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15515170 No.15515170 [Reply] [Original]

My university is requiring us to read two of the following books and then write an essay. What are the best ones on this list?

>> No.15515191

Black Rednecks and White Liberals by Sowell.

>> No.15515192

Hahahaha! A Cosmo article is now a university required reading. That is hilarious.

Honestly OP, if this is not bait, do Baldwin (actually good) and that Cosmo article (hahahahahaha) and then write an essay about the dumbing down of America that's occurred over the last 50 years such that we have gone from a Baldwin to a Plank. You could honestly pick any of the other modern books as well, but then you'd have to read more long-form tripe than you otherwise would have to with the article.

>> No.15515229


>> No.15515242

Fantastic post.

>> No.15515257

The purpose of these readings is to get the sons and daughters of the ruling class on the same page regarding the latest divide and conquer tactics in defense of capital. Literary merit is not really a factor.

>> No.15515309

Baldwin and Coates. They give some of the best perspectives and they're just great prose to expose yourself to in general.

>> No.15515320

Coates is the most overrated author of the last 20 years tbqh family.

>> No.15515335
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Jesus fucking christ. the only work of substance on there is the Baldwin and that's easily his least compelling.
Otherwise just read between the lines, identify what they want from you, and put on a show of self flagellating, write an essay prostrate to black "voices" and "bodies" and move on with your life.

>> No.15515350

he fucking sucks. I liked the adolph reed jr quote about him in his most recent in nonsite, predicting lame criticisms of his critique of identitarian leaning protests:
"I largely grew up in the Jim Crow era and the most intense period of the postwar civil rights insurgency, and where most of my family lives and had lived before, during and after Katrina. I’m still not going to natter on about my racial bona fides; I’ll leave that domain to the likes of Mychal Denzel Smith and Ta-Nehisi Coates, for whom every sideways glance from a random white person while waiting on line for a latté becomes an occasion for navel-gazing lament and another paycheck. (A historian friend has indicated his resolve, when white colleagues enthuse to him about Coates’s wisdom and truth-telling, to ask which white college dropouts they consult to get their deep truths about white people.) I just wanted to anticipate the reaction and make clear that I recognize it for the cheesy move that it is."

>> No.15515368

>I’ll leave that domain to the likes of Mychal Denzel Smith and Ta-Nehisi Coates, for whom every sideways glance from a random white person while waiting on line for a latté becomes an occasion for navel-gazing lament and another paycheck.

>> No.15515439
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So you aren't attending a real university then.

>> No.15515444

I think all American Universities are like this

>> No.15515452

I read DiAngelo's article "White Fragility," which I believe is a highly condensed summary of the points she makes in her book of the same name. It wasn't bad, just kind of obvious and boring. Most of what she said was quite rational though, and the minor inaccuracies I did detect could mostly be forgiven for the sake of more thoroughly exposing the issues she was taking on. It's a safe choice in my opinion, especially depending on how irrational the others are. I wouldn't know as I haven't read them.

Link to the article: http://libjournal.uncg.edu/ijcp/article/view/249/116

>> No.15515462
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Why would you pay people money to force you to read racist books. Like even the title of some of these are literally racist. Typecasting all whites as "being racist" or having "white fragility" is literally the same thing as typecasting all blacks as being rapists.

Except there are statistics on one of them. Not all are rapists but a vast majority are.

>> No.15515470

it's an accessory to his education pushed by some well-meaning overweight human resources or office of diversity and inclusion director.
They need to validate their jobs.

>> No.15515481

it's not literally the same thing but yes, both are retarded.

>> No.15515488
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I mean shit, there was literally a white girl raped and beaten to death by three blacks during the riots against police brutality.

>> No.15515495

>discussing race without discussing class first
That’s gonna be a no from me dog.

>> No.15515496

Coates is a neolib shill.

>> No.15515503


>> No.15515511

Kek. Brutal.

>> No.15515523


>> No.15515526

race is just a stupidly american proxy for class, but we need to figure out a way for americans to change conversations about race into conversations about class instead of abandoning them wholesale, othewise we are going to hit a critical mass of weirdly reactionary race essentialist radical liberals and all of art and culture will suck for thirty to forty years. We need a prominent black intellectual to break it down clearly and completely, and explicitly state that using "racism" as the root cause for anything is intellectually dishonest and actually inhibits meaningful problem solving. This might never, ever happen. They're making too much money to stop pushing the retardbutton.
I thought it was just gonna go away naturally but these cop killings are whipping it up again.
Unironically thinking about just moving to the beach in greece, italy, or france. I don't want to be in the US when the lameness strikes, everything dynamic and interesting about this country is getting leached away in the swamp of liberal "good sense" and "morality"
I might as well just eat some fresh fish. I'm involved in class unity but there's so much animosity from the DSA which is itself likely ill fated and ineffectual in the short run.

