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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 140 KB, 1608x1611, 2f41ly2hfdg41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15534256 No.15534256 [Reply] [Original]

Hope in the Dark by Rebecca Solnit

Why We Can’t Wait by Martin Luther King Jr.

The Search for Common Ground by Howard Thurman

Team of Rivals by Doris Kearns Goodwin

Collected Poems by Audre Lorde

The Bhagavad Gita

Capital in the Twenty-First Century by Thomas Piketty

One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez

Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace

Consider the Lobster by David Foster Wallace


>> No.15534263

unironically based

>> No.15534272

MLK is pretty problematic due to the whole rape thing. Besides, he plagiarizes too much. You may as well go to the original source material.

>> No.15534274

Jesus how is she so pretty

>> No.15534276

Im sure this is a very honest and spontaneous list, and not at all carefully curated and conveniently timed

>> No.15534279

Patrician choice

>> No.15534286

>MLK is pretty problematic due to the whole rape thing.
>witnessing a rape is problematic

>> No.15534287

MLK is more than problematic - he represents an infectious disease that must be eradicated. his numerous affairs are emblematic of the patriarchy and how they keep women down.
i really cant believe AOC would recommend MLK. what a let down, she was my heroine.

>> No.15534294

I'm certain she has read the bhagavad gita

>> No.15534305

some intern is trolling her twitter followers

>> No.15534312

>witnessing a rape
No. He brought many of them as treats from his parish. He was a pimp of sorts. Further, the summary analysis of the FBI recording does not indicate that he was a passive witness, but that he was coaching the rapist.

>> No.15534313

I can't stand people saying shes stupid. Yeah she's probably not that smart but are you really telling me you think Trump is any better? I'm saying right here that AOC would score higher than Trump on any possible IQ test. So why do people always talk about how dumb she is instead of the much more important figure of Trump?

>> No.15534318

wtf i thought she was a communist??

>> No.15534320

She has tardface, regardless of her actual intelligence level.

>> No.15534324

because at least trump feels (more) authentic than your run-of-the-mill politician
here's a dude who clearly doesnt give a fuck, says what he wants, doesnt (obviously) pander to X or Y, and goes "yeah, i said that, so what"
AOC is a dumb hooer who rests the majority of her schtick on
>hey guys, i have vagina, also im not white

>> No.15534325

Do you think her and her boyfriend take turns reading to each other a part of the Bhagavad Gita before they go to sleep? Do you think they play out certain scenes in order to amuse each other? Do you think they have esoteric jokes about the Gita that only they know?

>> No.15534333

Not everything is a conspiracy, sweaty.

>> No.15534352

Yeah, but Trump is a literal 60-IQ dumbshit. AOC is Einstein compared to him (and compared to almost every member of congress, for that matter).

>> No.15534354

You can't obfuscate a PR move by calling it a conspiracy

>> No.15534357

Probably jealous, I don't think people can be stupid and get elected. They might not be the brightest politicians ever, but definitely not dumb.

>> No.15534366

>PR move
Lol, you're an idiot.

>> No.15534381

>AOC is smart because I find her attractive
try thinking with you're other head retard

>> No.15534388

I actually don't find her attractive at all. But nice projection, moron.

>> No.15534389

Because she gets assblasted over trump literally doing nothing. People with high intelligence are able to deal with controversy in a mature way, and usually don't bring those stresses upon themselves.

>> No.15534393

>AOC is Einstein compared to him(Trump)
Trump is clearly a total moron. AOC has to be barely articulate to be smarter than him

>> No.15534396

>dude who graduated from Wharton and, despite many failed businesses, still made a "shit ton" of money. also, to point to the obvious, got elected president.
>"Forrest Gump. Slow, yes. Retarded, maybe. Braces on his legs. But he charmed the pants off Nixon and he won a ping-pong competition."

>> No.15534398

>delusional Trumptard chimes in

>> No.15534413

>muh failed businesses
and how many businesses have you started, let alone guided towards success?

>> No.15534433

>I don't think people can be stupid and get elected
It's almost a prerequisite in many parts of America. There are literal creationists in the US Congress. Republicans, of course.

>> No.15534444
File: 23 KB, 474x474, iu[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can someone on /lit/ have such difficulty in reading and comprehending two simple lines
here, ill break it down for you
>is trump really as retarded as OP claims despite all the aforementioned achievements?
>here is a quote from a movie to hit home the point
you need to read some more anon.

