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/lit/ - Literature

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15488375 No.15488375 [Reply] [Original]

post em

>> No.15488392

thats a lot of dosto. i read notes from underground recently and enjoyed it a lot.

>> No.15488434

oi how d'you get it to look like that, my one is a fat line down with like 3 in a row that I'll never manage to fit in a picture. Is it like the app or summat?

>> No.15489822

dosto sucks, you fell for a meme

>> No.15489940
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just this book when it ships

imagine reading dosto in language other than russian. Nobody here seems to agree on translators.

>> No.15490101

bet you read the English translation

>> No.15490108
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Aren’t you supposed to be dead, Nabby?

>> No.15490181
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what to read next?

>> No.15490907

what did you think of no longer human

>> No.15491305
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>> No.15491315

So far I've read:
17/01/20: Good Omens (Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett)
30/01/20: The Diary of Satan (Leonid Andreyed)
16/02/20: The Black Lizard and Beast in the Shadows (Edogawa Ranpo)
29/02/20: The Edogawa Ranpo Reader (Edogawa Ranpo)
17/03/20: The Night Land (William Hope Hodgson)
19/03/20: The Penguin Book of Italian Short Stories (edit. Guido Waldman)
02/04/20: The Casebook of Carnacki The Ghost Finder (William Hope Hodgson)
04/04/20: The Mystery of the Skeleton Key (Bernard Capes)
21/04/20: The Picture of Dorian Gray (Oscar Wilde)
04/05/20: The Collected Fantasies of Clark Ashton Smith vol.1 (C.A. Smith )
17/05/20: The Collected Fantasies of Clark Ashton Smith vol.2 (C.A. Smith )
23/05/20: Irish Ghost Stories (edit. David Stuart Davies)

I'm currently reading The Collected Fantasies of Clark Ashton Smith vol.3 and The White People and Other Weird Stories.

>> No.15491325

Tractatus Logico Philosophicus
A Farewell to Arms
One, No one and One Hundred Thousand
The Crying of Lot 49
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
The Gay Science
Plato's erotic dialogues
Bhagavad Gita
Oedipus Rex
An Anthology of Pessoa
White Nights

>> No.15491332

either lord of the flies, poe or edogawa.

>> No.15491333

Poe or Ranpo.

>> No.15491441

Anniversaries- Uwe Johnson
Selected stories- Troy James weaver
Complete works of Julius Caesar
Criminal child and other essays- jean genet
Faust part 1
Pick up- Charles wilford
Butchers Crossing
East of Eden
Cataline conspiracy, jugurtine war - Sallust
The Decameron
The Sarah Book- Scott McClanahan
Slouching towards Bethlehem + The White Album
Letters of Pliny the younger
Hard rain falling
Mason & Dixon
Nocilla Dream, Nocilla Experience
The erotic poems- Ovid
To skin a cat- Thomas McGuane

>> No.15492236

Crime And Punishment- Dostoevsky
The Ego and Its Own- Max Stirner
Summa Contra Gentiles- Thomas Aquinas
The Plague- Albert Camus
A Short History of Decay- Emil Cioran
Faust- Goethe

>> No.15492413

Dosto is probably genuinely read more in English than in Russia. His popularity in the west is unproportional to his popularity in Russia.
On the other end of the scale, you have people like Pushkin, or Lermontov, or Turgenev - all superior writers.

>> No.15492802
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Reading the condor heroes translations now

>> No.15492805

the Nabokov Lermontov translation is great stuff

>> No.15492819

not him, but it was unenjoyable proto-incel core. Its like if Kawabata or Oe were /r9k/

>> No.15492825


>> No.15492838




>> No.15492935

I thought it was an interesting short read, though I don't understand what makes it such a big deal here on /lit/. The abrupt ending didn't help either.
Also the edition I bought had tons of typos, anyone else had that problem too?

