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File: 416 KB, 748x489, 1591285363188[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15523555 No.15523555 [Reply] [Original]

Books on the phenomenon of woke capitalism?

>> No.15523569

Propaganda by Edward Bernays

>> No.15523582
File: 62 KB, 750x563, 14728592174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guys I know you hated us in '08 but we are cool now. right? right?

>> No.15523584

What about Propaganda by Jacques Ellul?

>> No.15523593

Good trips
The system has no ideology today, it has completely transcended it
It now runs only by it's own rules and reduces every thought to the compliance of those rules
Your convictions don't mean anything now, you will be catered to and integrated into the infinitely branching system

>> No.15523596

Read some Adorno

>> No.15523605

>you will be catered to
Mmmh cater this dick

>> No.15523625


>> No.15523647

>woke capitalism

It's just a form of advertising. It's not Nike's fault that Americans brought blacks, didn't take them back later, and now they're stuck with them and feel guilty about it.

>> No.15523773

>It's just a form of advertising
To what end?

>> No.15523795


>> No.15523852

Who is Wojak supposed to represent?

>> No.15523863

Manufacturing consent

>> No.15523875

The International Jew by Henry Ford

>> No.15523887
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>> No.15523888
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McAnarchy is peak cringe.

>> No.15523903
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>> No.15523906

Brands basically use everything from current situations to popular, dominant political views to advirtise their shit. You can see it in social media. Basically brands virtue signaling 24/7 with every instrument possible. The goal is obvious. Become the biggest brand and get all the money. Now that poeple want to validate their opinions by everything they can, having woke brands that share same opinions as you do is like having a daddy telling you "good, you did it right". People tend to think that this brands all have agenda and work with Illuminati or whoever made this but i think truth is this brands are run by the same people that read this shit aka victims. These same people are victims of total brainwashing and they run their twitter, facebook and instagram pages.

>> No.15523908

That is a must-read

>> No.15523912

Do you think there isn't gonna be entertainment or internet providers in the communist or fascist revolution (whichever you are into)?

>> No.15523927

>Do you think there isn't gonna be entertainment or internet providers in the communist or fascist revolution
Hopefully not. Shut them down. Linkola death squads

>> No.15523936

I think you misunderstand. All the corporate logos in the picture are "pro-revolution."

>> No.15523942

Profit or at least to avoid losing customers. If every other company does is but not you, you could get boycotted.

Best believe that if nazism was the "cool" ideology they'd be posting nazi tweets to show how much they care.

>> No.15523960

The image to me is showing the contradiction of a revolutionary who is consumerist. The wojak on the right not being a consumerist has no corporate logos. I don't know anyone who thinks corporations are pro revolution lol that would hurt profits.

>> No.15523967

Your second sentence is absulely true.

>> No.15523972

Activism has been outsourced and commodified
Protests today exist to appear only, they do not exist to actually change anything because none of the people protesting actually want things to change, or at best they want to change to an already pre-approved and sanctioned state of things

>> No.15524046
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Eh, it's not about consumerists being in a "svolution", it's about corporations being "pro-revolution."

>> No.15524053

What the fuck is woke?
t. not american

>> No.15524054

That's why they're siding with the Anonymous guy rather than the regular guy on the other side.

>> No.15524055

Commodification. Exactly. My whole text can be explained by one word. This is basically what it is and not only for brands but for people too. Social media made people to "sell" themselves in internet by saying woke shit. And people commodificated social views to gain popularity, likes, retweets etc. For a fact check we basically can just look up how many male celebrities talked about feminism and got metoo'd. I think it was always in our lifes since stone age, medieval times but with social media it became a huge, huge thing.

>> No.15524059

Non-NPCs like us

>> No.15524078

revolution* not "svolution"

>> No.15524097

Brands are siding with whoever have a high ground and the loudest voices and dominant ideology. Brands are basically artificial whores of society.

>> No.15524103

progressive intersectionalists who believe that victim-hood is a social currency, and thus have a motive to maximize their own or their demographic equals victimhood.

>> No.15524108

So, something like being a bullied kid at school and thinking that becoming a teacher's pet is the only solution?

>> No.15524114

Being woke means being red-pilled for normies but normie level red-pilling is "both political parties don't care about black people not only Republicans" type of stuff.

>> No.15524120

More like being the popular kid at school and arguing with the other 20 popular kids who was bullied the most in order to establish a pecking order of sympathy

>> No.15524132

This is a great example of someone who uses large words to obfuscate the point and provide an incorrect definition to perpetuate his own ideological predisposition. kys

>> No.15524138

Look, I don't exactly know what red pilled means either. Cut the lingo. Is there a way to just be articulate with your ideas..? I said I'm not American, I don't care about Republicans, or blacks for that matter.

Okay, this sounds more twisted than I thought.

>> No.15524144
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Sorry chump, maybe one day crime statistics will dovetail with your narrative about police racism, and one of your allies will let you fuck her.

>> No.15524150

Good thing it isn’t real

>but, it was real in my head
Talk about cringe

>> No.15524159

It means to see the real truth through everything no matter what distraction is. To see the real Truth that is hard to swallow and often missed and ignored by masses.

>> No.15524166

Woke as in "woke up" to the reality. To be able to see through the propaganda and the way the world has been taught to us. Initially a term from black youth to explain the system oppression within the U.S., but has subsequently been spread and the effectiveness of the term has been neutered. Just look at the other responses. The "red pill" (referring to the matrix movie) is the same term but for alt-right fascists wanting to explain the jews control everything. Which is even more funny because... well... Baudrillard.

