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15522574 No.15522574[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Gender is so discriminative to human beings, especially to men. Being men means you need to be that tough bulky bull hitting his head at everyone who touched his pride, or his bitch, he must be this, he must be that, do all those dances around a stinky hole to dump his snorts that are making his eyeball fill with blood and anger. What a pathetic being. He must be protective, caring, keep the house and deliver food, never cry or show weakness. I'm sure in a couple of decades every modern man will become feminine gay, that's the hope of our humanity to survive, because trans gays never fight, they don't need war, they're humane, loving and gay. I don't want to be a man, I want to be weak feminine girl, gentle and tender, want to wear a light thin dress with flowers and walk in the streets, feel beautiful and wanted.

>> No.15522614

This isn't /r9k/.

Also man up you faggot.

>> No.15522657

You would change the better part for the worse part, although the entire relation is without virtue.

>> No.15522663

You will never be a girl. Just be a feminine gay boy and hope you're cute enough to be wanted.

>> No.15523515

That's right OP, life is deeply unfair. You not being able to deal with this indicates that you are already on the path to feminisation.

>> No.15523540
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kek, no you don't, you just want to be desired like a woman is desired, because you haven't crossed the hormonal threshold into feeling like being masculine suits you better. you're running from one amerimutt-conditioned idea of gender to another. it's sad, dude, unplug from the dream factory and return to your body man.

>> No.15523543

>that's the hope of our humanity to survive, because trans gays never fight, they don't need war, they're humane, loving and gay.
The only part of this sentence that's true is the gay part, trannies are extremely hateful and unstable.

>> No.15523551

lmao it's hilarious how the people most likely to relish in the fact that the universe is a slaughterhouse are faggots on 4chan or in youtube comments. you don't know shit about life, how evil it can really be.

>> No.15523578
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>Live in one of the softest nations in the most peaceful era of human history
>"Life is, like, really hard man"

>> No.15523603

The thing is, if you want to mount a woman, you have to exert toxic masculinity. I'm literally too thoughtful and gentle to be that crude, and that is my downfall

>> No.15523628

Crappy bait

But in the small chance it isnt bait, you are dumb to not realize the importance the ideal "man" and "woman" have in shaping the future and leading the world

Kys you privileged cuck

>> No.15523653

It's not that you have to straight up be a dick so much as you have to show confidence, strength, and ambition; it's just happens that the people who have those kind of traits also happen to be dicks because it's difficult to have all those traits without being kind of abrasive.
Life is ultimately a competition, everything from mating to career advancement ultimately means you've gotta butt heads with other people also striving for those same goals, so push overs tend to get filtered out fast by stronger individuals.

>> No.15523664

This but also take hrt so you look like a girl until your bepis is out.

>> No.15523667

Your gay

>> No.15523682

>life is just a rat race for pussy and status
Do americans really

>> No.15523754

Because suffering is always relative. Shut the fuck up.
Paris Hilton might have suffered more for losing his favorite purse than you when you lost your foreskin.

>> No.15523762

>But in the small chance it isnt bait, you are dumb to not realize the importance the ideal "man" and "woman" have in shaping the future and leading the world
I hope you mean what i think you mean. The words that follow are "Civilization" and "Order"?

>> No.15523775

This is a pretty aknowledged problem in feminist theory. Masculinity is harder to mantain due to its nature.

>> No.15523786

>The words that follow are "Civilization" and "Order"?

Yes of course. Whats your counter-argument?

>> No.15523794

Take your pills Alice

>> No.15523813

Did you even read the OP? Become trans immediately or perish, you fucking nancy boy.

>> No.15523814

Counter-argument to a non-existing argument. How is this possible? Enlighten lit with your pol knowledge. How are "Civilization" and "Order" related to "ideal man and woman".

>> No.15523877

ITs about the virtues each carry you faggot. The ideal "man" holds heroic virtues that are necessary in a scenario of chaos to inspire leadership to face it. You can be a feminine boy all you want, thats not a problem. The problem is when you lack the virtues of the ideal "man"

read maps of meaning before being retarded like this

>> No.15523909

>It's another "I read Jordan Peterson and am now an enlightened philosopher" thread
Oh boy! Let's celebrate by consuming copious amounts of my favorite horse-tested anti-anxiety medication!

>> No.15523925

Jordan Peterson, Maps of Meaning a vague and unfounded asertion and "retarded" in the same post. This is too ridiculous to not be a bait.