>> No.15493021

No Longer Human is not "great literature", and only succeeded in gaining attention here due to the fact that it IS a meme. The behavior of the protagonist mirrors the proto-hikikomori. Stop acting like a child.

>> No.15493027

What did you think of Kristin Lavransdatter?

>> No.15493059
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>> No.15493116

May 2020
1. The Left Hand of Darkness - Ursula K Le Guin
2. Becoming Human: A Theory of Ontogeny - Michael Tomasello
3. The Quiet American - Graham Greene
4. Critical Mass - Philip Ball
5. The Pleasures of the Text - Roland Barthes
6. Lord of the Ring: Two Towers - JRR Tolkien
7. How to Read a Book - Mortimer J. Adler
8. Faust - Gothe

What will June bring???

>> No.15493240

"What did you think of X?" is a dumb question because there's no good way to answer it that will lead into a conversation worth having. Trying giving your own opinion or ask a more specific question.

>> No.15493251

how is Perfect Blue?
I've always loved the film

>> No.15493412
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In the order of completion:
>Notes from a Dead House - Fyodor Dostoevsky
>Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov
>The Complete Guide to Asperger's Symdrome - Tony Atwood
>Existentialism is a Humanism - Jean-Paul Sartre
>Mind in Society - L.S. Vygotsky
>The Tipping Point - Malcolm Gladwell
>Chaos - James Gleick

I don't really know what to read next though

>> No.15493422

How hard is Tractatus Logico Philosophicus?

>> No.15493425

Infinite Jest
A Little Life
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
No Longer Human
The Iliad
War and Peace

>> No.15493429

Did you like Oscar Wilde? I've never read him but have him on my to-read and is currently available through my library ebook service.

>> No.15493445

Yes, The Picture of Dorian Gray was great and I want to read it again. This year I also read The Canterville Ghost, it was one of my favorite stories of Irish Ghost Stories.

>> No.15493447

>On Becoming a Novelist -- John Gardner 9/10
>Fathers and Sons -- Ivan Turgenev 7/10
>Farenheit 451 4/10
>Death of a Salesman -- Arthur Miller 4/10
>Othello -- Shakespeare 6/10
>Pnin -- Nabokov 8/10
>The Metamorphosis -- Kafka 9/10
>Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas -- Hunter S. Thompson 7/10
>As I Lay Dying -- Faulkner 9/10
>The Strange Death of Europe -- Douglas Murray 3/10

>> No.15493455


>The Strange Death of Europe -- Douglas Murray 3/10


>> No.15493478
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>bro what do you mean Israel is bad
>what about Pakistan dude
>anyway very few states have been created without the mass movement of people so it’s okay

>> No.15493485
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>Jews are actually white that's why Israel is persecuted!!!

>> No.15493548

What about the rest of the book though?

>> No.15493584

Animal Farm
The Stranger
A Clergyman's Daughter

I read those at the bus on my way to work, after that I started and dropped:
Silent Spring
The Fellowship of the Ring

I can't focus for shit and I can't think about anything that really interests me right now.

>> No.15493590

You should read the sequel, Walden 2

>> No.15493593

Those quotes alone should give you an understanding of who the author is. He is nothing more than a retarded 'Intellectual Dark Web' type conservative whose ideas will bring about no change. There were some good parts in the book, that's why I didn't give it a 0/10, but on the whole it was bad.

>> No.15493599

>'Intellectual Dark Web' type conservative
Please elaborate

>> No.15493611

>spoonfeed me
No. Read the book if you want. I was kind enough to show you his retarded takes about Israel which should be enough to dismiss him as a serious intellectual. I'm not going to write a book review for you.

>> No.15493619

I was curious about the terminology you used, which is separate from any form of request to review the book. I was just unfamiliar with the archetype.

>> No.15493637

This. I personally did not remember encountering typos, but then again I sometimes let them pass me by.

