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File: 142 KB, 500x765, this-is-what-gods-angels-look-like-as-described-in-5564397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15504476 No.15504476 [Reply] [Original]

How do angels from the Bible compare to Lovecraft?

>> No.15504506

very sexy
perky tits, nice firm ass
pretty face, but not unapproachable
well groomed pubic hair
8/10 would fuck

>> No.15504574

The OT is definitely “le cosmic horror” except it sucks.

>> No.15504694

I think it's a great insight into how outrageously evil the kikes are and always have been.

>> No.15504712

We’ve got creative imaginations, you gotta give us that much goy.

>> No.15505274

pure kino


>> No.15505292

That one with all the eyes looks pretty cool

>> No.15505298

Lovecraft was intending it to make horror while the twisted Jewish mind just spontaneously produces it and thinks it’s flattering.

>> No.15505306

How about you go back to fucking Reddit with your pop-trivia tier knowledge of the Bible, faggot.

>> No.15505337
File: 62 KB, 500x450, Angel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Angels are spooky as fuck.

>> No.15505351

It might be intentional, Lovecraft uses the adjective "Babylonian" to describe hideous things, most of the ideas and visuals from the Bible came from Babylonia or it's precursor civilisations Sumeria and Akkadia. Lovecraft also said something about how he regarded Roman mythology as being a far more convincing depiction of divinity then anything from the Bible. He did speak very highly of the use of language in the King James Bible, however, so he wasn't totally opposed to desert religion.

>> No.15505352

Compare? They are one in the same because they describe the very same entities

>> No.15505363
File: 2.22 MB, 460x353, soy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cringe and sage'd

>> No.15505530

He just loved archaic sounding words

>> No.15505537

Lovecraft was the textbook pretentious pseud. He'd fit in well here.

>> No.15505555

I think Lovecraft was onto something, aside from Bible movies, you never see Mesopotamian mythology portrayed in a positive light. They're always the villains, like in "The Exorcist" or "Ghostbusters".

>> No.15506041


>> No.15506099

The angels who visited Lot were hot enough for every man in town to try fucking them.

>> No.15506162

Those degenerates just wanted something new

>> No.15507288
File: 56 KB, 340x364, 93BAA6CE-067A-46B8-94A8-464E6FEEB1A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only modern media I can think of where Angels are depicted in this way is Kill Six Billion Demons, a free to read webcomic. In this universe, Angels are cosmic law enforcement and one of the four inheritor races of all creation. When they exist in the etherous immaterial void outside the physical world they have classic biblical forms, but in order to enter the physical world they pour themselves into armored shells made of forged ash. Really imaginative book.

>> No.15507341


>> No.15507453

That kind of "horror" can also be seen in the Bhagavad Gita. The divine between uncanny and somwhat monstruous is hardly a uniquely jewish thing.

>> No.15507477

Bible angels have more varied forms. Lovecraftian monsters to be unspeakable spooky horrors. Angels can take any form from handsome man to bolt of lightning depending on the task.

Remember the hebrew word from angel comes from a root that means "to have a job/task". Angels are fitted to their purpose, like cosmic cogs, in a way humans aren't.
Also your image is slightly wrong, the eyed wheel are not merkava (which means "chariot") but ofanim (which means "wheels").
Merkava is the whole chariot of God, the ofanim are just its wheels.

>> No.15507533
File: 915 KB, 784x1866, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


virgin vs chad dichotomy

>> No.15508174

>six billion

>> No.15508252
File: 599 KB, 491x655, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's Lovecraft on Christianity btw:
>Roman politics raised the faith of a whipped and broken people to supremacy in the later empire
And picrelated is from a certain biography of his by another writer popular around these parts.

>> No.15508314
File: 599 KB, 1200x2880, 1588515308251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15508472

Why is this stuff everywhere now? Can't go a day without reading some fag going on about biblically accurate angels. Started like what 3 months ago? Is it just me?

>> No.15508530

Sounds like you've got a bit of the synchronicity going on.

>> No.15508567
File: 77 KB, 383x617, E9026A73-D3B8-4F31-BE29-1549E49A75FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15508571

It's probably Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon, although I think I've also seen a few mentions of these occasionally.

Anyways, these angels seem cool for a while after you've learnt about them, and then you slowly realize that all of these are just hallucinations of some Jewish scitzo. You can probably even reconstruct which exact type of seizures was he prone to based on avaliable medical evidence. It reminds me of Terry Davis' visions of glowing CIA niggers, except Terry was late to the party of writing foundational Christian texts. If he lived a couple thousans years ago, he would've gotten canonized too.

>> No.15508633

But both pictures are consistent with the same tradition I believe. Similar origins at least.
Is it a holocaust joke? Because if it is it's pretty kekworthy for a change.

>> No.15508639

The schizo take seems overly psychological to me, there were similar creature in assyrian and babylonian mythology. Either it's a very, very ancient schizo (much older than the earliest bible stories) or it's a tradition that evolved over millenia like most mythical corpuses.

>> No.15508778

The latest Evangelion movies haven't been that long ago, same as the latest Shin Megami Tensei and Bayonetta games. There is a bunch of weeabo stuff with the "we have to kill God" theme, so there are probably a bunch of media with monstrous angels coming out that we're not aware of.

>> No.15508980
File: 102 KB, 885x789, 1403067122556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obvious jew enabler
the Bhagavad Gita has nothing horrible at all.

>> No.15509007

The true form of Krishna is more lovecraftian that anything in the Bible.

