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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 133 KB, 1024x1200, Rupee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15512152 No.15512152 [Reply] [Original]

We write Rupi Kaur's next book of poems.

I'll start.

you say i am a flower
my pollen blows in the wind
you begin to sneeze
i don't want to be your flower
(imagine a crude drawing of a flower here)

>> No.15512173

why does Rupi Kaur weigh so heavily on the minds of 4chan dorks

>> No.15512200

Her success is a reflection of the world's mediocrity.

>> No.15512210


>> No.15512214

because her poetry sucks ass but women think it's great for whatever reason.

>> No.15512218

it's fun to hate on shit as a group.

>> No.15512233
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tonight i miss you
i check my dms
i check my e-mail
the world is silent

-tomorrow i miss you
the phone is silent
the world is silent

-the next day
the birds are silent
the sirens are louder than ever

>> No.15512235

She’s to us what AOC is to /pol/. We hate her guts but goddamn do we want to fuck her.

>> No.15512236

I think you guys are too autistic to understand any aspect of poetry and poets beyond prose, technical construction and academic literary critique.

Rupi's poems convey her character, her identity, and reflect her readers' experiences and identities. To understand her popularity without sharing the experience requires a level of emotional intelligence that most of you poetry critics lack.

>> No.15512243

because she's one of the era's great artists that also comes from a minority and intensely oppressed gender, and despite her great talent, she is charmingly humble and unconcerned about her image.

>> No.15512274

No, she's just shit
t. 180 emotional iq

>> No.15512275

Just because the 21st century values identity above literally anything else on earth doesn't make objectively shitty poetry any better. The poems don't just "convey" her character and identity, they are literally nothing at all but vehicles for them, with no substance beyond that. They're worthless accessories for women, like cheap Chinese-assembled jewelry from Walmart, personality traits you can buy.

>> No.15512287

i cannot forget you
even though i am older
i am still the same size you desire
but the emptiness is giant
we are the same blood
the same price
they say to move on
but you always stay

>> No.15512294


>> No.15512295


>> No.15512301

this is more a criticism of ezra pound tbqh, not rupi

>> No.15512302

She's attractive and sucessful.

>> No.15512304
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>> No.15512305
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>> No.15512316

I've never read Pound but I don't believe you. Rupi has distilled vapidity down to its absolute core. It'd be impressive if she had any self-awareness and wasn't inspiring thousands of imitators.

>> No.15512318

Yeah I’d hate fuck that while shouting the Iliad in Ancient Greek at her as I cum.

>> No.15512319

sex with kaur seems like it would be a nightmare. both before, during, and especially after, you know, when she pens a poem in the new york times accusing you of rape

>> No.15512330

A lot of it is women hate but its mainly the fanbase.

You can tell that her readers have never read a Shakespeare sonnet or have even heard of Walt Whitman. Not a bad thing but I'm all for a little bit of gatekeeping

>> No.15512339

Even if her fans all had PhDs in classics and lit, her poems would still fucking suck

>> No.15512345

a woman has cracks
white man knows only one
a crack above
a crack below
a POC has cracks
white man knows only one
a crack above
a crack below
the world has a crack
the white man is the one

>> No.15512353

i seriously bet she smells. you can almost smell her through the internet pics. and not in a good hot girl farting way, in a bad pheromone way that makes you feel like she's covered in a thin film of sewage even after a fresh shower. is it just her skin tone? probably.

>> No.15512355
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>> No.15512359
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>> No.15512373

my words blead out onto the page
in drops of syllables
in tiny rivulets flowing
down the right margins of the page
i listen to death grips
while i grip my life
my pen
his cock

>> No.15512381

my fans
they love me
as much as I
love my

>> No.15512382
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>> No.15512387

joy to the world
christmas under you fist
a feast for all
thanksgiving under your fist
a mask
halloween under your fist

i can do anything
you can do more
i stand
you tower
i bark
you bite

>> No.15512390
File: 23 KB, 480x469, D9BEDFEA-0B07-41B9-9B8C-74719D30BB54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I feel disgust when I see the curvature of Rupi’s giant nose, but I can’t help but feel aroused as I imagine it pressed into my lower abdomen, the air flaring from her nostrils as she struggles to breathe while choking on my cock, the cadence of her gurgles dribbling out with the same random consistency of those pretentious page breaks she stuffs into the heads of middle aged women. “Back and fourth Rupi! Iambic pentameter in the motion of your face fuck!” I cry out as I climax. But alas, she cannot, for my hands have gripped the back of her head, ruining the perfect curry-laced slickness of her hair. As my semen dribbles down her throat I marvel in the way those thick pretentious brows so often staring down at the world, now contort in pleasure and discomfort.
Perhaps when we are done, I will dribble my seed on her face in a pattern akin to the pencil illustrations of her books. A fancy little flower, a vase, a sighing woman, rendered in cum on those lofty cheekbones.

