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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 252 KB, 800x1085, neitzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15505626 No.15505626 [Reply] [Original]

Many racist Nietzscheans misread Nietzsche and think that he would be against the current riots in America. But my reading of Nietzsche would say otherwise. I think that this is the will to power being exercised currently. The will to power does not have a race!

>> No.15505644

No, riots are the inevitable results of a system where there are winners and losers and the losers have to starve and be homeless. These riots were created by economic conditions.

>> No.15505647

But think about the individual people in them that are rising up. They are strong and are overcoming a corrupt system that has systematically opressed them. If that isn't the will to power, I don't know what it is. Neitzsche would certainly see ubermenschen amongst many of the protestors who care nothing for social laws and only for their own affirmations

>> No.15505663 [DELETED] 

Those people are pawns. They are stage props, not actors.

>> No.15505705

no, they're just inhabiting a temporarily expanded playground created by the lax response of local authorities. blacks only do what they're allowed to do, they have no agency of their own

>> No.15505712

>Many racist Nietzscheans
Like who?

>> No.15505714

no, they are getting played by the left

>> No.15505844

>oh no I’m starving and homeless
>better steal a Rolex and a plasma TV

>> No.15505848

You know nothing about Nietzsche

>> No.15505881

I assume you mean the Wille zur Kraft, and not the Wille and Macht, when you say "will to power". If you meant the latter and not the former, you're retarded. If you mean he would be for it because it brings selfdestruction those those who seek to form group narratives of power, as the Wille zur Kraft is prone to do, however, it's kind of strange you call the people who are against it racist.

>> No.15506108

It's much easier to steal a rolex than the value equivalent in food. Are you genuinely retarded?

>> No.15506123

No its about race. Niggers hate white people cos we're too smart and pretty.

>> No.15506127

They are following along with exactly the narrative the system has laif out for them.

>> No.15506164

There are very few if any individuals in this protest. Most are just consumed by ideology and being played in a much bigger game. The protests are completely unorganised and neither a leader or demands have been made, just vague unachievable sentiments.

>> No.15506182

some Scientology recruiter is salivating at your stupidity

>> No.15506266
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>> No.15506290

And yet none of the apes currently chimping out on the streets will achieve anything, and are only allowed to proceed with their circus march because elites need them to. Nietzsche would be repulsed to see such a blatant display of slave obedience.

>> No.15506338

>which I can use to improve my perceived status, and/or sell for cash

>> No.15506436

What you say are some of Nietzsche essential teachings?

>> No.15506455

Couldn't you also say they were expressing their slave morality?

>> No.15506493
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>lmao look at this lefty thinking he's speaking for black people.. but he's just inserting his own prejudices and biases over them. So naive and foolish.
>anyway here's my reply: I speak for black people and they're just dumb niggers who want shiny products. I'm just going to totally ignore all of the "fuck cops" grafitti, specific targeting of police property, courthouses, and "no justice no peace" chants

reactionaries are so retarded and hypocritical. Why do they even pretend to read?

>> No.15506501
File: 51 KB, 850x400, quote-nobody-is-more-inferior-than-those-who-insist-on-being-equal-friedrich-nietzsche-146-80-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chimpout fueled by ressentiment isnt will to power

>> No.15506526

Clearly not as retarded as someone thirsty and starving who puts time and effort into stealing a rolex rather than food.

>> No.15506534
File: 51 KB, 960x932, 49346123_2263148857237181_3460362190115045376_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He just posted a meme bro. There's no need to imagine an entire personality and scenario for him and then get angry about it.

>> No.15506545
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>he thinks it's still about equality
>he's still programmed

>> No.15506569

Its not about actual equality its about weaponzing concept of "equality" so the inferior group can compete against superior one via using morality as a tool. Basically guilt tripping whites into giving up power in similar way that christians did to romans. I just hope Europe wont follow the same way after seeing how America turned out

>> No.15506588
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>I just hope Europe wont follow the same way
Unlikely. We've adopted the exact same liberal foundation myth as the US. Much like America our leaders would prefer we burn to the ground rather than oppose our liberal enlightnement values. The conveyor belt has just tossed the US into the furnace but theres no chance of getting off; we've built our whole lives around the conveyor belt. Plus getting off the conveyor belt would be cold and dark compared to the warm heat of the impending flames.

>> No.15506595

it's literally the opposite
they are dancing in reaction to greater wills

>> No.15506601

>niggers are the sacred cows of America
really makes one think

>> No.15506605

>overcoming a corrupt system that has systematically opressed them
Using this as justification is some hitherto undiscovered level and form of slave morality.

Is this whole ordeal just hegelian master/slave dialectic?

>> No.15506622
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damn you right, dawg. Subtext, interpretation, authorship, semiotics? All meaningless crap. What a great literature board.

>> No.15506636

Thats true, but we are 20 years behind America so there is still some time. I hope coming economic/demographic/ecologic or whatever crisis wakes people up. We are still living too comfy; thats why everyone is so complacent

>> No.15506638

Riots are just a symptom of impotent ressentiment being unleashed in a chaotic and directionless mesh. Nietzsche would despise most people taking part (the whites for being subservient moralists and the blacks for the aforementioned reason). Though I suspect that there may be some few blacks who Nietzsche would respect, the vast majority he would decry.

>> No.15506641

slave morality revolt

>> No.15506646


>> No.15506704
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The ethnotribalist's will to power is necessarily an end in itself, ultimately unto his/her selfdestruction, whilst the raciofolkist's will to power is a means to the end of the fulfillment of the common purpose of his/her folk, and race.

>> No.15506780

>anyway here's my reply: I speak for black people and they're just dumb niggers who want shiny products.
The blacks and the looters are the actual good ones, the real Nietzscheans. They're not doing this to progress some collectivist ideology, they're doing it for their own self interest.

>> No.15506794
File: 30 KB, 700x505, nietzsche_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck, it's official, /lit/ in 2020 consists mostly of fucking wikipedia readers.
I'm posting this from work so I won't be able to provide any quotes but plainly put most participants of the riots are spiritually nihilists and the riots are inherently nihilistic in their nature, Nietzsche would fucking destroy the rioters for being pathetic examples of the destructiveness of last man (progressivism, socialism and anarchism with the exception of individualist anarchism are ideologies of the last man). rioters share all to many bad characteristics with Raskolnikov
>unsure of the validity of their goals and ideologies which is why they need to provoke retaliatory action to entrench in them the certainty that their actions are justified
>because of aformentioned uncertainty they feel the compulsive need to compare themselves to great men of history ("muh Boston tea party was also violent"), see Raskolnikov's sperg article about Newton, Kepler and Napoleon
>they represent pure negation which destroys the old but brings nothing new to the table
of course the entire project of the Ubermensch was supposed to safeguard mankind from nihilists like Raskolnikov which is why the rioters have nothing to do with Nietzsche

>> No.15506806

Seems like you made the mistake of confusing people with niggers OP.