>> No.15524169

Okay, any examples?

>> No.15524170
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how do i really wake up? i realized since some months ago that none of my through were really mine, I was just reapeating what everyone/some influencers(this include philosomemes) says, or like any of (You)s, no ofense. Maybe its just an existential shitpost but I take it with humor and I feel don't want to participate with you
I read Kaczynski but I don't like how extreme he was

>> No.15524171
File: 298 KB, 1000x1202, Gtbe+you+bandit+gtget+the+drop+on+some+postman+_e0925be626afdba920808adc57d11283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you please explain the Baudrillard thing? Very curious.

>> No.15524172

>Good thing it isn’t real
It is. Corporations support radical left-wing groups of the anarchist type. Actual anarchy exists separately.

>> No.15524174

>I can't take criticism so I change the subject and post stonetoss! I'm so epic!

>> No.15524187

>anime image
>retarded post
Why does this always happen?

>> No.15524195

For alt right's it would be "Jews did everything". For leftist it would be "government is bad". Something like that. I can't provide my own examples because i don't know the truths. And i think that none of us would ever know. This kind of information is only for "them" and the powers that b you know. Information what we have is what they allowed to give us. That's what i think.

>> No.15524198
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YES! More hate, machine. Go!

>> No.15524202

The matrix borrows heavily from Baudrillard, it even shows a copy of Simulacra and Simulation. The entire idea of the red pill is the remove the veil of our current perceptions to see reality. But Baudrillard's point is that society has blurred so much with the simulation you cannot tell what is real anymore, and even if you could, what is the point? When you look, even at this thread, of the rhetoric used by the alt right trying to project their own ideology onto what "woke" is, they are only using rhetorical strategies that are beneficial to them. They do not stick to a position, they change what they believe every post. They modify themselves to win, not to defend what reality is. They are in the matrix and aware they are in it, but they do not wish to escape and they let that realization consume them.

>> No.15524204


>> No.15524217
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>> No.15524218

In reality both of those caricatures you offered see the same demographic as evil. But you aren't really articulating it correctly. The alt right thinks banking jews did everything and that minorities are their pawns that should be slaughtered or pushed out of the country. The left believes corporations control the masses and the governments are their pawns that should be overhauled or dismantled.

>> No.15524219

Fuck that's cool. Very fucking cool. And it's the truth the whole thing is just to win the argument like a fucking Ben Shapiro. Epic.

>> No.15524221

>they are only using rhetorical strategies that are beneficial to them. They do not stick to a position, they change what they believe every post. They modify themselves to win, not to defend what reality is. They are in the matrix and aware they are in it, but they do not wish to escape and they let that realization consume them.
That isn't limited to the "alt right" by any stretch of the imagination. Just look at the complete 180 of the left regarding the Covid lockdowns. Apparently mass gatherings are now completely fine and immune to the virus as long as you are gathering in the streets for the right cause.

>> No.15524223

Okay, I adhere to different views then.

>> No.15524241

>Actual anarchy exists separately.
Sure, because it actually doesn’t exist, there’s no actual support for leftism by corporations least of all McDonalds. You didn’t even cite Rojava because that the US government sending them weapons and giving them PR. Lot of grey area there.

>> No.15524246

>Goldman-Sachs established its diveristy rule for clout
give me a break
profit is part of the motive at best

>> No.15524251

Yeah i think he meant that it's what both parties do. He just provided an example and explained his remark for alt-right. Agree with everyhing. Such a good fucking thread.

>> No.15524257

What's his solution, or does he only provide a diagnosis?

>> No.15524259

I agree that it isn't just the alt-right, but they are the ones that seem to do it all the time. You are also changing the subject by "THE LEFT DOES IT TO". You are performing the argument style RIGHT NOW. You are simply comparing two wrong things without explicitly defending the ONE wrong thing we were just talking about. You change position to suit you, not to find the truth. ITS HAPPENING IN REAL TIME.

I have yet to hear of any leftist saying that it is okay that people are protesting and are going to spread covid. The most succinct comparison I've read is a difference in threat level. Like there's killer bees outside so you stay home, but your friend is getting mauled by a bear so you gotta leave the house to help. But that kind of argument is so sincere you'll just laugh it off and use it as a starting point to derail the conversation again.

>> No.15524262

>profit is part of the motive at best
And what else should be the motive? All they care about is profit.

>> No.15524264
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>> No.15524265

It's really just for profit and power on a market. Also people on a lesser positions are brainwashed by the same agenda too.

>> No.15524271

I didn't finish the book, so I'm not sure. I got distracted by simulations.

>> No.15524277

The Matrix and Baudrillard connection is very superficial. The only things that are Baudrillardian about Tha Matrix are the copy of Simulacra and Simulation Neo owned and the Desert of the Real quote.

>> No.15524279

Yes, because apparently the best time to protest 400 years of systemic racism or whatever is in the middle of a global pandemic.

>> No.15524289

most companies farm their advertising out to advertising companies. i would think that question is better directed at the actual media firms than the brands themselves.

>> No.15524294

It literally is the best time to protest because a huge swath of the population is out of work. 40 hour work week doesn't give much time to go and protest things. It's all part of corporate societal control.

