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15528353 No.15528353[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>media reports that Corona virus will be the end of the world
>everyone I know starts parroting the same facts they hear from breakfast news programs and screaming at their friends and family to stay inside

>a month later, forgotten...

>global media reports that the death of an american black man sparks endless protests
>fake news vs fake facts vs outrage vs racism vs finger wagging vs violence vs propaganda
>people in my country start protesting as well?????

.... I don't know what's happening. the media controls every aspect of people's lives.. my life as well even, I tried to explain my confusion to my girlfriend and she called me a racist.... I JUST CAN'T TRUST ANYTHING I SEE.

I want to read someone who really understands this. I remember reading Henry Miller and feeling everything he felt, I feel like he would understand. Who can I read to help me? is this the blackpill?

>> No.15528355


>> No.15528356

>my girlfriend
fuck off normalnigger

>> No.15528378

Chomsky manufacturing consent

>> No.15528379

Never have TV in your home. It's a demonic portal.

>> No.15528699

You want an anime version instead?

>> No.15528725

Back to /pol/, brainlet.

>> No.15528743

This or the classic "I'll pretend to read those to seem smart" books 1984 and Fahrenheit 451.

>> No.15529016

The protests took a toll on me too, anon. I'm tired of these people, tired of these idiots. It can't be possible that it is only me and a few other people who realises that protesting on the streets in a once-in-a-century pandemic is retarded. I'm tired of identity politics, of people defending the president of my country who, I must say, is a literal imbecile. A literal imbecile, not as in "I don't like him", but as in "he noticeably has a two digit IQ and I doubt he ever read a book in his life". I'm tired of people pretending to be smart on the internet, I'm tired of people blinded by ideology, I'm tired of the arrogance of the common man.

At least I still have my books.

>> No.15529023

who realise*
My bad, I just woke up

>> No.15529035


>> No.15529041

Just learn to get your news from multiple sources and be aware of your own biases. It's not all that hard

>> No.15529042

you know that screeching "go back" won't actually make anyone go back right

>> No.15529081
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Baudrillard, Lasch, Ortega y Gasset, Ellul, Marcuse, Debord, and Postman are all good recs, but I personally like pic related because he ties all of these people together.

>> No.15529096

You didn't say "le orange cheeto man bad," so I can't say you're a complete daggot.

>> No.15529133

Anon I'm still seeing totem poles of Corona facts beside newscasters, it hasn't been forgotten. I suggest separatimg your fear of the news's immense control from what of it, the news, you actually believe. Not doing so is what leads to contrarianism.

>> No.15529143

>At least I still have my books.
with this conclusion u too pretend to be smart on the internet

>> No.15529193

Thats it's what happen un a culture where there si no knowledge of critical tought ir rethoric

>> No.15529207

Americans are deprived of any serious training in rhetoric or critical thought and it shows. Our K - 12 schools offer no mandatory classes. Our colleges offer little more than philosophical indoctrination. Ultimately, the development of our personal codes and values are left to the propaganda of groups (business, government, media/press) with agendas that do not have our best interest in mind.

We are therefore easily manipulated. We have no defense against logical fallacies. The worst of which is the straw man. No wonder we are so angry and violent. Instead of nuance and understanding we are basically told to choose a cause and let them do the thinking for us.

>> No.15529208

plebs gonna pleb
sit back and drink a nice glass of agèd wine within the cathedral of your mind and giggle

>> No.15529212

How so? Not him but I just want people to leave me alone with this politics shit and stop calling me racist for liking lovecraft

>> No.15529227

>I tried to explain my confusion to my girlfriend and she called me a racist
Why would you tolerate that?

>> No.15529267

Why are you so hung up on what other people do? That being said, if you don't believe the death of a black man is reason enough to protest, even in times of corona, then you might actually be a racist.

Anyway read Kafka, Gerard Reve, W.F. Hermans if you want to wallow in your self-pity, Дaниил Хapмc if you want to laugh at the absurdity of it all, or Ta-Nehisi Coates and James Baldwin if you actually want to solve some of the problems you are complaining about.

>who realises that protesting on the streets in a once-in-a-century pandemic is retarded
Try to understand that a black person might find the risk of contracting the virus less frightening than the risk of having to wake up in a racist country for the rest of their life, not knowing when a police officer comes by and steps on their neck.

>> No.15529298

>not knowing when a police officer comes by and steps on their neck
That reads like the biggest strawman I've ever seen. Pity, since you had such good recommendations.

>> No.15529301

>That being said, if you don't believe the death of a black man is reason enough to protest, even in times of corona, then you might actually be a racist.
Kill thousands around the world because some heckin blackerino overdosed. Sounds reasonable.

>> No.15529317

Well, the protests were triggered by a police officer stepping on a black person's neck, so doesn't seem like a strawman. Or, you know "overdosed"

You don't care about a black person being murdered on video, they don't care about your stupid grandma choking on lung tissue. It does sound reasonable.

>> No.15529322

America needs to be quarantined. Look at the kind of person it produces.

>> No.15529337


>> No.15529338

>You don't care about a black person being murdered on video, they don't care about your stupid grandma choking on lung tissue. It does sound reasonable.

>> No.15529340

And once again here we see poor rationalising skills. This wasn't an issue of a 'police officer stepping on a black person's neck', what we know is that this was a case of a police officer making a stupid, but arguably well justified, decision to restrain a *criminal* during an arrest. Do you know George Floyd personally? Neither do I. What you and I, armchair theorisers, have then are the facts. Go and look up his criminal records. If you still think that this issue is reducible to a simple case of 'police stepping on a black person's neck'. Hell, never mind your logic, even your sentence reads like it was written by a 12 year old

>> No.15529347

Fuck... now that I've been told to go back to /pol/ at least 500 times, I think that this might be the day... this might be the hour... that I just keep staying here like usual. If you post "go back to /pol/" 500 more times I'll consider it again, so good luck.

>> No.15529356

>That being said, if you don't believe the death of a black man is reason enough to protest, even in times of corona, then you might actually be a racist.
Okay I'll be a racist then. Any other leftist buzzwords that I need to accumulate while we're at it?

>> No.15529358
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>who realises that protesting on the streets in a once-in-a-century pandemic is retarded
Because it is anyway you look at it, regardless of the 'issue'.

>> No.15529364

You have no perspective. Who gives a shit about one person being killed? It wasn't even anything special. People die all the time, in similar ways and for similar reasons, but you didn't care about those. Because you haven't been told to, I guess. Honestly, I find protests like this more insulting than anything else. There might be good reason to resist authority, but you're skipping over those and focusing on completely pointless shit instead. Not to mention that you're not really resisting either, this is closer to controlled opposition and bread and circus.

>> No.15529377

He has non, of course. Covid is just big pharma looking to sell vaccines. All the "deaths" are actually caused by 5G.

>> No.15529391
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There is nothing Ontologically subordinate to the Phenomenal. It is excrement, figuratively, and some might say even literally. Contradicting things "reconcile" in their self-destruction and irrelevance as pieces of excrement merge in the sewer.

>> No.15529393

>Fahrenheit 451
Why does anyone recommend that garbage?

>> No.15529416
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Though, ultimately, no amount of reading will help you unless you rectify your deficient consciousness.

>> No.15529493

Understanding Media by Marshall McLuhan
Propaganda by Ellul

>> No.15529499

Cool recommendation, anon! Bought a copy.

>> No.15529520

a good reason to resist authority is because police routinely get away with disproportionate violence towards arrestees for the scope of the crime committed by said arrestees. you are right that people die all the time and we live our lives thinking no one person's life particularly matters, no one instance of grave violence is all that important. however, the point of these movements is to say that this mindset is part of the problem, as it let's authority get away with murder because of our complacency.
there are scores more people who suffer under the police who do not fit the typical white on black scenario. plenty of poor people of all colors are given disproportionate violence in response to the severity of their crime (or no crime at all- just existing near a cop may sometimes be enough) and these instances too should be acknowledged and rooted against. the riots are about destroying the apathy that your post inhabits.

