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/lit/ - Literature

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15533849 No.15533849 [Reply] [Original]

What books fit this?

>> No.15533863

Normies suffering?

>> No.15533865
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The Bible

>> No.15533867

Don Quixote

>> No.15533874

Natural history books.

>> No.15533878

american psycho
catcher in the rye

>> No.15533884
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>> No.15533888

Domestic terrorist manifests

>> No.15533895

Catcher in the Rye

>> No.15533951


>> No.15533958

Pride and Prejudice.

>> No.15533964

just finished rereading. i like vol 3 more than any other time thru, i just wish jane austen would've gotten more perverted

>> No.15533967
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>> No.15533973

Midwit take. 1984 is nothing more than a mediocre attack on stalinist russia by a disheartened pseudosocialist. It is shitty fiction, it's prediction of the future is almost completely terrible, all the characters are intolerable and uninteresting, and it has the subtlety and nuance of an anvil. The trotsky character is a jew with glasses and a goatee, the stalin character is mustached and dominating. It is ridiculously conservative and anti technology. The book presents the idea of a television that also serves as a camera as revolutionary, and early on suggests that ballpoint pens will not replace ink pens, despite ballpoint pens already being popular at the time the book was written. The notion of people being watched at all times is ridiculous. Does every telescreen watcher have another person watching them? Of course, this would be simply solved by artificial intelligence and other technologies, but Orwell has zero foresight on this front. The notion of an immortal cult of personality like Big Brother is also absurd. Of course, to Orwell, Stalin was immortal. He had exerted control over Russia for decades with an iron grip. And Orwell, who participated in the failed Spanish Civil War, was naturally bitter towards Stalin. But if he had lived only a little longer, he would have seen Stalin die, and his cult of personality swiftly crumble as well, as is the case with all cults of personality.

>> No.15534132

The Cat in the Hat
Psycho yes, the rest no

>> No.15534145

Based and Schopenhauerpilled.

>> No.15534150

>i just wish jane austen would've gotten more perverted
There's no doubt fanfiction for that.

>> No.15534332


>> No.15534392

>i can't enjoy a page turner story
>muh allegory
>muh intent of the author

>> No.15534399


>> No.15534436
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>i can't enjoy a page turner story

>> No.15534476

none, iq is mostly meaningless
meme response

>> No.15534483

Lol didn't read

>> No.15535075

Starship Troopers
>cat in he hat
There's no doubt about that

>> No.15535128
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>pic related

>> No.15535264


>> No.15535268
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What books fit this?

>> No.15535282


>> No.15535297

Any book for the retards who want to think that they are secretly geniuses.

>> No.15535306

Yes, get some obscure philosophy book and you are probably smarter than 95% of people.

>> No.15535316

Wouldn't the bell curve lean slightly to the lower end, since it is possible to damage your own intellect via injury, substance abuse, etc, but you can only really improve your iq marginally via accumulation of knowledge?

>> No.15535357

>catcher in the rye

>> No.15535374
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>> No.15535790

Every recommendation in this thread will be from posters who can only really speak for the left side of that graph

>> No.15535860
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In Stahlgewittern

>> No.15535913

Brain-stem level idiocy

>> No.15535923

Books you don't like

>> No.15536054

This one is absolutely true. Not liking Catcher in the Rye is the surest sign of a midwit.

>> No.15536341

Cheyney is high iq tho. ALso, richard spencer is pro war. Nietzsche would be anti-war as well. Roosevelt was very low iq.

>> No.15536726

unironically this

>> No.15536766

moby dick

>> No.15536770

hmm, and interesting point. First time i've seen a real point on this board. Props to you

>> No.15536806


>> No.15537168

It’s not a meme dude

>> No.15537283


i agree that IQ is kind of meaningless in that regard that - if you don't know how to behave in a social spectrum, it will be difficult to get further in any carrier. EQ is valuable in that sense that you know how to act in a certain social settings and thus can lead a team of others in a certain direction. Meanwhile IQ is good for patterns and logical thinking, it blocks the understanding of feelings of those around you. Not understanding the social game, will thus make it difficult to go forward, say in an office environment.

>> No.15537290


>> No.15537582

Superior soul is unrelenting joy

>> No.15537641

Any work of Marxism

>> No.15538325

Maybe. It would be more useful in many ways to use g instead of IQ, but for measuring-related reasons this is generally not done. It would solve this possible skew issue since g is less prone to environmental factors which could lower it across time.

>> No.15538337
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>none, iq is mostly meaningless
Would you rather live in a society where the average IQ is 115? or 85?

Would you rather your child, were it born, had an IQ of 130? or 70?

Would you "mostly" not care?

>> No.15538360
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IQ only measures how good you are at taking an IQ test.

>> No.15538410
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IQ measures how good you are at taking an IQ test. Leave out the "only".

>> No.15538421
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I don't think I will.

>> No.15538431

Ted Kaczynski

>> No.15538440


>> No.15538443
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Heh, your call.

>> No.15538447

Post 'smug4'.

>> No.15538452 [DELETED] 

Genuinely low IQ sufferers cannot read because they lose the thread. Genuinely high IQ sufferers cannot read because written word can never hope to inform their sublime intelligence. This img and thread is a LARP for people in the 100-120 range.

