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File: 18 KB, 474x282, OIP (17).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15498708 No.15498708 [Reply] [Original]

The events of this week proves that she was right.
A matter of fact, I'll go so far as to say that the far right was right. The left is so subverted at this point that right-wing Kaczynskism is the only solution. Antifa just ruined the left.
They are literally supported by the very institutions they profess to fight against. THEY ARENT FIGHTING POWER. THEY ARENT FIGHTING THE SYSTEM. THEY ARE THE SYSTEM.

>> No.15498716
File: 1.10 MB, 940x627, MenciusMoldbug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He warned you.

>> No.15498732
File: 96 KB, 350x350, 1590992122474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah. He's a zio shill.
He warned us in my pic related

>> No.15498746

Back to your cuckshed tiny man, antifa's work is important and necessary

>> No.15498754

For what?

>> No.15498757

>literally no chin
Not to be trusted under any circumstances. Not to mention that faggot wants google to have dictatorial power.

>> No.15498761

"Hurr durr coders." Yeah I don't think so.

>> No.15498763

The initial mistake was in importing foreign bodies into your nation.

This is one of the reasons why Rome fell, and it's why America will fall / has fallen.

Sorry, but it's over for America. Look at Brazil and Argentina from 100 years ago: it looked just like America today, even better - much better, actually.

Now look at them (us - I'm Brazilian) now.
This is the future of America.
It's over. From here, it will be hell and hell and hell.

>> No.15498787

>confusing the left with liberals yet again
Go back to /pol/, brainlet.

>> No.15498790

Keeping fascists in check of course

>> No.15498794

>The initial mistake was in importing foreign bodies into your nation.
Starting with the English in the 17th century.

>> No.15498798

Antifa are left not liberal

>> No.15498805

>the Rome fell because immigrants bad
There is no such thing as an intelligent conservative

>> No.15498807

Nah, they're a Soros outfit.

>> No.15498810

The CIA subverted the left by promoting antisoviet thinkers like Foucault, brainlet.

>> No.15498816

What Fascists.

>> No.15498831

You are a very intelligent person. Your question is very intelligent.

>> No.15498839

you're a passive aggressive little bitch

>> No.15498843

Foucault was a neolib obscurantist, asshat.

>> No.15498862
File: 111 KB, 424x553, 1538857968295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not liberal
Wow not so fast there anarkiddie

>> No.15498880

anarchists are literally liberal you retard

>> No.15498907

What Fascists?

>> No.15498911

And? He still subverted the left.

>> No.15498916
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i want to tongue her bum

>> No.15498921
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Already permanently done in 1945.

>> No.15498926


>> No.15498935

No. Stop confusing libs with leftists.

>> No.15498940
File: 124 KB, 768x1024, mary beard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was **one of the reasons** (and not the reason, contrary to what your illiterate reading of my post suggests I said), and I am not a conservative.

Contemporary leftist ''historians'' always try to misrepresent the history of the Ancient World. It's frankly ridiculous. That the reception of immigrants by Ancient Roman emperors - specially in the army - was one of the reasons why the empire lost its vigor was well-known and universally accepted until it became politically inconvenient and was substituted by pseudo-scientific bullshit like ''lead poisoning''.

Go back to Plebbit and Mary Beard. Idiot.

>> No.15498944

soros is why rome fell!

>> No.15498955

Ok. He made the left less popular and helped give rose to neoliberalism. Feel better?

>> No.15498972

He was a CIA-financed tool of the ruling class.

>> No.15499102

Why does believing Germans destroyed Rome make you a conservative. It’s literally what happened.

>> No.15499106

kys NRx shill

>> No.15499135

Nagle is interesting. As a sort of right wing person, I always find it interesting when she references conservatives that I've read like Deneen or her thoughts on art/beauty. Seems a lot of the left is looking to the right for answers and the right is looking to the left for answers. Hopefully someone can work something out intellectually in this direction in America.

>> No.15499365

to loot shit and kill inocent people

>> No.15499969

For what reason?

>> No.15500114

>The initial mistake was in importing foreign bodies into your nation.

So you believe the white people should leave as well? They are a foreign body as well.