>> No.15523932

Of course you would use ad-hominem. I've been reading philosophy longer than you've been born possibly if that clears my ethos. Jordan Peterson is a hack but is first book is actually really good if you took the time to read it (which you won't because it goes against your views)

Come on buddy, present a counterargument

>> No.15523961

>I've been reading philosophy longer than you've been born possibly
Holy shit anon, how did you know that I was exactly 17 hours old?

>> No.15523965

I have had sex with 3 feminine boys and have never had sex with a girl but I am straight.

I met them at club’s at my university. It feels better to be with someone you have similar hobbies and interests with, rather than someone who you are in a relationship just because she is a women.

>> No.15523984

If you actually possessed that "ethos" you're talking about, you would at least be able to recognise the absence of an argument and hence the impossibility to offer a counter-argument to a non-existent argument. You may need to read that self-help book again and gather your thoughts.

>> No.15524023

>and hence the impossibility to offer a counter-argument to a non-existent argument

How is it what I said a non-existent argument? Please elaborate

>> No.15524095

Well, the basic foundation in order to comprehend what you read is to recognise arguments, if you can't do this by yourself i'm sorry to tell you that i'm not your teacher, go read a handbook on how to recognise arguments.

>> No.15524116

Nice ad-hominem pal. You've just dodged and ducked instead of giving critique of my argument. But go ahead and rationalize your failed attempt at disproving what I said as "intelectual superiority"

>> No.15524381
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Dude, come on man. How the fuck am I even supposed to respond to this shit. The absolute state of "heterosexuals"

>> No.15524418

who is this?

>> No.15524476

I once did a threesome together with my buddy, fucked a girl he knew, he thought I was too shy and wanted me to be more opened, kinda. We went to her house, it wasn't going well until we took some speeds... we fucked madly, felt like for hours, and then at some point that girl took out my friend's cock out of her pussy and kinda leaned me towards it, it happened so fast and we all were so turned on, I instinctively took it in my mouth and sucked it, while she was still holding it, tasted salty and metal, made a few strokes, they laughed crazily, like ''yehoo, you made it!'' and continued to fuck. I mean since then nothing changed between us, we became even better friends and never did this stuff. I think, even though it was pleasant, sucking a dick from a girl's hand is not gay at all, it's just natural passion, fun.

>> No.15524480

Then become a discord faggot dude, No one gives a fuck.

>> No.15524482

post more twiggy beachgoers, the rest of your thread sucks

>> No.15524527

paige butcher

>> No.15524546

she's fortyfreakingone btw.

>> No.15524557
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>is no gay at all

>> No.15524596

>Being men means you need to be that tough bulky bull hitting his head at everyone who touched his pride, or his bitch, he must be this,
No? You think it's that uncommon people to be poly? I'm monogamous but that's my own preference. Society definitely pushes men towards the pole you've suggested, but it it is not as if you need to actually be there to live well as a man.

>> No.15525848
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>> No.15526152

It’s just the media doing that to you. I know a lot of families where the guy is quiet and stuff and the girl had a huge ego including my relatives. They get a lot of shit though it sucks, and they simultaneously think these women are just crazy bitches that need a real man to fuck them into submission. There’s no obvious answer as to whether that’s a genetic inevitability to continuing the species or if it’s purely a personality thing. Nothing wrong with an experiment either.

>> No.15526199

Like whenever a yappy woman comes along and says stuff like “yeah I definitely wear the pants in the relationship” that just tells me she doesn’t believe in her own confidence. Those types maybe do need a big strong silent Chad to pound their pussies into the dirt i guess.

>> No.15526300

Yes. It actually is very uncommon for men to be poly. What the fuck is going on in this thread? I prescribe you all sunlight and a mere 15 minutes of daily exercise.

>> No.15526455


All I get from this is that since you can't compete your "opting" out.

The rest of what you said is just coping for your ego. So you can tell yourself it was your choice.

"I want to be weak feminine girl", if you were born a girl I'm sure you would be on reddit complaining about how hard being a woman is etc.

>> No.15526913


>> No.15527426

nigga have you seen trannies on twitter or women in a social setting? most vicious and toxic creatures. men are much better at getting along and resolving things peacefully.

>> No.15527446

also war is a product of the problem of resource competition, nothing to do with belligerence.

>> No.15527513

Gays are worse than trannies

>> No.15527526



>> No.15527534 [DELETED] 

Yeah, how does OP reason this part? Doesn't make sense at all. Also, gays are hateful but they are just are neurotic and unstable, and of course the whole subculture participates in socialmedia shitflinging.