>> No.15509043

>Is it a holocaust joke? Because if it is it's pretty kekworthy for a change.
I dunno man. It sounds tempting. Unfortunately I don't have time to look into it.

>> No.15509216


>> No.15509570

wtf negros are ubermensches?

>> No.15509582


>> No.15509615

Arguably yes. Look at Plato. He was 1. a successful wrestler 2. an optimist 3. a skillful leader, not only laying down the foundations but also leaving space for Aristotle.

>> No.15509946


Roman mythology was a bunch of house-spirits and bix nood rituals, even the Romans themselves copy-pasted Greece's superior mythology on top of their own. How this is a "more convincing" depiction of divinity than the New Testament is a real mystery, but then again, Lovecraft was a pretentious atheist dork with a thesaurus instead of a social life.

Roman religion was basically local animism - the vestal fires in Rome, the house-spirits in every home, the little "gods" of every household object. No intelligent Roman believed in this shit, that's why they constantly fell for eastern monotheistic religions like Mithraism and Neoplatonism and eventually Christianity

>> No.15509997

He was referring to the Roman adaptation of Greek mythology. I don't think it's at all contentious to say that these deities are a more convincing depiction of divinity then the content of the Bible (at least from a European perspective), There's a reason nobody tries to depict the Bible accurately, God is always depicted as Zeus, angels are always depicted as Eros even the Virgin Mary is usually depicted as a sort of Mother goddess in the vain of Minerva, rather then as a Middle Eastern peasant.

>> No.15510019

I think they look beautiful.

>> No.15510071

Georges Dumezil says that the Romans must have had a mythology at some point, but they got rid of it at an unknown date and for unknown reasons. It must have been an unrecorded sort of cultural revolution, a cataclysm we just don't know about.

>> No.15510170

Probably. Rome was a mud hut village during the peak of Carthaginian civilization and took a long time to rise to prominence. It’s crazy to think about all he cultures that have been lost to time and competition, Carthage included.

>> No.15510195

Whereas the Romans kept a relatively elaborate priesthood, and the Greeks got rid of theirs. Prehistory is interesting.

>> No.15510230

Only Ezekiel and Daniel. There are other surreal parts but they're more non-sequiturs than cosmic horrors.

>> No.15510861


Arjuna saw in that universal form unlimited mouths, unlimited eyes, unlimited wonderful visions. The form was decorated with many celestial ornaments and bore many divine upraised weapons. He wore celestial garlands and garments, and many divine scents were smeared over His body. All was wondrous, brilliant, unlimited, all-expanding...

TEXT 23: O mighty-armed one, all the planets with their demigods are disturbed at seeing Your great form, with its many faces, eyes, arms, thighs, legs and bellies and Your many terrible teeth; and as they are disturbed, so am I.
TEXT 24: O all-pervading Viṣṇu, seeing You with Your many radiant colors touching the sky, Your gaping mouths, and Your great glowing eyes, my mind is perturbed by fear. I can no longer maintain my steadiness or equilibrium of mind.
TEXT 25: O Lord of lords, O refuge of the worlds, please be gracious to me. I cannot keep my balance seeing thus Your blazing deathlike faces and awful teeth. In all directions I am bewildered.
TEXTS 26-27: All the sons of Dhṛtarāṣṭra, along with their allied kings, and Bhīṣma, Droṇa, Karṇa – and our chief soldiers also – are rushing into Your fearful mouths. And some I see trapped with heads smashed between Your teeth.
TEXT 28: As the many waves of the rivers flow into the ocean, so do all these great warriors enter blazing into Your mouths.
TEXT 29: I see all people rushing full speed into Your mouths, as moths dash to destruction in a blazing fire.
TEXT 30: O Viṣṇu, I see You devouring all people from all sides with Your flaming mouths. Covering all the universe with Your effulgence, You are manifest with terrible, scorching rays.
TEXT 31: O Lord of lords, so fierce of form, please tell me who You are. I offer my obeisances unto You; please be gracious to me. You are the primal Lord. I want to know about You, for I do not know what Your mission is.
TEXT 32: The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Time I am, the great destroyer of the worlds, and I have come here to destroy all people. With the exception of you [the Pāṇḍavas], all the soldiers here on both sides will be slain.

>> No.15511113

I just wish we could know more about the Carthaginians, and why the fuck they sacrificed so many children. Also the people of doggerland before the ice age.

>> No.15511142

I know nothing about Mesopotamian mythology, but what makes them worse than, say, the Egyptian gods?

>> No.15511240

I'm not sure exactly what it is. Most of their mythological characters look like normal people, some of them are bizarre chimeras. The same could be said about any mythology. They did have a rather pessimistic outlook on life, they assumed that Gods made men as slaves and that all dead souls went to a horrible place called "Kur"; unlike the Greeks or Egyptians, they did not believe in a good afterlife. But so few people know about Mesopotamian mythology that I doubt that this has effected the public imagination. Perhaps it's just the obscurity of it all? Egyptian, Greek, Roman and Norse mythology appear a lot in pop-culture, but Mesopotamian mythology only appears in Biblical movies or in stories where it is depicted as an evil force (Lovecraft, Ghostbusters, The Exorcist.) Lovecraft is the oldest of these so, perhaps he established this idea? Personally, I do find the whole business spooky but I don't know nearly as much about Mesopotamia as I do about the more mainstream mythologies and I have read a lot of Lovecraft so, my opinion is probably biased.

>> No.15512605

The entities depicted in the image attached to your post are demons, not angels.