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15498423 No.15498423[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do I reconcile this new brewing hatred toward black people? Recommend me some literature

>> No.15498430

sage and report lazy /pol/ threads

>> No.15498436

Did this dude get KO'd or something? I hate mulattos more than niggers, because mulattos remind me of race-mixing whores.

>> No.15498438

Why would you condemn an ENTIRE RACE for the actions of some? Doing so, why wouldn’t you condemn YOUR entire race, for they do the same if not worse.
Why so dense?

>> No.15498439

Hatred in general can be lessened by understanding that people don't really have a choice in being how they are. That doesn't really help in the moment though when you just want to hit people or insult them.

>> No.15498441


A ballot with Trump's name on it. You can interact with this literature by filling it out, like a form, using whatever small sign, glyph or mark it instructs you to use to indicate your choice. The thing to do is to properly indicate Trump as your choice on the ballot, and then turn it in. This literature will be available in a few months.

>> No.15498447

it's really not a nigger problem, it's a poor people problem.
It just happens that in America, niggers are poor people

>> No.15498456

Personally I hate niggers for aesthetic reasons, not necessarily moral reasons. Just look at that fat mulatto girl in the back. Absolutely disgusting. All niggers are ugly. I don't care what anyone says.

>> No.15498462

trump hasnt done anything for white people in his whole 4 year term, what makes you think another 4 years would be any different?

>> No.15498471

Invisible man

>> No.15498476


Plainly false.

>> No.15498481

Those in control are purposefully attempting at manipulating your emotions through the media. There is nothing telling in life other than that which we can experience ourselves. All else is disingenuous and dishonest.

>> No.15498482

No, controlling for socio-economic factors disprove this old myth. It's genetic, unfortunately.

>> No.15498485


>> No.15498499

Not that anon, but that wasn't even his point you fucking retard.... The problem is large corporations are opressing workers and pitting people against each other, but most blacks are poor. Nobody said anything about them not deserving to be poor in the current society, or even a correlation between IQ and wealth.

>> No.15498500

If White supremacists hate blacks só much why they find so many excuses to support the slavery of black people in the past? It's all your fault, play stupid games win stupid prizes.

>> No.15498504


>> No.15498509


>> No.15498516

They didn't slavery, was terrible for the south and white workers. Plus the more slaves per capita, the poorer the area overall. Slavery only helped certain rich people, and if it even helped them is debatble. Whereas, slavery helped blacks get out of Africa, where they would be enslaved regardless or sent to Europe, or South America/Carribean where they would be enslaved more brutally.

>> No.15498527

just accept that blacks have low IQ, high testosterone and low impulse control — a recipe for disaster. which makes sense, considering that they evolved to live in a jungle. they don't belong in civilized society.
having a hatred against blacks is completely useless, because blacks themselves have no institutional power. the people you have to direct your anger at are the hooknosed figures behind the scenes that are responsible for racial integration and desegregation. the people that constantly use media, finance, academia and courts to disenfranchise white people.

>> No.15498542

I think you're missing my point. He said that it was a "poor people problem", which I interpreted as high levels of crime being due to them being poor, rather than their race. Of course, this has been disproven, like I said above, by controlling for socio-economic factors. I was assuming the thread alluded to the recent american race riots.

Also, I don't think blacks "deserve" to be poor. That's an awful thing to say. The predicament blacks find themselves in in the US is predominantly caused by genetic traits, and the fact that it is indeed genetic is one of the greatest tragedies of our time.

>> No.15498545

it would be better if they stayed in Africa, it would be better for basically all the american continent, it doesn't make sense to maintain this discourse while bitching about blacks existing. Ok, some would be enslaved, but others would be happier and wouldn't cause so much problems as they do these days. If colonialism didnt exist everybody would be happier, because whites alone can build great ivilizations wtihout the resources of foreign lands, so colonialism wasn't useful, it brought pain to the majority of people whether they re colored or not, whites are reaping now the bitter fruits of what happened

>> No.15498546

>the people you have to direct your anger at are the hooknosed figures behind the scenes that are responsible for racial integration and desegregation
Racial politics are useless when Jews are heavily guarded by a militia, most of their power comes from gullibel goyim who worship them and work shitty jobs to make money for pedophiles, and racial politics only ends up culling the worst of a given race, thus actually strengthening them. The war is on the media, academia, banks, private corporations, etc.... Use your 'aryan myth' as a tool for the masses, but gullble goyim are just as much of a problem as 'hook-noosed' figures.

