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File: 1.01 MB, 1065x1419, junot-diaz_-c-nina-subin_vert-9bd9e7d407b757197dbd0450afda848ef5fb994d-s1400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15522325 No.15522325 [Reply] [Original]

A thread about our man of letters, our Spanglish-speaking Junot Diaz.Thoughts on his prize-winning novels? Can we read his violacion into it?

>> No.15522339

How's this for an some opening lines?
>They say it came first from Africa, carried in the screams of the enslaved; that it was the death bane of the Tainos, uttered just as one world perished and another began; that it was a demon drawn into Creation through the nightmare door that was cracked open in the Antilles.
>Fuku americanus, or more colloquially; fuku - generally a curse or a doom of some kind; specifically the Curse and the Doom of the New World.

>> No.15522400 [SPOILER] 
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I've seen better. I've seen worse. While his short stories have literary merit, he's not as talented as some critics claim. I think white people don't expect much from minority writers, so when something's above average, they overreact.

>> No.15522462
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I find Junot Diaz to be very dull, but that's just my opinion. They #metoo'd him though, which is comical, really. Admittedly I haven't read Oscar Wao yet, but I have read This is How You Lose Her for a contemporary lit class years ago and found it dull, and read Drown for leisure after seeing it mentioned in a book about the aesthetics of disability (I was writing a paper on the depiction of disability in the early 1900s for an art history class) and also found it merely alright. His prose just doesn't click for me and the sense that reading his work is just muh social posturing is strong in me, but hey, thank you for reading my blogpost and thanks for posting OP so I could blogpost.

>> No.15522474

This is an incel novel. I'm surprised I don't see people bring it up more.

>> No.15522486

What's meritorious about them, ese?

YO! That's some white boooshit bro! You be just saying that because he's Dominican, jefe. For realllllll, pendejo. You sound like someone who has him deliver pool tables to their comfy
neighbourhood yo.

>> No.15522498

Yo wtfffff on god.... isn't he like a feminist tho, cabron?

>> No.15522586

Regardless of the author, the protagonist of the novel is a young man unable to get sex, and who becomes mentally unstable because of it.

>> No.15522750

God, I wish I lived in a comfy neighborhood. Your reply made me laugh a little, so have a (you). I'll read Oscar Wao and see if it changes my "meh" take on Diaz. The reality is that I just don't see the hype but that's not necessarily a bad thing, yo.

>> No.15523418

Yo, that be mad wicked and specialoso my hombre. I'm grinning right now jefe

Yo. Yo. Yo. It's my man with the ingredients and we're making CHILLI

>> No.15523454

>writes about macho men being awful to women
>gets #MeToo'd

>> No.15523460

Not a fan of the book really. Kinda got lost in it's own attempts. Would say he has one of the more memorable footnotes I've read. Something along the lines of, "Fuckers will learn elivish but freak out over two words of Spanish."

>> No.15523506

I've read Oscar wao in February. It was just okay. The ending was ridiculous. The book has a good sense of pace, but Oscar is a caricature, and junior is as deep as a puddle. The best parts of the novel were the one that fucosed on Oscar's sister (Diaz even recycles some pages of the novel in one of his short stories, or maybe is the other way around), and the grandpa persecuted by the fascist regime. The stuff about Junior's mother weren't that bad either, but all the stuff about "the gangster" and the talking animal (was it an hyena?) That saves Oscar's mother after the beating, were trite.
Diaz's short stories are much better.

>> No.15523524

god, he has to be the poster boy for liberal elevation of minority mediocrity. Absolutely shitty writer.

>> No.15523534

3 lines and 4 semicolons. kekekekek

>> No.15523549

Thanks to this thread I removed him from my to-read list. Thanks, I guess.

>> No.15523556


>> No.15523560
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>> No.15523570

You're a retard from having him the first place.

>> No.15523589

I don't get his writing

>> No.15523691

>J-Junot, I...
>I'm t-trying to say -
>*cries* I just want to eat and have a nice time and talk about Ursula LeGuin

>> No.15524401
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>What's meritorious about them, ese?
I had a friend who went on and on about how great he was because he was emblematic of the Latinization of the US. But I think that gives him too much credit.
His short stories--like the ones found in Drown--offer a vivid depiction of an Immigrant's life in the US, and the stories don't revolve around the cruelty of whites like some black literature in the US. If you recall, in the Jungle, the author describes life of the European immigrants in Chicago, and it's fascinating from like an anthropological perspective I guess.

>> No.15524407

Someone please post the pasta.

>> No.15524410

>around the cruelty
Whoops meant to write *around the greatly fictionalized cruelty

>> No.15524503
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>> No.15524535
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>Oscar walks in on his beloved Jeni Muñoz and her boyfriend naked and sperg's out on them, Rain Man style

>> No.15524549

>With New Jersey serving as a backdrop to what it is to be marginalized in importance, in power, in society, Díaz underscores how Oscar and Lola's inability to reconcile their Dominican and American identities leaves them mistreated and forgotten, just like how Beta New Jersey is forgotten on everyone's list of 101 places to visit before you die.
Despite how memey it is, this is unironically good analysis

>> No.15524561
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>> No.15524592

i'll stick to Goethe

>> No.15525385


>> No.15525466

Hispanicity is all about mustaches, though. That point is contradictory.

>> No.15525487

literally me

>> No.15526105

holy ebic

>> No.15526724
File: 10 KB, 480x360, rum-sodomy-and-the-lasch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15526749

absolutely mogged