That is my thinking on your poetry Rupi, now suck me off you sexy wholier-than-thou poo whore. That is my prose in response to you.

>> No.15512391

because she is the personified reminder that no matter how well you write, no matter how many years you spend honing your craft, studying the greats, observing life and learning how to listen and document the deeper meanings, you will never ever be successful because you aren't a shitskin, a kike, or a woman. and that not only goes for yourself, but for every man with any artistic potential in this world. no matter what he's fucked and even if you aren't driven by your own ambition and desire to create, you will still be robbed of the ambition and potential creations of your contemporaries. its one part hatred for the world, one part hatred for her mediocrity and lack of self-awareness, and one part mirth so we don't all go insane.

>> No.15512397

literally a goblin

>> No.15512401
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>> No.15512404
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>> No.15512408
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>pol nigger
go back

>> No.15512411

No anon, it’s just the fact that she’s Indian, every single one of them smells like shit. That’s all there is to it.

>> No.15512414

>As my semen dribbles down her throat
semen should dribble down her neck (outside) or ROCKET down her throat (inside). otherwise good stuff

>> No.15512426
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>> No.15512429
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>> No.15512434
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>> No.15512436

as the river flows
i smell death
branching in all directions
blowing from under my dress
he smirks
she blushes
capitalism fills the hole
it stays
it rots
the river overflows

>> No.15512437

Excellent critique, I appreciate it!

>> No.15512438
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>> No.15512439

people say phrenology is pseudo-science, but where the fuck is her brain physically? in some kind of pocket dimension?

>> No.15512440
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>> No.15512443
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>> No.15512446
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>> No.15512448
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>> No.15512449
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>> No.15512450
File: 2.27 MB, 1066x1894, Rupi Kaur Foot Fun for Feminism quote.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15512452
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>> No.15512456
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>> No.15512459
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>> No.15512461

>all these professionally rendered images of herself, used to promote a celebrity image and cult of personality

It seems throughout history that the greatest poets in the world never focused on depicting themselves, because their love for the earth and all the wonders it contains is spoken through their writing, and that alone is enough.

>> No.15512466
File: 76 KB, 455x650, 7-1-455x650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can one poetess be so poetic?

>> No.15512478

Rupi is the navel-gazing soul of today, incapable of being or seeing or caring for anything but the idealized Real Her

>> No.15512480
File: 1.24 MB, 1579x1300, Rupi Kaur Commencement 2018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15512488

less jibber jabber more poems

holes in my clothes
holes in my soul
i crushed a moth
i have a cold
the glass is fogged
though your eyes
are lasers

the mirror is broken
the rope is cut
away i drift

a dream of bugs
rotten fruit
my bed is cold
you made me miss your heat

>> No.15512490
File: 456 KB, 1600x1216, O-CarlotaGuerrero-RupiKaur-TheSunAndHerFlowers-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15512502

he called my words
and jabber
he called me
i call him
and hear only my
echoing voice
me me me
i i i
is there anybody else out there

>> No.15512519
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>> No.15512535
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>> No.15512573
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>> No.15512719

I want to
Put it
Rooper’s pooper
Sadly I never

>> No.15512763

Inside her
Brown bum was a
of the exact
Same shade

>> No.15512795
File: 166 KB, 1080x1512, perfect poetry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i genuinely struggled to bring down the level of my writing to that of Rupi's but here's my best attempt at it

>> No.15512806

i drink you
i drown
gasping at the moon
in chains
london bridge coming down
i am one
we are one
you no longer are
i drink you

>> No.15512807

who are you?
the cab driver
i said
i'm rupi kaur
the poet
and he replied
sorry, don't know you
so i tweeted his picture
and bled
from my cunt
on his car

>> No.15512818

pull the string
a horror movie

i make poopie
i stomp on my baby
believe me
when i tell you

>> No.15512859


>> No.15512883


>> No.15512885

It’s essentially tea-towel poetry being elevated, for some reason, to high art. I wouldn’t mind if she was an instagram poet for edgy 12-year-old girls but why is she getting published and becoming so popular?