>> No.15534449

Einstein couldn't speak until he was 25. Good job assuming he was dumber than some meme lady.

>> No.15534450

It's pretty short so I guess she has.

>> No.15534451

It's quite easy to start a business when your dad gives you hundreds of millions of dollars.

>> No.15534455

Your post was unintelligible, to be fair.

>> No.15534457

Two fundamental problems with AOC
1. girl
2. shrill voice

I can tell that she's just exerting herself to stand up to the intensity of the circumstances. I've seen this a lot with competitive debaters as well. I think she's just getting adjusted to political agon, but is just another uncertain human being underneath it. The effect of trying to sound more confident than you are is offputting in effect, however, and the combined effect of that and her being a young woman sends a lot of people's minds racing to narrate their distaste as having a logical basis.
I don't pay a whole lot of attention to politics, because I don't really care, but the response to her is interesting. I'm confident that it would be a similar response regardless of what her merits were. I don't think a Trump-supporting conservative is even capable of admitting any merits of a progressive liberal. There are other conservatives that have mellower opinions on her.

>> No.15534459

holy fucking pseud, at least she likes white intellectual cock

>> No.15534460

Trump has no real opinion of his own, but he's naturally talented at producing the soundbites that his public expects. He's like the ultimate comedian, working full-time except when he sleeps. There is nothing to him besides his persona, that's why no normal person can compete with him.

>> No.15534467

I'm pretty sure she'd like ((mine))

>> No.15534470

Then what makes them any different from all those who try and fail?

>> No.15534472

to be fair, youre just retarded
but thats okay, i am too
however, i would like to boast that at least i can make it through Hungry Hungry Caterpillar

>> No.15534477

>no mention of "Audience pussy?" DFW

>> No.15534480

To a lot of (less well-educated) Americans, "intelligence" just means acting confident and blustery. Showing any kind of intellectual modesty in the face of uncertainty reads to them as stupidity. Hence Trump's love for those he calls "the poorly educated" (i.e. his base).

>> No.15534481


>> No.15534485

Support system, connections, money, embodying the right demographic, being there at the right time, being against the right opponent, thick skin, unscrupulousness, lack of self-awareness...

Most of the above can be gained through intelligence, but all of it can also be obtained without. Every election is a complex story with plenty of parameters, and with hundreds of election every few years in the US it's no surprise than quite a few succeed without much brain of their own (not to say their staff can afford to be entirely made up of morons).

That's even more believable if you take into account a strong streak of anti-intellectualism in some parts of the US.

>> No.15534487

>PR politician gives a PR reading list

>> No.15534488

Progs aren't allowed to talk about Republicans being stupid when your electorate includes 80iq chimps

>> No.15534490

Complete and utter shamelessness. Sociopathic greed. Raw lust for power.

>> No.15534491


>> No.15534493

>says what he wants
He doesn't say anything, he just lets alphabet soup pour out of his mouth. He is uninhibited in the sense which a stone is.

>AOC is a dumb hooer who rests the majority of her schtick on "hey guys, i have vagina, also im not white"
The majority is "hey guys, I'll call police, I'm white"

>> No.15534494

>literature board hates literature list

>> No.15534502

I'd take it a step further and say this is all as Plato said in the Republic (IX). In a failing democratic state, people flock to a strong willed character - little else matters other than that they're strong willed, and seem powerful. With democracy being destined to fail, it's destined to eventually transition to tyranny, or at least tend in that direction more and more over time.

>> No.15534505

>DFW is on the list, white fragility is not

>> No.15534506

>>AOC is a dumb hooer who rests the majority of her schtick on "hey guys, i have vagina, also im not white"
>The majority is "hey guys, I'll call police, I'm white"
did your code malfunction or something

>> No.15534511

KEK I don't like politicians too. *high fives anon*

>> No.15534512

you're right, Trump is stupid, therefore she has read the bhagavad gita. Truly impeccable logic anon

>> No.15534517

I dont hate nothing here, the problem here is the whole list reads as prefabricated as Obama's reading list.

Nothing here shows any personality, but a target on a marketing niche


>> No.15534518

isn't she an airhead though?

