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File: 114 KB, 1100x1643, why-liberalism-failed1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15483728 No.15483728 [Reply] [Original]

>Mass riots happening outside
>Economic inequality
>Zero trust in government institutions
>Progressivism exploding in popularity
>Social atomization and anger

We're really in for it the coming years, aren't we?

>> No.15483736

I take satisfaction in knowing that literally nobody will have what they want to happen actually occur

>> No.15483753

That's the worst part. The uncertainty. Makes you realize how utterly broken the world is when we don't even know where to go from here because everything has been stripped away from us.

>> No.15483757

>cop kills nogs
>nogs riot
>city burns for a bit
>things go back to normal
Rinse and repeat, this shit is nothing new. its been happening since before America was even a country. I wouldn't worry too much about it.

>> No.15483774

Doubt these riots will mean anything long term for their race issue, more likely theyll just make rona flair up again and then these retards who are protesting the gov will crawl back to their boots and give em a nice lick again

>> No.15483777

Nogs riot every few years, this is pretty tame compared to some past shit

>> No.15483785

all these protests are liberal useless shit

>> No.15483804

Pussy hat = useless = liberal
Wildcat strikes = very useful = regular persons/socialist in nature

>> No.15483832

But you never saw riots cropping up in several cities at the same time until now. This shit isn't normal. The glowies, Antifa/BLM, Soros, or some combination of the above must be behind this.

>> No.15483833

Honestly speaking, has anyone ever come across an educated and artistic black man? I have come across many artistic Indians, Iranians, and Lebanese. A lot of them are into European art-house films, literature, philosophy, and more. However, in the case of black people, I have never once come across an intellectual or one that had an impressive weltanschauung. I did find one on Youtube who reviewed art-house films, but he was your quintessential stupid nigger. He called Ingar Bergman and Andrei Tarkovsky's films slow and pretentious, but he, himself, looked like a hipster.
I am sure an educated black man who does not reduce his entire existence to race and conflict with whites exists, but I have yet to find one. They are the kind of people that are genetically predisposed towards slave morality, never capable of forming an enriching lebensphilosophie.
In the case of Ashkenazi, I have encountered many who were artistically gifted and educated, but on average, they have issues with nihilism and self-victimization. Getting on their bad side is relatively easy.

>> No.15483841

What font is the title?

>> No.15483848

Could just be a consequence of people literally just being stuck inside for months and wanting to be part of something that is "aloud" during all this

>> No.15483856

think of the world like a grenade. Trump is the pin in that grenade. it is when he is removed (in 2022-2024) that events will really accelerate. conservatives will no longer support the husks of existing institutions when demographic reality drives home that they can never again achieve political representation

>> No.15483863

Thomas Sowell but he's economics and not art.

>> No.15483865

Wrong, Jeff Bezos and other corporate authoritarians will get what they want. They'll end liberalism with a police state but they won't let capitalism be put in danger.

>> No.15483867

I disagree with the "X is behind it all" theories. From where I'm standing all signs point to there being no one competent in charge of anything. The world is run by bureaucrats of middling intelligence who mostly just know how to follow procedures. Every problem is swept under the rug until it can't be anymore. We're currently reaching that stage, and people are realizing that no one is at the helm and it really doesn't matter what they do. So, if the whole city is going to burn down one way or the other, you may as well go out and get a new TV.

>> No.15483868

I can't wait for the new world order. You men have run the world for too long and look what it's gotten us.

>> No.15483870
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>> No.15483880

fake butterly

>> No.15483881

Then why mention him? I'm not into economics. Also, what he deals with has no relevance to literature or other artwork.
I know a few good black illustrators. For example, Jerry Pinkney is a good artist, but some of his stuff is a bit too messy. Granted, I do sense some soul in some of his popular stuff.

>> No.15483884

There's a based nigger wearing gloves to hide his skin color on /lit/

>> No.15483886

A lot of the jazz greats were smart people. Mingus wanted to be a poet and philosopher, but nobody took black men seriously in those fields at the time, so he focused on music to deliver his ideas.

>> No.15483887

Don't harass me, pig.

>> No.15483890

Yes we built a lot for people. Try not to squander it, except you're going to, because you're all a bunch of retarded whiny brats.

>> No.15483895

I am musically illiterate, but a lot of European intellectual figures looked down on Jazz for having poor composition.

>> No.15483896
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>> No.15483915

Adorno's understanding of jazz music came from shitty pop songs. Not to mention it's an improvisation heavy style to begin with.

>> No.15483921

Most of the jazz greats were talented at one specific thing (music) but complete fuckups in all other areas of life. The overwhelming majority were on hard drugs and had rap sheets for petty crime. Also, jazz music is mostly just improvisation over relatively simple repeating chord changes, and getting good is just a matter of constant practice. It's the same principle that allows barely literate white stoners to become guitar heroes.

Also, when was the last time you heard a young black guy say they wanted to be a great jazz musician, let alone a poet or a philosopher? Their culture does nothing but degrade the more freedom and opportunity they're given.

>> No.15483924

Adorno was an oppressive idiot who wanted to restrict people's free expression. His braincells left with his hair.

>> No.15483926

I don't know. The fact that these riots are happening several states away from Minnesota and happening at the same time tells me there must be some degree of coordination between Antifa cells or BLM, but I hope you're right.

>> No.15483936
File: 452 KB, 1600x900, B9E62343-820B-48BE-AC93-0BA990191B1B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay okay, knock it off. Get your own name, dude.

>> No.15483957

>Also, when was the last time you heard a young black guy say they wanted to be a great jazz musician, let alone a poet or a philosopher?
This is what I am pointing out and why I don't appreciate Indians, Chinese, and Middle Easterners being compared to blacks in the intellectual department. Too many /pol/tards get lost in skewed or biased statistics rather than talking to the person directly. I have never once come across a black person express a dream of attaining some kind of height, wisdom, or anything of that sort. They are the destroyers of traditions or weltanschauungs rather than the builders of it. They are not the type to adopt lebensphilosophies to devote their lives too, in short, which is my argument. They have a genetic predisposition to shun all lebenshphilosophies pertaining to cultivation of virtue, self-development, deeper understanding, or wisdom. To mix with them is one of the gravest of all sins.
Do you truly place Jazz on the level of Weiqi? On the level of Beethoven? It is trash.

>> No.15483988

>Do you truly place Jazz on the level of Weiqi? On the level of Beethoven? It is trash.
Hell no; that's basically what I was saying. I was simply pointing out that if anything their cultural output has gotten less impressive over time. A jazz musician would at least have to obtain an instrument and learn to play it well enough to follow chord changes, and way back when that is what black kids aspired to do. After that came rock n' roll, which was even simpler to learn, and it's only gotten worse from there. Nowadays their "music" is nothing but chanting over computerized drum loops about abusing cough syrup and fighting each other.

>> No.15483994

ur a fkin braincel

>> No.15484003

>that's basically what I was saying.
I know. I was asking rhetorical questions for the audience.
>Nowadays their "music" is nothing but chanting over computerized drum loops about abusing cough syrup and fighting each other.
I agree.

>> No.15484085

>Mass riots happening outside
Happens in authoriatarian regimes too

>Economic inequality
Happens in authoriatarian regimes too, in fact, most authoritarian countries have higher inequality than the liberal democracies

>Zero trust in government institutions
Happens in authoriatarian regimes too

>Progressivism exploding in popularity
you mean that it's increasing or decreasing in popularity?

>Social atomization
you mean that it's a result of liberalism or a display of it's decreiptude?

anon, i...

I don't understand, how is any of this supposed to show that liberalism failed?

>> No.15484121

Economic liberalism is directly or indirectly responsible for this

>> No.15484125

the big bang is also directly or indirectly responsible for this

>> No.15484175

you didn't read the book

>> No.15484185

False equivalence

>> No.15484214

America has just been very poorly governed since at least the 70s.

>> No.15484215

What is a non-liberal country that has any better in this day and age?

