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/lit/ - Literature

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15506744 No.15506744 [Reply] [Original]


Reading lists are up for:
Music Theory
Hannah Arendt
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Friedrich Nietzsche

Wanted to post one more time since last night’s thread was pruned and anons asked to see the reading lists.

If anons who requested it see it, please respond. The reading lists are in the process of being re-vamped and i don’t want them up for very long.

Please enjoy. Feedback is always welcome.
Any specific reading list requests will be entertained and will be produced at a future date.

If y’all wanted some harder to find books on the subjects above, here’s a good place to start.

>> No.15506777

very interested

>> No.15506789

>no Deleuze
Instantly dropped

>> No.15506896
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the war/strategy reading list is for applied military tactics and theories of strategy.
it's not the appropriate reading list for deleuze.

i am building a 20th century french postmodernism reading list, another one on accelerationism, couple other more specific ones on capitalism--all of which deleuze figures prominently.

the point is not to just inundate with anything and everything but to actually present hard to find knowledge.

>> No.15507190

What is the purpose of this?

>> No.15507302

Oh hey I was in that thread last night, thanks for these, not what I was expecting
How do you find these books and make the lists? Very interested in this
Do you have anything on mobs, crowds? What about something less theory-politics and more applied, like tactics for the American context?
Thanks again anon, serious stuff

>> No.15507805
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What are these reading lists for? What’s going on here?
I’ll give it to you, they seem pretty legit. Do you have others?

>> No.15508345

Bump for interest, want to know more about what’s going here

>> No.15508358

Why don't you want them up for very long? Artificial scarcity is not a good way to build a scholarly reputation.

>> No.15508387

Not OP but he said in a previous thread he didn’t want to share them because they were incomplete and he was still working on them. He seems to have a bunch.
They seem pretty complete to me

>> No.15508439

No hintikka for wittgenstein?

>> No.15508535

The Plato list is shit. Why so many secondary sources? You can only read so many interpretations of Plato before realizing the true value in his work is the journey you take to reach your own interpretation (as long as you're not a brainlet that thinks the Republic is political philosophy). The correct reading list is already long enough:

1. Euthyphro
2. Apology
3. Crito
4. Phaedo
5. Alcibiades I
6. Symposium
7. Meno
8. Ion
9. Phaedrus
10. Lysis
11. Republic
12. Timaeus
13. Critias
14. Parmenides
15. Laws
16. Euthydemus
17. Protagoras
18. Gorgias
19. Cratylus
20. Philebus
21. Theaetetus
22. Sophist
23. Statesman

>> No.15508549

All in the Hackett complete works, of course.

>> No.15508602

Absolutely based post, anon.

>> No.15508606

Who are some of your favorite thinkers/writers, personally?

>> No.15508664

>Alcibiades I

>> No.15508998

It's an excellent transition from the Socratic dialogues to the later ones.

That being said, I'd wager you've read less than a quarter of the whole list.

>> No.15509039

Cool project, OP.
As a suggestion, you could further split those lists into primary/secondary sources, different subtopics etc. to make them easier to navigate.

>> No.15509204
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i own a private library and run a consulting service alongside it. anons last night were asking about aspects of it; part of what i do is provide reading lists for clients. i'm going through a lot of the reading lists now and reformatting them, combining them, etc. and have decided to open up aspects of them to the public
basically: i see a lot of people asking for "non-meme" recs or "eldritch" knowledge kinda crap, e.g. just serious academic stuff that's off the beaten path, and i'd like to help fill that void, or at least deepen the selection of materials.

i'm working on one for crowds and mobs but it is nowhere near complete. 4 pages right now and counting; I have a "washington power politics" reading list that deals with more applied stuff viz. washington DC's particular brand of politicking that i'd be willing to share, but this, too, is under construction

i'm not looking for artificial scarcity--the opposite. im not comfortable sharing them because i think they are currently incomplete and i dont want to sell anything less than a fully realized product. i'm responding to some anons last night who were asking about my general operation, and i wanted to show them a window into where i'm at in the current building of those lists.

exactly the type of suggestion i'm looking for, thank you

not the suggestion i'm looking for

big question, not sure where to begin, please be more specific. what authors do you enjoy?

oh trust me, i have a whole series of breakdowns and fuller lists, etc.
these lists are the public interface from a much larger operation i've been pursuing for years. clients/colleagues come to me with specific lists in mind that i then build, and from those foundations i tend to combine and mix and match, etc.
the ones i've shared are what i call "spectrum" lists: they are meant as general, comprehensive overviews on their subjects that provide resources that would enable one to do anything from teach a freshman writing seminar and engage freshman to lecture to a full house of PhDs.
more specific lists are absolutely available and tend to be the norm.

