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File: 230 KB, 1000x588, bap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15489750 No.15489750 [Reply] [Original]

Why is he against the riots? What happened to being a bronze age pirate? When the almost quite literal Bronze Age People living amongst us start burning cities down, how is that not Bronze Age Mindset?

>> No.15489755

>W-wait not l-like that...

>> No.15489774

I dont get this bronze age pervert shit

>> No.15489784

He's the right wing version of a radlib.

>> No.15489789

BAP just spams threads about himself so that he can sell copies of his shitty book to right wing retards. ignore and hide these threads.

>> No.15489794

Ancient men went to the SYMPOSIUM with their “bf” and enjoyed tasteful sophistry.. THEY WERE GAY!!

>> No.15489828

who is that?

>> No.15489846

All of these dickheads who fetishize the conquest and war wouldn't last 5 minutes on a battlefield in any era.

>> No.15489892

Why have we never seen an actual photo of this guy? He must score low on the physiognomy check.

>> No.15489942
File: 24 KB, 700x154, basedbot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No yet all his fans make fun of kantbot, an actual oldfag. All of his followers spam his detractors "post fizeek" yet we've never seen any proof that BAP even lifts

>> No.15489945

Only goes for show that these "revolt agains the modern world" imbeciles are little more than friendship deprived directionless people who really just needed an internet man cave to feel good about themselves. People are activelly revolting and their burgeois sensibilities are hurt, mostly because the rioters don't identify with their twitter bubble and aren't "beavitfvl strong white men".
They are the counterpart to white liberals who'd shiver at the thought of taking a weapon and actually fighting for the revolution. These last events really showed the insane levels of larping these people are willing to go through just to believe they are somehow different and to fill their lives with meaning.

>> No.15489952

Yeah these people talk about chimping out and "shut down the power; give every man a sword" yet when the riots actually start, they start simping for neoliberalism and Target stores

>> No.15489959

>All I’m saying is, white people would never destroy properties that were owned by banks. I wanna revolt against the modern world as much as the next guy, but I mean, who’s gonna pay for that? *scoffs* Insurance companies? Do you know how thin the margins are for those guys

>> No.15489960

Kantbot acts like an actual redditor

>> No.15489973

kinda cringe and larp, evola wrote it better

>> No.15489974

No that would be BAPtards who in essence are just basic self improvers with no actual solution to modernity. It's all LARPing as we wuz bronze age pirates n shiet and no different from some basedboy pretending he's ironman

>> No.15489985

Ol' Kantyboy is an oldfag unlike (you)

>> No.15489991

The bourgeois are all over twitter larping about how much they love the riots. You can't revolt against a state that doesn't even bother to quell your riots. It's practically a fucking state-endorsed carnival, that will be cleaned up by taxes paid by actually productive people.

>> No.15489997

>W-wait n-no but how am I gonna get my protein powder now? Nooooo not the Target!

>> No.15490003

I don't disagree that there is some controlled opposition within the riots but the riots show that there is a spirit to revolt

>> No.15490005

I don't care about BAP, who from the small amount of Ive seen of him is likely just a homosexual. Kantbot offers up these ebin zany takes that carefully don't actually cross any taboos and replies to any disagreement with childish memes.

>> No.15490014

I'm not debating that. It's true that a big part of the people supporting the riots do not have any revolutionary worldview and are rather just having fun and feeling cathartic over the spectacle. But it's also true anybody who understands or feels like this society is rotten to the core should not be shrivelling back at the thought of destroying it with force, at least partially. At the very least, you can see it in under an accelerationist POV.
This world clearly won't change through a bunch of musclemen who larped hard enough in gym while displaying their bodies online.

>> No.15490023

The riots aren't truly revolutionary, and are bourgeois in nature, but that doesn't make most the opposition to them anti-bourgeois either.

>> No.15490029

Because these riots have a shit ton of glowies retard

besides you never glorify any actual violent event in the zeitgeist if you don't want glowies breathing down your neck

>> No.15490076
File: 501 KB, 1216x1600, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin Portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>besides you never glorify any actual violent event in the zeitgeist if you don't want glowies breathing down your neck
Revolutionaries always have secret police on their asses, if they don't, they're not revolutionaries.

>> No.15490084

>thinking lumpenprole riot of the week is revolutionary

>> No.15490094

They also usually have glowie support too (like the Bolsheviks), much different if you're going against the glowies alone

I doubt there are many CIA fags supporting BAPtards. Only FSB could maybe support them, but BAP is too small for that

>> No.15490125

Does anyone actually have a clue what the CIA get up to? Even the FBI is not exactly transparent though we do know more about them.

>> No.15490179

The Bolsheviks never had significant state support, even the sealed train was very controversial in Germany. Support was largely within the Russian emigrate community.

>> No.15490190

Low rent bullshit. Just read mein kampf, Spengler, and Evola

>> No.15490207

Read the Young Stalin. I don't subscribe to the Stalin was an Okhana/Tsarist Secret Agent theory, but there were several Tsarist Agents who supported Bolsheviks and not just because they were bribed. Let alone all the Russian oligarchs who supported them, but I'll concede those people aren't glowies.

>> No.15490208

>mein kampf, Spengler, and Evola
3 completely irreconcilable views lol

>> No.15490236

Because the rioters don't want to be free. They want the iron prison to undergo slight alterations. They aren't spiritual pirates.

>> No.15490238


Bronze Age Mindset people also think that animals believe in God.

Let that sink in for a moment.

>> No.15490243

Spengler would kill him self being mentioned next to mein Kampf

>> No.15490265
File: 80 KB, 750x215, 5D423138-00BE-4D1A-9A15-04EF208A1CFC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let that sink in for a moment.

>> No.15490272

Wrong picture, meant to post a onions face

>> No.15490291

he's just a white supremacist that dresses his bigotry up with "le epic suntan bodybuilder" bullshit, pay no heed to this charlatan.

>> No.15490293

>there were several Tsarist Agents who supported Bolsheviks and not just because they were bribed.
Lol those guys were double agents, much like informants in today's radical movements.

>> No.15490310

It is and I applaud it. The whole reason the /pol/-tier dissident right are such a joke is they won't burn any cities down.

This. Typical /pol/fag:
>"Might makes Right! Just accept the Ubermensch cucks! We conquered you fair and square! The White man marches on!"
< Blacks & Leftists etc burn down cities, Jews & Chinese infiltrate & covertly conquer/colonise everything
>"N..no, not like that! That's not fair! And I'm gonna whine on /pol/ & make YouTube videos about it so you know I mean business"

Pathetic. Anyone else would have at least formed some dirt of ethnic Mafia by now & be trying to claw back power by any means necessary. Instead it's 99.9% retarded NEETs and a handful of heavily glowing siegfags with no real plan or ability to even organise their psycho followers.

>> No.15490332


>> No.15490358

He's really not. If you bothered to read him you'd understand that. He's more of a general elitist, which I sympathise with. Who is the "White race" I'm even supposed to care about anyway? All the fat retards at Walmart?

>D..don't ever do anything or risk anything! Anyone that ever acts is a false flag psyop glownigger!

Absolutely pathetic. Meanwhile, all the "inferior races" & the Left just go get some Molotovs & start shit. /pol/tards are such a fucking joke.

>> No.15490369

Do you honestly think these cities would let a white supremacist riot happen?