>> No.15515532

Baldwin is the only actual writer on that list.

>> No.15515534
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>defense of capital
based, what books will teach me how to defend capital with my life using divide and conquer tactics?

>> No.15515536

It's too late, anon. The closest we came to a black 'intellectual' telling people to stop blaming shit on race was unironically Bill Cosby in the 80s and 90s. That actually worked pretty well, but it's all be undone over the last 10 years.

>> No.15515543

goddamn you're a walking talking clichee.

>> No.15515555

What are your other options Op? Pretty small list and these are the real problems >>15515495

>> No.15515559

Adolph Reed Jr and Cornel West are both great but they're rapidly disavowed by anti-intellectual poorly read and generally anti-socialist young black activists in BLM. They don't want to do away with capitalism, they want to be inducted as winners in capitalism. Purely internalized capitalist realism. I hear there's some people in BLM who are based, specifically the NOLA chapter, who last night rightly called for stopping the "black bodies" and "black voices" talk because it is deeply dehumanizing, even citing some prominent biopower theorists.
We need to turn Coates or Nikole Hannah-Jones, unironically I think blackmale (kek) is the only solution.

>> No.15515567

one "e" in english brudda

>> No.15515571

Adolph Reed is so based. The limits of anti-racism is another great article he wrote. I’ve never seen him talked about on here

>> No.15515594

>Unironically thinking about just moving to the beach in greece, italy, or france.
I recommend the southern coast of Crete. A bit desolate, but the fish is superb.

>> No.15515600

yum I'm there

>> No.15515606

Didn't some Brony recently try to defend a random store with his samurai sword or some shit? Find out what that guy is reading.

>> No.15515617

What should I read from Adolph Reed?

>> No.15515627

class notes

>> No.15515638

>tfw I've been studying humanities for 3 years now and still did not have to read a single text on racism, needed just one feminist essay (Cixous)
feels good being a euro

>> No.15515654

Race isn't uniquely American or a proxy for class and terming it that way shows you don't really understand either concept. It's a very simple DnC construct and it's disturbing that you can't even get that far in your analysis. Though a wholly artificial construct, it's deeply ingrained at this point and even if class divides are remedied, it will not go away unless independently addressed.

>> No.15515674

oh ok so once material concerns are resolved the inherent weakness and evil of the working class will still exist, thus they will still generate conflict with each other for stupid silly reasons, and they'll still need your brilliant guidance and christlike leadership to save them from their own inherent sin
glad to know exactly what you think of us

>> No.15515685

>Baldwin (actually good)
Only if you want the gospel of contemporary liberalism preached to you in a contrived, sassy, black inflection. Everything bad about literature today is essentially an artistic e. coli infection derived from the literary elite rimming his unwashed asshole.

>> No.15515695

Baldwin is the only author on that list so read him

>> No.15515701

this makes it seem like you haven't read baldwin

>> No.15515721


>> No.15515737

I've read two of of his novels and two of his essay collections. Both is worldview is banal and pathetic and his prose is garish; held up by elites who see anything mired in "blackness" (which in this case is like overdosing on chitlins) as emancipatory and, therefore, good.

>> No.15515794

yet you're not engaging with the text at all, everything you've said is stuff you'd glean from an extremely juvenile adversarial reading of a wikipedia summary

>> No.15515809

His stories are where it's at. Sonny's Blues is great.

>> No.15515838

>Baldwin talks mostly about being black
You must suck a lot of random dicks to be this inured to the main content of his work. He talks more about wine.

>> No.15515859

George Jackson is a based militant Marxist, read him

>> No.15515878

Read Baldwin and Trickbaby by Iceberg Slim. If anyone complains about Trickbaby, call them a selfhater regardless of their skin tone.

>> No.15515933

More of an extremely adversarial reading of his books. I knew I would hate his work, and I read it (like I do with any liberal saint) for the purpose of feeling hatred.

>> No.15515954

>No mom I'm not reading gay porn because i'm gay, it's because I really hate gays especially when they write about cuddling
Sure thing son, we believe you

>> No.15515965

lmao btfo

>> No.15515994

Damn, I didn't know I was secretly a black, gay , liberal humanist. I guess Freud would have a field day with me.

