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/lit/ - Literature

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15533236 No.15533236[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is rddit so much more woke and relevant than 4chan? Surely it's a better place to discuss literature than here, where every thread is about privileged white men

>> No.15533254

>this is the guy fucking serena williams
holy shit

>> No.15533257

Serena Williams is ugly as shit but her ass almost makes up for it. If there was some kind of curtain where I could only see her butt while I slammed her doggy style I would definitely do it

>> No.15533265

He should do a lot more desu.
Donating all of his money and living in the ghetto as he runs a soup kitchen should be enough to displace the racism he has inherited. He obviously benefited from white privilege since he is both wealthy and influential.

>> No.15533266 [DELETED] 

What a cuck.

>> No.15533278

I'm sure she pegs him while blindfolded so that's almost the same thing

>> No.15533286

I bet he pays black guys to fuck Serena.

>> No.15533294

A genetic failure that managed not only to pass his defective genes but to deteriorate them even further.

>> No.15533299

Serena is black so that makes no sense

>> No.15533304

He'll be replaced by Serena.

>> No.15533305

The only reason I'm not on reddit is because I want to quit the internet. No place better than here for that KEK

>> No.15533328

>2 years later
>reddit bankrupt: too much of budget devoted to grape soda and rims

>> No.15533333

When he gets old he needs to be responsible and pull the plug. A lot of medical resources are used on old white people when they could be redirected for the black community where they are really needed

>> No.15533335

My understanding is that it's never done well financially.

>> No.15533341

She's a goddess, he's just some rich tech nerd. I can't imagine how he got her but I fucking love him for it. I wonder if she sits on his face.
4chan doesn't have as much biased modding. Whatever's big on 4ch will get big outside of 4ch in a couple months. Whatever's big on 8ch and Wizch will get big on 4ch in a couple months.
This is more a heuristic for hentai genres and memes but it counts for politics too.

>> No.15533357

Libs are so fucking stupid. They shit on Reaganites for their love of trickle down economics, but their genuflecting towards "black businesses, artists, and voices" is literally the same fucking thing except exclusively for black people and will fail for the exact same reason.

>> No.15533360

it makes perfect sense, he likes getting cucked by black men

>> No.15533374

>Whatever's big on 8ch and Wizch will get big on 4ch in a couple months.
>This is more a heuristic for hentai genres and memes but it counts for politics too.
So they've been stuck on feels and frogs for a few year now huh?

>> No.15533376

didn't some study show that 90% of all image macros commonly used today originated on 4chan?

>> No.15533401

Why is it that the wokeness of a site is inversely proportional to how aggressive the mods are?

>> No.15533405

Advertising. You better believe that Hiro would be doing this too if he thought he could get a good price for here.

>> No.15533425

That's because 4chan is NEET Mecca. Corporations have actually made billions from uncountable hours of unpaid labour from NEETs over the past decade just because of memes.

>> No.15533430

4chan is definitely more woke than it was years ago, you can get banned for saying the gamer word now.

>> No.15533433


>> No.15533437

You got banned for saying nigger in 2010 too. Moot was far more aggressive about enforcing "no racism outside of /b/" and "keep /pol/ in /pol/" than Hiro has been.

>> No.15533438

What word is that?

>> No.15533443

cuckoldry is the epithome of sexuality

>> No.15533444

Depends on the board really

>> No.15533445

>implying you could say roody-poo

>> No.15533463

>steeping down and urging the company to hire a black person
fucking keked at that, that is like an onion article

>> No.15533472

If you're gay, yeah

>> No.15533476

Peak woke 4chan was probably when GG and the Fappening happened, moot was working overtime to fix things. I remember he turned /pol/ into an unusable hellscape full of dancing robots for like a year. Hiro took over, he was laxer on moderation, then 2016 happened and it appears the moderation has become less accepting of the various -isms.

>> No.15533483

You're saying it like fucking with this hulking gorilla is a kind of achievement

>> No.15533489

You can't talk about anything on that site without moderators being weirdos. That's even if you get passed all the shit that gets automatically shadowbanned. There's a narrative and it must be followed at all times and that's boring. Everybody there is boring.

>> No.15533490

Reality imitates art. Is this the beginning of a wave of celebrities and rich people trying to one-up each other?

>> No.15533493

Then go fuck a gorilla tough guy, see how you fare.

>> No.15533498

that's not what porn sites are showing us..... heterobois love being cuck

>> No.15533515

I'm very straight but I paid a tranny to fuck me once. Felt incredible but I'm still hetero. It's a state of mind not what you do

>> No.15533522

>porn is the real world
This has to stop: women do not get orgasms from being thrown into walls, or choked. There is no rampant obsession with sissy-hypno vids or dragon dildos outside of your porn bubble, which is only created in the first place to dupe you out of money you pathetic waste
srsly, I cannot fathom what kind of subhuman you must be in real life to look at porn and see dating advice.