>> No.15534521

The majority as in the-majority, anon, not the majority of her schtick

>> No.15534526 [DELETED] 

Does anyone know what she smells like?

>> No.15534536

>a target on a marketing niche
>does not include amazon's no1 book, which happens to be on racism
>contains a known to be problematic author twice, who happens to be white

>> No.15534537

a taco truck

>> No.15534539
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Stop, this hurts.

>> No.15534541
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goddamn that's sexy....

>> No.15534545

fwiw, has more skills and experience that are far more translatable to politics than whatever AOC has been doing before being a representative.

>> No.15534557

horrible case of trump derangement syndrome. seek help.

>> No.15534565

like stale weed and heaven

>> No.15534581
File: 22 KB, 402x465, 3f36f736-7037-4d3c-a97b-94ffa2d97dc2_1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15534585

t. seething roastie or a faggot

>> No.15534597

I'm sure your waifu would not appreciate your misogyny and homophobia

>> No.15534607
File: 70 KB, 1200x768, 1324792979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shall bring down upon you the fury of a thousand suns to defend my queen

>> No.15534619 [DELETED] 

Will she sell out to centrists when she runs for president?

>> No.15534641

Only 4 out his hundred of other businesses have failed, and he received somewhere between 1 and 60 million dollars depending on who you asked. Even then, you have to be pretty skilled to receive a billion dollars on your investment.

These points have been debunked multiple times, it's like I'm arguing with a reddit drone from r/politics.

>> No.15534643
File: 69 KB, 450x533, 9ac1982e95e4c3bece5fe48914d94be1973fbbd16e689f05172bfdb0c3f16d12_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you're saying you're a violent bigot who insists on preserving heteronormative gender roles and outdated undemocratic aristocratic political systems?

>> No.15534652

A PR-curated reading list would not feature DFW twice.

>> No.15534661

None of this is true

>> No.15534681
File: 70 KB, 657x527, 19788453937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gave you the chance to turn tail yet you forced my hand with your inane talk

>> No.15534690

>Nothing here shows any personality, but a target on a marketing niche
What? You're not making any sense. What would a non-marketing-niche list look like?

>> No.15534716

>he received somewhere between 1 and 60 million dollars
Lmao. He inherited upwards of $1 billion from his daddie. If he had invested that sensibly in government bonds and index funds, he'd be far richer than his is now. Any wealth he still has is due to inherited Manhattan real estate, which has been in a unprecedented bull market for decades.

>> No.15534802

no one:
literally no one:

>> No.15534814

>Any wealth he still has is due to inherited Manhattan real estate
It's more a mixture of "luck" (when his casino nearly bankrupted him there was a mysterious Yakuza related death that stopped him losing everything) and moral hazard (when he nearly went bankrupt developing New York he was actively bailed out).

>> No.15534827

>He inherited upwards of $1 billion
bizarrely brazen lie

>> No.15534835

You have to account for inflation somehow anon

>> No.15534836

We need a "Yes" meme for this.

>> No.15534841


>> No.15534843


>> No.15534848

>Believing the FBI
>Pushing this hard.
You’re problematic

>> No.15534857

You are the epitome of a deranged retard who has no idea what you are talking about, it's quite sad to see.

You're mentally challenged, please seek help.

>if he only had invested it in bonds an funds
Yeah, that goes for everyone everywhere. What do you think these index funds underlying value comes from? Stocks. Where do stocks come from? Public traded companies. Who creates such companies? Entrepreneurs like Trump.

Losing money is no shame, it makes Trump real. He put his livelihood on the line, he's an entrepreneur. People should and do respect that.

Meanwhile you have career politician #2895748 who has gotten rich through no means of his own, merely stole money from the public through taxes while sitting on his politician ass for 40 years.

Fuck off and kill yourself retard.

>> No.15534858

Do I have to do all of the work?

>> No.15534862

It's all public information, polcel.

>> No.15534869
File: 59 KB, 900x770, .jb.lju.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the bait political threads on /tv/ have better political discussions than the bait political threads on /lit/. why is this? this thread has more strawmans and false statements made than any you will find on /tv/

>> No.15534890

First off: rather ironic that you apply the term "deranged retard" to someone other than yourself, no?

