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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 23 KB, 400x339, vintage remington typewriter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1551380 No.1551380 [Reply] [Original]

How do you write, /lit/?

I start off by writing stories down in cursive, in my black leather lined moleskin notebook. Then I reproduce it on my Remington Typewriter. Then I reproduce that with editations on my electric SmithCorona Typewriter.

Pic related, it's the same model as my remington

>> No.1551387

hipster hipster ahahahaha troll thread

>> No.1551389

Sounds like a very stylish way to produce shit.

>> No.1551390

i write on a napkin

>> No.1551398
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It is. I am very experienced at being stylish.

>> No.1551403

I have a limited edition typewriter. It's from Slovakia. Before the wall fell. Yeah.

>> No.1551410

it's just not practical

the only reason one would prefer these methods of writing are for the personality they provide

tl'dr hipster bullshit

(and this is one of the only times i feel that word is actually deserved)

>> No.1551414
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herp derpderp

>> No.1551420
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Single function. No programs. No distractions. Ink goes on paper. Not too complicated.

Also you are now aware I made this thread just for you. And I got you.

>> No.1551423


>> No.1551426

>Also you are now aware I made this thread just for you. And I got you.
well that's actually kind of romantic

>> No.1551429
File: 42 KB, 280x260, Forever_Alone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"Hey everyone suck my dick over how cool I am!"
Everyone: You're a homo.
"Haha I was just trolling."

>> No.1551454
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>> No.1551455

All for you, bb. <3
I knew he hated typewriters. lol you think your so cool but your not. im better than you.

>> No.1551466
File: 2 KB, 126x126, 1293644640413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1551468


Goddamn, if you're going to be a /lit/ tripfag, could you work on your scathing wit? Or at least your grammar? For me?

>> No.1551475
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I aint even mad

>> No.1551479

>can't come up with intelligent remark so he attacks grammar.

Never seen that done before on the internet. Are you some kind of libertine?

>> No.1551481

who are you speaking to?

>> No.1551490

To whom are you speaking?*

>> No.1551501

I hate you all.

Also, ink pen onto a black 'n' red, then typing up using a super stylish, customised version of DarkRoom.

>> No.1551505


Clever Girl

>> No.1551512

I smear it on the wall with my shit

any corrections are done with piss

>> No.1551522

i was right

who is acting as a pronoun in that construction

jeez JD

who the fuck are you?

>> No.1551524

the troll strikes again

>> No.1551527
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Marquis De Sade?

>> No.1551530
File: 85 KB, 640x480, 110208-200309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Infrequent, is who I am.

Here I am with my lover.

>> No.1551535

oh wait fuck that

full retard

forgive me

>> No.1551536

You ended a sentence with a preposition lol

>> No.1551540

reported for underageb&

>> No.1551541

>the CHAMPION troll strikes again

Fixed that for you.

>> No.1551544

Nice work.

>> No.1551545


>> No.1551549

This girl is going to be really cute when she grows up. One of those petite, mousy types.

>> No.1551551

But 'to' can also be an infinitive. I think in this case 'to' is expression of intent. So it's okay. Anyone care to confirm? I could be wrong.

>> No.1551556

using text.

>> No.1551558

I'm clearly a boy. But, I'm flattered nonetheless.

>> No.1551568

>I'm clearly a boy
maybe if you shaved that mop and grew a dick

>> No.1551574

Got feist. Also, your name is Fabulous, you're in no position at all to give lectures one way or another about faggotry.

Either way, I'm as gay as the daisies, so it barely matters.

>> No.1551579

Sorry, but there's no "clearly" about it. You're so unmasculine looking you might as well be an eunich or female.

>> No.1551582

because he was totally talking about homosexuality.

>> No.1551585

fine, fine

And yet please tell me that in calling yourself "as gay as the daisies" you were openly admitting you are a faggot?

because denying something so obvious on the internet really makes absolutely no sense

I'm aware of the famous response if that's what you were referencing

>> No.1551588
File: 38 KB, 600x450, 1297371292568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

become a trap become a trap become a trap

>> No.1551607

Yes, I was.
Wouldn't work, I'm a lot more masculine than is first let on.

Back on topic, when I was writing a lot more than I am now, I used to catch the train to this massive out of town shopping centre and sit at a stall. It was right next to the main exit and train station, so it always had a lot of people going by to watch and conversations to listen in to. I like writing in public, in crowds.

>> No.1551612

Actually, as a writer I can tell you that typewriters aren't just hipster bullshit. If you want to know the main setback to writing on a computer, consider the fact that I'm writing this post right now instead of working.

>> No.1551631

My thoughts exactly. Keeps me the fuck away from the computer, away from the internet. I have a lack of self control, not my fault.

To be honest, I hate using typewriters. They jam, you have to keep pushing the damn lever ever couple of words, and you get ink on everything. Plus there's no screen, so you have to have a light on always, they're noisy, corrections are a bitch even if you have correctable ribbon, etc.

But it's the only way I get things done.

>> No.1551678

so typewriters are like the chastity belts of spastic young writers

>I'm a lot more masculine than is first let on.

how fucking old are you anyway?

for your sake i hope you're underageb&

>> No.1551835

(you're really cute)
Back on topic, I write on any piece of paper around then copy it onto a computer. They always suck anyway, I really shouldn't bother.

>> No.1551854
File: 38 KB, 137x234, 1296367730016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop it.

You're in love with the idea of being a writer.

All of this preening is time that you should be spending on your work.

The work is all that matters. You will never produce anything of value until you understand this.

>> No.1552026

On the contrary, I hate the fact that I write. I'm very ashamed of it. If anyone asks me if I write, I tell them I don't.

