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15512368 No.15512368 [Reply] [Original]

Start with the Romanians.

>> No.15512396

>being a zionist twink is actually based and epic

>> No.15512507


>> No.15512509

he's pretty handsome ngl

>> No.15512518

>tfw no bap bf

>> No.15512524

Whoah!! Just have to say: nice philtrum, cupid's bow, and rouge-blushed cheeks!

>> No.15512525

Nothing more pathetic than doxing people. Extreme cringe tbqh.

>> No.15512531

Why does he look like a wax sculpture?

>> No.15512540

This. Whether or not an author is a petite "cute twink" is irrelevant. It's the poetry of his words that counts in the end.

>> No.15512579

who is this cum drum?

>> No.15512696

Costin Alamariu, who is, if you believe twitter, actually BAP.

>> No.15513076

Keep in mind: being a sloppy jism-receptacle doesn't automatically mean his literary works lack aesthetic merit.

>> No.15513093

yale PhD, straussian, zionist, bank excec family

Wow so based really revolutionary

another secret for you BAPs "friend" Loki is not one person

>> No.15513109

The Eastern European is the only white stronghold left. All others are compromised ar undergoing brazilianization.

>> No.15513114


>> No.15513120

Which is why I started with Cordreanu

>> No.15513127

holy fuck based this dude is shilling neolib strongman bolonzaro again imma buy his very right wing book

>> No.15513137

Is this actually BAP?
Any proof?

>> No.15513140

>Here's your postmodern day Thomas Carlyle, bro
It's over

>> No.15513159

so where is the proof its bap. i see people posting information over and over as if the more you post the more likely it is to be him. just connect them

>> No.15513171

Nothing definitive but basically:

-Gumroad receipt for BAP podcast has Costin’s name on it
-Costin and BAP have very similar ideas and interests: nietzsche, bolsonaro, bronze age, plato, Schopenhauer, etc. Costin’s 2015 doctoral thesis is filled with proto-BAP material presented in a more academic way (although he even warns readers about passionate language in the work)

>> No.15513192

>Gumroad receipt for BAP podcast has Costin’s name on it
costin is one of his followers, that's probably how they found him in the first place.
nietzsche is an interest everyone has, schopenhauer doesnt show up often in bap, nor does plato, and bap takes the view that socrates and plato were an abortion of culture

the only real coincidences are brazil, and classical tyrants. but that could also be explained as the reason costin followed bap to begin with.

>> No.15513199

Look at his twitter account and read his articles and thesis -- it's him for sure.

>> No.15513207
File: 874 KB, 1080x2656, 05197021-9737-44C4-A41D-4888BA79D55B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schopenauer is mentioned several times in Bronze Age Mindset, i will address other points

>> No.15513225
File: 1.03 MB, 1440x2960, B8500B1F-8066-45D5-AC3D-1217C8BB02BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They both discuss Plato/Socrates often, I didnt mean it was in a positive light. They both also focus on Alcibiades, this is from Costin’s thesis

>> No.15513233
File: 641 KB, 1726x1208, 6197521E-24B3-419F-AC38-B8614063724A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this from Costin reads exactly like BAP explaining his syntax in BAM

>> No.15513273

Don't force this meme. What the dox reveals is that BAP expressed his true opinions.

>> No.15513275

he is a zionist twink though and Thomas 777 always knew

>> No.15513282

As for the gumroad thing, yes it is possible that Costin is an associate of BAP that is used as a front for the podcast. The links are not definitive but very compelling.

>> No.15513283

I think he's just retarded and is supporting Bolsonaro out of naivety.

>> No.15513293

Glory to T777

>> No.15513322

>cute twink
he seems very masculine

>> No.15513338


>> No.15513350

For you.

>> No.15513369

>t. American
Romania is 10% gypsy, also another 10% are gypsy/white grey zone mongrels, who behave accordingly.

>> No.15513500

Unironically a good start. Books BAP recommends are all entry level.

>> No.15513505

Stop trying to deflect. His PhD thesis was literally funded by the Jewish Institute for National Security of America.

>> No.15513524

You need to gain access, that's a price.

>> No.15513539

Can you post the dissertation?

>> No.15513550

>yale PhD, straussian, zionist, bank excec family

is he jew?

>> No.15513563

source on that nigger?
because according to gypsy organizations themselves, the number of gypsies and mixed gypsies isn't over 1.2 million in Romania that's well under 10%

>> No.15513566

So what? Hitler had to get loans didn't he? In order to change the world you have to be able to use it.

>> No.15513568

It was posted in here somewhere

>> No.15513589

>Finally get around to checking out some of these inernet "intellectuals"
>They're all complete idiots

What do you see in these people?

>> No.15513596

Read the dissertation, he is quite intelligent

>> No.15513712

Loki is a literallywho apart from BAP quoting him occasionally

Who runs the account then

>> No.15513713

Lmao this level of cope

>> No.15513720

I don't see anyone straight up asking him on twitter though

>> No.15513754

This cope beyond words, stemming from the false idea that BAP is some super secret spymaster when in actuality he's just an academic on a LARP.

>> No.15513756


>> No.15513765

BAP literally said that the character is just presenting Schopenhauer and Nietzche in a fun way

>> No.15513774

They're not idiots exactly, but they are quite boring.

>> No.15513784

have feeling he stuck it through filter

>> No.15513849

>bap is doxed for the 9th time
so he isnt a russian real estate developer working for soros? he isnt a brazilian druglords son?

god you newfags take the internet so fucking seriously for being so fucking dumb

>> No.15513858

Are you saying you don't care who BAP is?

>> No.15513862

Except those were all blatant schizo nonsense and this actually has merit. If you can't recognize the difference between this and the previous "doxes" then you're genuinely braindead.

>> No.15513877

why the fuck would it matter? bap wrote stuff, if its useful use it, if its shit dont. if bap were to disappear tomorrow nobody would remember "bronze age pervert" in a year and anyone could crib his stuff and reuse it. he could disappear and take up a new e-identity (he has done this before). no one would know. if youre like kantbot and too dumb to get past the intentionally shitty grammar then youre a retard and nobody cares what you think anyways. his bodybuilding cultists understand that the internet is purely for fun and anything actually important must by definition take place off the internet. so of fucking course they're dumbasses who just talk about their weird niche interests, they have no interest in maintaining the current system and just have fun with it.

if bap were to dox himself, it would only be to try and benefit himself by defending the current system, which he explicitly doesnt want to do as he has told us, and has proven to us by not doxing himself. being identityless means he can say what he actually believes, but having an identity would mean he has to never hold any radical beliefs in order to not face consequences. case in point, kanbot, who doxed himself immediately upon showing up back in 2016, is taking back every position he every held so he can make money with chapo and redscare.

>> No.15513880

all namefags are cowards and should be doxed or put to death.