>> No.15524301

>Choking on his cope
>Tells me to cope
The pic supposed to mean anything?

>> No.15524302

So corporations don't even control their own advertising anymore? I think you're giving them more benefit of the doubt than they deserve.

>> No.15524311

what the fuck I thought we got rid of you

>> No.15524313

corporations will have a marketing department, but you might be surprised how much influence the media suppliers themselves have on what is shown by the brands. if nothing else, i guarantee you it's a lot of "this wokeness is so hot right now, X Y and Z brand are doing it, why don't we try it with your brand and see how it's received?"

>> No.15524314

They're out of work because of an artificial shutdown that apparently has been made completely pointless by the death of some black man in an irrelevant shithole (Minneapolis). I guess it's time to fully re-open the economy, wouldn't you agree? Or is it more convenient for your agenda to further destabilize and collapse American society?

>> No.15524319

>I have yet to hear of any leftist saying that it is okay that people are protesting and are going to spread covid.
There are literally people on Twitter who are blaming the spread of covid on racism.

>> No.15524320
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Advertising is a collaborative experience. Client has expectations and the firm has to meet them. If the client's expectations is woke products in order to attract LGBTQ+ and minorities then the firm has to develop something, but then at the next meeting the client says the investors think that the campaign is going in a bit too radical a way and would detract their conservative base, so they ask to have it toned down, which leads to things like pic related. It's top down bureaucracy and leads to shitty, laughable, garbage.

>> No.15524322

Brands pander a lot to mainstream social ideas. This mainstream social ideas are dominant and the most loud right now in USA. Brands use them to signal that they are with them (the people) so buy our product we good.

>> No.15524326

McActivism in all it's splendour. Don't play silly. Capitalism has commodified your beloved "revolutions" and it's beautiful seeing you cope with it. Capitalism won, Butthurtfag. Nietzsche would mock and ridicule the people you call "anti-establishent revolutionaries" these days. Deal with it.

>> No.15524331

I do believe that they knowingly push the agenda with their sights set on a bio-leninist globo-homo future that allows them to sustainably secure their power and prevent social mobility into their class.

>> No.15524332

>Marketing to the growing number of leftists means McDonalds is anarcho-syndicalist

>> No.15524337

You presuppose that human life doesn't matter. So I don't agree with anything you are saying while you change the subject from post to post.
>doesn't even provide a twitter screenshot
Are you fucking kidding me? You do realize that you don't actually give a shit about any of this, that you have no real system of beliefs, and you just like arguing with people on the internet and like the feeling of winning, right? You do understand that? Have you accepted that this is who you have become?

>> No.15524338

Worked in a big tech company as a "do that and this marketing guy". Marketing department usually have a strategy. They only go to advertising agencies to produce a video or help with digital marketing. Usually they go to them with their own expectations and strategy as >>15524320 said.

>> No.15524343

It’s called advertising
>you have been commodified...
A long time ago.
>capitalism won...
Thus far. Obviously. What?

>> No.15524345

I didn't said that brands pander to anarchysts. I said just generally left. Without radicalism in it. Brand do not like radicalism. They only play safe hand.

>> No.15524354

newfag idiot, you dont need to be american to know 4channel “lingo”.
Please fuck off again where you came from >>>/r/eddit

>> No.15524393

That’s fine, but it’s not what that dumb meme implies

>> No.15524408

That's exaggerated but kinda truth.

>> No.15524473

Jesus, this level of retardation is too high even for amerimutt standards.

>> No.15524487


>> No.15524488

notice how they stop replying when you don't give them anything to feed off of. Like a fire without oxygen.

>> No.15524510

It doesn't mean that dipshit pseud, it means the ideology is dismantled as soon as it sparks up because the system is flexible enough to thrive even on it's own antagonism

>> No.15524642
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>> No.15524783
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>In 10 years, 7 negros have died. This is why whites need to disappear. Buy a Big Mac on the way out, whitey.

>> No.15524790

AHahahhha. Literally gaving aids to people who support BLM. WHat the fuck ?

>> No.15524808

Is this saying blacks are nothing but meat?? What the fuck is the message here?

>> No.15525012

Is this real?

>> No.15525192

>The system has no ideology today
Sure, it totally isn't permeated by the ideology of private property, democracy, class collaboration, nation-states, human rights, etc., etc.

>> No.15525229

>CTRL+F "mark fisher"
>0 results

what the hell. read capitalist realism anons

>> No.15525279
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Yes. The addiction of our people to the internet, pornography, garbage tv shows and video games cannot be allowed to continue. The internet must be severely limited in scope.
t. communist

>> No.15525289

It is not.
Although it would have been really funny.

>> No.15525325

literally a nothing burger kek

>> No.15525334
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Tell me more, friend

>> No.15525339

>read brainlet shitpost by poser fag who killed himself after he realized he was a retarded windbag dilettante his entire life and the impostor syndrome became unbearable

sorry I have a youtube video about the top 10 anime love plots to watch then i'm gonna pick my ass at 6:30 which are both better uses of my time

>> No.15525347
File: 292 KB, 608x1050, The-New-Spirit-of-Capitalism-1050st-5322068f91b2cae7e15745cbd46c6653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was written in the 90s so it's a bit outdated, but the general theories it illustrates of how capitalism co-opts its critiques in order to reestablish itself as the dominant system still stand and is easy to apply to the developments over the past 20 years since the book was published. A more simplified version exists in Naomi Klein's No Logo, namely in the "NO SPACE" section.