>> No.15490370
File: 48 KB, 298x416, B214D370-EF6B-43F1-8988-3E1FA239B29A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s talked about this you fucking retard. The latest nigger-communist chimpout doesn’t mean shit and will be forgotten in a month. It’s obvious this is just performative larping by antifa + blacks, if you support these riots and think they’ll change anything then you live in a bubble.

>> No.15490379

Absolutely true. You can tell his notions of the past have been conditioned by the media, yeah the Greeks were an empire of suntanned Instagram bodybuilders, dude, your spiritual home all along! Lmao. The larping is fucking pathetic. Do you know I've been reading about the "normies getting redpilled" and America being on the brink of civil war since 2016? The shoe finally drops and guess what? Nooo the glowies want you to riot stay home and knit sweaters with your /pol/ bros while watching heckin epicrino streams!!

>> No.15490380

They aren't "letting" anything happen. That's the whole point. Why do you want permission from the government to be a revolutionary?

>Inb4 false flag

Keep coping about how doing nothing, ever, is going to let your side win.

>> No.15490387

Yes they are letting it happen. They could disperse the riot in 20 minutes. They are 100% letting it happen and if you actually believe this is anything but permitted larping you're a complete tool.

>> No.15490402

Oh, he's a larp alright. But it's a hilarious larp. I get his humor & the point he tries to make. Still far, far better than stormfags that'll never act imo.

>> No.15490408

You're hallucinating if you're thinking it'd be this easy. Even if they went batshit and tried to punch everybody into going home, there's clearly more rioters, and the more you show people violence, the more they'll be prepared to respond with violence. Unless you expect the cops to literally shoot everybody in the streets (and even then I wouldn't expect anything less than a massacre for both sides), they aren't "letting" shit happen.

>> No.15490419

What happened in China in 1989 again? They are letting it happen, just like they have been for 60 years.

>> No.15490422

>t. Predictable cope
Sure yeah, the same way they could just nuke Vietnam or something? Oh wait, it's almost like everything has a political dimension as well & its not quite that simple. Maybe if you spent more time infiltrating governments & gathering the right connections in community organisations & lawyers offices you could do the same.

Oh wait, you're a bunch of autistic spergs who can't even get along with each other, hence why Lone Wolf shit is all you can ever manage.

>> No.15490426

So what's the point in always talking about attaining race conscious and rebelling against the anti-white system if your rebellion lies on this same system giving consent to it's own defeat?

>> No.15490435

They are allowed to riot because they're lapdogs for the actual state. White supremacists are not lapdogs and are barely even permitted to hold a rally

>> No.15490447

the point is in continuing to radicalize millions of white men with guns, whether civilian, military, or police.

>> No.15490451

The only possible outcome of these riots is neoliberalism with more civil rights legislation layered on top.
I don't care about Target. Thinking any of this matters is for fags.

>> No.15490455

...a massacre, exactly like I said? And even if the government decided to murder people, considering the ease with which you can get firearms in the US, I don't think the outcome would be the same. It'd very quickly escalate into civil war and the government knows it.

>> No.15490460

sauce on that guy?

>> No.15490505

Absolutely nailed it.

Still missing the point. They're the "lapdog" of a group that's been subverting the state, because thats how you do guerrilla war you utter sperg - you fight with politics and infiltration as much as anything. Go read some Lenin or Mao ffs. Again, if your side weren't complete idiots, you could have done the same by now (or at least started). It's why I find it amusing that the Left are always so worried about the "alt-right". You're actually so fucking weak & clueless it's hilarious.

>> No.15490508


>> No.15490524

You aren't subverting the state, you have been the state for decades. That's why you're allowed to riot. And it's not the Left, the state shut down OWS, niggers rioting is perfectly fine though, it's literally a stick they use.

>> No.15490530

>white men
Oh, you mean (((White men))) though don't you? Most are Zionists, they're not /yourguys/ at all. And in case you missed it, an awful lot of "inferior races" in the military now aren't there? Or are you saying you're on ZOGs side now? What a bunch of fucking larpers.

>> No.15490535

I mean not now, but historically know a lot

>> No.15490541

Information about Jews has been spreading more since the internet opened up the channels of information. These men don't even need to know that to understand that the state is directly attacking their race.

>> No.15490552

First, Might makes Right, remember? Suck a dick & cry moar. You lost, just accept defeat. Isn't that how this works for you?

Regardless, if it was complete control in the sense you mean it, the riots & spectacle wouldn't be needed now would they? Obviously, the possibility still exists for the State to be infiltrated & overthrown. But no, that's fine - literally everything is a false flag or a psyop, jews are omnipotent gods, so just do nothing goy. That'll show em, that's how a REAL revolution is fought.

>> No.15490556

>Go read some Lenin or Mao ffs
What works would you recommend.

>> No.15490560

The government is 100% allowing the noodle armed Bolshevik LARPers to have their little schizo revolution.
If they weren’t allowing it to happen, all of those people committing arson and robbery would be shot or arrested

>> No.15490561

Yeah, just keep redpilling the normies, that'll work lmao.

>> No.15490572

Whatever the outcome is, it's not going to be nice for jews and white progressives. Neither the pro-white nor the minority coalition like you at all. And it's far from over yet.

>> No.15490573

That’s not even within the realm of possibility, because there are like three dozen White supremacists in america and rioting is not something cringey Nazi fags would ever even consider doing anyway

>> No.15490577

If it didn't work the government and tech giants wouldn't be scrambling to censor it.

>> No.15490582

>Corporations Bad so if you don’t support the dissolution of private property rights you’re a hypocrite
Go dilate Tranny freak

>> No.15490587

not how it works. If they shot people the riots would go into overdrive

>> No.15490588

They aren't revolting against the modern world, though. These people (antifa and blacks and normies) LOVE the modern world. They only want it tweaked slightly.

>> No.15490594

It’s so fucking funny to watch retarded commie LARPers think they’re revolting against the establishment while being allowed to riot because its Politically beneficial to the establishment

>> No.15490598

No they wouldn't they'd stop rioting, just like they do everywhere else.

>> No.15490601

Yeah no. Once heads start exploding people would go home

>> No.15490604

>What do you think of this man's literary works?
I don’t.

>> No.15490606

that's how civil war starts

>> No.15490619


>> No.15490623

Yes, because the government has been steadily infiltrated so elements within it make it politically untenable to just crush them outright. We've established that remember? Again, that's how an actual revolution works. Nothing stops the aut-right from trying the same tactic, except their own absolute autism.

On Guerilla Warfare by Mao is the classic text to start off with. The State and Revolution by Lenin is excellent though for a historical look by a guy that was a master of it.

>> No.15490629

There are a lot of quashed riots in history and far fewer civil wars.

>> No.15490646

Yes, because you have no power & no clue how to get any. Nobody is gonna advocate for a bunch of retards that are entirely unpleasant to everyone, has no interest in alliances and has weird delusions about armies of lone wolves massacring enough random people to magically cause the State & entire international order to collapse. Welcome to reality.

>> No.15490657

Its cute that you think the civil rights paradigm of history will last forever.

>> No.15490666
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The appropriate response is to go to those protests with the ambition to understand the dynamics of social unrest and for an adrenaline rush. He should be compelling his followers to go in order to learn

I do fetishize war as a rule. It's beautiful, but I agree. Had we been born in those times though, we would have turned out differently. We're very much like a tamed animal locked away in a zoo, who due to their condition of being deprived of their wild nature remain terribly unhappy, yet paradoxically can't function in the real uncontrolled wilderness where they truly belong.

