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/lit/ - Literature

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15463618 No.15463618 [Reply] [Original]

what you working on, post those stacks boys

>> No.15463636
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>> No.15463660

>Brief Interviews with Hideous Men

>> No.15463690
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Also reading Get Shorty on my kindle

>> No.15463726

>The Young Desire It
What is it? Cock?

>> No.15463738

>Not the lattimore translation

>> No.15463808

Quote at the beginning: 'To be free to choose is not enough. Though the young desire it, they cannot use that freedom, but must be forced into the decision of choice by good or evil circumstances which while they can percieve them they cannot control'. Basically youth is wasted on the young, I guess. But also the main character has some homo tendencies, so you're not wrong.

>> No.15463971

>Not the Pope translation

>> No.15463980

>δεν το διαβάζω στα ελληνικά

>> No.15463988
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Reading volume 3.

>> No.15464015
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Accidentally made a thread.

>> No.15464023

I only read ebooks, like a cunt.

>> No.15464030

Imagine bringing a girl or friends over and not being able to show them your intellectual prowess? Also not being able to lend them books as a way of extending your reach into their lives. They are made to read your reading feed.

>> No.15464322

post ebooks plox

>> No.15464553
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Interested in people's thoughts on this.

>> No.15464569


>> No.15464587

what makes you say that?

>> No.15464597
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>> No.15464721
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>hugo in english

>> No.15464770

Explain yourself

>> No.15464772
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>> No.15465412

> picking books in the hope that internet strangers will like you

>> No.15465629

we desire acceptance anon

>> No.15466188

I'm not hoping anybody likes me. I stumbled across this thread, and happened to have my stack sitting behind me. I've never posted before but thought it might be fun. I'm honestly just interested in people's opinions of any of these books in particular or the stack generally. But obviously I was naive, as it turns out everyone on this bored is a cretin.

>> No.15466300

Patrician choice.

>> No.15466413
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>> No.15466727
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Just got these in the mail today

>> No.15466900

thought those were GTMs from the thumbnail

>> No.15467425

It's good so far, seems influenced by Borges

>> No.15467986
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this is the last of my stack, i’m running out of books to read. never thought i’d see the day.

>> No.15468019

well, zhuangzi is around my 4th rereading, and obviously i've got to read book 3 of the rosy crucifixion after that, but beyond that i've cleaned out my backlog of books. what evils hath quarantine wrought?

>> No.15468044

>i’m running out of books to read
can't really relate.
I have a room filled with unread books, but sudden inclinations mean I'm reading pdfs from libgen, or books on archive dot org

>> No.15468049

I got stacks of pdfs I need to print desu

>> No.15468055

why? you can keep hundreds of them on your phone, or you can copy thousands of them onto a few usb flash drives with only a few gigs on them

>> No.15468090

will be interested to hear about Crash

>> No.15468093

i'm a fag that can't handle reading for long periods of time on a screen for pleasure. i can fake my way through it for work/school but if i really want to absorb something and appreciate it i need a physical copy of it in front of me. an ode to materialism?

>> No.15468095

based Chandler, enjoy!

>> No.15468100

I inherited bad eyesight from my mother desu. I'll probably get lasik soon though.

>> No.15468150
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What's up with the visit? nice Faulker
How's the Eco?
this is very ambitious, interesting choice of most recent Zizek and greeks
thrifty anon, ligotti is legit

here's what i've gotten through since starting work from home

>> No.15468166

fair enough. I'm way more into physical media too, but I just can't wait for books to be delivered to read them - lest my enthusiasm flag before I've actually finished them.
don't you ever have expensive books you want to read that you can only find on libgen?
it's worth it. I had prk, and it's probably the best expense I've ever incurred my whole life.

>> No.15468168

>thrifty anon, Ligotti is legit

The book is making me really sad but I also like the way Ligotti digs through and develops his argument. It's interesting how much the genre fiction side comes through in his philosophical writing. It makes it more interesting than most other philosophy I've read

>Your Stack
The Long Goodbye is slow and drags in the middle but gets great
I studied the Murder of Roger Ackroyd for a detective fiction class. It's fucking brilliant and probably among Christie's best.
White Noise is interesting. It made me fall in love with Delillo the first time I read it, but the second time I read it It felt stilted.
Cat's Cradle is great.

>> No.15468235


Choice excellent, my friend

>> No.15468242

I’ve only read volume 1 so far. How are the stories in volume 2?

>> No.15468357
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I have made minor modifications to my stack since the last time. Some of you may recognize parts of it.

>> No.15468388

what translation is that Rabelais?

