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15521279 No.15521279[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to create a safe, advanced and liberal society, without also producing a spoiled mentally ill population that will eventually destroy it from the inside?
Books about this?

>> No.15521283
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>Circular view of history

>> No.15521285

just model switzerland and control your borders

>> No.15521295

No because "liberal societies" can never be liberal enough. They eat themselves until hard times and strong men come.

>> No.15521299

Yes, we had that in Europe for hundred of years before Christianty turned the whole continent into the cult of self-pity.

>> No.15521301
File: 126 KB, 944x637, switzerland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just model switzerland

>> No.15521311


>> No.15521319

Why yes, this book has been written. It's called "Technological Slavery: The Collected Writings of Theodore J. Kaczynski"

>> No.15521333

The seeds are sown. They may be currently better than most of the western world, but they are showing signs of following the same trends and thus having the same underlying problem.

>> No.15521342
File: 44 KB, 324x499, Archeofuturism-by-Guillaume-Faye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't Ted against advanced tech, though?
You might argue that a society can be advanced in other ways ("spiritually"), but such a society would be easy prey for hostile takeovers and it wouldn't last long.

Maybe Faye's two tier system would work better.

>> No.15521807

The right to protest is one of the most fundamental and important rights of any Western society. It is not an underlying problem.

>> No.15521843

The concept of "rights" is THE underlying problem.

>> No.15521868

This board is so shit it amazes me every single time

>> No.15521906

Maybe when the robots take over.

>> No.15521920

No. Liberalism's weak friend-enemy distinction means that a Liberal society literally cannot maintain homeostasis, it fundamentally HAS to grow until it dies. See >>15521301. A Liberal society MUST seek to include absolutely everyone it can. There are two reasons for this:

One, lacking the ability to engage in collective action, Liberals can only act as a collective of individuals. This requires them to view themselves as "humanity vs [whatever]". This naturally requires absorbing all of humanity to their side. A Liberal cannot stand the idea of being the underdog, or of not being popular, because axiomatically they MUST follow what all of Humanity is doing, as the alternative would be a collective, which is blasphemous under Liberalism. As a simple defensive (and offensive) measure, Liberalism must include as many people as it can, as defense and offense cannot be formulated under any other schema.

Two, it's simply profitable. Because there is no collective, only individuals, eventually a selection occurs whereby the best way to profit is by fucking over the Liberal society at the behest of Illiberal societies (we see this with China wantonly bribing America and European politicians). Outright excluding foreigners from Illiberal societies would be Illiberal, so it cannot be done in a Liberal society, so naturally the only way to survive is to make everyone a Liberal so that there are no Illiberal societies to bribe politicians.

If these two things aren't done, the Liberal society will die, as we see with Switzerland which has willingly condemned itself to extinction.

>> No.15521936

Protesting for such a manufactured cause is a symptom of a population that is weak and easily subverted. It should worry you even from a liberal democratic perspective.
I don't make a big deal out of this particular event, it will be over in a few days. But all the degenerates that will demand more destructive policies and hamper true progress will stay.

>> No.15521953


>Is it possible to create a safe, advanced and liberal society


>> No.15521970


Normies are allways wrong. This is kony 2012 shit but at least kony was an actual warlord using child soldiers. This is just pure manufactured crisis. The masses are so easily manipulated it is right to assume the demands of the masses should never be agreed upon.

>> No.15521975


>plunders your village and rapes your wife and daughters

>> No.15521980


its not about the protest idiot. Its about the niggers and the helper whities subverting society.

>> No.15521987
File: 163 KB, 700x609, fuherfedora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you have a horse to cry about?

>> No.15521988
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>> No.15522003
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Yes, by limiting diversity.


>> No.15522010

How is it a manufactured cause exactly? Police killing people, especially blacks, in America, is something that happens. The only thing I don't understand is why they are protesting in Switzerland where this is not an issue. Showing solidarity perhaps? It just seems weird to protest in your country against something happening in another country.
On that point, apparently the protests are coming to Leeds soon. Fucking hope it doesn't become a riot. Don't understand the reasoning to protest in Leeds something that happens in America. Whatever.

>> No.15522036

Have you noticed white people never protest when a cop kills a white person?

>> No.15522049

>Police killing people, especially blacks,
I'm going to give you something to do some mental gymnastics hopping.

After Ferguson, most if not all PD's in the US invested in bodycams for all their cops. The number of shootings of blacks per whatever number of arrest has rise, while whites hasn't changed. Somehow, the existence of very hard physical evidence showing the arrest made blacks, who are sooooo unjustly killed all the time, more likely to get shot during arrest. Try to explain it while still believing police is killing "especially blacks".

>> No.15522050

No I don’t think so, if a civilization is happy it has nothing to grow towards and becomes stagnant only to be overcome by another.

>> No.15522058

>How is it a manufactured cause exactly? Police killing people, especially blacks, in America, is something that happens.
For many reasons. I could post stats that debunk many narratives, but others have done it already. Just look around the usual parts, even /pol/ has some resources if you have an open mind and you're willing to go through all the shitposting.
Maybe watch Candace Owens or something

Let's not shit up this thread with basic SJW/anti-SJW stuff that has been posted a million times already (although I don't blame you for not seeing it, if all you watch is certain media).

>> No.15522088

Rights are paradoxical in nature. If there are to be rights then they must be enforced by the state. "international human rights" must therefore be enforced by a state or many states through imperial control.

