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/lit/ - Literature

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15495329 No.15495329 [Reply] [Original]

Why would someone that disagrees with freedom of speech come to an anonymous forum that is distinct in having free speech?

>> No.15495344

to change it into one that isn't

>> No.15495357

4chan still has moderators (jannies). the freedom of speech here is still tempered.

>> No.15495365

I can say I will kill all niggers and jews and none will be able to dox me, none will be able to use what I said later on against me, and no law enforcment will be called upon me.

>> No.15495374

Why? Does it hurt your feefees when I tell you to shut up about the niggers and kikes?

>> No.15495375

it seems that way, thankfully /lit/ and /his/ are the reddit containment boards.

>> No.15495389

No, why would it?
I just find it odd when redditors come here thinking that they can cry about freedom of speach but use a website that has the clear distinction that it allows for freedom of speech, I suppose leftists often have to live with cognitive dissonance so I should't be supprised

>> No.15495406

Because neo-nazis need a platform to hark their ideology until it becomes ingrained in the society enough to start restricting the speech of minorities and degenerates.

>> No.15495446

>live with cognitive dissonance so I should't be supprised
Some people certainly do but it is massively arrogant to say all people with left leaning beliefs experience any more cognitive dissonance than right wingers. Grow up you stupid fucking nigger

>> No.15495448

But isn't it the left who are doing exactly as you say, I have yet to see a rightwing platform ban people for expressing a wrong view, while there are numours leftwing ones.


why can't you answer the question direcly, please don't let cognitive dissonance shroud your view, I am well aware historicly the right has been anti free speech.
then retort the argument you autistic child

>> No.15495501

still not a single argument. really confusing what the fuck is wrong with reddit bugman brains

>> No.15495518

There is no empirical evidence to work with. And what you describe as 'cognitive dissonance' is so flimsy in it's meaning you would just move the goalpost. So no. Fuck you I'm not doing it

>> No.15495564

Do you identity as left wing?
Do you feel that a nazi should be allowed to say he wishes kill the jews?

>> No.15495582

the fact that I need to go to this anonymous chinese basket weaving blog to speak what I want without consequences at all just shows that freedom of speech is a meme

>> No.15495603

Free speech platforms have given the alt-right a decentralized mode of operating. It's not like it's 1920 and you have to go see a KKK recruiter. You just watch youtube videos and shitpost on /pol/ until the irony is so deep it becomes your reality. The right wing platforms are not going to silence people while they still do not have complete and obvious control. Speech is not what they wish to control, they will and have incited violence to send messages (aka free speech) to perpetuate the nebulous power moves the decentralized ideology wishes. Continuing to define and reflect language in such a way, just as you are doing now, is a tactic. Hide behind the idea of free speech until the time is right. Use rhetorical tools to convert and obfuscate. What's the point in free speech if every turn of phrase is a dog whistle? Who are you communicating to at that point? What is the message you wish to send? What is the medium you are using? Your generalized idea of a left right dichotomy is simplified and your understanding of communication theory or first amendment jurisprudence seems a little lack luster. But you most likely know all these things, but simply feign ignorance to place yourself in a more easily defensible position. It doesn't really matter. It's easier to claim free speech after shouting niggers than it is to take stock of how fascism and racism work. What is your goal with this shitty thread that's not about literature? You want to play fight with other anons and shout nigger. That's it. This has nothing to do with literature other than the fact that literature is a form of communication. It's obviously a bait thread, why not at least add:
>books for tfw someone that disagrees with freedom of speech come to an anonymous forum that is distinct in having free speech?

>> No.15495607

It shows that there is a demand for it, and that there is a cause to fight for it.