>> No.15512895

A hanging line
Traps the melancholy cloth
Waiting on a noble wind
To sweep it away

>> No.15512910

"It helped me cope." Femanon offline

>> No.15512932

Ooh ahhh mmh
Sniff sniff
Sigh hmmmm

>> No.15512951

>here I go

poo in the loo
loo in the poo
In your loo I poo

>> No.15512958

You fucked up. This is already more competent than anything she’s written

>> No.15513033

my face is made
for you
i unmake it
for you

my perfume billows
my natural scent
your nose flares
we are no longer a pair

>> No.15513053

checked and correct

>> No.15513133

I am no rock but
The world flows around me
I am steady as the divine
Standing in your waters
Splitting your current
You will never move me again

>> No.15513196
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What is the significance of her use of line breaks?

>> No.15513213

It makes
Mundane shit
Real deep

>> No.15513252


God I hate the time we live in.

>> No.15513264

All these cringe press pics combined with her shit poetry makes me believe she's a shit person

>> No.15513274

(it's about domestic violence by rupi kaur)

in winter he called her
to his apartment
to rest in
his arms

that summer
she swayed in the wind
some invisible object

(height matters by rupi kaur)

he asked me to call him
'my short king'
bitter tears
my honeyed heart

he never asked
how tall
can i be for you?

(federal reserve by rupi kaur)

the gold
of my parents
told us stories in bed
of temples
of rivers
of love

janet yellen
that bitch
printed too much
she broke the scales
of my heart

These are all wonderfully bad
These made me lol

>> No.15513294

He left and
shut the door
behind him

but I was the door

[drawing of a door]

>> No.15513311

You live
in a city

But I am
the city

[drawing of a city]

>> No.15513325

I taste
the mango
it is juicy
and fresh

its liquid drips
my chin

You were
the fly
who wanted
to drink
from the juice

[drawing of a mango and a fly]

>> No.15513327

The Penis is a Penny
The Vagina a Diamond
Shine on
Shine on
Let the world see your Light
Put spare change up your snatch

>> No.15513332

i asked you
for medium rare
but you
brought me well done

>> No.15513333

A rug I still
have is stained
with wine

He spilled the wine

I was the wine bottle
and he spilled me

[drawing of a wine bottle and a rug with a stain on it]

Hey, these are easy to do.

>> No.15513359

Being emotionally moved by a fart on a Sunday is not valuable.

>> No.15513365

my tears fall
like my arms
on you
[tears on palms]

>> No.15513412

lol'd at this

>> No.15513421

Jesus christ get a grip

>> No.15513432

i wish i
was white
but I
'm black

>> No.15513437

did she really write that foot fetish poem? because it made me hard as diamonds and my opinion of her soared.

>> No.15513483

My pussy is a temple
Monetary donation not required
but nonetheless expected

>> No.15513493

If she was a man with her features she'd be considered a monster

>> No.15513496

large noses are far more acceptable on men than they are on women

>> No.15513546

Clearly you don't know what it's like to have a big nose, brown skin and caveman eyebrows as a man. You're a monster.

>> No.15513913


Though unironically kudos for her for figuring out a format that people would actually read. She's making B A N K on millennial narcissism, she realised a very short piece that can be consumed in one bite without effort and (most importantly) can be shared so people give you attention is a winning formula

>> No.15513926

It starts with
one thing
I don't know
why it does
n't even matter how
you try

>> No.15514038

I tried so hard
And got so far
But in the end
It doesn't even matter
I had to fall
To lose it all

>> No.15514063

>he actually believes he is at a disadvantage for being white

Nigga you still have an advantage in almost every aspect of life. This /pol/ shit is just cope because you amounted to nothing and blame it on society. Weak

>> No.15514380

They're not smart enough to parody something more challenging

>> No.15514395

I feel red.
I see red.
I hide red.
I am a woman.

>> No.15514584

She undoubtedly has a shit personality like most indian women. Still want to fuck tho

>> No.15514632

Because her poetry is hilariously bad. I was actually impressed by how bad it was when I first read it, and it’s a best seller. I have a special dislike for her because a girl I was seeing gave me a Kaur book (at a time when I wasn’t aware of her) and reading it killed all my attraction to that girl
Cringe, poos are not hot, and neither is AOC

>> No.15514641

no, we're not. that's why we read them and shit on her.

