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15495197 No.15495197 [Reply] [Original]

I am an anti fascist in training so I realized that in order to do this, I need to know what fascism is

A lot of people call different things fascism but they seem to have lots of differing traits so it is hard to tell what is actually fascism

One definition I found is:
1. Strong centralized state with dictator
2. Gov control of economy
3. UltraNationalism
4. Maybe racism or anti Semitic

My problem is that this seems to also describe USSR, which as we know was a successful experiment in improving the lives of the multitudes rapidly. They industrialized so fast, they achieved so much before CIA subversion took them down. Imagine if the KGB had targeted America back then, it would be over in a few mins. Perhaps the biggest mistake the soviets made was not engaging in espionage against their enemies, they were trying to do the honorable thing but unfortunately you can’t just sit there when a subversive imperial empire like the US ($amerikkka$) is hellbent on destroying you so that people will not recognize there is a way out of poverty in communism

So, to reiterate, I am curious if someone can help me identify the characteristics of a fascist state so that I can know what to fight against as an anti fascist

>> No.15495202
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Fascist here. Eat shit weakling

>> No.15495209

>dictatorial authority, including over private enterprise
>construction of national identity that transcends while retaining class
>cultural emphasis on values like strength, beauty, fertility, etc. (as opposed to eg. liberty, equality)
>philosophical view of the nation as a sort of holistic organism: revolution incorporating traditional forms; all the parts uniting under the leader, etc.

>> No.15495223

I am probably stronger than you morally because I am taking a stand against Fascism

>> No.15495234

That is interesting but I can see why it is bad because it retains class, plus it is not fair to prioritize strength and beauty because it leaves out people who don’t have that

>> No.15495271

The USSR did indeed industrialize fast, but capitalist nations industrialized faster and dint have to kill millions of their respective nations inhabitants in the process.

Also, you should compare the economic growth from Hitlers rise to power until the start of the second world war.
Fascism seems to be even better in that sense than communism, not that this is a very relevant argument.

Further still it is known, and not agreed on by virtually all historians, that the Soviet state lied and inflated their production numbers throughout its existence.

>> No.15495293

Are you a child? Adults say stuff like to children to not hurt their feelings.

>> No.15495304

>The USSR did indeed industrialize fast, but capitalist nations industrialized faster and dint have to kill millions of their respective nations inhabitants in the process

that's what i don't get... lefties claim capitalism is cruel and inhumane in that it treats humans like disposable economic units but they also celebrate the brute force industrialization of a nation with millions dead in the process as somehow the antithesis of the system they hate

>> No.15495305


>> No.15495313

No but I am pro-childrrn and don’t support them being mocked for their age, which is something they have no control over

That is maybe the main issue with fascism, it is hostile and unrealistic to judge people based on factors they cannot control

>> No.15495342

You seem to misunderstand me.
You answer to the weakling poster was am empty argument with the intent of making you feel good.
That is how children argue and how adults treat children, pointing this out is not being anti-children.

I'm sorry but I the following is an ad homien.
You don't seem to be smart enough to participate in any productive discussions on /lit/.

>> No.15495343

The thing is the intention. The ussr had the intention of bringing true liberty to its people. Like I said in OP, if you look at the less mainstream history you find that orgs like the CIA were attacking the Soviets on all fronts to dismantle and sabotage their progress. This lead to them not performing as optimally as possible, which is then further spun by the saboteurs of the System of Coomunism not being able to work.

Essentially we can picture it like this, a man starts a burger joint called McMacks, wants to be local and serve high quality burgers at a good price for all. McDonald’s see this and realized McMacks is selling better burgers at similar prices, ie in a better more productive system. McDonald’s then buys out all the cattle farms, artificially fucks up the herd, passes out tons of fake press about how McMacks is imprisoning it’s workers in work camps and raping the cows before butchering them, and sends its own workers to infiltrate the McMacks business and sabotage it from the inside. At the end of the day McMacks cannot handle all this subversion and is forced to shutter up. Then McDonald’s releases a book saying McMacks killed 100 million cows for no reason, and then brings up how McMacks wasn’t able to succeed when anyone suggests making a better burger joint than McDonalds.

