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/lit/ - Literature

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15479999 No.15479999 [Reply] [Original]

What would be a good compilation of books to read to get well educated on western history, further than what’s taught in schools

History, politics, wars, philosophy, and anything pro-western culture

>> No.15480019

LMFAO actual literature isn't like a Ben Shapiro Jordan Peterson video you dumbass no author worth their salt is going to write a book "in praise of 'western civilisation'" whatever the fuck that means

>> No.15480156

What the fuck does "western culture" even mean? Try being more specific.

>> No.15480184

Like the rise of western power, our political systems, ways of life, and general philosophies

>> No.15480195

>Like the rise of western power, our political systems, ways of life, and general philosophies
I said more specific

>> No.15480214

There are some good lectures on the great courses that you can torrent for free. They have a modern historical treatment, philosophy and then a literature one as well

>> No.15480215

Nice digits. Also, read Hobsbawm

>> No.15480216

Guns, Germs, and Steel

>> No.15480225

These aren't pro western tho, you're not going to find a good book on that

>> No.15480253


What are you talking about? No two countries in the Western Hemisphere share the exact same cultural values. Do you want a book about Germany? Ireland? The United States of America? Portugal? Spain? Iceland? Denmark? Faroe Islands? Wales?

Honestly, stop reading this Dave Rubin shit, it's melting your fucking brain.

>> No.15480272
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You could try pic related. It's not perfect and definitely not 100% pro-western (you can guess from the title what Barzun thinks of the current state of things,) but despite a lot of generalizations and a rambling style it's a pretty good book. The guy was incredibly well-read, at the very least you'll get some good recommendations for art, music, and literature. The book is more focused on culture than history and politics, though.

>> No.15480309

Underage amerimutt detected

>> No.15480338

Believe me I don’t listen to people like Rubin I’m just not explaining myself well

Any books about any of the histories of Western European counties, England, France, Germany, Italy, etc or the US for that matter

Just books that well represent the histories of countries or important events that would affect those countries

>> No.15480541

You're vaguely trying to approach thousands of years of history in a couple of books which isn't going to work, but I'll try to help anon.

I think the best thing to do would be to read a general history of your own country written before the year 2000. E.g. for Bongs, Churchill's History of the English Speaking Peoples would be fine if you aren't up to tackling something like Hume's history. Idk what the equivalent 'Murican classic histories are desu.

Almost all Western thought about political systems is influenced by the Greeks and the Romans, so you should read all the standard stuff like Plato/Aristotle/Cicero.

Honestly, once you've got a general grasp of your country's history the parts you find intesresting will stand out, and you'll know which books to read next (READ THE BIBLIOGRAPHY; if the book doesn't have one, note down any referenced works yourself).

Hope this helps, you can ask me for specifics too.

>> No.15480682

That was some good advice thanks anon

>> No.15480773

No problem man. If you're going to go w/ Churchill the whole thing is free on archive btw


>> No.15481157
File: 37 KB, 364x550, 9780199589883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A New History of Western Philosophy - Anthony Kenny (Oxford University Press) https://www.amazon.com/dp/0199589887
The Dream of Reason: A History of Western Philosophy from the Greeks to the Renaissance - Anthony Gottlieb (W. W. Norton & Company) https://www.amazon.com/dp/0393352986

>> No.15481262

>Americans bastardising European culture after dropping out of colonialism to pursue their muh God's own country liburrdee shit
>"our culture"

The United States of America are the cancer of modern civilization, their collapse will be glorious

>inb4 chinks will invade the whole world

stop projecting your imperialist ideology