>> No.15490679

Not an argument. If you don't think a combination of mass surveillance, behavioral analysis, economic optimization algorithms and social engineering, along with a nice big boot on your face can't keep sufficient order in a Chinese-style command economy you're very optimistic. So long as people have their material needs met & the right to have gay sex or whatever, they want nothing you have on offer. Riots like this help to keep the Hegelian process moving towards that goal just fine.

>> No.15490690

Why not just read what he says? I'm not going to bother reading through his twitter to find the tweet where he says
>blacks burning down their own neighborhoods does absolutely nothing for anyone and is pure spectacle, it doesnt help white people at all, and it certainly doesnt help black people (if you care about that for some reason)
but without the articles. There are no cities being put to the sword, no raiders, no looters, you're attending the colosseum, paying for your ticket, and buying a snack and drink and then jerking off about how you're enacting REAL CHANGE by rooting for your favorite gladiator.

And then Whites started joining in, and now the System is desperately trying to cool them down because if White people get involved then it's not just the usual election year fair (this happens literally every election year) but is actual civil unrest that runs the risk of not only enacting real unplanned change but also damaging the System's profits (America is a giant scheme to suck wealth out of Whites and transfer it upwards to Jews), so it's all White Supremacists doing a racism because if Kantbot doesn't show up to McWagie's on Monday Shekelwitz won't be able to afford his 9th yacht.

>> No.15490691

It's cute that you think deluded maniacs are going to be what ends the paradigm.

>> No.15490699

>deluded maniacs
That's usually exactly who does it historically, but more to the point this system is killing itself. You will end up at the very best with a Brazil or South Africa.

>> No.15490714

>killing itself
Wait, I thought everything was part of the Jewish megaplan to erase national identity? How is that process continuing to fruition possibly "killing itself" in your head?

>> No.15490721

who is this fag? every time BAP gets brought up people keep referring this this dude

>> No.15490731

America is degenerating into another Latin american country is what I mean. Jews don't care, they have Israel, which doesn't let anyone immigrate and certainly doesn't let the arabs riot lmao.

>> No.15490733

An obese redditor, he got popular by sucking Blumpf's dick during the 2016 election, now he's a Commie so he can get Chapobux on a book he's writing (or at least, is supposed to). He got really butthurt about BAP's whole POAST FIZEEK thing because he's an obese Jew, and because the internet is SRS BSNS while BAP and his bodybuilding clown troupe do nothing but shitpost and mock him for being an fat Jewish midwit.

>> No.15490764

Ever heard of a whiff of grapeshot? Only the most desperate will keep fighting under fire

>> No.15490784

Thanks for admitting all of BAPtard's talk about "le uprising" and "turn off the power; give every man a sword" is just LARPing and angst coming from mid 20's-early 30's mediocrities

>> No.15490797

>He got really butthurt about BAP's whole POAST FIZEEK thing because he's an obese Jew, and because the internet is SRS BSNS while BAP and his bodybuilding clown troupe do nothing but shitpost and mock him for being an fat Jewish midwit.
Why doesn't BAP post his physique then? Shouldn't he practice what he preaches? Or if he does will people realize their internet daddy isn't what they seem
That's rich coming from the BAP crowd

>> No.15490804

Kantbot is an opportunistic grifting faggot. Behind anything he says or does, his directive is to get you to subscribe to his podcast.

>> No.15490814

He never said he was BAP crowd. You just outed yourself as a Kantbot subscriber. Hope you enjoy being his paypig. He literally gets fat off your $5 a month.

>> No.15490837

I don't even have his twitter. I just thought his opinion on the riot was refreshing and it was interesting to see how the BAP crowd contradicted themselves and how BAP outed himself as a fraud

>> No.15490844

Kinda like BAP with his book and his full podcast behind a paywall

>> No.15490855

BAP didn't contradict himself though. Anyone who says that didn't read his book. I don't agree with BAP on everything he says, but nothing in his book would suggest that degenerate rioting for an imaginary cause is A-OK.

>> No.15490860

> all this twitter drama in this thread
Normalfriends out. Stay on twitter. You are the people that shitpost and don't even read

>> No.15490861
File: 127 KB, 1024x1024, the weak should fear the strong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of BAP's main influences is Yukio Mishima.
Here's what based Mishima did when degenerate passions galvanized into protests:

>The Tatenokai was created on October 5, 1968, recruiting its membership primarily from the staff of Ronsō Journal, an obscure right-wing college newspaper. The private army was formed due to Mishima's alarm over the scale of left-wing protests in Tokyo and his recruitment advertisement were placed in right-wing newspapers.[1] There were around 100 original members, who were mostly students of Waseda University.[2] Along with outdoor activities, the members, who joined voluntarily, were subjected to rigorous physical training that included kendo and long-distance running.[2]

Practice what you preach, you fucking cuck.

>> No.15490865

BAP runs a solo podcast and actually has interesting thoughts and his funny. Kantbot is nothing but a figurehead. He gets big names on his podcast and just lets them do all the talking. I haven't heard his new stuff but I listened to his old podcast and that's how it was in every episode. All about the names. He's like a fat less popular Joe Rogan.

>> No.15490866

lhow is iteral Bronze Age People living amongst us start burning cities down, how is that not Bronze Age Mindset?

>> No.15490871
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I'm going to give you Krabs for that

>> No.15490872

Because le BASTE spiritual pirates want the police to save target from the barbarians, sun their balls and covertly read decline of the west

>> No.15490873
File: 370 KB, 828x901, 127418274183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Normalfriends out.
No need to be polite. Just call them faggots and niggers for shitting up this board with their teenage drama like roasties.

>> No.15490874

meant to reply to

>> No.15490881

Yes it does retard. Again, niggers are literal Bronze Age People living amongst us that are burning cities down, how is that not Bronze Age Mindset?

>> No.15490882

You don't have the vaguest idea what Decline of the West is do you

>> No.15490883

>Anyone who says that didn't read his book
Why would you expect people to read his book? Kantbot got filtered by the caveman speak, you seriously think these retards will do any better?

>> No.15490888

Ignoring the fact that niggers are in the stone age, not the bronze age? Because that's not what the Bronze Age Mindset is, you fag. Did you even read the book?

>> No.15490908

I got late to the thread but I saw Land mentioning a feud between the two, what happened? This was pre jogger chimpout though.
I miss Anya.

>> No.15490922

>If you were thrust into an era that actually demands you to be a man while coming from an era that demeans masculinity and coddles you into submission you wouldn't last!
Thanks for the insight.

>> No.15490931
File: 73 KB, 727x485, kantbot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see >>15490733
Kantbot wants to hang out with the Red Scare, Perfume Nationalist, Chapotraphouse so he can make some shekels, therefore he's trying to show off how big brain an intellectual he is. He even READS THEORY, guys! Revolution! BAP called him out for being a fat jew, so now nudist bodybuilder twitter makes fun of him.

That's really all there is to it, the dudes who got filtered by the caveman speek are making a bigger deal out of this than it really is.

