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15472370 No.15472370 [Reply] [Original]

You all wish you were as lit as him


>> No.15472401

If he had read biology textbooks he would have known the purpose of life is to reproduce to produce successful offspring instead of killing himself lmao

>> No.15472579

> He was tall, with dark eyes, and dated when he needed a break from his solitude, rarely having trouble attracting women
I feel like he wasn't entirely convinced about nihilism when he had this behaviour

>> No.15472585

His suicide note is basically schizophrenic rambling.

Quoting some philosophers and an hero-ing doesn't make you /lit/.

>> No.15472613

You guys don't get it and I hope you never will.

>> No.15472626

You understood it, anon?

>> No.15472688

A day doesn't pass when I don't think of the work, I've read it twice. I feel filthy even talking about it on this site, I usually ignore it.

>> No.15472720
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Are you suicidal?

>> No.15472754

I don't know what that means. But I'll likely kill myself in a few years time, I'm just not done yet.

>> No.15473111

Why isn't this thread receiving attention?

>> No.15473132

most of my day is spent thinking about suicide

>> No.15473186

I'm sorry about that.

I love you, anon.

>> No.15473200

very based

>> No.15473224

It's truly the /lit/est of deaths

>> No.15473240

underrated comment

>> No.15473250

How does his suicide note differ from other works on nihilism/pessimism?

>> No.15473302
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>> No.15473339

>1,905-page suicide note
summary plz

>> No.15473508


>> No.15473709


>> No.15473725

Wrote my own posthumous suicide note, numbered around 1500 pages blaming the cause of my death on a classmate I hadn't seen in fifteen years. Did it for a fresh start in a new country, hopefully we'll see some delicious critical appraisal in the coming years.

>> No.15473762

>jewish neuroticism
many such cases

>> No.15473768
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worked for carlos michaelstater, kid was a suicide waitin ta happen

>> No.15473780

he was right about everything. god help us all

>> No.15473782

normalizing suicide is a good way to keep it at bay
by understanding you hold the ultimate power you become ready to believe nothing holds any true power over you

>> No.15473787

>schizophrenic rambling

the ultimate pseud phrase
get filtered retard

>> No.15473793

Jewish nigga is ugly af why would I (a handsome male) be jealous of a suicidal?

>> No.15473847


God bad. Cynicism good. Also Normans are Chads and England would be fucked without them lmaoooo.

It's schizo BS

>> No.15473850

isn't that a contradiction?

>> No.15473898

He’s the Otto Weinenger of our time, but he goes beyond sexual relationships and explores the biological


>> No.15473969

Couldn’t have said it better

>> No.15473992

Reading his bs is like... opium. Think I started drooling at one point.

>> No.15474017

So it’s good? No one has substantiated why they think it’s bs. Until they do, I’ll assume these are pseud opinions

>> No.15474045

They're not pseud opinions. Its shit because his reasons were predicated on drama and some theatrical magic then on crafting a solid platform for his views. The fact that he killed himself means that he was too much of a pussy to have a discourse with an opposing force in order to finangle his intellectual self worth to a respectable degree. Fuck him

>> No.15474046


>> No.15474053


>> No.15474059

Literally not an argument. You dislike how he presents his reasons, but you won’t even try to deconstruct his reasoning even though that should be easy as baking pie for something so “incoherent.”

>> No.15474065

Retard alert

>> No.15474069
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>noooooo he was too melodramatic, we need to have the discourse ©

>> No.15474070

Uh oh, you couldn't even kill yourself properly you fucking dunce. You moron, god fucking damn nigga this is no way to host a reveal party.

>> No.15474077

>he was too much of a pussy to have a discourse with an opposing force in order to finangle his intellectual self worth to a respectable degree
Peale bugman

Go tell that to Kant, Gauss, Perelman or any other actual genius

Stupid Fagott

>> No.15474083

Calm it schizo

Anon asked for you to refute his ideas and you just gave some shitty undergrad cop out

>> No.15474088
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>> No.15474096

>Its shit because his reasons were predicated on drama and some theatrical magic
Your post reads like some Karen’s histrionic Facebook comment on an article about police brutality, grow up

>> No.15474113

Page 88 is about Jews! Nice roll, Goebbels.

>Yet, somehow, modernity itself is in some way Jewish. Einstein seems to have felt, contra Spinoza himself, that Jewish-influenced “principles and sentiments” somehow drew him closer to Spinoza’s modern universalism.

