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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 32 KB, 700x576, deepandedgy-quote-of-the-year.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1548329 No.1548329 [Reply] [Original]

deal with it anon

>> No.1548334


>> No.1548337

Are you stags extra trip?

or was it tybrax?

please ty if it's you i just want to let you know that i love you and that won't change because you left

>> No.1548338

I like the crispness of the fonts

>> No.1548339
File: 6 KB, 251x242, 1281325196729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a smart guy and I like you D&E but jesus christ that's got to be the most arrogant thing I've seen posted on 4chan, and I used to browse /r9k/ man.
I'm embarrassed for you.

>> No.1548340

I do not dispute this, i hope it is posted often

>> No.1548341

D&E is probably smarter than you, though.

>> No.1548342
File: 30 KB, 315x466, Retardns8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need I even add any further?

>> No.1548344

I might be cattle, but at least I'm not a tripfag.

>> No.1548345

its funny cuz its true

>> No.1548347

actually d&e is a romantic piece of shit and this is one of his many coping mechanisms

a true personality would look at attention whoring as nothing but a virtue

>> No.1548351

>a true personality
as opposed to a fake personality ritelol

>> No.1548355

>implying derp is a smart guy
damn it's retarded in hear

>> No.1548363

spot on

it is a plague at this point, the illness that produces the false persons that so horrible affect this board

answer this

>> No.1548373

i am a 4chan connoisseur

>> No.1548377

>lol I can't acknowledge other people's good points because flaws are easier

>> No.1548383

so you're stag?

>> No.1548384

>being intelligent is pseudo-intellectual sobbery
>a vibrant personality is attention whoring

Alright then, I present you with a challenge. Maybe we do misapply the above terms on this board. But are you honestly arguing that pseudo-intellectual sobbery and attention whoring don't exist here on /lit/? Or, if you agree that they still do exist, how can we identify them when we see them, as not to confuse these traits with their benign and positive counterparts?

It's only snobbery/attention whoring when somebody else does it, right?

>> No.1548388
File: 15 KB, 328x266, newfag-unstoppable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> a true personality would look at attention whoring as nothing but a virtue

i no rite

>> No.1548393
File: 41 KB, 416x431, 1296682339251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, thanks man, I always thought I was a pseudo-intellectual snobber and an attention whore, but now I know I am in fact intelligent and have a vibrant personality.

Therefore, I am the superior being here, fuckers, kneel before me and suck my 10 inches black dick.

>> No.1548395

>calling me a newfag
you're boring

you must be one of those plastic right-out-of-the-box tripfags

>> No.1548397

I don't see why people are so impressed. Op's pic is just re-worked Nietzsche.

And not even a complicated aspect of Nietzsche. Understanding slave-morality takes all of 5 minutes.

Nietzsche's understanding of Being and/or his understanding of the subject/object distinction is significantly harder. I'm not impressed by someone who has read the genealogy or morals and/or just listened to Robert Solomon's TTC lectures.

Why are you so easily impressed /lit/?

>> No.1548406


This guy is just a snobber attention whore, sage this shit.

>> No.1548410
File: 121 KB, 240x249, Yall_niggas_postin_in_a_troll_thread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1548413


Because no one here reads books.

>> No.1548415
File: 18 KB, 100x100, baccano7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tripfags, tripfags everywhere.
Having a name does not make you intelligent, nor does it make your opinions and thoughts better or more worth listening to than your average anon - what it does do is let you flash your ego in a public forum. Nothing more, nothing less.
Enjoy waving your dicks around on the internet tripfags, and stay classy.

>> No.1548424
File: 3 KB, 209x215, 1296418654484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if I'll ever be able to talk about books again

>> No.1548427

hey look, some idiot who writes reactive posts

>> No.1548428
File: 44 KB, 303x398, barack obama doesn't inhale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are the best

>> No.1548431
File: 107 KB, 392x460, 03_algreen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Deep & Edgy

>> No.1548432

Anons, don't participate in these tripfag circle-jerks.

Don't even ridicule or insult them. Just hide the thread.

>> No.1548434
File: 50 KB, 428x510, 1278392569707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I love you.


You keep getting owned today D&E.

>> No.1548437

itt: people try to troll me

they fail, and keep trying

>> No.1548443
File: 47 KB, 605x919, ha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Forgot your statue.

>> No.1548444
File: 78 KB, 555x587, 1292741837192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like a beautiful avalanche this phenomenon destroys and creates

a cycle of gorgeous destruction
the tripfag cirlejerk

>> No.1548452


Dude, that mocha frapachino you make me today was great. You've got to be the best barista that Starbucks has ever had.

