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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 229 KB, 991x1215, B652BB39-1422-4CCB-A544-34CD0167FF5D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15481045 No.15481045 [Reply] [Original]

What the hell is your end goal, Q? How the hell are you a lit fag that has an extensive library and also just throw your life away? How the hell do you make money? You’re not gonna get any job with the shit you do? I’m just asking because I’m envious of you. I wish I could stop giving a shit and be a bullshit artist like you, but ya know....income.

>> No.15481059
File: 61 KB, 720x480, SAGE1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop shilling your youtube channel, nigger.

>> No.15481871

This plateaued young man is just escaping coming to terms with his own limitations and hereditary Alzheimer's, he makes for a decent artiste like everyone else in a similar situation

>> No.15481886
File: 240 KB, 600x659, 4567890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it true? is it over for Q?

>> No.15481905

He’s obviously monied. Look at his face - incredibly handsome, yes, but the kind of looks you never get from poverty and poor people genes.

>> No.15481932
File: 47 KB, 1100x636, an-infographic-of-the-norwood-scale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His youtube channel is just one big cope to deal with the fact that he's balding. All crisis throughout a males life correlate directly with the Norwood scale, every degree is a new crisis; people underestimate how much damage watching a part of yourself fade away can do--It's like losing a child for a woman.

>> No.15481945

his face doesn't even change, I admire this man

>> No.15481948
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>> No.15482054
File: 721 KB, 631x653, qcock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this considered a large penis? Is he fully flaccid?
Also, isn't this a little gay?


>> No.15482081
File: 540 KB, 913x471, 1575248232874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

link to discord?

>> No.15482176

a true stoic, his shit gets progressively fucked to all hell and he just bears it up like an emperor, nothing can alter this man's frame.

>> No.15482185

Fucking hell, you are not a good person. I'm not Q, but what kind of person would joke about that? Seriously mate grow up.

>> No.15482260

why is lit so obsessed with this teenager?

>> No.15482285

Hi Quentin!

>> No.15482356

stop fucking posting your own channel, ass

>> No.15482380

>tfw some guy on /soc/ confused me for this handsome laddie
Felt good mang

>> No.15482395


>> No.15482422

it's just spam

>> No.15482455

Fuck off Quentin, nobody irl or here is going to think you're a teen. Your youth has left you.

>> No.15482481

noice cawk

how did he get away with this?

>> No.15482516

He didn't. He's being prosecuted for public indecency.

>> No.15482547

that's like on the high end of average but flaccid dicks arent a very good predictor of erect size. they should have kept going

>> No.15482605

The funniest thing about his fans is that they seethe at the fact he’s ugly. If they were gay, they’d easily be able to tell he was ugly, so presumably they’re hereto. This means they’re a bunch of hetero “men” who become enraged when it’s pointed out (matter of factly) that their internet best friend is ugly. Truly a strange way to go through life.

>> No.15482614

I like this theory.
So how do you interpret me shaving my head bald at stage 1?

>> No.15482619

Reminder he's under 5'6, that's nearly a micropeen

>> No.15482630

Who is this?

>> No.15482631

You're at stage 6 bro, it's thinning out as .

>> No.15482637

Those are his parents books...he’s embarrassing

>> No.15482638

goddamn the nerds seething in these threads, and I don't watch this dude or care about him

>> No.15482645

>handful of tourist eceleb worshiping zoomers talking to eachother about how /lit/ is having an epic war between haters/lovers of their chosen eceleb
>its just a handful of faggot zoomers

stay on your discords

>> No.15482646

I don't find him ugly at all, I don't have a stake in this either way but his face seems well above average to me

>> No.15482647

I honestly feel terrible for men under 5’10”. Dont even think it was a meme until the last decade or two, but now that everyone knows it’s just deeply shameful to be such a manlet.

>> No.15482650


>> No.15482651

I am gay though and he’s attractive, not his fan though

>> No.15482661

Now his fans are larping as gay men. I didn’t think it could get worse.

>> No.15482670

That's from the early 90s so we're going on 3 decades at least.

>> No.15482687

Damn. Still, don’t you think the internet has made it much worse for them?

>> No.15482697

I think it's alright, the jokes go right over their heads.

>> No.15482701

Very funny.

>> No.15482714


>> No.15482724

This. He's like 40.

>> No.15482735

jesus christ, what a shame, he kinda qt but with that atitude... damn

>> No.15482743

Has he ever said anything insightful or is it all just these cynical post-irony ironic humor of him just doing wacky things under the veneer of it being akshully deep n shiet?

>> No.15482872


>> No.15482908

he never got his memory loicense

>> No.15482916


>> No.15483129

What 27 year old is that short and balding?