>> No.15498553

This. Stop being angry at blacks, follow the nose.

>> No.15498558

Buy a gun and learn how to use it.
If you're a white liberal and you're reading this you should be aware that the nogs won't spare you just because you side with them.

>> No.15498560

Quiet, we don't take kindly to logic and rational thinking around these parts

>> No.15498561

Alright sorry, I was being an asshole... Thanks for not sperging out on me.

I just started watching The Birth of a Nation film, and it honestly seems to cut way too close to the truth. I reccomend if you like great /films, but yeah I agree with you, but they were brought here and their narrative is full of shit.

>> No.15498562

Colonialism massively improved the standards of living in Africa, what are you talking about? I'm not ignoring atrocities committed by colonizers, but overall the colonization of Africa had a positive effect on the continent.

>> No.15498567

if I see even one more webm of a black male beating the shit out of a white woman I'm gonna turn racist

>> No.15498573

considering they still enslave each other and use children as soldiers led me to a different conclusion.

>> No.15498576

Yeah, but it's not our duty to get involved with those people who now become entitled and reliant on us. The days of 'exploration' have been futile. Read Heart of Darkness, Marlowe was allured by adventure and discovered, but everyone just wanted to further their careers and establish civiliation. Now take Elon Musk and space, for instance, we're not talking about exploring space for the sake of exploring, but colonizing mars and other materialistic shit.

>> No.15498580

Blatantly off-topic threads like this should be deleted.

>> No.15498581

Because we de-colonized, and there's genetic differences...

>> No.15498583

>massively improved the standards of living in Africa
Read Uncle Ted K, bugman.

>> No.15498587

Once people start thinking in terms of race they become bots, it's similar to people who adopt zealous political views and religious fanatics. It's through 1 on 1 interactions that you can break through the socially constructed machinations and realize that you're looking into the eyes of another person. I don't care if you're a race realist, communist, traditional catholic, muslim, what have you there's a house of cards waiting to be toppled.

>> No.15498590

What'd he say? Can't remember? Forcing nature into a box?

>> No.15498595

it didn't make so much difference, they still are as poor as they were before, they're not like the european people so it doesn't work out to impose european culture on them they don't jnow how to maintain it, so they immigrate to white countries, and make the lives of so many ´people a pain in the ass. Well, this is not what i actually think, but this is what i read all the time from the sad people who post here, and they're the same people who insist that colonialism was so great. If it was so great, why they do complain about non white people existing all the fucking time, they would be happier if it didn't happen

>> No.15498608

They did that before colonization as well. In fact, the rapid decolonization of Africa is what led to many of the problems we see today. The western world is haunted by the ghost of its past, and refuses to get involved in any major, meaningful way in Africa. This causes wealth to drain from the continent. Not by corporations "stealing it", but by Africans migrating out of Africa, and taking their money with them. Anyone that can afford to leave, leaves.

You should organize your thoughts. The idea of the "white man's burden" is what you're alluding to here. It is not at all clear whether or not that is valid ethically, and you're quite quick in dismissing it. I'm not arguing either way here, I'm saying you should consider it more seriously.

Furthermore, exploration has always been two-fold. There is of course a profit motive, there always has been. But in the human spirit there has always been the calling of the unknown, the lure of the horizon. A curiosity to find out what's over the next hill. These motives can exist in harmony, even though you might think (And I would agree) that the latter is somehow more "pure". In fact, it is likely this appetite for exploration evolved for the very reason that it leads to greater "profit". E.g. finding a valley of fruit-bearing trees, or a river with clean water, etc. It was evolutionary beneficial to want to explore for the sake of exploration. The driving evolutionary force was, in a sense, profit however.

>> No.15498609

>there's genetic differences..
fair point, Nigerians are on another level

>> No.15498615

Do you seriously ascribe to his ideas, or do you just hold a milquetoast position that technology is bad but it's too uncomfortable to actually try to do something about it?

>> No.15498619

Take to the streets and burn it all down.

>> No.15498630

>The idea of the "white man's burden" is what you're alluding to here. It is not at all clear whether or not that is valid ethically, and you're quite quick in dismissing it. I'm not arguing either way here, I'm saying you should consider it more seriously.
White men have to be in power before this was the case... At the time it was done out of conveince, but ultimately people eventually thought empires were 'bad.' So now it'd have to be a Jewish burden or Chinese burden, and they're just pitting other races against whites because whites are the most intellegent, and greatest potential threat to their current life. Although, most whites are subservient and loyal.