>> No.15529535
File: 164 KB, 1600x900, Howard Beale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Woe is us, we're in a lot of trouble! So, a poor little man with black hair died. What does that got to do with the price of rice, right? And why is that woe to us? Because less than three percent of you people read books! Because less than fifteen percent of you read newspapers! Because the only truth you know is what you get over this tube! Right now, there is a whole, an entire generation that never knew anything that didn't come out of this tube! This tube is the Gospel, the ultimate revelation! This tube can make or break Presidents, Popes, Prime Ministers! This tube is the most awesome goddamn force in the whole godless world! And woe is us if it ever falls into the hands of the wrong people, and that's why woe is us that George Floyd died! Because the internet is now in the hands of Google and innumerable other corporations. And when the twelfth largest company in the world controls the most awesome goddamn propaganda force in the whole godless world, who knows what shit will be peddled for truth on this network?! So, you listen to me. Listen to me! Television is not the truth. Television's a goddamned amusement park! Television is a circus, a carnival, a traveling troupe of acrobats, storytellers, dancers, singers, jugglers, sideshow freaks, lion tamers, and football players. We're in the boredom-killing business! So if you want the truth, go to God! Go to your gurus! Go to yourselves! Because that's the only place you're ever gonna find any real truth! But man, you're never gonna get any truth from us. We'll tell you anything you wanna hear. We lie like hell. We'll tell you that, uh, the detective always gets the killer, and that nobody ever dies in your favourite television series. And no matter how much trouble the hero is in, don't worry, just look at your watch, at the end of the hour he's gonna win. We'll tell you any shit you want to hear. We deal in illusions, man! None of it is true! But you people sit there day after day, night after night, all ages, colors, creeds. We're all you know! You're beginning to believe the illusions we're spinning here! You're beginning to think that the tube is reality and that your own lives are unreal! You do whatever the tube tells you, you dress like the tube, you eat like the tube, you raise your children like the tube. You even think like the tube. This is mass madness, you maniacs! In God's name, you people are the real thing! We are the illusion! So turn off your television sets! Turn them off now! Turn them off right now! Turn them off and leave them off! Turn them off right in the middle of this sentence I am speaking to you now! Turn them off!

>> No.15529536

This is just the elites' clean-up operation. If your small business didn't get destroyed by the coronavirus lockdown it can get burned down by niggers and antifa.

>> No.15529550

>a good reason to resist authority is because police routinely get away with disproportionate violence towards arrestees for the scope of the crime committed by said arrestees. you are right that people die all the time and we live our lives thinking no one person's life particularly matters, no one instance of grave violence is all that important. however, the point of these movements is to say that this mindset is part of the problem, as it let's authority get away with murder because of our complacency.
1) Police being gruff is bad but not nearly as bad as you make it seem.
2) We're an armed country, people will die. You acting like this significant is just evidence that you're an idiot. Where were the Uiqir protests? For the Iraqi citizens that the US bombed to death? Opioid deaths?
>plenty of poor people of all colors are given disproportionate violence in response to the severity of their crime (or no crime at all- just existing near a cop may sometimes be enough) and these instances too should be acknowledged and rooted against. the riots are about destroying the apathy that your post inhabits.
The riots have no monolithic message. They are about police having unchecked monopolies on violence, aka, the whole fucking point of a government.

>> No.15529556

>these instances too should be acknowledged
Femanon guaranteed

>> No.15529583
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>The riots have no monolithic message. They are about police having unchecked monopolies on violence, aka, the whole fucking point of a government.
Yet if you were to ask the rioters what exactly they want, even a rough idea of how they would go about implementing whatever changes they want, they wouldn't be able to give you anything. This and the incessant signaling from woke-capital/social media says it all. It's all performative nonsense without any real onus on changing anything.

>> No.15529585

Lol kick that hoe to the curb after you get bored of her pussy, nothing worse than an npc partner

>> No.15529592

So are computers and phones.

>> No.15529593

Let's not pretend, somebody getting killed is a tragedy. It saddens me to hear lads getting killed. But what about our boys in Hong Kong? As a European I saw little outrage or discussion about that, but something happens in America and sensible Europeans forget that's it's across the atlantic. You can only worry about the things you can change. Can we start discussing books?

>> No.15529596

No. My conclusion is that I can at least sit in my room and momentarily escape from reality.

>> No.15529598

>a black person might find the risk of contracting the virus less frightening than
Are you saying that black people are stupid?

>> No.15529602


>> No.15529604

>I'm tired of identity politics, of people defending the president of my country who, I must say, is a literal imbecile.
That's how I know you're a brazilian talking about Bolsonaro.

>> No.15529607

>Where were the Uiqir protests? For the Iraqi citizens that the US bombed to death? Opioid deaths?
it is indeed true that the causes people riot against are heavily based on the loudest narratives in the culture. police violence against african americans has received large signal boosting and support from the media in the last decade in a way that these other causes simply did not receive. of course, there's also the fact the police violence happens in our backyard and some of your other instances happen half a world away. americans are chronically narcissistic and only really riot when the cause feels close both physically and emotionally. to a certain extent you could say the fervor around police violence amongst the populace is partially the media's fault.
yes, of course the riots are about unchecked violence of government. the desire is for accountability and a use of the proportional amount of violence for the crime of the arrestee. the monopoly on violence the state holds can't be changed, but the proportion of violence used is being asked to be toned down a fair bit as it has passed the acceptability threshold. if so many rioters keep dying to police unprovoked as they do every day it just proves the point our police system is beyond any change in its violence proportion even when pushed to the brink, which will rightfully enrage plenty of passionate young people. violence from the police in this scenario where the cause the riot is fighting for appears so just, so agreeable will be essentially indefensible to the rest of the world and the trust in government will plummet. a failure here could well provoke an even greater outburst down the line.

>> No.15529609

And you're correct.

>> No.15529622

The difference is that there are websites owned by people who aren't elites, while there are no TV channels that are not under the heel of the elite

>> No.15529625

I know those feels man. I'm dealing with that with my insanely militant wacky liberal socialist sisters. Infuriates me. Actually was just called a racist by them this morning in the long REEEE e-mail chain. My parents and I are racist. My parents gave them everything. A fantastic childhood, upper-middle class, paid for all their education, living expenses, etc. And they turn into wacky anti-American stereotypical social media obsessed millenial douches.

I am both frustrated and saddened...

>> No.15529627

Those french fags would be in the first line protesting for george floyd

>> No.15529628

What's hard to understand?

>american elections coming
>left needs to spark reaction from trump to demonize him and have a slight chance to win
>western world is basically vassal to the american empire
>left-sponsored international-organizations like BLM are agitators everywhere
>west is left so it's normal people at least prostest about left ideology
>agitators infilitrate and push this to violence
>diehard liberals (cultists/religious/naive/revolutionaries) get carried away

>I want to read someone who really understands this.
Any history book ever? See Bolshevik Revolution, Cultural Revolution, French Revolution, etc.

Radical leftism is well studied and just repeats itself every now and then. Just ignore it

>> No.15529629

You've largely agreed with me and made footnotes.
>violence from the police in this scenario where the cause the riot is fighting for appears so just, so agreeable will be essentially indefensible to the rest of the world and the trust in government will plummet. a failure here could well provoke an even greater outburst down the line.
You're mistaking why this is happening. People want a quasi-anarchist government because they're narcissistic / malleable from social media and they think that they can regulate themselves so well that they don't need anyone's help. This is true without the written word - people atomize, tribes form, and they're pretty good, the second you have the written word people become part of a society, a machine for the powerful, if people aren't watched over, they will kill each other just to prove they're not a slave.

>> No.15529641

>Ta-Nehisi Coates
refuted by Cornel West

>> No.15529647

Blacks in America are probably the most privileged people in the country. They get coddled by the government, institutions, and leftists from day 1. The only thing holding them down is their self-destructive culture.

t: grew up in chicago and now live in Appalachia.

>> No.15529654

Try to not project everything onto yourself. Sometimes i feel embarassment for what other people do too but i always snap myself from it and laugh. If your girlfriend called you a racist then idk do what you want i don't care.

>> No.15529657

Camus The Stranger.
>You smoked a cigarette at your mother's vigil?! You monster!
>How dare you not conform?!

>> No.15529669


Anyone who has dealt with them on a regular basis or just been around them knows this to be true. They get away with all sorts of constant bullshit until they finally get called out or arrested for their actions and then scream rayciss and dindu. Coddled beyond belief. They are useful idiots at best, merely existing and leaching off of the gibs and social programs so that the government can continue to grow and justify its ludicrous and wildly inefficient spending.