>Einstein cited two Jewish traits as the most basic: The bond that has united the Jews for thousands of years
and that unites them today is, above all, the democratic ideal of social justice, coupled with the ideal of mutual aid
and tolerance among all men….The second characteristic trait of Jewish tradition is the high regard in which it holds every form of intellectual aspiration and spiritual effort.43

>These two character traits of concern for social justice and intellectual aspiration are combined in secular Jewish
thinkers such as Karl Marx, Noam Chomsky, and even Baruch Spinoza’s support for democracy. Yet all three of these men are notable for their lack of concern for any special interests of the Jewish community. The very nature of the concerns of social justice come into direct conflict with any form of privilege — including that of being a member of the “chosen people”. This secular Jewish phenomenon of conscientious objection or dissent against
the prevailing injustice system has a long Biblical heritage behind it. After all, who are the prophets except the most piercing and relentless social critics of the Jewish people? The Bible is largely their story, and the political history of ambitious kings is largely seen through the lenses of priests and prophets.

>> No.15474175

Sir, I have given you an argument. I am not obliged to give you an understanding.

>> No.15474202
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He's irrefutable?

>> No.15474625
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>> No.15474702

he's pretty qt desu

>> No.15474713

How do you even cope, /lit/?

He's right about everything.

>> No.15474758

Fucking dick suckers

>> No.15474787

>He was tall, with dark eyes, and dated when he needed a break from his solitude, rarely having trouble attracting women. But he broke off the relationships quickly, saying he was too busy writing a book.

What a chad

>> No.15475320

Can any of his points be reasonably argued?

>> No.15475483

o no a ded kike i rly cri evry time :'(
remember the six trillion

>> No.15475495


>> No.15475520

based schizophrenic rambler

>> No.15475920

Would I be wasting my time reading this?

>> No.15475925
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The kid wrote a 2000 paged book with a 30 page bibliography and footnotes then killed himself. He also fucked girls and left them quickly afterwards. He’s the chosen one.

>> No.15476062
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>> No.15476666


>> No.15476709

Will it make me want to kms?

>> No.15476737

>Facebook comment
>police brutality
>grow up


>> No.15476769
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> Heisman took his life as part of a philosophical exploration he called “an experiment in nihilism.’’
>references to the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche
my fucking sides

>> No.15476798

>In the end, no one really knows what led Mitchell Heisman, an erudite, wry, handsome 35-year-old, to kill himself
Motherfucker, he literally wrote a 2000 page manifesto about why. I can't think of any suicide more explainable than that.
Anyway, I actually kind of want to read his manifesto. He reminds me of Michelstaedter.

>> No.15476834


>> No.15476867

this is the greatest thing I've ever seen

>> No.15476881

If you're emotionally weak.

>> No.15476912

I remember he had an interesting theory on the Anglo-German divergence

>> No.15476927

> Guy writes an extremely long and thorough treatise explaining why he is going to kill himself publicly
> Everyone "I just can't understand why he would do this, especially so publicly and on such a holy day"

Seems pretty straightforward. He doesn't value what you value, doesn't think anyone looks honestly at reality and wants to get them to pay attention to his writing.

I wonder (earnestly and non-judgmentally) how many friends and family really "don't understand" and "can't believe" despite having the explanation in-hand, or how many just say that because that's what you say in this situation.

>> No.15477045

>suicide note
>pure tl;dr shit from literally who
I read a little of his bit on the normans and it's stupid babbling, pure pseudshit I'd expect to see here. I don't care about the rest.

>> No.15478146

Read the last part of his manifesto. Just seems like basic bitch nihilism to me: durrr all your emotions and meaningless chemical reactions in your brain, a trick played on us by evolution; the logical conclusion of science and philosophy is nihilism; blah blah blah

>> No.15478220

Mayve the article isn't doing him justice but he seems like it's yet another dispirited rationalist sperg. The guy inevitably quoted Nitzsche but seems to amhave completely missed the part of his works that expose the non-supremacy of reason (and that's a good hald of Nietzsche's work so quote a feat here).

Sounds more like massive amounts of rationalization plus perhaps some measure of mental illness.