>Furthermore, exploration has always been two-fold. There is of course a profit motive, there always has been. But in the human spirit there has always been the calling of the unknown, the lure of the horizon. A curiosity to find out what's over the next hill. These motives can exist in harmony, even though you might think (And I would agree) that the latter is somehow more "pure". In fact, it is likely this appetite for exploration evolved for the very reason that it leads to greater "profit". E.g. finding a valley of fruit-bearing trees, or a river with clean water, etc. It was evolutionary beneficial to want to explore for the sake of exploration. The driving evolutionary force was, in a sense, profit however.
WB the Moon launch?

>> No.15498640

i hate the /pol/ tards on here, man

>> No.15498645

Off yourself, retard.

>> No.15498651

Then leave, faggot

>> No.15498655

because that doesn't fit the division narrative social engineers are pushing

>> No.15498665

When racial tensions flair people get tribal. Why are you suprised?

>> No.15498709

>knocking crackers on their ass isn't based
>burning cars after pasty hog cops chokes someone to death with their knees is unbased?


>> No.15498720

Oh I’m not surprised. I saw this coming ages ago. But this thread? I’m telling people to try to think for a change.

>> No.15498811

I’m waiting for this one, specifically educated whites anyone not educated can be gladly cut off and replaced vía automation
Race doesn’t matter it’s people who are passionate about any ideologies be it religion left/right politics etc if you don’t hold a stem degree you are literal farm animal tier

>> No.15498844

sage and report

>> No.15498849


>> No.15498853

I'm not even /pol/ though, blacks are getting annoying

>> No.15498861

Hello, is this the based department? I would like to file a claim

>> No.15498962
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>all races do the same things equally
So intellectual and individualist. You are so intelligent and not hiding behind a pathetic coping strategy to handle the insanity of the modern world.

Hey store owner, why not put your store in a black neighborhood? We're all _individuals_ and you can't stereotype

Hey white person, go stand by those black people rioting. They are _individuals_ and no more likely to attack you than your family member.

If only everyone was as smart and rational as us liberals.

>> No.15498971

>heh, time to show my graphs to own these nerds
>*unseathes png*

You go /pol/ boy

>> No.15498975
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We need to understand that all humans (except cops and whitey) are individuals and should be judged for their own actions

I am very smart.

I am not coping because I can't handle holding an opinion that goes against society so fundamentally.

>> No.15498979
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I'm a very intellectual leftist and I hate facts

Why use facts when I can watch television?
Why use facts when black people crying shows us what's wrong?

I am so intelligent.

>> No.15498983

Don't you hate those cucked urbanite whites even more?
White people brought the niggers from Africa in the first place.

>> No.15498992
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>I'm a very intellectual leftist

>> No.15498995
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See the problem here?

He didn't judge these young boys as individuals. He should have seen the qualities in each of them and understood they could grow up to become doctors, scientists, philanthropists... but instead he was prejudiced.

Blacks are oppressed victims always.

>> No.15499011


I’m so tired of all this discourse. How do you figure out who’s right or wrong? What’s real or fake? What information you can trust vs what you can ignore as propoganda? Any books for this feel?

>> No.15499020

That guy was running at people with a machete, retard. he's lucky he's still alive to tweet. Plenty of white people were beating the shit out of him too, and rightly so.

>> No.15499025

unironically who cares about facts when the right doesn't give a fuck either. I'm tired of the "they go low, we go high" mentality that spinless libs continue to spout that got us here in the first place.

>> No.15499027

Barbarity = not ideal
is that the correct view point here?

>> No.15499030

>attacking people with a sword to defend a place where he buys coffe
hilarious take on capitalism

>> No.15499031
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His only pro-white policies he's implemented are tariffs which benefit the white working class and not implementing reparations or whatever the Democrats would have pushed through by now.

If he goes through with labelling Antifa a terrorist organisation that will be another good decision but right now I'm counting two out of at least a dozen easily implementable good policies.

100% the most important thing Trump can do is force recognition of Twitter and YouTube as public platforms. Public platforms in the US, even if they are privately owned, are more intimately brought under the first amendment. Any free speech platform invariably becomes white ethnocentric and socially conservative, all the Republicans have to do is stop Silicon Valley Mass Censorship and they'll win but I guess they're boomers or something because they just don't get how important these platforms are to shaping the public's stance.