>> No.15506813

Niggers are the opposite of Nietzchean Ubermensch because they have no impulse control.

>> No.15506819

You don't know what the concept of ubermensch means.

>> No.15506883

Good post.

>> No.15506907

ITT: Racist assholes grossly misunderstanding the most basic and as such most easily graspanle ideas of Nietzsche. Further proof that racist are the greatest dumbfucks society has to offer.

>> No.15506941

kill yourseelf ret ard !

>> No.15506947
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>> No.15506963

Could you point out an individual post that misrepresents Nietzsche? I don't see how you could contort his philosophy into supporting Anarchism, Moralism, Ressentiment etc... all of which are on full display with these riots. Nietzsche was never a revolutionary thinker in the way that Leftists are revolutionary, so I don't get why you would categorize the largely aimless rioting as Nietzschean will to power.

>> No.15507008


>> No.15507088

>the CONSOOMERS are the real Nietzscheans

>> No.15508119

>a system where there are winners and losers
Which is every system.

>> No.15508120

Moronic response, a watch valued at thousands of dollars is more valuable than any amount of necessities one person could reasonably steal. Of course that's what you'd take.

>> No.15508337


It's also propped up by people in positions of power. They could easily stop these riots, but they wont do it

>> No.15508357

For the love of god never talk about philosophy in your life ever again

>> No.15508361

My nigga woke af

>> No.15508555

Nietzsche is a big dummy.

>> No.15508599

I really hope some major event will turn whites 180 although rural and souther americans seem based

>> No.15508609

these riots are fueled by black resentment so i would say no

>> No.15508647

>that filename

>> No.15508701

They are literally mindless mob

>> No.15508703

Crime and punishment's Raskolnikov

>> No.15508715


>> No.15508737

only correct answers itt

>> No.15509381

So what would Nietzsche approve of? Subservience and inactivity? It is clear that he was no revolutionary in the sense a leftist is, but that doesn't mean the contrary behavior would have been the correct one in his eyes. It is vastly more complicated. Nietzschean ethics appear to apply to the individual level only. That's where the will to power has the possibility to be exerted. So, obviously, joining a movement (constructed on morality) just for the sake of joining it and living for it wouldn't be an exertion of the will to power. However, if the individual is confronted with a situation which is detrimental for him, ¿wouldn't it just be cowardice to become subservient and inactive? Rather, the individual can make use of the people (as his property) to achieve his own goals. So it all depends of who exactly are you and with what intention are you acting on the possibilities that are presented to you.

>> No.15509555

This is republished from 2017. This guy has it right partly. But I don't agree with the "demonic clinton soros" shite. It's different than that but people are still unknowingly being used.

>> No.15509563

He would have no problem with someone using people to achieve his own goals. But these fags are doing nothing other than being pawns.

>> No.15509614

Not him, but pawns for who? I have seen people allude to and write this in other posts in this thread talking about them "following the system they think they are rebelling against" or that they are doing exactly what the elites want them to do, but how? who are the people who want this?

>> No.15509651

>Surely something will stop the fall of Rome!
>the poorest and dumbest americans are based

>> No.15509654
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Uncle Ted got it right.

>> No.15509736

How could they possibly rebel against the system when every megacorporation and institution supports them? Check out their twitter.
Also this anon is very based read the essay

>> No.15509761

Based trips.
watch >>15505714

>> No.15509774

When Schopenhauer and Nietzsche talk about those things it isn't related to political power.

>> No.15509957

From a marxist point of view, the power is exerted trough the ideological state apparatuses (school, universities, journalism). All of those are in support of fighting against racism and police brutality. The media are on their side. The big capitalist companies are on their side. They arent challenging those in power, they arent challenging the capitalist class. They just lash out in blind rage without any over-arching ideas. The system benefits from fights against racism and discrimination. Media, universities, whole system of law is on their sides.

>> No.15509967

>zero-sum bias

>> No.15509985

KEK, right?

>> No.15510012

You can't sell a Rolex for money for food?

>> No.15510189

They're not completely without ideas but yes they mostly just consist the same and accepted undefined universals/ideals (equality, anti-racism, anything that is 'good') so in a sense they don't hate america but just think america isn't being american enough

>> No.15510331

When I said they don't have any ideas, I meant they dont have any actually revolutionary ideas
>they don't hate america but just think america isn't being american enough

>> No.15511898

Video got claimed by chaz cook any chance you can put it on bitchute?

>> No.15512020


>> No.15512036

Pure ressentiment, also your reading is wrong. WTP may be flexed in certain ways in the riots but it is never maximizing itself, it can never be a true will to power under life-denying conditions. It is always stifled, decaying.

>> No.15512052
File: 60 KB, 640x480, E1D829D1-8B73-4EC6-8E99-F20970E1A14A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it’s a collective, social will to power? that’s not Nietzsche.
Rioting because you’re told to be chimp out by the mobs on Twitter and reddit is the opposite of the overman.

>> No.15512067

This. These niggers roam in herds looting stores from their own communities and even killed one of their own who was protecting his pawn shop.

>> No.15512118
File: 124 KB, 750x1000, 1590089889659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that equality = humanism = christianism = slave morality

>> No.15512169

Niezsche's sister

>> No.15512196

No they are tokens and foot soldiers for a bigger agenda they don't understand. But they know it hurts white people and that's all they care about. Black Americans are only unified in their hatred of whites. That hatred is used and like always blacks won't really get anything out of this ordeal except the fun of chimping out

>> No.15512204

she just wanted to impress her nazi bf for that dick :^)

>> No.15512230

>No they are tokens and foot soldiers for a bigger agenda they don't understand
Based. I'm curious however, what is this bigger agenda in your eyes?

>> No.15512360

>These riots were created by economic conditions.
Doesn't mean there isn't a Will to Power.

Will to Power has a quasi-moral dimension that means the actions taken should also give you greater Power, it might even just be not diminish it it's been a while since I've read Nietzsche. Either way, Will to Power needs to be self-perpetuating. I think the main issue here is the perpetuation of another group's narrative (a lot of what is being done is so reactive to racist values that it perpetuates those racist values, and we're seeing this with a lot of white people attending the demonstrations to "just listen and learn" and be passive wastes of space merely observing the racist police fighting or even acting as body guards and protectors; or ignoring class differences where we're seeing people cheer the destruction of property that benefits poor people but being turncoats when it comes to their middle or upper class neighborhoods getting the same treatment and their socioeconomic position being attacked). Mere reaction to these values only makes you a camel or a lion. We might eventually see a real transvaluation, and that might be quite interesting with it potentially coinciding with the US losing its hegemonic position. I have yet to see a real Napoleon type figure emerge though, so not holding my breath there.

>> No.15512369

>We've adopted the exact same liberal foundation myth as the US.
No we haven't, it's a direct pantomime of the British economic system with some small modifications, not an aping of the US one. Very different system.