>> No.15493653
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A tip: don't start explaining yourself when someone aggressively admonishes you. It makes you look like a pussy. 'I was just, I was just...' and phrases such as these are characteristic of bully victims. More often than not, a person being aggressive with you will not care whether your motivations are justified or not. As soon as you start justifying them or explaining them you're giving credence to the 'bully', agressor, or whatever you want to call it, and making it seem as if they are owed an explanation. I only got you this link and this image because I felt pity for you due to your pathetic conduct. Stop being weak.

>> No.15493713
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>> No.15493734
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A few re-reads

Which dosto did you like the most?

I liked Coin Locker Babies and Into The Miso Soup, should I give piercing a read?
Also read Nip the buds, shoot the kids

I think we're friends on GR. Decent selection - is the Sex Worker one worth a read or just a meme

Good taste. Is the K2 book good? I like /out/ lit

Wilde is great, pick up his collected works - you can find it cheap. His essays and plays are pretty good and Dorian is outstanding

Death of a Salesman wasn't amazing but 4/10 seems harsh. What did you not like

>> No.15493798

>Death of a Salesman wasn't amazing but 4/10 seems harsh. What did you not like
I don't like when authors try to push their politics so obviously in fiction. It's ok when it's a tangential thing but when the whole narrative is structured around that I feel a natural revulsion to it.

>> No.15493854

>all this entry level shit
No wonder the absolute state of this board

>> No.15493958

thank you lads

>> No.15494021

dude at least we reading nigga the fuck you talkin bout

>> No.15494028

no one cares what you virgins read lmfao

>> No.15494048
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>the op cares
retard btfo

>> No.15494068

>t. overcompensating actual pussy IRL

>> No.15494071
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I like Jonathan Haidt's social intuitionist model and Eric Weinstein's podcast has had some interesting/odd people, but I wouldn't classify them as anything remotely conservative.

>A tip
I disagree with the interpretation that explanation is a form of weakness, at least in this instance. From my perspective, the baseline regarding speech on 4chan is antagonistic, meaning it's predictable. Since that is the case, one can dismiss that portion of speech from any particular response in the attempt to tap into even a modicum of reason from the other user, as to avoid interactions from devolving into tit-for-tat games. I also believe that justify speech, in certain situations, is a valid behavioral strategy in order to hedge against misinterpretations.

>> No.15494091

How was the Selfish Gene? I'm considering getting into the evolutionary biology/psychology literature in order to bolster a foundation for explaining human behavior. I already own E.O. Wilson's On Human Nature and Sapolsky's Behave, but I haven't touched them yet.

>> No.15494108

How was the Quiet American?
Never read anything by Greene, can I expect another Third Man or is it like his Catholic novels?
Good month though, Pleasures is mind candy

>> No.15494112

Not every interaction is an invocation of power dynamics and a clash between those who are weak and those who are dominant.

>> No.15494121

Not that anon but good lord, this doesn't seem to be researched very well.
>necessitated the forced movement
Kek wtf, did he forget everything that led up to the migration?

>> No.15494123

I'd say it's worth a read for anyone really
just get the 30th anniversary version because imo Dawkins matures into a less edgy of a person
he also adds two chapters to the original
imo the book proposes a very bold concepts that will get your noggin joggijn
it will have you research : game theory, cultural evolution and much more so don't think you are getting into a pure biology based book
also if you are not a layman the first two chapters may seem a bit boring but stick with it it's worth it
back in the day a lot of edgy teens read this book and they got even edgier and that's why i refused to read it until now
i'd say it was worth the wait
i can't stress enough how essential it is to get the latest version

>> No.15494177

Thanks for the response, I'll definitely put it in my backlog.
>it will have you research : game theory, cultural evolution and much more so don't think you are getting into a pure biology based book
Maybe I misspoke, to me evolutionary biology is just a stand in for game theory and cultural evolution, so if the book contains a discussion surrounding those topics then I'm all in.

