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/lit/ - Literature

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15485415 No.15485415 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best threads in the history of /lit/?

>> No.15485444

with a car, you can drive anywhere you want

>> No.15485575

Schizo-anons meditations

>> No.15485579

Those are copy and pasta

>> No.15485591

pretty much any thread where we discuss anything but books, politics, or women

>> No.15485594

Not this one

>> No.15485596
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This one

>> No.15485774

all the VN threads

>> No.15485787

the conspiracy threads on /lit/ are great

>> No.15485863

Pynchon's visit: >>/lit/thread/S667543#p667573

>> No.15485908

Thank you anon, this is probably the only right thing anyone said on the board in a long time.

>> No.15485912

this one went pretty deep down the rabbit hole

>> No.15485927

kek i remember when i made that thread i was thinking it would suck but would at least be better than asking /x/ and I ended up inspired to research this for weeks
I don't think it compares with whoever was in>>15485863 though, that was a whole other level of /lit/ insight

>> No.15485950

whoever that was, he was way too smart to be on this board

>> No.15485981

>That was 10 years ago
Some anons in that thread are probably dead right now

>> No.15485996

and here we are literally envying them

>> No.15486000

What a great read, yeh I think this is it thread's closed
I wish I'd been around for GOAT /lit/ like this

>> No.15486143

The once where a guy posted his brothers dragon fetish book. Holy shit my sides were thrown into orbit.
Also A.S.S (Albanian secret service)

>> No.15486217

You can find some of his other posts with View Same

>> No.15486241

I'm convinced that that anon is Stephen Dedalus

also it's more than likely that Pinecone knows about /lit/ by now. 4chan seems like something that would fascinate him.

>> No.15486273


>> No.15486274

Most of the great threads on /lit/ go unnoticed because they don't involve some shallow pseudery and tend to receive few replies, but the replies they do get are of great quality. There were some great threads a few hours ago.

>> No.15486307

This, the ones that are full of replies have a cognitive bias, you see them being bigger than usual and generate the idea of insight in your mind associated with that post(s). On the other hand the ones where there is less people, probably not so much trolling and memeing are quite insightful. It really shows how this place attracts very smart and peculiar people with niche interests who excel at them.

What were those threads anon?

>> No.15486313

i think the guy of Space Taoism have something. hes almost forgotten by now but i somehow admire his ramblings.

>> No.15486333

I really disliked that one, it shows the problems of late 4Chan, enormous cherry picking, as someone pointed out, almost never where a work of the O9A quoted there. It's really typical /pol/ stuff. Imagine if one day a good thread is started about the alchemy in the ancient Greeks (a topic the O9A studies). Man, thats very little worked on academia. I'm currently hoping to get the money for an antiquarian book from 1882 about that same topic with Greeks and French translation of the people who where Hellenic alchemists, never reprinted. If I get it I'll try to post, but I feel I will be quite ignored or worse, called out as a larp.

>> No.15486343

>messes with trips
checks out. you may post your books without being called a LARPer.

>> No.15486348

does anyone remember that anon a few months ago who lived off the grid in some forest? I often think about him, I hope he's doing okay.

>> No.15486358

the one with the tiny american flag above the entrance and the tiny flowers? yeah, he's always on my mind.

>> No.15486366

yeah that was good shite

>> No.15486374

finally rentfree.

>> No.15486394

I thought the thread on Being and Becoming was really interesting, but it petered out, unfortunately. It was so unlike /lit/ it seemed a little out of place here.
There are some really interesting posts in the current composers vs other creative fields thread as well.
I also think of this thread on psychoanalysis. The discussion seemed to be primarily between only two anons but it was on a very high level.

>> No.15486397

>almost never where a work of the O9A quoted there
Not sure how you'd quote them since they're decentralized and don't actually have a hierarchy to quote from
I think it's one of those things where once you get to know these guys, you know, and you can actually find them on telegram these days so it isn't all that hard to see them in action once you get the hang of it
And just start an alchemy thread. There are tons of good threads discussing that sort of shit on /lit/, with the exception of guenonfaggotry

>> No.15486398
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>> No.15486522

Could be Falstaffe

>> No.15486549
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>> No.15486558

is smoking cigs and drinking coffee lit?