>> No.15484453

South Korea

>> No.15484540

Amazing that anyone can be in favor of democracy after this. Democracy is a constant low-intensity race war. Left-wing aristocrats are financing riots in major cities as they do every 4 years, the police are all on stand-down orders, and the President refuses to crush the riots, instead, he prefers to retweet Black Women for Trump. We need a radical coup to remove Trump from office and end democracy NOW.

>> No.15484547

more like the state has bee captured by corporations since the 1970s
a coup occurred in front of everyone's face and nobody says anything about it

>> No.15484550
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If you've ever met someone you thought intelligent you're either a moron or underage.

>> No.15484579

If you think Davis, Coltrane, Armstrong, Mingus, Hawkins, Gillespie, Blakey etc were just "improvising over simple chord changes" I'd implore you to spend more time reading about/studying jazz. You sound like you probably don't know the first thing about jazz music.

>> No.15484593

Loved his books

>> No.15484595

>From where I'm standing all signs point to there being no one competent in charge of anything.
Anyone even half competent thinks there must be someone fully competent who they would be stealing a chair from and that's why there's no-one competent imo.

>> No.15484609

Uncertainty and fear of the future have been a fact of life for almost every human who has existed, and coming to terms with the inherent uncertainty of the world is a big part of most human art, literature, philosophy, religion, whatever. Just read ecclesiastes. Read job.
Sure, for a short time a certain class of americans and Europeans and wealthy asians had a status quo. Boomers felt certainty. They propogated culture and children in this certainty. Art got lame. Religion went out of vogue. Philosophy became an academic exercise. Conservatives got soft and shrill, liberals lost mercy and morals. The children of this generation, faced with a world very different from the one for which they were raised, a few of them are dealing with this very poorly and with no dignity. We know now, as many suspected at the time, that the whole thing was temporary and illusory.
Welcome back to normal. Doom is on the horizon. Nobody knows that to do. Suffering is highly likely. This is humanity.

>> No.15484612

I was raised in an extremely well off neighbourhood and every single black person I've ever known was a low life criminal. Even the wealthy black kids and their parents were unrepentant scumbags.

>> No.15484624

It's always amusing that liberals and women think that a revolution will somehow work out in their favour. The most likely outcome is >>15483865 and it won't be kind to either of those groups.

>> No.15484690

there has never been a violent revolution which improved female condition

>> No.15484742

Just wait for the Trump re-election. It'll be the American Cultural Revolution

>> No.15484787

it was way worse in 68

>> No.15484837

Plenty of non-black non-whites have had great artistic and historical legacies. I think it's disingenuous to claim they're equivalent with blacks. You can benefit from reading more literature around the world and studying the gifted individuals from such countries.
That has been my experience with blacks too. I have met some who have gone into empirical science, but when it comes to philosophy, art, or contemplation, they are sorely lacking. They assume such questions to be a waste of time. Will we ever have a black Tarkovsky or Borges? I sincerely doubt it.

>> No.15484844

Depends on the response from the government and the force they'll use

>> No.15484915
File: 287 KB, 1000x1004, Massima_espansione_Viscontea (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The future is HRE esque federalism consisting of citystates and burger facist rural holdings answering directly only to a minimalist responsibility Washington DC
Screenshot this, you heard it here first. I'm already in the process of putting this into my motion in my own local level

>> No.15484977

In the 70s the banks actually took direct control over the government in many cities, starting with New York, when they couldn't pay back their debt

>> No.15484987

> jazz music is mostly just improvisation over relatively simple repeating chord changes

I don't think you've listened to or know much about jazz

>> No.15485291

We've never been in control of our destiny. The only thing there is to be stripped of is the illusion over our own reality. Don't look at it from a pessimist's lens. Life is turmoil and the best you can do is appreciate your experience before it ceases.

>> No.15485296

The LA riots of '92 were far more severe.

>> No.15485304

Say nihao to authoritarian capitalism

>> No.15485315


>> No.15485422

There’s nothing to make me happy anymore. I feel unable to protect the people I love from whatever is coming. The decay and degeneracy of the world is going to reach all of us. Just about everyone I know in real life is ecstatic over these riots because they hate America and have no place in the world. All they can do is show their rage. There’s no more beauty to be found when people have been transformed into zombified nihilists playing whatever game the system has made for them

>> No.15485431

>Progressivism exploding in popularity
Don't lie on the internet.

>> No.15485555

No, not as you three imagine it.

You're right that capitalism will continue, but it will do so exactly along the same progressive trail it has been, pride month and all.
You fail to realize what the path of least resistance is.

Imagine doing what China is doing to a truly multiethnic society. There's no "social cohesion" to build off here in the first place -- it doesn't exist. Once you transition to a minority state, it is literally impossible to escape liberalism, until the whole system collapses in o itself.

Worry not: you will continue to have your leftists brand stances, woke celebrities, and accelerating overton window. The system demands it.

>> No.15485593


>> No.15485629

Do they really need an entire book to say "diversity"?

>> No.15485656

I agree 100%.

I disagree with you but I liked your politeness. It's nice to have a civil discussion on 4chan once in a while.

>> No.15485702

Hahaha you're really going to disregard a pivotal genre of music because of what someone entirely culturally disconnected said about it decades ago

>> No.15485730

It keeps getting worse though and your media systems demand more subservience from whites.

How much longer do you think this is going to go on before a literal violent white genocide?

>> No.15485884

>But you never saw riots cropping up in several cities at the same time until now
Not true.

Implying that they could win against white people.


>> No.15485894

Lmaoing @ everyone who thinks something will come out of this. A blip that will be forgotten in 2 months

>> No.15485910

There position is only stable because of US military supremacy. Without it they'll be put under the thumb of another nation's military.

>> No.15486169

Kanye West is arguably the closest figure we have in modern society to Nietzsche's ubermensch - or at least he was throughout the 2010s

>> No.15486219
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>If it wasn´t for those darn niggers liberalism would work perfectly!

>> No.15486230


>> No.15486270

He embodies the will to power more so than any other person I can think of

>> No.15486302

That's not what I said.

>> No.15486312

I do respect Kanye for having the drive, creativity, and mental independence that he does, I've got to give him that

>> No.15486320

What happens when the whole system collapses what will you retards replace it with ?

>> No.15486353

Hopefully with nothing.

>> No.15486424
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>> No.15486479

Same shit, different asshole. There hasn't been anything revolutionary against the social devastation that began after French revolution, its just political struggles after that.

>> No.15486565

>Honestly speaking, has anyone ever come across an educated and artistic black man?
Tupac Shakur

>> No.15487585


Hip hop is shit.

>> No.15487734


>> No.15487736

This only applies to African Americans. Guarantee most middle to upperclass African-Africans are much more cultured than you because you are a negrified American more concerned with appearance than quality while they carry on three sources of tradition: European, Arabic, and native. And are generally clannish and studious, not Walmartish and self-pitying.

>> No.15487751

modern people are too neutered and pathetic. their mentality is too national and inclined to use whatever terms mass media presents them. meaning nothing like that will ever be possible.

>> No.15487756

>Most of the jazz greats were talented at one specific thing (music) but complete fuckups in all other areas of life.
You can say the same about Mozart, Beethoven, etc. Not valid.
>Also, jazz music is mostly just improvisation over relatively simple repeating chord changes, and getting good is just a matter of constant practice.
It isn't that simple, the further away it gets from being dance music, the more complex it tends to be. And practice is necessary to become good at pretty much anything.
>Also, when was the last time you heard a young black guy say they wanted to be a great jazz musician, let alone a poet or a philosopher?
Idk, zoomers in general seem too fixated on consuming stuff. I'd guess that if you knew a rich black teen that's been to posh education, he'd aspire to any of those things.

>> No.15487790


>> No.15487901

Is everyone here a zoomer? America has always been in some state of perma-crisis. If you go back in time to any time period in the US, there was always some sort of crisis going on. Tea Party, Revolutionary War, The Whiskey Rebellion, War of 1812, Civil fucking war, slavery, Jim Crow, World Wars, stonewall, Kent state, Cuban missile crisis, Race riots, 9/11, the list goes on. a system that can withstand all of this is a pretty good system.

>> No.15488111

Kanye is a half-mad jester and nobody really cares about his worldview

>> No.15488125

You sound like an Arab mixed with nigger from the Gulf. Keep coping, Abdul.

