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15502122 No.15502122 [Reply] [Original]

I think he just invented 'Aramchek' from Philip K. Dick's late masterpiece "Radio Free Albemuth"?

>> No.15502151

How would you write Trump as a character?

>> No.15502890


>> No.15502986

Half-senile bumbler who fails upwards cause of his background + mingles with much more canny ideologues who he's happy to enact the wishes of

>> No.15502997

Sounds based to be honest. Like a good Skaven book. would read.

>> No.15503015
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out outta yo fuckin mind? snap out of it kid

>> No.15503017

>Protest police brutality?
>Resisting police brutality in response?
>Many such cases
>Just like OWS
>Must be antifa
>Same mindset
Hope he does lose

>> No.15503053

Behold! This idiot is Alexander the great 3, he is God's just punishment on humanity.

>> No.15503063

Whats with people like him claiming every unidentified white dude wearing black at the protest is a member of Antifa

>> No.15503094
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>turns off the lights and hides in a bunker


>> No.15503119

More likely than them being white supremacists

>> No.15503142

I never mentioned anything about white supremacists

>> No.15503155

Good for you, plenty of others have.

>> No.15503167

As opposed to doing what?

Do you expect a 60+ year old man to go into the streets and start punching people?

Or make a live statement that would make zero difference?

>> No.15503169

You don't know how to talk to other people do you? Just tryin' to pick fights, like those white supremacists do. Y'know, plenty of them havve.

>> No.15503174

That's what the narrative initially was as set by a handful of mayors and governors of affected areas. The reply, which you're reading from Trump, is that it's a lot more likely that any white people there were antifa.

>> No.15503178

Online bulletin boards for white supremacists have been saying they see this as the race war they’ve been waiting for.
Leftists aren’t trying to kill people. They’re trying to protect people. This was supposed to be a protest, but all so-called “bad actors”, no matter the ideology, are fucking it up. Nationalists included.

>> No.15503232

>Online bulletin boards for white supremacists have been saying they see this as the race war they’ve been waiting for.
>Leftists aren’t trying to kill people. They’re trying to protect people. This was supposed to be a protest, but all so-called “bad actors”, no matter the ideology, are fucking it up. Nationalists included.
this bait will get replies

>> No.15503272

>Do you expect a 60+ year old man to go into the streets and start punching people?

>> No.15503309

Nah. There are far more white supremacist hick retards in America. They make up at least 25% of the population.

>> No.15503313


This would produce a bad and inaccurate portrayal of him. There's a need for a lot of literary and intellectual types to portray him as stupid. "He isn't well-read, ergo he's a moron (not like me, the bookish intellectual)". Trump is clearly a smart guy. He has a cruel, rough and perceptive form of intelligence which he has used to great effect in his life. This kills the litcel who observes the world from a poky little bedroom, tending to his precious intellect and never acting on the world at all.

This is a broader trend in intellectual circles generally. You see supposed oafs go off and achieve great things in business and industry. "How can this be?" thinks the intellectual, "They've never even read a book!" As it turns out, a reflective, intellectual temperament is an impediment to doing great things. The intellectual cannot accept that - can't accept that there are forms of intelligence deployed towards acquiring wealth, status and women. So you fall back on the old cope of thinking that these people are all oafs and patsies and what have you.

Trump is obviously a 'bad' man - craven, selfish, boorish. But he's not a 'senile bumbler'. The litcel needs to see him as such, or else accept the meanness of his own existence.

>> No.15503322
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>Do you expect a 60+ year old man to go into the streets and start punching people?
I mean, it's not completely without precedent.

>> No.15503331

Doesn't mean you can just accuse random people of being whatever. You are just trying to distract from the fact you are making baseless claims

>> No.15503339

Biden did

>> No.15503340

They don't, and they don't live in your shithole cities where these riots are happening

>> No.15503357

Trump is not dumber than the average joe, he’s just too uneducated to be the President.

>> No.15503385

Then why are there fat people with Hawaiian shirts showing up

>> No.15503403

Well yeah, that's the name of the game. The likely story is that bad actors both black and white who are ultimately sympathetic to the cause of the gatherings ended up taking advantage of the chaos to loot and vandalize. That was deemed problematic by the elites who are sympathetic to the gatherings so they used the tried and true boogeyman of white supremacy, which is frankly insane in this situation but hey it's worked before. Nobody that's not clearly lying through their teeth actually believes it was white supremacists but now that the left swung out with white supremacists Trump has to swing back with antifa. Now obviously that's still a bit disingenuous but it's more believable than nazis so it'll probably stick.