>> No.15512378

I think Neech would love the modern American black person and would say that they're the only real possible source of true genius in our time as the whites have been reduced to a Last Man existence

>> No.15512406

If you take the writings of Nietzsche solely as Nietzscheism, which most misconstrued as a "nothing at all matters" then you have to believe that the uncaring exists to, with the same extent, to the counter culture that is rising up now. Not only are you unsympathetic to the plight of what is the norm you you are unsympathetic to what is trying to replace.

>> No.15512425

Please read the thing you're talking about before talking about it.

>> No.15512444

Tell me, what creates ambition, if not competition?

>> No.15512487

I have and I am arguing against those modern day emo nihilistic instagram influencers that use his writings as a definition to their "woe is me" "i know pain and don't care" image. Maybe come back with an argument if you wish to have an argument on my stance next time rather than standing behind the idea of, "you're wrong and i can't bother with the words to defend why."

>> No.15512495

/thread, really. It’s not like this isn’t just a natural consequence of the Kalergi plan. White people as a whole could never dream of combining forces like this - they don’t have the tribalism, agency, desire, and obviously not the media exposure. It’s a 1-sided race war, and we all know who’s rooting for whom.

>> No.15512506

Competition begets ambition and the world has forgotten that and it has given way to shit subpar motive. Be better than those before or at least strive to be.

>> No.15512520

word salad

>> No.15512522


>> No.15512544


Of course its word salad. It's /lit/, we're all trying to be Faulkner. My point still stands above your unneeded enlightenment ya goddamn cuck

>> No.15512659

Race does not matter. Judging by the discourse on this board, all of you fall into the herd. Of course, I am better than the rest of you, rising above your antiquarian history.

>> No.15512668

>living by comparison

>> No.15512674

spot on

>> No.15512675

Palpable seething

>> No.15512693

I do not think you understand. I do read Nietzsche, but to read him you must feel him. Sit in a dark room, light a fire, and burn your hand. Stomp the fire out. If you listen, you can hear the parts of your soul rising. Yes, the books begin to speak. You here Plutarch narrating Caesar, but his voice changes to chants...Gloria Exercitus! You are marching alongside them, then bracing the cold winds of the sea. The monsters of the clockwork are set on you, beating you and laughing, yet you know what comes for them. The monster of control, which is what the book is about! No free will, control! Then it fades and snaps! You are taken out, left in that cold, dark room. You relight the fire and burn your other hand, and then again and again, experiencing more and more. I don’t expect you guys to understand, just as my family does not. I do not do that so for the burns or for the marks, but it activates my brain and my senses, it allows me to see more. It is how I have read and how I can feel, and it infuriates me that people talk about authors such as these so casually while I have to go through such great lengths to experience them.

>> No.15512738
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what a post

>> No.15512833

Nice larp. Enjoying the sad lonely death in your dark cold room.

>> No.15513018

You're none of those, moron

>> No.15513032

Blacks are the superior group though. You guys are very mediocre. Literally nothing would change if whites disappeared tomorrow. Most inventions were made by Jews and asians. Cumskins really think the world needs them lol

>> No.15513058

Malcom X and MLK were close to ubersmench
This is the complete opposite

>> No.15513111

Resentful post and/or bait

>> No.15513115

Their financed by Soros

>> No.15513141

Idk man, blacks are all extremely tribalistic/herdlike as is almost any minority in the west and those who actually stand out and reject their herd mentality are labeled as "acting white". Jews are really all mediocre and most are starting to view their traditions as commodities that no one takes seriously like Lutheran kids and confirmation. And all asians are bugmen who have remodeled their civilizations based on the west

>> No.15513146

Whites are the superior group though. You guys are very mediocre. Literally nothing would change if blacks disappeared tomorrow. Most inventions were made by whites and asians. Shitskins really think the world needs them lol

>> No.15513170

Economic factors, but also the excitement.
Anger and frustration, valid (years and years of empty promises) and not (anything mass media related)
Cognitive dissonance.

>> No.15513177

Why is it that the Amerimutts who see through one layer of lies, have to be illiterate?
>Their - when it should be they're
>Could of - when it can only be could have / could've

>> No.15513189

There are some who try to campaign for police accountability (as they should imo), but most just want an excuse to lash out at a system that's been failing them recently due to shit leadership.

>> No.15513195

not even American, just an ESL who had a mental fart. but that's besides the point. BLM hae no agency. they're puppets. pawns used for a major goal.

>> No.15513200

Very good post

>> No.15513236
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The riots are a release of suppressed Dionysian instincts. Same with rock and punk music. If you don't feel giddy at the prospect of rioting yourself, of relishing the chaos, releasing that energy, I'm pretty sure you don't have a soul.
The question isn't "why are blacks rioting?" it's, "why haven't whites rioted yet?" Have you noticed blacks, as a group, still have that will to fight in them? People in Britain are being told to post dumb black squares on their social media feed, we all have to speak up against evil racism because on the other side of the world a thing happened, but when Islamic terrorists bombed children at a music concert, we were told to turn the other cheek.

>> No.15513251
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>> No.15513267


>> No.15513314

For almost all docile men of modernity, participating in a riot will be the closest they'll experience to storming the enemy on the battlefield. Keep believing Nietzsche would condone the riots because the rioters don't have a clear ideology (what a joke, as if the average French soldier under Napoleon or Greek under Alexander had an ideology -- as if Nietzsche cares about ideology, he was about *transvaluation* aka destruction, "overcoming" of values)
>A living being seeks above all else to discharge its strength; Life itself is Will to Power.
You can question if the blacks have a real reason to be rioting. That's another discussion. But the point is, justified or not, they feel attacked by people who wish them harm, and they are lashing out at them. If only whites did the same. Whites turn the other cheek, time and again, whites are "above it all", whites don't believe in "stooping down to their level". How's that working out? Which group still has a fighting spirit? Which group is "discharging its strength?" Which group is full of life? Which group is full of resignation and passive defeat? Which group is kneeling to whom?

>> No.15513339

Mexicans are slaughtering blacks in Chicago. Blacks have the support and sympathy of the media and most of the population and even corporations. It's nothing more than a glorified tantrum, If there's a group to admire right now is the deadly Mexicans for they are going exactly against the grain.

>> No.15513343

>You can question if the blacks have a real reason to be rioting. That's another discussion. But the point is, justified or not, they feel attacked by people who wish them harm, and they are lashing out at them.

>> No.15513345 [DELETED] 

ressentiment =/= denial of the will to power

>> No.15513353

That's what brainless nihilists do. Exploding without beauty or purpose.