>> No.15509296

Based AF
How did you get into this? The library is yours? How do you compile the lists?
This is pretty kino shit OP, didn’t think this shit actually existed

>> No.15509302

>and run a consulting service alongside it
Who have you consulted for?

>> No.15509329

You're not sure where to begin? You don't agree with any particular authors? Seems like a bit of a deflection. I know you are fond of romanticism, at least.

To answer you, I'm currently working with Campbell, Freud, Jung, and Tolle among others. Does my answer help you to give your answer?

>> No.15509382
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Love the artwork at the start

>> No.15509565

Do you teach? How do you fund this? Can just anyone request your services?
Pretty inspiring anon

>> No.15509646

Almost an entire year's cours was him talking about war machines, a entire book of him & Guattari is about war machines, the IDF reads D&G to elaborate their urban warfare, and you tell me it's not the appropiate list?

>> No.15509969

Jesus I want to know more about all this
Do you build reading lists on any subject if requested? Anything on engineering?

>> No.15509987

See this archived thread - >>/lit/thread/S15329596

Gets going about halfway through.

>> No.15510023

People are awful
He seems a little faggoty but rapture seems like a pretty nice guy
Why do anons hate on him so much? Cancer thing seems unnecessary. Seems like he even still tried to reach out to that dude.
Goodguy rapture is ourguy, I’ll say it.
Straight up jealous of the collection and wealth, too.

>> No.15510130

>People are awful
Many are. Most 4channers are also autistic.

>> No.15510203

The thread that got taken down last night showed even more.
He says he’s a conversation, but old school. His project seems to be one of those bullshit “immortality” ones but he actually had some good justifications for it. Wish it was archived.
Basically rapture is trying to produce the next god-man and he thinks he can do so by providing people with a cultural center and knowledge
He said something about recruiting students for private seminars and helping them along career paths. I would love to hear more about that.
Honestly I’ve followed this rapture thing for years. Thought it was real at first, became convinced it was fucked up LARP, now I’m back to thinking something actually is going on here. I don’t believe him fully but i also cant say what about it is false...it just seems too heavy, too larger than life and tropish, even.
Regardless i want to see where this goes and hear more of his answers. A good rapture thread is usually a treat on this board.

>> No.15510264

>the war/strategy reading list is for applied military tactics and theories of strategy.
If you are taking recs.

Fangs of the Lone Wolf: Chechen Tactics in the Russian-Chechen War 1994-2009 by Dodge Billingsley

Mujahideen Tactics in the Soviet Afghan War
Book by C. J. Dick

>> No.15510435

>43 million bank account
>private library of 20k books
>well connected
>cancer ridden

This isn’t real, right? Tell me this lex Luther LARP faggot isn’t real.

>> No.15510469

I think a lot of /lit/ users would love to pretend this board is some kind of respect academic place where people like >>15506744 (if at all real, unfortunately I really do doubt this) and Pynchon have heard of this place, posting away as if they were us.

>> No.15510578
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i've been collecting for years. it was a natural outgrowth of a natural tendency. i entered academia and began to politically consult at the same time. i'll tell you right now: my services, what i do, what i offer--not exactly in high, high demand. not many people read or care about reading, even at the "top"--and that's the honest truth. but part of that truth is also that those who do care, care deeply, and are doing some extraordinary things behind the scenes.
i wanted to be a part of all that, in some capacity. as i usually get doxxed in my own threads (which is fine), i was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2016, so i had to withdraw from the active scenes i was a part of. to be real with you, i was hoping to run as a senatorial candidate from Tennessee before my diagnosis (i'm not from Tennessee, but i do love nashville). the library's current status is a response to all of that.