>> No.15499043

There's a lot of information and a lot of people doing a lot of different things. And as for a book, lmao Manufacturing Consent.
But there we have to define barbarity? Is it violence? Or is it just the use of violence outside the scope of our modern societal constraints? Are the police barbaric? Are the protesters harming property barbaric? Is your opinion of what is barbaric based on your idea of the law or of what is just?

>> No.15499053
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He was a literal autist who chased people out of his apartment complex.

Your entire ideology is based on fiction.

Literally everything you believe in manufactured for you by billion dollar news corps or by the opinions of subhuman, low IQ Negroes

The TV tells them what's true and they believe it.

Because the ONLY thing matters in politics is PROPAGANDA and VIOLENCE.

>> No.15499057
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you didn't see part 2 of this kek

>> No.15499065

Except race is real and all that other shit you mentioned is spooks

>> No.15499070

I use Barbarity in that context for letting emotions take control, so that would apppy to the looters and heavy handed officers.
but yeah it's still outwide of the scope of what you'd call modern societal constraints.

>> No.15499080

It might not be possible if you are mixed race. The tschandala will soon burn up like the chaff that they are.

>> No.15499082

People use social media now to a comparable or greater extent than television. Whoever gains control of the internet will gain control of propaganda for the foreseeable future.

Social conservatives are fortunate in that their ideas are true, or at least when given an equal platform they are more persuasive. Republicans don't need to control Google, Twitter, etc., they just need to force those companies to not censor the right wing. Long-term free speech will be more important to the survival of the right than even demographics.

>> No.15499088


In Sternerite terms is race a spook? If it's a biological reality and predicts things like criminality, support for liberalism, and IQ I don't see how it could be a spook.

>> No.15499089

>the troubles of being openly gay at school

>> No.15499097

The concept of race is a spook, yes. But the blood bond between related people is just an extension of genetic clades. Obvious evidence is that everyone other than your race smells funny. My Italian friend smells funny and he would be considered white.

>> No.15499124

>Hey white person, go stand by those black people rioting. They are _individuals_ and no more likely to attack you than your family member.

plenty of white people are rioting and responsible for arson and property damage. plenty of cases where whites are burning and tearing shit down while black activists tell them to stop.

As previously mentioned, the guy in the image you posted was the aggressor and was chasing people with a sharpened machete he usually kept under his bed. They were right to beat the shit out of him.

There were plenty of white protesters in Raleigh just as everywhere else

I don't even see what happened. And you have to find some reason why no one rushed any of the other white people in the video.

>Any free speech platform invariably becomes white ethnocentric and socially conservative.

This is retarded.

Everything you've posted here is shoddy. Everything you've posted here is weak and easily dismissible by anyone with two brain cells to rub together. White people are playing a big role in the chaos too. That much is obvious. So why would anyone take a race-reductionist view of the situation unless they were completely retarded, such as yourself?

>> No.15499129

>Obvious evidence is that everyone other than your race smells funny.

This is stupid as shit. Are you really this stupid?

>> No.15499143

When I started eating curry every day I smelled like a punjab until I ran out of curry to eat, but I only smelled it the first day. It's dietary broski.

>> No.15499144

They want you SUBSERVIENT or DEAD.


Why did black soldiers fight for the confederacy?

>> No.15499148

Are you actually going to pretend you can't tell the difference in smell? They've even studied the particular compounds that cause the smells

>> No.15499155

No. I'm not going to pretend anything. It's fundamentally stupid to think that you can just sniff out a Spaniard or whatever. That's dumb.

>> No.15499165
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You know what anon...

You're right.

>> No.15499167
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Anti-racist here.

Don't you just hate white people?

>> No.15499171

How does stealing shoes and video games help Black people?

I don't understand looting.

>> No.15499175

>They want you SUBSERVIENT or DEAD.
>Just like MOST CONFLICT BETWEEN GROUPS IN HUMAN HISTORY , you absolute brainlet

Wow. You don't know any black people in real life, so you've been sitting in front of your computer screen pissing yourself to riot videos. Chill out dude. Nobody really gives a fuck about you. I know feeling like a besieged white man makes your life interesting and gives it purpose, but no one really wants to fight a race war except the furthest fringe hoteps.

>> No.15499177

most certainly can sniff nationalities out based on their diet alone

>> No.15499183

Yeah, Jenny Durkan is an idiot. The fact that these riots are multiracial is a good thing.

It's still stupid to think you can catch a slight whiff of Teuton from the guy who works at Starbucks.