>Yeah, that goes for everyone everywhere. What do you think these index funds underlying value comes from? Stocks. Where do stocks come from? Public traded companies. Who creates such companies? Entrepreneurs like Trump.
Ah shit, I almost thought you were posting seriously for a second. Lmao.

>> No.15534901

You don't seem to grasp the concept of entrepreneurship and what people think about it. You think losing money is bad. You think entrepreneurship is bad.

The society is built on entrepreneurs, you can thank entrepreneurs for your well being.

An absolute imbecile you are, fucking disgusting.

>hurr durr blampf lose money blampf bad
Just fucking kill yourself.

>> No.15534906

>the bait political threads on /tv/ have better political discussions than the bait political threads on /lit/
This board maybe pretty shit, but the idea that /tv/ has better political discussions is patently absurd.

>> No.15534908

leftists only come on /tv/ to raid. on /lit/ there's a small but vocal, permanent minority of leftists.

>> No.15534909

Because the modern /lit/ community is almost exclusively comprised of pseud roasties.

>> No.15534913 [DELETED] 

What politician has the most lit taste?

>> No.15534923

Give me a billion dollar and I'll be more than happy to lose some of it. Does that make me a magical job-creating "entrepreneur" in your mind? You really are too much, kiddo.

>> No.15534928

You wouldn't be able to handle a billion dollar because you're an imbecile retard loser whose best quality is to whine about how bad blampf is because he lost money on the internet.

>> No.15534931
File: 78 KB, 320x389, Yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15534945

>Believing the FBI
This is from a summary report for internal use that was released several decades after it was penned. This is not an external statement from the FBI. They can clear all of this confusion by releasing the audio. Even the authorized biographer believes it to be legit.

>> No.15534949

All political threads on /tv/ are deleted before they even get past the ceremonial throat-clearing stage where everyone just calls each other a retard a few dozen times. The stage of substantive engagement is never reached.

>> No.15534956

>Believing the FBI

>> No.15534960

You sound like one of those 'poorly-educated' simpletons that Trump loves so much. Shine on.

>> No.15534961

uh, if you lose that money because you started a business that employed and paid people, regardless of the success or the failure of the business at large, yes, that is very much a textbook demonstration of creating jobs.

>> No.15534978

Having the capital in the first place would appear to be the critical factor here, anon. Inheriting money is not an act of creation on the receiver's part.

>> No.15534980

The irony of someone who doesn't grasp basic human history, basic economics or basic human psychology, on /lit/ nonetheless, to call others poorly educated.

>> No.15534982


>> No.15534987

They refused to release it for several decades. Even his ardent believers know it to be legit:

>> No.15535000

You need to go back, kid. You're out of your element.

>> No.15535007

What's with the sudden influx of mesmerizingly moronic trumpcucks? Something to do with the coronavirus quarantine?

>> No.15535023

>authorized biographer
Meaningless phrase.
>This is from a summary report for internal use that was released several decades after it was penned.
Not public isn't the same as internal anon, it had an audience. It also has this weird thing of referring to "natural and unnatural" sex acts, a lot of the unnatural ones apparently being cunnilingus.

Garrow has been criticised for this before, he did something similar with Bearing the Cross, and was again criticised there for treating freshly released information as more reliable than anything else. Sloppy.

>> No.15535039

We're embracing multiculturalism and open-borders immigration. Got a problem with that?

>> No.15535053

Let's release the tapes to clear all of the confusion.

>> No.15535058
File: 263 KB, 697x421, Open Borders The Wall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15535064

Apparently you're not familiar with the culture here, libbie. Time to go back.

>> No.15535082

That's fine, the very idea of an inherent domestic culture is a chauvinistic social construct anyways. We'll help you change. We'll force it. First you will hate us, you'll fight us, you'll kick and scream, and we'll outnumber you until you're forced to become one of us.

>> No.15535159

>Believing J Edgar Hoover
>A murderous cross dressing psychopath

>> No.15535329

Pity to see so many demoralised people on /lit/ these days.

>> No.15535341

They won't exist anymore anon, they weren't evidentiary, and even tapes for evidence were regularly wiped after each use.

>> No.15535362

fight for the people

i'm in love

>> No.15535365

>because at least trump feels (more) authentic than your run-of-the-mill politician
bitch not even his skin color is authentic

>> No.15535384
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Who should an American vote for in the next election if they believe the US has a careless immigration policy which stifles wage growth and increases urban instability, and also wants a general move away from neoliberalism?