>> No.15494331

>panic by zizek
is it actually good? I thought it was too reactionary to be worth reading

>> No.15494400
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>> No.15494470

>too reactionary to be worth reading
Fuck off

>> No.15494512


>> No.15494539

:'( I'm an AI researacher

>> No.15494544

I liked it. It really takes you back to the middle ages and has some great prose. On the other hand almost all the characters are very flawed and at times annoying, and it is over 1000 pages long, so some parts of the book are more rieveting than others

>> No.15494610


>> No.15494629

Wind-Up Bird is very comfy Summer reading.

>> No.15494632
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really need to step up my game.

>> No.15494641
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Moravagine - Blaise Cendrars
Crime and Punishment - Dosto
Atomised, Submission - Michel Houellebecq
The Good Soldier Svejk - Jaroslav Hasek
Storm of Steel - Ernst Junger
The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With The Sea, Confessions of a Mask - Yukio Mishima
twitter shit BAP book and
Harassment Architecture - Mike Ma
A Tomb for Boris Davidovich - Danilo Kis
The Master and Margarita - Mikhail Bulgakov

>> No.15494655

I forgot The End of The Affair - Graham Greene

>> No.15494659

How was A Tomb for Boris Davidovich? I just read The Encyclopedia of the Dead the other day and had something of a split opinion. Would you recommend?

>> No.15494667
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based, correct, and checked
pic related

>> No.15494688

It's definitely worth a read and it's quite short. I was done with it in a little over two hours. There's a small passage about gulag prisoner mysticism and that was worth it alone. There is also an interesting story about a pogrom lead by Cathars that was taken from this: https://www.sjsu.edu/people/nancy.stork/jacquesfournier/ which is a record of interrogations made by Jacques Fournier who would later be known as Pope Benedict XII

>> No.15494718

he puts it nicely in the prologue, if you've had this thoughts before you will understand what he is getting at. The logic language bits could be harder if you didn't ever have logic. Otherwise I'd see it's not that hard and even if you don't get everything the big picture is pretty clear I'd say.

>> No.15494723

>I'd see

>> No.15494734 [DELETED] 

too much genre fiction ngl

>> No.15494743
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>the edition I bought had tons of typos
Was it this one?

>> No.15494742
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too much genre fiction NGL goddammit

>> No.15494781 [DELETED] 
File: 2.48 MB, 714x4098, goodreads-user-year-in-books-2020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

took the screenshot from the "year in books" page because many titles would be unreadable

>> No.15494809
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>> No.15494820

hello beavis.

>> No.15494834


>> No.15494837
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>> No.15494865

I'll give it a read then, sounds like it's very much in the vein of his other works. Some of his short stories are a tad prosaic but every few seems to hit a very good sweet-spot.

>> No.15495170

He's unable to provide any meaningful solutions because he's stuck in the liberal framework which initially allowed progressive to open the floodgates. He does a pretty good job refuting some of the common arguments and fallacies in support of immigration, like it making us a wealthier nation or it giving us different types of food to eat.

>> No.15495183

Those delillo books r so underrated.i thought libra was especially excellent

>> No.15495404

K2 is quite good, this whole list has not disappointed once


>> No.15496059

What are Dosto's best books?

>> No.15496195

I never heard of anyone named Dosto.

>> No.15496312

Dostoyevsky dumbass

Brothers K and Idiot.
I like Gambler but it is too short and basic

>> No.15496432

I tried looking up a book called Brothers K and couldn't find anything

>> No.15496439

kill yourself

>> No.15496456
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Oh wait, nevermind. I found it. There's no need to be rude.

>> No.15496540

and the unfunniest poster of the year award goes to...

>> No.15496692

How was the Philip Jose farmer? Only thing of his I’ve read is the short story in the Dangerous Visions anthology.

>> No.15496747

Who is it going to? You didn't finish the sentence.