>> No.15513588

"the fighting spirit" to which you keep referring is deflated by the fact that the corporations, the media, the academics, and the ideological apparatuses all support the riots. what looks destructive is actually just a reaffirmation of the status quo, as passive and moribund a movement as any can be. please don't compare this at all to the French Revolution, you have no idea what you're talking about. this is ideology keeping itself alive by absorbing the techniques and tactics of the subversive population

>> No.15513639

>misreads Nietzsche
dionysian lol

>> No.15513645

No i'm both, stop projecting

>> No.15513670

this, the whole thing feels more like a simulation

>> No.15513696

OP is a retard. Nietzsche spends a fourth of all his writing arguing that Germans are niggers. He literally shits on Anglos for their theory of environment, and constantly talks about blood this, race that. He constantly shits on democratic and popular movements. Nobody in this thread has read Nietzsche

>> No.15513703

You can apply everything Nietzsche says about Germans to niggers x100

>> No.15513721

this, it's hilarious how pseuds and wikipedia readers regurgitate the lie that "muh Nietzsche was not a racist, that was the Nazis who misinterpreted him" when in Genealogy of Morality he laments the spoilage of the Aryan bloodline literally at the beginning of the book. even if national socialism was a misinterpretation of Nietzsche, he gave them all too many opportunities to misinterpret him

>> No.15513739

They're more lashing out at the perception that the system's failing them when it's mostly lack of responsibility and inflaming social tensions by the dems during the past years.

>> No.15513753
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then show them big boy use words

>> No.15513767

you are glowing man

>> No.15513785

It's all simple. If the American State want's to keep being a thing then it must issue martial law for a minimum of two years and completely filter the entire country of criminals and put them to work through penal labour. Also, it might be good to remind them that we're in the middle of a pandemic

>> No.15513794

And btw OP (I'm the same person who called u retard earlier), please don't use "Will to Power" to talk about a specific event. The whole point of the concept is that everything is supposed to be will to power (the concept is first and foremost a way of making sense of cause and effect ontologically), so that's not a criteria for whether something would get Nietzsche or anybody's approval.

>> No.15513799

and record it on a iphone while wearing $300 nike jordans. these people are parasites

>> No.15513980

'black' identity is a market invented in the last 30-40 years it is absolutely pathetic and anti-nietzchean

>> No.15513985

nigga the rioters are literally from other states looking to smash shit. a good chunk of them are privileged white college students. protestors are a different matter.

>> No.15514008

No, the white leftists funding them are though. By evoking "privilege" they're implicitly acknowledging a state of inferiority and asking whites to pity them.

>> No.15514136

seems right

>> No.15514157
File: 70 KB, 586x1000, 1BA8B33B-3EF9-4942-97FA-C8AB7374324D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They’re retards who don’t understand how their own society and technology works.

>> No.15514168

Literally Nazi Germany's entire education system.

>> No.15514175


>> No.15514200
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>implying memes aren't interlocutory acts capable of expressing propositions that can be held to the same scrutiny of any other moral statement

>> No.15514201

Well everything is will to power, so obviously. But who or what, what kind of forces are these? Even nihilism exercises its will to power as will to nothingness (which is better than to not will at all, which it cannot do). Is this a truly revolutionary (not really Nietzsche's term) will to power, or merely a reactive one?

>> No.15514427

How does big companies benefit from it?

>> No.15514457

Do many historical texts have such redpilled interpretations as this? Or is that the job of philosophers?

>> No.15514658

By promoting a CONSOOOMer class. All these marketing moves they have been making them more popular with the youth. The looting also ends up fucking with small businesses.

>> No.15514688

niggas dropping stacks for the new jordans but dodge child support payments lmfao

>> No.15514799

Are you kidding? Look at social media, companies like Nike are expected to give statements, what is a statement? A big feel good advertisement. It’s free publicity. It gets hundreds of thousands of retweets and it cost nothing to produce. Nike then gets approval and people think “Nike supports BLM so I can feel good about buying Nike shoes.”

>> No.15515036

They are exercising Will to Welfare

>> No.15515063

>if you're poor, it's dumb to steal the best value-to-portability ratio item available, which is also extremely easy to flip on the black market
Yeah, sure was retarded, should have gone for as many cans of tuna and beans as they could carry.

>> No.15515075

It's basically a corporate virtue signal, and their employees have also probably been initiated into Wokeness at school. Corporations have to signal these virtues because otherwise they'll find themselves on the wrong end of State power.

>> No.15515079

White males are killed by the police at over 2x the rate of asian males and 9x the rate of black females

There is no "systemic oppression" blacks are killed more by the police because they commit more crime and police are more likely to think they are violent. Same reason the police are more likely to think men of any race are more likely to be violent, because statistically they are

>> No.15515092

nigger cope

>> No.15515099
File: 54 KB, 515x497, 1591034255983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15515109

This makes absolutely no sense.
Let's use statistics as a proxy for the experience of a black person in the inner city.
>Most black people are killed by other black people
>Black people are more likely to kill cops than to be killed by cops
>When black people are shot by cops, they're usually shot by black or latino cops, not white cops
>Police encounters end in violence at a lower rate for black people than white people
>Ferguson Effect where cops stopped patrolling as often in black neighborhoods and were more avoidant of enforcing the law when they felt it could lead to a violent encounter where they'd have to use force.
If you were a rational black person who was infuriated by your situation, it would make no sense to target the police or random public infrastructure in violent riots. The primary threat to your safety is lawlessness and other criminal blacks. The rational solution would be to arm yourselves and form vigilante groups like the Black Panthers did in the late 20th century. These groups provide security for you against racial violence but also against criminal blacks, and act as a central authority when whites aren't willing to step in. This is obviously in contrivance to social law which posits you should defer to the federal, and is a desire to create structures focused around yourself and those you care about.
Rioting is instead acting out a game that is indoctrinated into your mind by a media-political apparatus. It TELLS you that you're victimized by cops. It TELLS you to be angry. And rather than develop your own structure based around you dictating the narrative, even one similar to that pushed by the media, you adhere to another person's narrative, which dictates how you should act.

>> No.15515123

Imagine being this much of a retard hahahaha

>> No.15515141

>If __idea__ == 'dangerous':
> print('Retard')
Do you have an actual reason why teeth grilles, rap, and glorification of sex, violence, and drug usage weren't just invented out of thin air when for generations black music has been complex and technical?

>> No.15515145

Nietzsche uses ironized polemics that most retards like you don’t understand, if you read more than what your retarded little right wing reading charts tell you to do (traditionalists love their command), works like human all too human and dawn, you’d see how Nietzsche’s later comments on national identity are a fucking joke meant to both appeal to the retards who can’t detect irony and appeal to the free spirits he knows will actually understand his work, because they, unlike the right wing retards, have brains. This is why Nietzsche is a dangerous author for idiots (like you)

>> No.15515153

>invented out of thin air
holy moly, there really isn’t a brain in that skull!

>> No.15515158

holy moly, your designer must be retarded if he thinks it takes ten words to answer a question with "no"

>> No.15515168

It’s trying to be intelligent!

