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15508893 No.15508893 [Reply] [Original]

Give me a quick rundown on pic related.

A bunch of White Yuppies on my timeline keep recommending it.

>> No.15508907

>why it's so hard (NYT bestseller) for LIBERALS to TALK ABOUT JEWS

>> No.15508916
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>> No.15508919

>“Your refusal to acknowledge that you are guilty of {sin,racism,sexism, homophobia,oppression…} confirms that you are guilty of {sin,racism,sexism, homophobia,oppression…}.”

>> No.15508923

Probably good if you're into white guilt and your coffee table looks empty

>> No.15508930
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>> No.15508938

The topic itself is worthy of interest, but I can't expect that kind of book to deliver a satisfying exploration of it.
The cover alone betrays the midwit conceit.

>> No.15508976

>The topic itself is worthy of interest
What topic? That people get mad when you tell them they suck and therefore you should take all their stuff? It's not interesting at all. >>15508907 already covered everything there is to say about this.

>> No.15508997

The author, Robin Diangelo, is a white person who makes a lot of money running corporate seminars on unconscious bias.
She needs to convince readers that their initial reaction of disgust and annoyance at getting blanket accused of secret racism is actually in itself proof of the secret racism.
She thinks she's smarter than the working class. Everyone can see through her shit, middle management and C-suties are scared shitless of getting sued, some of them might be true believers (by and large educated at the types of institutions which propagate liberal identity politic ideology, of which open endorsement is pretty much a key to leadership in many organizations)
So she wastes everyone's time and makes a ton of money off this book.

>> No.15509003 [DELETED] 

I don't even hate niggers, I reserve my hate for the leftists, the queers and other sick liberal whites

>> No.15509013

Anyone actively working to curb their racism must not be very racist so this book is just for liberals to jerk themselves off.

>> No.15509015

Racism doesn't mean "white people suck", only SJW believe that.

>> No.15509016

DiAngelo is an Italian who gets paid six figures to go to universities and workplaces where students are forced to attend struggle session workshops where they initiated into the esoteric mysteries of white supremacy, an abstract and undefinable force that infests all pale skinned people and makes them unconsiously oppress pee oh see. White people can never be rid of whiteness, as it is integral to their being, but through acts of devotion to pee oh see and self-flagellation, they may come close to the ideal of being a "good ally" and die in a state of woke non-problematicness, where the pee oh see will determine if they should cancel their legacy or not. If you are rich, you may pay indulgences to pee oh see in order to alleviate sin, but poor white folx must sacrifice their social mobility and material possessions on command in order to make way for pee oh see.

>> No.15509027

Good for you. Personally I reserve my hate for the subhumans that post on 4chan.

>> No.15509030


>> No.15509033

Good read ty anon

>> No.15509035

Imagine basing your entire life around resentment ideology.

>> No.15509049
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multiculturalism and the politics of guilt:towards a secular theocracy by based jew paul gottfried. leftists don't even believe in anything, their views are all surface level virtue signalling and being deathly afraid of litigation. the end goal of leftist ideology is an eternal kindergarten total institution ruled according to the principles of snivelling mediocrity. that's where the radical right is at an advantage. we can offer the youth of america a cause worth fighting for and dying for.

>> No.15509056

Don't get a stroke sweaty.

>> No.15509058

Fun fact: Republicans consider this essential reading because "this is what liberals actually believe"

>> No.15509068

I'm perfectly fine although I am, like you, a subhuman.

>> No.15509072

I am tempted to read it just to get an insight into the leftwing mindset desu

Not even a rightoid

>> No.15509113
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I actually just recommended it to a friend of mine the other day. It's great, but I'll say this.
Do you support Black Lives Matter? You'll probably dig it. It's a pretty fast read too.
If you don't like BLM, if you're not at least a little intrigued the Michael Eric Dyson and/or Claudia Rankine endorsed it, then you probably won't like it. However, if you want to be intelligent in arguing against the kinds of things diversity-people talk about, you should learn how to contend with the arguments in this book - because they're from superficial PC bullshit.

