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15500724 No.15500724 [Reply] [Original]

>If there is no God, everything is permitted.

>> No.15500730

If there is no metaphysical / transcendent basis for morality, then morality instead contingent on society. And we live in a society...

>> No.15500737

>everything is permitted.
Technically yes. It's only humans who forbid.

>> No.15500772

You're nothing but cancer. Kill yourself you insufferable subhuman.

>> No.15500805
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Even if there is a God, they have no input on my decision. I base my affairs on Nothing, spook.

>> No.15500864

yeap, sky daddy isn't watching you so if other humans don't find out what you did you will get away with it

>> No.15500923
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>If god exists, everything is permitted.

>> No.15500934

Everything is permitted

>> No.15500936
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>> No.15500954
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>If everything is not permitted, there is a God.

>> No.15500975
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>if God is permitted to do everything, then it’s permitted to become a god

>> No.15501046

>I am god, I do as I please

>> No.15502406
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>If there is no God, nothing is permitted.

>> No.15502771


>> No.15502807

The system is God. You live by it and you will die by it.

>> No.15503011

What makes G-d any different from any other authority entity, like society?

>> No.15503023

God is a metaphysical prerequisite, not just a more powerful man with magic powers.

>> No.15503028

God is a metaphysical prerequisite, not just a more powerful man with magic powers. Therefore tautalogical and essential to reality rather than arbitrary.

>> No.15503048

So? I don't want any authority over me so G** can fuck off
So? I don't want any authority over me so G** can fuck off

>> No.15503067

Not talking about a specific lower case god but of God in terms of causality and reality. Merely a semantic abstration. Would you prefer the absolute? The order of things? etc?

>> No.15503076

>here lemme quickly redefine God to mean gravity
Die faggot

>> No.15503097

No, what do you mean? Im not redefining God. God is a word used for a lot of things. Plato called on God and so did the Jew and whoever else. You are probably just seeing the trees and not the forest. If you dont minid, would you like to defnin what god is seeing as you are the authority?

>> No.15503139

If you feel the need to redefine God away from the classical understanding of the Abrahamic deity, which is what 99% of people understand "God" to mean, then you're just saying random bullshit. God does not equal causality, or logic, or love, or similar random bullshit. God is understood by most people as the Creator deity of Judaic, Christian, and Muslim text

>> No.15503537

God seems to be a strange entity, the religious tell me he's "beyond all human comprehension" when they want people to stop questioning his actions or existence. They tell me he is the foundation of Logic itself when they want to construct an argument in favour of his existence or utility. They tell me that he speaks to them and that he speaks plainly when they want to justify their actions. They tell me that he speaks only through the Bible and that he speaks in riddle and metaphor when they want to stop other people using the him to justify their actions. They tell me that he hides in the shadows and cloaks his actions like the CIA whenever I ask for proof of his existence. They tell me that he shows himself openly to humans and publicly works miracles when they want to justify the outlandish stories in the Bible. They tell me he lets evil things happen in order that we may learn from our mistakes when he fails to stop some atrocity. They tell me that he has no tolerance for evil and he'll destroy those who defy him when they want me to do as he says. Altogether, it's not surprising that we need an army of Preachers and Theologians to tell us what God wants and when he wants it. Generally God is accommodating enough to switch his desires back and forth depending on the zeitgeist of the times. When homosexual behaviour was illegal, God despised it. When it became legal but disreputable, God disliked it but generally tolerated it, when it became socially and legally accepted, God was in favour of it. Unless God was talking to a particularly conservative preacher, in which case he was still to a greater or lesser degree opposed to it. A cynic might suspect that people do as they will and God is drafted in post-hoc to rubber stamp their ideas, as if he were a giant, invisible version of Queen Elizabeth the Second. But that would rather undercut the idea that God is the foundation of all mortality, wouldn't it?

>> No.15503602

>causality and reality

>> No.15503651

Because man changes his mind every 5 minutes while God stays the same forever

>> No.15503706

Except about slavery or homosexuality or Feminism or Biblical Literalism or sacrifices or whether or not the Levitical laws are still in force or witchcraft or probably anything else.

>> No.15503727

Duh, everything id premitted

>> No.15503841

God doesn't actually solve morality in any way.

For example, say there's an abrahamic God, pick whichever jewish ghost fancies you best.
Why should a man obey God? Hell, right? Okay, but what happens to a man who sinned? Is his life now forfeit to Hell? If his life is forfeit, a sinner has no reason to act morally anymore, and he should become a host of evils, ironically turning morality into a cesspit of villians. If his life isn't forfeit and he can redeem himself by noble deeds and pious behavior, the value of morality plummets down to the level of a trade - its not that you can't sin, its that you have to repay for your sins by wagekeking as God's lil angel of good on this Earth for a while. As we see in either case a fixed moral frame does not improve human experience.