>> No.15483151


>> No.15483168
File: 127 KB, 339x273, 1590737142262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What 27 year old is that short

>> No.15483190

This is /lit/ not /eceleb/. If this faggot atleast talked about books. He is too afraid to voice his genuine opinion so this insecure pseud hides behind retarded neologisms and irony. It was funny once but it is played out at this point.

>> No.15483206

this, its slampoetry tier soulless dross for the 4chin edgelords

>> No.15483207

There's a clear through line in the videos, he says his father has it atm etc. It's no joke, shame the pain only results in crackheadenergyTM YouTube videos

>> No.15483253

Hi brainlet, what makes his content postironic is that communication is highly subjective and personal meaning that whether he's right or wrong in his analysis etc. is irrelevant because it's now open for us to interpret, the other side of this is when the content is seemingly sincere

>> No.15483259


>> No.15483263

Why would I care he’s basically alt right, the obsession with e celebs on this board is depressing

>> No.15483265
File: 52 KB, 721x721, 1587325859547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I-i have a genuine opinion

>> No.15483271

yeah ill go read my roll of tp right now instead, bye faggot

>> No.15483284

Read pynchon poopieheads

>> No.15483333

how does pinecome come into this, writing about subjectivity is not the same as selling nonsensical collages of faggotry to pseuds. Its the slampoetry of /lit/, the hand that jerks of your flaccid mind.

>> No.15483342

Obviously it's a refined way of lying to yourself. You've convinced yourself you are chad embracing baldness; however, a genuine chad embrace would be to bald and not change your hair style at all. If it was "only hair" you wouldn't feel the need to change your hair so dramatically--pretty embarrassing if you ask me.

>> No.15483365

I dont have a youtube channel about books you retard, I keep my take for myself.

Also hi Q, I know you are vain enough to check out these threads. I dare you to make an analysis on your favourite author for your next video. But here is the twist: tell us why you like what you read and what you got out of it. If you do that I will like and subscribe. I double dare you. I know you wont because you fear that people might dislike your take and in turn you as a person. Or will you hide behind your antics so you can claim, when faced with critics- "I just pretended to be retarded"?

Also your takes are actually sometimes interesting when you abstain from your antics (mishima video had a couple decent sentences).

>> No.15483397

Pynchon is quintessential reddit

>> No.15483406

Imagine being a 40 year old looking mf and writing this shit.

>> No.15483418

Out of the triumvirate, Pynchon is the one we can separate ourselves from the least, he is the very corpus of /lit/ if any author can be.

>> No.15483434

Different mediums same form, I'm not saying q is Tommy level I'm saying it's the same vein quite, there are a lot more yt channels doing the same thing btw q just was smart enough to capitalize on /lit/ and facebook-esque duel syllable compound word title Bookclub
No higher sign of pseudery than thinking Mishima is good, even the film about him is a thinly-veiled mockumentary

>> No.15483448

>q just was smart enough to capitalize on /lit/ and facebook-esque duel syllable compound word title Bookclub
You're talking like you're successful, it's got no traction or interest.

>> No.15483455


>> No.15483459

Cry harder. Pimecomb is one of us.

>> No.15483482

Switch off the narcissism for a second and consider that your life isn't that interesting that you're communicating with a nobody YouTuber on a Mongolian basket weaving chatboard, can you do that without roping yourself?
At the very least q goes on /an/, that's where he said he got most of the Pongo pictures

>> No.15483493

Read any book
Pinecone isn't reddit or us

>> No.15483516

>Different mediums same form
lmao, if you mean sucking out all modicum of meaning from the typical pinecone wankery and leaving in the lolsorandom wackiness to please the pseuds maybe, but there is at least something behind Pynchon's autism, this is just mindcandy for pseuds. its still more like slampoetry, but the bombastic virtue signaling is substituted with rococo edginess instead, both are a form of masturbation for midwits.

hes not even in the same dimension as him

>> No.15483546
File: 1.24 MB, 1440x1398, 1588352669892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So we're on the same page? Cool!

>> No.15483551

I think turn that back onto yourself, this:
>consider that your life isn't that interesting that you're communicating with a nobody YouTuber on a Mongolian basket weaving chatboard, can you do that without roping yourself?
Sort of thing doesn't bother me precisely because I am not a narcissist dear. That you think it naturally ought to though, and that you are ready to call someone a narcissist, doesn't it leave you with a pause for thought?

>> No.15483566

Got my point across, now stfu

>> No.15483572

He definitely hates his fans, and who could blame him (most of them are fags from this place)
The comments on some of his videos of people thanking him when they thought he wasn't coming back are so pathetic

>> No.15483577

Did you? This seems like a reply out of despair anon, you hope for it to be over so you cry STFU, but you're too impotent for it to do anything.

>> No.15483584

whoring yourself out to these faggots makes you one of them tho

>> No.15483599

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