>> No.15488171

trips of truth

>> No.15488268


>> No.15488292

This artwork looks like paintings from a brain-damaged, drugged-up caveman, which is truly emblematic of the nigger's spirit.

>> No.15488326

the difference is they didnt have social media back then to fan the flames. go take a look at twitter, they've pulled some argument that the rioters were actually white supremacist insiders trying to frame innocent protesters. there's no evidence for any of that yet the tweets are being seen by millions, getting hundreds of thousands of likes and so on and there's nothing that can convince them otherwise

>> No.15488330

>end democracy NOW
Already happened decades ago in the US.

>> No.15488338

Hungary and Russia.

>> No.15488342
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Fourth Political Theory of course

>> No.15488345

>I'm already in the process of putting this into my motion in my own local level

>> No.15488351
File: 501 KB, 1216x1600, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin Portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There hasn't been anything revolutionary against the social devastation that began after French revolution

>> No.15488362

Based Deneen poster, and yes. Liberalism is beginning to hit serious crises and will continue to do so until it falls.

>> No.15488563

People will always resort to an explanation that confirms their beliefs anon, it's called confirmation bias. This will always happen because this type of bias is integral to our genetic makeup. The Red Scare is a good example of this in American history, where Americans were brainwashed to believe that anyone around them was possibly a communist. Twitter is an echo chamber of radicalized people, who are going to perpetuate whatever logic supports their framework. As I've said, if the system can survive an entire country being brainwashed into thinking that everything was subtle communist propaganda, then the system can survive a small vocal minority perpetuating their own confirmation biases. I could be wrong, but my observation of history persuades me to believe that this is the case.

>> No.15488606

Things are like that in Brazil too. It is a bit funny and tragic at the same time. Seems to be some kind of joke. Funny, isn't it? When reality seems so stupid that it doesn't even seem real.

>> No.15488653

Lenin did not fight the devastation but made it worse. Roots of communism are in enlightenment.

>> No.15488831

Exactly this

Neoliberalism began with NYC couldn’t pay back its loans in the mid-1970s and essentially let bankers and financiers take control of their government.

>> No.15488840

When * not with

Also read David Harvey if you’re more interested on the subject

>> No.15488857

Oh I see, you're one of those people who thinks absolute monarchy was a good thing. Cringe.

>> No.15488924
File: 67 KB, 413x395, 1497298326655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>childless urbanite riding the corporate ladder in the travel industry
>in the past few months my wedding has been cancelled
>corporate-sponsored isolation extended indefinitely
>my fiance's position terminated
>anxiety and smoking on the rise
>was promoted to a new position, floundering in the ambiguity and structure-less, merit-less work from home

I suspect MSM and glowies fueling disruption in order to make Biden look like a return to the mean, but a post-quarantine tinderbox in the Southern heat is well, damn ripe for explosion.

There's almost a beauty to having your life deliberately subverted. Stay sane out there anons.

>> No.15488930

I deleted all social media, I only speak to a small circle of friends dan family who have meaning to me, and I work remotely. When that’s not happening I spend my time out in the woods and fields, or working on my escape plan and supplies for when things go south. It’s time to check out and leave the farm. I don’t care anymore, and I wish nobody else did either.

>> No.15489238

the monoculture is already commodifying the riots. every corporation, celebrity, bourgeois elite is supporting blacklivesmatter. it's all a fucking game

>> No.15489263

No, I think communism doesn't fight against the principles of French revolution.

>> No.15489386

>A handful of sorosbots have attacked Target, America is finished!!!

>> No.15489394

True communism maybe

>> No.15489404

it's called LARPing

>> No.15489554

I hate how retards are encouraging the riots bringing up bullshit like Stonewall, Tea Party, etc, were all riots that worked. Do they not realize that in contemporary society the elites and the corporations just support riots in order to subdue them. If these people really want to end this senseless police brutality, they have to stop acting like niggers nothing and find a new way to escape the very system that allows for this to happen.

>> No.15489596
File: 22 KB, 323x500, 41URtDH+57L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How readable is this? I'm reading pic related and I for the most part get it but I would've definitely benefited from reading more economic books beforehand.

Thanks to whoever the anon was that rec'd this book.

>> No.15489644

The solutions they want cant happen because the system itself prevents it. Things like self policing or whatever it is. These riots are the last yawps of defeatism. Its temporary "Feel Alive" simulations

>> No.15489864

>they've pulled some argument that the rioters were actually white supremacist insiders trying to frame innocent protesters
Unfortunately, there is so much video evidence of BLM and other minorities rioting the stores on
TikTok and other social media that it would take some great evidence to prove that white nationalists somehow were the curators. The only people willing to believe in this nutjob theory are the retard radicalized leftists who have lost their minds, which conveniently are quarantined into Twitter.

>> No.15490032

It fights against some of the aspects of it, and replaces liberalism with a different ideology. The only true opposition to all aspects of the French Revolution would be return to absolute monarchy as even fascists incorporate aspects of it such as nationalism.

>> No.15490092

Is it possible these rioting leftist may be getting paid though? I've heard theories that a lot of the rioters in various states are from out-of-state. It could be leftists coordinating on Twitter or Discord though.

>> No.15490260

The riots are a psyop. Completely hijacked by leftists and neoliberals. It’s a massive push for social justice and voting out Trump in November, then they will continue infantilizing and homogenizing everyone when things blow over.

>> No.15490299

Those are copes, there's some of that going on I'm sure, but mobilization at this scale is not possible without some real authentic popularity.

>> No.15490350

a couple hundred people setting fire to a car and going home with stolen liquor isn't exactly going ot shake the foundations of civilization

>> No.15490403

This is 1968 levels

>> No.15490442

>>Mass riots happening outside
Made up brainlet murican drama
>>Economic inequality
Like in literally every system
>>Zero trust in government institutions
Is this why the prevalent message during COVID was "please keep us under lockdown govverments!"
>>Progressivism exploding in popularity
Part of liberalism
>>Social atomization and anger
Part of the individuality aspect of neoliberalism

>> No.15490471

It'll die out by Monday. The media successfully turned people off of it by saying it was a Russian white supremacist conspiracy.

>> No.15490478


>> No.15490484

(just kidding it'll get way worse unless Trump pulls off a miracle instead of dumping fuel on it)

>> No.15490486

don't see you disagreeing with his will to power however; half-mad he may be, but a half-mad God may still rule

>> No.15490507

It’s gonna combined with Pride Month too. It’s all an explosion of social justice woke shit that has been building up for years, this pandemic was the perfect opportunity and that cop lit the fuse. It’s all tumbling down now.

>> No.15490559

Definitely. The end result here will determine how nice the future of the USA will be. If everyone gets along and realizes how liberalism is fucking them over and works together to fix that for the better, then we'll get the happy ending. If the wokescolds get their way and it turns into another "white people have original sin" struggle session like Occupy then we'll get the bad ending where liberalism dies, but is replaced with something worse.

>> No.15490566

I don't even understand what the riots are about.

Rioting is not going to make police presence less, it is going to make police presence even stronger. It's not going to bring back anyone from the dead. It's not going to make the protestors look respectable.

>> No.15490593

This is why I don't read news and would do nothing if the world would end tomorrow and only I could save it.

>> No.15490626

Do you know about the Brazilian Integralists? Ethnically diverse fascism is possible, as dumb as it sounds.

>> No.15490741

Media has absolutely brainwashed the average person.
Blacks are a protected class who cannot be guilty of their own actions.
These events will only result in creating a few more racists but satisfying the mainstream person due to seeing these events as a movie where the oppressed minority fights the evil bad guys.

>> No.15490744

Jazz has always sucked

>> No.15490763

only if you're gay. I really haven't had anything stripped away from me. Unplug from society and golf a lot, it's been working for me. Also no, I'm not a boomer

>> No.15490775

(You) uncultured swine.

>> No.15490782

How does supporting the riots help to subdue them? I get that the strength of the neoliberal order is its sort of elusiveness and ability to absorb any opposition to it into itself, but it seems like total chaos would be an actual threat to it.