who i'm reading right now (i cycle through a bunch of books at once, so here is a segment of my current lineup):
the dancing lares and the serpent in the garden--flower
the one vs. the many--woloch
common sense--rosenfeld
reconstructing public reason--macgilvray
a history of ambiguity--ossa-richardson
unnatural wonders--danto

what's brought you to campbell, frued, etc.?

im not saying deleuze is worthwhile, im saying that the people who came to me to build parts of that list wanted to know things like the performance of tank armor during WWII or the tactics of small guerrilla squads. deleuze ain't for the generals.

i'll entertain any request, though the lists are limited by my capacity to acquire the books--everything listed also has to be owned. as a result, i have very little on engineering (except architecture, which i studied) as a general subject, i have virtually nothing on asian, middle eastern, african or south american histories/arts, saving the essentials and basics. these are very much were i am limited by what i know and what i own.

yeah that was a fun thread. doxxing and cancer all wrapped into one joyful night.

this is fantastic, thank you. i am ALWAYS looking to refine, add to--and even subtract, if necessary--from any and all lists. they are dynamic things that feed on suggestions like yours. keep em comin if you got em.

it's all real, etc. people have doxxed the living shit outta me in so many different threads, not much left to hide, anyway; besides, i think sunlight is a great antiseptic, and i would much rather--as i said last night--be known for contributing real, lasting things than some series of illusions or what not. i'd be happy to expand on any part of what i do.
i spend a lot of my time at home, i've been coming to this board for years. a lot of high-end people lurk here, believe it or not. to think that the "greater world" is ignorant of 4chan or doesnt participate in any capacity is sorta a straw-man illusion, anon.

>> No.15510595

What other kinds of high-end people lurk here? Genuinely curious.

>> No.15510602 [DELETED] 

>tfw william pennington clearly hasnt read nietzsche

>> No.15510631

wow that was a good read
i'm on the resentful redneck's side on this one

enjoy dying of cancer faggot

>> No.15510636

Not many anymore. A lot of them were trips and naturally a lot of those guys around 2015 or so.

>> No.15510646

>those who do care, care deeply, and are doing some extraordinary things behind the scenes
this is your brain on money

>> No.15510660

This is all really extraordinary, anon. You run a seminar in the boston area?

>> No.15510675

ITT: newfags, as far as the eyes can see, and a tripfag taking advantage of the summer. i gotta get off this site.

>> No.15510680

the CEO of racism and the CEO of based both post here frequently. they'll never admit to it though.

>> No.15510688

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little undergrad? I’ll have you know I graduated at the top of my class from every single Ivy League university, have been involved in numerous tech, consulting, financial, and law firms, and have over 300 books on my Amazon wishlist at any one time. I am trained in library science and I am the top archivist in the entire US Library of Congress lending network. You are nothing to me but just another philistine. I will wipe you the fuck out with dialectics the likes of which have never been seen before on this board, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of rare book dealers across the USA and your Barnes & Nobles receipts are being tracked right now so you better prepare for the intellectual storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your collection. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can scan and share PDFs in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with the stack of hardbacks I carry around at all times. Not only am I extensively trained in book-trading, but I have access to the entire inventory of every top colleges' library in the US and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of /lit/, you little amateur. If only you could have known what enlightened bibliothecography your little “modest” collection was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have put down your fucking camera. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn dilettante. I will shit shelfies all over you and you will drown in them. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.15510695


>> No.15510700

my bad meant:

>> No.15510705

You're not explaining who you actually like, but I understand the hesitation. You'll probably get attacked by some unpleasant person once you do.

I'd been interested in psychology most of my life and interested in philosophy once I entered college. I started to come to the conclusion that psychoanalysis, bridging from Schopenhauer and Nietzsche, was the real evolution of philosophy in the twentieth century-- not the word games of the analytics or the abstract emptiness of the continentals. Reading Joseph Campbell and Jung solidified my worldview-- as the unification of all the realms of human study, and the most excellent bridging of spirituality and science imo. I'm currently reading through Freud to help define some of the background of Jung's work (Old Testament to New so-to-speak).

>> No.15510707

It's cool that newfags are getting along. It's less cool that you're just bitching about it among them. You're not gonna get off this site. And that's the worst part.