>> No.15509131

you're confusing materialist leftist ideology which is very coherent and reasonable with a sort of american liberal narrative, likely because you spend all your time on the internet and have never held a job in your life.
fight me irl

>> No.15509133

>The author, Robin Diangelo, is a white person who makes a lot of money running corporate seminars on unconscious bias.
I've heard the white privilege lecture circuit is insanely lucrative these days.

>> No.15509137

You can't say racist. That's our word. Only white people can say it.

>> No.15509160

It is, it’s the same crowd that threw their money at MBTI testing workshops. It’s like an expensive beanbag chair; fine for sending a signal about what kind of company you want everyone to think you are but ultimately valueless for the company.

>> No.15509162

they do EXTREMELY well. High six figs.

>> No.15509169

Yup, the "diversity industry" is worth billions.

>> No.15509170

>Racism only goes on way

>> No.15509182

Ummm, sorry sweatie, but racism is prejudice + power. PoC have no power and so they can only emptily punch up, while white people have all the power and each punch is like breaking PoC skulls with a baton. Do better.

>> No.15509264

>PoC have no power
Typical white woman sjw slacktivist, denying black people any agency so she can feel better about her own failed life!

>> No.15509289

based and Zizekpilled

>> No.15509342

Stop this bullshit. Nowhere in the definition of racism does it mention that racism has anything to do with power dynamics. You leftist pseudo-liberals made that definition up when the default definition of racism didn't fit your narrative

>> No.15509349

Holy shit. Do I need to become a Marxist now?

>> No.15509393

Every one of these threads is the same.
Are we getting a constant influx of new redditors or what?

>> No.15509408

More like /tv/ and /pol/ crossover

>> No.15509417

reddit represent

Does it focus on race or does it examine class too? I'd imagine it doesn't touch class.

>> No.15509420

May as well get in on it just for the money, and retire early afterwards

>> No.15509484

I would say that it's peak is behind us.
Get on the next liberal signaling trend.
I bet it's "resilience training" or some shit. They love resilience and mindfulness.

>> No.15509493

Anyway a big part of making money in this type of consulting is having friends in corporate who can throw you a multithousand dollar contract as a personal favor. It's a way of turning well-positioned connections into money. Often it's the children of rich corporate guys getting hired out by other rich corporate guys who are trying to win the favor of the consultant's father.

>> No.15509519

class analysis really undermines the ideology of which this book is a product. They're allergic to "class reductionism" or anything that seeks to understand the problem as something other than some kind of transcendent unknowable problem, solutions for which we must gain from a well payed and improsecutable clergy caste

>> No.15509544

This is unironically the equivalent of when you're in 5th grade and you call someone a faggot, and then they say 'no im not a faggot' and then you laugh and say 'well then why are you getting so mad and saying you're not one, you must be a faggot'. That is the level of intellect and maturity going on here, except the stakes are much higher because people know that being branded a racist is very bad so they react more.

>> No.15509595

lame. I almost want to read it to rip on it

>> No.15509835
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Yeah, but it only works because most white people are mentally cucked and get triggered by it.

Either admit that you're a racist and act like it's not an insult or ignore the remark as it doesn't concern you at all. Both are valid responses, really.
The faggot response is to become defensive and to start apologizing and explaining to these people that you're totally not a racist. At that point you're playing their game and you already lost.

>> No.15509857

You'd have to consider why it is that white people are afraid of being branded racist in a society ostensibly run by white people.

>> No.15510290

No no no, the cool new thing to is admit you're a racist but say you're working on being a better ally.

The only redpilled options are
a) to be adamant you're not a racist and attack your accuser
b) to admit you're a proud racist

>> No.15510348

Simple strategy:
Every accusor is a potential racist themselves, if not a racist than an agent provocateur, if not an agent provocateur, actively assaulting you at this moment and you're about to call the cops. works every time.

>> No.15510378
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Could be just delete this thread?
It's obvious political bait, not even literature anymore.