>> No.15486571

Thanks :3

>> No.15486573

So, I went obsessively down this rabbit hole to the point of cross listing idiosyncrasies, authors this guy specifically mentions, writing style, connecting back to “ghost of Mary McCarthy” poster as well as Tao Lin parodier, etc., and I emulated his thought and taste for a year or so before I stumbled across booktube and realized, no, this dude isn’t special or particularly smart, he’s a seasoned reader who has lived long enough to see actual trends in criticism, review, and academic reception, as well as developing the smallest variations on certain critics who have since faded. If you want to see a similar figure, I recommend Steve Donoghue; they’re cut from the same cloth where experience betrays erudition and we here can’t tell the difference because we’re anything but.

As for the conspiratorial/oddball theory stuff (Shakespeare is Marlowe, TCoL49 can be reduced to one loose metaphor Pynchon concocted around the need to make a quick puzzle book ala Pale Fire, Edgar Allen Poe is actually just Thomas Holly Chivers, Finnegans Wake is Joyce’s revenge against Protestant Ireland based on a moment of resentment against the success of Bram Stoker, practically everybody who has made a substantial contribution to English letters has been Catholic, Twilight is a Mormons revenge against Shakespeare‘s homosexuality, Hamlet contains a visual pun from Suetonius), none of it is that remarkable when you investigate how he may have come to these opinions critically (e.g., there is plenty of scholarship on the authorship question, a few older, weirder books flesh out the Poe/Chivers relationship, Pynchon obscured the fact that he had been in Nabokovs lectures for years...) but it appears remarkable to a bunch of people who mostly interact with texts via popular reception (even if that’s a slightly parochial popularity) as they get converted into memes. That’s not to deflate the guy’s flair by any means, but to argue that he’s probably not Pynchon, and, in fact, if our criteria for being Pynchon is really just code for “having a long obsessive history with books more so than your average /lit/ loser,” that says more about us and our own narcissism than it does about Pynchon.

>> No.15486575
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good shit anon, thanks for that
its so easy to get caught up in so many worthless threads. I almost forgot there are good posts here

>> No.15486593

Peculiar guy nonetheless:


>> No.15486612

If you dig that check out Dennis McCarthy’s work, which is probably the last substantial source material discovery in a hundred year. I emailed Dennis about some of Pinecone’s theories and he basically said, yeah, most source material scholars are aware of this stuff, it’s just highly unlikely they came down to Shakespeare directly as opposed to other documents that already embedded the classical content, which in turn supports the much-defended theory that Shakespeare worked so fast and so prolifically that he just stole from everywhere he could rather than being some titan of classical scholarship who could weave in and out of his pool of allusions. Wish I would’ve followed up with the Breakspeare stuff but Dennis seems like a pretty straight shooting guy.

>> No.15486629
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>> No.15486633
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>> No.15486774
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there was a Spenglerian reactionary that btfo of all the marxists on lit and they stayed butthurt for years

>> No.15486795

Where can I read about the things on the right? In the Sid's Meier Alpha Centauri manual?

>> No.15486801

pretty good

>> No.15486853


>> No.15486862

The ones without blojack and peepee posters

>> No.15486895
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The ones without Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ or retards.

>> No.15486976

Also, the ones without you.

>> No.15487008

This was great

>> No.15487015

>Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ or retards
What's the difference

>> No.15487019
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"I do not remember the threads I lurked in and the post I laughed at, and yet they have made me." Anon

>> No.15487027
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>> No.15487046
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this one time back in 2017 when

>> No.15487081

get OUT newfag

>> No.15487109
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This and the nigger one

>> No.15487121

BASED evola poster

>> No.15487125


>> No.15487130
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>> No.15487144
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>why yes, let's just assume this random ass anonymous comment was written by Pynchon with zero evidence


>> No.15487147

Do you think a normie like me can reach a level like that, or do you think it's mostly born into the person?

