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15533868 No.15533868 [Reply] [Original]

Any good books on conversion to catholicism? More specifically on how to talk to someone about God and help them convert/make them believe.

>> No.15533890
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>> No.15534633

There's no magic way to make any person convert. If there was people would already know about it. A person will only convert to another religion, any religion, if they already want to. You can't convince anyone or say anything that will magically make them see what you see. There's also no reason for most people to convert to another religion unless they truly believe.

In short, active evangelism is a waste of time.

>> No.15534653
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>> No.15535224

It depends on what they don’t agree on.

>> No.15535242

By that logic, no one should read any books on stuff they don't already believe in. You need something to prod you to consider thinking in a way you may have not considered before.

Either way, the statistics on evangelism show that it most certainly does work. The key is understanding how different it is now that there is an information overload online, not the act of sharing an idea itself. Now that there is an endless amount of information at one's fingertips, street preaching and things of that nature are usually very poor methods of spreading any sort of idea. Historically your claim is very wrong, but we will have to see how the age of information impacts the spread of ideas.

>> No.15535247
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I grew up Catholic, but was a very bad Catholic for a long time. The thing that made me return to the Faith in a very strong way wasn't anything I read, or anyone talking to me, it was deciding to pray the Rosary every day. You might keep that in mind for talking to the person you're talking to. Mary is extremely powerful and so is her Rosary, more powerful than many books or treatises.

>> No.15535535

You just need to meet them where they're at but you also need to study your apologetics. Nobody knows anything about the Catholic faith so you need to be able to defend it. What's worse is that the media lies about the Catholic Church and so you need to know how to counteract those preconceived notions. All that said, nobody converts, not even you, except by the grace of God. Pray and do penance for the conversion of souls.
Sanctus est.

>> No.15535563
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>> No.15535584

when I sign up to become a Mormon, what are the qualifications to attain a harem in the Mexican desert?

>> No.15535935

Arguments like the dead sea scrolls, even if your claim is right for the sake of argument, are totally ad hoc. If the Catholic Church was founded by Christ on the rock of St. Peter which Christ promised the gates of Hell would never prevail against, then there would be no new revelation such as the stuff of Joseph Smith.

>> No.15535991


>> No.15536010


This thread is interesting because I started out thinking you wanted it for yourself but it turns out you want to lead someone else into error, which is far worse. Fuck the Holy Spirit, Fuck the Holy Spirit and Fuck the Holy Spirit.