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15489583 No.15489583 [Reply] [Original]

say sorry

>> No.15489597


>> No.15489659


>> No.15489691

for everything

>> No.15489708

Sorry for everything

>> No.15489728

pssh, DFW, im sorry... sorry about this!!

*reaches into irony pocket in my jacket and throws a handful of detached, snarky cultural observations into his eyes*

nothing personnel, kiddo

>> No.15489869


>> No.15489882


>> No.15489955

*chortles cynically*

>> No.15489971
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>I'm sorry, Dave. I'm sorry for saying those hurtful things. I was insulted by your comment about me in Infinite Jest, but that's no excuse for the way I acted. You're a very talented writer, clearly the best in your generation...... I'm at peace now.... I must go.....

>> No.15489992


>> No.15490050

imagine if he didnt fall for the anti-depressants scam and mk ultrad himself he would still be here today

>> No.15490056


The anti-depressants worked for the longest time. He was Good ol' Davey, very happy. It was when his doctor thought it was causing his stomach problems that he was taken off of it and then he immediately got worse then suicided.

>> No.15490067

He was such an hero, to take it all away. We miss him so, That you should know, And we honor him this day. He was an hero, to take that shot, to leave us all behind. God do we wish we could take it back, And now he's on our minds. David was an hero, to leave us feeling like this, Our minds are rubber, our joints don't work, Our tears fall into abyss. He was an hero, to take that shot, In life it wasn't his task, He shouldn't have had to go that way, before an decade'd past. Now he sits there in my heart, this hero of mine, Always there to make me smile, Make me feel just fine. He had courage,that boy did, courage in his heart. To take that shot, To end his pain, To tear us all apart. But in the end, he died in courage. Lacking, nevermore, He died a hero, David did, And we'll love him forevermore. We love you like an brother. We miss you so much. We will always love you, kid. Rest In Peace Dave. ~Lila

>> No.15490075

David Foster Wallace allegedly had sex with a minor. He also allegedly stalked and hit women. He also killed himself and left his wife and children to find the body.

>> No.15490096

>He also allegedly stalked and hit women.
I don't think that one is alleged. No wonder his wife made a bunch of suicide machines just before he died.

>> No.15490104

good post

>> No.15490115

If it’s all water, did he die drowning?

>> No.15490122


>> No.15490231

His suicide really bothers me because our life stories(without the writing) are eerily similar and it scares me for how ill feel in the future

>> No.15490400

he was right about reading in that interview though. He said that people prefer to watch TV rather than read because they need/want stimulus when they get home from work, to be constantly stimulated. Reading requires solitude, and to confront areas of your brain that may be dark and sad

>> No.15490592


>> No.15490618

Same, anon.

Hope you're doing alright.

>> No.15490641

So you were a world class tennis player? I mean, you were pretty decent regionally and would play great ball in college but you lacked the potential to play professionally?

>> No.15490643

top 10 anime redemption arcs

>> No.15490667

Why do all lit bros think they are DFW?

>> No.15490676

Change tennis with Golf and I was actually ranked very well. I didnt say I was exactly him, but there are parallels.

I'm not really doing well at all. I'm 26 now and don't see a future for myself

>> No.15490684

Because we try to explain complicated topics but everyone sees us as a weirdo so we think we messed up explaining the thing, even though we didn't and it's really just that were weirdos making points about obvious things of the human condition we are repeating from books and no one else seems to care so we get frustrated and try to create something to manifest our will upon the world and even if we were to succeed that wasn't the actual goal and it all feels so hollow and overwhelming so we want to kill ourselves but we are too weak to go through with it so when we see that he finally did it after writing so much truly meaningful and interesting work we know that our suspicions are right and we will all eventually rope ourselves.

>> No.15490694

no daddy

>> No.15490730


What's with Americans and antidepressants? Is the American psyche that fragile?

>> No.15491113

our culture is sick and it produces sick people. We struggle with a culture marred by consumerism and anti-humanity views. It's no wonder a lot of us are suffering

>> No.15491174

It's because doctors get kickbacks every time they prescribe a drug. Pharmaceuticals and medicine are monetarily intertwined here and like the other anon said, the culture (if american culture is even real) is hypperreal and illusory in nature, everything is a commodity. Everything. Love, family, religion, health, food, holidays, friends, education, information, you fucking name it. The american west was capitalized what it means to be human, thus devaluing and alienating actual people, a group most individuals belong to. Profits, not people, drive incentives to create, share, socialize, and help others. It's a very backwards place and an overwhelming majority of young people feel extremely dissatisfied, anxious, angry, and depressed at the cultural conditions handed to them by jews and anyone above the age of 45

>> No.15491253

this is a pretty good breakdown. i like this

>> No.15492194

>by Jews

>> No.15492274

okay the jews part was a little tacky and tacked on but there just ins't a better all encompassing word to describe the principal ideology that runs corporations, media, and therefore public opinion and views. Jews are a spook, a boogyman for an illusory ideology that has no head at all, no name, and not even a form or written code, but it is present everywhere money flows, wherever there is a central bank, wherever commodities and labor are exchanged for fiat at the expense of one and the benefit of another. I just don't know what to call it other than judaism, but i don't hate jews.

>> No.15492463

try commas

>> No.15492525


It's not only an ideology, but a well-known for centuries solid fact that Jews have always held positions on the highest level of the governmental and institutional echelons and have always exploited them for pushing their nefarious plans. I know that these books have been discussed here ad nauseum, but I strongly recommend you to read The Culture of Critique series if you want to convince yourself of that. And its funny how the author who wrote this - a university psychology professor - has been labeled with all kinds of epithets such as 'white supremacist', 'conspiracy theorist', 'anti-semite' etc. (just check his wikipedia page and you will see) just for pointing out obvious things that have been apparent to everyone for hundreds of years now, but in the same time refused by many people who loth to open their eyes and use their head just for once.

>> No.15492689

Srry your name has to be associated with this. I wonder what your family would think about seeing your death used in this way. Rip

>> No.15492694
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>> No.15492706

"But for the present age, which prefers the sign
to the thing signified, the copy to the original,
representation to reality, appearance to essence ...
truth is considered profane, and only illusion is
sacred. Sacredness is in fact held to be enhanced in proportion as truth decreases and illusion increases,so that the highest degree of illusion comes to 'be the highest degree of sacredness."

>> No.15492846

why does he wear a bandanna ?

>> No.15492849

Can someone post the image of the nigga reading IJ at the protest

>> No.15492858

he was the victim of online detached irony

>> No.15492861

Aren't we all

>> No.15492902

should i read the infinite joke ? or is it better to warm up with his shorter fiction ?

>> No.15494171

i love his short stories and theyre a good taste of his style. Infinite Jest is a much more challenging(just to read, not even subject matter wise) and is more of an investment of time and effort. With that being said, IJ is still amazing.

>> No.15494178

he was autistic

>> No.15495123

t. suicidal American

>> No.15495512

i don´t, fuck him