>> No.15503417

You’ll post this shit and then talk about IQ and how books are the real anti intellectualism 5 minutes later. Cope.

>> No.15503431
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>As it turns out, a reflective, intellectual temperament is an impediment to doing great things.
He seems more interested in "winning" the weekly news cycle and blaming his problems on others than creating effective, or even coherent policy, Taleb.

>> No.15503436

Lmao, nice bait.

>> No.15503445

Loki from norse mythology and soldier Svejk mixed together.

>> No.15503452

The chart is hilarious. The mouthbreathing zoomers on /pol/ really believed that shit in 2016.

>> No.15503453

>turns of lights
Based retard that doesn't understand tactical advantage.

>> No.15503465

Yeah, hiding like a pussy can be a smart move.

>> No.15503499

Its black people burning shit. lmao.

>> No.15503516


I never said any of that. There's no need to try and misrepresent what I'm saying, you're completely free to engage with the substance of my post.


I don't really know what point you're making. Trump is an ineffective president but he was basically correct on the three major issues that face the US today - immigration, foreign wars and outsourcing to China et al, where the polite consensus was to keep pursuing disastrous policies in each of these areas.

>> No.15503534

Are you sure? I thought you people were blaming it on the whites?

>> No.15503546

>he was basically correct on the three major issues that face the US today - immigration, foreign wars and outsourcing to China et al, where the polite consensus was to keep pursuing disastrous policies in each of these areas.
Lmao. I bet you actually believe that, too.

>> No.15503553

>prog literally can't comprehend the concept of a group of people not all reading off the same pre-approved script

>> No.15503561

>changes the subject
>doesn't directly deal with the logical counter argument that was literally just restating what you previously said

You literally are playing from the script.

>> No.15503562
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Sometimes, I’m sure. But cops are violence escalators

>> No.15503563

This guy was literally a streamer

>> No.15503569


>> No.15503572

A steamer. A real piece, I’m sure.

>> No.15503578

You seriously can't understand that the people who are disagreeing with you are not some cohesive group that have to all say the same thing. It's a bit surreal how broken your brain is

>> No.15503584

>we are obviously decentralized but ANTIFA IS A GROUP WITH A LEADER

>> No.15503590

Idk, for every suspicious video like this I can pull up like 5 videos of black people just completely wrecking shit. Who knows what this guy's deal was but anyone who's watched the streams for the last few days knows he's not the norm

>> No.15503596

Make 1(one) real argument.

>> No.15503606

He's a cop. Covering over a protest of a murder his department committed.


>> No.15503608


>> No.15503622

I checked out a few and they mostly had guys like that. I also thought it would be organised outsiders when I read the descriptions of damage, it pointed to something systematic.

I don't believe it's antifa. I could believe the KKK, or maybe a left group like the Weathermen if that still existed, but I mostly suspect it's state involvement.

>> No.15503626

So "ANTIFA" suddenly has black members now? Why don't you take a few hours to sort out your bullshit spin so that it's at least marginally consistent.

>> No.15503629

yeah there is no way blacks or antifa would ever be destructive, it must be the very powerful and influential KKK. You live in a meme reality

>> No.15503638
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>antifa is whites only
top tier bait, will get all sides

>> No.15503649

could you post more videos like that? I haven't seen a single other one. When I think of the iconic videos I saw, like when the police convoy go wrecked in LA, or the street that got trashed the the manaquin guy, or the storeowners who got beat with 2x4s, or the store owner who rolled up on his store and started blasting a shotgun, or when CNN got trashed, or the fat black lady who threw a molotove into a building and set herself on fire, it was all black people

>> No.15503658

This has been debunked. Just some guy has a fancier mask doesn't mean he is a cop

>> No.15503661

>The KKK
The what now?

>> No.15503672

right like what this nigga think it is like the 60s? the kkk? lmao dumb niggas make up any excuse to steal shit

>> No.15503718

>it must be the very powerful and influential KKK
I wouldn't expect them to be as organised based on what I've seen in things like documentaries, but I suspect the organisation has more organised elements within it. The Antifascist groups are not clandestine "death to the state" types that would be trying to stir up race trouble. Again, a group like the Weathermen is possible, but it'd be a new group if that's the case.

