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/lit/ - Literature

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15495817 No.15495817 [Reply] [Original]

How well read do you need to be to appreciate The Divine Comedy?

What should I be familiar with at a minimum?

>> No.15495820

the bible?

>> No.15495825

Just get a good edition with footnotes

>> No.15495834

I know the New Testament quite well. Old not as much.

>> No.15495843

Paradise Lost?

>> No.15495869

Paradise lost came out after the divine comedy, if anything I'd assume you need to read the divine comedy before you read paradise lost when it comes to bible fan fics.

>> No.15495906

I think I read somewhere that Dante got inspiration from the Prophet's story of his night journey to the 7 heavens, any truth in this? What was the Jewish and Christian cosmology before Islam?

>> No.15495923

The Bible obviously, and the more central Greek and Roman figures. Knowledge of Christianity up until Dante's time and some specifics of when he lived also help.

I'm sure there are annotated versions that will tell you most of this stuff.

>> No.15495944

Ah okay.

>> No.15495963

You need to be well-versed in 14th century Florentine politics.

>> No.15496033

Just read it and enjoy it.

>> No.15496041

You’ll get the most out of it if you understand the pneuma-phantasmatic process that’s part of medieval science (which is underpinned by scholasticism)

>> No.15496051
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Thanks, anon.

>> No.15496950

The footnotes on worldofdante.org have everything you need to know. If a footnote seems insufficient just Google the subject.

Man was created to know and love God in this life. He is rewarded with Heaven or punished with Hell depending on how well he does that. Purgatory is for those who die in a state of grace and have the stain of venial sin on their soul; there, they are purified of venial sin so that they can be perfect before entering heaven.

Dante is just trying to tell you what those places are like to aid you on the path to perfection. That's basically all the book is about... so I wouldn't worry too much about the references.

>> No.15497135

any suggestions? Specifically one with good footnotes

>> No.15497371
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I'm not well read and I also could not get into a copy of Paradiso i picked up at value village thinking reading about a paradise sounded comfy.

When I read a book I tend to want to avoid footnotes (as suggested >>15495825)
or introductions. If an intro is longer than 4 pages I don't read it. This is just me and like I said I'm not well read. Maybe my aversion to doing extra work for reading is why I don't enjoy many of "the greats" of literature.

I watched the animated (netflix I think) adaptation of the divine comedy. Had no idea it was about a guy trying to save his gf.

In my opinion if you are looking to get enjoyment out of reading(and if you aren't you'd better have good reason) you don't grab many hundred year old tomes of epic grandeur until much preparation and you are looking for a challenge. I have gotten more from a simple book of american poetry than I did out of all my other 1000 year old books combined.

I tend to buy revered literature thinking they are a shortcut to the pinnacles of humanity. I am always disappointed because grand literature is a taste, a refinement of flavor. There are much more accessible writings that do more for me. It turns out the literary landscape is more broad than it is tall and the greats are just buoys in the water. IN MY OPINION.

TLDR: Skip the divine comedy. (for now)

>> No.15497499

>I watched the animated (netflix I think) adaptation of the divine comedy. Had no idea it was about a guy trying to save his gf.
And that's Dante's fault how?

>> No.15497524

If it wasn't obvious my post was nothing to take away from dante.

>> No.15497526


Not the poster, but:
Latin translation is super annoying to read if you are inexperienced. Try finding one with a side-by-side plain English summaries on the opposite pages. Barring that, read a plain english version canto by canto until you get the hang of it.
It feels elementary, but honestly, with this stuff, really rewarding to walk before you run

>> No.15497534

You need to be Catholic to understand The Divine Comedy.

>> No.15498112
File: 325 KB, 907x1360, 81daSXoXAiL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Beginner’s Guide to Dante’s Divine Comedy - Jason M. Baxter



>> No.15498148

At minimum: You grow up catholic. You have started with the greeks and proceeded with the romans. You can read Italian.

>> No.15498158
File: 303 KB, 1200x1881, dante-a-very-short-introduction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dante: A Very Short Introduction

>> No.15499368

You should have some cursory knowledge of Catholocism and classical culture (especially Virgil's Aneid) at the very least.

>> No.15499997

I’d just pick up a copy and go for it, and return to it again and again as you read more outside of it and get a greater sense of how Dante responds and departs from everything before him. Homer, Virgil and the Bible are obviously all massive influences, and massive texts to get your head around, but you could spend years delaying trying to get enough background knowledge. I can remember reading the inferno and not knowing half of what was going on, but that ignorance breeds it’s own deep impressions.