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15533234 No.15533234 [Reply] [Original]

He is literally a cuck for a black cock

>> No.15533253

Fourier? or Cuck?

>> No.15533349

Cuck. I'm referring to his new video

>> No.15533385

Only thing I don't like about this guy is his defense of Post Modernism

>> No.15533390


>> No.15533399

>noo! you can't just treat people of color with basic levels of respect!

>> No.15533410 [DELETED] 


>> No.15533427
File: 97 KB, 512x260, 7C472B8C-623E-4BA2-B7AB-DC38C8E58C40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he respects minorities

>> No.15533453

Those melanin rich fellows taking up your fantasies again anon?

>> No.15533505

>a black cock
Mutt's Law

>> No.15533532


>> No.15533551

That's literally his whole channel and you are retarded.
His postmodernism videos are his best work and are some of the best introductions into the subject for total newbies.

>> No.15533593

Love how leftists think that this is igniting some sort of revolution and path to “black liberation” when for the most part it’s become a manufactured political trend for normies to start feeling guilty about white privilege and post black screens on Instagram because their favorite celebrity told them to. None of your conversations about “police abolition” mean anything. The only substantial thing that will come out of this is that people have completely lost faith in political institutions, and capital can easily fill in the gaps in epistemic discourse that have been obliterated.

>> No.15533598

Why are /pol/tards so obsessed with cuckoldry and black dick?

>> No.15533779

nah, he's based

>> No.15533783
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>> No.15533798

Youd expect someone as well read in political philosophy as cuck philosophy to realise that framing the riots as an intersectional issue is just a classic example of ruling ideology. Reminder that Bank of America donated $1 billion to BLM and minority groups. It's the perfect ideology, masquerading as rebellion while the establishment culture industry, political machine, and corporations use it to garner zealous support. It doubles as the perfect divide and conquer strategy, pitting the working class against itself to poison any discussion of class. The idea of class is not within the Overton window in the context of these riots. The state and the capitalist class and their monopolies are the enemies of the *people*, but state is framed only as a enemy of black people by none other than the monopolies and the state themselves. As long as class consciousness is stunted by ideology nothing will ever change.

>> No.15533983

Are you unable to think about anything without imposing your sexual fetishism on it? What hath Freud wrought.

>> No.15534120

This guy is the only leftist youtuber I can bear and that comes off as actually smart instead of as just another liberal pseud. What did he do?

>> No.15534185

>Grassroots; bottom-up; by the people, for the people! Viva la revolution!
>*receives favourable coverage from establishment media and $1,000,000,000 from powerful megacorpration*
I really hate leftists.

>> No.15534210

This sounds like something on stupidpol

>> No.15534218

Bad take on the BLM protests/riots. It’s in his YouTube and the link is in the thread

>> No.15534618

He came of as just another liberal pseud

>> No.15534706

The dude is a typical leftist dilettante who seems to have a very limited knowledge of things outside of post-modernist and new left thinkers. Videos like the Floyd protest shows his limited analytical scope and his incessant need to proselytize left wing talking points. This sycophantic behavior carries over to his over videos in where he tries to defend false claims and completely straw man his oppositions to persevere the dogma of leftist thought. He's also a great example of how majoring in philosophy is a waste of time.

>> No.15534873

No it’s actually pretty fuckin obvious if you know how normies are, they’ll literally just demand Netflix has more shows about white privilege and they’ll be satisfied.

>> No.15534879

Just watched it. It's indeed another liberal tier take. I actually like some of his videos because they seem well researched and he kept them out from the usual identity politics talking points most leftist make their videos about. Though he's obviously guilty of falling for meme narratives on things such as feminism and, as shown in the video, race.

>> No.15534927

I don't follow the guy on social media I just watch some of his videos. Is he like that?

>> No.15534986

I'm going solely off of his videos. He did a video in the past in where he compared the slave morality of Nietzsche to the far right. He also made a video claiming Marx never wanted equality, refuting a claim my by Jordan Peterson. I don't know if this is obvious, but to me it he is clearly signaling to his leftist subscribers.

>> No.15535052

Based take.

>> No.15535089

Normally I think Communists are retarded but this post is pretty good

>> No.15535161

This. While I disagree with them fundamentally this
was a well thought out non-NPC post from the left side.

>> No.15536843

lel sry but intersectionalism is right pewd

no need to seethe that hard just cause the abstract concept offends you so hard

>> No.15536895

is that a reddit board

>> No.15536930
File: 51 KB, 850x400, 1977696681-quote-sleep-is-good-death-is-better-but-of-course-the-best-thing-would-to-have-never-been-born-at-all-heinrich-heine-82449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does this board hate black people so much? I never asked to be born black.

>> No.15536939
File: 103 KB, 977x800, intersectionality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, even our boy Teddy saw it.

>> No.15537071

this so much

>> No.15537112

In the modern political context "black" and "white" are abstract symbols that aren't really representative of the race in question, they are used as mascots for the ideology that underpin them.

>> No.15537129

This is exactly what I'd expect a marxist like CP to say. I really thought he was smarter than this. It feels like I'm reading an article from the NYT.

>> No.15537179
File: 39 KB, 800x518, lam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds unrealistic.
It's not entirely out of the question that the current situation primes people for class riots.

LA billionaires like Musk and Dorsey were already getting rid of non-digital possessions in the last years.
People gon be angry and control will get even more covert than it already is.
Get ready for the faux-Marxist panopticon where you get policed by your next man.

>> No.15537298

>Just rebuild it bro
We're gonna be getting cyberpunk-style combat zones

>> No.15537367

Thank you

>> No.15537400

I fear European culture wil hardly differ from American culture in a generation or so. Zoomers my age were already bred on American tv, American diets, American music, American ideologies, American manners of conduct:
>The most emotionally provocative narrative is always the right one
>Fight fire with fire
Let yellowstone blow its cap

>> No.15537851

>reddit board
it's called a subreddit

>> No.15537888

Found the redditor.
Unto which I say:
you soja boy.

>> No.15537906

can someone tell me why anyone sees something in 'post modernism' when it's literally just a nihilistic resurgence of actual sophistry? why don't you just go read plato's dialogues and see socrates RAPE protagorus and gorgias with the godly phallus of LOGOS and REASON

>> No.15537910

>atheist bugman
Cringe. Next.

>> No.15538311

Does anyone buy the corporate support of BLM though? From what I've seen woke brands are despised by twitter communists

>> No.15538319

He's isn't a grifter who tries to 'own the right'