>> No.15510396

The left has expanded the notion of racism to absurd and unsustainable levels. It seems as though their end goal is for it to be impossible to merely exist without being inherently racist. All of this is a sadistic ideological game of trying to back whites into a corner.
The problem with ideological casts of mind is that they politicizes more and more areas of life until they leave nothing untainted.

>> No.15510450

This, we look like /pol/

>> No.15510462

Bruh its pretty obviously bait.

>> No.15510497

NPC bullshit.

>> No.15510537

No because this isn’t reddit where Mods will block out the parts of reality you don’t want to hear

>> No.15510555

The absolute state of this board

>> No.15510570

Nice try OP, but your thread is pure bait.

>> No.15510655

yeah how dare people disagree with blue checkmarks on twitter

>> No.15510656

go for it, but it is also genuinely boring so keep that in mind. you'll get the gist from page two or three.

>> No.15510689
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>this thread

>> No.15510799

Seems like a boring pop sociology/melodramatic op-ed to me. Unless it calls for the outright collective suicide of whites (a revolutionary statement) it's nothing but bullshit.

>> No.15510889
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Daily reminder intersectionalists see all viewpoints and all knowledge as inherently ideological. There are no facts, no logic, only "perspectives". For example a white guy accidentally bumping into a black guy and then claiming he didn't do it on purpose, the intersectionalist will view it as defending the white hegemony. If the black guy says it's all right, the intersectionalist will say he internalized the white hegemony. If the white guy bumps into another white guy, it's hegemonical patriarchal aggression. So on, so forth. Even extremely logic reliant scientific fields like maths are being viewed as contributing to the dominant hegemony. Hence the need to correct this with gender quotas and so forth. Empiricism was formulated by white males ans as such is an inherently white and male method - other "perspectives" desperately being needed.
It's an emerging secular religion, with it's own doctrines, priests, dogmas. They very much constitute the greatest internal threat to western society as we know it. They're quite deliberately and quite methodically trying to infiltrate societal intitutions under the guise of propagating tolerance, while doing the very opposite, fueling social disorder, segregation, and capitalizing from it. A telltale sign of intersectionalist influnce is the word "equity" rather than "equality". The consequnces of which being they can arbitrarily dictate right and wrong referring to the intersectionalist perspective. They lend themselves credibility though self-reference, hence why you'll find "peer-reviewed" "scientific" papers written by these people that more resembles hippy streams of thought than something trying to prove a hypothesis.

It's a very dangerous development.

>> No.15510901

Well if you look in this thread and on 4chan in general she´s absolutely right.

If there´s a black person in a movie post 2015 /tv/ will cry about muh white genocide
and the whole concept of white fragility scares the shit out of /lit/.

Right wingers just wanna be the victim so badly theses days...

>> No.15510914

No she's not right, you just think by repeating it it will make it true, like a small child. Any metric by which you could measure fragility would obviously not show whites as being as fragile as most minorities.

>> No.15510931

Minorities don't mind white people in their video games in general.

>> No.15510942

4chan is overtly racist and has genuine fascists.
Society in general is much more decent than 4chan, obviously, you fucking retard.

>> No.15510949

Don't try to pathologize disagreement or ban debate you screaming faggot.

>> No.15510954


I'm extremely racist, sexist, and homophobic. These things in of themselves are not sinful, and why I acknowledge but don't feel bad about them (and why white liberals do in fact gleefully love to discuss it)

>> No.15510959

You should commit suicide anon

>> No.15510958
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they get triggered by white people liking their music, they get triggerd about absolutely everything

>> No.15510979

That's so dumb but she's free to not make money I guess. Times like these capitalism doesn't work.

>> No.15510991

They're morally superior to you

>> No.15510998

They really are not, they're just extremely afraid and saying what they think they're supposed to. They can't even really think about any of this clearly

>> No.15511020


>> No.15511055

its scary to think about where we're headed

>> No.15511058

suck a nigger cock faggot

>> No.15511069

You should also commit suicide anon, you don't have a future anway.