>> No.15490935

e-drama expert here

>BAP hyperchad acolyte brags about banging a hot chick in twitter post
>Kantbot calls him a coomer
>rift grows between two sects of RW twitter - one side thinks that physical aesthetics are essential, the other thinks that physical aesthetics are secondary
>riots happen
>Kantbot side supports riots because "fuck the establishment
>BAP side does not support riots because they are negroid chimpouts

My opinion is that Kantbot is coping about the guy who gets pussy and overall about physical aesthetics because he's fat as shit and an incel. Re: the riots, people are saying that BAP's book indicates that he would support the riots because of some type of "revolt against the modern world" mentality

>> No.15490937

riots are doing great job of discrediting the liberal system.

The ruling class is allowing anarchy and mayhem to sweep across cities because liberalism tells them it would be racist (the ultimate sin!) to to stop them.

>> No.15490949

>Re: the riots, people are saying that BAP's book indicates that he would support the riots because of some type of "revolt against the modern world" mentality

Lol, I haven't read the book but I trust the anons saying he didn't actually meant that. And, on the other hand, this revolt is another puppet show, the hell are they talking about? lmao

>> No.15490951
File: 62 KB, 671x665, 1573768233921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Germans sacking roman cities wanted to enjoy the luxeries of Roman society as much as possible

Cities have been looted throughout histories and they took away everything they could

>> No.15490957

Ancient men spent hours everyday arguing about how boi pussy is better and more divine than actual pussy.

>> No.15490958

exactly niggers are the modern day equivalent of the germanics sacking rome. YOu think the germanics didn't want to enjoy the luxuries of rome and just rape. But /pol/cels and BAPfags will praise the germanics but deride the niggers because blax bad n shiet

>> No.15490963

>you guys should totally form an illegal organisation and do illegal things
you're glowing cia nigger

>> No.15490970

>people are saying that BAP's book indicates that he would support the riots because of some type of "revolt against the modern world" mentality
It doesn't, because it's not a revolt against the modern world. That's the point of the whole "Woah there, stop rioting, that's WHITE SUPREMACY!" thing that the Twitter Bluechecks are doing. Blacks burning down Black owned businesses that employ Blacks in Black neighborhoods does absolutely nothing to change anything. At all. At best, Trayvarius gets a new TV before he dies of Coronavirus. This happens literally every election year, and it will be forgotten about within a month.

If White people get involved, then it stops being just spectacle on the TV and starts being actual civil unrest and cause for concern (on the part of the elites). If people actually start using this to do anything productive, it stops being just something for fat nerds to jerk off about and starts being ACTUAL burning of cities in the sense of "there was a city here, now there isn't".

To put it another way, Blacks burning down Target isn't Bronze Age Mindset, but Whites burning down Citibank is.

>> No.15490973

>W-wait b-but not like that. N-no! You can't just burn target! That's not how I wanted your to revolt!

>> No.15490976

Yeah you wouldn't want to change anything now would you.

>> No.15490980

cue that picture of the leftypol guy in occupy wall street, discussing meaningful stuff with people and then femoids and proto-manginas distorted the movement with Idpol.

>> No.15490979

The reason the American Government had Malcom X killed was because the Black Separatist was the single biggest fear to them at the time. The elites fear the black man

>> No.15490981

No, Spics are. Niggers are completely and utterly incapable of civilization, without Whites they would literally starve to death in the streets.

Which is ALSO something that BAP talks about, how Mexican drug cartels are the equivalent of Germanic tribes, and that what we perceive as a glorious past was in reality very dirty, violent, and unfair, and that people should prepare that. Read the fucking book, it's not long, and it's on libgen.

>> No.15490982

Its 5 bucks...poorfags

>> No.15490983


No he doesn't.

He says animals live in "religious bliss"

The same sort of bliss you get when its holiday time. Animals live with nothing weighing on their minds, since they are just living life without a deeper state of mind to ponder things.

>> No.15490987

What are the chances that BAP is, careful with this, a good/decent fed?

>> No.15490988

BAP only says this because I guarantee he's a spic IRL who lives in Brazil. Newsflash, it's blacks who are chimping out and plundering america right now, not mexicans. The elites fear the black man which is why they had Malcom X killed. They fear solidarity between the white and black man
Hi BAP. Post fizeek

>> No.15490995


Hes like german or something. His accents is super germanic

>> No.15491007

No he even said it's a slavic accent voice modifier he uses in the podcast

>> No.15491011

Thought he was from BR.

>> No.15491016

I agree with you, I'm just explaining what Kuntbot's side is saying

>> No.15491018


Ah. Damn he might be a spic then lol.

His grammatical errors he makes in BAM doesnt fit in like with spanish speakers though.

>> No.15491020

>it's blacks who are chimping out and plundering america right now
You are legitimately retarded if you think stealing TVs from Target is "plundering America".

>They fear solidarity between the white and black man
The system has absolutely nothing to fear from Blacks, because they're happy to stay within their ghettos and are happy to get a quadrannual period of anarchy. The system is very afraid of White people getting upset and burning down banks.

>> No.15491029
File: 44 KB, 695x365, ironage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ignoring the fact that niggers are in the stone age
Wrong actually they skipped the stone age into the iron age.

>> No.15491035

isnt this the fat jewish guy that sold podcasts about how trump was actually a secret philosopher? the one who now prowls around mommy twitter telling women their white newborns are racists who deserve to die?

>> No.15491036

Riots are discrediting the neoliberal system. The ruling class is allowing anarchy and mayhem to sweep across cities because liberalism tells them it would be racist (the ultimate sin!) to to stop them.

>> No.15491038

>You are legitimately retarded if you think stealing TVs from Target is "plundering America".
And you didn't think the germanics plundering rome didn't want to enjoy the luxeries of Roman society steal and break shit and rape?

>> No.15491040

My mistake, it's not a Bronze Age Mindset because not only is "looting TVs when the system wants to commit insurance fraud" not what the Bronze Age Mindset is (read the book, it's not long, and it's on libgen), it's not even Bronze Age, it's IRON Age.

>> No.15491043

I wish they'd attack some banks

>> No.15491045

Again, how is this different from the germanics? The Germans sacking roman cities wanted to enjoy the luxeries of Roman society as much as possible

Cities have been looted throughout histories and they took away everything they could

>> No.15491057
File: 140 KB, 907x1360, roman aristocrats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, they wanted land and territory to settle people on for the purposes of creating independent polities so they wouldn't fucking starve to death. The Germanics had slaves, and they had luxury goods, taking these from the Romans to redistribute amongst themselves was just icing on the cake. In particular, in Gaul, the Germanics really just wanted fucking land. The only time cities were actually sacked was when a particular king or chieftain wanted to hold that city for the purposes of extracting future tribute from it. The idea of a city set aflame and looted is a Romantic construction and is not reflective of reality (something BAP mentions in his book).

Read a fucking book. Pic related is a good one, it's up on libgen. tl;dr The Germans wanted land, not women and gold.

>> No.15491079

>The Germans wanted land, not women

>> No.15491096

biggest problem by far (and it is big) is that he shamelessly appropriates and distorts board culture for his own parochial namef*g aims.

>> No.15491110

you too will have to work out your beef directly on a crossover episode or something. All these oblique insults are ghey

>> No.15491131

is that book a good read? what's it about?

>> No.15491134

jmurph vs mcrumps, who wins?
It's like a WWE for the mentally handicapped but it's good.

>> No.15491140

How Roman aristocrats coped with Barbarian rule, it's on libgen.