>t. grew up in outskirts of Atlanta and worked downtown for years

>> No.15529671

The radical left is sobbing right now because liberals successfully manged to co-opt the protests into "protesting against white supremacy" instead of "rioting against police brutality and poverty"

>> No.15529675

>protest has no monolithic message
this might be true for Occupy Wallstreet and such demonstrations, but there clearly is a common denominator here, which is wanting to stop racist police murders. And that is an achievable goal. Install justice by implementing law and put those policemen before a judge.

>> No.15529681

i actually share your cynical view that regulation must exist for society to function. however, i think it is clear that regulation can exist and be effective without necessarily stooping to cold blooded murder on the cops' part. by and large rioters are saying "defund the police" (decrease police access to violent arms) rather than "abolish the police", though the latter is being said by the more anarchist leaning individuals among us. when people usually say the latter they are proposing an community-ran alternative exist rather than the current police force, but this has its own problems. i think the notion of "let's go completely policeless and regulate ourselves" is not at all a common opinion of the rioters and only exists among the hardcore anarchist community and you are creating a strawman by saying it is at all the majority opinion of the riot.

>> No.15529737

>stooping to cold blooded murder on the cops' part.
research this.
>community-ran alternative exist rather than the current police force, but this has its own problems. i think the notion of "let's go completely policeless and regulate ourselves" is not at all a common opinion of the rioters and only exists among the hardcore anarchist community and you are creating a strawman by saying it is at all the majority opinion of the riot.
I'm indifferent to whether or not that's issue. My stance is lethal police violence in the US is a non-issue.

>> No.15529742
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Hey look here's the intro to Baudrillard chart I made

>> No.15529745

Hey, OP. I feel this deeply. What is disturbing about this whole mess is that it doesn't feel like a genuine expression, but of how powerful, and omnipresent, modern electronic media is. I don't have any social media and dude I'm telling you, this is beyond a fucking trip. I can't tell you how sad it all is, I feel like I'm in an afterlife of society.

>> No.15529792

>I feel like I'm in an afterlife of society.
Well said anon.

>> No.15529820
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Not that anon, but if racial tensions really need be compared to corona, then consider that Ahmaud Arbery, jogging down the street, seeing a truck and a gunner behind him, did not feel safe running into a single one of his neighbor's houses; consider what it would have looked like; consider how blacks afterward must have feared not only their neighbor but even just walking down the street and how directly that compares to the fear of airborne diseases.

I'll confess I don't really get the point of ACAB. My uncle's a cop, which I say not because he's a good person, but because he is a catholic; tell him "ACAB" and I'm sure he will simply laugh and cite initial sin. What is far more important are the specifics of the matter. His first daughter is insincere constantly, and despite him having read her journal without permission she still managed to buy an entire fucking Jeep without his knowledge. That is, until she crashed it and had to call him. In turn his second daughter is short, stunted, clinging to his leg as he moves through divorce after divorce; she was recently kicked in the head by a horse, not having worn her helmet.

It reminds me of a plotline another poster suggested. A man is trapped in a stark prison, a talking grasshopper his lone companion. Afraid his hope will run away, the man throws the grasshopper into a plastic bottle and demands it explain how to escape. The grasshopper doesn't know of course, but as it makes argument after argument as to why it ought be freed the man is only further convinced it is something magical, powerful, and culpable for his problems--so eventually, the grasshopper learns not to speak. This is why there is rioting. This is why your children will lie to you--you, personally, will never know them. This is why god doesn't talk to us anymore, on the off chance he was ever real; because even truth itself is coveted as an object. When you see a prison full of blacks consider that this is a prison confined entirely within your own, and that rather than twist oppression's coil further down, you may allow it to unwind from the inside, out. Let go. I am sure that whatever horrible fantasy is inside your head is completely justified and that nothing bad anyone has ever done to you was well deserved, but the tragedy is never that anything is or is not happening. It is that nothing is ever deserved, but everything is always justified. Freedom is knowing you choose which of those two words to use, or at least that's the closest thing to it.

>> No.15529839


>> No.15529912
File: 51 KB, 686x457, There will be no winners in this revolution, but please bear witness to it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>achievable goal
no it isn't. People are cunty. People have and always will kill each other for less. You're not going to be able to create a society where such 'issues' never exist.

>Install justice by implementing law and put those policemen before a judge.
Is this not being achieved already? All of the officers accused have been charged. They're due to be put in front of a judge. Which goes back to my original point. What is it that you really want?

>> No.15529913

>unchecked monopolies on violence, aka, the whole fucking point of a government

Look kid, read a book, travel the world, talk to people from a different country. For centuries, the entire point of any democratic government has been that every part is checked by another part. Checks and balances, all that. It's true that the US is rapidly losing both their checks and their balance, which is why your nation is becoming more and more of a laughing stock, not only in countries like mine (which you would call "civilised"), but even in nations America sees as uncivilised, third world.

Start with Montesquieu.

>> No.15529924

Lmao did you even read the book? Be honest.

>> No.15529986


>> No.15530002

People are already stressed and unemployed b/c of the coronavirus, and then this happens? A cop chokes a completely subdued black man to death on the street, a man who cried out in panic for help because he was literally DYING.

Nobody has forgotten about corona. People are just undeniably frustrated that even after decades and decades of liberalism and policies to overcome racism, they still see black people getting killed by police. And this one was the absolute worst because the man was literally crying out for help saying things like they're killing me! This was BAD, man. This was really bad.

>> No.15530033

I understand that it is indeed an outraging situation. But what people don't seem to understand is that being angry doesn't justify going out and spreading a virus that has already killed over 100,000 people in the US alone. No amount of injustice validates stupidity.

>> No.15530048

>Bawww my sob story spin
I don't give a fuck.

>> No.15530049

I just don’t see how it’s sincere at all. A lot of white people were moral grandstanding on coronavirus criticising working class who would starve without a job if they didn’t work while sitting at home with their espresso machines perfectly comfortable. It seems they’ve got bored of this and started playing with a dead black guy. It’s tragic what happens but people don’t want to acknowledge that black culture has its own issues with gang violence and drug abuse, which kills more blacks than police do but it doesn’t fit the narrative. White people cant do a die in on a Harlem street corner we’re a black man was shot but feel comfortable doing it in front of police station when a police officer kills a black man.

>> No.15530057

I understand that Pearl Harbor is indeed an outraging situation. But what people don't seem to understand is that being angry doesn't justify going out and sending young soldiers into a war that has already killed over 100,000 people. No amount of injustice validates stupidity.

Really? No amount? Or just no amount, as long as you are not the injured party yourself?

>> No.15530060

Reminder that George Floyd had coronavirus.

>> No.15530065

Interesting how when people were protesting the lockdown, it was quickly shut down by the respective governments and there was a limit placed on protesting.

Now, you can protest without a care and COVID has suddenly disappeared AND the governments back the action.

>> No.15530068

The US deliberately provoked Pearl Harbor by blocking Japanese supply lines so that it could enter the war.

>> No.15530075

Why read about it when you can go on twitter and see primary source videos of police brutality? Did the jews really make hundreds of fake videos of police beating and gassing crowds?

>> No.15530083

>nigger dies because he abused drugs
>this a good enough reason for americlaps to go out and protest in times of a pandemic
do they think niggers should have super powers or are they just bored?

>> No.15530085

completely different situation

>> No.15530087

I feel you, anão.

>> No.15530091

>police beat feral nigger looter
Wow I don't care.

>> No.15530096

Just like the US deliberately provoked these protests by ignoring systemic racism in their police force. Reason enough to go out, even if lives are at risk.

>> No.15530104

I don't see anything racist about what happened to George Floyd.

>> No.15530106
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>Try to understand that a black person might find the risk of contracting the virus less frightening than the risk of having to wake up in a racist country for the rest of their life, not knowing when a police officer comes by and steps on their neck.
Then they indirectly cause the death of various old, poor and/or weak people as consequence, by spreading the plague, regardless of intent.
Fuck the USA. I can't belive you guys.