>> No.15510717


Wtf rapture seems fucking based
Why the hate? Kinda curious now

>> No.15510723

What are you looking for exactly? If you're not well-connected this place is about as good as it gets for a public intellectual discussion (sadly).

>> No.15510727

I do not play this game, but you strike me as a particular asshole. If you want to play for prince of lit (which I have no interest in claiming the title), then realize that there are those superior to you, as is the nature of things.

I am fluent in 5 languages, I have a degree summa cum laude from an Ivy league undergrad, a masters with honors from Oxford, and am at one the current top phd program in my chosen field. I have a personal library of around 5k books. I have lived in several countries and numerous cities.

I do not hold arbitrary preferences as to type of writing. I have read life-changing works as novels, novellas, poetry, plays, and non-fiction.

If you're wondering, I got 1360 SAT, 1390 GRE. Probably beat me thre. I don't know my IQ, and I don't particularly care. I'm an INTP.

You are not worldly, or intelligent, or the "prince" of anything. Go die.

As for others: this is not an invitation to compete. I am sure that either you, or someone you know, is superior to me in a number of ways; congratulations. I merely want to show this fucking moron that he's not the shit.

>> No.15510735

anime titties and pictures of zizek, obviously

>> No.15510769

Yeah, but do you have a Wikipedia page?

>> No.15510779

All I'm saying is you all dont know how bad things really are. You didn't watch rapture get his ass handed to him by a 17 year old on a regular basis. You don't remember D&E. You don't know how faggoty all of you sound. Instead you cockride and let charlatans flex because, ultimately, you're in high school and naive as hell.

>> No.15510806

i am fluent in 1 language. i am on track to become manager of my regional starbucks by 2022, one of the top locations in the state. i have a personal library of over 300 tonkobans. i have lived in over 2 towns.
my penis is 8.3 inches long with a girth of over 6 inches.
grovel before me peasant.

>> No.15510812

And if I wasn't "naive", what would I be doing? Complaining, like you?

I crave "intelligent" discussion. Unless you can point me to a better site, 4chan will have to do.

>> No.15510813
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from my experience, top-tier personnel will stop by when their is some politically relevant reason to do so. it's odd to think that you think that the top doesnt know about 4chan, doesnt take aspects of it seriously, isnt curious about it to some degree, etc. it's all over CNN every month or so, for christ sake. its become a known feature of campaign craft, e.g. something that needs to be accounted for.
other than that, a lot of governmental staffers i know who are 25-40 dont just lurk but actively post on /pol and /b for a host of reasons. just people doing people shit, bro.

that was a good era. i take it you were around then?

i'm not sure what you're saying by this. that this is a delusion? that money sublimates shit effort into "caring deeply" or something like that?

>unification of all the realms of human study
yeah id like to hear more. what inspired this? are you a student?

it's cause they probably have small wieners, i bet.

yes, for the last couple of years. recruit almost exclusively from my own alma maters (alumni repatriated to boston) and harvard/MIT at this point. works pretty well, been very happy with it overall.

>> No.15510816

i have every wikipedia page available at my fingertips. can you say the same? have you even one?

>> No.15510821
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where you from, anon?

>> No.15510832

>a lot of governmental staffers i know who are 25-40 dont just lurk but actively post on /pol and /b for a host of reasons. just people doing people shit, bro.
I'm butting in to corroborate this. I've heard it from lots of different people.

>> No.15510839

Nice post.

>> No.15510916

These are both me, I just accidentally had my trip off for one of them.

I currently live in Michigan. I have been interested in a range of different fields for most of my life, and I naturally began to desire to find the connection between them all. (Why do certain patterns reappear in art and science?) I think philosophy has attempted to be the connector of human pursuits for most of our history, but science and the general march of time has been a drain on philosophy's reputation and power. Psychology, and yes, psychoanalysis, suggest a better "source science" to me, especially when bringing in the work of Jung and the idea of the archetypes... which in one sense can be considered the underlying language of everything.

>> No.15510918

>it's cause they probably have small wieners, i bet.
I would bet that you have a pretty big wiener, y'know, cause most bald guys do... Oh wait you are bald because of chemo lmao

>> No.15510941
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have you written anything? provocative, anon.
is there some way i can help facilitate that goal?
what are you hoping to achieve with this synthesis? why do you believe such a monism is possible?

you work in government?