>> No.15513881

>they both know who schopenhauer was
>they both know who plato was
>they both know who socrates was
>they both know that the greeks existed
>some romanian paycucked for baps podcast

>> No.15513897

If you are unable to notice the undeniable stylistic and intellectual similarities between BAP's work and Costin's (which go beyond similarities into being near identical at points), then you've either never read them or are being willfully blind. Or, more likely, you're just fucking retarded.

>> No.15513907

he cute

>> No.15513910


>made an entire 'philosophy' so he'd have more boipussi to fuck

really makes you think. all you little zoomers out there, stay away from cults

>> No.15513917

Is he actually gay? Because BAP's twitter is super gay and Costin's face unironically looks extremely homosexual.

>> No.15513924

He's a sycophant, anon. A member of BAPs army of BASED esoteric pirate bodybuilders. Don't bother with him.

>> No.15513935


I have read both. There are none. They make mention of similar authors, which according to you is proof that BAP is actually Anonymous because I can show you dozens of examples of this Anonymous fellow mentioning Schopenhauer, Plato, AND the Greek City State. That's it.

Why do you fucking care so much about a man whose works you've never read?

>> No.15513936

>e-celeb thread
kill yourselves

>> No.15513944

>I have read both.
If you're telling the truth, then you're actually borderline illiterate.

>> No.15513947

BAP too.

>> No.15513949

you're an unironic smoothbrain retard if you think Costin's "Rule of the Global Eunuch" and BAP's "Bronze Age Mindset" were written by two different people

>> No.15513957

>BAP, Ragnar Redbeard, and Friedrich Nietzsche were all the same guy because they similar stuff
Woah, that's a bigbrain take there, anon. You should start a podcast.

>> No.15513962

Holy shit, the level of cope here is delicious.

>> No.15513967

I know, right? The man's been "doxxed" nine times before, but SURELY this time is legit! Fucking dumbasses, don't you guys GET it?! A ROMANIAN paycucked for his podcast! A ROMANIAN!

>> No.15513971

It is not similar, it is identical to the prologue of Bronze Age Mindset. Your childish impotent rage only seems sustainable because you keep repeating the same sentence that is immediately dispelled when a human being with a functioning brain reads "Rule of the Global Eunuch" by Constin

>> No.15513973

why does daddy getting doxed trigger you so much? I thought you said it didn't matter.

>> No.15513982
File: 64 KB, 960x706, kantbot's defenders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this guy you? neither you nor he have read anything by bap or this romanian dude, but you sure do have a hateboner for them.

>> No.15513990


a man taking a wistful selfie into the camera with makeup on is probably gay

>> No.15513992


>> No.15513993

>these are the people getting mad about a nudist bodybuilder on the internet on behalf of a fat jew

How would you know? You haven't read either.

>> No.15513994

>forced into a corner
>cannot argue point

>> No.15514001

This is the guy who writes for Kantbot, right? The "machete shaped like a gladius" dude?

>> No.15514003

So fucking what if I haven't read BAPs gay little book? They're clearly the same fucking person, retard.

>> No.15514012

Costin Alamariu:

This weekend’s Women’s March was on the surface driven by confusing and somewhat bizarre demands. But it was easy to understand in its unstated, emotional motivations: a collective tantrum by mostly white, privileged women who didn’t get their way in the election and didn’t get the matriarch they believed was their due. Educated — or rather, college-conditioned — women in the West have an unprecedented social status, maybe equal to that of the lower nobility in medieval France, and correspondingly high opinions of their own competence and importance as a class. It’s unclear why the modern State has elevated feminism to this position, and why so many affluent American women have been convinced that theirs is the right to rule. But the answer may be found if we look briefly at the character of international political elites.
The political class President Trump targeted in his “terrifying” inauguration speech is responsible for measurable and historic failures in America. Together with their counterparts in Asia and in Europe, they have fomented global chaos and suffering. But what kind of people are the members of this global “elite” — how do they become rulers, and what are their characters and tastes? Are they really, as they imagine themselves, capable technocrats? Or are they, as some think, Machiavellian conspirators? Or are they maybe something else — weak-minded, and therefore easily-controlled, mental and spiritual cripples?
It’s always easier to get a perspective on yourself by looking abroad first. So it’s instructive to see what happens when East Asians adopt Western globalist mandarins’ social and political ideas, and apply them with typically Confucian zeal. The sorry end is thereby accelerated and the tawdry scheme exposed more quickly and honestly than it could be in America or England. Take, for example, Korea’s experiment with the cult of female leadership.
Online pornography is banned in Korea and men can be prosecuted for viewing it; feminist thought control is all-pervasive and intelligence agents are under investigation for having trolled the heavily-censored Korean message boards to influence the 2012 election in favor of Park Geun-hye. Maybe not unrelated, and as happens in every country exposed to the miasma promoted by the American “elite,” many poorer Korean men can’t afford the social standing for family formation; and Third World immigration takes on the character of a population-replacement program....

>> No.15514016

Which brings up the question: Are events in Korea really so “bizarre” as our desperate media is trying to pretend, or is it merely that behavior common to the political-technocratic class worldwide was in this case not suppressed? Barney Frank, one of the progressive stars of the Democrat party and a co-author of the all-pervasive, cronyist Frank-Dodd Act, had a gigolo-friend who ran a prostitution ring out of his home. Tony Blair, one of the principal pushers of the Iraq disaster and the most aggressive of propagandists for globalist dogma, is also a well-known cultist. He participated in a “Mayan rebirthing ritual” in the Yucatan with his wife, where together they smeared fruit juice and mud on each others’ faces and yelled in a “primal scream,” which is surely more enlightened than whatever it is that benighted Christian rednecks do.
The sassy exhibitionist gay-rights activist Anthony Weiner and his Muslim Brotherhood wife, who was angling for a position as First Vizier, are perhaps the ultimate example of the elite power couple. Their antics, and Weiner’s in particular are, however, not unique. Is it fair to mention the uncontested Wikileaks emails revealing the occult UFO hobbies and kitsch neopaganism of Hillary campaign manager Podesta and other DC insiders? Or the remarkably similar private foibles of outspoken members of the American “intelligence community” who roleplay as James Bond on Twitter? To understand how this works, the documentary “Weiner” is an invaluable resource. It appears that, for whatever reason, the American elite selects for highly ambitious, compromised, corrupt, pedestrian people of remarkably banal and unrefined tastes, easily exploitable sexual neuroses, and a preoccupation with the faddish and occult.
Which brings up the question: Are events in Korea really so “bizarre” as our desperate media is trying to pretend, or is it merely that behavior common to the political-technocratic class worldwide was in this case not suppressed? Barney Frank, one of the progressive stars of the Democrat party and a co-author of the all-pervasive, cronyist Frank-Dodd Act, had a gigolo-friend who ran a prostitution ring out of his home. Tony Blair, one of the principal pushers of the Iraq disaster and the most aggressive of propagandists for globalist dogma, is also a well-known cultist. He participated in a “Mayan rebirthing ritual” in the Yucatan with his wife, where together they smeared fruit juice and mud on each others’ faces and yelled in a “primal scream,” which is surely more enlightened than whatever it is that benighted Christian rednecks do.

