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15529558 No.15529558 [Reply] [Original]

So pretty much African-Americans are the future of the western world and BLM is a second religiosity?

>> No.15529570

What? Did you even read it?

Spics are the neo-Germanics. Constantine and Christianity isn't the Second Religiousness, Augustus's conservative (note the little c) reforms to create a more efficient Imperial Ideology is the Second Religiousness. Blacks are completely irrelevant, they have no political power what so ever.

The Second Religiousness is going to be the Protestant version of Adrian Vermeule's garbage: wouldn't it be BASED and REDPILLED if the POPE said that RACISM was BAD and that BANKS were GOOD???? It's going to be Jesus the Woke Revolutionary.

>> No.15529590

The US is rotten at its core and it will become hispanic within years
Black population is decreasing and even more so is the marriage without other races, so it will probably wipe out the population
BLM is just the zeitgeist because everyone now is progressive and it will probably change, remember that 4 years ago everyone was super conservative and "own the libs" was the thing
I would be surprised if BLM will still be relevant within 10 years from now, the black panthers went away, every major group went away
Europe is a bit "oker" since the minority population will move out when their respective countries do better, it's nothing fancy really

>> No.15529630

Jesus the Woke Revolutionary for Capitalism and Global Neoliberalism, that is.

BLM isn't a thing currently. Blacks are pure biopower: they're a demographic cudgel. They traded humanity for privilege. It's why the reforms in policing are going to be even stricter on Whites, but not on Blacks. Nobody cares about Blacks, they exist solely to fuck over Whites. It should be noted before some smoothbrain enters the thread that "Whites" can include Asians, Hispanics, etc.

Hell, even Antifa isn't really a thing, it's just a loose system-defense response by privileged White kids looking to live out their power fantasies.

>> No.15529785

Jesus, Spengler and Spenglertards truly sound like Harry Potter/LOTR-type LARPing

>> No.15529885

How are blacks being used to fuck over Hispanics?

>> No.15529920
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We had this thread two days ago.

>So pretty much African-Americans are the future of the western world

No, though Africa may produce the next great culture. Probably won't though.

>BLM is a second religiosity?

If anything the return of the tradcaths and the arguments for catholic integralism are.

Oh it's you again.

>> No.15529928

"White" is a category people are put into by the System. Their specific ethnic and cultural distinctions are stripped away, leaving a productive class. High time preference, high IQ, high sociability, high respectability, punctual, nuclear families, etc. Whites are an ethnic group cultivated, they don't come about naturally (in absence of this cultivation you get Appalachians, Southerners, Mormons, Germans, Danes, Swedes, Frenchmen, Italians, Albanians, etc).

But really, there's no need for these people to be European, right? This is why Asians are just as guilty of Whiteness as Europeans, because "Whiteness" is an artificial category that really means "the people that are good to harvest taxes from". So, lump in Spics as well. You'll notice that because this system is unsustainable, the System must go across the globe, plucking up people and making them White.

But what about the people who can't be used as Whites? They're Black. Blacks exist as raw biopower. They're a weapon to kettle Whites into submission. Do what you're told, or you have to deal with the Blacks. Whites COULD solve the Black problem if the System wasn't holding them back, but then, without the System, Whites would also turn into all sorts of little ethnicities, and Blacks would starve to death (they're absolutely worthless as anything but biopower, even agriculture). Do note that just like Whiteness is cultivated, so is Blackness. Africans can engage in agriculture, Blacks cannot, because of this cultivation of Blackness.

So because of this, you can be Asian, European, or Hispanic and be White, and Blacks are used to fuck you over, as Blacks are there to keep Whites in line.

>> No.15529969

Reading these attempts to categorise the world in simple, mutually exclusive categories (right vs left, black vs white vs hispanic vs...) just shows how unable all of you are to deal with the world in its full complexity. The autistic person trying to make sense of the world develops a system of categorisation, tries desperately to fit everything in one of the boxes, and never even calls the system itself into question.

Reading books helps expand your views. A book can make you doubt your starting points and principles. Most of all, it can make you come to terms with complexity - you will always be unable to understand everything and make sense of everything, but you can at least accept that. You're on a literature forum, try to read some more, and stop embarassing yourself with the type of idiotic rants in this thread. >>15529785 is right, it's all very cringe.

>> No.15529974

>Reading books helps expand your views.

Yes, read Spengler.

>> No.15529990

Ah yes, Liberalism, the ideology of no ideology, the empire of no empire.

If you've ever wondered why there's no more "good philosophers", it's because of people like this illiterate here. He has a system, a very rigid categorization, and it's enforced at gunpoint and all else must be ignored. It's why he desperately doesn't want you to read or think, just turn your brain off bro, Liberalism has it handled, HIS categorizations are the only ones that are valid.

It's also why he's cripplingly unhappy, obese, and takes dozens of medications to deal with the side effects of his garbage ideology. But hey, at least you have Funko Pops, right?!

