
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From what I've seen:

Sally Roooney
Elena Ferrante
Sheila Heti
Rachel Cusk
Chris Kraus
Gary Indiana
Otessa Moshfegh

>> No.15536754

which one of your retarded arguments are you actually trying to defend here?

>> No.15536780

Liberals like you and JK Rowling have always been detested by the left. Rowling as a person represents the worst of the corporate Blairite idpol neolib garbage, and as an artist her work is disgusting capitalist fantasy tripe. You either know this and are playing dumb, or you are just completely clueless and reached for the only work of fiction you ever read, for convenience. I could equally randomly accuse white nationalists of loving John Green or some paranormal fiction writer. The lesson is, if you're trying to shit on someone, at least do the minimal due diligence so you don't look like an idiot and bring shame to your family.

>> No.15536794

>no true leftist

You're the one who let your movement be colonized so badly that 99% of people identifying with it are whores with rich dads, hipsters, fags, and trannies. Blame yourselves when people associate the term leftism with the vast majority of people who identify as leftist and not some tankie pussy on /leftypol/ who is probably squeamish about saying "tranny" anyway.

Even the hardcore leftists who snicker about how the DSA is "neolib" are usually woke twitter queers.

>> No.15536795

>tourist accuses other people of being tourists
I've seen it all now.

>you had to backpedal
What the fuck are you talking about? I've been calling you out on your bullshit consistently from the beginning of the thread, yet you refuse to admit you fucked up. You're a fucking Jackson Pollock of projection, mong.

>> No.15536800

Take your meds. It's clear to everybody that you're a newfag tourist.

>> No.15536802

>You're the one who let your movement be colonized
What 'movement'? Liberals are the sworn enemy of the left. Get a clue before spouting utter gibberish again.

>> No.15536818

I'm not a liberal, retard. And I am fully aware that HP is money grubbing dogshit. I'm just stating that most leftists are dumb enough to fall for it just like they were dumb enough to fall for Black Panther thinking it was a progressive film and not a Disney cash grab

>> No.15536819

Yeah, liberals are fake leftists, yet colleges are full of millions of teenage fags who call themselves leftists. I'm telling you that's a problem for your image.

You really seem to be having trouble following posts in this thread. Multiple people have told you that you're confused and not even making sense across your posts. Not even joking, you come across as schizo. Are you legit off your meds?

>> No.15536823

Go back to /tv/, queer. Your dumbshit arguments work better in a place so overrun with retards that different political orientations are associated with different transnational media corporations. Sounds like it's right up your mouthbreathing alley.

>> No.15536833

There's no such thing as a "leftist" corporate media product.

>> No.15536834

As many people have said to you already: what are you even talking about. What argument? I just said you're a newfag.

>> No.15536836
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>Enemy of the left
Are you Australian, or just retarded?

>> No.15536837

>anyone who's not a libfag like me must be crazy

>> No.15536840

There is such a thing as millions of corporate media product consumers thinking they are leftists for consuming those products, though.

I am an actual leftist. Unlike you, /leftypol/ tranny tourist.

>> No.15536845

Trying rereading it, dumbass. You are the tourist here.

>> No.15536846

I know, I just said leftists were dumb enough to fall for it. Read the post before you reply to it

>> No.15536849

Whatever you say, liberal.

>> No.15536852

>There is such a thing as millions of corporate media product consumers thinking they are leftists for consuming those products, though.
Again, you're only saying that because you are a tranny. Just because you "self-identify" as a woman doesn't make you one.

>> No.15536855
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>> No.15536859

Libfag brainlet says what?

>> No.15536860

You do this mirroring thing a lot. Someone said that to you earlier in the thread so now you're saying it. I called you a queer and you started calling me a queer. The way you insult seems to be an attempt to fit in, like someone also said, like you're trying to assimilate the posting style.

Are you actually a crazy dude? Serious mental illness vibes from you.

Is it just me or does he seem actually "off"?

>> No.15536861

For me it's that Artemis Fowl cooypasta

>> No.15536863

You're the one making the tranny's argument that self-identification is all, retard.

>> No.15536880
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Is it just me or does he not know how to prove a point?

>> No.15536881

>You do this mirroring thing a lot. Someone said that to you earlier in the thread so now you're saying it.
What the fuck are you talking about? Post a link. If someone already said it then I wouldn't have needed to say it myself, dicklick.

>Are you actually a crazy dude? Serious mental illness vibes from you.
Lmao, talk about projection.

>> No.15536896
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Is anyone gonna say anything about these digits?

>> No.15536900

Not sure. Doesn't seem interested in proving anything, just repeating a non sequitur while several people reply "huh??? how is that even a response to what I said?"


>> No.15536902

Lmao, liberal philistine Harry Potter fans getting absolutely crushed in this thread.

>how can he not like the wizarding world?! he must be crazy!

>> No.15536911
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>leftist/harry potter schizoposter is summoning digits

>> No.15536917

>while several people reply "huh???
Those alleged "several" people (hi samefag) need to go back to /tv/ or /b/ or /pol/ or whatever simplistic board they are from where there are only two possible political ideologies and neither of them has anything to do with abolishing capital. The OP asked about the left, not faggotty-assed liberals like the kiddie-lit corporate cuck shills in this thread.

>> No.15536927
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>> No.15536932

What are you talking about dude, once again nobody has praised Harry Potter in this thread. You are losing your mind.

>> No.15536937

Dubs favor the clinically insane

>> No.15536948

You want to see crazy, you little cocksucker? Name the time and place and I'll crush your fucking skull. Consensually, of course -- I know how finicky your type are about consent. Lmao.

>> No.15536959
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Admit yourself, you fucking loon

>> No.15536966
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So you WERE pretending to be retarded? But why?

>> No.15536983

tuesday at 3:27 PM

Dunkin' Donuts
1310 Woodman Dr, Dayton, OH 45432

>> No.15537050
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