>> No.15514729

The very existence of affirmative action lends his point credibility

>> No.15515325

>neither is AOC
You speak like a person who’s never been straddled by a Latina woman swearing at you in Spanish while you drown in her fat D-Cups and it shows

>> No.15515880

A person without a frontal lobe being creative..


>> No.15515897

It doesn’t weigh heavily. It’s fun to do this. lol weigh heavily

Gtfoh rupi

>> No.15515902

This is too good for Rupi

>> No.15515909

>Rupi's poems convey her character, her identity, and reflect her readers' experiences and identities

Quite the contrary, it shows lack of those things because she’s just a vapid person

>> No.15515917


>> No.15515929

Way too poetic for Rupi.

>> No.15515971

Legg merke til hvordan de eneste mennene til stede er åpenbart homofile.

>> No.15515986

1 cat 2 cat 3 cat four
Too many cats in Lahore
I drowned those cats oh yes I did
Killed them when I was a little kid
Mango lassi oh yum yum
Yummy mango in my tum
White girls will say that I'm the GOAT
Because of all the stuff I wrote

>> No.15516022

dubs of truth

>> No.15516060

is this the new Thom Yorke song?

>> No.15516073
File: 50 KB, 480x300, period-instagram_trans_NvBQzQNjv4BqqVzuuqpFlyLIwiB6NTmJwfSVWeZ_vEN7c6bHu2jJnT8[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the smell and the hair which carries the smell...

>> No.15516089


> “This guy is the best,” she says, noticing an edition of Kafka’s complete stories; she’s referring to Peter Mendelsund, the book’s designer. “The dream is to have him design my next book.” His work, she points out, translates well across media — to different sizes, to posters, to digital.

>> No.15516149

she's a poetess, what more do you need explained? what are you?

>> No.15516158

She is this century's dante. /lit/ only hates her because they fear strong independent women.

>> No.15516194

i went to
the gym

there was
a manlet

he was curling
in the squat rack

i raged
i cried
my heart failed me

>> No.15516441

i am sick
i cough
you cough
we are in love

pluck the strings
until i break
the notes ring hollow
i am no longer safe

the sun rises
the moon rises
his arm rises
the bruise rises

>> No.15516646

the tide
goes in
the tide
goes out
never a
you cant
explain that

>> No.15516892

when you enter
i am empty
my mind is far away
filling with you

spill the wine
stain the white
erase the lines
read the red

my vase
the most
important thing
about me

>> No.15516917
File: 92 KB, 500x431, 1588400935932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what she looks like? No wonder she never shows her face

>> No.15517000


mango lassi

>> No.15517253

Post it

>> No.15517264

The game before
Somebody else
Takes you out of the frame and
Puts your name to shame
Cover up
Your face
You can't run
The race
The pace is too fast you
Just won't

>> No.15517308

cuz that bitch be eatin, lovin damn food, poop street ass hoe

>> No.15517347
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>> No.15518052


>> No.15518099
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idk bro you don't see people putting up "WHITE OWNED BUSINESS" signs anywhere

>> No.15518150

This past Sunday some dude in my town put a "Mexican owned business" sign on his shop window. It got smashed up anyways. Not sure why the guy thought joggers would care about him being Mexican.

>> No.15518159

maybe he should have lied and said he was white for some of that white privilege lmao

>> No.15518162

Or he could have just lied and said "black owned business." Still, it's funny he thought that anyone who's immoral enough to loot and destroy businesses would give a fuck.

>> No.15518215

They say
"Once burned, twice shy"
You burned me
I reach out to you again

>> No.15518262

Poopi Khar
Makes my pp hard

>> No.15518279

receives unwarranted notice/praise/money

>> No.15518286

great ending, way beyond her

>> No.15518327
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>Not a bad thing
It is quite a bad thing though, especially for educated citizens of rich Western countries.

>> No.15518350

stop living in yesteryear, dreamer

>> No.15518387

She's Canadian tho

>> No.15518537

end it all
and leave for ever

whats done is done
its feels so bad
what was happy now is sad

>> No.15518896

the sad
my hands
my skin
your hands
the movement
the waves
flowing through

>> No.15518984

so many hands
so many colors
throwing bricks
into my soul

so much pride
i'm brown too
fuck me black man
in my brown ass
we are united
solidarity speaks volumes

>> No.15519007

my pain is kept
under your stairs
under your roof
my pain is an ornament
on your tree
above your fireplace
when i
to love
my pain
you will cease
to hurt me

>> No.15519010

She’s not Canadian, she lives in Canada. Learn the difference.