>> No.1548458


>> No.1548464


>> No.1548466

hahahaha oh man

>> No.1548473

guys will i be able to make it with just 'vibrant personality' or 'hyper-sensitivity' or do i need to actually get my head down and 'get the finger out' ?

>> No.1548474
File: 210 KB, 947x480, (0) (175) -lit- - Literature_1297536675072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1548481
File: 149 KB, 468x344, 1294307861677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1548482

>'get the finger out' ?
only if your smoke alarm isn't working

>> No.1548486
File: 8 KB, 250x250, 1295147138099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1548499


>> No.1548501

While I do not deny that there are people more intelligent than the mass of us, I cannot agree with what I perceive to be an implication that all tripfags are more intelligent, or that one is more intelligent if one uses a trip. Too often in any argument it seems that both sides will take to over-exaggerating their point. The anons who barrage the tripfaggots with insults often do so regardless of whether or not a particular insult is true. All tripfags are psuedo-intellectual garbage, according to many of us. This is wrong. I believe there may be intelligent tripfags; just as there may be intelligent anons.

The only issue that the anonymous users have with tripfags who use a trip consistently - rather than using one to remain known in a pertinent discussion or when supplying information in such a way that its authenticity need be ensured (both of which seem to be the only sanctioned uses) - is that there does not seem to be any legitimate reason to do so, outside of attracting attention to one's self. Many of us believe that attempting to rise up as an individual goes against the most defining trait of 4chan. Anonymity is held dear to us; it allows us to speak freely where there is no hierarchy amongst the regular userbase, it allows all voices to be equally heard or spurned by paying no heed to who anyone might be. We are all the same, here. All anonymous. Except for you.

You go against the founding principles of the group. You want glory for yourself and frequently do not respect the group as a whole.

>> No.1548502


Now, before you write me off as someone who takes 'anonymous' too seriously, please realize a few things. Many of us think of 4chan as a place to belong, where we matter only as much as our contributions. We do not hide under a name or a persona. We are all one. You are not. You do not belong. And so we fight against you, as we view you as an outsider.

I am open to reconsideration on these points, and I'd like to be clear that I speak only for myself and for those whom I believe exist and feel similarly. No tripfag has ever given me a good reason for their behavior, aside from garnering undue attention.

You may be intelligent, you may be kind, you may be a better or a bigger person than I am; but you are not Anonymous, and you do not belong here with me.

>> No.1548509


>> No.1548529



This is the perspective of an originalfag.

>> No.1548532

guys why all the hate

>> No.1548539
File: 44 KB, 560x375, 26_algreen_lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i actually consider you a total bro and a tripbuddy, but you terrible taste.

>> No.1548548 [DELETED] 

>but you terrible taste

also mogowau im not speaking to you on msn you fucking DIXCK DIXKCK

>> No.1548545

someone tell me how tybrax is doing

>> No.1548552
File: 116 KB, 487x365, hollyhood_102_08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What he said.

>> No.1548555

I was just about to ask how your day was.

>> No.1548561


>> No.1548562
File: 215 KB, 424x300, al green 25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out dem tripplets.

>> No.1548567

tybrax is ok rite

it wasn't my fault he left rite

>> No.1548694


>> No.1548713

oh boy throw that into the big heap of won't change the human psyche a bit aside from the vat of useless ponderings and self-absorbed anybodies that range from 20-30 and post on image boards

>> No.1548753

I like the whole being a celebrity on a board where personality fundamentally doesn't matter. Here's to something a tripfag can put on a resume, can talk about in public, can boast about to friends and family.

Well done, some people on 4chan recognize some letters! What a feat! Your parents must be so proud. Now you can die happy.

Yes, it's probably all downhill from here.

>> No.1549089
File: 24 KB, 500x375, feelsgoodman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1549093


also, blatant blatant samefag

>> No.1549099

d&e puts the uber in ubermensch

>> No.1549104

>some people on 4chan recognize some letters
you mean read
on a literature board

>> No.1549105

sup oreo

>> No.1549114


not to mention the slowest board... Congrats, D&E you've really accomplished something!

>> No.1549119

>slowest board

>> No.1549124

>Congrats, D&E you've really accomplished something!
Thanks, means a lot to me.

>> No.1549127

It shouldn't.
Since you wrote it to yourself.

>> No.1549129

Yeah OP's quote did come from me, are you blind or something

>> No.1549133

I'm glad that we agree that it came from you.