>> No.15525431

okay have fun

>> No.15525447

Capitalist Realism? If you can call it a book

>> No.15526495

That's not ideology, the system will sell you the complete opposite of those terms because it has transcended them completely

>> No.15526511

All of that garbage only exists because marketing is allowed
Outlaw marketing (it wouldn't be hard in a serious civilization) and all those problems evaporate by themselves

>> No.15526561

To answer OP I'd say Adorno and Deleuze
This sounds like Deleuze rewritten? Like with relevant examples and more specific

>> No.15526747

I have never read Deleuze so I can't comment on it, but they do make reference to him in there. However, the authors are explicit in that the work is a sociological piece and aims to be more descriptive than anything.

>> No.15526758

The Apple logo isn't a new one.

>> No.15526773

Marketting will exist as long as markets exist. The entire fucking internet and culture runs on marketing, might as well go all in.

>> No.15526969
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This. Very important to realise. Realising specific problems within certain theoretical abstractions (human rights, freedom, hell even capitalism etc.) are all well and good. But blaming those processes alone is a problem. There is a person/group behind these abstractions, a group that can transcende dependence to them in times of crisis because they are but tools to be cast aside when beyond repair. BLM is a very useful tool as of now.

>> No.15526983

They make concrete now what was radical 5-10 years ago. They aren't the radical front line force, but they are a few steps behind reinforcing the front lines.

>> No.15527030

Brazil has fallen...

>> No.15527038

It's important to remember that these (supposedly) anti-establishment political positions aren't merely pandered to by these corporate powers, but rather produced by, and thus always-already captured by, the greater corporate-political superstructure. It's not like these riots first had revolutionary potential and were then and only then subverted -- they were always-already "subverted".

>> No.15527045

Brazil is a tranny shithole. Literally one of the countries with the most transexuals and queer freedom. Not sure why you're surprised.

>> No.15527049

Basically yea. Leftists have some good critiques but get so involved in their big-brained abstractions that they ignore reality. Some right wingers have a hard time with deeper analysis but they understand basic patterns when they see them. We are coming to a time of synthesis and most of the left needs to be abandoned because they themselves have become the "institution".

>> No.15527056

I thought that only the universities were pozzed, and that your average Brazilian monkey would chimp out at the sight of a grotesque tranny

>> No.15527087
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The Systems Neatest Trick is the most succinct way I've seen this explained.
Counterculture is unproductive, but it can be made productive.
The focus on non-issues such as gay rights then trans rights, then the turtles getting killed by plastic straws, then this, then that. It shifts focus from revolution that harms the establishment to revolution that benefits the establishment, while providing a vent for revolutionary energy.
We haven't had any real mass counterculture since the 70s, and likely won't again unless some shit goes down big time.

>> No.15527505

Brazilians are amoral and indifferent

>> No.15527522

It's weird because it only works as disinfo for people actively not going out and also actively not engaging with the world outside of an echo chamber.

>> No.15527540


Kill yourself tranny

>> No.15527543


Hit a nerve didn't it?

>> No.15527627


A tranny made this pic didn't it? I can telly because it's trying to associate the tranny flag to the strawman in the picture.

>> No.15527632


I mean they aren't wrong. Shit skins literally look like burger meat

>> No.15527649

No, but how else do you respond to something that absurd and defensive?

>> No.15527665


Any examples of this occuring?

>> No.15527678

>OP doesn't know what PR is
4channel is a stupid bubble

>> No.15527862

This faggot is trying to lecture the “alt right” guy for changing his argument while he is literally mind reading every step of the way.

>> No.15527944

>you will be catered to
doubt it, i have an autistic obsession with true things which pandering automatically violates so ill just set my face against society and be miserable roflmao

>> No.15527958

eh? that other anon made more sense though. we know that fiat is not in itself the endgame since it can be printed out of thin air at the relatively minor cost of inflation which tends not to affect people in real positions of power. what they care about is their own aristocratic social groups, hard assets (like land, labor from the populous, food etc) and power. chopping their motives off at "dude they just want to make money" makes no sense. you want to DO something with that money.

the other anon used a lot of buzzwords, but i think anybody with two braincells to rub together can see that idealogies and false virtues, along with an "us vs them" mentality packaged in various forms of post enlightenment thought are sold to people to keep them in their lane and at each others throats while they continue plundering the coffers.

>> No.15528183
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>> No.15528187
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>> No.15528196
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This article is great on this subject https://www.firstthings.com/article/2020/06/under-the-rainbow-banner

>> No.15528401


>> No.15528411

The song?

>> No.15528424

Nuclear level projection.

>> No.15528452

>t. too young to remember the 60s, too illiterate to read about it
You zoomers are so tragic.

>> No.15528464
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>> No.15528502

Deluze's work on Schizophrenic Capital. Typical word salad material, but mainly it's about how identity is demoralized from man so that arbitrary commodified identity can be sold in its place for whatever capital needs it to be.

The bugman is the perfect embodiment of schizophrenic capital: defined completely and externally by capital consumption.
You'll mainly find a lot of critique about woke capitalism coming from marxist structuralist and materialists. I think a lot of them were pissed off the inevitably synthesized teleology of what applied marxism would become in the face of capitalistic realism. So they kind of hate-wrote a lot of their analysis and theories on this synthesis between marxism and capital: woke capital. Even a lot of the Frankfurt School people like Ardorno and Walter Benjamin and maybe even Marcuse toward the end. There's nothing more demoralizing to a marxist's work then seeing a ™ attached to it.