Thanks for your reply man, I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day comrade

>> No.15495358

If the KGB had attacked America like the CIA went after Soviet’s, America would have a much worse results than it did. Unfortunately the Soviets abided by a mindset of “may the best man win” and thought the USA would follow it too. They thought the US would permit the experimental use of both systems, to fairly measure which is the best.

In the end it turns out capitalism only looks appealing when you rig the game so theres no other visible options

>> No.15495371

>The thing is the intention. The ussr had the intention of bringing true liberty to its people
What makes you think this? Because that is was the state told its people?
Its actions sure didn't make it very clear.

>Like I said in OP, if you look at the less mainstream history you find that orgs like the CIA were attacking the Soviets on all fronts to dismantle and sabotage their progress.
The CIA was founded in 1947, and in a hurry because America was far behind the world, especially the USSR in international espionage.

By this time many millions of Russians had already been slaughter or starves by the state.

>> No.15495386

If you are referring to groups like Kulaks, they were engaging in terrorism and trying to bring everyone down to protect their owning of the capital out in farms. They are just petit bourgeois.

I suppose you think the Bengal famine was due to capitalism then right? Because by your criteria it’s exactly the same

>> No.15495409

Very good bait

>> No.15495444

fascism is a mental illness

>> No.15495445
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Fascist is nowaday used as an umbrella term that includes basically all forms of conservatorism, or pretty much any ideology that somehow tries to cling to any hierarchical structure or semblance of religion/moral code and pretty much anything opposed to the progressive narrative. In the modern neoliberal West being fascist is morally despicable, because a nationalist and possible auto sufficient hierarchical nation with a strict moral code tends not to favour amazon or social network agencies or big transnational corporation in general and would not appreciate their meddling with politics, and most importantly would seek to escape the never ending cycle of borrowing money from private banks to finance welfare programs for the ever growing population of immagrants it's forced to accommodate in it's territory to lower the cost of work and (even if it will never admit it) lower social cohesion amongst the general populace to lower the risk of revolt and to maximise the profit of all the private owned banks, corporations, ensurance companies ecc that are financing and andorsing leftism and progressivism in general using it as a tool to destroy and erode more and more the remaining semblance of and hierarchy or a moral sistem we have left to create a vacuum they will fill with their merchandise. you can just scream fascist at anyone you don't like basically cause the modern neoliberal/humanist scientist worldview they are the biggest evil. I know this is a shit answer but the reality is that fascist is a term that has been misused and especially over used so much in the post ww2 world that we basically don't really know what it means anymore.

>> No.15495450

I haven't referenced any groups, and I certainly did not talk about kulaks, but you i gored all of my post, good job. I you are as subversive as any communist.

>I suppose you think the Bengal famine was due to capitalism then right? Because by your criteria it’s exactly the same
No matter what several famines in India during colonial times were caused by greedy Brits but wartime is another thing.
The USSR was not in a war since after the early twenties.
Yet they sent millions of people to die in the Gulags and starved millions of people so the people in Moscow and St. Petersburg could eat well. By the way This was an effect of lying on their production quotas.

You see if 50 million tons of wheat was aid to have been produced they would sell it at a price that was set by the state for a consumption of 50 million tons of wheat. But if only 35 million was produced then many people would starve in the end because lying on piece of paper can't create food out of nothing.

>> No.15495453

I know I just think we have to be able to define it so we don’t acfidentally target non-fascists

>> No.15495466

OP is baiting hard and you fell for it dummy

>> No.15495471

don't neglect the theory of social fascism, AOC is fascist, anon

>> No.15495475

Confirmed 12 year old

>> No.15495476

I hope that's the case, but in any case hopefully I've educated some tankies a bit.

>> No.15495477

By muddying the definition of fascism and saying that every action taken that isn't exactly like italy during ww2 allows fascists to propagate their ideology and seep into the government structures until it's too late. You are leaving a passive powerless canvas for them to trample upon by using a facade of historical accuracy for a term that is generally understood and perpetuating those belief structures. First they came and all that.

>> No.15495525

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