>> No.15496811
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>> No.15496999

thanks anon, gonna read idiot because brothers k is very intimidating (it's fucking gigantic), although i do own it

>> No.15497008

I barely remember the movie to be honest, its not bad but its not great either
Its fun, but its after all a "I got transported to another world and __" kind of story but the main character is a prostitute, so kind of refreshing I guess.
The premise is interesting but it seems like the other books in the series were a letdown for many people.

>> No.15497013

I dont read

>> No.15497031
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You don't remember this kino

>> No.15497094

The Opposing Shore — Julien Gracq
The Blind Owl — Sadegh Hedayat
The Epic of Gilgamesh
Nadja — André Breton
Sylvie — Gérard de Nerval

Reading/to read:
A Dark Stranger — Julien Gracq
The Castle of Argol — Julien Gracq
The Portable Nietzsche
Erotism, Death and Sensuality — Georges Bataille

Any recs?

>> No.15497129
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>> No.15497133

What did you think of Zeno's Conscience?

>> No.15497153

desu, I like paranoia agent more.

>> No.15497188

The Opposing Shore is actually pretty similar to The Tartar Steppe in the themes of stagnation and inertia. The writing however, is much different. Gracq's prose is very flowery, almost purple sometimes. Give it a shot and see if you like it

>> No.15497210

Wasn't crazy about it. Interesting enough concept, but I found it to be a tedious read. It seemed promising at first, but I started losing interest around the part where he courts the sisters.
I'll check it out. I loved The Tartar Steppe.

>> No.15498042
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My 2020 reads so far.

>> No.15499768


>> No.15499785

I don't understand how anyone can read the scene in Brothers Karamazov where Dmitry talks with the devil/his hallucination and still argue that Dosto is shit. That's an incredible piece of writing

>> No.15499808

what's that no longer human book?

>> No.15499812

there's a perfect blue book? how is it? also what's that pink anime one with the girl in it, is it good?

>> No.15499834

Was Kristin Lavransdatter good? Thinking of reading it.

>> No.15499846
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I borrowed Dead Souls by Nikolai Gogol, On War by Carl von Clausewitz and To Live by Hua Yu from the library today.

>> No.15500116

Its the original novel, the movie was based on it. Its fine not spectacular but its fun, but its more about an obessive fan than anything else.
The pink girl one is "Haru is a Sex Worker in another world" pretty self explanatory desu. I find it refreshing opposed as dudes always being the protags on these kind of stories

>> No.15500212

Never read Greene before desu. It was pretty good but didn't do what I wanted. It does unreliable narrator well enough but it's nothing special. Just read Things They Carried of you want a Nam book.

Pleasures was hard. I need to reread. It's too ethereal to grasp what he means by any given statement.

>> No.15500282

>7/10 for Fathers and Sons
You have to go back

>> No.15500293

Not that guy but A Tomb for Boris Davidovich was better than The Encyclopedia of the Dead for me, since The Encyclopedia of the Dead had a few duds when it comes to the quality of the stories, plus A Tomb for Boris Davidovich has a few cases of a character from one story appearing in some other (but he's usually just mentioned).

>> No.15500321
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on the third in the space trilogy books today.

>> No.15500330

Recently I've been seeing this series mentioned here more often
I'm thinking of diving in and taking the flashpill

>> No.15500335

take it in fun and historical ride

>> No.15500360
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I wonder how obvious is it that I don't really browse /lit/ based on what I read.

++ Kurt Vonnegut
+ H.P. Lovecraft

++ Ursula K. Le Guin
+ Haruki Murakami

>> No.15500463

If you're interested in norwegian literature and/or the middle ages it's very worth a look. Not sure how good the english translation is tho. Also its 1000 + pages long

>should I give piercing a read?
It was very well written, I read it in one and a half day, but overall not a lot happened and the ending was kind of a dissapointment
>Also read Nip the buds, shoot the kids
Thanks for the rec!

