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/lit/ - Literature

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15528951 No.15528951 [Reply] [Original]

Why does /lit/ hate Peterman?

>> No.15528970

Burned too bright in our age of social media. A little Peterson is fine. The level of access to Peterson we got was too much. The type of "intellectual" that adapts well to the social media hellscape is not worth paying attention to.

>> No.15528980


>The type of "intellectual" that adapts well to the social media hellscape is not worth paying attention to

Absolute brainlet tier take. What the guy should've acted like a completely tech-illiterate retard? That would've won your respect for him? Lol

>> No.15528998

The people who actually act on his advice know he's based. The people who hate him just because he preaches self-help are just sad little creatures

>> No.15529012


My room has never been cleaner
nor has my benis

>> No.15529020

Not that bullshit advice. I mean his interpretation of the hero myth

>> No.15529077

We don't.

>> No.15529111


Are you implying the hero doesn't clean his room?

>> No.15529157

The hero fucks the room like the man he is

>> No.15529160

no, the hero makes his wife clean his room

>> No.15529259
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M-m-muh Lobsters

>> No.15529290
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He's retarded

>> No.15529321

yet he's provided his family with more money with his retardation than you ever will
keep being salty

>> No.15529331


>> No.15529453

stop talking shit

>> No.15529700


Peterson is not kosher, because he criticizes psychotherapy and cultural marxism.

>The type of "intellectual" that adapts well to the social media hellscape is not worth paying attention to

He was just too good at being a gutmensch. He thought that if he hung on long enough, someone else would take care of cultural marxism for him, and he could just shapeshift and pretend he hated it all along. But now he's too old and specialized to start over. He realized too late that his career would end in his own destruction and the extinction of his entire species. So he's walking the tightrope, using his celebrity to help as many people as possible without naming the Jew and thereby getting deplatformed.

>> No.15529716
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thought of himself as some "rebellious" intellectual rallying against the modern dogma. In reality he was just siphoning people back into the system through an alternate channel.

>> No.15529725

There are a lot of threads on /lit/ about right wing topics which open with some query about its unfavourable status. I would like some peace from the endless political proselytization that the Internet has become in the last few years.

>> No.15529739

you are distorting very strongly his words if you choose to put JBP next to his quote, instead of perhaps the SJWs he critiques

>> No.15529768
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>nooooooooo nooooooooooooo peterson IS actually rebelling against the system by telling me to wash up and fix myself he is telling me to nooooooo ignore his TPUSA takes that wont help anything and will jsut maintain the status quo nooooooooooooooooooooo

>> No.15529778

He's a pseud.

>> No.15529781
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I think the clothes are overpriced and you can get more interesting pieces from vintage/charity shops
Because he’s a self help guru and decent jungian psychologist larping as a philosopher that retarded redditors project importance onto because they’re too lazy to read any actual philosophy books. Peterson is not a bad guy and the hypocrisy of his breakdown is more tragic than anything else given how badly he was affected. He should only be discussed pertaining to things he actually understands the full scope of I.e. jungian psychology (which has its own flaws). Additionally, the cult of personality that surrounds him attributes a “rebellious” nature to him as defends the most established aspects of liberalism that led to the world in which we find ourselves, 1950s capitalism with a sprinkling of Christian moralism is not western civilisation. Moreover, he’s about the biggest shabbos goy there is.
tldr: Being better than modern leftists does not make you an insightful philosopher, anyone who disagrees is a tourist redditor

>> No.15529790


>> No.15529805

Peterson absolutely does not challenge the system’s basic values, he is deeply supportive of the liberalism that has come to dominate the entire world over the last 300 years. The only people with narrow enough perspectives on politics and society to consider Peterson rebellious do not understand that it’s been going wrong for far longer than Marx or women’s lib.

>> No.15529943
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The easiest way to tell if somebody has read serious philosophy in their life is the peterson test:

>you fully agree with peterson

You are young and have never read anything substantial. You yearn for a rolemodel and he scratches that itch. Alternatively you are a midwit and dont have the will power to ever ascend this lowly place

>you partly agree with peterson

You are independent enough to see flaws in his thinking. You barely delved into politics and philosophy, but enough so to adopt opposing world views.