>> No.15491159


>> No.15491352


>> No.15491383

Lmaoing @ 15491352

>> No.15491394


>> No.15491423

I have a feeling hes a fed just with his reach and that he hasnt been suspended, whereas others similar to him on twitter have their accounts constantly locked.

>> No.15491449

Maybe he isn't "dangerous" per se and his retard speak often pass many filters.

>> No.15491459

can a white nigger cope any harder than this? you must be bored AF to be playing devi's adv this hard

>> No.15491494
File: 194 KB, 634x793, 25350960-8059021-image-a-26_1582962671819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>twitter celebs using /lit/ to take shots at each other anonymously.

>> No.15491507

ew wtf is that thing on the right

>> No.15491513

op btfo

>> No.15491522

reminder the riots involve a TINY amount of people. 99.999% of the population is at home.
99.999% of population, escasully the tax payers, find the whoe thing embarrassing.
lastly look inot the paid antifa agitators.

>> No.15491794 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 313x344, 1589902443967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One is a fat fuck who can't get laid and unironically believes in german idealism
>The other one is an unapologetic degenerate who can't keep his dick on his pants, but pretends to give you advice on how to live in the modern world on his poorly written book that he shills on /lit/ on his free time.
This is why the alt right will never be taken seriously. Jannies should do something right for once in their life and ban anybody who talks about these two literal twitter E-Celebs on a fucking literature board.

>> No.15491804 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 313x344, 1589902443967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One is a fat fuck who can't get laid unironically believes in german idealism, and that will support bands of niggers destroying his own country just for the sake of it.
>The other one is an unapologetic degenerate who can't keep his dick on his pants, but pretends to give you advice on how to live in the modern world on his poorly written book that he shills on /lit/ on his free time.
This is why the alt right will never be taken seriously. Jannies should do something right for once in their life and ban anybody who talks about these two literal twitter E-Celebs on a fucking literature board.

>> No.15492346
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>> No.15492513

Power is cute

>> No.15492753

he is confusing approval of the riots with supporting the rioters

>> No.15492789

There is literally nothing stopping you from learning how to fight and be a man, you are just a lazy shit head looking for excuses.

>> No.15492797

hahahha this retard doesn't know the only time Hitler brought up Spengler in a public speech was to remark that he completely disagreed with his ideas

>> No.15492808

>Had we been born in those times though, we would have turned out differently.

How so? You would have been so no name solider who died amongst the rest face down in the mud and forgotten in less than a day.

>> No.15492821

yes goy revolting is breaking things
break things goy this threatens us greatly

>> No.15492850

He got dunked on by BAP for being a obese soft "intellectual" and ever since then he have tried doing the irony thing. Very sad to see. His posts used to be good but now they're just reddit.

>> No.15492882

if that's the case why weren't all of them no name soldiers who died in the dirt and forgotten? Clearly there is the possibility of glory in the activity or it would have been forgotten

>> No.15492895


>> No.15492899

just typical anarkid quip, implying nothing you do matters which is why you should join in on his side that totally matters

>> No.15492922

There's possibility now, you're just too weak to get it.

What makes you think that just because you would be raised different you'd be one of those people? You're too weak to handle people laughing and teasing at you, but you think you could handle that shit? What stops you fighting wars now? There are conflicts you could go to where you would be a hero to the locals and on a national level. You're looking for an opportunity to prove yourself when the whole point of being a man is to recognize it or make your own.

You just sound like a sheep with out a shepard.

>> No.15492947

>n-not the blacks though

>> No.15492970

They call it a w*Man.

>> No.15492990

do you really think these riots are homeric chimpouts? They’re happening because it’s politically convenient to allow them

>> No.15492994
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>> No.15493002

what?! are you implying that BAP's ideas actually have some nuance to them and his book isnt just a collection of twitter screencaps (ive never read his twitter btw)?! that idea has never been brought up before in this thread!

>> No.15493064

I only read op posts, I don’t give a fuck what is or isn’t in the thread

>> No.15493386

>Aspiring Nudist Bodybuilder
does this guy have an OF?

>> No.15493600

>everyone i dont like is one and the same
this isnt a strawman anymore, this is a wickerman
plenty of rightwingers are celebrating the riots inside the great satan

>> No.15493630

Where does he say burn and loot? I'll wait.

>> No.15494035

It's literally in the OP. Or was it allegorical "sword" and metaphorical "fire"?

>> No.15494070

Shh, shh, the modern-passivity narrative can't work if you point out the only thing actually holding them back is themselves and their own infantile laziness.

>> No.15494143

That's already been addressed, read the thread, or hell just read the fucking OP image, he says it right there:

You are gay.

>> No.15494151

>post hoc rationalizations
The absolute state of larpers

>> No.15494170

He's talking about Greek and other Aryan civilizations who claimed land based on a spiritual cause. It was culture-building. The drive for these riots is greedy faggots who want free shit and anarchy. They have no real power. The police or military could open fire and they would be slaughtered in an instant.

If blacks could line up whites against the wall and execute them one-by-one then they would do it. And in 1,000 years they would have literature celebrating the destruction and expression of pure power, as we do. But they don't have any power. These are contained nothings for the slaves to burn off steam, and it will negatively affect them more than anyone in the long run

>> No.15494187

look a them on twitter, all upper class larper

>> No.15494217

He's talking about conquering warriors and probably sees what's happening now as something akin to a peasant rebelion. The rioters aren't rebelling against the state, they are low-class clients of the state completely dependent on it and are just demanding sligthly better status.

>> No.15494228
File: 560 KB, 800x1072, how-about-yes-5c54b7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15494236

Name two.

>> No.15494264

>glorify and revere the raping and pillaging done by our virile ancestors
>watch a comic book store burn down
>b-b-but muh first edition of Action Comics #1

>> No.15494276

who are you quoting?

>> No.15494299

And by what right are him and his warriors and not peasants too?

>> No.15494307

interesting how bap fronts as a warmongering tough guy, but seems sometimes a little soft, even effeminate, perhaps betraying he has a heart. yet the e-drama hyenas kantbot and logo, who try to portray themselves as romantics and humanists, but seem to have an underlying viciousness, meanness, and anti-humanness to them.

everyone is wearing a mask.

>> No.15494309

>him and his warriors
What? People who would engage in a serious revolt would probably be army men.

>> No.15494328

Romanticising war is the most retarded shit I've ever heard. Those people did not live good lives on the whole, even the physically strongest among them were damaged beyond belief. People returning from WW2 made awful parents because of this and everyone knows it. They were traumatized and their children were fucked up and their children's children are fucked up beyond repair

>> No.15494345

Kantbot and others like him are always champing at the bit, trying to be at the edge of the spear whenever they feel a slight change in the zeitgeist, real or not. bap on the other hand is beyond paranoid, very conspiracy minded and terrified of being fucked over by some cia controlled group or another

>> No.15494396


Animals have only two things on their minds: food and sex

Given how nature revolves around birds chirping to find a mate, while also finding food to survive and a shelter from predators, I'd say that that's a lot of weight on their minds, especially when given the proportions from that of a sparrow to that of a hawk

>> No.15494424

good point. BAP isn't really larping as a tough guy. I mean, he is, kind of, but I think his humor reveals plenty of self awareness. Take for example the little bits he does on the podcast where he gets mad at waiters tormenting him with bad service. He makes fun of his own impotence.