I'm young, so of course theres time to grow, but the idea of me ever presenting myself in such a clear way when sharing such complex and obscure information seems impossible

Low iq boys unite

>> No.15487175
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when I joined this burning shithole two of the three meme trilogy authors were still alive and kicking

>> No.15487223

this has not been topped yet.
Truly the apex thread.

>> No.15487224

>Steve Donoghue;
This guy? How do you characterize his style? Citing obscure histories about well known figures?

>> No.15487233


If a post like that strike you as impressive you are really needing to work harder on yourself.

>> No.15487265

Some people think it was one of the most renowned authors of the past century... that's a high bar, friendo

>> No.15487303

I don't understand why /lit/ is so obsessed with that post in particular. It is nothing out of the ordinary. Are you unable to have a critical opinion about anything?

>> No.15487309
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>> No.15487327

never read any pynchon. What's special about the writing style in that post?

>> No.15487334


>> No.15487339
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>> No.15487351


If you deem Pynchon one of the greatest authors of the last century you indeed need more work on yourself.

>> No.15487372

I didnt say greatest, I said renowned... which is true and evidenced here... your lack of reading comprehension makes clear why one should disregard your opinion

>> No.15487401

This. Why do people think it's Pynchon?

>> No.15487432


>> No.15487433

When /his/ was created and shitposters thought they could scour philosophy from the board, so some anon with weaponized autism posted reasons why every author was now banned for being too /his/

>> No.15487462
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>> No.15487676

What a good read.

>> No.15487823

Yeah but he has a youtube that displays his character a bit more. I wouldn’t say obscurity is the characteristic just like read beyond the extent that most readers are in a way that isn’t constrained by academia or publishing trends.

>> No.15487826

Why? Because he doesn't take himself too seriously? Because they don't tackle "the human condition"?

>> No.15487840

>haha the taboo word funny

>> No.15487845

Have you ever e-mailed him? Seems like a cool dude

>> No.15487864

Because he spun out a theory as to the composition of Crying of Lot 49 that hasn’t appeared in any journal article or obscure academic book prior to the post but checks out if you try to pull at its strings, while also showing a slightly idiosyncratic, obsessive of Joyce, Nabokov, Shakespeare, and classic literature in general all with a flair for satire and theatricality, all of which are major traits and, as we know, obsessions of Pynchon. Also he referenced knowing Harold Bloom as well as details about Pynch plots that hadn’t come out yet (“japanese insurance adjuster” in particular, which some anon isolated in Bleeding Edge, which implies the anon really did have privileged foreknowledge). When you pair that with the fact that we knew Pynchon was writing about the internet as early as 2006, it opens the possibility that he stopped by to troll one of the few marginal sites dedicated to the discussion of highbrow literature while simultaneously contextualized by memes and anime shit.

>> No.15487869
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I enjoyed that thread a lot. I hope that guy's ok.


>> No.15487872

No, I’m still going through the backlog of his vids so I don’t end up asking him a redundant question. He seems so down to earth that he doesn’t strike me as the type to indulge unwarranted advice as a privilege insight or whatever.

>> No.15487890

We say 'nigger' here, sir.

>> No.15487896

I cannot believe I've been here for more than 10 years.

>> No.15487941

/lit/ is the island of the lotus-eaters.

>> No.15487949

Best ones I've made

-Zizek vs Peterson debate, holy fuck that got intense
- Dalai Lama thread I made where Guenonfag spazzed out

>> No.15487958

>Zizek vs Peterson debate
I wouldn't say that was high quality, but it was memorable when we got to "where are the Marxists?"

>> No.15487975


I love this man anon, what does he do now and where in Boston does he live? I'm in the area

>> No.15487996

Does anyone remember that thread about this guy's autistic (?) brother who wrote a massively long fantasy novel that involved dragon sex?

>> No.15488004


Because his books are something like comic supwr-heroe stories for grown ups. There’s nothing of the real sensible and perceptive observations of human beings as they really are and act. It’s all a bunch of caricatures that bear no relation to real life. You read a bunch of Checkhov short stories and a single Tolstoy novel and you immediately see the abysmal difference.