But on here, I'm honest, because it's the internet who gives a fuck.

Don't mistake careless honesty for pride.

And it's not like I could actually be writing right now. I haven't written anything in six months.

>> No.1552053
File: 32 KB, 380x277, istockphoto_5098592-oh-my-aching-head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This. Just. Brain. Ouch. Why. God. Wasting. Time. On. Internet. Instead. Of. Creating. &. Lording over faggots on the internet that don't use typewriters, while yours has been collecting dust for months. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Brain. Ow. Why.

>> No.1552069

I word process.
Then I save the documents in a folder called 'Writing.'
Aren't I a glistening beacon of originality?

>> No.1552072


He told me to ask if you'd be his valentine. ♥

>> No.1552078


He didn't just attack grammar.

Ignoring a post is not just old, it's extremely lame because you're the only one who is fooled into believing that's all they said. In short, you're an ignorant douche.

>> No.1552079

Jade Sally you ol' sunuvabitch.

I do all of my writing with finger paints.

>> No.1552082


>> No.1552084


In an earlier post claims the idea of being a grammar nazi is old and insinuates lameness. In this post, is a grammar nazi. You are lame.

Also if you lol did it out of irony, then you are not only lame, you are a lame hipster. Judging by original post, we can go ahead and assume this.

>> No.1552093
File: 86 KB, 400x320, alakadisapprove.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You disgust me.
I wrote thirteen pages of poetry in the last two days. You could do the same if you weren't such a prissy snob.

>> No.1552096

more grammar nazi lulz for teh ironing faggotry
(or just hypocritical faggotry)

Goes back on everything he had said about how it was a trolol and how he doesn't liek tipe riters, and admits he is a faggot.

>> No.1552097

i pen with semen and shit because my work analyzes the undersides of humanity and i feel i must embrace its most seedy mediums in order to properly identify with a modicum of its truly horrifying nature

nothing clever here just a sage

>> No.1552108
File: 67 KB, 392x450, 600full-marquis-de-sade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Marquis de Sade?

>> No.1552115


then goes back on claiming he did like type writers to seem cool by saying he never used it.

you're still not cool, OP.

>> No.1552111


just a faggot who plays with his poop

>> No.1552116


So my original hypothesis is still valid.

>> No.1552123


pretty much

i'm sure you could apply it to some of the tripfags here too if you're not one of them masking yourself as an anon because their own writing utensils might as well pour shit from every orifice

>> No.1552137

First I use a technique called "idea squeezing" to milk original ideas from my unconscious mind where deep inner creativity resides. I bought an extra-tight beret for this from an ad in the back of Harpers. It quintupled my brainstorming potentiality and looks very stylish as well, though my doctor says not to wear it too much since since the accident. (I think he just doesn't understand the artistic lifestyle.) Anyway, I learned about idea squeezing from a mid-lister who had been to India during my MFA residency program. It's a very soul-oscillating experience that goes great with a latte and a few lines of Aderall. Once I've come up with an original idea (I work in the highly competitive YA vampire romance bracket, so originality is essential) I use my Mont Blanc to plot it out in my Moleskine. Then I use a vintage IBM Selectric II to produce a draft manuscript, which I circulate among a select group of writer friends (I can't tell you who, LOL). Then I take the extensive feedback and fire up distraction-free OmmWriter on my MacBook Air to produce the final draft and cover letter, which I immediately mail off to all of the major publishers. I've almost gotten published once.

>> No.1552138
File: 202 KB, 650x275, v_for_vendetta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I myself am against the idea of tripcodes, actually. It kind of defeats the sense of community in all of us being anonymous, amirite?

>> No.1552148

Pretty much.

Having a trip just means you're in it for yourself and you want to be "known." Jesus God knows why, because it's 4chan, but, whatever.

>> No.1552151

I write on random pieces of paper and then rubberband them together to other pieces the writing may pertain to.

>> No.1552158


It seems like they'd get way more satisfaction out of joining a book club or some shit, because in the real world, everyone expects you to masturbate yourself with your own genius. Unlike 4chan, which is more of a collective consciousness.

But that's just me.

>> No.1552164

It doesn't defeat the sense of community at all. It seems like the tripfags here have a better sense of community among ourselves than anon.

>> No.1552181


I can't believe you can make that statement seriously in a thread which completely invalidates your own point, but hey, if you'd like a community founded upon shitty arguments and meaningless reputations over generally good ideas and enjoyable talk about literature then forge ahead.

>> No.1552180

You make it sound like tripfagging is wanking, while going anon is circlejerking. Yesh. Getting a trip suddenly sounds a lot nicer...

>> No.1552202

Never seen you so laughably delusional, before.

Mostly, the trips just argue among themselves about who's better or has more clout, here.


They argue.

About who has more clout.

On 4chan.

Clout. On 4chan.

>> No.1552221
File: 19 KB, 240x312, tao-lin-091107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care if someone doesn't use them. To each his own. Calm the fuck down, you prole. (I use that phrase ironically)
>mfw he writes poetry and thinks he's awesome. You know who else does? Guy in my pic. Buy his bookstheyregood

>> No.1552225

Woops. Wrong post number fuckshitjesus

>> No.1552227

A Thread of Trolls

>> No.1552229

Word, mah nigga.

>> No.1552230

Well at least I have a good dynamic with the other trips. I can't keep track of everything brajh.
You can't imagine what's at stake here. I suggest you get a trip and start cloutin'.

>> No.1552237

>>moleskin notebook, typewriters

realized I was being trolled right there

>> No.1552323
File: 74 KB, 987x987, 1263515522469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't write op.

>> No.1552484