>> No.15519267

She's as canadian as wayne Gretzky, friend :)

>> No.15519438

She’s obviously not. Stop deluding yourself.

>> No.15519804

She was born in Punjab and was raised by fair skinned slaves until she came to Canada

>> No.15519895

>fair skinned slaves

>> No.15519948
File: 44 KB, 500x497, B65A6A8C-AADC-42AA-A19F-12422670E25A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I beat my meat
your pretentious currypoo
Scribbling Thinking
your curvy pajeet feet I
Yeet my

>> No.15520809


If you showed a random person a picture of Gretzky doing what he did for a living and a picture of Kaur doing what she does for a living, who do you think people would label as “Canadian”?

>> No.15520902

I see
The stars above me
But what I don't see
Is what
Is below me

>> No.15520908

the Fap
I be

>> No.15520931
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>> No.15520959
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>> No.15521709

He cute

>> No.15522892

can't breathe
gon' kill me

>> No.15523166

because they assume that women are shallow; and rupi's "poetry" only works if it is predicated by a certain essence of depth. i don't see women as soulless robots, so i just see her work as what it is: boring, simplistic """poetry""" that appeals to an aesthetic brand that the people on this board cannot resonate with. it's just junk food media. but we all like junk food media, to a degree.

>> No.15523293
File: 78 KB, 728x477, 38FE7634-F311-4C58-95E9-E6D0B2000136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15523907

a masterpiece!

>> No.15524486

they always say
ok retard
they never say
are you okay

>> No.15524721

Dear Vagina,
I'm a cool wine aunt
I complain about stuff
chop up the prose and
sell it as poems
i'm so clever
also i have daddy issues
and men are poopy heads

>> No.15525341

like you have said, she indeed found the correct formula that creates a win-win situation for her to make millions while suburbian white girls purchase her book to use as inspiration for instagram captions.

>> No.15525523

But you forgot to mention the most important part: that simply signing her name

- Rupi Kaur

at the bottom of every poem immediately grants her inanities the unearned patina of a wise, middle eastern sage.

Imagine instead the same poems signed

- Karen Stewart.

Ridiculous. "Rupi Kaur" is a registered trademark. It's like the Supreme logo. Put it only anything and it sticks. That's why those guys trying to do a Kaur parody made sure to bring in the exotic eastern element by suggesting their fake poet be Japanese.

>> No.15525661

No matter what way you cut it, Rupi is not a stupid woman, and what makes her brilliant is not her poetry, but the fact that she’s keenly aware of the market in front of her, and of her own inauthenticity for the sake of building a brand and making money with minimal effort. Her current net worth is $5 million alone and it’s nonsuprise someone like her has come along to exploit the current culture. In the same way the MF Doom detests rap music and has outright stated that he prefers classical and creates rap only because it is lucrative, so does Rupi write poetry.

She knows exactly what she’s doing.

>> No.15525967

>But she's not stupid! She's successful at making money!
You say this like it justifies her and isn't even worse. Nobody should celebrate the rape of poetry.

>> No.15526080

your desk
lamps and things
my heart is
tea leaves
smol hands
feel like plants

>> No.15526083

One bitch
Two bitch
Dead bitch
New bitch

>> No.15526165
File: 91 KB, 1080x832, 1591159242807_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technically it's big enough to hold one but that doesn't mean it's a good brain or skull in the first place. Here's a pic, anon.

>> No.15526200

when in
my tired arms
you fall

i just want you

where i am
where you
could be

so why do we
never even talk
when we both know

you and me
a leaf on a tree
now fallen

>> No.15526226


>> No.15526254

> me and my cousin


>> No.15526266

funny. laughed.

>> No.15526275

remember when
you were young?

you shone
like the sun

>> No.15526287

too good, anon

>> No.15526296

great ending

>> No.15526393

Based OP. Yours was quite phenomenal compared to most of the shit done here.

>> No.15527082

I’m not saying I agree with her. I’m pointing out what she’s doing and acknowledging that it’s clever.