>> No.15500150

Liberals are leftist, you dumb twitter educated mutt.
>n-no you can't be capitalist and leftist, leftism is inherently capit-
the term left was literally invented to describe the republican bourgoiese merchants, aka liberal capitalists, you retard

>> No.15500152

Does it bother anyone else how post-/pol/ 4chan is concerned almost entirely with cobbling together sequences of other people's ideas in various forms? X philosopher or Y author believes Z, which "proves" A ideology is correct and B ideology is incorrect. It's all so fucking tiresome. What happened to free thought?

>> No.15500167

>99.999% of the people who call themselves leftists and who everyone else calls leftists aren't actually leftists, only the 0.001% of us, two hundred teenagers on a discord channel and žižek are real leftists

>> No.15500206

I am increasingly convinced that one of the glaring faults in contemporary discourse is the total inadequacy of existing theories of politicization. I think that acknowledging the truth about what this process really entails is so dangerous to certain assumptions that we cannot really face it. To know what politicization really means is to acknowledge that what we meant by “free thought,” was, in truth, its exact opposite.

>> No.15500234

How can you claim to know that politicization really is if our existing theories of it are "totally inadequate"? Are you trying to tell me that we know nothing about "politicization" because... you say so, but that you claim to be able to encapsulate the essence of politicization in a pithy phrase, because... you say so, oh, and it all happens to be the exact opposite of free thought because again, you say so. Anything I'm missing? You know, other than what I've directly outlined, which happens to be pretty fucking much everything.

>> No.15500243

Then do as Kaczynskism said, you basedfed cattle. Destroy the American empire from within, we are waiting.

>> No.15500250

And what exactly IS "Kaczynskism"?
Because if its Violence, I'm not on board.
Listen to some Beatles, jeeze.

>> No.15500251

I guess what I am saying is that the terminus of free thought as we have imagined it IS politicization.

>> No.15500256

Lmao, almost every antifa is a fucking 130 lb frail vegan, and every far right proud boy patriot prayer guy is a fit normie. Your optics are as shit as your ideology, bend the knee

>> No.15500260

Seems liberalism can always hijack revolutionary potential. Scary shit

>> No.15501293

4chan is far from post-/pol/

>> No.15501298

That's what I'm doing.
It's ideological subversion.

>> No.15501305

People nowadays pick ideologies like they pick their fucking World of Warcraft class.

>> No.15501330

A wise man once said that political compass positions are Harry Potter houses for men.

>> No.15501702

>Liberals are leftist
Liberals are the opposite of leftists, dumbass.

>the term left was literally invented to describe the republican bourgoiese merchants, aka liberal capitalists, you retard
Holy fuck, read a history book.

>> No.15501740

>That the reception of immigrants by Ancient Roman emperors - specially in the army - was one of the reasons why the empire lost its vigor was well-known and universally accepted until it became politically inconvenient and was substituted by pseudo-scientific bullshit like ''lead poisoning''.
And you should know... you were there!

>> No.15501753

Pretty much. I’ve seen people make posts to the effect of “how do I become a leftist / communist / fascist”, as if though they were asking for advice on their latest halloween costume. People just want to belong to a group, any group, instead of even thinking through the positions they’re purporting to support.

>> No.15502172
File: 40 KB, 900x505, amazon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>online shopping megacorp provides support for the protests
>the looting and property damage disproportionately impacts brick and mortar stores
doing a big think...

>> No.15502254
File: 177 KB, 665x768, whole foods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why would this giant corporation suddenly come out with woke rhetoric, mandate greater workplace diversity, and support divisive racial causes?
>oh hey - turns out lower workplace diversity threatens same corporation with greater risk of worker unionization
these things aren't connected at all though

>> No.15502302

The statement didn't say anything about looting, brainlet. It's a statement about the death of George Floyd. About as meaningful as a corporate statement about Covid-19, or Y2K, or 9/11.

>> No.15502317

>divisive racial causes
The killing of Floyd is a "divisive" issue? Even Mitch McConnell and Rush Limbaugh condemned it.