>> No.15522097

They should if it's done unjustifiably and repeatedly. The reason this event galvanised more people to protest is because of the graphic video, the already high racial tensions due to that jogger, and the history of black Americans' acrimony with police. That's what it seems to me, an uninitiated brit, anyway.
From what I've seen it's obvious that America's judicial system is set up in a way harmful towards blacks. The drug laws are something that get cited a lot (blacks and whites smoke weed at the same rate, yet blacks are more likely to get incarcerated for it), the rates of incarceration, the 'overpolicing' of neighbourhoods, the disparity in police brutality. I don't necessarily deny the inferiority of blacks or their higher proclivity to be involved in crime, but I don't think the system is set up fairly for them.

>> No.15522113

>(blacks and whites smoke weed at the same rate, yet blacks are more likely to get incarcerated for it)
doesn't that mean it's because they get caught more often? And if so why do they get caught more often?

>> No.15522135

>>>/pol/ topic
>Books about this?
Apparently, this is the new low quality normal.

>> No.15522138

>doesn't that mean it's because they get caught more often? And if so why do they get caught more often?
Much higher police presence in their neighborhoods. If I smoke weed on my porch, a cop is not going to drive by and notice.

>> No.15522141

>pavement ape tries to murder a pregnant white woman
>goes to jail
>gets out
>catches coronavirus
>takes a shitload of meth and coke laced with fentanyl
>tries to pass off counterfeit bills
>the cops get called, as the store clerk is legally required to do this
>throws punches when the cops come
>has a cocaine-and-meth induced heart attack and dies
please point out which line of that justifies "loot, burn, rape, murder as you please"

>> No.15522161


>Just do heroin and have kids watch pornography lmao

There are more things wrong with the world than just niggers. Some things should be rightfully outlawed.

>> No.15522186

>America's judicial system is set up in a way harmful towards blacks
Ok so for starters, a metastudy showing courtroom simulations(more about it in link below) you can see that blacks have extreme pro-black bias when sentencing and whites are only marginally harsher to them(basically blacks on average sentence their own at about 25th percentile of distribution of their sentences of whites and whites sentence blacks at 53th percentile of their white sentencing). Blacks and minorities in general have ability to demand non-white jury, which means that by design they're going to get lighter sentences when possible.
>The drug laws are something that get cited a lot
Wrongly cited you should add
>blacks and whites smoke weed at the same rate, yet blacks are more likely to get incarcerated for it
1. Blacks are more likely to lie about being drug users, I don't have the paper at hand.
2. While this is practically impossible to check, in American legal system plea deals exist. You get lighter sentence for weed than you do for assault or robbery so guess what's happening.
>the rates of incarceration
Maybe they commit more crime?
>the 'overpolicing' of neighbourhoods
See above. Also it's funny when you think about it, because it shows you the mindset of people who complain about it. They think whites are about as criminal as blacks, now think about it. Is police dumping all the homicide victims into black neighbourhoods to boost murder rates in them? Why aren't shops in white neighbourhoods as well secured as they are in black neighbourhoods? I think you get the point.
>the disparity in police brutality
I don't know about brutality but I know about the fact the only attempt at trying to test police bias that tried to at least comfort to some standards was here:
And gee wiz. Policemen during simulation have slower reaction time when it comes to shooting black person, and are more trigger happy when shooting whites. Also - ever since bodycams were commonly distributed the number of deaths during arrest(so police killings) of blacks grew. I'd say if anything it's the exact opposite of what you say. Police is probably pro-black as far as their handling goes.

>> No.15522201

Good quote.

Based black woman desu. Maybe she can stay.

>> No.15522219

The states job is to maintain the rights endowed on Man by his Judeo-Christian creator. Atheists fucked that concept up and now your rights are whatever the mob thinks you deserve.

>> No.15522222

>Judeo-Christian creator

My absolute favorite meme is how every Christcuck now pays lib service to Judaism

>> No.15522225

>throws punches when the cops come
proof of this?
>has a cocaine-and-meth induced heart attack and dies
propaganda. more like, a cop stood on the neck of someone with the shittiest lungs possible, due to drugs and covid. Wouldnt have done were it not for both.

>> No.15522228

The like quoting Leviticus.

>> No.15522235

>pavement ape tries to murder a pregnant white woman
If that is not the ultimate symbol of these protests I don't know what is.

>> No.15522242

Should I keep trying to read in English? I get the gist of the book, but there are words that i don't know. I hope my effort will be rewarded in the future lol

>> No.15522245

ah shit wrong thread sorry

>> No.15522299

This is wrong, but because the designer of the image is most likely too cowardly to see the truth here. Hard times do not create strong men. Hard times carelessly and brutally kill weak men, and thus only the strong survive. Strong men then do create "good times" (aka they create civilization, and their blood becomes the blood of the new aristocracy), but the next stage is also wrong. Good times do not create weak men, "good times"/civilization just shields weak men from dying to the merciless and careless hands of nature. The civilization then dies due to the inertia and bloat provided by the rapidly multiplying protected weaklings, and sinks like a ship that has grown too dense.

So, with a deeper analysis, I have actually discovered a way to divert this path, and it is quite simple: destroy the weak. This cycle is inevitable until an aristocracy starts controlling the blood not just of their family, but of their entire civilization. Oh, you think we have past that possibility? Two words: genetic engineering.

>> No.15522330

Imagine giving a shit about a black womans opinion just because they agree with you.

>> No.15522332

The concept of rights, the veil of equality and freedom that it supports, is an extremely important tool in managing the "organic inertia", so to speak.

>> No.15522343

Then get off of it. Why the fuck are you complaining to us? Go and do something "better" then instead of moping around in the very place you hate.

>> No.15522419

the weak should fear the strong

>> No.15522712
File: 351 KB, 989x1280, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The number of whites being killed by the police by number of violent crimes is still higher than that of blacks.
Check the autopsy report.

>> No.15522727

KEK how many drugs can a nigga take before a nigga becomes a nigger