>> No.15527324

among the leaves
turning brown
i look at my hands
and i
to breathe

>> No.15527361

every strand
connected as one
pulled a part
a whisper

>> No.15527907

im sitting
you're here
with me
i walk away
you're falling

butt plug

>> No.15527955

What a pretentious fucking piece of fabric she's cloaked over herself. It SCREAMS self-righteous dolt.

pretty good

>> No.15527979

see my


>> No.15528001

you offered me a ring
and i said no
now when i call
i only get rings

>> No.15528018

It was a cock ring, wasn’t it?

>> No.15528035

Honestly that's not how I imagined a guy at a Rupi Kaur event would look like

>> No.15528189

i wonder what they smell like

>> No.15528212

chicken vindaloo

>> No.15528234


>> No.15528265
File: 131 KB, 1080x1080, Rupi-Kaur-Feet-3032567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like caste privilege

>> No.15528275
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>> No.15528278
File: 178 KB, 1242x1547, DkkYSlPV4AEs0op.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15528284
File: 98 KB, 949x1187, rupi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does rupi gain +10 poetics if she's barefoot?

>> No.15528324

She's a instagram influencer

>> No.15528344

>poets are less "Canadian" than hockey players
Where do you chuds come up with this stuff

>> No.15528346


>> No.15528399

This bitch is average at best.

>> No.15528414

oh yeah update on those who were in the previous thread about the fake Japanese Kaur

we made it and we're making good progress

we have some correspondence with some bigger people still trying to earn followers.

>> No.15528428

we are currently posting a lot in Japanese/English

getting the groove of it

btw we are Japanese so it does give us an edge in stead of just pretending to be Japanese

>> No.15528515

based nips

>> No.15528528

we are still a very small account.
We write bad poetry but we put some meaning to it

while doing this we looked into the world of Instagram poetry and my gosh

>> No.15528551

Post thirst traps to keep the simp KPIs high

>> No.15528558


>> No.15528577

unfortunately, we're both guys

>> No.15528813

Sure, /pol/

>> No.15528893

>That's why those guys trying to do a Kaur parody made sure to bring in the exotic eastern element by suggesting their fake poet be Japanese
lmao sometimes it's just stunning how inane and useless /lit/ is and has been for years. this same exact thing was already done three years ago, complete with a poetry collection and a fake twitter persona (and lit was shit back then too).

>> No.15528952
File: 1.97 MB, 1467x2048, Screenshot_20200605-115536_Chrome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kaur does not like to read when she is writing, and says that she hasn’t finished a book all year. Now that The Sun and Her Flowers is complete, though, she’s looking forward to digging into the many books she’s bought and not yet started.
>“I will always go into a used bookstore,” she says, even when she’s working. “I’ll collect a lot of covers that inspire me — whether it’s the paper inside, whether it’s a font, so then later I can be like, okay, how’s mine going to look?”
>“This guy is the best,” she says, noticing an edition of Kafka’s complete stories; she’s referring to Peter Mendelsund, the book’s designer. “The dream is to have him design my next book.” His work, she points out, translates well across media — to different sizes, to posters, to digital.

>> No.15528965

the difference is we're Japanese and are trying to actually push an agenda here but I agree with the sentiment

>> No.15529037
File: 34 KB, 474x560, caine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gain of Function

>The saggital crest
>and lunar prognathism
>of your jawline
>and nose simultaneously
>tingle my almonds
>and this poem belongs
>in an oven
>with my ashes

It's a younger, tanned Marina Abramovic

>I free bleed
>in your 800 thread count
>Egyptian linens
>because I'm leaving you

>Hangover Relief

>the tides in my womb
>reject your seed
>the moon aborts it
>tears it out
>with a string
>passing over the horizon

>The Wall
>am I a cool wine aunt still
>if i call my cat
>my child


>my thousand cock stare
>is deeply interested
>but the cum
>reprogrammed my face
>into a mannequin


>you got a gold star
>for good behavior
>at 5 years old
>unless it's Germany
>in the current year
>and it's Krystalneg

>ass above
>dope below
>rupi tresmegistus
>told me so

>two major arteries blocked
>fentanyl and meth in system
>but it's systemic racism
>you bigot
>and this
>is not
>a lynch mob

>Rupi Abrahamovic

>spirit cooking
>just like
>biting the head
>of you penis

>my podiatrist
>has the Innsmouth look
>for a check up