>> No.15515180

>The will to power does not have a race!
Lmao, have you read nietzsche? There is most definetely a racial element to his thinking.

>> No.15515183

No, there is a national element to his thinking

>> No.15515189

>Nietzsche’s later comments on national identity are a fucking joke

ergo: BLM is a fucking joke

>> No.15515196

Anglos are a mistake

>> No.15515198

Lmao have you net read the stuff he writes on the kikes in der antikrist?

>> No.15515202

Get a load of this retard

>> No.15515203

I am imagining all the limp wrists and greasy dick fingers typing out all these posts lying in bed in their mom's house seething being too weak to do or say anything irl.

>> No.15515228

it's true tho. BLM is just slave-morality, followed by people whose entire worldview is based on ressentiment, just because you have sympathy for the slaves doesn't make it any less true

>> No.15515246

I am imagining all the limp wrists and greasy dick fingers typing out all these posts lying in bed in their mom's house seething being too weak to say or do anything irl. Ironically you losers who try to veil your reactionary politics under intellectualism and try to take a moral high ground are the most neoliberal of all.

>> No.15515254

keep on coping my man

>> No.15515263

Nobody is claiming a moral high ground ITT, in fact that is something that slaves would do according to Nietzsche

>> No.15515265

>black people don’t want to be treated like shit
>LOL slave morality!!!
Self-flagellating whites are participating in slave morality but that can’t be said of black people who want to overcome the black (dis sho am good!) myth synonymous with their being. Black people that want to punish whites are participating in slave morality, I can’t disagree w that - but is that what BLM is about, or are you just inserting that in order to try and make a point?

>> No.15515268

Reactionaries BTFO!!!!

>> No.15515272

What is this dumb cunt even trying to get across and why is he so triggered

>> No.15515300

Not coping at all. All this situation has showed is that the left are the only ones that are capable of taking action and that the right are just limp wristed weaklings that seethe in the background on their anonymous anime forums. Their entire ideology is just reacting to whatever the other side does they themselves don't know what they want they just don't want whatever it is what their image of the so called left want and all they will ever do is sit on their asses and complain upholding the status quo.

>> No.15515319

BLM is fighting for their rights for black people to be treated equal and thats okay. The problem comes when they start white shaming. That is just pure ressentiment

Fight your battle but dont shame the other side with your sense of morality. I hope BLM actually accomplishes something this time

>> No.15515323

actual nigger lmao

>> No.15515332


They're both cancer terms. People shit on centrists for "urr durr fencr sitting" when centrists are the ones who dont label shit and see the situation for what it is

>> No.15515344

I do think it’s necessary to shame and take action against the (mostly white) racists that have pushed their own morality against black folks, against the racists that have perpetuated the black myth. I agree with you that “all white people are bad” and the constant privilege checking is not productive, but I find it’s mostly whites that preach that morality

>> No.15515348

There's no irony in Nietzsche outside of TSZ.

>> No.15515354


>> No.15515357

>I agree with you that “all white people are bad” and the constant privilege checking is not productive, but I think everyone should do it anyway

>> No.15515370

>it's all le ironic :^)
You're an egomaniac who doesn't understand the concept of perspective.

>> No.15515377

anything that promotes kindness, egalitarianism, justice, and is against oppression is, according to Nietzsche, slave-morality. It doesn't matter if we're talking about the self-flagellating whites or the protesting blacks, they both think that all of the above is good. also insisting that they're lives matter is what I feel Nietzsche would describe as pure cringe if he where alive today.

>but that can’t be said of black people who want to overcome the black (dis sho am good!) myth synonymous with their being.

please clarify this as I do not understand what you mean.

>> No.15515380

how do you propose an oppressed group overcomes it’s oppressor without taking action against that oppressor

>> No.15515387

Another thing I will add is who gives a shit what some philosopher says? It is embarrassing looking at this board watching all you guys dick ride a bunch of nerd philosophers making 3x3 charts making top 10s talking about your favorite philosopher vsing your not favorite philosopher as if you were playing vidya. No one who accomplished or did anything in life or changed the world did so by reading Kant, Foucault, or Nietzsche. As for Nietzsche himself whom this thread is based on he was a megalomaniac loser with power fantasies that he was too weak to do anything about because and his writings depict that perfectly. Read his letters to see how pathetic he was. Why should I care what he has to say and why should I live accordingly to his words?

>> No.15515393

Nietzsche advocated for emotions like admiration and contempt rather than devotion and hatred. Thats the motto people should live by. Just because white people learned your morality tricks still doesnt mean its okay for black people to use them. I mean I understand why they use it, but its still ressentimen. Maybe if black people didnt use ressentiment the first time than the whites wouldnt catch up to your tactics.

Also what >>15515357 said

>> No.15515402

Irrelevant question, blacks are not an oppressed group

>> No.15515412

The master should not propose anything, he should fight back to put them back in their place and make sure they don't lose their contentedness again. I know will sound like absolute hate speech to any normal person in the modern west but we're in a thread about Nietzsche here

>> No.15515415

>anything that promotes kindness, egalitarianism, justice, and is against oppression is, according to Nietzsche, slave-morality
Only when those are ends in themself that promote the morality of the ascetic. He says in Human All Too Human the great spirits will know to use those things you listed in their own interest to achieve greatness. I don’t want to take the time to explain the black myth, read the fact of blackness by Frantz Fanon, you can find a pdf through a google search and it’s only 9 pages

>> No.15515422

>This guy is such a loser, how could he possibly have anything valuable to say about human nature or the way that the world works? Everyone knows you have to have tons and tons of sex in order to achieve any form of wisdom!
The world you're living in is molded by philosophy and science. Where do you think the values of the modern west are derived from ? You realize that the ideological drive of these riots has its roots in the thoughts of people like Locke, Marx, Mill etc...

>> No.15515427

You overplayed your hand. 7/10. Two good posts, one bad.

>> No.15515434

So the master and slave are static? Yeah, Nietzsche wouldn’t say that. The master and slave being static is basically relying on tradition, and tradition is what Nietzsche says disallows for greater moralities.

>> No.15515440

How am I, a middle class white guy, oppressing black people?

>> No.15515448

Lmao I didn’t say you were you self-important clown. If you’re racist and perpetuating the myth of racism you are, but if you’re just doing your thing you aren’t. It gets taken too far when the claim is made that every system is oppressive

>> No.15515455

>not every white person is an oppressor retard
>but we should treat all of them as if they are

>> No.15515457

Where did I say that you stupid cunt

>> No.15515459

They could just leave

>> No.15515473

The media perpetuates the myth of racism. White racism is reactionary. Most people just want to be left alone.

>> No.15515476

Ah yes I forgot we were living in 398 AD and mass migrations are both possible and fruitful

>> No.15515482

All they were writing about was what was already occuring in their time they didn't create those values themselves. Do you think if there were to be another revolution it is because everyone will go off to read Foucault and then say "ah yes that's it it's revolution time"?