>> No.15500510

>Mihály Babits - The Son of Virgil Tímár
>Mihály Babits - On the Hungarian Character
>Anonymous - L’anomie ou le Tumulte des Tapirs
>Franz Kafka - The Metamorphosis
>Sergei Dovlatov - Pushkin Hills
>Venedikt Yerofeyev - Moscow-Petushki
>Vladimir Voinovich - The Hat
>György Belia - The Student Years of Mihály Babits
>Kawabata Yasunari - Thousand Cranes
>Gyula Illyés - The People of the Puszta
>Gyula Illyés - Dinner at the Castle

>> No.15500763
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damn everyone's read a lot more than me. wish I'd kept up reading as a kid.

>> No.15500819

whats the Russian one with the bird on the cover called in English?

>> No.15500879
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>> No.15500887

It's a collection of Basho's haikus and a haibun (On the Northern Paths). "The face of the evening Moon" would be a translation, though it's just a verse from one of the haikus.

>> No.15500917

thanks man

>> No.15500974
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Snow Country - Kawabata
Snow Falling on Cedars - Guterson
First Love - Turgenev
My mother, Madame, Edwarda - Bataille
Men Without Women - Murakami
Faust, Part 1 - Goethe
A portrait of the artist as a young man - Joyce
The undiscovered self - Jung
The Quran
Nichomachean Ethics - Aristotle
The Trial - Franz Kafka
The Triflers - Mumkey Jones
Brave New World - Huxley

>> No.15501468

If you like Dracula, maybe try some southern gothic.

>> No.15501534
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In chronological order:
>The Tartar Steppe - D. Buzzati
>The Man in the High Castle - P. K. Dick
>Crash - J. G. Ballard
>The Opposing Shore - J. Gracq
>The Arrow of Time - M. Amis
>The City and the City - C. Miéville
>The Meursault Investigation - K. Daoud
>Nausea - J. P. Sartre
>The Wall - M. Haushofer

Rest are nonfiction

Currently reading Waiting for the Barbarians by J. M. Coetzee, will probably read some sci-fi next, I'm thinking the Southern Reach Trilogy

I was hoping I'd do better this year but covid fucked me hard

Rate my taste /lit/

>> No.15501596

that's Ivan faggot. You didn't even read the book.

>> No.15502622
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so far so good

>> No.15502713
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>> No.15503104

10/10 if troll
10/10 if serious

>> No.15503158


>> No.15503172

>Rate my taste /lit/
Anyone who reads Buzzati gets at least an 8/10 in my book.

>> No.15503225

i think dosto is pretty largely read in russia, i'm not sure 100%, but once i saw a video of a russian girl saying that they read dosto in schools there, during lit classes

>> No.15503229

based, way too overrated for a writer who is the equivalent of a based retard

>> No.15503544

Don't sorry about quantity. I read more than I should and my appreciation/retention suffers. Read to enjoy.

>> No.15503552

Where do those hyperlinks lead anon?

>> No.15503558

>>The Meursault Investigation - K. Daoud
Being meaning to read it.
Did you like it?
>but covid fucked me hard
In terms of you getting sick? If anything, it made it more convenient to read for me.

>> No.15503690
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You've read more than me >>15493412 , but I think as long as you're reading something you genuinely find engaging then quantity shouldn't matter.

>> No.15503796

I really loved The Meursault Investigation, it's very well written and has some memorable passages

>In terms of you getting sick? If anything, it made it more convenient to read for me.

I got sick, my whole family got sick, and my grandpa sadly passed away, it was real shit

>> No.15503801

unironically kys

>> No.15504458

not good

>> No.15504486

How's tipping point?

>> No.15504518

A farewell to arms
The suns also rises
For whom the bell tolls
Blood meridian
The magic mountain
The savage detectives

Casanova’s autobiography
Fathers and sons
Absalom absalom
The castle
Swann’s way

Plus various short stories

>> No.15504534

how was the city and the city?

>> No.15505136
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I'm so fucking easy when it comes to long running series. A couple info-dumps about a semi-interesting fantasy bureaucracy and I end up in bed with a series I would struggle to find a single book I genuinely felt was worth the bother.