>> No.15514019

prose style is like handwriting, you can try to change it superficially but the basic structure will always remain the same. this is BAP.

>> No.15514023

...Globalist ideology, whether of left-progressive or supposedly “right wing” neoconservative variety, appears to be a convenient weapon to shield deeply insecure people from having to face public scrutiny for their lame and sordid lifestyles, their aggrandizement of power, or especially to pay the price for their repeated failures.
Elena Kagan, an alleged Solomon of our time, may serve as an instructive example of how the cream rises to the top in America’s mandarin age. An obese, unaesthetic spinster, who, as Paul Gottfried has noted, rose to prominence on no significant intellectual achievements or original ideas, (but instead apparently through much political networking), she serves the same function in the American regime that court eunuchs did in Oriental despotisms. Eunuchs, devoid of an identity and posterity of their own, were seen as the perfect loyal functionaries to carry out the will of a centralized bureaucratic tyranny. This is the distillation of “meritocracy,” and the modern total State apparently has plenty of virtual eunuchs to fill out the function in our time — and seems eager to promote many more.
To question how this elite arises and why it is allowed to perpetuate itself despite no manifest virtues and much manifest failure means one will be, as in Korea, abused with labels of “misogyny,” “racism,” “xenophobia,” “you name it” — and many other things, besides.
This is a problem that transcends nations, and also the phony right-left divide. The right no less than the left has dozens of apparatchiks of its own, persons with delusions of aristocratic manner, who are now, for example, insisting that Trump hire them for their proven expertise. Having dismissed him as a reckless and impetuous yokel, they insist that the advice they previously gave, and which resulted in the American string of successes in Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria, Egypt (and so on) be rewarded as befits republican, even Roman, sobriety and prudent statecraft.

>> No.15514024


>> No.15514028

>>on behalf of a fat jew
Costin/BAP is literally funded by Jews.

>> No.15514029

I don’t know if these men in particular are marionettes of something as bizarre as a shaman or Big Man who guides their actions, or are as loony as the Podestas. But I do know many at least avow faith in lunatic magical ideas — the periodic reincarnation of Hitler, and the ability and willingness of Pashtun goatherds, Iraqis, and “refugees” from Syria, Somalia and Libya to embrace “liberal democracy.” I know they share such beliefs with Merkel and other Western leaders. I also know that if you question any of this, they call you racist.
It’s easier to laugh at South Korea’s leader for being the puppet of some prefab astrologer than to confront what we already know about our own ruling classes. How these came to be educated and chosen, and how they persist, is the big, existential question that the free peoples of the civilized world must face. They must choose, and soon, if they want to humor the vanity of the experts and statesmen of the modern managerial “democracies,” or if they want to survive at all.

>> No.15514040

Literally every political movement has extreme Jewish over-representation except Nazism, and if it wasn't explicitly anti-Jewish there probably would've been an over-representation of Jewish Nazis.

>> No.15514053


Now Bronze Age Mindset, from the prologue:

If you look around eyes of some people you see a kind of energy. It's pure anger or lust for power with nothing more. I hate to dirty these pages with mention of names of nobodies in out time. But if you see photo of Hillary Clintong or Adam Schiff with his eyes bugged out on stims and antidepressants or who knows what, you know what I mean. There is a crease around the eye that tells it, it looks like cyborg gone off-script, these people have an inhuman gaze and are vehicles for something else. You see this also in the chiefs of the EU bureaucracy with tiny moleman eyes behind small glasses, and the tiny lenses that reflect light. You see it in the dead robot eyes if the new hue-man automatons running government departments, the DMV, the brutal zombies running the security in airports or hospital "health care" rooms under vicious yellow fluorescent lights

>> No.15514058

BAP isn't a political movement. He's just newage/self-help for young guys, with a Zionist twist.

>> No.15514064

This seals the deal imo. The styles and subject matter are just about a 1:1

>> No.15514065

now tell us how enlisting in the military to become a soldier is "dying for Israel" and "being a ZOG puppet" and also tell us how we should stay online and donate money to the grifter of the week white ethnostate guru in order to redpill the normies

>> No.15514067

I'm referring to the American "new right" mate. There's tons of Jews in it. That's all I was saying.

>> No.15514068

Pirate-related words are mentioned about 8 times in his thesis

Also his whole thesis concerns about how aristocracies degenerate and talk about how their origins are nearly always foreign, but a founding myth is always used to cover this and how they're typically a pastoral people

>This thesis is an attempt to show that the aristocratic regime, and aristocratic morality, is the origin of the idea of nature; that, at the point at which a historical aristocracy starts to decline, its defenders, in abstracting and radicalizing the casefor aristocracy in theface ofits critics, come upon the teaching ofnature and the standard of nature in politics. It is precisely this teaching of nature, so corrosive of all convention and all morality, that is politically explosive, and that explains the deep connection between philosophy—the criminal study of nature outside the city and outside the myths and pieties of the regime—and tyranny—the criminal and feral regime of rule outside and above all law and all convention.

>> No.15514070

Rothschilds funded Nazis so there is that

>> No.15514072

That's normal for anyone who goes to an Ivy League university you dumb NEET

>> No.15514075

No proof that he's a zionist.

>> No.15514085

So is everyone part of any major institution

>> No.15514086
File: 149 KB, 579x302, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A literal who. My brother has more followers than him on twitter.

>> No.15514089

It's BAP.

>> No.15514096

I thought it was renowned guy. It's a literal who normie lmao. Did he make this thread himself because he is that desperate?

>> No.15514099

What are you on about? I never said Zionism was bad. I even like BAP and think it's pretty cool that he's being sponsored by powerful players.

>> No.15514104

I wonder why he bothered restarting his real twitter account for a month, only to never use it again. Was he trying to deflect from something?

>> No.15514108

Check his PhD thesis.

>> No.15514110

He is a literal nobody.

>no university site mentions him
>no wikipedia page

>> No.15514115

Jews? Yes, that's normal. Straussian Zionists? No.

>> No.15514117


>> No.15514121

>graduated from MIT, Columbia, Yale.
More of a somebody than anyone else on frog twitter.

>> No.15514125

Seethe about what?

>> No.15514127

You know hundred thousands of people graduates from ivy leagues? That's a literal nothing achievement. Who is he again?

>> No.15514128

Is it true he sucks Thiel's dick every Thursday?