>> No.15504921

God provides a reason to do good because He as the creator of the universe, and ultimate arbiter of morality, grounds it in goodness. You shouldn’t want to do good to get rewarded

>> No.15505115

Yep. Welcome to postmodernism! Pick up your yarmulka over here and don't forget to encourage the filthy goyim to kill themselves...

>> No.15505169

>As we see in either case a fixed moral frame does not improve human experience.
That was not shown. If someone redeems himself and stops sinning then the world is better than it would be if there were no incentive to stop sinning.

>> No.15505212

>slavery or homosexuality or Feminism
Slavery is still moral (the Bible never commands that a society should engage in it, though), homosexuality is still an abomination, and women are still subordinate to men.

>or Biblical Literalism
This is a matter of human beings' changing opinions, not God.

>or sacrifices or whether or not the Levitical laws are still in force
Those were ceremonial laws without any moral quality. They simply foreshadowed Christ, so once Christ came, they passed away.

>or witchcraft
Still evil.

>> No.15505218

Yeah it's like when your parents aren't home, you get to rape all the neighborhood girls. Totally rad.

>> No.15505225

>He as the creator of the universe, and ultimate arbiter of morality, grounds it in goodness
how does he do that

>> No.15505232

Now all you have to do is get every other Christian in the world to agree with you and it's official.

>> No.15505233

>its not that you can't sin, its that you have to repay for your sins by wagekeking as God's lil angel of good on this Earth for a while
God's not going to forgive you if you sin with the intention of repenting later and then offer insincere penitence. All this post proves is that you're extremely ignorant of religion in general.

>> No.15505238
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>When homosexual behaviour was illegal, God despised it. When it became legal but disreputable, God disliked it but generally tolerated it, when it became socially and legally accepted, God was in favour of it.

>> No.15505239

And lest I forget, you're also going to have to get all the Jews on board, which might be a tough sell.

>> No.15505240
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Confessing your sins and performing absolution isn’t a simple trade. Some who is truly confessing and truly wants to redeem themselves will make an honest effort to become a better person. You think an omnipresent god wouldn’t be able to tell when someone is being disingenuous?

>> No.15505250
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>> No.15505252

Don't lash out at me because your Jewish king told you to be nice to gay people. You should have known what you were getting into when you signed onto a religion based on universal love.

>> No.15505259

How does being nice to people with a spiritual affliction make their affliction acceptable behaviour in God's eyes?

>> No.15505280

Morally speaking, yes.

>> No.15505289

Because preachers decide what God wants and I haven't looked into the matter very extensively, but I'd bet good money that most branches of Christianity have decided that God thinks there's nothing wrong with Greek love. Even if they haven't folded yet, they will eventually. God seems to have a strange tenancy to do what ever is popular at the moment.

>> No.15505307


>> No.15505356

> Because preachers decide what God wants

>> No.15505697

How could an omnipotent, all-knowing figure not know what is most moral?

>> No.15505702

Liking homoshit is revisionist cope

>> No.15505709

>Because preachers decide what God wants
>humans tell God what to want
That’s blasphemous

>> No.15505723

Half your troops tell me that it's blasphemous for a person to disagree with the preacher! Christians are the most undisciplined rabble known to man, you all do whatever you will and tell everybody else that your God wills It and would have it no other way!

>> No.15505726

Try typing this again while not crying onto your keyboard

>> No.15505734



Half your troops tell me that it's blasphemous for a person to disagree with the preacher, Christians are the most undisciplined mob known to man, you all do what you will and tell everybody else that you God commands it and will brook no disagreement.

>> No.15506014

>God does not equal causality, or logic, or love, or similar random bullshit. God is understood by most people as the Creator deity of Judaic, Christian, and Muslim text
>or love

He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.
1 John 4:8

>> No.15506024
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>if god is real than you can't be morally culpable

>> No.15506057

>God is love
The kind you clean up with a mop and bucket?

>> No.15506263

>honest man does nothing
>goes to heaven
>former sinner donates a billion dollars to the poor
>Okay God I will get back to murdering and raping then
Its almost as if Gods morality is a dumb, flawed system

>> No.15506306

>>If there is no God, nothing is permitted.
Succinct summary of marxism.

>> No.15506321
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>> No.15506351

How do you reach the level of brainletism necessary to confound God and additional opinions projected on him by this or that man?

>> No.15506364

>"with God, all things are possible"
they weren't kidding

>> No.15506373
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>> No.15506381

You don't even understand what you're talking about, you illiterate. The fear of God is the purest intention.

>> No.15506394

Isn't the fear of god just the stick and heaven is the carrot? Pretty embarrassingly crude morality system, don't you think?

>> No.15506607

I'm not him and I couldn't find the verse about monetary recconcilitaion, but, "Atonement can be made through the Righteous High Priest for those who truly repent of sin and turn in complete obedience to Yahweh's Laws. (Leviticus 16:16, 32-34)". This cool clause in your holy contract means I can just start believeing, then say I'm sorry and spend eternity in paradise.

I think jesus also said something to that effect but i'm not sure, it's been a while since I read the bible.

>> No.15506754