>> No.15511079

No need to freak out. Proponents are deeply disfunctional on most levels ESPECIALLY social, so any attempt at coalition-building or political action beyond sloganeering devolves rapidly into back stabbing and infighting.

Of course the universities coddle them and the HR departments have no need for true function, but outside of their currently strongholds they have no real power, and in their strongholds their power is rapidly fading.

Still, remain vigilance.

>> No.15511089

> A very dangerous development
I think that they are pushing it too hard too soon. A more gradual approach to bedding these ideas into society might not have caused friction. I believe they'll be a point in the next 10 years where the average white person will eventually tell them to fuck off .

>> No.15511101

And what if they are saying exactly what they think? I guess that still wouldn't be good enough for you because you wanna hear them say "niggers bad, kill all niggers"

>> No.15511104 [DELETED] 

It's scary how random anonymous 4chan users know more about the world and how it works than highly respected, well-known (((intellectuals))).
This is why I browse this site.

>> No.15511106

They have never thought about any of this in the first place. None of them have ever decided their views on race by looking at evidence. The entire idea of doing that is met with hysteria

>> No.15511107

this is a pretty common take bro

>> No.15511112

People are emotional creatures, they will not change their minds based on evidence. I bet you already had a stance on niggers before you ever looked at the data. You hated them beforehand and you went around looking for confirmation

>> No.15511118

I was thinking about reading about this but when I really consider it, there is no point for a man who spends 16 hours within his room isolated to ever consider reading it. Thanks OP for allowing me to skip buying this

>> No.15511134

Are yoy saying you take the opinions of NEET basement-dwelling neckbeards more seriously than those of academics with PhDs? lmao

>> No.15511137

You would bet very wrong, I changed my opinion once I became aware of the general presence of race politics and realized that the central issue at question was whether it was genetics or environment that were causing 'marginalization', and pretty much all the evidence points towards genetics.

The fact that you personally can't imagine this happening does not mean it doesn't happen.

>> No.15511147

This is an example of the self-referentiality I'm talking about. They're parasiting on the credibility built by science and the scientific method.

>> No.15511164

This would disappear if we burned down every university and killed every academic and grad student.

>> No.15511208
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>> No.15511213

Based actual opinion

>> No.15511235

You're just a caveman who thinks he's smarter than his ancestors from 50000 years ago because of evolution. You are not.

>> No.15511244

I don't have a clue how smart our ancestors of 50k years ago were and neither do you.

>> No.15511263

So it's garbage then. Got it

>> No.15511985

In other words, it's 194 pages of circular logic?

>> No.15511998

yeah a woman wrote it

>> No.15512042

So you just cherry-pick evidence according to your elementary understanding of heredity

>> No.15512069

what in tarnation is going on here? It's all lib bait. Good thing I get all my books from IRC and read on a cracked kindle.


>> No.15512078


>> No.15512089

What evidence do you have that all human populations have the same cognitive abilities? The evidence I am going off of that they don't is IQ, crime rates, gdp per capita, brain sizes, etc.

Given the evidence for and against it is very reasonable to suppose that it is genetic.

>> No.15512108

>what they think
They don't think. You don't think. That's the point. They're oversocialised and mentally ill pathological social comformists. Sit down, white boy, your innate inclination to destroy, destablise, and hysterify is over. Have fun getting lynched by own your race when they realise their privileged class (you) screwed them over, not DeShaun the Petty Criminal. This is China's world now.

>> No.15512134 [SPOILER] 
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Falling back on stats and science to make generalizations about people is bullshit. I judge niggers by the content of their character. Pro tip: They are mostly awful.

>> No.15512142

in minecraft

>> No.15512159

Can someone transcribe this for me?

