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15485975 No.15485975 [Reply] [Original]

Any books about the insanity of the modern world?

>> No.15485986
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>> No.15486033

Brave New World, but it's shit.

>> No.15486199

American Psycho

>> No.15486211
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>The closer men came to perfecting for themselves a paradise, the more impatient they seemed to become with it, and with themselves as well. They made a garden of pleasure, and became progressively more miserable with it as it grew in richness and power and beauty; for then, perhaps, it was easier for them to see that something was missing in the garden, some tree or shrub that would not grow. When the world was in darkness and wretchedness, it could believe in perfection and yearn for it. But when the world became bright with reason and riches, it began to sense the narrowness of the needle’s eye, and that rankled for a world no longer willing to believe or yearn.

>> No.15486212

If you mean contemporary amerimutt issues, Jonathan Heidt wrote some good stuff.

>> No.15486216
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>> No.15486218


>> No.15486658

A good point but one that will get lost to history whenever he's brought up again. It will be "cops chocked him to death." However, it should be clear that he died because of police over-handling him. If it was an 80 year old man you wouldn't say "oh he was old, not the cops fault." If he's too much to handle then police departments need more fitness standards. A lot of cops are small weaklings that can't apprehend a female nigger throwing a tantrum.

Anyway, hopefully the officers don't get any time and can sue the city for ruining their lives.


Also dubs of truth

>> No.15486715

The issue isn’t the deaths, it’s that if a cop is confused because an epileptic lady he pulled over starts having a seizure he figures that it’s okay to beat her with a baton. Worst part is that she’ll settle out of court for a fat payout and the cop will still retire with a 30k/year pension at 45.

>> No.15486726

Literally yes.

>> No.15486765

Forgot to mention that Floyd was a pornstar and the cop restraining him was a former co-worker (not in porn).

>> No.15486797

>epileptic lady
If only that was what we were talking about.

>> No.15486823

cop loving suburbanite fag

>> No.15486899


Not gonna lie, having violent rioters on a hairtrigger is concerning.

>> No.15486956

Modern American liberalism reminds me of Pauline Christianity. Jesus explicitly said he was only sent to save the house of Israel and even called a Greek woman a dog, but decades later Paul invited Greeks to the cookout to worship someone who hated them. Liberals likewise think the constitution applies to people other than the White man. No one can honestly say that Thomas Jefferson literally meant that all races are created equal since he owned slaves himself.

>> No.15486991

>No one can honestly say that Thomas Jefferson literally meant that all races are created equal since he owned slaves himself.
One of my favorite pieces of rhetoric.

Isn't it fantastic to see a black US President stand in front of a podium and make appeals to the founding fathers and what THEY would have wanted?

I also love when people invoke the soldiers who fought for the Allies as anti-racist, fighting against hate and everything us liberals hate today... in their segregated units...

>> No.15487002

Jefferson supported the French Revolution mate, he was basically the blue-haired trust fund anarchist of his day

>> No.15487010

Medical malpractice deaths is a red herring and screws up the chart.

>> No.15487023

>posting this unironically

>> No.15487035

Medical malpractice is the perfect parallel to police malpractice.

It's just so, simultaneously, hilarious and maddening to me to see how ignorant people truly are.

There are "systemic" problems in medicine that are, at best, 2500x (250,000%) more significant than problems in policing.... but nobody even has emotion on the subject. And i get you were tongue-in-cheek talking about black shootings but the point again is even though they're at least significant, things like violent crime is still dwarfed by just errors in massive, necessary systems.

Incredible, yes?

>> No.15487067
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Are americans the most vile people in existence?

>> No.15487079

how about some jewish bankers and media owners instead :)

>> No.15487086

So, americans?

>> No.15487100

t. inner city bugman