>> No.15514132


>> No.15514134

So it is true?

>> No.15514142

Mentions of pirates in BAP's thesis

>This dangerous cultural institution, that could become a calamity for the tribe itself at any time—could it be that, aside from offering, as such, a model for "life outside convention" or a principle that is opposed to convention—could it be that it also forms the cultural prototype for the philosophical school or sect?80And also forms the prototype for the ***piratical*** tyrant and his bodyguard or war band, above all law and all responsibility to home and hearth? Certainly it appears that Plato himself connected the tyrant to the "wolfish man,” and in turn both to the fraternity of young warriors

>Indeed, later migrations and disturbances within the Greek world, and especially the Dark Ages, can be explained by the repeated raids carried out by this original population, overthrowing their now-settled “cousins” in the Mycenean palaces and revitalizing thereby, as it were, the original "wild" or “barbaric" (to use a very inappropriate word) **piratical** ways of this people. So far from being understood as a series of repeated attempts to reestablish order and settled life, Greek history, especially Greek aristocratic history, should rather be understood as a series of raids and incursions that seek reestablish the opposite. The original "antinomian" aristocratic orientation is repeatedly revitalized.

>Indeed, it has been remarked by others how incongruous Homer's depiction of the aristocratic-**piratical way** of life is with what we now know of Mycenean life.

>To explain the martial dominance by pastoral peoples over farming peoples, other writers have focused on the fact that among pastoral populations, wealth (measured in herds, head of cattle, etc.) is highly mobile and therefore easy to steal and rob; the "cattle raid" becomes a central "institution" of pastoral existence, and therefore the development of a warlike and **piratical** way of life is encouraged, for purposes of both defense and offense.

>Thucydides’ reference to Homer indicates the remote antiquity of this **piratical**, nomadic attitude.

And so on, you get the point

He also alludes to the idea of feminine longhouses suffocating the aristocratic spirit in his thesis

>Few things better reflect the complex of concepts or ideas underlying the aristocratic disdain for the sedentary, valley-dwelling, impure, **effeminate** and unmartial farmer beholden to everyday necessity and the drudgery of life, than the primitive attitude of the Nuristani male pastoralist.

I can't find it where he calls the law basically maternal right now, but he says something v similar

>> No.15514144

yes it's true that you are deranged and deluded in order to maintain your narcissistic fantasies. BAP is a Yale phd, your mind goes to "he sucks thiel's dick, he's a zionist!!!11!!"


>> No.15514148

It's pretty well established he's Thiel's bumboy, please keep up.

>> No.15514154

Additionally, there's discussion about Portugal, Angola and Brazilian miscengation.

>By contrast Portuguese colonial policy deliberately promoted a myth of miscegenation and multiculturalism as a legitimation of rule, well-known by the name of lusotropicalism; but, as the case of Angola among others shows, the population that was actually mixed never exceeded the 2-3% mark, and this population remained in an intermediate managerial social position between the native ruled and the largely colonial rulers

Junger's On Marble Cliffs is also cited, along with a few works about Russia on his thesis about tyranny in antiquity

>> No.15514155

Not that anon, but the guy's mentor was David Sidorsky. It's pretty safe to say that he's a Zionist.

>> No.15514158

Welp, that's a wrap. BAP is Costin.

>> No.15514160

I read it. Nothing there to accuse him of being zionist.

>> No.15514164

.02 percent of the US population have an ivy league degree anon

>> No.15514171

ok retard, anything to indicate that is true other than "haha i made it up"?
ambivalent, read what BAP wrote about Israel in the american sun. his professor was a zionist but are there any non-zionist right wing jews at all?

>> No.15514181

Can someone please explain the whole BAP thing to me? As another anon said: it seems to be some sort of newage-ish self-help movement aimed at young right leaning guys? I listened to one of his podcasts -- one minute he's advocating for what seemed to be neoconservative political policy, obscured by a "bronze-age" veneer; next minute he's waxing poetic about a herbal supplement that my hippy sister takes. Very confusing.

>> No.15514183

Mannerbund reference
>This is a recreation of the primeval Mannerbund, morya, comitatus or, in Greek, kouros, ephebes, hetairia, the society of young warriors, mentioned already in the first chapter—the raw material or most basic form from which, as we will see, the philosophical brotherhoods and schools of a later time will take their form as from an archetype

>> No.15514191

>ok retard, anything to indicate that is true other than "haha i made it up"?
Just google thiel and BAP, should answer any questions you have.

>> No.15514193

It's just Rousseau's protestations against the effeminacy of the moderns compared to the manliness of the ancients again.

>> No.15514205

we know thiel and bap had dinner together with yarvin, idiot. The homoerotic fantasies you conjecture from that is priceless though

>> No.15514209

New age 'Might is Right' but for gay gymbros.

>> No.15514222

And they had sex after. It's pretty much an open secret.

>> No.15514232

ok fag, anything to back that up other than your wish fulfillment?

>> No.15514237

I heard about this too. Kinda crazy.

>> No.15514239

Why would I wish for them to have had sex? It just is. Strange mentality you have there.

>> No.15514240

>Very confusing

The eclecticism is part of the appeal. Whoever he is, he's his own man and his interests are wide-ranging. Most won't see it this way, but I think he's a paradigm for the intellectual life.

>> No.15514272

why are you claiming that they did without any evidence? just produce anything bro we're waiting

>> No.15514322

>Whoever he is
Costin Alamariu

>> No.15514330

can anyone disprove this?

>> No.15514352

It's on twitter. Discussion of it was about a year ago. Why is them being lovers such a problem for you?

>> No.15514364

it's not a problem at all except if it was real you would have been able to quote anything, which you manifestly can't

>> No.15514368

It's not like I bookmarked anything. Do you own research. Might help you break out of this homophobic prison you've found yourself in.

>> No.15514370


There is another /pol/ thread from 2018 that claims Costin Alamariu is BAP but other than the similarities in writing styles and the /pol/ threads, I haven’t seen where this idea came from/why I resurfaced just now.

>> No.15514384

how awfully convinient for you

>> No.15514407

How is your homophobia convenient for me? It's actually biting into a lot of my time right now.

>> No.15514413

you made up "my homophobia" the same way you made up "costin is thiel's catamite" when I asked you to produce a single shred of evidence for it which you are unable

>> No.15514416

There was a twitter thread that confirmed it. @eddie_effusd. Since deleted, but I'm sure there's an archive out there.

>> No.15514435

how anyone can think his education wealth and looks somehow tank his credibility is beyond me.

>> No.15514441

So you don't have a problem with Thiel and Costin having sex?

>> No.15514455

why would your daydreams bother anyone? you're harmless

>> No.15514462

Why are you getting so mad then? If you want to discount the facts by all means, who cares. It's not like Costin being gay is a big deal or anything.