>> No.15535388
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>> No.15535393
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>> No.15535394


>> No.15535397
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>those spreading legs
I''m done for the night

>> No.15535405
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>> No.15535418
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>> No.15535429
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>> No.15535430

still a white man's whore lmao

>> No.15535446
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>save us, AOC!

>> No.15535454
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>anon, i need a hug

>> No.15535460
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>old and busted
>not even a real gommie
step aside

>> No.15535466
File: 132 KB, 830x739, Screenshot_20190115-132566_Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15535471

Holy AOC...

>> No.15535472
File: 166 KB, 884x976, Screenshot_20190112-235482_Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15535487
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>> No.15535493
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>> No.15535497

>no Gore Vidal

>> No.15535499
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>> No.15535505
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>> No.15535532

>the freak is posting again

>> No.15535594

What are ironically be more based if she had das kapital on the list

>> No.15535599
File: 92 KB, 701x916, Screenshot_20190118-215664_Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15535649

Why do women think they are exclusive to being harassed online, or that it deserves any special devotion?

>> No.15535668
File: 476 KB, 3000x2000, latinxaz luv liveblog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15535673

Women have a childlike, prerational assumption that they are special pretty princesses who should be worshipped and doted upon at all times. Normally this manifests only personal life, but now that they are in the public eye more, it is sublimating into behaviors like this.

As a man you aren't capable of truly understanding what a woman feels when she unironically demands the right to jail a man who made her feel bad on the internet. You think she is the victim of some ideology. But that is a perfectly normal thing to do, if you're a woman. It's how they perceive the world. Imagine being drunk all day every day, that's what a woman experiences except she's drunk on her emotions.

That said, that picture is fake and posted by a deranged footfag.

>> No.15535688

latinx brappers
latinx brappers
toot that spice?
toot that spice?
gosh i sure hope so
gosh i sure hope so
brap bloop brip
brap bloop brip

>> No.15535702
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>mfw itt

>> No.15535720
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>when the jest doesnt stop

>> No.15535770
File: 304 KB, 640x1136, aoc kino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15535816

Based border patrol footiciandos

>> No.15535827

I want to sing this over acoustic guitar

>> No.15535839

Maximum woke

>> No.15535882

Trump is unironically one of the smartest people who ever lived. Probably in the top 10. Not even remotely trolling.

>> No.15535886

He's a study

>> No.15535914

Anon, do you include corporate leaders?

>> No.15536295

>you will never impregnate AOC on top the roman roads of EVROPA

>> No.15536405
File: 34 KB, 600x366, aoc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

future president material

>> No.15536444

kek. this guy went from being the devil to being an angel just cause he didnt like trump. reminds me of how people made 180 on this corona thing because of one jogger too

>> No.15536450

>a single latinamerican writer

>> No.15536463

Since when was she into David Foster Wallace?

>> No.15536473

Your IQ is in the 60 to 65 range.

>> No.15536495

It isn't 2016 anymore anon

>> No.15536501


>> No.15536526

I was going to post some smug comment about how she pussied out on mentioning Das Kapital, but that tweet's gold

>> No.15536549

She knows quality, latinx.

>> No.15536553

>Team of Rivals
>The Bhagavad Gita
Okay, she's pretty based.

>> No.15536557

Nah, nothing ever written in the US rivals Garcia Marquez, Borges, Pessoa, Vargas Llosa

>> No.15536571

COPE. Faulkner would out write any of those losers.

>> No.15536584

Is /lit/ going to vote for her when she runs for president?

>> No.15536595

Does Trump possess the raw brain power to become a great mathematician or composer? No, of course not. Has he learned that with his money, fame, and status he can manipulate people to achieve certain ends? Yes. Does that make him smart? More likely it means he's not very conscientious and doesn't experience the moral dilemmas that would hold others back. Of course he's not the idiot some people make him out to be, but he's nowhere near the top ten.

>> No.15536607

I will. She'll reorganize the US according to Teotl!

>> No.15536610

literally who

>> No.15536612
File: 83 KB, 500x149, baseball.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He could have been a good poet, though.

Pic related

>> No.15536620

This discussion's over. Being disingenuous is the first sign of someone who is defeated but to pathetic to admit it.