Then there’s Pynchon’s desire to write poetically, and he never achieves what he is aiming at. His prose is neither simple and straightforward like that of a realistic writer nor poetic in a high level, like Moby Dick, or Shakespeare, or Emily Dickinson, or Homer. It’s just the bad-tasting dreams of someone who wishes he was poetically gifted.

His humor is nauseating: it’s like that shit-and-piss-and-farths humor of the Canadians. There’s no warmth, no irony, no real understanding of life. No wonder this guy spent several months locked in his house writing and night and mostly consuming severa books on dark subjects: it shows in his work all the time. It’s like the work of a high IQ marvel fan who also appreciate stand up comedy. It’s a work that lacks empathy and a deep sense of linguistic beauty.

Reading this man’s work was a waste of time; it served only to show what not to do in literature.

>> No.15488021

I just read that, and I'm shocked by how underwhelming it was. Why do people say Pynchon wrote it? The theory makes no historical sense and doesn't require much to know. All that the guy who wrote that proved is that he knows the scholarship on Shakespeare's writing well. He could have just been some PhD candidate who went down a rabbit whole while trying to write something about Shakespeare. Why is this so shocking? Is knowing anything about literature considered considered proof of genius on a literature board?

>> No.15488023

Read his latter posts in the thread about Crying of Lot 49.

>> No.15488027

>Because he doesn't take himself too seriously?

He thinks he is a genius.

>> No.15488045
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He was actually a good writer

>> No.15488056

Guenonfag spaz-outs are some of the best entertainment on /lit/. He will play different characters in the same thread and have whole conversation with himself. Keeps doing it while nobody is convinced too.

>> No.15488066



>> No.15488067

here's his youtube channel


>> No.15488072

Cottage Hills, I think he said, and he’s still just a book reviewer. I think he inherited money or something, in addition to being a bookseller for decades. He’s v cozy, and, along with the point I was trying to make, an example of the sort of reader /lit/ should aspire to as opposed to propped up idols.

>> No.15488082
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for a board you have to read there sure isn't a lot of good /lit/ here

>> No.15488091

He’s mostly appealing to his audience. He got cancelled when he first started posting because he said he hated authors conventions because they were full of disingenuous women. Of course, he’s a Bostonian, so he’s as liberal as the next guy, but he’s a man based in Livy and Horace. Pretty redpilled when it comes to contemporary idpol and lit.

>> No.15488098

See >>15487864

>> No.15488102
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>Of course, he’s a Bostonian, so he’s as liberal as the next guy
True Bostonians hate NIGGERS

>> No.15488103

t. has never been to boston

>> No.15488110

shut up NIGGER lover

Boston's pride Mark Wahlberg speaks the truth

>In June 1986, Wahlberg and three friends chased after three black children while yelling "Kill the nigger, kill the nigger" and throwing rocks at them

>> No.15488113

>In April 1988, Wahlberg assaulted a middle-aged Vietnamese man on the street, calling him a "Vietnam fucking shit" and knocking him unconscious with a large wooden stick.

>When Wahlberg was arrested and returned to the scene of the first assault, he told police officers: "I'll tell you now that's the mother-fucker whose head I split open."[15] Investigators also noted that Wahlberg "made numerous unsolicited racial statements about 'gooks' and 'slant-eyed gooks'"

>> No.15488115

Yeah not really a nigger lover dude just have a hold on American political history. Born and raised in the south so Boston is another world in that regard. Also lol what’s the source of that quote?

>> No.15488122

I can agree on his work not necessarily portraying 'real sensible and perceptive observations' as one would classically hope to get in good literature. He's got a different, unique style which I've yet to see in other authors. He just brings something different to the table imo.

His prose is indeed hard to place. I don't mind it, in fact I kinda like it, though it has some weaker moments. Overall I'd say it flows really well.