>> No.15514467

you're the one discounting reality on the account of making a claim you can't back up retard

>> No.15514481

I don't really have to back it up, it's pretty well established on frogtwitter, as other anons have attested. Again, since it's not that big of a deal, why does it bother you so?

>> No.15514487

It ruins his street cred as "le based anti-establishment operative" which is what attracts most of his fans. People rarely latch onto figures on account of their actual writings, and almost always on account of the specific brand of self-exaltation they think those figures will provide.

>> No.15514492

Lmao, his whole credibility was that he was just someone inside of the system who was also anti-establishment. This doxx just proved that, read his thesis.

>> No.15514495

This. Nobody read BAP because of what he's saying (most of which can be found elsewhere) but because of what he represents. The day BAP posts his fizeek, is the day his grift falls apart.

>> No.15514503

you say it's well established, you can't show it's well established, you say he is thiel's catamite, you can't show he is thiel's catamite: I said it doesn't bother me I didn't say it's not that big of deal, you reverse it because you can't substantiate things you've made, because they aren't real, for if they were real, it would take one minute to show any proof rather than keep replying with the same answer for seventy minutes because you're terrified of not having the last word

>> No.15514513

I won't read his thesis, I don't care about the guy and am just here for the entertaining but harmless drama.

My phrasing was perhaps a bit unclear, but I meant that it doesn't matter what BAP is or pretend to be about, what matters is what people think he is about and how cool they think they will be by associating with him.
Since the guy doesn't look as rugged as they imagined and since he seems to be closer to a trust fund academic than to a enlightened intelligence operative, they are disappointed. The fact that their fantasy never really coincided with what the guy let through his writings doesn't change their reactions much.

That disappointment also allows haters to latch onto a perceived hypocrisy or inconsistency. The whole idea of "doxxing" is more about exposing hypocrisies and ruining's people idols than about actually directing threats towards the doxxed figure.

>> No.15514514

BAP has posted his fizeek. His back looks the same as that of every tanned White dude that lifts.

You're talking to someone who got filtered by the CAVE SPEEK, dude.

>> No.15514528
File: 16 KB, 316x396, OIP.clfa1Asd-92Y1YNfYlNTkQAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Way ahead of you OP

>> No.15514537

the renowned author of ‘Dominated by Doug’

>> No.15514543

How can I show it's well established? It's like trying to prove water is wet. The people in the know, know. It clearly does bother you or you wouldn't keep being mad for the last seventy minutes because you're terrified of being wrong.

>> No.15514549

>BAP has posted his fizeek.
>actually believing that's BAP

>> No.15514550

who gives a shit about Loki

>> No.15514572

Kantbot absolutely asshurt that “the right” are shitting on this guy

>> No.15514576

Why this compulsion to defame him?

>> No.15514592

Welcome to anglo academia.

>> No.15514599

It’s very based, that’s why. BAP’s broadcast is actually broadly informative on many historical and political matters and infinitely more entertaining than any college lecture. The info is good, I r8 8/8

>> No.15514601

I went to Romania and spent some time with Romanians and they said people didn't like Americans because throughout the brutal communist regime there was a hope that the Americans would come and save them, but they never did and they had to overthrow the government themselves.

>> No.15514610

kantbot scheming igs

>> No.15514611

As if any reason is needed to hate Americans.

>> No.15514620

Ceaușescu literally did nothing wrong

>> No.15514623

He's a twitter celeb who hides his identity, has snarky takes on many contemporary issues and possess a small but devoted following of young midwits. That makes him a prime target for internet seething. But I could have stopped at twitter celeb really.

>> No.15514645

Because he is the very thing he rails against with his twitter persona.

Why is a 40 year old academic constantly posting about how much he hates academics and attacking other people online for being one? Seems a bit weird.

>> No.15514653

Because he's a dissident thinker and if he gets doxxed then his house can be found and his house can be burnt down by fags and trannoids.

>> No.15514659

Speak for yourself. It’s a hypertextual/curatorial work (which is perhaps the only art still viable today as we are post-literate) and is good in its own right.

>> No.15514664

>Seems a bit weird that Martin Luther was part of the Catholic Clergy but always railed against them
You're the same flippant faggot that doesn't take serious people's opinions about academia because they never climbed up the ladder for it

Besides, he's not affiliated with any academic institution currently

>> No.15514681

>why is someone who was X, but realized X is shit, has disavowed X, and is no longer X saying X is bad?
You didn't really think this one through, did you?

>> No.15514683

Who cares what retards think? Listen to 5 minutes of his podcast and you’ll see he’s well read. I already suspected he was educated. If you thought he was the literal embodiment of the glycine age chad meme that everyone parrots then you deserve to be let down lol.

>> No.15514699

Lol its just that 40 y.o. academic is quite different from nomadic bodybuilder gigachad ultrashredded ripped bro.

Like, the complete opposite.

>> No.15514703

amount of anti-kantbot schizos here is really something

>> No.15514705

It was well established that BAP was likely at least 35 yo

Sorry that you're terminally retarded

>> No.15514710

You are ignoring my point completely.

How am I terminally retarded for pointing out that he is 40 and attacks teenagers on the internet lol.

>> No.15514712

You need to get out more, dude. I'm not kidding, taking the internet this seriously isn't good for you.

>> No.15514718

Bro, you aren't kidding though, you are coping like all hell and then back peddling and then pretending I am extremely upset.

>> No.15514719

based retard

>> No.15514721

And BAP's faggy fans aren't taking the internet too seriously? Worshiping a gay bodybuilder?

>> No.15514722

how do the people in the know, know? was it revealed to them in a dream? retard

>> No.15514723

Nobody cares about him.

>> No.15514726

at least ten posters in this thread do

>> No.15514732

Most people do, since most people are either retards or people who depends on retards' opinions for their livelihood.
As I said, I'm itt only for the fun drama, when I want to read something of value I turn off the computer and I certainly at least close 4chan.

>Listen to 5 minutes of his podcast and you’ll see he’s well read.
I don't doubt it, every snippet I've read of him shows that he's an enthusiastic reader of Nietzsche, a category that has produced immense amount of cringe but which is, at least, mostly composed of people who read.

>If you thought he was the literal embodiment of the glycine age chad meme that everyone parrots then you deserve to be let down lol.
There's a confusion here, this is not about me. It's about his fans. Fan are going to engage in retarded fan behavior, you can't help it. I don't think there are many way he could have been doxxed without disappointing people. So in a sense you're right, they deserve your disappointment, but in a sense this was also unavoidable.
It's pretty amusing to see how far the connections go however, I didn't know he was taken to be a friend of Thiel and co. The formation of cliques is always pretty interesting, you see similar mechanisms everywhere.

>> No.15514740

Probably a groupie, or someone who thinks cuntbot has something to do with this due the recent feud, or just a plain sped.