>> No.15536680

>poetry is writing words and getting them published
Truly he could have been on the level of a Rupi Kaur nearly.

>> No.15536694

Because she and the rest of the retards who want to turn America into Little Somalia are delusional. Despite billing themselves as down to Earth and approachable they’re really just naive leftist who would be lined up against the wall and shot if their “revolution” ever occurred.

>> No.15536697

She didn't list any Faulkner book though

>> No.15536703

Stop replying, you had a chance to be sincere and failed.

>> No.15536999

They don't want to turn America into Little Somalia. They want to take back some of the power the government has ceded to corporations over the past half century and enact policies that actually promote public health.

>> No.15538049

You're a moron, FYI.

>> No.15538150

WTF this is fake right? there is no way she is this BASED

>> No.15538180

Like disbanding the police force entirely. This will definitely help community cohesion and safety.

Also, don't be do disingenuous to think they're not corporate entities, as well. They are pro-unfettered immigration, one of the biggest pro-corporate ideals to hold.

>> No.15538397

Blessed digits set AOCs cheeks mustering like rotisseried Taino bbq

>> No.15538434
File: 510 KB, 720x714, Ben Shapiro ANNIHILATES liberal with FACTS and LOGIC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15538536

We explore AOC rhizomatically

>> No.15538556
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>> No.15538581

she really has lovely arches

>> No.15538708

This one made me chuckle.

>> No.15538721

They're not pro-unfettered immigration, though. They just don't want to treat the illegals so brutally.

>> No.15539351

Do you think she would lemme smash if I replied I read all this?
Would settle for trickle-down leftist pussy as well by fucking one of her fans

>> No.15539356

el abominado

>> No.15539369
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>> No.15539394

What do her soles feel like, senpai?

>> No.15539406

I hate women.

>> No.15539469


Besides, she's Catholic, so she doesn't believe in sex before marriage.

>> No.15539492

I don't know why but I literally hate this woman more than Trump, and I'm a democrat. Is it the pandering? Is it the fact that she's basically an instagram slut pretending to be a politician?

>> No.15539578
File: 66 KB, 437x437, 1428737214454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are ironically be more based

>> No.15539586

>Is it the fact that she's basically an instagram slut pretending to be a politician?
Pretty much, and at the same time that's the exact reason people like her.

>> No.15539621 [SPOILER] 
File: 43 KB, 636x490, 1591468604138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get canceled, mayobulb

>> No.15539721

>The Bhagavad Gita
lmao doesn't she claim to be Catholic?

>> No.15539756

B-but /lit/ told me progressives hate DFW?? wtf

>> No.15539764
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I love her, too. Get in line.

>> No.15539772

Tolkien was big into Norse myths, so what's your point? You can't like literature from other cultures/faiths?

>> No.15539777

everyone says Trump is a moron, what are you talking about

>> No.15539789

>here's a dude who clearly doesnt give a fuck, says what he wants, doesnt (obviously) pander to X or Y, and goes "yeah, i said that, so what"
This retard stood infront of a church holding a bible during riots. Sure he doesnt pander.

>> No.15539824

>She calls him "García Márquez" instead of simply "Marquez" like every disgusting gringo does
>she also accentuates the names properly
She's perfect, bros. Literally perfect.

>> No.15539832

Usually people who recommend the Gita don't do so because of its literary merit.

>> No.15539888

She also loves abortion. Do the math

>> No.15539898

Based trips

>> No.15540022

If you’re calling someone “kiddo” every post you’ve lost. Projection of age authority only makes you look like a retard when everything is anon.
>inb4 I’ve been pulling myself up by muh bootstraps since before you were born
Then what, are you a 40 year old seething in a bait thread? Don’t you have a wife/kids to take care of?

>> No.15540036


>> No.15540533

>thinwristed zoomer tries to step

>> No.15540777

she will never be as successful as trump tho. trump has so much more will power.

>> No.15540802

she used to be a barista, now she's a popular politician. I wouldn't discard her as a possible future president.

>> No.15540938
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>putting IJ on a recommended book list in 2020

>> No.15540945

>Martin Luther King Jr.

>> No.15540968

how long until people call her out on all the problematic shit that's in IJ?

>> No.15540977


>> No.15540995

Depending on your definition of this, it may be that nearly everyone is more successful than Trump.