Quarantine has given me more reading time but I'm spending it way more frivolously than previous years. Need to detox from Sci-fi and focus more on getting better on reading in Spanish, but my motivation has gotten out of wack.

>> No.15505978

Snowden's book isn't that interesting. I wouldn't rec

>> No.15506206
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Right on schedule at 23 right now. Reading The Holy Sinner by Thomas Mann right now, and after that I will probably read Kafka's America.

>> No.15506425
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>> No.15506711

READ 2020:

Dostoyevsky - "The Idiot".
Enjoyed but not as much as crime and punishment nor notes from the underground. Character drama driven but with a frankly overly long and confusing plot, but maybe im a brainlet.

Richad Sanders - If a Pirate I must be: The true story of black bart, "king of the carribean pirates"
Very interesting biography of apparently the most successful of all pirates. Written in quite a pophistory manner but authors obvious enthusiasm for some of period comes across with intricate details of ships, no of guns, locactions etc.

Yukio Mishima - "runaway horses"
expect most of you already know about this one. I found it to be a great read and worthy of the reputation it commands on here. would recommend.

John Berendt - "Midnight in the garden of good and evil"
A true crime novel following the authors exploration of the US town of savannah. Packs a real life cast of great characters who seem to be from a world that quickly disappearing. Reading this i at time felt it to be too incredible to be true - unfrotunately after some post reading research it turns out some of the way the book is presented , namely chronology, IS too good to be true. This left a bad taste in my mouth.

Mike Dash - "Batavias Graveyard"
Truly incredible TRUE story of a ship out of the amsterdam that wrecks of the coast of austalia just as members of the crew are planning a mutiny under the leadership of the first mate. After the wreck said first mate establishes control of the island and a real life lord of the flies-esque scenario plays out. fantastic book for anyone with intreset in naval history.

Ben aaronoutavich - Whispers underground
3rd instalment in a urban fantasy series set in london with a police force unit that has magic powers. the first in the series was ok the second was a bit better , this entry was bad and i wont be reading any further. you may be intersted to note simon pegg is making this series into a tv show. the main character is black in the books so expect the worst. Also the author spends a lot of time describing the breasts of the black female characters which i enjoyed desu.

Mike dash - The first family
read due to enoyjing his other book . not as intresting a story as batavias graveyard. its about the first scicilian mafia in the us. if your into mafis may be worth reading . has some intersting bits

Yevgeny Zamyatin - "we"
meme dystopian book from russia. as with a lot of these things the world is intresting but the story is lackluster. cool retrofuturism aesthic though .

Ceasere Pavere - "the moon and the Bonfire"
translation of a italian book about the post war period. themes of nostalgia and loss. short and to the point , would recommend.

George Benard Shaw - "Captain Brassbound's Conversion" - play
read in the collectoin 3 plays for puritans . looks at ideas of revenge and justice. hadnt read many plays before so this was a nice start .


>> No.15506716


Currently reading:
Hollenbecq- "submission"
Guillaume Faye - "archeofuturism"
Peter Ackroyd - "foundation: the history of england from its earliest beginnings to the tudors"
Naomi klein - "NO logo"

>> No.15506721

It's primarily a work of pop-psychology/sociology/behavioral economics crafting a framework upon which to see how ideas or products gain traction within a given environment. Throughout the book this framework is built up through a variety of loosely connected examples. One of the main themes focuses on, I guess you could say, the grassroots, incremental progression of an idea that eventually gains enough memetic momentum to explode into something that is broadly recognized. Other aspects regarding the dialectic humans have with each other during interactions (what is gleaned/transmitted) as well as with their environment, how we are influenced by these interactions, the limits of social competency (Dunbar's number), three archetypes that Gladwell claims are major progenitors of epidemics, and social, node based frameworks that serve as displaced memory systems are also discussed.

>> No.15507286

>> r/literature