>> No.15514741

*they deserve their disappointment
My bad

>> No.15514743

Ok but is he actually into nudism?

>> No.15514751

lol of course not, it's all talk

>> No.15514756

No, they aren't. That's literally the point of "poast fizeek": demonstrate that you have value outside of the internet or shut the fuck up because nobody cares what some dweeby incel who has nothing in his life except The Internet "thinks" (quotes because it can't properly be called thinking).

You're really upset about people you don't actually understand very well.

>> No.15514757

dubs and I post BAP's nudes

>> No.15514767

What I don't get about BAPs extremely dedicated followers is their willingness to defend someone this fervently without knowing a single thing about them

>> No.15514773

>It's about his fans
I get where you're going with this (obviously no human being could possibly live up to the persona he's created so whoever the fuck he is he'll always be a disappointment), but they don't care. Neither does BAP. If this Romanian dude is actually BAP it's clearly phasing neither BAP nor his fans. I haven't seen anything on Twitter about this, at all. The only people I've seen that give a shit about this are dramafags on here and Kantbot and his troupe of weird hucksters.

>> No.15514784
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Perhaps the same could be said of Batman?

>> No.15514804

Maybe they just appreciate the persona. I mean, a Carmen San Diego-like Gigachad who suggests young people to read and appreciate the finer things in life while erecting the temple of flesh, and talks like a dumb caveman, all while trying to keep it real(tm).
What's not to love? There's a lot of charm in his persona.

>> No.15514808

So perhaps it's mostly the haters who care about the doxxing (which also makes sense). They're also part of the fame ecosystem.
I suppose behing it all their is a small clique war between Kantbot's fan and BAP fans.
Twitter is pretty good for that stuff because most trend are short-lived enough that you can see they rise and die in real time. Future cultural historians are going to have a fields day with that kind of stuff.

Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately) I have not enough patience to stay on twitter to see how it plays out. I just look at the echo it produces on 4chan.

>> No.15514811

heres this fucking schizoposting about kantbot again

wheres the fucking proof

lots of bap-fanbois in this thread coping with the fact that their beloved leader is a zogling

>> No.15514817

The same kind of people who would appreciate The Explorer by Kipling.
BAP is about finding wonders in this age in which almost everything is explored, but at the same time it isn't.

>> No.15514832

Most of my twitter feed (I only lurk) is full of riot shit so it might just be that more interesting things are going on. I still have not seen a single peep about this on twitter from anyone who isn't pro-Kantbot. I do believe, however, that if BAP hadn't called out Kantbot for being a fat Jew trying to hangout with Chapo that we probably wouldn't be hearing about this at all.

I do recall that C.A. Shoultz guy (the machete-gladius dude from up thread, look up the video where he charges a gang of nogs with his lawnmower blade) saying something about it on twitter before he deleted his account, and he was a frequent writer for Kantbot's site.

>> No.15514855

Anon, I think it's only you the one insisting about the kikes. Yes, it's a trade-off of being part of academia and it's true in most of the western world, even in my third world cunt. You know this, right?
I guess BAP could have some love towards Israhell due their Spartan-like societal aspect, but other than that, I don't think they have much going on for them to deserve praise. Now, if we talk about the zionist maneuvers along the ages, I'd say they are cunning but mostly deceitful due their neanderthal brains. And that's it. Wanna keep talking about it? I will reply in good faith if you don't chimpout.

>> No.15514865

Did he die?

>> No.15514866

bap is a revolutionary neocon

>> No.15514883

He got his ass kicked pretty bad (in the video he sort of menaces a few that were getting close to his apartment complex, they book it, he chases, and then a mob descends on him after he keeps running after them), but I'm pretty sure he's alive. He was tweeting and taking back his racism and stuff afterwards, and eventually deleted the account because antifa had identified him.

>> No.15514889

how can he be a revolutionary neocon when he spends so much time railing against them in his book?

>> No.15514893

he hates them becuase they are not true neocons

>> No.15514899

what does it mean to be true neocon? in what way are the neocons of 21st century have fallen short of it?

>> No.15514900

Kantbot and his followers were the ones that leaked the doxx out, which eventually got to the people BAP was attacking. I know this for a fact. This is a part of the wider feud between Kantbot and BAP.

>> No.15514904

nuke china love israel suck south american right wing dictator dick eternal usury


>> No.15514909

you gonna back that up chief?

>> No.15514912

Just googled a bit, he wrote in autistic mercury. And was a brony, lol.
I commend the chimpout though.

>> No.15514915

this sounds like the standard arab line, are you an Arab supremacist?

>> No.15514921

it was faked real dude who got beat up is dead

>> No.15514948

>I know this for a fact

okay...prove it?

>> No.15514983

why does lit have roidnigger standards

>> No.15515052

By talking to the people in the know. Are you dumb or something?

>> No.15515112

It’s been getting passed around in groupchats. Everyone is saying it’s originally from Kantbot and others.

>> No.15515118

Can these faggots actually get into a physical fight already, sniping on twitter is gay as fuck.

>> No.15515125

He's literally wearing rouge, duder.

>> No.15515127

Not exactly definitive but I am willing to believe it due to their history.

>> No.15515131

Costin loves dick confirmed.

>> No.15515147

not just Nietzsche. history politics, art. he fuses all these things into a surprisingly informative broadcast who's purpose is ultimately hypertextual. he's a good curator of ideas. Oh yeah, and he's actually funny, unlike Kantbot and Logo and the big twitter personalities (though I appreciate them too).

>this is not about me
yeah i know man, i'm just using your arguments as a platform to address the whole thread


>> No.15515154

Lol so a fat pseud millennial and a fucking gen Xer are bitch fighting on twitter and this is supposed to be momentous?

Absolutely absurd. I don't doubt that fatty leaked all that shit, I mean, a lot of people knew it before but kept it hushed, makes sense that he would have access too.

>> No.15515156

sounds retarded desu i dont even think that there is that much venom between them mostly their fans

>> No.15515157

so someone duped you and you believed them

>> No.15515197

I had a feeling Kantbot was behind this shit. Fucking fat loser.

>> No.15515207

>had a feeling
i just dont get all this schizoshit

>> No.15515218

How is that schizo? they have a beef and kantbot is shady af

>> No.15515226


>> No.15515243
File: 16 KB, 450x370, 1534893373574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you realize BAP is just a scam by a 39 year old queer in order to get young buff men to send him pictures for his wankbank.
based AND cringe. Costin has solved the dialectic forever.