>> No.15495624
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Anon I put time into that reply. The answer is because it helps them achieve their goals. The ends justify the means. Their goals are more important than their opposition to freedom of speech. You're mean. :(

>> No.15495647

because people are naturally hostile towards you if you don't confirm their bias
you can never practice freedom of speech if you don't want enemies, unless you enclose yourself in a ideology bubble

>> No.15495683

Then you need to read up on the basics of debate, a retort should be concise as the argument you are opposing.
So you come to 4chan to oppose that of the culture of 4chan?
I am of humble backround, all I have is my voice and my labour, the left wants to take away my voice, why would I then see the left as anything more than that of an authortarian tool to oppress me?
and this is not a hypthetical https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-humber-47005937
Your argument is that everyone that supports free speech is a neo-nazi. this is absurd.
I know it's a shit argument, but I myself have been visted by the police for attending a talk by jorden peterson, how is he a neo-nazi, and in turn how am I a neo-nazi?
This just futher gives creedence that a class war is needed and the left are the ones that need to hang, and that the left are nothing but invaders here to subvert the culture of the website into that of reddit
People are natrually hostile if you come off as insensitive and hostile, case in point, that of ben shapiro. and people disliking you for what you say is fine, it's when actions occures it is not.

>> No.15495731
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not trying to be a cheeky cunt, and this is a question i will pose to everyone else in this thread
>does freedom of speech mean freedom from consequences?
no one's stopping you from calling X person a faggot, but getting punched because of it seems like something to be expected, perhaps even warranted
>dude, this guy said "gas all the Juden"
>i think i will dissociate myself from him from now on, also, let's stop giving him our business and seek a supplier elsewhere

>> No.15495740

jesus christ bro, you really did make this thread just to vent. You don't want answers you just want to spew your own ideological biases somewhere that a chunk of the population agrees with you. Keep watching youtube videos brah, those parasocial relationships will really pay off. Your penis is clean as fuck.

>> No.15495741

if your opinion is conditioned to what others may feefee when you speak it lound then its not freedom of speech

>> No.15495744

t. illiterate

>> No.15495757

I just want to know, I am aware of my biases, I just fear I could be suffering from cognitive dissonance so I seek those that clearly do.
Instead it is clear you don't belong here and you are doing as you accuse me of doing.
why not stay on reddit?

>> No.15495768

What is the point of speech other than to have other people listen and be affected by your words. The entire field of rhetoric since Aristotle is about convincing other people to bend to your will. The opinions of the masses and the other people you speak with is important because it's the way you get feedback. If I say I want to lynch some jews and people react negatively I know I can change the visage of my message without changing the content. Don't you know (((THEY))) control every facet of your life? Let's get back at (((THEM))).

Fee fees make the world go round brah. Facts don't care about your fee fees, but you only give credence to specific facts based on your fee fees about them.

>> No.15495778

Because I've been on 4chan since you were in your fathers eye, you have to be 18 to post here bud.

>> No.15495784

But the post above just says that those on the left, that oppose free speech oppose the core point of 4chan, why lie?
Why come here and not reddit?

>> No.15495813

I was the above poster you idiot. The core point of 4chan is to talk about anime and this is a literature board. Again, what does this conversation have to do with books? Have you actually read a book? Do you read literature? Does your ideological composition come from endless youtube videos by figure heads complaining about the left and the jews? Are you controlled by the algorithm developed by the jews? Why come to 4chan? Because I like shitposting on 4chan. I like that I can learn new hobbies while being called a faggot. I like the idea of people not being upboated or downboated based on what they say. I love the fact that I can call you a fucking troglodyte nigger faggot and get away with it. I love the fact that you'll just respond with WORDS WORDS WORDS WORDS and not give a shit about anything I say because you are simply seeking a platform instead of trying to understand the words of someone else. I love it. I love you. I love the fact that people like you exist to show that the world is absolutely fucked and we should just nuke it all. Thank you anon. You are the reason people give up hope in humanity, easily convinced people like you.

>> No.15495822

Why do you assume I don't read books?
Jesus this is a schitzo ramble, anyway I hope you can grow up and accept that people have things to say and none likes some autistic manchild to dictate what they say.