His humor might just not be your cup of tea. It's most defintely not purely low-brow humor though
But he's not trying to convey an objective truth, nor does his work show any superiority complex (apart from maybe some convuluted storylines, which is part of the charm). Of course he knows he's clever/trying to be clever, but once again, part of his charm.

>> No.15488124

Is Boston based?

>> No.15488129

Sorry honey, but Boston can be racist and classy unlike you trashy methheads


>> No.15488140

Yeah he was high on PCP. Bostonian racists are more curmudgeondly violent for the sake of violence rather than embroiled in proactive race hatred.

>> No.15488141

My state has a lower rate of meth usage than Boston?

>> No.15488154

>Wahlberg is a committed Roman Catholic,[90] and he openly supports same-sex marriage despite the church's opposition.[91]
So he’s a heretic who will burn in hell. V classy anon.

>> No.15488157

Boston has always been criminals and religious freaks

>> No.15488180

Sounds like you guys are just painfully mediocre at everything then, well I guess you guys are the biggest blobs on the block

>> No.15488185

Yes, Harvard is full of criminals and religious freaks


>inb4 muh cathedral
hahaha moldbug pseud

>> No.15488188

Harvard was literally founded by and for religious freaks

>> No.15488195

But it isn't that today, is it anon? The South used to have some class in the antebellum but has none today. Need to learn that your alcohol fetal southern "sage," Faulkner, was wrong when he said the "past isn't even past."

>> No.15488201

Grow up, incel.

>> No.15488203

Yeah it is that today, it just updated its religious beliefs a bit

>> No.15488213

>isnt married and devout
Never gonna make it anon

>> No.15488220

You sound like a seething flyover fag.

>> No.15488231

I'm a Boston Brahmin

>> No.15488247

Oh, so you live in a blue state. Explains why you seethe.

>> No.15488256

He sounds like a middle class New England prole whose been convinced by the elite that if he consumes certain products and lives on the coast he's not part of the same group of flyover peasants he's afraid to be confused with. This is a very old trick, they do it to white trash to make them feel better than ghetto niggers too.

>> No.15488258

How’s it feel to not own automatic weapons?

>> No.15488284

I'm right there with you friend. Feeling my intellectual inferiority pretty hard right now

>> No.15488331

Read the other post about Crying of Lot 49 and his theory. That is the more important one.

>> No.15488368

Read the end of the thread lads, mystery solved
im that bored that im investigating an image board mystery that happened ten years ago.
the person who made these heavily pynchonean threads "Not-Bill Murrays" ">>" "---" "princeluciorimanez@gmail.com" "Adolphe Menjou starred as Prince Lucio Rimanez in the Sorrows of Satan. *He graduated from Cornell*"

>> No.15488379

The last post really brings that screenshot together, thanks for sharing.
My favorite /lit/ thread was a recent one where some guy posted a smacktalk thread with the pic related as this cute girl with huge knockers, and people only responded to the anon by talking about how nice the girls boobies were.

>> No.15488382

>defeats the ghost of mary mccarthy

>> No.15488462



>> No.15488466


>> No.15488483

It fades, buddy. I'm vibin now. You're a smart kid, you'll be alright

>> No.15488508

a horrific thought. but based nonetheless

>> No.15488524

No, the mystery is not solved. Also the pinecone collection doesn't have half of what I have, though the format is obviously much prettier. Our two candidates were Gary Shitgarden and Steve Erickson, the latter probably being a little too old and the former probably a little too dumb. The real truth is the poster was probably some no name (which he insisted plenty of times) who just stopped by for shits and giggles.

>> No.15488536


>> No.15488545


>> No.15488547

oh fuck thanks for reminding me anon hahahahaha

>> No.15488561

I lost it but the one with anon writing in the style of CS Lewis in Screwtape describing the sins of lit

>> No.15488562

not him but from massachusetts here, it feels terrible, but also good in the long run because i would probably use a weapon on myself or others.

>> No.15488624

Post No. 651811 related.