>> No.1549138

A poem I just wrote:

Deep&Edgy has all the intellect
Of a bucket of dildoes.

>> No.1549149

Tripfags: 1
Anons: 0

Man we really went to town on these poor lil anons today

>> No.1549153

I have a folder of screencaps dedicated to D&E getting shit from other tripfriends.

>> No.1549156

please just tell me ty is alive and well

tell me he'll forgive me eventually


>> No.1549160

what are you talking about?
he posts all the time.
tybrax is !WvWWh.l.CE after all

>> No.1549164

That read "I have almost no real life whatsoever" to me.

>> No.1549166

See >>1549163

Also look at the /lit/ archives

>> No.1549168

Tybrax formerly used that trip. He's allowed me to use it now.

>> No.1549170

Hello /Lit/, I am God.

I have lurked this board since it's inception, and I only have one observation:

Deep n Edgy is neither intelligent, nor has a vibrant personality.

So sayeth the Lord

>> No.1549176

Sure bro.

>> No.1549177

yeh and he won't even give my letters to ty

it's not fair

lovers aren't supposed to be so suddenly torn apart!

this isn't a tragedy it's fucking 4chan!

i just want him here

to talk about how his day went and tell me of the horrors he faces, as a truly ordinary person

>> No.1549181

I've heard people fart more intelligent things than D+E posts.

>> No.1549188

It's nothing personal. I just don't feel like getting involved in your tripfag drama.

>> No.1549190

>implying you aren't tybrax and JDsalinger

>implying the big 3 lit tripfags aren't same person who has no life

>> No.1549192
File: 595 KB, 500x730, 1297295993811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1549195

yeah yeah and i'm d&es repressed homo lust too

you're crackpot theories won't work on me

i respect that but i love him!

have you no soul?

>> No.1549197

As an someone whose chosen to remain anonymous on 4chan (and who once stepped to D&E), I feel compelled to say that I have the utmost respect for D&E. I am often in awe of the way he conducts himself and his intellect. D&E aspires me to read more and to work harder at comprehending the philosophy that interests me.

Oh, and the quote is fucking dead-on.

>> No.1549200

more like "expressed:

>> No.1549202

>>implying you're not also me.


>> No.1549203

we know it's you kid

just put your trip back on so we can leave

>> No.1549206

Yo, D&E, why did you just delete that post that you were praising yourself in?

>> No.1549214

I laughed.

>> No.1549215

hey stag

>> No.1549216


>> No.1549220

I would never fuck you

you're a horrible, horrible friend!

>> No.1549223

when i want mediocre obscure new tripfags to respond to me ill ask for them

>> No.1549233 [DELETED] 


>> No.1549245

i'm sry. ;-;

>> No.1549246

i mad

>> No.1549247
File: 222 KB, 1021x663, Trips2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my

that hurt

i think i'm more famous than you at this point though

and certainly a greater personality

and i've been here for months

you're just unbecoming

>> No.1549249

It may have worked that way with all those drawfags on /v/, but tripfag conspiracies don't work here.

>> No.1549257 [DELETED] 


>> No.1549253

>i think i'm more famous than you at this point though
read as: I post more than you

>and certainly a greater personality
read as: people hate me more

>and i've been here for months
read as: Mommy, I'm an oldfag now!

>you're just unbecoming
read as: i mad & jelly

>> No.1549255

I relate to you to such an extent I can't help but nearly despise you.

>> No.1549258


>> No.1549259

stay on /soc/ and gtfo here

>> No.1549260

oh god

you can't relate to me

you are the commons!

but still

you are welcome if you are here to do nothing but comfort me

i will learn to love you

>> No.1549262

>i will learn to love you entering me violently

>> No.1549263

If you'd like to be nasty, the least you could do (for hospitality's sake) is write me a nice limerick. Perhaps a few couplets with words easy to rhyme at the end. I don't know, do something interesting.

>> No.1549266

ITT: Tripfags suck each other off for seniority (not having anything better going on in their lives the longest) and being "known" (insecure enough to need a name on 4chan)

>> No.1549267

And you may have an apple martini if you like.

>> No.1549268
File: 7 KB, 202x249, Moliere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that was just crude

>assuming this was oreo

i think you're problem is that you're just boring

i think you hate my recent eclipsing you in status because you realize it is nothing but justified

enjoy your dull lives in what little ways you can my foolish friends

>> No.1549274

Already did that.
Here I will repost it and subsitute your name.