>> No.15495828

yeah thats what the sophists did, they realised that most humans are idiots guided by feelings and exploited it with rethoric
the problem is if you are a genuine thinker you don't care about convincing others with feelings and nice words

>> No.15495830

I think I just fucking cut myself on all that edge.

>> No.15495842

>this reply
Sorry was it racist? homophobic? are you going to cry and piss your pants?
Are you angry I get paid to read books while you mod some shithole on reddit banning anyone that doesn't conform?

>> No.15495844

So then my speech is only useful when applied logically to a specific sect of the population? What's the point of freedom of speech at that point?

>> No.15495855
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No you just sounded like a try hard faggot and now I'm reading all your posts in your voice and it feels like a modern day My Immortal. It's disgusting and I pity you.

>> No.15495888

Lmao, yet I get paid to read audiobooks and girls call me daddy and you don't
are you crying you can't ban me?

>> No.15495898

nice trips bro. I'd hate to have kids.

>> No.15495901

I know, trannies tend to have that kind of mental illness

>> No.15495907

You'd be the one to know.

>> No.15495912

damn owned, trannies now want children and get girls easily.

>> No.15495921

You do you bud. I don't know what trannies like or don't.

>> No.15495936
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>> No.15495952

I hope you discover yourself one day then, must be hard being a lost tranny.
keep fighting those transphobes and nazis bud, il root for ya.
jesus christ delete this

>> No.15495953

This is rather dishonest. You're saying that the only possible reason anyone would want to express 'altright' views is to take away other people's rights.

If someone is talking about race, or Jews or whatever, have you considered they are just doing it because they are describing the world as it seems to them?

>> No.15495973

Someone on the internet called me a tranny! Boy, time to pull out that ol' vocarro and prove to internet strangers I have a manly deep voice.
But what's the end goal of describing a world like that to other people? It's to make them think the same way and take action based upon those world views. Even if the intent is just that people like the sound of their own voice, there are still ramifications of that speech. What is the end goal?

>> No.15495998

The end goal for me is simply to understand what's happening. I will never have any power so it doesn't really matter what I want. I wouldn't do anything but remove affirmative action and allow freedom of association, dismantle all the bureaucratic fuckery surrounding race.

>> No.15496004

no, it would prove nothing, your own views of being against mean words says it all.
and the vocaroo is just to upset you, I know how much you fags would love to be paid to read books lmao

>> No.15496009

So you have goals, but think you can't do anything so you just spread the information of what you want to do and the methods in which you came to those conclusions. What is the result of removing affirmative action and dismantling race bureaucracy?

>> No.15496016

I have feelings and youre exploiting them for pleasure on the internet! Is this the true power of freedom of speech????

>> No.15496020

How would you diswade somone that holds "no no views" if they are not openly discussed and challenged?

How can you be sure that only the ALT RIGHT BOOGIEMAN will only be stopped from speaking, how can you be so sure you and the rest of your trannies won't be?
No, the power is my own views and your own being challenged and not some mentally ill tranny banning me or you.
The world is more than your reddit echo chamber

>> No.15496027

nice reddit spacing

>> No.15496030

I know I can't do anything. You and I could both die of strokes right now and the process of history would not be affected whatsoever. I talk about what I think to have others critique it, offer opposing ideas.

And the result of removing those things would just be increased freedom from the state.

>> No.15496032

Utter fuck is reddit spacing you spastic, have you never written an academic document?

>> No.15496046

>academic document

>> No.15496058

jesus christ you have no argument other than to sperg, is this what happens to a tranny when your powers to ban people are taken away?

>> No.15496072

they are not even gay if you think about it >>15495936

>> No.15496087


>> No.15496221

This is the power of freedom of speech. Idiots like me just get to keep posting. And you just keep replying.

>> No.15496232

No. I just don't think we should kill all the jews and niggers.