>> No.15502450

>The statement didn't say anything about looting
no no - it just implied that the cause of the protestors is just
(even when they caused fires, broken windows, and the looting of small businesses - which suits amazon's bottom line perfectly)
(glad you chose to avoid the main point about diversity being used as a pre-emptive union-busting move by the bosses.)
the killing isn't what's divisive - the response is.
regardless of what changes you might want done in America, you don't think supposedly normal business and media people carrying water for rioters and vandals isn't divisive to many people?
you don't think corporations throwing their rhetorical weight behind these protests doesn't dovetail neatly with their overal financial objectives?

>> No.15502695


>> No.15502862

Identity politics is pure cope. If you divide everything into left/right politics, you are a brainlet. It's time to move on from that outdated paradigm. Left and right are sheep and retarded.

>> No.15502868

this lady is a brainlet

>> No.15502876

lost my respect for him the very first time I heard his voice, him crying about his 90yo kike grandmother was disgusting

>> No.15503548


>> No.15503577

>you can't understand The Capital, you weren't there when Marx was writing it!
>nukes are a hoax, i've never seen one!
try harder

>> No.15503582

Yeah being on the political spectrum becomes part of one's identity

>> No.15504744


>> No.15504756

Achei o racista

>> No.15504808

Cohesion, puritatanism, hive mind anti socialism, family values. Without them, USA is just another Brazil.

>> No.15504836

You have no understanding of politics or US history.

>> No.15505179

I like playing semantics too we can do it all day
No anarchists are not liberal in the political sense of the term.

>> No.15505189

You are a moron and you should not post about things you clearly don't understand.

>> No.15505208
File: 261 KB, 1000x643, 1555534946256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I call myself something different despite having all the same fundamental beliefs
It's hilarious watching anarchists coping so hard trying to differentiate themselves from liberals and are fundamentally unable to.

>> No.15505210

>Contemporary leftist ''historians'' always try to misrepresent the history of the Ancient World. It's frankly ridiculous. That the reception of immigrants by Ancient Roman emperors - specially in the army - was one of the reasons why the empire lost its vigor was well-known and universally accepted until it became politically inconvenient and was substituted by pseudo-scientific bullshit like ''lead poisoning''.
I am confident that you never read a history book in your entire life, but if you did you should have no problem linking the authors who support your theory and the leftists authors who support the lead poisoning theory. Cuckold conservative blogs don't count.

>> No.15505213

That's not his or my point please stop being retarded.

>> No.15505214

I really REALLY want an amazon orthodox marxist wife to make master race babies with.

>> No.15505221
File: 158 KB, 868x600, system's neatest trick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Important and necessary for propagating the (((system)))

>> No.15505227
File: 41 KB, 396x382, back to reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15505231

>Destroy the American empire from within
But how?

>> No.15505237

I am sure everything looks very funny when you are completely retarded. What do you think is the political definition of liberalism? It's okay if you don't know, you can use Wikipedia.

>> No.15505253

Go play with your waifus faggot, don't interrupt grown men when they are talking

>> No.15505273

Liberalism is the ideology of emancipating individuals from constraints while placing emphasis on property rights. The only difference between the two is that anarchists espouse anti-capitalism, of course not in reality however.

>> No.15505865

The far right and the far left are fraternal twins. The elites are neither truly left nor right, they are the aspiring overlords of a new global aristocratic (in their minds) ruling class. Kacynski subverted himself and accomplished nothing, but to suggest the ruling elite utilize the actions of plebs to their advantage and manipulate them at every opportunity...of course they do.

Antifa has and will accomplish nothing. They are the anarchistic embodiment of fascism. Even your reply was fascist in nature.

>> No.15506065

You just made my argument for me, liberals place high value on property rights while anarchists don't, which refutes your previous claim that anarchists are liberals.

>> No.15506072

How was my reply fascist in nature? Do you understand what fascism is?

>> No.15506609

I do, but you don't.

>> No.15506649

gryf authleft
huff libleft
raven libright
slyth authright

but yeah ofc its ridiculous to pidgeonhole your politics into one quadrant when you need all 4 in varying degrees. Identifying with 1 amounts to prioritising one or couple things in society you feel needs to move in that direction, while not saying what those things are, nor your opinion about anything else