Is it just that if there was action to suppress things, power would reveal itself and these riots might actually gain some clear target and purpose? Whereas if politicians and corporations virtue signal and support the riots, they will eventually burn themselves out through lack of direction and be absorbed?

>> No.15490786
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>> No.15490905


>> No.15490972

>cough syrup
maybe in the 2000s grandpa, it's all xanax now

>> No.15490989
File: 236 KB, 1203x1447, born to feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are people on my facebook feed apologizing for being white right now. I used to think this shit only happened in the paranoid delusions of /pol/tards yet here it is plain as day. What the absolute fuck is this shit?

>> No.15491000

>better than anyone

>> No.15491033

Picture the counter-culture of the 60s except it's repurposed and curated by cultural & economic elites, endlessly sustained through social media and avoids suppression by America's declining and incompetent ruling class. That's where we're headed

>> No.15491048

the infrastructure system is too centralized to allow that

>> No.15491061

>black tarkovsky
steve mcqueen

>> No.15491066

Russia is a coherent nation state with competent leadership that's consistently bettering the average citizen. How many countries in the West can say the same?

>> No.15491071

I guess I just don't see how that serves the interests of capital. Shouldn't society naturally be pushed towards a state of stability and docility where people can focus completely on commodity consumption?

>> No.15491072

>find a new way to escape the very system that allows for this to happen.
Do as i say, not as i do.

>> No.15491078

authoritarianism with HR characteristics. prison camps but with video presentations about sexual harassment and team building exercises. open plan gulags

>> No.15491095

they can't, they need the taxes

>> No.15491105
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>> No.15491118

If you really think this is going to happen then stop screeching like a nigger about it and just be prepared. Your fear is getting the better of you, like a boy demanding everyone pays attention everytime the lights dim because he's scared of the dark.
Weren't you ever told about the boy who cried wolf?

>> No.15491128

It serves capital ideology. Most of the unrest is because of long-term disillusionment, high unemployment and anxiety from the pandemic. The ideological basis for them is being ascribed by the elites. Notice every corporation and celebrity coming out of the woodworks to talk about white privilege.

What this means is that even if America begins to crumble, rehabilitation can be simulated through performance. All they have to do now is get everyone to vote Trump out of office and most people will be satisfied with social justice advocacy until the next implosion happens. These implosions are going to occur until liberalism collapses on itself. When that will happens and what will replace it, I don't know.

>> No.15491155

in the 67 detroit riot 43 people were killed and there were open gun battles between the police/national guard and rioters for 5 days

>> No.15491158

Proof that democracy is a farce.

>> No.15491160

they're not even guilty of their own riot, white supremacists did all the looting

>> No.15491163

>Economic inequality
>Like in literally every system
It's worse now in the west than almost any other point in history, look it up. Kings and shit where closer to peasants than you are to Bezos or the Rothschilds

>> No.15491165

You're projecting your pathetic insecurities.

>> No.15491166


>> No.15491167

found the square

>> No.15491170

because notice how rioting has taken the form of an overly aggressive shopping trip. even in the midst of violent rebellion the consumer mindset reigns supreme. can't threaten capitalism that way

>> No.15491176

it serves the interests of finance, who make money when money moves. all they care about is maximizing the amount of money in motion

>> No.15491186

archeofuturist miyazaki patchwork for me thanks

>> No.15491188

>an overly aggressive shopping trip.
lol. The Overly Aggressive Shopping Trips of 2020

>> No.15491195

>How much longer do you think this is going to go on before a literal violent white genocide?
I'm projecting? kek
You literally just no u'd

>> No.15491198

Soros and antifa agents on the payroll

>> No.15491206

Boomer brain rot

>> No.15491228

used to be there were riots where the rioters would try to seize printing presses and telegraph exchanges. riots where the rioters sought out every person they could find of a certain race and beat them to death. now we riot to get a few pairs of shoes and maybe a bottle of liquor. the consoomer consooms that's all he knows how to do

>> No.15491233

why is this parroted so much? source?

>> No.15491239

there was rioting in most large cities the night king was assassinated

>> No.15491300

If I ever met you in real life I would derive an inexplicable amount of pleasure beating your myopic incel mouth until you sputter incomprehensibly which would still be more pleasurable than the impractical outdated theoretical bullshit you seem to believe will gurantee you a “richer” and “wiser” life
Get a job you waste of air

>> No.15491311

instead youll just seethe here lol

>> No.15491380

I prefer to enslave niggers to do the menial work. Consider it a form of investment. I'd invest in two niggers working dead-end jobs, and I will take 85% of their total income. They can survive off 15% from leftovers of fried chicken while locked up in a cage. I don't see any moral argument against enslaving niggers. In my view, factory farming innocent and noble chicken and cows is far worse than enslaving niggers so that greater men can enjoy leisure.

>> No.15491451

>implying he doesn't get laid more than you do

>> No.15491593

Not dude you replied to
Good strat man, I also have been focusing on just detaching. I have liberal friends who would say its just my privilege, conservative friends who would say I'm sleeping on some conflict that needs my help or whatever.
Honestly they all seem so impotent, spiteful, and sad. These riots I support because it seems like a great time, everyone looks like they're having a ton of fun, but other than this incoherent expression of rage direct action type shit I dont think I can support any sort of political thought or movement. The hubris and narcissism of the people who think they should direct the world when clearly we have no meaningful process of exerting our will on society at all without disaster. Why would I spend time around that on purpose

>> No.15491645

The riots are a result of the failure of multiracialism in America and the demographic replacement of whites as it turns more and more into Brazil 2.0. Liberalism is a failure and needs destroyed, but the racial component is key here

>> No.15491659

Judging intelligence by one's favor towards European art-house films? Never heard something gayer and more retarded in my life.

>> No.15491696

I just want to know why all of a sudden the "Best Sellers" on audible are mostly "White people are evil and racist" books.

>> No.15491724

Talk is cheap pigskin. It's ok, you just keep sitting there in mommies basement while the Black man razes even more of what your ancestors built to the ground. Hey, how's it feel losing your civilization to the jews anyway? Seems like karma to me.

>> No.15491740

Honestly speaking, has anyone ever come across a gangsta white man? I have come across many badass hispanos. A lot of them are into hip-hop culture. However, in the case of white people, I have never once come across someone who had an impressive street education. I did find one on Youtube who reviewed jazz classics, but he was your quintessential stupid whitee. He called Charles Mingus and Coltrane's jams too chaotic and pretentious, but he, himself, looked like a hipster.
I am sure an educated white man who does not reduce his entire existence to western civilization and culture of whites exists, but I have yet to find one. They are the kind of people that are genetically predisposed towards self-imposed superiority, never capable of forming an authentic lyfe-style.
(Sorry, bros, don't know much of black people-speak, but I hope my point is clear).

>> No.15491756

>gangsta White man
Dude from Run the Jewels maybe? But he's the exception that proves the rule.

>> No.15491776

Improve your reading comprehension.

>> No.15491813

Oh boy, Russian nation is so coherent that we had two chechen wars in the 90s.

>> No.15491816

America really is falling apart.

>> No.15491821

The riots are the outcome of police overreach and inability of the government to meet basic human needs. Racial mysticism is, as always, a way for people to clutch pearls about the destruction of property without mourning material items out loud.

>> No.15491848


>> No.15491852

>we had two chechen wars in the 90s
Yeah more than 20 years ago lmao. Russia isn't in the hellhole of the 90's anymore. Not the most prosperous nation on earth, but I think it's in a better position for the long term than most Western nations.

>> No.15491878
File: 1.78 MB, 1271x1600, Richard-Francis-Burton-by-Lock-&-Whitfield,-1876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading this thread has just confirmed my hatred of the US. Can't wait till your shitty Empire crumbles to dust.

Omar in my mosque, kind hearted man with a great big smile, black as coal, has a great many sutras memorized by heart. Have had many great discussions of al-Flaton, Ibn Arabi, Guneon, Augustine of Hippo, and so on with him. He has a doctorate in Eastern philosophy from his home country.