>> No.15515483

Stop looking at master/slave morality from the lens of social classes you complete retards. Its so obvious you faggots never read Nietzsche. Also most of the ressentiment talk is directed specifically to asceticism

>> No.15515501

You have the thought process of a complete idiot. You do realize that the ethico-political philosophies that Locke/Marx came up with have a broader ontological backdrop, they aren't just pulling their ideas out their ass.

>> No.15515515

watch it, bigot, you’re perpetuating the myths of ableism and sexism

>> No.15515516

The riots, and BLM, are lead by anarchist socialists, and Nietzsche would have despised it all.

>> No.15515517

And that's what I said. I didn't say they came out of their ass all they did was conceptualize what was already occuring in their time.

>> No.15515519

Yeah no shit. That’s what tradition is tied to, asceticism and virtue being an exercise in self-denial. BLM is actively engaging in master morality considering they’ve convinced white peoples at rallies to literally use their bodies as human shields against tear gas and rubber bullets

>> No.15515527

Nietzsche bated socialism but the same can’t be said for anarchism. Also stop sucking orange man cock

>> No.15515528

And who cares about Nietzsche? Is he in your 3x3 if I may ask?

>> No.15515537

>the same can’t be said for anarchism
It can be said about anarchist socialism, however. He was clear about it in The Antichrist and even connected the roots of anarchist socialism with Christianity. It's the same tyranny of the herd of the lowly and stupid.

>> No.15515539

Nietzsche made the same argument about socialism as Stirner pretty much.

>> No.15515541

And here I really thought Nietzsche was cool because you could get less attached to the shackles of your emotionality and become a free spirit. But these anons are just a pathetic demonstration of negation of an inferiority complex through megalomaniac self-delusion, desperately trying to hide from their fear to live.

>> No.15515540

>thread topic: what would nietzsche think of X
>lmao who cares about nietzsche?????

>> No.15515556

>Not coping at all
nice cope

>> No.15515558

No, you said what they were writing had already occurred, as if referring to political action. The ontological backdrop of German Idealism (specifically Hegelian) that Marx works off of is speculative philosophy as well. I have made no comment on how revolutions come about, obviously there are speculative and active aspects to political action that go beyond mere theory, but theory still acts as a backdrop.

>> No.15515563

>herd of the lowly and stupid
Big words for someone sitting on his ass shit posting on the literature board of an anonymous neet anime image board. What are you doing?

>> No.15515579

this thread is full of retards, myself included

>> No.15515582

>irrational ad hominem
>doesn't realize that was a paraphrasing of Nietzsche
Guess that struck a nerve with you. But tell me, what should I be doing, according to you?

>> No.15515591

Besides the fact that this thread is about Nietzsche, anarchy and socialism are ideologies that any sane state should eradicate

>> No.15515599

And Nietzsche wasn't any better. Why do you care what I have to say? Is reaction all you know how to do?

>> No.15515601

seethe harder soi

>> No.15515607

>And Nietzsche wasn't any better.
Nietzsche was almost cloyingly politically correct and progressive, especially for the time. Why are you posting in a Nietzsche thread and being aggro with everyone?

>> No.15515616

>And Nietzsche wasn't any better.
Why not? Do you expect someone who has climbed to the top of philosophy to also climb to the top of the sociopolitical chain of command and triumphantly take full control of the world, in the same lifetime?

>> No.15515621

I dunno, my wrists are pretty firm desu

>> No.15515640

>calls someone reatred
>fails to show what is retarded about his argument

>> No.15515661

Neato thread you gays

>> No.15515684

good post

>> No.15515758

have they? or haven't they just thoroughly convinced their masters that they are evil and that they must repent through self-sacrifice?

>> No.15515877
File: 17 KB, 250x298, schopenhauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To will to power is to will someone else's power away from them.

>> No.15515952

Thank you. At least one person in this entire thread read Nietzsche.

>> No.15515958

Show me the difference without pointing to that nonexistent thing called “intention”

>> No.15515963

Aristocrats did that aswell, and they were the ""founders"" of master morality. Blacks are being based. Ressentiment only applies to asceticism, nothing else

>> No.15516004

Ressentiment is not exclusively tied to asceticism you moron. Go read BGE again and use your brain this time.

>> No.15516020

Explain to me what else ressentiment refers to which does not fall under the umbrella of asceticism. Or have you not read Nietzsche and just want him to be your “based racist philosopher”

>> No.15516077

White guilt is a white invention. Those idiots convinced themselves/were guilt tripped by other whites.
They also haven't forged their own morality and their morality/actions are in reaction to the "masters" meaning their morality is still slave morality since it is in reaction to the master morality.
>inb4 you think I think Nietzsche was racist
I don't, this just isn't a display of master morality.

>> No.15516126

You're confused retard. Ressentiment is different from slave morality.

Slave morality= morality used by the people in the lower strata to increase their position in the hierarchy

Master morality= morality used by the people in the higher strata to maintain their position on top of the hierarchy

Ressentiment= morality used to deny the qualities of what makes a human strong due to the impotence of those who practice ressentiment.

On BLM there are the blacks who use ressentiment (the ones who white shame) and the ones who use slave morality (its bad to be racist so I'll beat the fuck out of you if you're racist)

>> No.15516160

What do you mean by the umbrella of asceticism? Why would the fact that ressentiment is applicable in many different modes of power be indicative of a racist philosophy? Asceticism negates the will in exchange for Godhood. Nowhere does Nietzsche exclusively interpret the phenomena of the ressentiment with the ascetic mode of power. I'm genuinely curious as to where you found this reading of Nietzsche, can you refer me to a paragraph or book where he implies this relation? >>15516126
This is not equated to the ascetic negation of the will.

>> No.15516221

These are bad definitions. Ressentiment is more than a mere reversal of morality, it has deep psychological roots which are distinct from the asceticism that Nietzsche sees in the Saint (see BGE 51 and 55). Ressentiment is a scapegoating not a denial, its a shifting of inferiority to an illusion caused largely by psychological impotence. The ascetic is precisely not in this psychological state. The ascetic negates the will (nature) in order to attain something higher, the mystery. Nietzsche sees the ascetic as exercising a distinct form of the will to power, not reassigning one's own impotence onto something else but rather embracing that very impotence and subsuming it under Godhood. I don't know where either of you are getting this connection between the ascetic and ressentiment, but I haven't found it in the actual primary texts.

>> No.15516248


I respect your opinion

>> No.15516282

Ressentiment is the scapegoating you said. It is a tool for impotent people to drag people to their level, on genealogy of morals it is easy to confuse ressentiment with asceticism because the majority of people who used ressentiment were ascetic, but it doesnt mean they're dependent. There is nothing wrong with being an impotent ascetic, it only becomes ressentiment when you impose it on other people as the highest good

>> No.15516314

Yeah, I agree, but I'd go so far as to say that a true ascetic cannot even practice ressentiment. The impotent ascetic precisely embraces his impotence and does not throw it off onto another (egoistic illusion) that would be antithetical to the ascetic because it is a affirmation of the will to power, whereas the pure ascetic totally negates all nature and will.