>> No.15528527
File: 174 KB, 748x489, sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15528531

Just came to say thank fuck Nintendo isn't there or I'd break down

>> No.15528537

Have children

>> No.15528557

Adorno should have a half sad/half happy pic, sad because Capital won, but happy because at last white Europe will be wiped from the face of the Earth.

>> No.15528588


1) Any entity that is not explicitly conservative will drift left over time.
2) Businesses want to continue to make money, and therefore make a bad bargain of appeasement with left rhetoric out of a certain necessity, until this becomes intolerable.
3) History proceeds cyclically-in a sense.

>> No.15528597

>Any entity that is not explicitly conservative will drift left over time.
Total nonsense, leftism is dead, completely suffocated by capitalist reality.

>> No.15528601

>if they wanted money, they would just PRINT it! They've got other motivations!

What? Stop treating the corporation like a person. Whatever consequences we experience are in the pursuit of furthering profits, no matter the social cost, morality, or ANYTHING that people like you and me care about, because the corporation is not a person.

>> No.15528617

Cope. The idpol Left is the (New) Left, like it or not. Non-idpol left is a fringe sect at best, unfortunately.

>> No.15528652

meh woke capitalism is a good thing as long it makes rightoids seethe

>> No.15528667

corporations are run by very human people with human interests. the principle of a corporation cannot get up out of bed and make decisions. a bunch of dudes decide certain things are favorable and make them happen- most of them are at the behest of a small group of people who comprise a tightnit aristocracy. cutting human reasoning and motives out of the equation is a failure of reason. it essentially allows them to misdirect you as to their true intent, which i think the anon talking about consolidating the strength of their social circle/power is closer to the truth on. take the current lawsuit against the internet archive, no one truly profits off of that, it's purely to remove information. there are obviously non monetary motives here yet publishing corporations are pushing for it. take any of these corporations shilling for the riot issues: not a single city kid is going to stop watching netflix, playing video games or eating trendy food because somebody didn't voice support for something. maybe if they were flagrantly racist, sure, but we're talking about a group of people totally dependent on these kind of services for most everything. there's a component of compelling people to think a certain way that, again, obviously does not net them monetary gain.

these are really shallow examples, i could talk about more intricate movements by big energy, telecom conglomerates etc. the point is a reduction to purely dollar-driven incentives for how corporations make their decisions actually works to their favor, and obviously isn't true if you look at events in the micro instead of through an ideological lens. what school of thought do you come from? is this a marxist position?

>> No.15528673
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This ID Pol left is completely set in capitalist realism though. Their just another engineered form of consumer that the System actively constructed.

The Revolution™ will be sponsored by Google and Chase Bank.

>> No.15528714

I have a hard time wrapping my head around how the system can whip so many people into basically an orgiastic frenzy of wokeness. How does it command so much obedience and fervor from its followers? Is the potential of social exclusion truly this powerful an agent for normoids?

>> No.15528762

People here really think that the public just collectively, randomly and spontaneously decided to have these values with no one promoting and normalising them in the first place lol

>> No.15528825

Nobody believes that, it's just that it's verboten to talk about it too conspicuously before some glownigger or a retard from /leftypol/ catches whiff of it.

>> No.15528943

Every piece of mental production reinforces beliefs such as "private property is the natural order of things", "wage labour is in the interest of the prole", "the prole isn't even a prole, he's a citizen with the same interests as all other citizens of our state", etc. This is ideology to the highest order. If you don't understand this then you're either blind or a retard.

And "The system" can't "sell" me the opposite of private property or the opposite of class collaboration. The most it can "sell" me is private property and class collaboration disguised as its opposites.

>> No.15528953
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It cannot be claimed that spontaneous changes of such enormous scope are even possible. If they were, society would essentially be random.
What is also under doubt is that there exists (or existed) an organisation with the intent and, more importantly, capability to bring about this state by itself. That explanation is as false as the previous one.
The true issue can be found in the interplay between the market economy and old, republican liberalism. Old liberalism explicitly prided itself on republican virtue. The citizen, living for the republic, dying for the republic, the very essence of human virtue. Naturally, the real republican regimes failed to produce such a citizen, but it was nonetheless a theoretically central piece. Now think about contemporary liberalism. As old liberalism believed that the elimination of arbitrary constraints would bring about true civil virtue (which consciously connected itself to the old Roman virtue), so contemporary liberalism believes that the elimination of arbitrary constraints will allow for unrestrained arbitrariness. Because this is the way that it considers man. The part that was considered essential to it, beyond any arbitrariness, had been theoretically rejected, and what is left is nothing but arbitrariness, the pursuit of whims, desires. How had such a significant change come into being? Part of it was its connection to the market. Because the very essence of market ideology is the pursuit of wants, whims, with all other action being given an instrumental role in attaining this divine arbitrariness (as opposed to virtue, considered the greatest good). There were also other influences - the theoretical rejection of human essence, the development of social sciences, which are blind to philosophy. But I believe that this connection with market ideology was essential, because it brought about today this poisonous mixture that pervades all society.
Once old liberalism gave place to new liberalism, it is easy for you to see how development continued. Sentimentalism became all-encompassing. Marketing companies merely decided to capitalise on the way of thinking that is inherited from the American civil rights movement and the American protests of the sixties (for this is a mostly American phaenomenon, and, luckily, still evades my dear republic). First, to distinguish themselves as virtuous. Then, to avoid being singled out as the only without virtue.