Perhaps you are just a racist, and looking in the wrong places. The American media has a certain role for black people, just like it has for white people, and the end goal is that all are trained to be divided and servile

>has anyone ever come across a gangsta white man?
Eyo errybody izya boi lil Rich AKA Mirza Abdullah the Bushri AKA Hâjî Abdû El-Yezdî AKA Frank Baker in da house

Seriously though, I think the poster you are replying to is dumb as shit, but aren't you essentializing race in just the same way as he is? You draw lines in the sand over superficial signifiers and tie that to the level of melanin in their skin and implicitly justify a racial hierarchy in your country that shouldn't exist and doesn't exist in nearly every other developed country in the world. Value judgements about "black culture" are arbitrary, because the fundamental issue is lack of autonomy, social mobility, and self sufficiency.

>> No.15491881

how did a nigger find its way onto /lit/?

>> No.15491894

>better position for the long term
yeah but the birth rates tho, is something going to replace the working population soon?
lets see what russia does that the west hasn't done already

>> No.15491907

>yeah but the birth rates tho, is something going to replace the working population soon?
In the West, they're just importing immigrants which has its own host of problems. Birthrates are low across the entire industrial world. The very fact Putin is actually looking into ways to fix it is exactly what I'm talking about. Hungary has done the same thing under Orban and it's worked. Meanwhile, Western elites are just replacing their working population.

>> No.15491909
File: 20 KB, 581x439, 1590758475225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are ignorant of reality.
You have been manipulated.
You have been indoctrinated.

You people tend to celebrate your ignorance.

>> No.15491918

>one thing is bad so we can't worry about another problem
Retard alert

>> No.15491925

>george floyd

>> No.15491929

One thing is near identical to the problem you profess but satistically 2500x more significant.

Yes, you are indoctrinating.

I think today will be the last day I try to reason with half-wits. You can't understand the arguments. You have no understanding of the system you're in. And your concept of truth is a social expression, not a logical one.

>> No.15491932

orban improved the birth rate by .3 in the last decade, which is better than immigrants i guess. let's hope robots take over jobs noone wants so there isn't much need for immigrants in the future

>> No.15491937

Leftists have been bemoaning the state of healthcare in America for decades bro

>> No.15491950

A fanastically illegitmate attempt at a dodge.

Find me a single mainstream voice that says we need to increasing punishments for doctors/nurses who maliciously or negligently kill people.

It's literally the 2nd/3rd leading causing of death in the USA. Surely someone would be talking about this since society is so logical and rational.

>> No.15491951

I have a way more complete understanding of Liberal Capitalism in America than you do. I don't have any illusions about black crime or police shootings in America, it's just a mid-wit move to compare one particular phenomenon to a completely unrelated one and then claim there's no problem with the first because the second is more widespread. Several million Americans died in 2001 most of which were from old age and obesity, which means 9/11 only comprised about .0015% of the deaths that year. Does that mean that 9/11 wasn't a big deal?

>> No.15492001

Shame that doesn't stop the brain drain.

>> No.15492012

>increasing punishments for doctors/nurses who maliciously or negligently kill people.

What does increased punishments have to do with anything? And again, leftists are always talking about how capitalism has fucked the healthcare system. American healthcare is a joke to every other western nation outside of America. An overhaul of the system would potentially mean less undertrained staff and malfunctioning computers so medical malpractice is less likely to occur.

>> No.15492015

What is the October Revolution 1917 for 200, please
I'm not saying it actually made their lives better, but women did believe it did and that's what matters

>> No.15492021

>It's literally the 2nd/3rd leading causing of death in the USA
no its not

>> No.15492022

>Does that mean that 9/11 wasn't a big deal?
Not the guy you're responding to, but it really wasn't.
Contextualize it with US foreign policy in the Islamic World and it's a tiny reaction to far harsher injustices. Not only that, but the US is a republic that prides itself on having a government by the people for the people, they should be able to shoulder one small act of wartime retaliation stoically as warriors. Instead they chimped out on Iraq, murdered hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians, opened torture prisons, and completely undermined basic liberties of every single American citizen. All because a couple flashy explosions triggered the sub-rational response mechanisms in their mind and they let their corrupt leaders string them along on the looting of a regime they'd originally helped put into power.
American's valourizing 9/11 as anything but the inevitable consequence to their foreign policy, seeing the necessary sacrifices of Empire building as an existential threat, was a bitch move on their part. Every year Americans cry about 9/11 and every year I think they are a bunch of soft cunts. Can't imagine what an actual war taking place on US soil would look like.

>> No.15492031

oh god all these edgy teens need to be banned. school shut down and now every 15 year old who read a synopsis of Howard Zinn has to go on 4chan and give me hot takes on geopolitics

>> No.15492032

>but it really wasn't.
Stopped reading right there, it was the deadliest terror attack in human history and as deadly as the attack that drew America into WWII. Hardly an insignificant event, even at a global scale.

>> No.15492044

You're too stupid to understand

Heart disease: 650,000
Cancer: 500,000
Medical malpractice: 250,000
Accidental injury: 170,000
Police malpractice: 50

You are indoctrinated.
You are brainwashed.

>> No.15492050

>The only true opposition to all aspects of the French Revolution would be return to absolute monarchy
And most religious worldviews

>> No.15492053

>all these edgy teens need to be banned
That's most of the population of /lit/. Just delete the board.

>> No.15492056

> a racial hierarchy in your country that shouldn't exist and doesn't exist in nearly every other developed country in the world.
Well, I don't and I'm not american. My point was to mock the standpoint of the previous poster by subverting it. But I seriously think that unwillingness of black people to participate in "white culture" (be it philosophy or literature or whatever that is) isn't a sign of inferiority. For example, if I'm not willing to participate in anglophone culture of analytic philosophy, does it make me inferior?

>> No.15492058

>You're too stupid to understand

I accept your concession. Next time actually read the details behind the graph instead of just posting the graph and assuming everyone wants to fix problems by increasing punishments for wrongdoers.

>> No.15492059

>other thing worse so don't worry about anything else
You're still a retard.

>> No.15492060

"Terror attack" is a meaningless buzzword. What do you think the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were about? Striking terror into the enemy of course, and they killed millions in the process.
It wasn't a global event, it was an American one. First time America dealt with an actual enemy at their gates, an attack within their own borders, and they responded by gutting civil liberties, torturing and raping innocent people in retaliation, and developing a permanent paranoia complex against anyone vaguely middle eastern. The reaction to 9/11 was a big deal, but it only showed what a bunch of ignoble gutless mutts Americans are.

Keep crying yank. I actually dropped out of school years ago and I've been posting here daily for the last six months at least. Never read Howard Zinn either.

>> No.15492062

>For example, if I'm not willing to participate in anglophone culture of analytic philosophy, does it make me inferior?

>> No.15492063

Welcome newfag

>> No.15492064

Sure, but only Islamism is still relevant in that respect and only in one part of the world.

>> No.15492066

This is funny.

>> No.15492067

>"Terror attack" is a meaningless buzzword.
>I'm going to claim a well recognized definition is a buzzword because I'm a gay nigger faggot
Please commit suicide and never post here again

>> No.15492068

Your arguments suck dick, nigger. Saudi Arabia was the one to do 9/11. 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudi and other Sunni radicals. If America razed Saudi Arabia to the ground instead of Iraq, then that would have been great.

Note, it's possible Israel contracted Saudis to do 9/11, but there is more like a lot of circumstantial evidence pointing in that direction.

>> No.15492072

It's not only a race thing but also a class thing. Economic elites profit of your racism as it diverts your hate from those elites (who are NOT only Jewish or whatever) to your potential colleges.

If you don't think so your most likely a small house owner who fears for his status but let me assure you... You shouldn't have anything to worry about, the real price lies much higher.

>> No.15492074

>Yeah more than 20 years ago lmao.
From a historical perspective, that wasn't that long ago. We're still experiencing repercussions of these two wars up to this day. In fact, our goverment is so afraid of separatist movements that it makes large donations to the peripheral regions just so they wouldn't fall off.