>> No.15515259

Kantbot is in the right here because he is revealing a psyop. Kb is legitimately anti-establishment and this will just increase his cred. BAP is now a completely discredited member of the elite

>> No.15515281

true desu all the ESOTERIC BODYBUILDERs in this thread are having a hard time coping though

>> No.15515288

Someone explain to me how this reveals BAP as a psyop

>> No.15515290

I figured his dox would be something like this, if I were as well established as him yet still autistic about Nietzsche and Alcibiades I would be paranoid and anonymous as well

>> No.15515306

>I still have not seen a single peep about this on twitter from anyone who isn’t pro-Kantbot
Who do you follow? When I look at what’s been posted about the BAPdox and the BAP/Kbot feud in general, it’s overwhelmingly pro-BAP. The bodybuilders, kaliacc, etc all said that Kbot came away from the “feud” looking like an insecure paranoiac. And literally everyone has condemned the doxxing (as they should)

>> No.15515317

>(as they should)

>> No.15515324

He's assembling a sort of 'Pykewater Library' devoted to photography of the young, hung, and full of cum.

>> No.15515334

Haha, he didn’t manage to get a PhD from an Ivy League without interacting with a single Zionist, what a KEK

>> No.15515342

Im loling at the kind of person who thinks this is a distinguishing feature. Do you know how many times the word pirate is said in any greek history course

>> No.15515346

>literally funded by the Jewish Institute for National Security of America.
Source? The only connection is that someone he thanks as an “early mentor” used to be on the JINSA board of directors

>> No.15515351

the point is Costin Vlad Alamariu and Bronze Age Pervert talk about the same things in the same way.

>> No.15515371

Reminder that the early Zionists loved Hitler and vice versa

>> No.15515372

Has daddy sent you on a coverup mission?

>> No.15515389

Im not invested in your gay “internet drama.” If you want to shut people up then post the bapcast receipt

>> No.15515391

Asspirates of a feather stick together, eh?

>> No.15515395

I google this and nothing comes up, what am I missing

>> No.15515407

Honestly both are fairly /lit/ options.

>> No.15515411

Can I get permission to share this on reddit?

>> No.15515418

People from those spheres. I've heard plenty about the Kantbot vs BAP feud, I meant the doxxing in particular. Again, however, because of the riots I'm not saying it's impossible that something got drowned out.

>> No.15515420

BAP is dumb, he’s stolen all kinds of content from others, the only reason people think he’s good is because menaquinine t777 and the rest aren’t around anymore in comparison. Not surprised that there are multiple other people who he’s plagiarized from, there are sections of BAPbook that are basically copy/pasted from old Social Matter articles written by Landry etc

>> No.15515423

Consent granted!!

>> No.15515424

If I had it I would. The twitter thread that it was in got deleted.

>> No.15515433

>yale PhD, straussian, zionist, bank excec family
All unironically way cooler than being a racist bodybuilder.

>> No.15515437

>Since the guy doesn't look as rugged as they imagined and since he seems to be closer to a trust fund academic than to a enlightened intelligence operative, they are disappointed.
Which of his fans have been disappointed? This thread is full of defenders, the only people I see slagging him off are loyalists to the fat jew

>> No.15515449

i am dissapointed in bap


>> No.15515454

>there are sections of BAPbook that are basically copy/pasted from old Social Matter articles written by Landry etc
Such as?

>> No.15515458

I dislike kantbot more than BAP. BAP is still a pseud LARPing faggot though.

>> No.15515460


>> No.15515471

What’s hilarious is that BAP has made about 2 tweets about Kantbot but Kantbot has been boring through his mentions obsessively trying to dunk on every critical remark, it’s embarrassing, I fear for his mental health

>> No.15515485

This. Nobody copy-pastes old USENET posts together like BAP. The elegant way he presses CTRL-V gets me every time.

>> No.15515493

BAP is fighting "them" and Kantbot is fighting schizoid BAPfans not BAP himself


>> No.15515505

I hate his Twitterfeed and think his podcast is pretty shit (literally just rambling at this point) but I really enjoyed his book. From what's been posted ITT I think I would enjoy what he writes under his real name

>> No.15515506

Well I can’t exactly link to the Social Matter posts can I? But this is well-known, Landry had to actually come out and said he was okay with it shortly after BAPbook came out

In the end I don’t care who wrote BAPbook or if it was plagiarized, it’s a great piece of samizdat independent of who BAP is and his whole schitkc. But everyone going “BAP IS THIS GUY BECAUSE THEY WRITE SIMILARLY!!!” Like yes this is also true for about 40% of social matter articles and twitterers. The dissertation is one thing but all of this Costin dude’s articles are from post-2016, after BAP had already been saying all that shit on twitter for years, the cause-effect could go either way

PS fuck Kantbot

>> No.15515509

what did he say about kantbot?

>> No.15515518

The idea that anyone can read this and think BAP is some Zionist is lel

>> No.15515531

This. From reading his dissertation, he's clearly an intelligent guy. He'd be far more interesting without all the shitposting LARP weighing him down.

>> No.15515550

it resurfaced because people noticed the gumroad connection

>> No.15515554

Actually i don’t think BAP ever addressed Kantbot’s attack in public

>> No.15515560

All this happened because BAP named the Capital Research Center

>> No.15515561

and what is kantbots "attack" it was always towards baps followers

>> No.15515568

BAP started it

>> No.15515575
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>> No.15515595

ironically they are all latecomers

>> No.15515604

I don't think anyone actually cares about this except for kb's sycophants. Also, to gargle kb's cock this hard, especially as he actively walks back his old takes so that he can make more money is equal parts hilarious and pathetic.

I also think you're overestimating the value of this information- I doubt it will affect BAP negatively and probably won't be talked about much except in twitter group chats and the occasional /lit/ thread.

I'm interested to see how this plays out, but my gut tells me that this e-drama will be completely irrelevant in a month

>> No.15515618

what even is that
anyway i was talking about his physical features

>> No.15515634

>I don't think anyone actually cares about this except for kb's sycophants. Also, to gargle kb's cock this hard, especially as he actively walks back his old takes so that he can make more money is equal parts hilarious and pathetic.


>> No.15515658

This is true, BAP has been trolling forums using the same persona for over a decade.

>> No.15515677

>it's pretty well established on frogtwitter
not true, i doubt you were even on frogtwitter in 2016
BAP could be thiel's boy toy but there's no actual proof, its just something that people joke about
no one thought he was literally posting from the tropical urheimat bro
I like kb but the past year or so has been disappointing. not because of any alleged ideological shift but the content just aint the same. One thing I have disliked about both BAP and KB in the past year has been the podcasts, seems like an obvious sign that they aren't interested in putting new and interesting content out, just rehashing their twitter brands in audio form. But I've never really liked podcasts to begin with
its fun. that's the appeal, BAP is fun - dont overthink it
I read that that account wasn't actually the guy on the video, I'll try to find the post but it seemed definitive
it doesnt really, i think some people are just spooked that he came from Yale, has family that work in banking, and had a zionist mentor. i know that feel though, I was a political science major and you're almost always going to have great professors that hold a few opinions you disagree with.
>the only reason people think he’s good is because menaquinine t777 and the rest aren’t around anymore in comparison
lol you're not really wrong here, i do miss mena on twitter. melch too for that matter

>> No.15515778

Do tell! Please link to the tweets. Kantbot started it by going after the right wing bodybuilder squad, he got triggered by the screenshot from the dude who’s chucking a soiboy

>> No.15515786



>> No.15515798

but he's right

>> No.15515800

To be honest I've never met someone as fat as KB that wasn't also mentally ill in some way. People who are mentally sound don't allow themselves to get that bloated.
The same is pretty much true for spooky skeletons.