>> No.15529994

>the future belongs to the holy temple of boylove

Sure thing padre

>> No.15529996

I think I may have memed my dad into reading Spengler :(

>> No.15530005

the VIRGIN liberalism

the CHAD illiberalism

>> No.15530009

You've seemingly set up a mutually-exclusive category between closed-in categorization and open-world thinking.

>> No.15530149

Read the post again, calmly. Try to really process the words.

It makes sense that you would interpret it that way. You could just as well read it as me pointing out that, on a spectrum ranging from "closed-in categorisation" to "open-world thinking", the posts in this thread seem to lean very heavily towards the categorisation-side. Which in turn suggests conclusions about the position of the posters on another spectrum.

>> No.15530157


>> No.15530201

Did you miss the paragraph about why you should read more books?

>> No.15530252

>They traded humanity for privilege
Do you think they are fully aware of all the realities of that trade?

>> No.15530263

You never read Spengler

>> No.15530286

I did. But as I have read many books, I didn't let Spengler define my entire worldview. Will I now be categorised differently?

>> No.15530360

No, you didn't
You can try to lie to others on 4chan, but you can't lie to yourself
You saw some video or read some wikipedia articles

>> No.15530463

>remember that 4 years ago everyone was super conservative and "own the libs" was the thing
>>>/pol/ and don’t come back

>> No.15530696

You should read Spengler before you have an opinion on him and his works. It's pretty clear you haven't even so much as skimmed the wikipedia articles on him and are just getting upset because he's "conservative" (whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean).

No, firstly because most Blacks lack the IQ necessary to understand such a thing, and secondly because it wasn't a choice they consciously made, it was forced on them. After emancipation, 25% of all Blacks in the US died of starvation. The remaining 75% were given a choice: become biopower, or become White. By definition, all Blacks are the ones who chose (or had it chosen for them) to be biopower. From the moment they were dragged from their families by their kith and kin and sold to Jews to be shipped abroad, they had their humanity stripped from them and were made into tools.

It's honestly one of the greatest tragedies of Liberalism, and it just gets swept under the rug and ignored by Liberals and if you bring it up you're a Nazi racist KKKrethugliKKKan that wants to gas 6 million Jews.

>> No.15530733

Why do you project so hard lmao. Do you actually find it this hard to believe that I've read Spengler?

>getting upset because he's "conservative" (whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean).
I haven't voiced my opinion on Spengler at all, let alone called him conservative, so you tell me what it means.

>> No.15530764

>No, firstly because most Blacks lack the IQ necessary to understand such a thing, and secondly because it wasn't a choice they consciously made, it was forced on them. After emancipation, 25% of all Blacks in the US died of starvation. The remaining 75% were given a choice: become biopower, or become White. By definition, all Blacks are the ones who chose (or had it chosen for them) to be biopower. From the moment they were dragged from their families by their kith and kin and sold to Jews to be shipped abroad, they had their humanity stripped from them and were made into tools.
Anyway p sure Ozzy didn't write anything warranting this kind of fanfic. Better skim those Wikipedia articles again anon

>> No.15530773

So what's the solution then?

>> No.15530791

OP, take the amishpill, that's all I have to say.

>> No.15530861

At what level? The obvious answer is shipping the Blacks back to Africa, giving them their own chunk of North America and forcing them to fuck off to it, or genocide. None of those options are viable in the slightest, for the simple reason that the US lacks the will to actually do any of them. More importantly, even getting to the point where such actions could even be up for discussion is an entirely separate problem in and of itself, as the current system has absolutely no desire to change it. Blacks are Biopower for Neoliberalism, ZOG, The System, The Man, (((them))), the lizardmen, the Royals, whoever is currently in charge of the state of affairs by whatever label you choose. Why would they want to fix anything, when it's working as intended?

You can get bigbrain about how we're in the fall stage of civilization and are embracing KULTUR and blah blah blah but honestly that just sums up what everybody can patently see: the current state of affairs is because it's beneficial to those in power. The only thing we, as people without power, can do is make ourselves as comfy as we can and hope that we've positioned ourselves (or, more accurately, our descendants) will enough that they can get power when the time comes.

>> No.15530881

based and bioleninismpilled

>> No.15530920

this is why National Socialism is the biggest boogeyman of all time btw; jews and capitalists HAD to demonize it to make sure it never rose again because it poses a bigger threat to the status quo than any other ideology, even communism.

>> No.15530933

>No, though Africa may produce the next great culture. Probably won't though.

Are you for real?

>> No.15531887


>> No.15531907

Yes. It's a region that is not sacrificing its soul to the world-city to the extent that others are so it may retain whatever race it has. I'm skeptical that they'll get sufficiently organized, but I'm sure the Romans would be shocked to hear that the Gauls would be responsible for the rise of the Western soul as well.