>> No.15494480

>Animals have only two things on their minds: food and sex
Do they? Like humans, many animals spend time on things that are not directly related to either, like wasting energy playing around. Or things that are only peripherally related, like taking care of their prole. You might want to revise that

>> No.15495172
File: 54 KB, 960x496, 140823091730312893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>America is degenerating into another Latin american country

>> No.15495230
File: 36 KB, 400x400, hakon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Transmogrification is on the way, the latinx lebensraum will soon be secured on the greatest country on earth.

>> No.15495256

but that Prince Tidus guy's a fucking retard and you have to be underaged or severely socially retarded to admire some freakzoid pseduoanonymous gymcel posting his sexts with some roastie on twitter.
He got pissed off and blocked everyone roasting him and this definitely wasn't the first time he got the RW twitter mob picking on him.
The BAP shtick can be funny when BAP does it because it's been his persona for the better part of a decade and he has some charm to him but it's grating and tiresome when every other growth-stunted aspie with a home-gym starts pretending they're a modern day Achilles with a bone to pick with brown people.

>> No.15495259

BAP has a good humour not nearly matched by intelekshual twitter bores
I liked the story he had of a schizo friend in Buenos Aires who felt humiliated and sissified by a doctor for some reason, so he dressed as a woman with heavy makeup and stalked the streets with a gun in his purse for vengeance

>> No.15495339
File: 247 KB, 1280x706, 1590892407060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the descendants of the VISIGOTHS (Mexicanos) are repeating the process on yet another Imperial Power
Rio Grande is the new Danube Frontier.
All those Chicano and Centraca police officers, sheriffs, deputies and military personnel are American foederati

>> No.15495373

>the descendants of the VISIGOTHS (Mexicanos)

>> No.15495439
File: 301 KB, 1125x1072, 1590951827982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>claro wey, eramos godos y reyes y mierda. como lo sabes?

>> No.15495480
File: 258 KB, 658x501, 1572807793352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whenever everything is good and peaceful: The weak should fear the strong, natural hierarchy, bronze age piracy, revolt against the modern world

>When other people are burning the jp morgan chase hq down: N-no! That's not revolting! Th-that's just a lumpenprole riot! Real revolting is purchasing organic coconut oil and reading my twitter ebook!!!

Why are BAPtards such LARPers?

>> No.15495495

oh no not my insured building that the government will pay me for and redouble security for the coming years
follow the money

>> No.15495504

Except it's still the other way around. Alot of the BAPtards and some other dissident right wingers were clutching their pearls when they saw that white guy with the sword getting beaten up. After they found out that white guy was actually an anti-racist liberal they changed their tune and said that guy deserved to get beaten up. Meanwhile, while Kantbot supports the riot as a sort of middle finger if only symbolic to the establishment he still showed sympathy for that anti-racist liberal white guy.

What this shows is that those BAP and "le fashy ethnonats" don't actually care about white people if they don't share their same obscure racist beliefs

>> No.15495600

He's pretty retarded I agree. Lots of BAP's followers are dumb but the guy wasn't calling anyone out and Kantbot tried to go off on him and then doubled down by saying physical health isn't important. Which is clear cope for him being obese

>> No.15495632

So why are you against of fascism and nazism? they literally did that but the common response is how savage and brainlet they were. These riots don't represent any actual harm to the status quo keep larping about to sticking to the man.

>> No.15495673

the thing is there is not white movement, no white supremacy every white is cucked and leftoids and niggers keep sporting the same bullshit argument to justify their action. 100 years ago these people would hanging on trees now everyone is willing to be sacrificed.

>> No.15495717

you are overestimating your numbers, to start a civil war you need guns something so-called anti-racist people do not have.

>> No.15495780
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>> No.15495797


>You might want to revise that.

I don't.

Animals are not solely or biologically capable of any deep profundity on the means of God or religion. Religion is a man-made ideology defined by us humans in which we instigate the natural world that is made upon ourselves in which we determine whether or not there is a God responsible for our creation.

Animals do not act on that instinct nor are there solely capable of mankind or religion's profundity. They are merely a witness and instrument to nature. Not to ourselves or to our "religious insight" as you say you would believe.

>> No.15495818

No pueden con los carteles y quieres larpear como conquistador? jajajajajajajaj pinche prieto

>> No.15495824

>w-wait n-not like that!

>> No.15495840

revolt against what exactly
everything is planned and condoned
>oh nooooo several of our retail outlets got looted we are DONE

>> No.15495870

At least the nig-nogs are doing that.
What the fuck are brappers doing? Sitting on their asses and screeching about "MUH GLOWIES" every time somebody suggests they take a more proactive role?

>> No.15495874
File: 24 KB, 928x691, EI5RWw9X0AAgTZK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>y quieres larpear como conquistador?

>> No.15495875

lol, dumb jew

>> No.15495883

their demands are just more neoliberalism, more civil rights legislation, more of the same. they have a stew that is too salty, so they want to put more salt in it as a solution. revolting in the modern world isn't revolting against it.

>> No.15495884

Glowies are literally paying "protestors" to perform specific tasks you are probably a glowie yourself

>> No.15495889

The schizo reveals himself

>> No.15495896

I can sense your luminescent hide from behind closed eyes. You have no power here

>> No.15495930

ok jacinto

>> No.15495950

>w-wait stop chimping out! How am I gonna buy my coconut oil now that Target is burned down!?

>> No.15495959

a target in the suburbs

>> No.15495968

Wrong. It is BAP who is maintaining liberalism by voting for Trump again, urging his followers to join the military, retweeting Cernovich and just making epic memes on twitter.
>revolting in the modern world isn't revolting against it.
Holy fuck pussy departement? Yeah we have a faggot over here. Stop being a little bitch. How come le epik boogaloo /pol/tards start simping for target when niggers burn shit down. Stop being a bitch. Just like how leftists fail to see how guns are cool, conservashits can't comprehend that burning down shit is also cool

>> No.15495981

ok fed

>> No.15496019

I'm not telling you to do anything, dipshit. I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy in BAPtards, the same people who say shit like "turn off the power; give every man a sword" but act like pearl clutching morons when a black person burns down the perfect representation of neoliberalism-a McDonalds or Target

>> No.15496036

i don't give a shit about target or niggers you tryhard faggot lmao

>> No.15496042

Why don't these ebin revolutionaries burn down a bank?

>> No.15496045

You don't get it, destroying a target is epic and based pilled but the "movement" is a designed release of discontent which is impotent and constrained. No one cares that target burnt down other than morons like you who ascribe great meaning to what may as well be a controlled and insured demolition. It occurs because neoliberalism demands it, not in opposition to it. There is no power or merit in it

>> No.15496052

>tryhard faggot
Says the fag who posts fed shit all the time like "MUH EPIK BODYBUILDER UPRISING BOOGALOO GIVE EVERY MAN A SWORD!!!!! U MUST CHIMP!!!!" But goes back to simping for neoliberalism when black people actually do shit you describe

>> No.15496061

You're such a fag. Just keep retweeting Cernovich and LARPing about Agartha lmao what a fag. Thanks for admitting all that le epik spartan ubermensch warrior CHIMP OUT is just LARP. Lmao pussy

>> No.15496067

ok fag. you will know a spartan chimpout when you see one. this isn't even helot tier.