>> No.15488641

the thread after q showed his dick on youtube and everyone turned viciously against him and doxed his entire family

>> No.15488689

Both of you are right

(though some copycat of butterfly has made a few okay posts recently)

>> No.15488690
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>> No.15488693

definitely based

>> No.15488714

The YHVH threads

>> No.15488717

very good response, I was also confused and this cleared it up

>> No.15488721

then how do I get home?

>> No.15488730

it has been mentioned twice above you in this thread , anon can you read?

anyway, here:

>> No.15488745

so this is the kind of poster who just comes in and ruins threads

>> No.15488746

Now that the spell has been broken, if you ever wish to return home, you must force yourself to leave now, even if it makes you weep over it, bitterly. Smite the grey seas with your oars and sail away now that you can!

>> No.15488762

Now THIS is a post I want to emulate

>> No.15488771

thank you based Minerva

>> No.15488775

>the human condition

Really this is your level of lit crit?

>> No.15488839

It's Alex Ross

>> No.15488891

Godspeed, much-enduring wanderer.

>> No.15488938

I still think fondly of the jacking it to words in the dictionary anon.

>> No.15489095 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.15489117


>> No.15489307

Holy based and Cathpilled

>> No.15489492

>Boston's pride Mark Wahlberg
>guy is a wigger
>and a jew

hahah fucking American't, don't forget that the boston basketball team has negroes as well.

>> No.15489870
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>> No.15489902

Sometimes I feel bad about my writing, then I see stuff like this.

>> No.15489933

>a few okay posts recently)

>> No.15489950

was gonna post this

>> No.15489963 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.15490088

I have seen this over the years on multiple boarrs but still can't find where the fuck it's from. What is this fucking meme

>> No.15490162

Would Pynchon know to say "pic related" though?

>> No.15490245
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here you go anon

>> No.15490526


i'm too old to be here

>> No.15490540

the one where some faggot made a whole thread about my comment reply saying i never heard of to the lighthouse

>> No.15490554

This has unironically improved my writing trying to emulate this style, he posted in response, for (you)s.

>> No.15490609
File: 34 KB, 287x329, Quotslugby+manquot+_ef3ea997f5f04a134d5630195e447e83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i haven't laughed this hard in a long time, better stop now before i start crying

>> No.15491111

I thought this post was emulating somebody else's style. quality oc, then

>> No.15491287

>there was a Spenglerian reactionary that btfo of all the marxists on lit and they stayed butthurt for years
no there wasnt

>> No.15491291

Jesus that was a good day

>> No.15491736


>> No.15492310

neither do I. Similar quality posts are made on /pol/ on a biweekly basis.

>> No.15492336


>> No.15492370

This was so obviously fake though. A round 55k words, but then he describes the search results down to the ones place? It was a funny thread, but I don't believe it. Noone working on a project of this type, of this scope, would wait until completion before coming to 4chan to talk about it.

>> No.15492388
File: 90 KB, 686x526, 1585644325923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very fucking based, fren.

>> No.15492425

>Noone working on a project of this type, of this scope, would wait until completion before coming to 4chan to talk about it.

Why not? Certainly it would have occured to the regular 4chan browsing person that, before its completion, a book largely comprised of the word nigger would be something /lit/ people find enjoyable . However, supposing one were to complete a project of this sort and length, they would likely be far from normal. I can't claim to know the mind and habbits of such a man. Can you?

Niggerbook anon and his strange niggerbook writing proclivities are beyond the scope of what can be judged by us mere normalbook writing anons.

>> No.15492603

Pynchon cameos/LARP
>>The formulations of the priest class unseen by uncalibrated eyes, forming the bleeding humanity, forced to the edge of so much horror for so long, in to vessels of light; how so many souls fell into the furnace all this time, smoltified and sublimated back to Earth. Into the tangled orchids of Apolloyon for so long, basking in the secret gnarls of time suspended, as we can spill into the stars with spirited Will, gone from the days of forlorn Gravitation and clockwork; A Rocket; A Great equalizer to the taunting sky so far above… how squabbles rooted in the toils of conquest and carnal passion, a competition of shame-inducing rituals to keep with you at home… oh please, rise above the failures of this taught flesh; come back and align us to a middle way; our failures of definition come to crumble like the stone pillars of old, and then forever free to see your fellow as a true equal; Hermaphroditic Humans and a descent upon chariots; New tablets, schematics… Trismegistus Timex in jeweled emerald; An Everyman’s Time Piece, now and forever.