>> No.15541005

I will give you that the Marxist bit is broadly true.

>> No.15541144
File: 250 KB, 1280x1404, 23ffdb2bee76c21d1fc344cebfdf57be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright /lit/. What are your recommended books?
Are you as good as here?
My personal list is.
>Border Games by Peter Andreas
>The Civil War in China by Suzanne Pepper
>The Battle for Spain by Anthony Beevor
>Shanghai 1937: Stalingrad on the Yangtze by Peter Harmsen
>Dancing in the Glory of Monster by Jason Stearns
>The Lions of Tsavo by J.H. Patterson
>Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Frederich Nietzsche
>The Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad
I'm sure there's others. But I can't think of any at the moment.
But, that

>> No.15541872


>> No.15541981

I want to lick her horse teeth

>> No.15541998

A lot of them are still roads, you're liable to get smushed.

>> No.15542280
File: 37 KB, 1280x720, 9C1F37DA-3FDB-471B-942F-ADF8BCB971D0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15542336
File: 574 KB, 2560x1752, 01-alexandria-ocasio-cortez-vogue-november-2018-issue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bookshelf pic

>> No.15542387

There are certain kinds of people who are actually better because of their lack of understanding. “It's only because of their stupidity that they're able to be so sure of themselves”. These people are the loudest and are able to steer situation better towards their advantage. This is a large amount of conservative positions, Democrats are retarded too but they’re generally smarter or as smart as they should be, though probably all of them play this same game. It’s just the dumb ones succeed at this game without really knowing the full extent of how they do.

>> No.15542406

it’s funny that she scoffs at reading leftist theory (can’t blame her) but is a big DFW fan

>> No.15542431

I still have no idea how that guy managed to bag AOC.

>> No.15542977

Weren't they dating when she was just a bartender? Also, he's tall, which is all that matters.

>> No.15542992

DFW voted Reagan kek

>> No.15542994

that type of guy is exactly who women like her fuck

>> No.15543121

doubt shes read'em. her handlers recommended them

>> No.15543686

I'd love to handle her tits

>> No.15544025
File: 69 KB, 828x1152, 1586932918535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As when a shoe, that flies far by toe's fling
Clutters upon stilettoes and sneakers
Piles bygone mix fresh vogue pings
Dormant relics await tucked fevers
Muses, thank thee, we mere beauty seekers
Yielding to beaming Alexandria
Hid from thirsty cams run by stan phreakers
Warm bowl baths of lemon and hydrangea
Beauticians bestow second sangria

>> No.15544400

/tv/ weirdly has the most balanced and sane discussion of politics of any board on 4chan. Don't ask me to explain why, I prefer the mystery intact.

>> No.15544438

Even if that were true (re:balance), the urgency of being 404'ed within minutes means all discussion is perforce superficial and asinine.

>> No.15544478

what on earth are you talking about, /tv/ politics is just people calling each other incel/tranny

>> No.15544570

Have you ever fallen in love, /lit/?


>> No.15544575

>that voice
jesus christ how horrifying

>> No.15544657

didn't she complain about airport bagels?

>> No.15544668

> Also, he's tall, which is all that matters.
absolute state of America

>> No.15544964

To state the obvious: If you work for a living and/or collect any kind of paycheck (of whatever size), understand that rightwingers regard you as literal subhuman garbage. Seriously consider killing yourself immediately if you are not a billionaire yet still regard appeasing your plutocratic masters as somehow a path to personal happiness.

>> No.15545721

Ivanka Trump's Recommended Books

-A Passage to India
-War and Peace by Tolstoy
- In Search of Lost Time by Marcel Proust
-Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov
- The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger
-Great Expectations by Charles Dickens
-Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
-Midnight's Children by Salman Rushdie
-The Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien
-Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell
-The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton
-Sherlock Holmes collection
- Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier
- Little Women.
-Tom Jones by Henry Fielding

Better than AOC? What does /lit/ think?

>> No.15545737

Like, while he was raping?

>> No.15545843

>No Infinite Jest
AOC wins

>> No.15545865

Good but suspiciously close to a list you'd find if you googled "list of good books"

>> No.15546344

unironically based

>> No.15546400

>Capital in the 21st Centurie instead of the real das Kapital.
She is a joke. I dont know why anyone whould take her serious.