>> No.15533552
File: 111 KB, 1334x611, Apn7ppJjJKCVb88iEEXveHt_sBGjZadVaGkHHeP7Teg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was not talking about the content of the videos, i was talking about the most searched genre, shut the fuck up, negative iq ass

>> No.15533558

You were opening your mouth and letting shit fall out. Unironically cut your own two incher off, coombrained wretch.

>> No.15533563

damn what a waste

>> No.15533568

let's have a quick course of interpretation:
>that's not what porn sites are showing us..... heterobois love being cuck
i'm talking about the data of the most search, in any fucking moment i was making a judgement of the content, only the actual data, the numbers, the porn sites are showing that people frequently search for cuck porn
fuck you

>> No.15533579

Let's be honest, moderation aggression has more to do with how annoying they find any given kind of incessant shitposting. /pol/shit is ubiquitous now, so it gets targeted more severely. When it was MLP, they literally got their own rule added to the site. It's just about whatever is the most inescapably irritating.

>> No.15533582
File: 209 KB, 1200x1200, cornel west.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We tried black faces in high places
>too often our black politicians, professional class, middle class, become too accommodated to the capitalist economy, too accommodated to the militarized nation state, too accommodated to the market driven culture tied with celebrity status, power, fame, all of that superficial stuff that means so much to so many fellow citizens

>> No.15533602

so? the capitalist society will keep making someone's life unsufferable because that's how this system works
within capitalism, nobody will achieve shit
it doesn't matter if you're being a wageslave from a black person or white

>> No.15533607

can you fuckers stop derailing my thread? I want to know what 4chan is going to do to show our support for the BLM movement

>> No.15533615 [DELETED] 

I knew when he was ranting and raving before that Strokes concert, Bernie would lose. And if the Democratic party can't take Cornell West, they definitely can't take coast to coast riots. Dems got tricked. It's not the left pulling the strings on this production.

>> No.15533630

the thing about /pol/ topics is that almost everyone has an opinion on them, and on boards like /lit/ and /tv/ it is sometimes hard to avoid those topics given the role of politics in the artforms. MLP was literally just people spamming a cartoon that nobody else cared about

>> No.15533654

>what are some films about [orangeman/black people/all women are whores]
anon please don't try to justify the /pol/ spam

>> No.15533663

>porn data
Got it. So youre too fucking far gone, sad desu.
If you had a brain cell left I’d tell you that data of how people deviate in private is shit data. You should go observe shit stains on toilet bowls and tell me about nutrition trends, at least there would be some slim correlation, fucking psychotic

>> No.15533666

bro you are in the wrong place
go to /pol/ they are way more supportive of BLM over there

>> No.15533676

I'm not justifying that spam, but it is impossible to deny how saturated many pieces of art and the art community are with politics. If it weren't so easy to find people saying politically charged things about literature or film there wouldn't be so many of those threads.

>> No.15533693

Holy shit, have you guys seen this ad on Twitch where the pro-gamer chubby bearded guy's mom comes in and gives him some pasta? Cringe to death, ha. At least if it were tendies I could say it's ironic. Jesus.

>> No.15533696
File: 121 KB, 1024x683, serena-william-alexis-ohanian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a good book or movie that would make me understand guys like him?

>> No.15533716

>it's real
Fucking pindosy, holy shit.

>> No.15533724

damn if I don't hate reddit but love white tuxedos

>> No.15533741

what's it an ad for?

>> No.15533746

>guys like him


>> No.15533754

Do you think she chose that color. Curious George yellow?

>> No.15533757
File: 44 KB, 602x481, 4E1D8D14-5E83-41B7-B3F7-5B2E766B7A71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy checked

>> No.15533789
File: 137 KB, 640x715, Gigachad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15533804


I'll leave watermelons out this Halloween, we're not doing shit until they commit less crime and stop blasting music on the subway.

>> No.15533814

some disgusting western cuck made this shit

>> No.15533828

>she's a goddess

maybe to a mountain gorilla tribe

>> No.15533853

Woe to the man with shit taste.

>> No.15533892

Ive been crossboard banned for saying nigger a few times recently, it seems kind of random. At any rate, I phonepost so its not a big deal.

>> No.15533906
File: 179 KB, 1080x1349, WIN_20200411_18444249.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your "taste" is quite literally r e ddit

>> No.15533922

/tv/ is just /pol/ for 4channel, nobody there watches television. Should have picked a better example.

>> No.15533928