I've mostly been following Minneapolis stuff, I'll see if I can dig some up but videos are being taken down. The umbrella guy looked to me like he was police in how he handled himself, the way he confronts people following him was very coplike, so maybe it's something limited to Minneapolis. I don't doubt there's a mix of people doing this shit, but a lot of it seems strange.

>> No.15503724

>The Antifascist groups are not clandestine "death to the state" types that would be trying to stir up race trouble

>> No.15503735

I mean the umbrella guy is literally the only example like this that I've seen that seems suspicious. I've seen some ratty-looking white people tagging walls and plenty of black people assaulting and looting but I haven't seen anything at all other than this one video fo a guy smashing some windows that fits the "covert white supremacist" narrative at all.

>> No.15503741

The fundamental ideology is that fascism needs actively confronting to stop a recurrence of something like Nazi Germany, not that the state in itself is evil. It's a world wide, quite low level movement, it's only become famous in the US because of Neonazi action like what happened in Charlottesville with the car.

>> No.15503752

>Do you expect a 60+ year old man to go into the streets and start punching people?
He said he would.

>> No.15503755

No that's what it says it is, nobody except retards believe it

>> No.15503757

>antifa was not big in the us before 2017
underage b&

>> No.15503769

I saw a couple of examples over the weekend. I'm in a call for a while now so if I'll look through my history in a little bit when I'm done. I think that state involvement is way more likely, but also if it is something like a paramilitary organisation it has to be one that is going to prepare for a rare and unpredictable event like this. I can imagine a group preparing for a race war might have a plan like this, and would target the same kinds of buildings to stir up trouble.

>> No.15503770

>Trump is an ineffective president but he was basically correct on the three major issues that face the US today - immigration, foreign wars and outsourcing to China et al, where the polite consensus was to keep pursuing disastrous policies in each of these areas
He could have just devalued the USD and avoided the total shit show he now finds himself in.

>> No.15503771

It's still not big now, it wasn't famous in the US before 2017.

>> No.15503785

You bet it was

>> No.15503787

Do you not think you knowing about it might not extend to other people?

>> No.15503807

Do you not think you not knowing about it might not extend to other people?

>> No.15503808

They were just as big in the run-up to 2016 as they are now. Back when Milo was doing university tours they protested him wherever he went and later when people like spencer and mcinnes started touring they got so violent that shit like the Proud Boys had to form so that antifa wouldn't just block them out.

>> No.15503811

I'll keep the thread marked if you come back and post them I'll look at them I'm genuinely interested

>> No.15503817

Whats debunked? He vandalized a building and walked off. He was manufacturing consent for escalation of violence.
If he’s not a cop he’s a white nationalist serving the same purpose

>> No.15503823

There is no proof he was anything but a random rioter. The only reason he got approached is because he was slightly more well dressed than the other people and schizophrenics with too much imagination started making up stuff

>> No.15503824

He could be a cia or fbi nigger doesnt make him a white supremacist.
Have you considered "its the white supremacists kick starting the vandalism!" may be a narrative that the media wants to push?
Even if it were the case of a provocateur.. The 'non violent protestors' should have the self control to not join in, correct?

>> No.15503829

There wasn’t a riot till after he did this. This is an agent provocateur plain and simple.
You are a fucked in the head bootlicker

>> No.15503839

Being an early rioter doesn't prove anything. He took advantage of the situation to break a window like multiple other people were doing. This was the day after there already was violence. This shit happens at nearly every protests that escalates like that, doesn't mean its some conspiracy that only agents start

>> No.15503843

>He could be a cia or fbi
Okay. A wild theory, but likely enough. White nationalists are hyped, but I’m still going with his being a member of the Minneapolis PD

The community is all hurting so asking them to understand and control themselves is kind of unreasonable at this point. I’m not condoning any of it

>> No.15503844

>Back when Milo was doing university tours they protested him wherever he went
I happen to know more than is normal to know about that guy. He came very close to being outed as having done sexual stuff with very young boys, but the incidents I know of was when he was 17ish (he might have done stuff later as a proper adult, but I don't know. Wouldn't be surprised). Nobody protested him really, that part of his life started to come out and he jumped around and made up a story where he was the victim of a pedophile reverend at 17ish instead. No serious protests against him, no need because he beat a very hasty retreat quite a long time ago.