>> No.15516321

>If that isn't the will to power, I don't know what it is.
You don't know what it is because you are yet to read Nietzsche.

>> No.15516334

Every drive in nature is the will to power you moron, of course the protesters are exercising will to power, but that doesn't mean he would affirm them. Slave morality is will to power, you don't see Nietzsche praising what he perceives as slave morality.

>> No.15516336

you could try reading any work by nietzsche for an explanation

>> No.15516498


>> No.15516507

I think most people in this thread confuse Nietzsche's historical analysis of the genealogy of western morality which he characterized as turning from master morality of the aristocracy to the slave morality of the weak and poor at the advent of christianity with Hegel's master-slave dialectic. Everyone who wants to apply Nietzsche's framework to BLM completely miss the point as it is in no way applicable in this case.
In fact, all of you appear to be crypro-Hegelians and what's even more laughable are those shouting ressentiment. Because you know what is peak ressentiment? Hating on black people because you feel superior within your herd of white sheep but in isolation tremble in fear from the evil black man in the street.
You feel woke smirking at all those people standing up against oppression and injustice while in actuality you are full of spite and hatred toward some abstract leftist elite because the government and media is spoonfeeding you this bogeyman since WWII. And all you do is blindly swallowing this whole bogus without thinking one second with your own brain.
You should be ashamed of yourself, Nietzsche would pity you which, as you haven't read him let alone unsterood the wikipedia article, is the gravest insult.

>> No.15516528

Post body

>> No.15516574

Another one of these posts. I asked you earlier to point out a specific post that you feel misrepresents Nietzsche. You create some boogeyman in your head and fit everyone in the thread into it. One can believe that riots are a symptom of ressentiment and not hate black people at the same time. Nobody here is alluding to any sort of master/slave dialectic as far as I can see, most seem to point towards Nietzsche's opinions on egalitarianism, socialism, morality, ressentiment, anarchy and impotence as reasons he would likely be against the riots. Why do you assume that you are the only person to have read Nietzsche here?

>> No.15516596

You clearly never read Nietzsche. This is peak pseud

>> No.15516625

I know this is a trolls trolling trolls thread but even so - imagine trying to intellectualise communal violence. It can only be understood by violent experience.

>> No.15516640

Anything can be intellectualised. That would be the point of literature.

>> No.15516654

>White males are killed by the police at over 2x the rate of asian males and 9x the rate of black females
Amount is not rate anon.
Fuck niggers, but you gotta learn how math works.

>> No.15516674

The people best suited to carry out the will of the values of others are the same people who must believe themselves impervious to all intellectual influences. The values had to come from somewhere, and unless you believe in Blank Slates then it's clear they came from influential thinkers.

>> No.15516717

>Because you know what is peak ressentiment? Hating on black people because you feel superior within your herd of white sheep but in isolation tremble in fear from the evil black man in the street.
I object to this in two ways:
1. White nationalists may hate Blacks but I feel most of them have contempt for them, specifically those who always insist on being equal and regurgitating the universalist ideals of progressivism, but then again they would do the same if you were a white progressive. The problem with witnats, I feel, is that they seem to think that not all peoples are equal, but all white are equal for some reason.
2. I think it's weird that you say that the government and media is spoonfeeding the general populace that there exists some "abstract leftist elite". Where on earth can I see this besides on the Tucker Carlson show? remember, Fox News is not a beloved news source by any influential member of the elite. If being a leftist is believing in: human rights, equality, and anti-racism then how is it not possible to classify literally every member of the elite as a leftist? Do you think that any member of the elite genuinely objects to the idea of Communism? Some propably, but I don't think it's a lot.

>> No.15516901

niggers and women never have any actual arguments

>> No.15516902
File: 129 KB, 700x933, Okay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand this. The system actually wants to fail because something something secret cabal? That people extracting concessions from the system in times of crisis is actually them being co-opted by the system? It was good the US lost Vietnam and Kissinger planned it that way because it lead to a McDonald's in Hanoi?

>> No.15516925

Where is this from?

>> No.15516930

>holy fuck, it's official, /lit/ in 2020 consists mostly of fucking wikipedia readers.
Literally everybody is a Wikipedia reader

>> No.15516933
File: 883 KB, 1920x1434, 1426239279217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Based. I'm curious however, what is this bigger agenda in your eyes?

>> No.15516946

Couldn't have said it better myself. Saved to my notes.

>> No.15516955

back to /pol/

>> No.15516956

That's because leftist ideology is the status-quo.
You won't get doxxed, fired, banned from websites and made a social pariah for sharing leftist beliefs.

>> No.15516962

>rioters share all to many bad characteristics with Raskolnikov
Is the Pale Man (Raskolnikov) not a bridge to the overman? They share nothing in common with him, they're just enforcers of the system... Every corporation supports this ffs.

>> No.15516984

Saying witnats think all whites are equal is like saying Hitler thought all Germans were equal.

>> No.15517035

did he not do that? There were a lot of nazis that certainly did and it seemed to be a vital tenent of national socialism

>> No.15517039

I think by supporting rebellions, the system can pretend to be on the side of the rebellious people, negating their rebellion in the process. If everyone agrees the system needs to change, including those in power, then there is nothing to rebel against. Some token changes may be implemented like passing new laws and such, but ultimately those at the top stay at the top and things return more or less to the way they were. This is just how I understand it for now, if anyone else can explain it better please do.

>> No.15517050

>my reading
There's your problem you faggot interpreter.

>> No.15517073

>did he not do that?
leftoids lmao

>> No.15517109

Have you forgotten 2016? The same people involved, same groups, same everything. Look at all the riots throughout American history, nothing comes from this but a release valve for people's frustrations of which removes the momentum as these organizations have been controlled for decades. The status quo remains the same, this is the last men, all men of action are led astray and their efforts wasted by these organizations. None of these are practicing their will to power or hold strength but rather have their wills led and strength wasted. Consider the insurance policies of the businesses antifa and BLM have hit, they're practically a new form of government bailouts. You keep falling for smoke and mirrors, not knowing about pre packaged news or the bill passing in 2012 that legalized propaganda and control over all domestic media by the US govt. whose power do you think increases from this chaos? State along with those that control it, more police, more laws, new alphabet agencies, consolidation and profit.

>> No.15517144

Not a leftoid, I think we should be under an absolute monarchy. Now did he not do that?

>> No.15517203

Hitler literally said most Germans were pathetic weaklings. What do you think they were trying to achieve by promoting the breeding of Aryan children and sterilizing the disabled?

>> No.15517221

>What do you think they were trying to achieve by promoting the breeding of Aryan children and sterilizing the disabled?
Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for those deserving.