>> No.15492076

>But I seriously think that unwillingness of black people to participate in "white culture" (be it philosophy or literature or whatever that is) isn't a sign of inferiority.
It is though. For one thing what's being rejected is the fruits of thousands of years of urbanized civilization, arts and sciences that were preserved in the face of wars, genocides, and outright collapse of the global order several times over by people of every ethnicity and religious persuasion because of the innate quality of the work itself.
Liberals who try to paint the whole of civilization as "white people shit" are just as racist and pea-brained as the straw-men conservatives they are fighting against.
>For example, if I'm not willing to participate in anglophone culture of analytic philosophy, does it make me inferior?
It obviously does. Much of the technology you use was developed from analytic philosophy, including the computer or phone you are posting from. If you think you're somehow above "participating" in it because you're simply too stupid to read a book about the subject, then you're objectively a dumbass.
Just like someone who refuses to listen to jazz music because it's "just black people making noise" is objectively a dumbass.

>> No.15492077

no one cares about class in 2020. it's far too subtle and nuanced for the average twittertard. in fact if you started talking about class i would be willing to bet that you would be accused of diverting attention or "not seeing colour"

>> No.15492078

Yeah I know about the bribery arrangements with the Chechens. My point is that the situation is on a stable trajectory, Russia is moving away from crisis and the West towards it.

>> No.15492082

Who's Mandela again? Who's Malcolm X?

>> No.15492083

Any books about this phenomenon?

>> No.15492084

>t. analyitic brainlet
Can't say I couldn't predict it.

>> No.15492085

>you would be accused of diverting attention or "not seeing colour"
Yes because that's subversion by liberalism of anti-capitalism. Class is very relevant in 2020, it's just the 'socialist' movements of the West are too controlled to do anything about it. People understand the concept of the haves and the have nots, and how people with money control the country. It's very simple to understand.

>> No.15492091
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>Russia is a coherent nation state with competent leadership that's consistently bettering the average citizen.

>> No.15492101
File: 44 KB, 640x639, 90's Russia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just facts you stupid nigger

>> No.15492117

Yes, the MLK riots all happened roughly the same week when he was assassinated, but George Floyd does not nearly have the same credentials of a civil rights idol as MLK. Whenever there is an incident white-on-black or police brutality against some black nobody that gets national coverage, the ensuing protests and riots have always been self-contained in city where the incident happened. That is not the case here. Hell, you didn't see blacks and white liberals rioting in multiple cities for Ahmaud Arbery getting killed, and that happened a couple weeks ago. Why now?

>> No.15492123

>For one thing what's being rejected is the fruits of thousands of years of urbanized civilization, arts and sciences that were preserved in the face of wars
It is of high value only because you place that value upon it. You are willing to save it only because it is a collection of signs portraying your culture and history. It means nothing for someone outside your civilization. Imagine an alien race far more superior than ours. Would you care for their culture and technology and abandon yours as inferior? If the only thing you have saved from your burning house is your lifetime collection of coffee mugs, it doesn't necessarily mean that this collection is of high importance for all mankind. And that is my point. Your superiority/inferiority judgements are utterly arbitrary.
>Much of the technology you use was developed from analytic philosophy,
Lol what? Has nothing to do with analytic philosophy which isn't equal to science.
>If you think you're somehow above "participating" in it because you're simply too stupid to read a book about the subject, then you're objectively a dumbass.
I don't wish to participate because I don't find it compelling. That's all. Not everybody wants to be a scientist. And there are black scientists.
>Just like someone who refuses to listen to jazz music because it's "just black people making noise" is objectively a dumbass
That's not my point at all. I never said that analytic philosophy is dumb. It just doesn't suit me.

>> No.15492128

Massive financial crisis plus catharsis after everyone has been locked inside for months on end.
People who think this is about George Floyd are deluding themselves. This is about the economy suddenly grinding to a stop after years of unprecedented growth. The US government offers nothing to it's citizens, so now that many of them are facing starvation, homelessness, etc. of course they will turn to rioting and looting.
Doesn't help that many of them have been told for the last 4 years that they are literally living in a fascist state ran by a literal nazi.
I hope things get worse. America should burn to the ground.

>> No.15492130

There is no crime in communist state.

>> No.15492142
File: 84 KB, 604x339, Dugin laser eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hope things get worse. America should burn to the ground.
Based and Duginpilled

>> No.15492145

Where is the Avantgarde? Where are the hot takes besides those looters are bad, those looters are black (which most certainly they are but also are not) and the police will shut it down. Anyone in favor?
Has anyone been out there and voiced his opinion? Or are they not posting because they were protesting for a better world?

>> No.15492190

Obviously, men capable of looting do not browse /lit/.

>> No.15492191

>It is of high value only because you place that value upon it.
No, it is because God has endowed humans with an innate sense of beauty and truth and the ability to recognize such things and appreciate them. Even animals have aesthetic sense and the capacity to appreciate beauty. Don't deny the perception of your heart simply because it's not immediately explainable by your mind.
>You are willing to save it only because it is a collection of signs portraying your culture and history
It's not "my culture and history" though. You know nothing about me, but whats more important is that no single culture or civilization can lay claim to the great works of humanity. It's been thousands of years since the Xenophon first put his journey to parchment, his entire race, language, religion, and culture has disappeared from the face of the earth. I appreciate his writing regardless because he was a human being who thought broadly and felt deeply and from one man to another I can recognize a kindred spirit. Same sense when I read Persian works, despite Persia and Greece being mortal enemies for a time. Are you incapable of appreciating jazz or anime or chess because they were not created by someone identical to you? Don't be a disingenuous retard.
>Imagine an alien race far more superior than ours. Would you care for their culture and technology and abandon yours as inferior?
I'd abandon what was inferior and adopt what was superior, and I would feel no shame in doing so. I've adopted many customs entirely alien to my own because I trust my own God given ability of discernment to chose the good over the bad and the beautiful over the ugly. Maybe you can argue that such a way of thinking is itself a tradition, but I am still willing to defend such a tradition on it's objective merits and would never make an appeal to any kind of authority beyond the ability of my own soul to recognize beauty and truth.
>If the only thing you have saved from your burning house is your lifetime collection of coffee mugs, it doesn't necessarily mean that this collection is of high importance for all mankind
If the same book is saved over and over and over again, for generations, often painstakingly copied out by hand with people risking their lives to preserve such manuscripts, then that might be a better indication.
>And there are black scientists
I don't think you're responding to the person you think you're responding to.

>> No.15492203

You can read Pynchon’s take on the Watts riots: https://archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.com/books/97/05/18/reviews/pynchon-watts.html?

Feels like it’s pretty relevant

>> No.15492229


The opinions you desire can be seen by watching the livestreams. Just wait for the negro prostitutes with their tranny friend to talk about how "they burn this shit down". It's about as avant-garde as povert.

You'll also find many leftists who are oddly driven by their sexual cuckoldry >>15492190, modifying their politics to conform to this sexual drive.

>> No.15492247

You must have godawful taste in music.

>> No.15492255

>I am musically illiterate

We can tell

>> No.15492256

It wont happen though. Not in the 'imperial core'.
Is the book actually good?

>> No.15492263

>improvisation over relatively simple repeating chord changes

Literally no other genre has more complex chord progressions. Damn it I came to this board from /mu/ because /mu/ was low iq, don't tell me this board is full of retarded racists too

(For the people who are going to undoubtedly going to say classical music has more complex chord progressions, this is not true. Classical music has more complex horizontal harmony but less complex vertical harmony)

>> No.15492287

>No, it is because God has endowed humans with an innate sense of beauty and truth
>Even animals have aesthetic sense and the capacity to appreciate beauty.
>Don't deny the perception of your heart simply because it's not immediately explainable by your mind.
That is a lot of assumptions that would make any analytic philosopher cringe. Also, 'beauty' and 'truth' are subjective. What is true and beautiful in one culture may be deemed false and ugly in another.
Your statements are based on the assumption that beauty and truth are discovered as they are and aren't interpreted. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder as much as truth is in the mind of the thinker. There is simply no evidence to assume that there are universal values that are true in all possible worlds. You find texts so valueable only because your whole civilization is logocentric. In other cultures which aren't logocentric there exist other values. A Zen monk would laugh at your petty concern for conserving scriptures.
>I'd abandon what was inferior and adopt what was superior
Then why wouldn't you abandon Xenophon? His works are not historically accurate by today's standards. And I'm not even mentioning Herodotus’s Histrory, which is full of fables and hearsay. Maybe there is something else which makes you to hold these authors so aloft?