>> No.15515819

That was long after Kantbot had already flipped out on the bodybuilders and started disavowing his old takes.

“I’m not left or right, I’m not a part of Frogtwitter or any other group, I’m just Kantbot” blatantly disavowing Frogtwitter in an attempt to be “respectable” for the Red Scare jewesses. Same as when he fucked over Warren

>> No.15515830

>“I’m not left or right, I’m not a part of Frogtwitter or any other group, I’m just Kantbot”

its an attempt to distance himself from people like sad bap orbiters who now own the brand

>> No.15515832

Logo, Kantbot and the rest need to go

>> No.15515847

Yes, it’s obvious why Kantbot would want to distance himself from BAP’s cult of ... umm ... men who care about fitness and self-improvement?

>> No.15515849

go where from what

>> No.15515861


>> No.15515864
File: 8 KB, 210x240, 2A1B14B9-092C-40EB-9FC1-42E41F9AABA3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that Kantbot agreed to appear in an incel documentary is beyond reproach

>> No.15515870

>its an attempt to distance himself from people like
Nah, he sees new opportunity now that the left has managed to repackage stale right-twitter humor and talking points for their audience

>> No.15515881

kantboat, I can just about stand but I genuinely want to smash logo's fucking bean-shaped head in.

>> No.15515889

Go off Twitter to real life and focus on making themselves happy rather than playing absurd status games

>> No.15515892

This. Kantbot is all about the grift and the well of griftees on the right is getting dryer and dryer by the day.

>> No.15515893

LOL he is so full of resentment it only makes sense that he would try to dox him.

>> No.15515903

I wonder if Logo had a hand in this too, they make a dream team of sad bugmen who would want to crash BAPs empire, but it clearly backfired

>> No.15515915

The guy Falstaff who actually doxxed him was pretty close to Logo so I don't doubt that he took Kantbot's info gave it to him o___O

>> No.15515916

Wherever the fat one goes, his Wormtounge isn't far behind.

>> No.15515925

I have never been in these gay twitter cliques but seems like KB and his crew of academia reject commies are attacking what THEY think BAPtards believe, i.e. that BAP is some huge shredded bodybuilder or does not have a university education.
To everyone that followed BAP it was obvious that he was educated with knack for marketing and organizing.
The gay stuff was very transparent. But it is an older kid of gay, not a rainbow flags and dragon dildos kind of gay.
This reveal just makes BAP more interesting.
At least he inspired some kids to start lifting. That alone makes him a positive influence.
Gonna start perusing his thesis soon.

>> No.15515960

Link to thesis?

>> No.15515974

Falstaff is a little attention seeking loser

He even said he did it as a mouthpiece because he wanted to be in the spotlight.

The others were probably glad to let him be the doxxer because it kept their pussy asses out of it.

>> No.15515985

Isn't he the one who always talks about roman slave boys and pederasty?

>> No.15516009

this guy is a modern legend and if ur hating on him ur a fag, plain and simple. i wish he would write earnestly now he has been doxxed, his real writing is really good.

>> No.15516013

He had some good posts here and there, too bad he chose to torpedo his account/brand by getting involved with all this

>> No.15516026

Ok Falstaffe

>> No.15516034

I have it, what's the best way to share it?

>> No.15516037

Lol caught

>> No.15516043

sad baptards

>> No.15516044


Key is eGxecDEI8RQrebTihbr4OCkjWcelu0FYPN0AFcDJ3IQ

>> No.15516054

c o p e

>> No.15516061

having fun attacking real radicals on the behalf of your zogling master?

>> No.15516066

c o p e

>> No.15516069

he is our sun king! he is the future of all. You dare insult the prince of the eternal truth!?! WEAKLING BUG SAP!

>> No.15516075

i think the word you are looking for is seethe but keep coping dude

>> No.15516086

Ok kantbot

>> No.15516091

c o p e

>> No.15516095

now this is cope

>> No.15516101

poast fyseek

>> No.15516104
File: 221 KB, 330x595, luchador mask.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15516109

Lol i said here and there, most of it was random literary flailing. He was too close to logo for his own good, never became an independent brand.

>> No.15516187

This is absolutely BAP.

>> No.15516225

One of Costin's deleted articles, about the origins of the alt-right:


Compare Costin's article to BAP's article about the alt-right:


Funnily enough old BAP posts from like 2011 thephora.net are critical of Strauss

>> No.15516246

As a romanian I want to kill myself.

>> No.15516415

>independent brand

>> No.15516450

Why? have some nerve.

>> No.15516650

Who is Dean Deiana/Dejana, the sardinian giant that BAP/Costin mentions at the beginning of the book?

>> No.15516721


>> No.15516770

Aight, and how does he relate to BAP?

>> No.15516839

Probably just a random friend who died

>> No.15516975

>330 replies
>60 posters

>> No.15517164

Bapman u mean

>> No.15517184

>schopenhauer doesnt show up often in bap

schopey is one of his favorite philosophers. i remember him mentioning him a lot in his phora posts. this is definitely him.

bap is also big on strauss and this guy is a straussian. it's been common knowledge for awhile that bap was some kind of academic. he's even talked about it himself.

i knew he was european because he mentioned at one point that he wasn't american. had no clue he was romanian, though. it's hilarious that the borat accent is real. lol i always had the impression that he was french based on some stuff he said, but he did study at the sourbonne, so i guess that explains it.

i'm actually sort of impression tbqh. chad european academic from a wealthy banking family is pretty on brand.

>> No.15517214



>> No.15517367


Seconded. These leaks have only solidified my appreciation of the man.

>> No.15517786

BAP is fine, his fanboys are Jordan Peterson tier.

>> No.15517860

Staniloae is definitely required reading

>> No.15517894

Are Romanians over represented on fortune?

>> No.15518028

>it's hilarious that the borat accent is real
It's not, he came over to America when he was 10. It's probably him doing a bad impression of his dad.

>> No.15518219

The guy who was in JINSA wasn't even on the thesis. How retarded are you. Like can you even read English.

>> No.15518268

Red Scare Anna figured out that he was Romanian, probably the only person to call it