>Most of the great threads on /lit/ go unnoticed
These are the truffles, and these are the oats, brother -- they must be rooted up from the mire

>I really disliked that one, it shows the problems of late 4Chan, enormous cherry picking
Waste of trips, as if arbitrary wasn't a feature of contemporary synchretic systems and the level of discussion higher than the le sad benis demiurge 5 response threads that invariably sink to the archive like rocks

>> No.15492607

anyone have the link to the collection?

>> No.15492856

Who's everyone?

>> No.15492873

Tell them they've ruined my life. I shouldnt have come here. I just know that one bit of text is gonna be enough to make me feel like shit for the rest of the day.

>> No.15492887


>> No.15492907


>> No.15493071

Don't feel bad Q, I liked your dick video.

>> No.15493328

If anyone wants to solve this finally, I can make a massive doc outlining what I have. Really the tl;dr if you wanna search is using the keywords “Prince Lucio Rimanez,” “Charles Kinbote” (usually followed by a Miskatonic University letterhead), “ghost of Mary McCarthy,” “Pale Flamer,” “poshlost,” or any of the following hyperspecific books: Satyricon by Petronius, Pictures from an Institution by Randall Jarrell, anything by Thomas Holley Chivers, anything by Sir Thomas Browne, the Confusions of Young Toreless, Birds of America by Lorrie Moore... the >> is a dead give away and I don’t think picked up on how to (you) people for a while so sometimes he would just > format them. Biographically, in a really old thread constant with style, books, formatting, he admitted he was in his early 30s (so he’s like 40 something now), attended Ivy League for undergrad (but not Harvard, most likely Yale, Cornell, or Columbia because of the extensive knowledge of their libraries and the Jenny Davidson connection), attended Oxford for grad, started in Classics but went to English, was a “professional writer,” attended Valley Forge in PA as a prep school, made The Guardian once, wrote less than four books, and wrote fiction though his main interest was poetry. At one point he posted about how he was interested in religious experiences as poetic visions and vice versa. It’s not Gary Shytengarten, though when someone asked him about Gary he didn’t downright deny it and spoke cryptically around it indicating possible clues in Gary, in Russianess, and in the puzzle in Pale Fire. He’s also gay and probably lives/lived in NY. He has theorized about way too many people for me to keep track of so there’s no one thing that really narrows him down as a specialist to me...

>> No.15493338

Also, to add to the autism, I spent most of yesterday crosslisting these criteria with all the more easily accessible compendiums of American writers born in the 70s or 80s (wiki, granta, clickbait articles, vulture list) and came back with nothing. Don’t waste your time on that front.

>> No.15493462

Think it was LARP but not our guy. I think old Not Pynchon wouldn’t come here anymore after he coincidentally got hacked and blamed it on us, unless coronavirus really has him bugging out in isolation.

>> No.15493545
File: 37 KB, 680x698, 1589600389182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15494062

Mein Gott...

>> No.15494268

Wish i had the balls to do something like this

>> No.15494695
File: 31 KB, 1287x475, borges posting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15495124
File: 288 KB, 447x489, 1546697503967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this Evola? I need to learn this power.

>> No.15495238

Iranman/Kharms arc.

Can't believe nobody has mentioned this yet.

>> No.15495483

Thats the last thing i wanna hear. I dont want there to be videos, whatever is in them. I dont want people to know who i am, i dont want to make anyone feel bad, cry or get angry. I dont wanna recognize names, videos, threads and everything else. I just want my old life back, cause i never realized how lucky i was and how many opportunities i had if i just put in the work and got some help earlier on.