>> No.15468412
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Top 3 are current reads, rest are my next in line.
I'm almost finished Frankenstein, trying to decide wether to start Dubliners or tCoL49 first.
Also just picked up a copy of W. B. Yeats' Complete Poems, I think I'll start adding a poem per day to my stack.

>> No.15468427
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The Origin of Consciuosness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind
No More Secondhand Art
High Weirdness

>> No.15468438

Just finished American Psycho. I wish that it was about 100 pages shorter. It sort of lost tempo. 9/10 still.

>> No.15468446

wtf is that the inside of a microwave

>> No.15468456

are you 6 months old?

>> No.15468458

wtf did you get paint drops all over your books?

>> No.15468468

god i haven't read a vonnegut novel in so long i miss it.

>> No.15468472

>spending a ton of money on big honking volumes you can't anywhere

good work

>> No.15468524

>How's the Eco?
At it's best its very good but there are some sections that drag on. They're integral to the story but they could have been done better I think. My overall enjoyment depends on how good the last 100 pages are. What would you recommend from your stack? I've only read White Noise

>> No.15468634

Motteux, who is not exactly lauded for the efficacy of his translations, bur I find him to be very fun to read. I did want to get a copy of a complete works of Rabelais modern translation for comparison purposes, but it's still around $60 and paperback to boot.

>> No.15468648

What's wrong, baby hands? I'll bring any of my 1000 page books to read with me anywhere I go if I think I'll be able to get some reading done there. There's nothing to it.

>> No.15469161

We is a great book, I hope you enjoy it.

>> No.15469719

History of the Peloponnesian war is actually quite boring desu. Some of the speeches are good and the Sicilian campaign is relatively interesting, but much of the minor stuff is boring af.
Eichmann in Jerusalem is great.
And that better not be the first book from Nietzsche you're planning to read.

>> No.15470548


>> No.15470581
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>> No.15470587
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pomo shit, some meme philosophy, metaphysics, oh and Kant's Prolegomena, Baudrillard's System of Objects and Marsilio Ficino's Platonic Theology Vol. 1 on the side amongst others

>> No.15470605

that's an aggressive stack

>> No.15470621

Yea anon its fugging doing my head in
at least with Land, The Upanishads, the Gita its a re-read so should be smooth sailing.
Also MacIntyre and Baudrillard's writing styles are really nice but the rest is just killing me but seems worth it.
Too scared to touch Derrida and Husserl ngl.
Souseki is comfy tho

>> No.15471050

Virgin. Why Marx was right book. Explanation. If you read Marx, you don't need an other book to explain why he was right. You only need to read classic adversaries like Schumpeteer, Mises, Sowell, and the classic economists like Hayek and Friedman, to understand that yes, he was right.

>> No.15471334
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“Because...I … want … to … fit … in.”

>> No.15471366
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>> No.15471573

woah a stack of books
most people just read one or two but you guys got whole stacks
thats like so smart omg

>> No.15471592
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It's essentially a "to read" list, no one is saying they have the whole stack on the go simultaneously. Unless I'm rarted desu

>> No.15471597

why thank you kind sir we truly our the intelligentsia

>> No.15471739

I have the same Hardcover of M & D. Great book, enjoyed it thoroughly. Would rate it higher than GR personally but that may because I enjoy the Enlightment setting more than WWII

>> No.15472419
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Have I been meme'd, /lit/

>> No.15472517

Gawd. Yes, you've been memed hard. The one on far right is pretty decent but the other books are just utter garbage. All of them. Please anon, save yourself the embarassment and sell them on ebay, or hide them in the basement where nobody else can see them. Pretend you never got those books so people on the internet think youre cool.

>> No.15472576

/lit/ is always wrong, so surely that means these are good
thx anon!

>> No.15473638

interesting - Motteux has been roundly condemned both in the wiki for G&P and in the intro for my Penguin edition - though they all say the Urquhart translation of the 1st and 2nd books (of which the Motteux translation completed the last 3 books) typically improve the work

>> No.15474005

what am I looking at here

>> No.15474099

what does 'stack' mean? Books you're currently reading and/or the next couple books?

Why are people posting unstable towers of 7000+ pages? vanity?

>> No.15474141

it's that and recent purchases
both are vanity lol

>> No.15474155
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>> No.15474363

Hawkes - Lime Twig, Second Skin, Travesty
Hoffmann - Tomcat Murr
Kafka - The Trial
Mishima - Temple of the Golden Pavilion
Patchen - Sleepers Awake
Schwob - Book of Monelle
Tokarczuk - Flights
All of these books/authors have been recommended from /lit/ while I have been furloughed, I probably won't be back in work for a while too

>> No.15474495
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>bird by bird
My writing & english lit course had that book on the recommended reading but it didn't actually come up on the course, so I haven't read it yet. The other books recommended were good, though.