>you post the ted k meme

You realise peterson is nothing but an entertainer. A mere clown with no original thought. A coward who is essentially justifying neoliberalism and meritocracy despite himself suffering from this system (zoloft monkey). His highest achievment was "owning" 18 year olds on camera. You do not only disagree- you think his entire world view is shallow and embarrassing. You are well read enough to realise that this guy is fundamentally wrong on nietzsche, freud, marx and other thinkers. So much so that he probably has not even read them. The alternative is even worse, he has read them but has a highschool level understanding. You realise that his world view is just his own sad little coping mechanism and not even a sophisticated one

>> No.15529952

chill nigga

>> No.15529962

We don't. He's based and certified /lit/. Read Maps of Meaning.

>> No.15529964

Peterson is not fundamentally wrong on Nietzsche. Existentialism is probably the one are of philosophy where he possesses actual competence.

>> No.15529972

Because he does little more than add an intellectual facade to the usual far right alpha male dominance hierarchy bullshit that incels flock towards

>> No.15530034
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>He thinks Jordan Peterson is far right

>> No.15530162

Help me guys i'm a brainlet
I like my "reddit and youtube-intelectuals", as you call them, like Peterson and Harris, but everytime i try to go to the roots and actually try to read philosophy, economics etc. books i just can't get through.

Am i condemned to be an eternal pseudo-intellectual only regurgitating already pre-digested pop-philosophy?

>> No.15530316
File: 80 KB, 1280x1143, 91DF36F0-EADB-4C76-BF89-525261C808F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jordan Peterson
>this is what leftists actually believe
One ok book and half a decade of reductive pseudery should be below your standards. It was certainly below /lit/‘s standards before all the quarantine tourists arrived.
If you can’t already see that your pop-philosophy ecelebrities are trash you’re hopeless.
At least try reading Plato, earlier philosophy is easier to digest for retards and it’s still high in value.
If you really still can’t then you’re either an NPC or very stupid.

>> No.15530465

he promotes self-discipline, which the average, self-hating, 4channel user abhors

>> No.15530508

He gives good personal advice and 12 rules is a good self-help book but his political opinions are very pro status quo thus people with radical political positions (reactionaries, marxists, fashcels, etc.) see him (correctly) as a gatekeeper.

>> No.15530643

he's entry level, dumb and pseud

>> No.15530669

He isn't far-right, but he ended up as a guru for far-right lol

>> No.15530694

He unironically sparked a flame inside of me. I'll never forget.

Unfortunately, you listen to a few people speak on the matters that he speaks and it becomes clear very quickly that the guy is kind of a psued when it comes to certain stuff. Especially Marxism and Post-Modernism.

>> No.15530730

I don't. His work pre-fame is quite interesting, Maps of Meaning is really strong work of Jungian psychology, I'd recommend people read it (most who criticize him haven't). His biggest problem is that his intellectual development hasn't really progressed for the last twenty years - pretty much everything of value he has said can be found in Maps of Meaning
This isn't a bad thing in of itself, plenty of academics ossify as they get older (Chomsky has been saying and writing the exact same things for nigh on 50 years and nobody much minds). However, Peterson's problem starts when he moves into the political/sociological field. He's quite blatantly severely under-read in these fields but instead of taking time to research the things he's talking about and adjust his thinking accordingly, he just waffles on like he's an expert.
He's not an idiot, just lazy and too stuck in his ways. The flattering mob that coalesced around him once he got famous didn't do him any favours in this regard. Too many sycophants calling him a genius and thanking him for saving their lives, and not enough people pushing him and thereby forcing him to develop. It seemed like his debate with Zizek was going to be a step in the right direction but his wife's illness, and eventually his own, soon put a stop to that. Who knows what kind of thinker he will be, if he ever emerges.

>> No.15530741

>That would've won your respect for him?

>> No.15530754


>> No.15530762

Hate is not /lit/

>> No.15530953

Nietzsche is the philosopher who was most influential to postmodernist thought. Skepsis for human nature, deconstructing meta narratives, admission of subjectivity and in general a more sociological and political scope for philosophical discussion. Peterson is opposed to all that, heck he does not even understand it

t. read nietzsche in german and am high IQ

>> No.15531196

This is what I was referring to by any figure that experiences success in the age of social media is no longer worth listening to. It has nothing to do with being a luddite, lol. The conversation around that individual becomes a cacophony of dick sucking and death threats. All subtlety goes out the window and their life becomes a spectacle. Pure performance art whether they like it or not.