In a town named Joliet
An alcholic sat upon a toliet
His ass gaping wide
He felt something slipping inside
His heart was aflutter
Blood he began to sputter
He fell over dead
A snake crawled out of his head

>> No.1549278

Not Oreo.
But I'm so happy you acknowledge that I'd be a better tripfag than you as I've already stated.

>> No.1549281

Ah, lovely. Carry on then.

>> No.1549282

>"embrace it" defense
a child does this

i don't think you are a child

but you make yourself out as similar to one

>> No.1549284

that wasnt me. your whole thinking-its-funny-if-i-keep-saying-im-better-than-everyone shtick is getting old
go home

>> No.1549292

that shtick is not even mine

i would never claim to be better than another

that would be drab

like you

and i don't say that to be nasty

it's just true

i haven't seen you post but once or twice before

and you have nothing substantial to say...

>> No.1549293

a x does this

i don't think you are a x

but you make yourself out as similar to one

nice template
where'd you steal it from?

>> No.1549295

needs more rhyming

>> No.1549296

d&e is cool but the guy who posts the arcueid copypasta is cooler

>> No.1549299

sup arcuied brunsteid

>> No.1549303

i can't meet everyone's tastes at all times

but you are so civil

it is only mine

that makes no sense

>> No.1549310

"You are a (unusual adjective) person.

Of course, (unusual adjective) people only (pithy, ironic phrase).

That's why (dour rationale about how everyone's pals because of the above.)"

>> No.1549311

>mfw when fabulous doesn't know about the arcuid brunsteid tripfag


>> No.1549313

Splendid analysis.

>> No.1549315

I know of it, the copypasta?

of modern warfare fame?

your little chat just made no sense

I wish my posts were that easy to categorize

but i'll save your small template

it'll greatly augment my ability to produce witty posts in the future

>> No.1549317

No I mean Arcueid Brunestud !ARCIkc4cG6
you twit

>> No.1549321
File: 8 KB, 548x139, guidetosmallwitticismsandglitteringinterchange.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am hoping to be able to de rail threads using only the filename alone

sort of like the
thanks for this new tool

>> No.1549326

well of course i know of him

i was speaking with him only earlier

you give me so little credit anon

>> No.1549347


Hey buddy lol made you look you!

>> No.1549356

I don't know if that was clever of you

there are so few clever happenings nowadays

>> No.1549362

This is all of the cancer on /lit/ packed into one thread.

>> No.1549363

If I were a janitor this thread would be gone.

>> No.1549368

but this is /lit/...

>> No.1549371

I am so sorry guys
please forgive me ;_;

>> No.1549375
File: 626 KB, 1525x1946, Girls laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he still says "cancer"

>> No.1549382

>he uses reaction images!

>> No.1549386

that wasn't funny with d&e

and it won't come close to working with me

my posts just cannot be replicated

>> No.1549391


man, stop pretending to use my trip

>> No.1549393

these escapades do nothing for no one

>> No.1549395

>he mad

If I said it any other way, you would have said u mad and committed an act of irony. I protected you from that. At least I acknowledge that 4chan is and always has been bad.

>> No.1549406

I have a fondness for willies. The phallic nature of the male organ reminds me of Wittgenstein's work on logical positivism.

>> No.1549411


Doing nothing is the solution for everything.

Let us return to the zero state
clean the slate
the thought makes me palpate

>> No.1549416

that was very dull

if you wish not to be known a dull person you should not say dull things

>> No.1549425

no, fuck that

trite is a better word

>> No.1549428


That was very droll.
I do not think you are a droll person but what you do make others think that.

In the future before you post again, ask yourself this question, "Does this statement portray me as a droll person?"

When in doubt, try to imitate me.
Even if it's but a pale shadow of my fabolousness, it'd still be better than what you are normally.

>> No.1549432

your commenting on my behavior does it no justice

>> No.1549437

There is no justice.
You have replied to my posts over 9,000 times in the last or two.

>> No.1549439

last hour or two

>> No.1549440


>> No.1549454

well then i must say

my replies were given to a person

who may or may not have deserved them

>> No.1549460


herp a derp
llama llama
buffalo walrus grasshopper
raccoon squirrel skunk wolf

>> No.1549463

oh god

is this the effect my glittering conversation has on you all?

>> No.1549466

>145 posts and 24 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

I wonder how many of these trolled morons bothered to report this thread.

>> No.1549468


Gad, but I hate it when people post that pic because I can't look at the slut with "poke" written on her arse for more than about 20 seconds before my cock is in my hand. It's an illness.