>> No.15528996


>> No.15529062

You started off strong but have collapsed into head-in-sand. You were the one /pol/-baiting by singling out one meme ideology instead of acknowledging in good faith the deeper problem of a ubiquitous, identity-agnostic simulation. Faggot.

>> No.15529184

Zizek touches on this a lot, I read his takes in First as Tragedy then as Farce.

>> No.15529221

>that 4chan logo
nice, pretty subtle

>> No.15529402

Lol you were too weak to break the glass to loot Best Buy?

>> No.15529513

Nice get. Zizek's Like a Thief in Broad Daylight

>> No.15529527

Both are great

>> No.15529529

To be fair Baudrillard said the Wachowski's got his ideas completely wrong.

>> No.15529623

How would that anon know this? After all, there was no mention of it in the Cuck Philosophy video.

>> No.15529755

How does a protest or rebellion respond to woke capitalism? It just seems to nullify and subdue any sort of complaint.

>> No.15529807

Assassinations, targeted violence etc.
If there is a pretense of peacefulness, then everything bad can be excused away as 'extremist minority not associated with the larger movement'.

>> No.15529866

Do you have any examples of this working?

>> No.15529889

Do you have any examples of this working

>> No.15529904

Jesus christ people read Moldbug

>> No.15529926

>Do you have any examples of this working
Every violent revolution that succeeded? Of course you are right, most of the time terrorism doesn't do any good, but maybe that's just because political systems are to resilient.

>> No.15529935

I can't think of an example because there hasn't been a serious attempt.
The reason I believe proper violence might work, is because woke capitalism can't (yet) excuse abhorrent crimes like murder.
I guess monarchists and other reactionary ideologies have low risk of being co-opted but these movements have barely any supporters.
This is the main problem I guess, too few extremists and everyone else has no balls.

>> No.15529987

Assassinations and targeted violence would largely go after politicians, essentially. Capitalists will nary be targeted and shift to appeal those persons -- as we're currently seeing -- and manage to save the system.

>> No.15530003

fuck off to /pol/

>> No.15530016

During the past several years,we have witnessed a huge coordinated attack by (((powers that be ))) on chans and other previously obscure online communities.
This mass media brainwashing, relativization of everything and rabid anti-intellectualism have taken over what seemed to be one of last bastions of intelligent thought and free speech on internet.
Left wing and right wing communities have undergone the same neutralization process.Left wing became SJW's and Right wing became alt-kikes.There is clear neutralization pattern for anykind of non-conformist movement that emerges and starts gaining fraction. What we have witnessed happen with 4chan/gg also happend with /pol/. And it seems to be overall blueprint for controlling dissent on the internet.
>hyperreality is seen as condition in which what is real and what is fiction are seamlessly blended together so that there is no clear distinction between where one ends and other begins. It allows thee co-mingling of physical reality with virtual reality (VR) and human intelligence with artificial intelligence (AI). Individuals may find themselves for different reasons more is tune or involved with hyperreal world and less with physical real world.

So there you have it , AI ,"meme magic" ,echo chambers,Escapism and everything else in one package

>> No.15530022


>> No.15530023

>In his analysis of the spectacular society Debord notes that quality of life is impoverished, with such lack of authenticity.human perceptions are affected and there's also a degradation of knowledge,with hindering of critical though. Debord analyzes the use of knowledge to assuage reality : the spectacle obfuscates the past imploding it with the future into an undifferentiated mass ,a type of never ending present ; in this way the spectacle prevents individuals from realizing that the society of spectacle is only a moment in history one that can be overturned through revolution.

And here we have constant shilling with irrelevant garbage,fake news and reality tv politicians.

Constant influx of millennials which got raised on this is not helping either. Basically the fight between "Leftists" and "Rightist" that is centrally spun narrative today is fight between 1984 and Brave New World.

>> No.15530036

I don't think they involved woke capitalism though.

>> No.15530039


>> No.15530050

Yeah, I guess CEO's are replaceable and property destruction wouldn't work either unless it happened on a very massive scale. Communist-style revolutions against capital can't work because it's virtual and global.
You basically need ISIS but bigger.

>> No.15530110

/pol/ doesn't read Moldbug you big faggoli

>> No.15530169

this is such a colossal cope. it's halfway right though.

the left are desperate to pretend they are the TRUUUUU threat to the establishment. they will no matter what try to pretend they are SOOO much different from their neoliberal counterparts. or the socdems. or whoever. commies/marxists/whatever else share the exact same moral premises with those in power. the only fucking difference is how to get the end result of atheistic materialist soul-killing comfort and egoistic indulgence until the nihil is accomplished and we all fade into the abyss of pure absence, sundering even matter.

no one fucking cares about your retarded strawmen of pretending capitalist business owners are all ghoulish sociopaths. maybe a few? but the vast majority are normal people and because of the post-WW2 establishment, they have been brought up with the exact value and moral prescription you have as well, which is liberal.
>b-b-buh we dont share the same moral basis!!
absolute horseshit. every single liberal says communism is the ideal society, they just can't envisage it happening. they'd sure like to try with incremental reforms, and system schemes.