>> No.15530107

>a lot of white people were moral grandstanding on coronavirus criticising working class who would starve without a job if they didn't work
That's an important point. Down here in Brazil, the exact same people who were (justifiably) saying to #staythefuckhome, that we had to believe in science, that reopening the economy in the midst of the pandemic would be a stupid decision, and that the Bolsonaro supporters that were organising rallies every week were idiots, are now praising the riots in America, making their own protests here (or, in some cases, supporting them on social media while keeping themselves safe in their homes), and talking about how fighting racism should be prioritised over fighting the virus.

>> No.15530117

Agreed. So where would you draw the line? Which "amount of injustice" justifies risking lives?

>> No.15530118

The absolute state of /lit/

>> No.15530121

No one is replying to you because you wrote too much

>> No.15530130

And fentanyl and meth in his system.

>> No.15530134

Here's police doing the exact same thing to a white man several years ago, by the way. No one heard about it or gives a fuck because it doesn't fit the media narrative.

>> No.15530151

I live in the UK and not even London and there were big protests about US police brutality. Do you really think this were productive or achieved anything. The whole situation has gone too far, what McDonalds or Microsoft think of black lives matter is irrelevant but you know if they didn't come out and support it then you would have morons on twitter accusing them of being racist. this whole situation isn't genuine or sincere people just want to virtue signal and not get called racist and be able to put others down by calling them racist.

>> No.15530164

His pic is also distracting. I can't help but imagine Viper himself typing this.

>> No.15530170

You'll cowards don't even loot target

>> No.15530185

The narrative is as much about police brutality as it is about race issues (at least where I live). I don't get your point though. Are you suggesting people should have protested then? Or were you saying that they are stupid to protest now?

The virtue signaling is a valid point, as is the culture of calling people "racist" and stretching the term until it means nothing anymore. But about the protests: there were protests in my country as well, but they weren't about the US, they were protesting the fact that systemic racism (and sexism) exists in our own police force, but this doesn't get any attention because it's not as excessive (yet) as in the US. The protests are productive. They bring attention to the problem, they get discussions going.

>> No.15530209


>Literature forum

>> No.15530215

Imagine still supporting "Democracy" after all this lol, the herd can be made to believe anything. The 20th century should've taught us this but no one listened apparently.

>> No.15530218

I hate americans so fucking much, this shit literally happened already in like 3 different countries but one black dude gets killed and you think its the end of the world like stfu american im here in the thirdworld 3 months ahead of you. SPOILER: you are going to get anything for the blm thingy and people are just going to stay home when: 1) they get corona or 2) they get bored of it. Riots dont do shit but i dont know what the fuck do they expect by protesting, you cant change people mindset like that.

Enjoy the end of YOUR world fag

>> No.15530234

These threads are always interesting because it delves into the distinction between those that respect a human life and those that have been brainwashed into not. How can anyone believe the discussion is legitimate when the parties are coming from completely different fundamental presuppositions? It's rather impressive how /pol/ destroys the last shreds of humanity of people posting about LITERATURE.

>> No.15530241

>they bring attention to the problem
That's nothing. Getting a single reform bill passed would already do way more good than getting tweets and headlines. But disorganised rioting masses can't do such a thing; you'd need an organised movement with clear objectives. All these protests are achieving is getting people who already aren't racist to say "black lives matter".

>> No.15530249

there is nothing wrong with being a racist

>> No.15530260

More info about the anime?

>> No.15530291

Well when you have a racist's morality, then of course racism is okay, are you retarded? Retard morality is okay, but youre still retarded.

>> No.15530300

Didn't say there was. I just dislike shallow people, and judging others based on factors they can't change (race, nationality) rather than on factors they can change (racism, empathy) is about the most shallow thing you can do.

>> No.15530313

Why is evolution so terrifying to you people?

>> No.15530331

>if you don't believe the death of a black man is reason enough to protest, even in times of corona, then you might actually be a racist.

If you are actually implying that black people and antiracists have a civic duty to gather in large groups and shout for days on end in an unprecedented global pandemic, YOU might actually be a racist hell-bent on killing everyone else. This shit is smallpox blankets all over again.

>> No.15530340

If evolution were real and functional, do you really think it would result in your birth?

>> No.15530551
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dindu nuffin

>> No.15530591

>The narrative is as much about police brutality as it is about race issues (at least where I live)
no it isn’t

>> No.15530624

>denying evolution to own the nazis
You hate to see it.

>> No.15530647

the protests have broken my mind in ways i still can't comprehend. i DESPISE police and i'm sympathetic to the struggles of the black community, but i just can't take the CONSTANT DEMAND for me to think and act certain ways. every time i hear the phrase "silence is violence" i just want to respond "shut up nigger." i won't go full /pol/ and condemn the riots as the beginning of a race war, but it's troubling nonetheless. the blacks want slavish devotion to their cause, that much is certain.
>I'm tired of the arrogance of the common man.
exactly how i feel. it's viscerally disgusting to me that random jaekwons and shaqinas think they actually have something important to say and have mass audiences of white people listening in hushed reverence. i feel like all of the virtues i've tried to cultivate across my life--intellectual humility, careful consideration of information, independence of thought, actual empathy rather than blind sympathy--have evaporated from the face of this earth. there's just no reference point for my mind anymore. up is down, left is right, retards are geniuses and geniuses are scum.

just end it already. i'm reminded of when abraham convinced god that if He could find five virtuous people in sodom He should spare the city, and He couldn't. that's exactly how i feel. i'd be surprised if there was a single person worthy of life on this planet. i'd send myself to hell just for the assurance that there was some justice in this universe

>> No.15530658

>the civil war was about states rights!

>> No.15530677

The right of states to determine whether slavery should be legal. I don't see a problem with this.

>> No.15530699

>the blacks want slavish devotion to their cause, that much is certain.
I'm not convinced that this is true. Certainly, this shit is important to them, especially as you get into more fucked up urban settings. But the aggressive "support everything I say unequivocally or you're a racist" shit only comes from high-profile mouthpieces and posturing whites in my experience.

>> No.15530711

The internet has caused the entire world to become a hive mind, so those few corporations who have the power to influence the internet now control the world.

>> No.15530724
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neets will inherit this world

>> No.15530751

perhaps, but the tide is turning in that direction. i mean, look at how literally every company has donated millions to BLM and other justice groups. it's not out of the goodness of their hearts; it's just insurance to make sure their shit doesn't get kicked in.

maybe you're right. hopefully you're right. but from what i've seen from my acquaintances here in MA, there's no tolerance for diverting opinions.

>> No.15530770

>up is down, left is right, retards are geniuses and geniuses are scum.

>tfw Wimp-Lo is the most pithy allegory for every earnest man throughout history.

>> No.15530784

K tell me where I live, idiot

>> No.15530794

lmao had to look that up but that's hilarious. pretty much where we're at now

>> No.15530814

The Public and it's Problems by John Dewey warns about the technocratic threat to democracy where experts not only solve problems but also define the people's problems for them. He says that although experts may be needed to solve problems, problems can only be discovered through public discourse and debate. Unfortunately, public debate no longer exists in any real sense, because no one listened to Dewey and instead the anti-democratic ideas of Walter Lippmann won out. We took the easy road of deferring to hierarchies of experts who whip society into uniform action to serve an unaccountable oligarchy.

Now people lie about what they really believe, even what they see with their own eyes, because they are afraid of being honest. They're manipulated into compliance through fantasy, and if that doesn't work they're harassed and doxxed into compliance. The only solution is radical honesty, speaking truth to power, debasing the currency.

>> No.15530815

> This is why god doesn't talk to us anymore, on the off chance he was ever real; because even truth itself is coveted as an object.
Dafuq is this schizo tier shit? Take your meds

>> No.15530826
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>I tried to explain my confusion to my girlfriend and she called me a racist
you can be honest here on this jamaican jigaboo jamboree, anon
she's right, isn't she

>> No.15530842

>intellectual humility
>I feel like the only virtuous man in Sodom, I'm the single person worthy of life on this planet

Anon, I don't know you personally, but it sounds like you're a very jealous, spiteful person with delusions of grandeur who (somehow) feels like the world owes him something. Since you bring up the Bible, it has great wisdom if you read it carefully. Love your fellow people, don't judge others while burdened with your own prejudices, don't throw the first stone. If you are actually as empathetic as you portray yourself, then the negative behaviour of others shouldn't influence yours. Try to work on yourself before taking on the world.

>> No.15530884

The internet was a mistake.