>> No.15492293

Three or four word arguments that completely destroy all criticisms.

"socialism also failed"

"communism failed harder"

"the best we have"

"provide an alternative"

"look at africa"

>> No.15492381

The only difference between South Africa and USA is that South Africa is 74% black and USA is 12% black

>> No.15492386

Mass unemployment and discontent with the government causes riots. Thats why you see all the young white liberals angry. They are angry at Trump because they dont have a job anymore

>> No.15492392

It’s anger for the sake of anger. You think all these leftists give a fuck? Their entire ideology is based around performance and rebellion. They hijack every protest just to instigate rioting despite being bourgeois white liberals who aren’t getting shot by the police. Now the culture can frame this as a rebellion and progressive leftism will become infinitely popular on social media. The perfect storm of Wokeness

>> No.15492410

only respectable answer

>> No.15492419

Their ideology leads them to be angry. As far as they know, cops kill blacks. The truth is these blacks are violent thugs that in every case violently resist arrest, necessitating "police brutality" against them. Blacks kill thousands of blacks every year, half the deaths in America, despite being 12% of the population

But such opinions are racist, so the white liberals are completely cowed by the thugs

>> No.15492427

Death metal is generally more complex than jazz.

>> No.15492428
File: 18 KB, 640x273, war-and-peace_05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Andrei Tarkovsky's films slow and pretentious,
They are. He's a meme, there are far better Russian director like Sergey Bondarchuk.

>> No.15492432

> What is true and beautiful in one culture may be deemed false and ugly in another.
Provide a single example of this. You also make a lot of false assumptions about me.

>A Zen monk would laugh at your petty concern for conserving scriptures
I've known Zen monks before and we've never had problems finding common ground. In fact, the Noble Eightfold Path is functionally very similar to the five pillars of Islam, almost as though both are appealing to a innate truth in the hearts of man.

>Then why wouldn't you abandon Xenophon?
Have you read Anabasis? It's not a matter of historical accuracy, it's a matter of being a fantastic story. I don't hold his work more aloft than some of the great anime series I've seen either, which by the way were created by Japanese people living in a vastly different culture than my own.

It seems like you're set on racializing arts and culture through pure nihilism. Nothing is important or valuable, therefore every race needs to create its own subjective values. Don't you see what a terrible ideology this is? Racist, divisive, and undermines all concepts of human goodness, beauty, justice, truth, etc. In reality, people are capable of recognizing beauty and every human culture may vary but it all expresses the same basic feelings, aspirations, desires, fears, struggles, and so on. You seem to want to paint me as an ethno-supremacist, but all I'm doing is pointing out that stories, artwork, myth, music, etc. does not exist in a vacuum but necessarily appeals to the human condition.

Let me make some assumptions about you now, you speak one language. You have not traveled very much. You consume too much twitter media. You haven't interacted substantially with people outside your ethnicity. Your opinions are mostly nihilistic, yet somehow your radical nihilism doesn't cause you to have beliefs that would make you unpopular among trendy leftist types. Am I ticking any boxes?

>> No.15492434

Wow screaming about Satan is so complex........

>> No.15492439

>five pillars of Islam
Pilgrimage to Mecca, alms-giving, five prayers a day, monotheism and fasting on Ramadan? What does it have to do with Zen?

>> No.15492447

Go listen to your mumble rap radio you smug ignoramus. Death metal is rarely about Satan. While their lyrics don't touch upon deep subjects, I think we were talking about musical complexity, not poetry. Atheist and Cynic have complex riffs, and relatively insightful lyrics.
Early Entombed, Death and Dismember did for music more than any jazz singer did. Even though their lyrics aren't that insightful, they go with the tunes.

>> No.15492471

Music is a form of human expression barely above taking photos of your bowel movement.

"Artist" is a name for someone who failed in real intellectual pursuits and now instead engages in nonsense made to encourage idiots to like them

>> No.15492472

Shahada is affirming right view/intention.
Prayer is Mindfulness and Samadhi.
Fasting encourages mindfulness, chastity, and good conduct.
Zakat allows for the purification of wealth, so it is right livelihood.
Pilgrimage is obviously unique to Islam, but many Zen monks do become pilgrims in their life.

>> No.15492479

I haven't heard a single metal song that wasn't just adrenaline pumping noise.

>> No.15492528

>Provide a single example of this.
Homoerotisism (especially for boys) in Ancient Greece. Also kalokagathos — a concept that is difficult to understand for a modern mind. Try to read about ancient or foreign cultures and you will find numerous examples of this.
>I've known Zen monks before and we've never had problems finding common ground.
Why woudln't you ask them about their scriptures and their attitude towards them?
>It seems like you're set on racializing arts and culture through pure nihilism
'Nothing's holy in this world of void'. If you take this statement as nihilism, that it well as may be. Nothing is neither beautiful nor good in itself, 'but thinking makes it so'. And it's great. It means that beautiful things such as art exist only insofar as people care about them. Without human care these things are nothing, just a heap of useless matter. The fact that only my thinking and my taste makes something beautiful and good is actually quite invigorating.
Why else would you strive to preserve your scriptures if it wasn't for an implicit fear that all things have no value in themselves? If Xenophon is such a brilliant author then why not all people consider him as such? Why not all people are in awe of anime? If things have intrinsic value (which they don't) then there is no fear of some barbarian destroying it, as he would find them as compelling as you do, wouldn't he?
>Let me make some assumptions about you now
What an awful ad hominem.
I speak three languages. I don't like to travel. I have no twitter account. I live in a country with many ethnicities intertwined, but I don't consider them foreign. I have no interest in politics whatsoever.

>> No.15492570

>Homoerotisism (especially for boys) in Ancient Greece
Just because moderns moralized away the aesthetic beauty of young boys doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Blind people cannot see, but I am still aware of the visible world around me.
>Why else would you strive to preserve your scriptures if it wasn't for an implicit fear that all things have no value in themselves? If Xenophon is such a brilliant author then why not all people consider him as such? Why not all people are in awe of anime? If things have intrinsic value (which they don't) then there is no fear of some barbarian destroying it, as he would find them as compelling as you do, wouldn't he?
I haven't striven to preserve anything. I'll I've pointed out is that these texts were preserved by many different cultures over the two thousand plus years that they've existed, and that so much care would not have been taken to preserve them if they did not speak to something universal in the human condition.
The idea that Greek texts, or religious scripture, or any art or science is "white culture" is extremely racist. The arts and sciences have been preserved from generation to generation by the collective efforts of countless ethnicities, religions, and so on. Many of them represent a level of human achievement that only comes about every couple of generations, and to try to stick them all in the same box and declare it worthless is the height of nihilism.

>> No.15492618

> the aesthetic beauty
Beauty doesn't exist without the eye savouring it. Why is it such a difficult concept for you to grasp?
>did not speak to something universal in the human condition.
So it is a text worthy only for humans and only for the particular kind of humans which is numerous, yes, but not universal. There are people who would and indeed did commit classical texts to fire and prohibited them (see Index Librorum Prohibitorum). And maybe in the future all these texts will be purposefully forgotten — at least it's possible. So the survival of classical and canonized texts is up to mere chance and willingness. Which proves the arbitrary nature of their value.
>Greek texts, or religious scripture, or any art or science is "white culture" is extremely racist.
Philosophy, science and many forms of art as we know them today are are products of western civilization. But why should a person of other civilization participate in it? Why not participating in it makes him inferior? That is racist. A black person may or may not participate in western culture, but he has no moral obligation to do so. It's simply not his. You can't call a non-western person inferior just because he doesn't read Kant. Well, lots of people on this site haven't read him neither despite being white.
> Many of them represent a level of human achievement that only comes about every couple of generations, and to try to stick them all in the same box and declare it worthless is the height of nihilism.
It is worthless if I deem it worthless and even then it will be worthless only for me. Worth is a concept of r e l a t i o n. By itself, it is neither worthful nor worthless, it's just nothing.