>> No.15495545
File: 931 KB, 1436x1307, 1562336128126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There, dear niglet

>> No.15495705

That's what feels right to say. All the other stuff is me getting worked up and panicking. I shouldn't be here when im like that, no matter how much i disagree with the way i think things have happened. It really doesn't take that much to make someone suffer, and social media make it even easier to fuck up someone's day if you want to. Everyone should be more careful, words can cut deep

>> No.15495807

But people need a sense of self to get on in the world and when that gets under threat everything else goes out the window. Its so important to have, and so easy to mess up. And when you don't have to be face to face and see someone's immediate response or their facial expressions it feels like you're just talking to yourself, then when you actually interact with someone irl you realize that that isnt a normal or healthy way of interacting, especially with strangers you can't gauge at all. This whole hyperreality of the internet just melts away instantly in comparison to real life interactions, and yet people get addicted to it so easily. Ill have to try and ignore i guess, i dont wanna live in fear and guilt all the time

>> No.15496073

you make me sick

>> No.15496635

is this supposed to seem crazy to me?

>> No.15496680

reminds me of that guy who posted his story about a CIA agent who had to save the world, but it really just ended up being a bunch of incest porn.

>> No.15496765

>Waste of trips
What does that means?

>> No.15496809

>Pynchon cameos/LARP
Alas, that really struck me, I remember it.

>> No.15496833

i need the link

>> No.15496974
File: 128 KB, 1280x1280, 8538E88C-223E-4954-B47A-967CE150C0C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15496992

Maybe not the best but that thread with the anon who was arguing against using past tense because it makes the writing sound passive was really funny

>> No.15497201

The death of Spaft

>> No.15497261
File: 342 KB, 1887x873, Infinite Jest guy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15497268
File: 269 KB, 680x526, Original Chungus thread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15497274
File: 105 KB, 1837x333, Black Woman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15497418

Hello, cringe deparment?

>> No.15497503

Got more of an umberto eco vibe from the guy anyways. His writing style is more similar to something like foucaults pendulum where he’s forming new para-historical narratives around obscure conspiracies

>> No.15497598

See >>15493328

>> No.15497763

I just meant in general his writing style is similar to the narration of Foucault's Pendulum, not saying hes Eco just maybe inspired by him.

>> No.15498698

>Stop having fun! STOP!
>No one should be having fun but me!

>> No.15499426

Now that I think about it, this style kind of reminds me of Delicious Tacos.

>> No.15499437

Butterfly took this screencap, and I bet butterfly is the only one that posts it.

>> No.15499448

pretty ironic that this is the worst thread in the history of /lit/

>> No.15499512


>> No.15499557

At last I truly see

>> No.15499587

How so?

>> No.15499804

No you can't just get paranoid when someone says they doxxed your entire family and youve seen more than enough to assume they're not bluffing. What do you mean you're not excited, happy and eager to be forced into a situation like that?

>> No.15499820

What do you mean you worry about your sister getting "12 hours study with me" recommendations on her youtube account. There's nothing wrong with it, everyone's life is already partly online, so why not rob them of the other part as well? I dont see the moral issue at all

>> No.15499838

What do you mean you worry about your situation being linked to lovecraft, whose entire bibliography was on your phone's memory card in january, along with lolita and the stranger by camus? Would that mean someone got into your phone somehow, why worry dude?

>> No.15499863

What do you mean you bought a 100 euro+ vpn subscription to get some peace of mind, only to have people join nearly every game you're playing? I thought you wanted someone to play games with man

>> No.15499880

That's typing not writing.

>> No.15499915

Eh, it's just youtube's algorithm. They just film your room and based on what you're doing and saying they offer you stuff you might want to see. I don't see the problem here

>> No.15499972

They can already hear and see everything, it's just the age we live in. If you don't want it, write a manifesto and leave society, unironically of course

>> No.15500004

Well i for one think safety and privacy online should be a basic human right in today's day and age. And even if they can see and hear everything, they should never let you know, cause how fucked up would that be? Would cause a lot of paranoia and make people distrust authorities even more than they already do. And if there's anything we can't afford rn it's more distrust and anxiety, ot's bad enough as is.

>> No.15501216
File: 16 KB, 600x600, woczyk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the hell did this get so many (You)s?