>> No.15530893

Not Baudrillard, he's the poster child for apolitical fags who do nothing but read theory all day

>> No.15530912

>is a literal imbecile. A literal imbecile, not as in "I don't like him", but as in "he noticeably has a two digit IQ and I doubt he ever read a book in his life".

Any idiot can see Trump isnt stupid. Keep reading your books faggot, you will never get it.

>> No.15530921

>then you might actually be a racist.
Do you realise there are actually large groups of people who not only open claim to be racist, but who are proud of it and yes, we belong to a superior minorty.

>> No.15530928


>> No.15530943

go to bed peterson, individualism is nonsense

>> No.15530949

I think I did fine

Was The Metamorphosis Schizo tier? If you can't tell when I'm being real and when I'm using metaphor, that makes you the schizo

>> No.15530973

How did you get that from my post? I said I dont think there's a single virtuous person on earth and I feel deserving of hell. And just because I've tried to cultivate virtue doesnt mean I've succeeded. Not only do I feel like I've failed, I feel like the very virtues I've been pursuing have become a thing of scorn.

But essentially you're right. I want to accept Christ and dont know why I haven't been able to.

>> No.15530979
File: 69 KB, 720x406, biglebowski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, stupid is not the correct nomenclature. Low information voter, please.

>> No.15530986

Me, personally? I think the murder of George Floyd was a tragedy and the protests are completely justified.

>> No.15531001

one does not follow from the other

>> No.15531004


>> No.15531019

The bible?

>tell him "ACAB" and I'm sure he will simply laugh and cite initial sin (Eve eating the apple)
>This is why god doesn't talk to us anymore, on the off chance he was ever real; because even truth itself is coveted as an object.

>> No.15531040

>Me, personally? I think the murder of George Floyd was a tragedy and the protests are completely justified.

When an innocent and good person gets killed and nobody cares its a tragedy, when a piece of criminal scum gets killed through a drug overdose and then gets turned into a hero, its a farce.

>> No.15531064

Using counterfeit money means you are criminal scum that deserves to be killed?

>> No.15531081
File: 38 KB, 600x600, af1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are saying a viper pic is a distraction and this negro over here is getting away with elder scrolls terminology

>> No.15531082

>I belief the official story.

Seriously. your on 4chan, just dig.

>> No.15531083

>I said I dont think there's a single virtuous person on earth and I feel deserving of hell.
You are basically right. Everyone is a sinner. The whole world is on the path to hell. This is why we need the grace of Christ in our lives. Because we can't do it by ourselves.

>> No.15531096

>thinking that use of drugs automatically makes someone a bad person
Gotta get your ethics and trite justifications in check bro. Stop dog whistlin'.

>> No.15531107

>I belief the official story and refuse to look further.

Please anon, just go to reddit.

>> No.15531111

bad bait, but have a (you) anyway

>> No.15531112

he based

>> No.15531119

please anon go back to /pol/

>> No.15531123

He's talking about Bolsonaro.

>> No.15531126

>bad bait, but have a (you) anyway
Seriously, do you have any kind of argument why a ugly ghetto nigger with a long criminal record dying from a drug overdose is somehow a tragedy?

He isnt good, noble, beautiful etc, so why do you care?

>> No.15531134

>please anon go back to /pol/
Seriously, why not dig into whats going on, why not question what you are being told.

>> No.15531151

Absolutely yes.

>> No.15531154

I've heard the otherside, at a certain point his death doesn't actually matter. People are getting gassed and beaten across the entire country. If police brutality wasn't obvious when a cop had a knee on a dudes neck for 8 minutes, it's obvious now.


>> No.15531162

>I've heard the otherside, at a certain point his death doesn't actually matter. People are getting gassed and beaten across the entire country. If police brutality wasn't obvious when a cop had a knee on a dudes neck for 8 minutes, it's obvious now.
Alright, now why do you care this nigger died, I seriously want to know, whats it to you that some goddam ugly, ghetto nigger died.

Why? Just try and awnser this.

>> No.15531167

Anon, do look up the facts please. There's no systemic racism in the US (which is their main protest). If blacks are killed at higher rates by policemen is only because they commit a very high and disproportionate amount of crime, thus are more prone to fatal encounters with the police. Besides, only 10 unarmed blacks were killed last year in the US. 10. In a country with approximately 325000000 people.

This is just a fucking lie and EVERYBODY worldwide is buying into it. The west is fucking dead.

>> No.15531180

It sparked a fight against the police state that has been systematically oppressive, violent, and expensive.

>> No.15531181

What country is the least like this, wanna move out of the USA desu and what you just described is one of the major reasons why

>> No.15531186

You're stupid. It's nos against "police" per se. They're making it about blacks. Everywhere. It's about "white supremacy" for them. If you don't know this at this point then I don't know where the fuck do you live, under a rock? This is about a narrative that is COMPLETELY FUCKING FALSE (that of systemic racism, white supremacism, etc.)

>> No.15531199

>It sparked a fight against the police state that has been systematically oppressive, violent, and expensive.
1. The American state is not oppressive, violent of "expansive"? Thats something you made up.
2. You admit you dont personally care about the life of this ghetto scum.
3. You arent against oppression and violence, because you support blm and antifa.

In reality you support the riots because the media tells you to do so and because you hate yourself and society and want to see it destroyed.

>> No.15531210

1% of the us population is in prison. 2/3 of the prison population are minorities. Minorities are 30% of the population. There is systemic racism within the system. Your entire argument is based on the fact that they "commit" more crime, without acknowledging that those laws were designed in a way to target minorities. Cocaine/Crack guidelines for example. The entire war on drugs. Blindness is a side effect of the redpill.

>> No.15531215

>systematically oppressive, violent, and expensive.

You seem to have a very low bar for all of these. Has a single rioter even been killed or seriously hurt, despite them burning and looting 30 city centres? Do you want the police to just go home and let them burn everything to the ground?

Let's take for granted that the death of George Floyd was a crime. Fine, let the police officers in question be held accountable. What you're trying to do, however, is justify a violent uprisings on a bunch of baseless presuppositions about the system.

>> No.15531216

>There is systemic racism within the system.
No, blacks are just dumber and more violent.

>> No.15531225

Has anyone here actually ever changed their opinion on something through an argument they had on 4chan?

>> No.15531233

>Has anyone here actually ever changed their opinion on something through an argument they had on 4chan?
Yes, I switched my rhetoric from going against the left, to going against major corporations and the christian churches.

>> No.15531237

>Your entire argument is based on the fact that they "commit" more crime, without acknowledging that those laws were designed in a way to target minorities.
Anon. They commit 50% of VIOLENT CRIME. Not talking about minor offenses, not talking about smoking pot. VIOLENT crime.
>According to the US Department of Justice, African Americans accounted for 52.5% of all homicide offenders from 1980 to 2008, with Whites 45.3% and "Other" 2.2%.

Yes, my entire argument is based on the fact that they commit more VIOLENT crime, which they do. The 13:50 ratio stands. Please again LOOK UP THE GOD DAMN FACTS. I'm not even natsoc or anything like that but the entire narrtive is just totally blown out of proportion. Systemic racism? In a country where Bank of America just donated a billion dollars to BLM? Where every institution is supporting BLM and giving statements against an unexisting white supremacism? Where do these people live? Where you have dozen of affirmative action laws and diversity quotas of all kinds?

>> No.15531251

There's videos of police beating elderly people, you ignoramus.

>> No.15531256

>participating in drug culture and financing organized crime doesn't make me a bad person

>> No.15531270

>those laws were designed in a way to target minorities
>the world is designed to hurt me because of my skin colour
>even though there's positive discrimination laws
>even though I'm constantly victimised by the media
kek. it's a fucking conspiracy theory.

>> No.15531271

lol my opinion has been changed. This wikipedia article has shown me the way. I now hate niggers, defund schools, fund cops. People are inherently bad based on their skin color instead of societal factors. Thanks anon. Wow. Cool. New world view.

>> No.15531277

when you look up unarmed killings, it’s very clear blacks are killed at a much higher rate

>> No.15531279

Yeak I knew. You were okay with debating facts until you suddenly realized you were wrong so now you just try to mock me. I wouldn't even care if it was about you, an anonymous 4chan poster. But it's FUCKING EVERYONE now. Everyone has this disregard for what is fucking truth and what's not. They're just mindlessly buying into conspiracy theories. Whether is George Soros destroying the west, "white supremacism" (a conspiracy theory), etc. The west is fucking crazy and I hope the worse for it.