>> No.15496081

been on /pol/ before it was /pol/, saw this whole scene front to back: not only are they not censoring, they're selectively promoting through covert means. trumps election was a similar deal. this is cola wars and theatrics to foment a divisive attitude between factions in the US. we're creating two separate countries on purpose through psyop techniques, and infinitely more isolative bubbles through autonomic intelligence that stratifies people by what they consume. the riots are larping. the presidency is larping. covid is larping. the new right and left are larping extensions of the neo-con era. nothing is changing, just getting incrementally worse.

meanwhile, the fed has printed trillions that will be paid for by your ability to live well, and not a single group is acting against it. great movement roflmao. lurk moar

>> No.15496082

lmao you're unhinged, you are arguing against a cartoonish phantasm, i've never said anything like that in my life.
none of this matters, there is no coherent goal except 'fuck cops' or something. i like seeing target burn, i like watching nypd club some heads. but everyone will go back to work tomorrow and none of this will matter. you're just a spastic.

>> No.15496091

literal Bronze Age People living amongst us are burning cities down, how is that not Bronze Age Mindset? How is this not "le muh ancestors subjugated cities to fire and sword" shit that BAP talks about constantly?

Newsflash: your ancestors acted more like these niggers than some pussy shitposting on twitter and rubbing coconut oil on your balls

>> No.15496104

obsessed fed
just admit you feel impotent before me

>> No.15496115

no you're a hypocrite who's been outed as a complete fraud. BAP probably doesn't even lift if he did how come he doesn't post physique?

>> No.15496118

They do censor discussion of Jews. Look at the banned amazon books, look at legislation being pushed in US states to make it illegal to boycott Israel. This is much older than /pol/

The largest source of conflict between left and right today, immigration, promoted and pushed through by Jews in the 60s. Inflammation of race conflicts, pushed by Jews in academia and media.

>> No.15496121

fag keep tweeting about agartha and how Trump's gonna nationalize twitter this time! A-all part of the plan! BASED CERNOVICH!

>> No.15496127

i don't even have a twitter, you are an old man yelling at the clouds

>> No.15496177

>they do censor
enough to tantalize and draw attention to. same as trump. the media did a loud denunciation of him which had the calculated effect of making him more appealing. Jews as a group do a lot of what /pol/ talks about, but the amount of focus draw towards it creates a brain drain. you aren't paying attention to the mechanisms that are assailable that could inspire change. no one will rally behind purely racialist doctrine. it's a divide and conquer technique, mixed with just enough truth to keep midwit autists chasing that rabbit hole and creating a further chasm between prole factions, but not enough to really change anything.

OCW was the closest we got in twenty years to significantly influencing everything, and right after a resurgence in white-hate and counter culture jew-hate saw a massive uptick in popularity. im sorry to tell you, but you are wasting your life chasing a glowie interactive system of information designed as an esoteric form of entertainment while your more looney compatriots who have actually swallowed this shit are being siphoned off into programs designed to turn them into radicals and keep the street theatrics in play while people watch livestreams, eat their bread, get fat, subscribe to partisan politics as a controlled form of pressure relief, and enact the cycle further while our real rights and wealth are continuously eroded.

the people pulling the strings are amoral, apolitical, and you absolutely do not know their names, the beauracracy is for the little people. "IT'S THE JEWS" is a functionally illiterate oversimplification of the situation. you've seen maybe three levels up and are chasing shadows. quit wasting your life. study the classics and form real relationships, skills and habits. leave /pol/. go outside.

>> No.15496192
File: 60 KB, 728x635, hi9magRg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>twitterfag retardation is going to hit the bump limit
Delete twitter and then delete this shithole right after.

>> No.15496201

the only correct answer

>> No.15496231

There being other relevant factors doesn't make Jews not relevant. There is a reason people have continually ejected them from their countries for so long, all saying basically the same things about them.

Go ahead and explain who the people pulling the strings are if you like.

>> No.15496287

>it's everyone elses fault I'm weak

>> No.15496305

seriously this is what the blacks need to understand, their situation is shit because they're weak

>> No.15496311

have you ever considered how vocal and publicized the names of the jews who act on behalf of demographic disruptions etc are? why would they paint a target on their back? and when has their ejection ever solved anything? it hasn't, because jews are a big group, and you're precluding the group that "says they are Jews but are not", who have no loyalty except to material gain, power and Satan, and offer up gullible, corruptible money seekers (the people you have your eyes clapped on) as representatives of one side of the board.

in all your time in /pol/ did it never make you wonder how the rothschilds and central banks of england played both sides of the slavery debate and funded the civil war? did you ever consider how apolitical bolshevik nationalists who describe themselves as jews wormed their way into the speculative market of early 1900s USA and helped fund hitler AND the allies? do you not see that in any geopolitical struggle of a partisan nature, both sides of the debate have these jews you fixate on in their camps? have you studied reagan and his total abandonment of pursuing the gold standard? have you looked into the neocons? bush? there obviously is a group above these people, there would have to be for these patterns to emerge. i'll say it again, you were offered a controlled piece of truth by the glowies, which is in effect a little sliver of evidence of the Church of Satan, and you let them lead you to an absurdly narrow mindset with that carrot that conveniently places you smackdab in the middle of a highly publicized national debate that serves top down monied interests. you have to learn to either look deeper, or quit and look out for yourself better instead of being led around by alphabet soup.

>> No.15496322

BAPtards too. Maybe they need to realize they are not le epik evolian aristocrats held back by society that would *totally* be epic roman war generals back in da old days but are in fact total mediocrities that cling to le epic homofashy liftan memes to cope with their unexceptional lives

>> No.15496334


>> No.15496336

what is your deal

>> No.15496340

I didn't learn most of this from /pol/, and I'm aware these people play both sides, that's not exactly esoteric knowledge. And their ejection has helped, for example in England for several centuries. The English aristocracy have been complicit with a lot of this since the 1600s.

You're still not really explaining what you think, you're just hinting at some occult system in a kind of dramatic fashion.

>> No.15496366

Why do you get so assblasted when I use your own words against you? Perhaps there's some truth that I'm saying but it hurt your fee fees?

>> No.15496367

He said right-wingers. Not fake, controlled opposition eceleb namefags.

>> No.15496378

dubs of truth BAPtards BTFO

>> No.15496385

I haven't got a truck in this fight, you do sound fat though.

>> No.15496435

to put a cap on this, you're buying into Foxnews for internet millennial autists, as twitter fags have bought into a subcultural CNN. you think the sociologists working for the world powers weren't figuring out how to invest a bunch of disaffected young people into the national debate and keep them in the program? they needed more artful means with a compelling narrative befitting our youth spent absorbing stories media and fables. they offer up a new, more elaborate "hippies vs truckdrivers" narrative. now it's openly racial, revealing just enough information that wasn't provided to generations prior that it has the markings of being genuine.

it's not really occult, and im not being dramatic. we don't know their names. im trying to encourage you to think about how the root of this comes from a completely amoral, nonpartisan use of power and social engineering. i wrote a fat couple of paragraphs to follow this up, but i can sum it up as this: if you are a Christian and are willing to take a leap into the supernatural, you can make some vague discernment about the nature of the kind of people who lead nations around by the nose in secret, worship images, etc. if you're a secular or material kind of thinker, i can't really help you, but i genuinely hope you get off these brainwashing machines and do something more substantial for yourself. again, if your goal is to press for concrete answers, you will continue to be led around by people who will convince you, through covert means, that they have them. that's why you're here, and that's why you find yourself inside of a very easily isolated group of people who think the nature of corruption in the society of man is largely racial in nature.