>> No.1549471


Seven times the mizzen would galvanize the gizzard
Twice I would the whole thing but I didn't even
Days of yore sloughing about, trite ramblings collect
Bleed off the relic;Harvest the soul
Travesty afoot, belie the foam
darkened skies
feeble cries
we die

>> No.1549473

well at least the tripfags are good for something now, eh?

>> No.1549483

these are so flattering

but i am so tired now

i shall see you all in the morning

>> No.1549484

Fabolous confirmed for American or Canadian.
Makes perfect fucking sense.

>> No.1549512

/soc/ already has more posts in a month than /lit/ has in years
being social > reading

>> No.1549516

/soc/ is /r9kb/. Of course it would have more posts than /lit/.

>> No.1549526

As an American, I hope he's Canadian.

>> No.1549527

/lit/ was like that for the first week or so but then everybody got bored with it I guess

>> No.1549930

i am an anonymous poster and we got owned in this thread. the war goes on but we lost this battle. we should regroup and think about our strategy

>> No.1549935

Is Deep Pan Edgy some kind of crusty pizza?

>> No.1549941

he certainly is cheesy

>> No.1549949
File: 18 KB, 500x332, pizza-face-all-that.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They turn the pepperoni of superior toppings into evil ingredients: pineapple chunks with ham is a Hawaiian, dry chicken bits and low grade barbeque sauce make a Barbeque Chicken Supreme, and so on.

>> No.1549961

/lit/ tripfags are really shity

>> No.1550016
File: 25 KB, 494x400, 1277844940710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like D&E :)

>> No.1550017

You are D&E

>> No.1550023
File: 29 KB, 322x350, 1294756969292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw those bulky posts midway through are largely ignored and everyone continues to bicker senselessly because it amuses them and distracts them from their senselessly empty lives

>> No.1550030


> distracts them from their senselessly empty lives

y helo thar

>> No.1550427

The worst posts are the bulky ones. I took a look at them and all they are is long ways of writing "I don't like X".

>> No.1550431

pot, kettle

kettle, pot

>> No.1550498

I manage to convey this in a single sentence rather than a paragraph tho Fab. some folks might consider that a good thing

>> No.1550514

d&e is alright, after all we're all d&e's
and i never realized how we've steadily gathered all these tripfags...well off to the filter they go.

>> No.1550573

This board is officially unable to be salvaged.

>> No.1550619

well that's not entirely true

salvation happens on small levels

>> No.1550632

>170 posts and 27 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

Look at this shit. Also fuck you for bumping this shitstain of a thread.

>> No.1550636

thread is so meta my head is exploding

>> No.1550638

It's a stagolee thread

had i not intervened

the thread probably would've been worse

>> No.1550639

I wouldn't take it too seriously

>> No.1550647

saged for posturing by idiots with fragile egos.

>> No.1550648
File: 116 KB, 400x360, laughing_man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish D&E would pay attention to me. Every time he has quoted me in the fast I felt an exhilarating rush, and my cheeks turn a very rosy hue.

Oh, him.

>> No.1550660

and two threads from now you'll call him cancer and wonder to yourself how he lives on

>> No.1550667

Oh, that's simple. He lives on because D&E is not a man online. He's not even a human. He's the object of worship in a cult of personality. D&E is a boundless ego. D&E is no longer the ghost in his own machine, he's the opinions of every man, woman and child that contemplates his nature. And because of all this, he will never die until his memory is dead.

But none of that made much sense, I'll admit.

>> No.1550668

He's here all the time.

I wouldn't call what he does "living."

>> No.1550686

From what I've seen of D&E he does seem at times clever and well-read. That doesn't change the fact that he sages for no reason and makes perfunctory, obnoxious responses most of the other times. And if he is so opposed to the "disgusting, artificial, false levelling force of anonymity" then why does he spend hours upon hours on anonymous image boards?

captcha: neekshe gtu

>> No.1550694

Why do you get angry at people saging?

>> No.1550741

i liked D&E until i saw how fat he was

why did you have to be fat


>> No.1550795

he's fat?

>> No.1550799

Source that claim, please.

I'll probably still masturbate to it.

>> No.1550806
File: 16 KB, 328x518, proglress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so fat

>> No.1550817


>> No.1550829

I havent made up my mind about D&E yet. I've seen him post for about 8 months, but haven't decided. He can be pompous and a jerk, but seems well-read.

>> No.1550839

And so it has come to this, D&E posting his own vanity shots on /lit/.

>> No.1550843


>> No.1550846

those have been floating around forever

>> No.1550863


That's not you.

>> No.1550868


i do have my suspicions