>> No.15474630

He has likewise been condemned for his translation of Don Quixote but comparing it to the modern translations that typically get recommended, I find his work riotous fun. I don't mind it at all.

>> No.15474642

7000 pages is only like 3 months of reading.

>> No.15474709

It's as good of a book as you can find on getting your shit together and putting words on a page. Super fast read also.

>> No.15474771

I'm reading Blood Meridian rn myself :)

>> No.15474793

hahaha weiner

>> No.15474846

Cats Cradle is peak comfy

>> No.15474907

I don't have a picture but my stack includes:
>Faust Part II
>Butcher's Crossing
>Moby Dick
>The Bible: Authorized King James Version
R8 and h8

>> No.15476278

I recently found my way to the end of tobias smollett's 18th century translation of Don Quixote, and it was one of the great literary experiences of my life

>> No.15476335

Based having a Chandler novel. White Noise is fucking unbearable, don't read it

>> No.15476419

You posted these at least 3 times already

>> No.15476425
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I am up to my last 3 books , I need new material. I dumped my crush in new years during a fit of anger (She made a comment which triggered me). I left her there in midtown Manhattan, she was also my coworker . We don't work there anymore. Apparently I have chaos in me, trying to incorporate dionesian affirmation. Fortunately I apologized because I felt like raskolnikov lol. Anyway pls share with me new coping material. Thx

>> No.15476438

lol same

>> No.15476468

Franken is kino

>> No.15476470


Text Classics, they publish Australian novels that can be hard to find elsewhere. Very cheap too, $13 aud

>> No.15476619

was in the same boat, really enjoyed dipping my toe back in the water
what brought you to Foucault's P over others?, is Text Classics an Aussie publisher? afraid i don't have enough of your interests at heart to recommend, but what's a good aussie read?
was my second time reading it, had read it in high school and was much comfy and funnier now
nice stacks, Levi-Strauss is really interesting. i bet you're a good conversationalist

>> No.15476645

Smollett is the one who typically gets recommended over Motteux for their stylistic similarity, and from the excerpts of each that I've read side-by-side they seem relatively close. I'm actually super interested in reading his translation for that reason, and one day I will. That 17th/18th-century English seemed so much more endearing to the content and the era of the book, that the modern translations like Grossman didn't feel whimsical enough.

>> No.15478278

I'd only heard of Foucaults Pendulum and the Name of the Rose by Eco, I didn't have any particular reason for choosing one over the other. The two Aussie novels in my stack are good, Voss by Patrick White is another good one. You'd do well with any of those. Voss is probably the most overtly Australian of those, it's about a guy trying to cross the entire country and there's lots of discussion of the outback.

>> No.15478377
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I read from tales of horror from time to time, atm I'm working on invisible man but I realized too late it's not THE invisble man, so I'm half-assed reading it

>> No.15478740

Have fun understanding Gravity's Rainbow.

>> No.15478752

That's actually a pretty good stack, anon.

>> No.15478863
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This plus my backlog of about twenty.

>> No.15478905


Is it tough?

>> No.15478925

My english professor called it the one book on every teacher's shelf that they barely understood.

>> No.15478928
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Am I based or cringe?

>> No.15478992

It would have been based if you didn't ask, anon.

>> No.15479351

Good stack anon. Funny thing is, Invisible Man is a good book as well, so you shouldn't be too discouraged that it isn't the H.G. Wells book.

>> No.15479631

ok for teens/early 20s

>> No.15479757
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So are your stacks all books you're reading atm or are they you're backlog?

>> No.15479770
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Shit, here's a better pic

>> No.15479837

Trial sucks

>> No.15479893

I might read Moby Dick next, but I’ve only been reading heavily for about a year
I’ve read stuff like Notes from Underground, Crime & Punishment, Crying of Lot 49, and Journey to the End of the Night. Will I be fine understanding Moby Dick?

>> No.15479936

good to see Murnane getting around this board, he deserves it.

>> No.15479957
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>> No.15479966

top kek

>> No.15479968

Tnx senpai, i'll give it another shot, it was one of those "I didn't get my order right but i'm already eating, so I might aswell finish it".

>> No.15479983

Dunno why you can't say f_amalam

>> No.15480043

Yes, just make sure you get the Norton Critical Edition so that you understand the countless allusions Melville makes. It also has a fuck ton of extra resources in the back of the book for reference if you're interested.

>> No.15480552

What about the rest?