>> No.15531292

>A comprehensive examination of the 100-to-1 crack versus powder cocaine sentencing disparity under which distribution of just 5 grams of crack carries a minimum 5-year federal prisonsentence, while distribution of 500 grams of powder cocaine carries the same 5-year mandatory minimum sentence.

The shit is literally on the books, the only reason the law doesn't say NIGGERS on it is because of the 14th amendment. It has to be neutral on it's face. Read some case law.

>> No.15531293

Because the author was correct about basically everything and its a good book to start the blackpill with

>> No.15531294

10. 10 unarmed blacks were killed last year.

>> No.15531295

>lol my opinion has been changed. This wikipedia article has shown me the way. I now hate niggers, defund schools, fund cops. People are inherently bad based on their skin color instead of societal factors. Thanks anon. Wow. Cool. New world view.

I have a tip for you, instaid of hiding yourself under layers of false sarcasm, why not actually study the problem and actually try and understand what someone else is trying to say.

Blacks are a dumber and more violent human subgroup, period.

>> No.15531298

You mean the guy that got in the face of advancing riot cops and they pushed him over? I don't care.

>> No.15531301

sorry anon but this makes no damn sense, why would you have someone read Critique first, and Simulacra last, and Passwords at all, and never Symbolic Exchange and Death

>> No.15531302

>Blacks are a dumber and more violent human subgroup, period.
Oh I see. Hmm.... I think you are trying to say that blacks are dumber and more violent and using statistics to make the conclusion you want.

>> No.15531308

Of course you don't care, you're a sociopath.

>> No.15531310

>The west is fucking crazy and I hope the worse for it.
Oh yes, and it will get crazier, expect war not that far away, you can just sense it, everything from Covid to this is literally not real, its all mass hysteria, no doubt the same thing happened in Germany and Russia before madmen took over. Enjoy the ride! Society is going to explode!

>> No.15531314

1 is too many

>> No.15531318

>Oh I see. Hmm.... I think you are trying to say that blacks are dumber and more violent and using statistics to make the conclusion you want.
Thats the other anon, but it doesnt matter, you wont accept whats just in front of you. You will never accept that blacks are just more dumb and more violent then the average White person, because that would mean you would have to accept there are other people who are better then you and this you will never accept.

I pity you really.

>> No.15531322

So I take it you would encourage your grandparents to attend a protest where they might be hit with rubber bullets, tear gas, or be shoved around by riot police? I'm not a sociopath, I'm simply being reasonable.

>> No.15531325

you seem really stressed out anon, why don’t you try I don’t know, maybe reading a book?

>> No.15531329

anyone with an IQ above 130

>> No.15531331

What? The OP is a straight-up retard. Has to be said.

>> No.15531333

1 is too many. 10 is too. But not 1 nor 10 is genocide. It's not white hunting down blacks. It's bad cops having a cognitive bias against blacks BECAUSE EVERYDAY OF THEIR LIVES THEY SEE THEM COMMIT MORE CRIME.
If the left was a little bit more serious, they would say that the real problem is disproportionate poverty among black people. Because that is the problem. Poverty, marginalisation, which in turn generate crime and violence. But of course saying that would open the door to recognise that MORE WHITE PEOPLE ARE POOR IN THE US THAN BLACK PEOPLE. So racial policies wouldn't make sense. Only one equal policy against poverty, whatever the race. Of course, that doesn't fit the narrative of "white supremacism" so let's just stick to the "black genocide" by white cops.

>> No.15531334

We had something similar in the Netherlands where some leftwing dude of 70+ tried to attack a rightwing protester with a knife and then got pushed over and broke his hip. Children, old people, animals and woman simply dont belong there.

>> No.15531341

Oh I do read anon. I read quite a lot. It would probably surprise you to know that I have love reading leftist authors all my life, especially marxists. That's probably why I don't buy into dumb conspiracy theories.

>> No.15531348

It's your own fault for being a normie.
>muh girlfriend
Fuck off.
I left humanity behind 10 years ago. I haven't taken others seriously in a decade.
You're too stupid to understand this but you will never find solace or refuge in others. There is nothing they can offer you and you are fundamentally alone in the universe. There's your redpill. We live alone and we die alone. There is nothing in life that matters except for your own strength, and that too will ultimately fade and leave you. But while it is present, it's the only thing you can ever control or count on.

>> No.15531351

>you can't use anecdotal evidence because it doesn't count
>you can't use historical evidence because history is eurocentric and racist or something
>you can't use statistical evidence because I don't like it
>but you must accept the idea that the brain is completely detached to genetics. No I don't need to prove anything, I'll just socially shame you if you don't sing along

>> No.15531356

>You will never accept that blacks are just more dumb and more violent then the average White person
I don't agree, but by your argument so are half of all white people.

>> No.15531368

Are you encouraging that the elderly shouldn't have a say in any of this and condoning police basically acting just like the niggers?

>> No.15531372

Can you give some recs?

>> No.15531401

I'm saying they should be aware of their frail constitution and not unnecessarily put themselves in harm's way. It's not just police either, they're in danger from their fellow "protestors." Hell, an elderly person shouldn't be around any crowds at all given the coronavirus pandemic.

>> No.15531423

The actual statistic is much worse than 13:50.
13% include all African Americans - this means everything from little girls to 90 year old grannies.

Obviously most violent crime is not being committed by women, the elderly, or children.
When we're talking about violent crime we're really talking about a subset of that 13%, say black males between 18-35 for example.
At that point, you are actually talking about 3% (three percent) of the population that is committing about 50% of violent crime.

>> No.15531439

okay, then how do we solve the problem of such uneven distributions?

>> No.15531447


>> No.15531449


you can't even argue in good faith - get the fuck off this board. you're disgusting, you are actively contributing to the destruction of any civil society left. you will be first against the wall

>> No.15531452

There's no excuse for some of the police behaving how they do. Elderly people sometimes get hysterical when they think there is global hysteria; it's not a good reason to shove them around like assholes. Your reasoning is completely ass-backwards bullshit.

>> No.15531453

>sorry anon but this makes no damn sense, why would you have someone read Critique first, and Simulacra last, and Passwords at all, and never Symbolic Exchange and Death

>> No.15531467

By actually going to the root of the problem: widespread poverty and marginalisation. However, if you want to attend poverty, it's only fair that you do it with all poor people regardless of their race. In brute numbers, there's still more white people in poverty than blacks. The structural disadvantage is there for both whites and blacks and other ethnicities as well, like native americans (probably the only ethnicities which are totally privileged are jews and asians in America). But that means you ditch the bullshit about white supremacism and you start doing something for the people left behind in America. Of course you won't do it because you don't care about any of that, it's only your sick, demented and awful racial narrative what you want to push further.

>> No.15531497

That depends on who you ask.
White nationalists say create an ethnostate/ship them back to Africa.
Leftists somewhat absurdly blame "systemic racism" and claim the problem will go away on its own once that is fixed.
Centrists tend to blame "black culture" and tell the black community to get it under control.

>> No.15531500

It isn't my chart ask the other anon

>> No.15531503

You want police, who are trying to secure a dangerous situation, to bend over backwards to accommodate fragile elderly people who shouldn't be there in the first place. Maybe they can deal with it softly, maybe they can't. Situations like that are a powder keg and if they end up shoving someone around, tough shit. You should have stayed home. The world isn't a fucking pillow or whatever the hell you think it is.

>> No.15531512

I bet they don't act like that in areas where everyone is packing. The problem stems from the cities being hellholes where everyone is dependent on the police and the police know they can do whatever they want with barely any consequences.

>> No.15531520

police have been gassing and beating for people throwing an empty water bottle at a cop in full riot gear. It's only a dangerous situation because the cops start riots.

>> No.15531530

Is it really that hard to not antagonize the police?
Why go out looking for an ass-kicking and then act shocked when you get one?