>> No.15492771
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You seriously need to be killed. You're not even conscious. You're demonically possessed. Guys.. I think I'm actually a nazi now. At first I just wanted to deport degenerates. Now I know they need to be put down for their own sake. KYS

>> No.15492780

implying people arent just bored and poor because of quarantine, and looking for a reason to do this. most of /pol/ and any non-strict mainstream media was suggesting the pot was boiling weeks ago.

>> No.15492867

>I haven't heard a single metal song

>> No.15492972 [DELETED] 

You haven’t heard a lot of metal then. Metal is unironically closer to classical music than any other genre by structure.

>> No.15493051
File: 33 KB, 640x360, bossolmos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely based brother.

>> No.15493072

If they don't want to participate in Western culture then why won't they just go back to wherever they came from?

>> No.15493076

You never knew to begin with.

>> No.15493546

>want to end
They don't wand it to end. Hell, I don't.

As if yours isn't also based around anger. /pol/fags are just SJWs now, addicted to obsessing over a constant stream of outrage. You're as bad as the average Tumblr liberal.

>> No.15493552

>Blaming Liberalism
Just quit living in the US and blaming anyone but yourself you morons.
Everywhere and everyone else is doing great

>> No.15493559

If you actually believe this, I genuinely feel sorry for you

>> No.15493569

Because of history you utter fucking retard. Half of them were brought over before now as slaves, the rest are being imported now as cheap labor to serve the interests of globalization. They have as much right to be here as anyone else. Why don't you go back to whatever shithole your ancestors crawled out of?

Could all /pol/fags please just fucking leave, until you've actually bothered to read a history book or comprehend vaguely how the world works outside of mommies basement? There should be a script that the Jannies run, and if your IP address has been used to access /pol/ you just get autobanned from every other board.

>> No.15493578

Re: the book, there have been a couple dozen books attempting to explain the decline of liberal institutions, Western-style democracy, and other major norms in light of Trump's election. This one is easily the best imo.

>> No.15493609

Don't care didn't read plus he's white

>> No.15493822

Boomers had certainty? Uh, hello cold war department? That was like the definition of global uncertainty.

>> No.15493830

Unimpressive bait, but I've seen a lot worse these days I guess

>> No.15493844

Much of the Cold War was spectacle.

It didn't really affect the lives of the average American civilian (emphasis on civilian since the Vietnam War and other foreign interventions were an exception) at all except allowing turbo-capitalism to continue unchallenged, since any challenges could easily be dismissed as communism.

>> No.15493848


It can't be helped that even in the most barbaric form of anarchy we resort to blatant consumerism in rioting. They are simply feeding into the system that they hate so much. That is the subduing going on because if you really want change, and the will of the people have chosen the way of violence and anarchy, then looting some stores and calling it a day will not work. It will need a serious coup-d'etat for a real revolution in neoliberalism.

>> No.15493871

Can anyone give me a tldr of this book? Does this advocate for more wokeness and prog politics?

>> No.15493903

>America should burn to the ground

>> No.15493927

Police have to much retarded pride, they should just strike.

>> No.15493943

>pleeeeease jannies ban everyone I don't like forever I can't stand it anymore pleeeeease
kinda cringe dude

>> No.15494160

i wish we lived an older era of advertising where target would run ads that were like "people are rioting for our low prices"

>> No.15494181

cold war strategic concerns drove most post war developments. the highway system, suburban expansion, even the internet are all originally meant as defense against the russians and/or passive nuclear deterrent. even the national security apparatus is predicated on maintaining continuity of government no matter what. the interstate system absolutely would never have been built if there had been no soviet union

>> No.15494258

same bromides you can read in any op-ed today just better written. and of course like all outrage pieces it starts at the exact moment something bad happens with little to no context of what led to the police interaction in the first place

>> No.15494266

minneapolis blaming the looting on white supremacists is pretty creative as far as avant-garde goes

>> No.15494278

It failed? Seems to be quite alive and kicking to me.
>Mass riots happening outside
How much are these riots going hurt large companies? This shit will simple be used as an excuse by the republican types to further gear up police and keep peope in line, and as an excuse by democrat types to use blacks as a bludgeon against the current racial majority in the country.
>Economic inequality
When was liberalism against this? Natually the free flow of money will result in those serving Capitals interests better being rich than those who dont
>Zero trust in government institutions
The whole point of liberalism is to diffuse responsibility to minimize a few individuals having power and maybe serve interests other than that of Capital. Liberalism thrives if people undermine any openly existing authorities.
>Progressivism exploding in popularity
Only approved progressiveness. How successfully has the left been in actually supporting workers? How successful have they been on boycott Israel? Even the healthcare they fought for just turned into shitshow
>Social atomization and anger
Atomization. A sign of liberalism failing. What?

>> No.15494285

ahmed arbery was just two weeks ago in the news cycle. we're on our third major racebaiting top story in 14 days, fourth if you count the biden gaff (which i'm sure plays no small part in all this)

>> No.15494324

Fair points, and I would add the Space Race to that list. But the Cold War merely accelerated these advancements. I disagree there would never be an interstate highway system by 2020 if not for the USSR. Would it have happened later? Perhaps. Still, it took a while for most of this technology to directly impact civilian lives. When I call the Cold War spectacle, I mean things like the importance of proxy wars (the absurd domino effect idea in Vietnam) or events like the Cuban Missile Crisis that were far less pivotal than people make them out to be - aka there was almost no chance of nuclear war at any point once MAD came into play. The Cold War spectacle was used to justify and subtly pull off covert ops meant to undermine countries that weren't friendly to capitalism.

>> No.15494359


Oligarchic corporate-socialism. I can't wait.

>> No.15494371

>Omar in my mosque, kind hearted man with a great big smile, black as coal, has a great many sutras memorized by heart. Have had many great discussions of al-Flaton, Ibn Arabi, Guneon, Augustine of Hippo, and so on with him. He has a doctorate in Eastern philosophy from his home country.

>> No.15494558

There used to be more willing participants in white culture, but jealous racism by white hicks against successful blacks did its best to nip that one in the bud

>> No.15494786

He's Ukrainian.

>> No.15494852

Try me faggot, you're just a retard who lacks any reading comprehension

>> No.15494871

Doesn't sound very 'African-American' to me. We're talking about people of west african stock

>> No.15494935
File: 29 KB, 500x490, main-qimg-3f6c2161116c2bad6ab81b31cad8f9b1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You draw lines in the sand over superficial signifiers
Please look at a PCA of autosomal DNA plots. Autosomal DNA covers one's entire genome via grandparents. Most PCA plots covering all races looks like this.

>> No.15495507


>> No.15495796

There's nothing stopping them from coming back, faggot. Remember Liberia?

>> No.15495876

i don´t know, for me it´s a foreshadow that in the near future the U.S will be balkanized and the new civil war it´s going to be something similar to what happened with the Yugoslav Wars and the Spanish Civil war all rolled into one,

>> No.15495887

When do you predict the civil war?

>> No.15495900

during the reagan years we started up nuclear brinksmanship again with SDI and winnable nuclear exchange planning (not to mention REX 84 and able archer 83). you can argue convincingly that much of it was bluff (i think so myself) but the fact of the matter is that during reagan's first time relations with the soviets got as tense as they'd ever been since the cuban missile crisis, a big reason why the russians shot down the korean air flight

>> No.15495905

i don´t know but i´m certain it will happen unless there´s a coup and the new government takes a hardline approach to destroy any dissidents

it´s pure speculation, i can´t predict it, it´s just a theory that i have

>> No.15495909

>you never saw riots cropping up in several cities at the same time until now
What causes this kind of amnesia?

>> No.15495918

>You men have run the world for too long and look what it's gotten us.

blame the anglo mindset, enemy of the western civilization

>> No.15495937
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>and the President refuses to crush the riots, instead, he prefers to retweet Black Women for Trump.

>> No.15495966

patchwork? what about international intervention?

>> No.15496013


>> No.15496190

>someone is only intelligent if they agree with only what I agree with

When this is all over please socialize more anon...and no discord doesn’t count as socializing