>> No.15510981

lul its from this rapture1 guy

>> No.15511045

They hate him because he’s wealthy and actually contributes something of value
If they admit he exists then a lot of what they take to be real in themselves would be shown for what it is
Rapture can be heavy and pretentious as fuck, but I’ve seen enough of him to defend his character.
Just poor ass plebs chimping out

>> No.15511056

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little undergrad? I’ll have you know I graduated at the top of my class from every single Ivy League university, have been involved in numerous tech, consulting, financial, and law firms, and have over 300 books on my Amazon wishlist at any one time. I am trained in library science and I am the top archivist in the entire US Library of Congress lending network. You are nothing to me but just another philistine. I will wipe you the fuck out with dialectics the likes of which have never been seen before on this board, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of rare book dealers across the USA and your Barnes & Nobles receipts are being tracked right now so you better prepare for the intellectual storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your collection. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can scan and share PDFs in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with the stack of hardbacks I carry around at all times. Not only am I extensively trained in book-trading, but I have access to the entire inventory of every top colleges' library in the US and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of /lit/, you little amateur. If only you could have known what enlightened bibliothecography your little “modest” collection was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have put down your fucking camera. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn dilettante. I will shit shelfies all over you and you will drown in them. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.15511062

I have written on this idea in longer form, but I won't share for now. I want to avoid doxxing... as far as I can.

You help by being an intellectual existence to talk to. I live in less-than-ideal circumstances right now, and want people to bounce ideas off of.

>> No.15511182

To be frank, I was interested in joining your discussion group, but it is very much a matter of at least living in the Boston area, right?

>> No.15511188

>contributes something of value
Fuck off my board zoomer

>> No.15511200

>that was a good era. i take it you were around then?
Yeah rapturd, I was. /lit/ is about as valuable as a youth group, nowadays, but I guess intellectually that's your type.

>> No.15511220

yep, i'm a poor ass pleb myself and i think rapture is based. it always amazes me how people with functionally unlimited money live such boring lives. they do things like buy a sports car and go golfing and think this is living large lmao. like jeff bezos. the dude could buy his own country and build a utopia if he wanted but instead he fucks some ugly bitch behind his wife's back and gets divorce raped.

>> No.15511225
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shoot me an email (see website) and please indicate that it is you. i'd love to begin a larger conversation/read some of your stuff.

thanks for the interest. so far it has only been physical, but now during quarantine and future prospects, i've been thinking of starting something like an associated private discord or something.
i'd be open to throw around ideas. at this point i don't see much reason distance should be a factor; talent and motivation have always been the core standards, at least in theory.

>> No.15511238

>posting a whole bunch of bibliographies and shit widely available through the usual university systems, pirating circuits, basically anywhere a smart enough cookie can find them
>thinking this is some giant humanist task despite being a literal millionaire
>feeding off the high school/undergrad disease of self-improvement/delusional thinking to get hits on your shitty site
This is the power of the Ivy League!

>> No.15511251

>talent and motivation have always been the core standards, at least in theory
and in theory it shall remain

>> No.15511310

I went ahead and sent an email.

>> No.15511326

>i've been thinking of starting something like an associated private discord
so all this effort was just for this: creating your private tranny grooming discord
hell, I don't even blame you dude, if I was dying of cancer and had 40m lying around I would do the same

>> No.15511380
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got it, cool. sorry i didn't respond before--i will in the morning. get a lot of troll crap in between.

have you read jung's aion? are you the one who recommended that?

>> No.15511430

Based rapture
Would be very interested in discord

>> No.15511438

shouldn't Laws be further towards the end?

>> No.15511444

If I had $40M, I'd set buy a nice old house or brownstone and turn it into a gentleman's club like they have in England. Nice stocked library, board games, small kitchen, full bar, and a comfy place to sit and talk with others of a similar status.

>> No.15511449

hell, if he pays me i'll be his fucking guinea pig. i'm broke as fuck and this dudes loaded.

>> No.15511625

I live in the boston area, went to Harvard. Would be curious to hear more. Should I just send you an email?

>> No.15511644

Also are you a Harvard/MIT alumnus or something? What year?