>> No.15531531
File: 29 KB, 500x500, 71KxyLTJvnL._SS500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's because gregor was on drugs
Amazing there are people in this thread who think they'd know if I was baking. You can take a toke every time the uncle in >>15529820 goes to the bathroom and he's not going to know. And I know this because his job will periodically put him on a lie detector test, where if he ever admits to even fraternizing with someone who was smoking weed, he's put on leave, even in states where it's legal. Meanwhile there are anons in the thread who probably can't even pass a Turing test. Meanwhile brutality is ignored, etc. These are your police department's priorities.

>It's a poor problem not a black problem
Even if news undersells the degree to which this is economic it's senseless to be a race eliminativist. It's not like Jews having money stopped the Holocaust. There are privileges besides the economic.

>> No.15531534


>> No.15531540

you dont. black americans in usa have become a very distinct cultural group. if you try force change on them they will react negatively because they will see it as an infringement on their culture and way of life. america is fucked and will have to deal with race riots its entire existence.

>> No.15531551

>It's not like Jews having money stopped the Holocaust. There are privileges besides the economic.
yeah but you're skipping the fact that there no modern day progroms. Blacks are not being lynched and their business destroyed by white people; if any, they're doing that to themselves. Don't compare the black situation to the jewish situation in the 30s because it only shows how fucking ignorant or delusional you are

>> No.15531562

lol in other cities curfew happened and they gassed too without provocation.

>> No.15531565

City police are notorious for being harassing douchebags. Most people don't antagonize them first.

>> No.15531569

How do they know it's a water bottle? They could be throwing bottles of acid or piss or who knows what. Maybe you shouldn't throw things at riot police. Just a thought.
>curfew happened
>without provocation.
Staying past the curfew is provocation. Go home or get sent home, idiot.

>> No.15531574

jaw-droppingly retarded posts. the discord's not sending their best

>> No.15531581

I think all cops tend to be douchebags.
That being said, I don't go out of my way to throw shit at them.
But then again I do have a very high IQ so maybe not everyone can understand this level of sophistication.

>> No.15531582

My city did this and it nipped the riots in the bud. The cities that let people stay out after curfew are the ones getting destroyed.

>> No.15531592
File: 10 KB, 278x269, EXna9fnU4AEdIWy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ahmaud Arbery, jogging down the street

>> No.15531598

>I think all cops tend to be douchebags.
Which is ultimately what the protests are about. It's not so much the police, but the system that's obviously allowing this problem to develop and go on.

Granted, city police don't have easy jobs... but only in certain countries. There's countries where city police don't have even half as difficult a job. Obviously, there's a problem with how certain cities (and ultimately, certain countries) are run.

>> No.15531601

>yeah but you're skipping the fact that there no modern day progroms
Mexicans are in camps getting sprayed with HDQ Neutral every fifteen minutes (manufactured by "spartan chemicals"). Your mindset is that of someone who doubted corona simply because enough people hadn't died yet. If a white man will cross the street when he sees a black coming towards him consider the degree to which blacks already isolate themselves from cops, and how this flattens the curve on your statistics.

>> No.15531606

pic is me

>> No.15531612

There is no thematic unity to these "protests."
They seem to be a cacophony of group-guilt vigilantism, anarchy, and the most abject propaganda.

>> No.15531615

>Granted, city police don't have easy jobs... but only in certain countries.
Countries with lots of black people.

>> No.15531621

You know what? Eat my shit. Fuck you. Fuck joggers. I don't care that he died. He was not some good boy who dindu nuffin. He was arrested in 2013 with his friends trying to steal a tv. He was probably involved in more shit, but they never advertise these facts, because these crime-ridden niggers who the police kill have to be associated with the actual worthwhile blacks to somehow be worth speaking up for. I'm glad all of them are being depopulated. Both of my brothers have gone to jail for doing stupid shit, and if one of my brothers was killed by a police, my first assumption would not be that he was doing nothing wrong and he was a good boi. I would assume he was doing something retarded again. I don't care what the fuck they feel like, I want all joggers dead or away from me. I hope we continue to empower police to brutalize these "people".

>> No.15531623

second for the anime version, if it's any good

>> No.15531624

>Which is ultimately what the protests are about.
If that's really what the protests were about people wouldn't be chucking bricks and random passersby and proclaiming vague "fuck whitey" platitudes with no real coherent overarching end message. I wish they made it about cops but in the end it's just about getting free shit and breaking stuff like every other riot.

>> No.15531628

Man you really don't fucking know shit about the 30's don't you? The mexicans in camps are ILLEGAL MIGRANTS LOL. You can't say that these people are being persecuted to death when 1) they're not being lynched like I said by angry mobs, nor they are systematically exterminated; 2) they could really fucking avoid being put in camps if they didn't ilegally cross a border.
Na I never doubted Corona. It's people like you who gives a fuck about corona like you showed with all this BLM bullshit.
>If a white man will cross the street when he sees a black coming towards him consider the degree to which blacks already isolate themselves from cops, and how this flattens the curve on your statistics.
What sort of mental gymnastics is this? You're being totally counterfactual. You're suggesting that IF blacks had more encounters with the police then the statistics would actually show more unfair deaths to the police. You literally have no proof because you're speculating.
On the contrary, one DOES have proves of why whites would want to cross the street while meeting a black man. It is because, at the moment, 70% of interracial black-white crimes are Blacks on Whites. That's not speculative, it's not counterfactual, it's reality.

>> No.15531631

Damn I didn't realize joggers faced systemic oppression too. Way to love your brothers though.

>> No.15531638


Inaka Isha or Aoi Bungaku

>> No.15531648


>> No.15531655

>It's people like you who gives a fuck about corona like you showed with all this BLM bullshit.
Missing some words?

You know this is just a word for hypothetical, right? It's an acidemic term.

Withholding migrant citizenship in a democracy is both voter suppression and genocide.

>> No.15531662

pretty good answer desu

>> No.15531663
File: 24 KB, 625x626, thisisbait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Withholding migrant citizenship in a democracy is both voter suppression and genocide.

>> No.15531665

>X is notorious for being harassing BAD
I've heard this "argument" countless times from liberals trying to justify their own antagonistic behavior.
The whole cancel culture and MeToo are build on this tactic.

>> No.15531666

It is about cops. It is about police brutality. Look at the messages the protesters are sending. What platitudes policy makers are making without any change. The vast majority of the protests are nonviolent until cops start cop riots. And nonviolence isn’t going fix anything. It never has.

>> No.15531672

Reminder to anons in the thread that if you ever make a mistake, white or not, blood relative, this is what your nazi pals will think of you. Because nazi unity is itself a lie; really each one just thinka everyone but themselves is a nigger.

>> No.15531675

So smart people

>> No.15531681

To be quite honest I cannot conceive of a situation where my brother gets killed by a cop. Like I can't see him ever breaking the law or getting into a confrontation with a cop.

Blacks should act more white, then they wouldn't have so much trouble with cops.

Literature....right uhhh there's probably a book for this feel, right?

>> No.15531692

>You know this is just a word for hypothetical, right? It's an acidemic term.
You know science makes hypothesis on facts that can be seen and not on "what if's..." right?

>Withholding migrant citizenship in a democracy is both voter suppression and genocide.
Okay you're trolling. Or your crazy. Either way it's not worth my time.
Genocide was people who lived all their lives in a country being forcefully sent to death camps and exterminated. Or people being literally killed and removed on the base of their ethnicity.
Genocide was never puting someone who committed a crime WHICH HE COULD HAVE NOT COMMITED in a prison. Does that mean it's okay? No it doesn't. But it's not an intentional plan to kill someone on the base of their identity. It's jut not and you're crazy.
Bye bye. Good luck with your crazy and deranged world of conspiracies and identifying everyone you don't like as Hitler. It's crazy how everyone thinks like that these days. Donald Trump is not Hitler, neither "the Demokkraps" are. People has literally zero perspective and they're total ignorants. They're also significantly crazier than a few decades ago.

>> No.15531694

>types anon at social media 4chan on internet in some pc
Ultimate kek

>> No.15531695

I don't think you've been alive long enough to see too many riots but eventually you'll understand that riots and protests are about absolutely nothing. Protests don't get results and protesters don't believe in anything. It's a incontinent narcissistic release of emotion. It serves the same purpose as a fit.

>> No.15531700

it's also very much about white people. for many blacks cops == whites. there were calls to loot white business, calls for white people to apologise and so on. that one guy on CNN straight up telling that no white person is innocent and they all have a virus or disease or some other shit i cant remember. black people in america despise and hate whites and they always will.