>> No.15480622

Next up on the Kindle
Where the Wild Things Were
The Life and Death of the Great Lakes
Cadillac Desert

>> No.15480629

Enjoyable reading

>> No.15480849
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Not exactly a stack but gonna complete Hemingway over the summer.
Some manly literature to vicariously live an exciting life through during this blazing lockdown. Rather fitting I think.
Also posting pic to show just how fucking perfect all his books fit on my shelf (ignore the one on the bottom left it's just his dogshit poetry it doesn't count)

>> No.15480866
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>> No.15480878

Awesome, that's the edition I got

>> No.15480895

Been looking for a good practical shadow work book, is 'Meeting the shadow' any good, or you haven't read that yet?

>> No.15480908

>Blood Meridian

McCarthy is based and this is his best work. Enjoy.

>> No.15480927

I've been reading Les Mis for like 3 weeks now

>> No.15481029

world as will and representation is life changing, great book

>> No.15481048 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15481051

thanks, about halfway through and it's been pretty great so far

>> No.15481056
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>> No.15481208
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>The Long Ships
Absolute swedish classic, that. Glad NYRB decided to publish it (again) for the anglophone market.

My summer project is basically Proust. I'm just about done with Swann's Way and my enthusiasm hasn't run low yet, though I fear I'm being arrogant as far better readers than me have dropped out by the second volume. Last summer I made a habit of visiting the city's botanical gardens to read on some my free days, hoping I'll be able to do the same this year. As for "Paintings in Proust", it is a companion that I bought on a bit of a whim after I grew frustrated with my inability to understand most of his references to artists and specific paintings; I'm terribly ignorant of the visual arts.

>> No.15481238

So today has been my first time going out in 10 weeks, and I picked up a few Penguin Classics.
>Hunchback of Notre-Dame
>The Count of Monte Cristo
>Don Quixote
What should I read first?

>> No.15481242

Don Quixote is prime summer reading.

>> No.15481315
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>> No.15481424

fuck dude whos the publisher I want your exact collection. just finished his collection of short stories and I swear my testosterone levels musta jumped. gunna hit hemmingway after I finish neuromancer

>> No.15481440

not that anon but judging by the 'A' logo it's Arrow Books, Penguin subsidiary.

>> No.15481445

thanks kid. I owe ya one.

>> No.15481453
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Currently on the trial. Trying to mix in some nonfiction to keep things interesting.

>> No.15481472
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just getting back into it after focusing on uni for a while

>> No.15481492
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Enjoy it bro

>> No.15481683

This is not a stack. Buy physical copies.

>> No.15481840
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At least aim to make it through the second volume. And don't worry if the first portion drags for you since the second changes environment and tone - and the tone of that half is much closer to what he'll maintain through the next couple of volumes. The focus for a while will shift to social observation and analysis and that's far easier to deal with on a first reading than the obsessive passion sections (though you will have that in all volumes 5 and 6). If you want a brief and beautiful outline of one version of what it all means the best I've found - to the point that it convinced people who'd dropped out after Swann's Way to pick it back up - is Jozef Czapski newly englished Lost Time: Lectures on Proust in a Soviet Prison Camp.

>> No.15482540

Thanks for the encouragement, anon! I've enjoyed Proust a lot so far, though it's with a mix of delight and terror that I think of the remaining 3000 or so pages. I think I've heard of those lectures before on some radio show covering Proust, but I didn't think to actually read them, though now I think I will. Proust's work strikes me as great enough, both in size and quality, to warrant one or two companions pieces.

>> No.15482727
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>penguin disposable classics
You have my condolences bro

>> No.15482842
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finally reading more wolfe

>> No.15482906

Why do you have three copies of Gravity's Rainbow?

>> No.15482929

already had the vintage but i ordered the orange cover one but it came damaged, so they sent another one

>> No.15482976

What did you pay for Sun and Steel?

>> No.15483007

$5 on thriftbooks, got lucky I think

>> No.15483133
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Books as phallic symbols, interesting.

>> No.15483218

Was considering FHOC in my recent haul, but opted for Peace instead. Hope you enjoy it, and that I get to it one day.

>> No.15483240

For me "stack" is unfinished books. Definitely unread ones, but could also include ones in progress I suppose. Basically ones you haven't relegated to the long-term storage of the bookshelf.

>> No.15483248

who fucking cares... read what you wanna read. nothing more cringe than begging for approval

>> No.15483267

High Weirdness is super good

>> No.15483278

Read Lady in the Lake before The Long Goodbye because the latter is significantly better

>> No.15483290

Have you read The Pursuit of Glory? I read The Pursuit of Power recently and it inevitably led to curiosity about what happened beforehand.

>> No.15483309

>four completely different editions of the Sea of Fertility novels

Moderately triggering

>> No.15483622
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Just finished up The Name of the Rose and about 2/3rds of the way through Moby Dick. I'm probably going to dive into Gormenghast next.

>> No.15483655


>> No.15483701