>> No.15517235

I'll take your word for it. Still the overall german fraternism was inherent to NatSoc ideology

>> No.15517250

He despised most Germans. Have you not heard of the Aryan myth?

>> No.15517259

>inherent to NatSoc ideology
Guess Den Xiaoping doesn't exist?

>> No.15517386

this thread is cringe

>> No.15517398

As of your post, I agree.

>> No.15517435


just realized jesus almost literally was some george floyd like person


>> No.15517476

shut the fuck up
"These provisions are instructive enough: in them we have, on the one hand, Aryan [as in Indo-Iranian, not to be confused with the Nazi concept of the same name] humanity, completely pure and primordial—we learn that the concept of “pure blood” is the very opposite of an innocuous conept. On the other hand, it becomes clear in which people hatred, chandala hatred against this “humanity” became eternal, where it became religion, became genius . . . From this point of view, the Gospels are a document of utmost importance; the Book of Enoch, even more so. Chris-tianity, which springs from a Jewish root and is understandable only as a growth on this soil, represents the counter movement to every morality of breeding, of race, of privilege—it is the anti-Aryan religion par excellence:Christianity as the revaluation of all Aryan values, the triumph of chandala values, the gospel preached to the poor, the lowly, the general rebellion of all the oppressed, the miserable, the failures, the unfortunates, against “race”—the immortal chandala vengeance as a religion of love . . ."

>> No.15517503

same guy from top post. didn't mean to ping you sorry

>> No.15517564

Is this the Übermensch?


>> No.15517664

White people against this
>Teehee, don't all lives matter?
>immediately gets btfo
One black African woman against this
>black lives should matter everywhere
>btfo everyone else

>> No.15517702

I'm about halfway through and she's starting to create a transformation of all values. She has amor fati, she's a knight of faith... not bad.

Also Jesus so many white people with cameras there.

>> No.15517716

based black woman????

>> No.15517774

>just realized jesus almost literally was some george floyd like person
Geroge Floyd is an everyman, Jesus brought a philosophy and a message himself. Jesus was a Socrates.

>> No.15518164

the overbroad catch-all generality which ends up meaning nothing under even the slightest scrutiny

>> No.15518176 [DELETED] 

I don't think Jesus did crack before being set on the cross nor assaulted a pregnant woman with a gun.

>> No.15518194

He died because he committed a felony and resisted arrest while high as a kite with such catastrophic heart disease that he died after being placed in a neck restraint that 99.9% of people would survive

>> No.15518197
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>> No.15518224

>5 seconds in
>offensive tone of voice
>uncouth body movements
Yep, I'm out.

>> No.15518233

>a corrupt system that has systematically opressed them
i don't think getting a check every month that funds your existence qualifies as oppression lol

>> No.15518332
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No, but my son with her will be.

>> No.15518389

think about it, back then jesus was just the jewish dindu

>> No.15518956

Totally, the powers that be totally want them to riot and keep protesting, thats why they mobilized the entire national guard and are threatening them with military style control. You're fucking retarded.

>> No.15518962

Ahh yes there are no individuals, you are the only individual that exists. Everyone is just consumed by ideology, unlike you who is uncompromised by any ideology.

>> No.15518972

But they're not insisting they're not equal, they're actually doing the work that the state feels necessary to mobilize against. Thats will to power.

See you racistly assume that they're not equal which is why you think the Nietzsche quote applies here, you think they're inferior so that any black person who demonstrates the will to power is just ressentiment but you should think more critically.

>> No.15518978

The powers that be are the media.

>> No.15518995

>the retards who think Nietzsche's philosophy leads to a certain political outcome/condones or condemns certain political groups
Holy shit how do you basedbois stilll get filtered this hard by nietzsche's philosophy.

>> No.15519050

And the mainstream media are flooding coverage of people looting(to try to discredit the protests) and they wont show any of the really outrageous police brutality. But they can sure make room for another police photo op of them kneeling or hugging a protester to show thye're good people. Even still the media just reports the police line at face value.

Either way the media is not the most important part of the powers that be you fucking idiot, its the guys with the tanks that are shooting at civilians on their own property.

>> No.15519101
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>> No.15519247

>back then jesus was just the jewish dindu
He never denies the crimes against him.

>> No.15519767

War/political turmoil/an economic disaster is all it takes to end consoomer culture.

>> No.15519819


>> No.15519853

OP here, I created this as bait and I come back nearly 2 days later and you guys are still responding to this lul

>> No.15520132

this doesn't feel like the current protests though. Peaceful protests like about teachers wages or climate change feel like they fit more into this category. They have a state sponsored outlet that can inform the system of where pressure is and what needs to change. This current protest just feels like rampant rage.

>> No.15520322
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>> No.15520350

THE SYSTEM as a whole benefits, because in order to properly function, it needs to grind out the tensions between the races, or else it risks collapsing. If you don't address the nigger problem now, the nigger problem will at one point really be capable of destroying the current capitalist dystopia. In a way too, the riots are an escape valve from the systemic pressures (stress, feeling like a worthless loser) which are needed. Every machine needs an exhaust system.

>> No.15520368

Blacks are just a mascot for the weak, they can be swapped with any other ineffective group of people to the same effect. These race riots really have nothing to do with race or black people. It's a conflict between two distinct outlooks on the purpose of civilisation, those who believe the purpose of a civilisation is protection, and those who believe the purpose of a civilisation is human achievement, the former being the root purpose, the later being a later consequence of highly complex social society. In this case, the African American is positioned as the mascot of weakness, and the European American positioned as the mascot of power; the two mascot’s however are dynamic roles in an ongoing post enlightenment conflict. Either mascot can be swapped out and replaced in a differing political context -- although, what each mascot represents is unchanging.

>> No.15520425

Almost everyone in my town who was arrested for looting was black and lived in the area.

>> No.15520472

Things are changing. I only live in rich leftwing hellholes and over the last 7 years I have begun to meet people who also can see through the Globohomo Matrix. At the same time the Left has gone even further left but that's waking people up too.

>> No.15520479

Uncle Ted did some serious BTFO'ing in his day

>> No.15520485

Ted Kaczynski, he's in Globohomo Jail for BTFO'ing too hard

>> No.15520497

this is expression of corporate propagandistic power, not will of “da pepo”
>watch these brave freedom fighters loot small businesses with the explicit backing of retail giants and half the political parties in the country
The only Nietzschean thing about this shit is the cucked, gelatinous Americans in ill fitting shorts, t-shirts and sandals desperately trying to embody the letzer mensch on hands and knees for social approval

>> No.15520508

I will marry her

>> No.15520527


>> No.15520540

In Los Angeles where I am it ghetto teen nigs wilding in pack looting and nigging. I really don't think these nig nogs are from out of state. I do know they are not from my neighborhood though.

>> No.15520634


>> No.15521036

Based Uberfrau

>> No.15521512