>> No.15531701

Maybe instead of reading at the confort of your home you should offer to service jobs during the pandemic, i think that's the best way to get you informed

>> No.15531707

I love them and I think there's hope for them, but if they died the next day I would not go out on national television and make up a bunch of bullshit about their characters to make them look like genuinely innocent people who could never do wrong in their lives.
Eat my shit. Stop justifying criminality. I do not want to live in a society of criminals.

>> No.15531713

It was Tim Wise in CNN and he actually said something worse: white *children* should not have an innocent childhood. They should feel guilty since the day they're born. That's what he said.
Oh and our scientists said white supremacy is a disease and an epidemic which is worse than Coronavirus so is okay to go out, protest, and die of coronavirus.

>> No.15531731

A "mistake" is something you make without intention.
The vast majority of crimes are made with the explicit intention and foreknowledge of the immorality of the act. Stop misusing words.

>> No.15531736


>Okay you're trolling. Or your crazy. Either way it's not worth my time.
How did you get this right the first time and not the second? Are you high? Either way you're not as smart as you think you are.

It's genocide. Why kick people out of houses when you can just just stick them in projects? Why have a death camp when you get free slaves from jails? It's softcore but that itself is the camouflage.

>> No.15531741
File: 154 KB, 1639x647, HelloFellowWhitePeople.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It was Tim Wise in CNN and he actually said something worse: white *children* should not have an innocent childhood. They should feel guilty since the day they're born. That's what he said.
Daily reminder that /pol/ is always right.

>> No.15531747


>> No.15531748

Then have fun living by yourself.

>A "mistake" is something you make without intention.
Definition rejected

>> No.15531782

You don't even have a definition of mistake.

>> No.15531783

Have you ever heard of white flight? Whites have been "living by themselves" for decades.

>> No.15531803

A mistake is exactly what Stirner said it was. A deviation from one's true interests.

Your brothers were black then?

>> No.15531805

Countries with diversity, more like. People are different, and they have different needs and abilities, and the bottom line is that most people will never see eye to eye or be willing to cooperate with different perspectives and needs. Racially homogeneous countries do tend to have less of these issues because of this.

However, the pro-diversity types also have a point: through diversity, the world does become stronger. However, that diversity has to be maintained with proper borders and guidelines. It doesn't mean you can lump everyone into one city and expect the outcome to be jolly cooperation. It doesn't work like that, because everyone in that city is eventually met with the same expectations.

I think you're focusing on the troublemakers who are just using the protests as an excuse to riot. Protestors aren't rioters, these are two distinct groups.

>> No.15531812

Stirner was a mistake

>> No.15531817

He thinks better than you do.

>> No.15531828

Yeah but we can control those.

>> No.15531834

It's called "A Country Doctor" Decent for a book adaptation, especially about something not that narrative like Kafka

>> No.15531838

Your semantics will get you nowhere, the fact of the matter is that the majority of whites are stable and law-abiding citizens, while blacks are disproportionately not so.

>> No.15531867

Pure idiocy actively detrimental to the discussion
This thread is already shit without you retards. You are not needed. Fuck off

>> No.15531870

Suit yourself. Meanwhile I'm watching people get divorced on my highschool reunion facebook page.

>> No.15531875

>if you think corona is real you are a media brainwashed normie leftie
>if you think the protests aren’t muh evil nigger rioters you are a leftie
daily reminder that /lit/ is full of Americans, and like all Americans, have retarded reactionary worldviews instead of actual political views. Sage all American made threads

>> No.15531891

lmao are you retarded?
the majority of americans are pathetic slaves to guilt of something they didn't do. And if they're exporting something, it's that leftist guilt, not reactionary worldviews. Have you seen the protests around the west? Are you stupid or what?

>> No.15531902

>the majority of americans are pathetic slaves to guilt of something they didn't do.
You fell for propaganda.

>> No.15531915

>white *children* should not have an innocent childhood. They should feel guilty since the day they're born.
I'm not kidding, if I were an American, the black militancy would probably make me a racist. And I am not just not racist, but pro-diversity.

>> No.15531919

no, you fell for the propaganda of fascism on the rise and all of that MSM crap.
there are protests in almost all white suburbs & towns where there had never been. the attendance is massive. so it is in many parts of Europe such as France or the Netherlands. I don't get it though, you should be glad with this situation. I think that some radical leftists like you don't want to admit that their ideology is mainstream, because that would mean admitting they're not a threat to the system.

>> No.15531925 [DELETED] 

that post is probably Pynchon

>> No.15531927

>He was probably involved in more shit
Damning evidence from Anon.

>> No.15531941

that last post is probably Pynchon

>> No.15531952


>> No.15531962

Pynchon is based?

>> No.15531968

Based on facts

>> No.15531990

>I think you're focusing on the troublemakers who are just using the protests as an excuse to riot. Protestors aren't rioters, these are two distinct groups.
>two distinct groups
They really aren't. Every single person out there is out there because they think they're the protagonist in a movie. They are pathological. There is not a single person there that actually believes in anything.

>> No.15531995
File: 141 KB, 634x665, 1591002939715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he was involved in plenty of shit indeed

>> No.15532000

girl just died from the tear gas and another dude got a fractured skull from a direct hit and the medic who was carrying him got his hands nearly burnt off. These are just the two specific instances I remember from the past few days. I have seen many many many more videos and pictures of injuries.

With the current system you cannot hold police offers accountable for their actions. Police unions protect them from both civil and criminal liability 99% of the time. The only reason the officers in floyds case were charged is because the entire country rioted.

>> No.15532033

The number of Americans who feel any kind of virtual guilt like you're saying is far lower than you or the media or the education system makes it out to be. 330 million people live in America. I'd be surprised if even 1% of that feel anything like this.

>> No.15532063

That's kind of obviously false. Even if it's all the exceptions you'll allow, there are at least
1) Credulous simpletons who idolized civil rights leaders
2) People who were socially pressured by friends/family/neighbors who are pathological or think they're the protagonist in a movie and would harm anyone they knew without an appropriate excuse
3) Genuine bad-faith actors who are participating for the sole purpose of creating havoc with no repercussions
and almost certainly at least one in the country
4) genuine bad-faith actor willing to pose as a protester to make other protesters look bad.

I don't think organized protest is a useful thing for much of anything, personally, but blanket dismissal of all individuals in a set, regardless of how misguided you think they are en masse, is intellectually dishonest.

>> No.15532101

Wow, you are a complete idiot.

>> No.15532117

>Credulous simpletons who idolized civil rights leaders
Narcissists trying to propel themselves onto the public stage
>People who were socially pressured by friends/family/neighbors who are pathological or think they're the protagonist in a movie and would harm anyone they knew without an appropriate excuse
Narcissists who want to preserve their place in the social order
>Genuine bad-faith actors who are participating for the sole purpose of creating havoc with no repercussions
Emotionally incontinent narcissists who derive pleasure from lashing out
>genuine bad-faith actor willing to pose as a protester to make other protesters look bad.
These don't exist and on the off chance that they do, the above can also be applied

>> No.15532191

So now you've changed positions to "they're all narcissists." That may be, to the extent that everyone everywhere is kind of self-obsessed. But"
>people who are out because they face immediate threats from zealous neighbors think they are the protagonist in a movie.
> People who actually just want to steal shit are identical to ideological zealots in motivation
> Ideological zealots do not believe in anything

These are implications you have actually made. You might want to consider your words so that what you post is what you actually mean. Obviously the cost of sorting out your thoughts by diarrhea-ing across a (mostly) off-topic thread on an anonymous image board is low, so do what you want. I'm just saying your position as stated is either unclear or stupid.

>> No.15532223

>So now you've changed positions
I haven't changed any position you fucking retard. These people ARE self obsessed. There are no ideological zealots. There are people who PRESENT themselves as ideological zealots in an effort to increase their social standing. These people will do ANYTHING to increase their social standing, which is why the people who want to keep their place in the social order follow along. These people really don't believe in anything. If you'd have ever held a conversation with these types you'd notice that they have no discernible personality traits.

>> No.15532265

>If you'd have ever held a conversation with these types you'd notice that they have no discernible personality traits.
look harder in the thread

>> No.15532300
File: 889 KB, 662x708, you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have nothing of any substance to say