>> No.15516000

which university? please OP tell me. this is absolute ridiculous.

>> No.15516002
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>tfw studied STEM and never had to undergo the humiliation of being forced to read niggers on seppo nigger issues.
feels good man.

>> No.15516019

I keep seeing Robin DiAngelo's name.

I strongly suggest reading her PhD dissertation. It is comical. She practices discourse analysis, so her 'dataset' consists of a round table discussion / commissariat reeducation session about race, led by two students with a handful of volunteer participants (11/15 women, 7/15 white women). They take turns being passive aggressively interrogated about their beliefs regarding whiteness. It culminates in one of the participants becoming frustrated and leaving, offending one of the interlocutors who proceeds to go around the room aggressively question the remaining participants on why they did not come to her defense during the argument.

Throughout, DiAngelo provides her 'analysis', more akin to an omnipotent narrator informing the reader on how they should interpret what is 'actually' being said.


>> No.15516021

I bet you only read Mishima for workout tips too.

>> No.15516050

Ehhh. I've read worse. Franzen and Murakami would actually take those positions in my book

>> No.15516052

hahahahaha that actually sounds like a great read.

>> No.15516068

Well yes, but most of the readings there are neoliberal shilling. OP asked for recs from the list and Coates has a strong prose style. Going beyond the list, they'd be better off with Fanon, Wright, Ellison, Davis, etc. Discussions of race that seek to preserve capitalist structures aren't really gonna work.

>> No.15516110

This, but Jewish interests instead of capital.

>> No.15516121


>> No.15516148

Oh, there are certainly *worse* authors out there. Coates himself is a fine enough writer on a simple linguistic level - he uses admittedly language relatively well and has a good enough style.

But I did not claim that he was the *worst* author of the last 20 years, I claimed that he was the most *overrated*. The massive and nearly universal acclaim he has received from the more literate classes in the United States is ridiculous. He is a good writer with weak ideas. As much as his white adulators will deny it, to them he is for all intents and purposes a magical negro, and they are incapable of thinking about or responding critically to what he says.

>> No.15516164

this has to be a joke, op. what university is recommending a reading list from elle magazine

i'd read baldwin and coates. baldwin is probably the only one with substance and isn't just masturbatory bullshit

read baldwin

>> No.15516189

Reed is unimaginably based. I hold that if all of the so-called "left" were forced to read and digest Class Notes contemporary America would be a substantially better place

>> No.15516576

Oh that's fair. I do think he plays well into white liberalism's use of tokenism to displace self-implication.

>> No.15516627

There is nothing wrong with being exposed to different viewpoints. You would not go out of your way to read this material and you know it. Instead, you would rather that your worldview (continue to) be influenced and supported by those who agree with you rather than those who challenge you.
I would recommend White Fragility.

>> No.15516702
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maybe the class war was just a temporary manifestation of the eternal race war. Bringing class-consciousness to a race war is like bringing a knife to a gun fight. the old left relied on mass union organizing and the prospect of establishing a socialist state, all gone due to changing technoeconomic conditions. the new left is the managerial corporate academic nomenklatura, woke capital, the secular theocracy, multiculturalism and the politics of guilt, as Gottfried would have it.

why pretend to be a marxist when the shitlib queers will screech at you no matter what? I called myself a marxist at one point, but since thenmy interests have drifted towards the nouvelle droite paleoconservatism, third positionism and the German conservative revolution of the interwar period. Historical meaning is not given but created through confrontation, and right now its the leftists fighting on the side of capital and the powers that be.

>> No.15516729

leftists, shitlibs and lgbtpocwocsjwtfs have no positive vision beyond wallowing in shame and making people feel as ashamed as they do. wokeness is the dialectical synthesis of anti psychiatry and the sexual revolution with the leftist's ineradicable stalinist tendencies. what could be their endgame? is a world of genderless, culture less shit colored wheelchair bound polyamorous blobs with pink hair passively consuming the products of the Walt Disney corporation

>> No.15516731

>If You’re a White Women and You’re Uncomfortable Right Now, That’s a Good Thing
lmao the memes literally write themselves

>> No.15517182

In invoking the "eternal race war" you're naturalizing and reifying race in a way no better than the shitlib queers you supposedly position yourself against.
What's missed by both the "left" today and the population in general is that the shitlib queers are as conservative and reactionary as you are

>> No.15517210

university is such a joke

the only reason to go is simply because old people and women still consider a college degree as a marker of social status. sad!