>> No.15512168

>What in tarnation is going on here
Basically this >>15512108
For reasons and in a way I still don't exactly understand (no it wasn't the fucking Jews, although certainly the ideas of many prominent ultra-left-wing Jews in academe have contributed) the global order which was perpetuated largely by Americans and Europeans has voluntarily self-destructed. I don't really get it. None of the explanations offered by the radical right (i.e., it's letting non-whites into the administration) or the radical left (it's late-stage capital in action) are sufficient to explain how and why this is happening, which makes it really extremely terrifying. I deeply suspect that the next month is going to be pivotal in the next 20 years of US politics, in ways I don't get and that scare me a lot. I have roughly $1700 in an emergency SHTF fund tucked away and I'm heavily considering liquidating a portion of it and buying a mosin or a shotgun just in case.

>> No.15512171 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.15512175

Niggers are niggers more because of Jewmedia of the late 80s onward promoting a semi-fabricated nigger culture that synthesises and strengthens all the worst parts of African American culture. It infects plenty of other races too and arguably mainstream American society given the way it behaves.

You can't build a healthy culture around exalting being a violent loser thug who has everything but pretends to be a victim.

>> No.15512191

It's the jews. Really what makes more sense to you, suicide or infiltration? Why does Israel not let anyone but Jews immigrate, have a 3+ fertility rate, send Ethiopian refugees to go live in Sweden, etc. Jews promote one set of ideas all over the West and then in their own country act like Nazis.

Many elite whites are complicit in this and sold out but it was still decisively influenced by elite Jews. Most Jew proles don't exactly understand any of this, and they might get seriously fucked by eg. the Muslims flooding into Europe, but they at least have a haven now.

>> No.15512228

Suicide makes complete sense to me. I don't how you can possibly consider Israel a counter-example when many of the leftist Jews will criticize Israel and even in the country there's a huge divide between extremely left-wing self-destructive Jews who want to import refugees, and those like Netanyahu who don't. This is why I say that it's an insufficient answer. "It's because they're Jews" doesn't explain why it's a combination of academic left wing Jews working with academic left wing Whites to create a huge bedrock of this situation, with the proles as you said left out and being harmed.

To be completely honest, the only reason I can possibly see why the first answer is "It's the Jews" is because Jewish conservatives saw their opportunity and took it to create an ethno-state while Whites of Western European ethnicities destroyed their own ethnostates. I really don't think this is a sufficient explanation

>> No.15512253

Because Jews aren't a Borg hivemind all acting as one with a coherent goal. But without Jews I don't believe the academic anti-white stuff of the 20th century would have evolved quite like that, and the 1965 immigration act and so on.

It seems like Western civilization may have run its course anyway, who knows about such things, you can't run experiments on history. But the influence of Jews over the past few centuries is just everywhere, good and bad.

>> No.15512263

Sounds like almost every /pol/ addict

>> No.15512377
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There are possible explanations for the contradictory appearances. (Jews never fully adopting their 'host' countries and are now always fearful of pogroms, with multiculturalism being their only hope in preventing future outbreaks.) Why even the conservative Jews might promote progressivism in western countries. (To create a situation so dire in those countries to force Jews to take advantage of their right of return, fulfilling religious prophecy. Certainly an interesting prospect. )

>> No.15512394

Except multiculturalism only has only been detrimental to local jews. Both through the direct consequences of hostile peoples immigrating and the backlash to it.

>> No.15512402

Yeah but your average Jew doesn't think like that, they don't care. They're just a bit more tribal, that's it. There is no coherent group action, by any group, Jews aren't an exception.

>> No.15512536

Fuckin perfectly said.

>> No.15512689
File: 84 KB, 777x1198, 61NVEVB7CNL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I certainly don't think this promotion of multiculturalism has been a wise and successful move for Jewish safety. In fact it seems like it has been very bad. Pic related is all about how economically dominant minorities in democracies with weak rule of law get genocided. Which is really starting to describe Jews lately.

>> No.15512773

As long as you control the narrative, you think everything goes your way.

>> No.15512897

>he said, as niggers and hard left ideologues burn down cities across the civilized world while politicians and corporations spur them onward en masse