The other guys are literal whos unless you're really into their kind of politics. Milo is now too really.

Touche I guess. I believe I'm right though.

>> No.15503849

>I’m still going with his being a member of the Minneapolis PD
Minneapolic PD confirmed it wasnt. inb4 "but the whole PB is in on it despite all of them already having to work overtime to control shit"

>> No.15503851

FBI have been known to instigate violence for decades now, not really a stretch.

>> No.15503852

>Minneapolic PD confirmed it wasnt.
Did they declare they had no conflicting interests too?

>> No.15503853

What do they gain from it?

Don't know what you mean by that

>> No.15503860

I'm saying Minneapolis PD might be biased and dare I say not telling the truth.

>> No.15503862
File: 52 KB, 700x549, AF7CFAA7-A5A0-4FC5-961E-417E7CE6A377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Minneapolic PD confirmed it wasnt.

>> No.15503864

The FBI is on the case but I'm sure you guys know more than them

Go back to /pol/ Q schizo

>> No.15503881

>The FBI is on the case but I'm sure you guys know more than them
What do they know in a positive sense?

>> No.15503885

>What do they gain from it?
Justification for a harder crackdown.

>> No.15503892

If the PD is committing anything fishy they will catch onto it.

So they start a riot just so they can crack down harder despite trying their best not to harm any protestors? Doesn't really add up

>> No.15503895

What the fuck are you even talking about, the pedophile stuff with Milo didn't come out until a couple years ago. When he was big doing White House calls for Breitbart and touring around to different universities there were like hundreds of black-bloc types protesting him at certain points.

>talking about political extremism and doesn't know who richard spencer of gavin mcinnes are
Your post reads like you had no personal interaction with any of the events you're describing. You're either like 18 and regurgitating some article you're reading now or your 60 and you've got a shit memory. Antifa was very much active prior to Cville. Like fuck, the entire reason why Unite the Right happened in Cville was because antifa was going around at the time knocking down Confederate monuments and they were aiming for one in Cville next. Your entire narrative is bullshit.

>> No.15503898

The biggest things they gain is more funding.

>> No.15503900
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>What do they gain from it?
They get results. How many terrorist plots do they foil and have on their radar? It's easy to do that if they fund and encourage some of the domestic terrorism.

>> No.15503902


>> No.15503908

yeah the famously unbiased and trustworthy FBI

>> No.15503910
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>> No.15503917
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>> No.15503926

Why would they want more funding? They are just people doing a job and get paid regardless of if they solve anything.

These are directionless riots that don't really have any specific people organizing them. Hard to infiltrate a group of people just fucking shit up for the sake of it.

You desperately want it to be true despite hardly having anything to go off of

What would they have to lose by looking into what the PD is doing?

>> No.15503934

>What the fuck are you even talking about, the pedophile stuff with Milo didn't come out until a couple years ago.
If you mean his damage control, that was 3 or 4 years ago. It started to come out around when his old school invited him to talk, and even a little earlier when he kicked up a stink for being kicked out. You'll note that he ducked his head down quite a lot from around 2013 and came back, and ducked out again, and came back.

>> No.15503945

>These are directionless riots that don't really have any specific people organizing them.
Is it that the FBI would have to instigate everything around the riots, or could it be that the FBI are always encouraging terrorist acts to catch more terrorists, and it just so happens that the riots are so widespread that some of the acts we're seeing have been encouraged by the FBI?

>> No.15503954

Why would they want to catch more terrorists. I doubt people breaking windows is the top priority of people the FBI want to catch

>> No.15503960

I mean why would they want to encourage more terrorists just so they can catch them.

>> No.15503979

>I doubt people breaking windows is the top priority of people the FBI want to catch
Again, you're reversing the causality of the chain of events. The FBI chase terrorists in a way that it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy, a guy just smashing windows today could be someone setting off a bomb tomorrow, they just need a little training, funding and other encouragement.

>> No.15503986

This is irrelevant to the actual discussion though, his pedophilia didn't become widely known enough to push his wider audience away until a couple years ago. During the early Trump era he was getting tons of hits on his tour and antifa was there, well before cville

>> No.15503995

So they are encouraging it now in hopes that they get more serious just so they can catch them later? Seems kind of redundant.

>> No.15504030

He is not a half-senile bumbler. He's not the greatest speaker, he's very self-conscious and insecure but he knows exactly what he's doing.