>> No.15496450

People born in those times were tougher: their upbringings were strident, the environment less polluted by hormones that weakened them, people were fitter. The whole atmosphere just made stronger people in general.

>You would have been so no name solider who died amongst the rest face down in the mud and forgotten in less than a day.

That's where I belong if I was weak enough to die. Human life is ridiculous, it doesn't make any sense. We need to get over having some concrete meaning to other people and just forge one for ourselves, and embrace the ride for all its pain and pleasure.

>> No.15496469

This. /pol/ gets led around by the nose on this stuff constantly and quite transparently. Latest thing I see is unironic pro-China sentiment (with a lot of obvious anti-China agitation by glowies as well), much like the pro-Russia sentiment of a few years ago. It's just another propaganda mill.

>> No.15496485

What specifically is your concept of how this works, can you explain it or refer to a text that explains it?

And it is partly racial in so far as Jews play a role. I have not once said that was the only relevant factor.

>> No.15496511

ok fatty keep LARPing about your epic sword skills for agartha though

>> No.15496579

>refer a text
Musings on the Idolatry of The Horned Beast", The Protocols (but from a meta perspective, the idea of that kind of information conveniently making it's way into the hands of the proles should give an idea), the Creature From Jekyll Island for a look at the influence of central banking in america (totally sensationalist partisan read but the guy knows how the monetary shell game works well enough to write about it), any overview of world history you like, any overview of the fall of rome you like, combined with some analysis of what you've read on /pol/ should give you the same (admittedly low) vantage point i have. im assuming you've already familiarized yourself with Rules for Radicals, rules of power, cointelpro shit, blood libel cults/sumerian bs/phoenician bs etc. if you take some of what you know from /pol/ (because not all of it is misinformation) into a well rounded study of western and ancient civ, major philosophical works, cursory looks into alchemy/gnosticism/kaballah and the like would give you a better insight than i could. for obvious reasons, this kind of education is exceedingly difficult to acquire so i can only offer is compromised odds and ends that you can loop useful parts of together. there's a reason /lit/ went to shit right after the election.

the only thing of purity i can recommend is the Bible, cover to cover, with emphasis on the Pentateuch, major profits (especially Ezekial) and Revelation if you're interest in the scope of what /pol/ is really inquiring about when they go "lmao jews".

>> No.15496589

Will i get lambasted for saying i fondly remember when this board was about literature?

>> No.15496601

not at all, /lit/ was ruined on purpose, like any other enjoyable, useful part of the internet. im sorry for your loss. blame compromised mods, interest groups, marketers, gullible anons, the whole nine yards. i am also sorry for contributing to this thread.

>> No.15496608

Sword skills? What are you talking about?

>> No.15496659


>> No.15496704

>Musings on the Idolatry of The Horned Beast",
Googling this leads only to a /pol/ thread. I don't why you keep telling me I learned what I know from /pol/ when I already told you I did not.

>> No.15496737

Do white americans bootlick because the stystem favours them?

>> No.15496749

Why? What do swords have to do with anything?

>> No.15496753


>> No.15496770

t. system, elites and corporations

Idk how leftists/chapotards delude themselves to thinking this latest circus isn't high and low vs. middle and not completely elite sponsored in order to secure more political power.

>> No.15496778

I would say that it's an example of Frank Wilhoit's dictum about how conservatism consists of exactly one proposition -- There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind (white men), alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect (everyone else). They see a bunch of black people destroying and stealing white property with total impunity and wonder why the police and army haven't retaliated with overwhelmingly massive and indiscriminate violence like some sort of Oskar Dirlewanger LARP.

>> No.15496780

It would be fucking hilarious if it gets out that Amazon was sponsoring these riots in order to drive the chain store form of retail out of competition.

>> No.15496807
File: 64 KB, 664x437, bootlicker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't bootlick? That's pretty cringe bro. Embarrassing even.

>> No.15496810

What's so strange about asking a simple question?

>> No.15496815

the actual irony is that anarchy is a lot more liable to produce actual bootlicking(ie. tyranny) than stable power structures

>> No.15496829
File: 183 KB, 792x982, 1587226252131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15496852

yeah keep simping for the police, neocon

>> No.15496867

>Wow they want to stop police harassment?? CRINGE!! I want to LARP as a crusader because I saw a /pol/ infographic about trannies
Fascists came around to protect private property from communism, don't mistake them for anything but slaves to capital.

>> No.15496876

go hit a Jewish investment bank with your riot buddies if you have any balls at all

>> No.15496884

>just you wait, chud, once we steal enough TVs we can finally achieve True Communism

>> No.15496940

When the choice is between nihilistic cloudrap listening zoomer commissars and authoritarian anglo-saxon cops, we must choose the lesser of two evils. When these shallow spawns of consumerism begin destroying Google/Facebook servers and headquarters, when they begin targeting members of thinktanks, PR agencies, and media organizations, then they'll be onto something, but that will never happen. They'll never target anything that would remotely resemble power, because it would genuinely endanger their lives. They simply are after quick spurious sensations. They want a pricey object for free. They want to virtue signal their support by taking a selfie over a flame someone else started. These people belong in a fucking bin.

>> No.15496967
File: 17 KB, 400x400, 07A43A9C-6370-4763-AD0D-C78737F603EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you haven’t searched hard enough, faggot.

>> No.15496982

He's talking about that ponyfucker dude that wrote for Kantbot, the one that attacked a bunch of nogs with a "machete shaped like a gladius".

He got his ass kicked and went on twitter whining about how he wasn't a racist anymore.

>> No.15496997

>these are the people that got filtered by the caveman speek
unbelievable lmfao

>> No.15497066

You don't seem know in what sense that is usually used.
>simping for police
Police are complicit in this. they are thugs and retards that only serve political power. if they genuinely protected communities they should have been opening fire on rioters.
They gang up on low level criminals and brutalize them but hide when actual rioters start burning down white communities.

>> No.15497413

Your explanation is more vague and shitter than the /pol/ explanation. You really haven't explained anything, Logo (Yes, I know it is you).

>> No.15497527

his pseudcast is up

why don't you make up your own mind

>> No.15497631
File: 515 KB, 1764x2779, mung_daal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kantbot? more like cant be bothered

>> No.15497645

kek, I thought the style of retardation seemed familiar

>> No.15497667

That's not conservatism you absolute fucking retard, that's just tribalism

>> No.15497918

lmfao imagine reading this thread

>> No.15497921

t. read the thread and got mad at something

>> No.15497972

nobody likes niggers

>> No.15497992

good post

>> No.15498029

Only people revolting against the modern world are jihadists

>> No.15498419

but jihadist are USA pawns or at least that's why muslims say

>> No.15499434

The only people from our era that would have become generals back in the old days are those who are already exceptional like Michael Jordan

>> No.15499440

>the only Muslims who take a stand against America are pawns, trust me, I'm a collaborator

>> No.15499484

they literally hate tradition and values

>> No.15499631
File: 179 KB, 1000x600, Black anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The correct one from an actual black anon

>> No.15499715

And he is one

>> No.15499975


>> No.15499975,1 [INTERNAL] 