none of you are banned from the public space, social media (where a lot of discourse takes place), payment processors, banks, any other utility that is necessary for political engagement. none of you are prohibited from engagement in the academy, in fact you practically control whole sectors (like sociology and other hack ideological liberal arts). you can do literally anything you want, and the state doesn't fucking care. the corporations pander to you. your historical figures are either A) misguided protagonists (trotsky, lenin), B) idealized but again, misguided, heroes (che guevara), C) respected """"philosophers"""" (lmao, like marx) who are taught in every university and college and at worst, D) nutty killers who prove the erosion of the radiant utopia that was supposed to be communism (stalin, mao, etc).

liberte, egalite, fraternite. these are the tenets of the liberal idea. you just swap them around and even it out. there is nothing ideologically challenging to the consensus power position. that is why in WW2 liberal capitalism allied with communism to defeat the axis powers. what is genuinely abhorrent to the liberal world order is Fascism, and worldviews that possess some of the same ideals. Tradition, social conservativism, theism, anything that detracts from consumer life and the material world. capitalism and communism both hinge upon dragging man to the bestial senses and deny a transcendal order or noble purpose beyond eating, shitting and fucking.

>> No.15530271


>> No.15530299

Theres a lot of shitposting here,should I read Deleuze?anything before him?

>> No.15530350

I hope you realize that there are many atheists who would agree with your social perspective... Don't throw us all under the bus. Otherwise, good post.

>> No.15530380

>none of you are banned from the public space
I think there's a bunch of people getting gassed recently that would disagree with you.

>> No.15530423
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>Basically the fight between "Leftists" and "Rightist" that is centrally spun narrative today is fight between 1984 and Brave New World.
Both 'sides' are performance acts online and neither are a real representation of one another. Social media and the rise of mobile internet has just given the ability to mirror to the individual who now, demoralised through seeing the world around them and through the same forces of an all invasive pseudo/online societal pressure at their fingertips, conforms to a side and performs a gesture fitting of whatever side they've chosen - 'left' or 'right' - without *acting* out anything that would cause any real change. The individual feels fulfilled and validated, through the signalling their of their basic need of a 'position/side/tribe', with online feedbacks of others supporting this - as the internet has been co-opted by social media and social media skews those with 'similar' thoughts together, reinforcing itself in a loop. It's a trap.

>> No.15530433

they have a global media platform (and an astro-turfed one in their favor at that)

>> No.15530530

lmao. bourgeois anarkiddy rioters have been burning police stations, attacking cops, burning cop cars, looting stores, alongside their negro lumpenprole veil. the most egregious example is of the woman in catskill who threw a molotov cocktail into a cop vehicle, which failed to go off, and then got her murder charges all thrown out for a measelly 'vandalism to police vehicle' with the intercession of the broader federal apparatus. imagine if one of these boogalooers the mass media keeps squawking about did anything similar, or the white nationalists at charlottesville. there'd be every eye in the western world directed to it, the FBI en route, and the entire riots blamed on them (like the feds and activist 'journalist' accomplices have been attempting to do with a non existent 'white extremist' boogeyman.

you are the system, just embrace it. the liberal order advances social reforms and yall eat it up every time, while continuing this mythology of rebellion that really is just consumption. it is the ingeniousness of the liberal order: convince the reactionary mob into thinking they're revolutionary, and stigmatize the authentic revolutionary as conformist partakers in the system. anarkiddies, communists, all are tolerated and encouraged by the system. go pay for a deluxe chomsky or zizek speech you faggot

>> No.15530537

imagine spending this much time typing out that much hot garbage and buzz words

>> No.15530541

stay mad reddit

>> No.15530543

seethe harder faggot

>> No.15530552
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>seethe harder faggot

>> No.15530559

I heard Shader is alt-right.

>> No.15530560
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>wojack posting

>> No.15530649

Quality post. Communists insist they’re some huge systemic threat when every megacorp falls over backwards to praise their core values

>> No.15530667

real human beans

>> No.15530676
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>Books on the phenomenon of woke capitalism?
Picture related.


>> No.15530681

>it has transcended them completely

>> No.15530682


>> No.15530685

If corporations praised their core values they would have unions you absolute fucking retard.

>> No.15530740

This anon doesn't lift weights

>> No.15530775

their HR departments are unions. demanding better conditions for niggers, women and faggots. y'know, social justice. what you commies want

>> No.15530869

Zizek is not a communist. You can find him explicitly rejecting communism if you listen to his recent interviews (with Douglas Lain and with Patrick Bet-David). And Chomsky as an anarchist is an ultraliberal, so it's no wonder that the liberal bourgeois society embraces him.

Yes, communists literally can't get enough of all the corporations getting rid of their monopoly on property and of them refusing to exploit wage labour out of the respect for communist values.

>> No.15530880

Have you ever dealt with HR? Ever? Sounds like you’ve never had a fucking job, because HR is NEVER on the side of the employee. Their duty is to the corporation. You fucking NEET retard.

>> No.15530951
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>> No.15531027
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>image unrelated

>> No.15531108

The level of cope from the leftists in this thread is hysterical. The useful idiots and unwitting foot soldiers for the globalist, neoliberal, managerial order have so much of their personality invested in being rebels against the system. Hysterical to watch them squirm like this.

>> No.15531127
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simply epic, epic for the win

>> No.15531137

>do nothing but blame the jews
At least go lynching or something instead of being an armchair fascist

>> No.15531175

but where's the lie?