>> No.15538461

Any self-help book

>> No.15538473

I only had three, but I have added >>15538421
to my collection.

>> No.15538558

nah it'd be a linear y=x line with domestic terrorism manifests

>> No.15539176

how can you read the thread with your screen upside down?

>> No.15539188

The Harry Potter saga

>> No.15539211

Fiction, regardless of genre. Pseudos can't appreciate it.

>> No.15539216

I'm sure you meant non-fiction

>> No.15539271

unironically true

>> No.15539278

On the low IQ end it's as a silly comedy.
On the high IQ end it's an existentialist thesis.

>> No.15539294

intelligence without wisdom is lunacy

>> No.15539295

What's ironically true?

>> No.15539297
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>> No.15539303

Everything by Nietzsche.

>> No.15539319


>> No.15540316


>> No.15540775
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>> No.15540805

Ring-a-ding-ding, based department.

>> No.15540823
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>> No.15540846

I know this is bait, but Orwell enlisted and fought in the International Brigade. That's pretty legit as far as socialist cred goes (which isn't far...)

>> No.15540851

Lord of the Rings

>> No.15540895

what is a good volume to start?

>> No.15540907

That one is the first in the Elric series.

>> No.15540939


>> No.15540948

Any Kafka. Retards like him because his stories are weird, midwits think they don't get him and come up with countless theories to try and understand him, and the geniuses know they're all comedies and don't mean anything other than what is in clearly told in the story.

>> No.15540972
File: 30 KB, 700x505, nietzsche_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao your "high IQ" philosophy for pseuds was refuted by Nietzsche

>> No.15541391

Yeah i read Asimov's take on it too, as for the book i checked out the first pages and it's literally about how dumb and gullible the working classes are, pure shit.

>> No.15541494


>> No.15541520

EQ doesn’t exist

>> No.15541612

>t. person with a low EQ.

>> No.15541627
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>EQ doesn’t exist

>> No.15541761

>most intelligent people aren't racist
>one of the dumb people is depicted as a scientist
Whoever made this graph is a fucking moron.

>> No.15541776
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>> No.15541858

Uhh, hello, based department?

>> No.15542001

>tankie hates 1984
Yup, 110 IQ checks out

>> No.15543223

There is good evidence that such a thing as Emotional Intelligence can be measured in each individual and put onto a continuum of the larger population.

>> No.15543245

lord of the rings and other tolkien. loved by lowiq redditors, enjoyed by high iq people who just like the books, boring and wordy for the average cunt.

>> No.15543259

Anything ever written by me

>> No.15543394

should I? seems tempting

>> No.15543434


>> No.15543915

It's true nibba, the cinema scene where the prole woman gets horrified by the attack on the refugee boat is pretty classist, also some onanistic musings about how the middle class is the most dangerous and the one deserving of monitoring.
Orwell aside from being an snitch was a privileged anglo whose purported take down of totalitarianism is rather a specific sectarian attack on stalinism, i mean, the lack of a racial/esoteric/owningclassthingies aspects in ingsoc (aside from vague mentions of asiatic soldiers) discards it from being any kind of analysis of nazism or whatever right wing movements that are traditionally deemed as ''totalitarian

>> No.15544851

the bit about proles being dumb is obviously satirical if you read further

>> No.15544881
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Only correct answer in this thread.

>> No.15544918

And where would Plato fit into your little chart?--; Hah! The true mystics which even Schopenhauer was aware of, religion, Heidegger explains well enough without falling into his predecessor of the animator of the world-spirit, which Schopenhauer so beautifully understood,: Hegel.

>> No.15544934
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Can I join?

>> No.15544944

The question is never whether Nietzsche refuted Schopenhauer, it's always more whether Nietzsche correctly substitutes Schopenhauer if at all and from where he can be right or wrong to traditional philosophy, like Plato.

>> No.15545197
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So the really intelligent wallow in 'ideas' that preclude happiness and ensure a state of permanent depression?

"The wisest men of antiquity for that reason declared that wisdom and virtue consist in living in accordance with the customs of one's own nation" (Hegel)

>> No.15545268


>> No.15545269

Moby dick maybe

>> No.15545273

But those are the same thing, my friand

>> No.15545358


>> No.15546429

haha... Look at this retard that doesn't know how to read graphs LOL

>> No.15546450

You are simply retarded, anon

>> No.15546454

infinite jest

>> No.15546479

Don't you dare talking shit about Kafka! The fact that you think something is weird doesn't make it bad, moron

>> No.15546506

Nietzsche is smarter than the philosophers you suck off will ever be

>> No.15546513


>> No.15546533
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A little further to the right for me.

>> No.15546678


>> No.15546896

What are you on about lad? Kafka is probably, on the whole, my favourite author. I just said that retards can enjoy him because of how weird most of his stuff is and that is all they care about. Of course there is much much more going on with Kafka than just being weird, but that's where the midwits get trapped, doing mental gymnastics theorising about what it actually means, while missing the any of the points to them. And just in case anyone tries getting uppity with me saying they're comedies, and to them that instantly means that surely a comedy can't have any thematic depth and is only there to make you laugh, read some of Shakespeare's comedies and see if they're just shallow cabarets.

>> No.15546958

eternally butthurt neetchcuck can’t even read lol

>> No.15546979

Doesn’t predict anything meaningful