>> No.15531188

Where did I mention the Jews? This is my first comment in the thread, anon. I work to create bonds of friendship and family, in which we can rely on each other. I seek to engage with culture and thinkers who existed before or apart from consumer capitalism. I try to create my own communities while also working to exist as an individual in revolt against the soullessness of the modern world. The rebellion is a spiritual rebellion. I don't need to wave cringe hammer and sickle flags in the street to live contrary to this age. And also, fashy goys are so 2015, and I've never identified as one.

>> No.15531380

you didn't disprove what that anon said though.
it's hard to dismiss the fact that Goldman Sachs is an ally to this "anti-capitalist" movement.

you don't find it a bit odd that the whole capitalist system is supporting the far-left?

>> No.15531408


>> No.15531451
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The Economic ideology is free market capitalism, or I guess I could say Neo-liberalism. The Social idealogy is very much mixed, a lot of conservative voices, a lot of democratic voices, less truly Progressive voices, and less fringe far right voices (though people like Eric Prince, Marie Le Penn, and Steve Bannon persist in the system), I guess I could say socially we are shifting further right. We may be screwed.

>> No.15531577

>one arc has a 3 emotes gap in the middle
>the other arc has a 2 emotes gap
A woman made this

>> No.15531730

>post doesn’t even mention Jews
>mind immediately goes to Jews
Totally brainwashed. Don’t reply to this because I won’t respond, I’m trying to break my habit of getting into arguments with the demoralized, it’s pointless.

>> No.15531920
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Has anyone read pic related?

>> No.15532025

>The system has no ideology today,
Their ideology consists of extraction. Do everything to transfer profit to shareholders. These corporations could care less about wokeness or civil liberties, and rest assured if they conflicted with their aforementioned Prime Directive they would be mum about it.

Zizek has something to say about this, the general tendency for corporations to seek to profit off the shift in consumer sentiment favoring progressive ideals even if the said company actively harms it. "Buy our fair-trade starbucks coffee and 3 cents gets donated to Guatemalan orphans!" or faux green initiatives are a way for these companies to wash their hands clean of any culpability and to lull the consumer into a feeling that they are actually making a difference by buying their products. It capitalizes on the fervent energy surrounding these causes and seeks to channel and redirect it toward profit.

These companies would love it if someone associated buying one of their products with BLM. Rest assured if the general sentiment were otherwise you would be seeing more Aunt "I's in yo' neighborhood serve'n up some taste-tinglin' pancakes!" Jemima and other racist products.

>> No.15532381

do people on this board actually, genuinely believe corporations are leftists?

>> No.15532400

If your /movement/ doesnt need to be hastily coopted and integrated into the recesses of capital it isn't intimidating. The fact that capitalism doesnt coopt reactionary shit is evidence of its failure. The real problem right now is making anti-capitalism edgy enough for its superstructure to be so obviously inside-out that the base must transform and bring about communism.

>> No.15532425

>dragging man to the bestial senses and deny a transcendal order or noble purpose beyond eating, shitting and fucking.
That's all there is, you delusional fuck. There's no 'spiritual' booby prize at the end of the rainbow. Nonexistence is the endgame for all of us. Cope.

>> No.15532499

Brands are like psychopaths, there is nothing behind the facade but greed and a desire to get what they want by doing and saying what other people want to hear and see

I had to exit that industry, not a place for people with a soul. The PR firms are the worst though. Truly a field that attracts the most slimy hook-nosed hacks.

>> No.15532509

HR is the brown shirts of the organization making sure everyone thinks the right thoughts and complies with the new-speak manuscript and dare not utter a single word of critique. I was literally ones hushed on by an HR whore when I accidently began to reveal my powerlevel to a colleague who was a disgruntled normie.

>> No.15532594


>> No.15532605

Even if that's the case, there are obviously degrees of refinement — and yes — nobility, pertaining to our mortal endeavours. If it takes an illusion to bring out the best in many people, then so be it. I'd rather live with those deluded aspirants than with secular moronic liberals whom I agree with existentially but oppose socially.

You disgust me.

>> No.15532622
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>> No.15532627
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As shown by this thread, too often Marxism is used as an escapehatch by cishet white dudes who would do anything to avoid a serious moral confrontation with their whiteness and ignore indigenous black feminist and queer critiques of capital that Marx was obviously ripping off.

>> No.15532675

Actual marxists know that the bourgeoisie can be a progressive force, when it comes to doing the bare fucking minimum to deplataform reactionaries or protect marginalised people. Besides it is way fun to watch the reactionaries and the white settler colonialist pseudo left break down under their own victim complexes. what, do you need a safe space, snowflake?

>> No.15532825

Certainly Parisians are indigenous to Paris.

>> No.15532840

>indigenous black feminist and queer critiques of capital that Marx was obviously ripping off.
Can you name some of these?

>> No.15533092

Capital is aware that progressivism’s only goal is to ensure that whenever the revolution happens people won’t erect the flag of a new country or political movement, they’ll just plant an LGBT flag on the ruins of society and start twerking. Better for the revolution to be televised by Disney and Netflix than for their headquarters to be burned down.

>> No.15533142

Anything a corporation does is for profit, woke capitalism is simply what happens when multinationals become a thing, while trying to reach to the most number of consumers adopting "diversity" is a must.
Capital simply adapts to survive in its environement.

>> No.15533477

He listed several in his post

>> No.15533616

found the glowie

>> No.15533632