>> No.15478265
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>> No.15478289
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not sure why I rolled. to lazy and tired to come up with an in depth summary.
>muh selfish gene muh god ai

>> No.15478322

no he says some crazy stuff, Christ anticipated the modern denaturalized subject by extracting the observer from his biological roots. genes replaced by memes. corporeal Father usurped by the ideal/formal Father, who we are building as the neoliberal tranny God-AI right here in lush Silicon Valley

>> No.15478355

I started readon the paragraph titled "Open your mind to death" and it aomost entirely consists od the sentence "the belief that life is preferable to death is one of humanity's most widespread superstition" rewritten four times over with slight variations. Small wonder the thing is 1900 pages long.

>> No.15478398

Wrong. Forget what you know and start logically from the beginning.

>> No.15478477

Not really. He sounds like an idiot. Nihilist materialism implies the solution to the problem it poses. If there is no intrinsic meaning, then the meaning of life is the meaning you give to it. Writing a treatise to convince others there is no meaning in any goal, is actually the opposite of logical in this case. There is the unstated implication there is meaning in knowledge, understanding, communication, and a host of other things. All of those things then rest upon the implied value of the system itself, and the system's source.

His real problem is simple. He was one of God's chosen people, yet rejected Him, forcing himself into this circular depression, where he uses isolation to execute logic in a vacuum as a preventative method from encountering reasoning from outside which would force him to deal with the root issue: his relationship with God. Instead, his logic ends up orbiting God like debris circling a whirlpool, until he finally killed himself rather than be sucked in.

All he needed to do was reconcile with God through Messiah Yeshua.

>> No.15478480

Yeah I was attracted to this chapter, too but it just gets more and more repetitive. Almost like he's playing the victim before anyone has a chance to say killing yourself is wrong.

>> No.15478584
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There are a lot of suicidal, nihilistic, depressed people on this board. It sickens me. What sickens me even more is that a lot of them genuinely think they are the way they are because of philosophical insights they had, a rational thinking process, and not because they're simply mentally ill.
Then they try to infect others with their sickness. An unsuspecting young man without well-developed thinking faculties might not see the flaws in their reasoning and become ill.
Stirner was wrong about most things but one of the things he got right is the view of ideas as entities in themselves. A conception of an idea as a ghost that can possess people, take away their agency and control them. People do not exist independently of time and space, they do not have a panoramic view of the ideas. When an ghost takes a hold of them, they get tunnel vision and cannot see anything past it. Their view becomes extremely limited which often helps the idea to secure its place in the mind. Low IQ people are particularly susceptible to such ideas because they are not used to think deeply about things. They may perceive a sentence like "Free will doesn't exist because there is a causal chain of all events that extends to before you were born" as a rational argument, unable to see the obvious flaws and nonsequiturs, simply because of how emotionally appealing it is.
There is a concept outside of philosophy that's closely related to this. It's called "nerd sniping". The idea is that if you tell a scientifically minded person about an interesting enough puzzle, he cannot help but drop everything else he's been doing and start working exclusively on the puzzle. He has become obsessed, by telling him about the puzzle you've "nerd sniped" him.
I think it's an extremely important step in developing maturity to recognize that ideas can be thought of as agents. Not every idea/puzzle/concundrum is solvable or worth solving. It should be recognized that humans are generally very bad at abstract reasoning. Sometimes it's enough to do something that makes you happy, even if there is no rational reason to do it.
In my teenage years I became an ardent atheist. I used to bother my parents with big questions about christianity. I thought they completely disprove everything my parents believed in. It didn't help that a large portion of the answers that my parents gave me were in the gist of "I cannot answer this. I know I thought about this question too when I was young and answered but now I no longer care about it." These sorts of answers used to anger me. How can you not know the reasons for why you believe what you believe? What kind of way is that to conduct life? But after a while, I realized that they were largely right. They recognized what I'm talking about in this post and simply let go of the ghosts.

>> No.15478587
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Recently I've been thinking about the arguments I used to have against christianity as a teenager and I realized that most of them contain major logical flaws so that they're essentially rendered useless. I am still not a christian but I am much more able to appreciate where people of faith are coming from.
I know that I'm essentially rambling at this point and will probably anger a lot of people here. What I'm saying in a way clashes with the notion that philosophy, as a pursuit for truth, is a good and a worthwhile thing. While I don't believe that all ideas are bad. Ideas can be a thing that gives us identity: this is especially clearly illustrated in historical examples of revolutionaries in a time of unrest. It's just that it's important to recognize ideas for what they are.

>> No.15478604

Good post

>> No.15478678
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how would you rank my suicide?

on 2/22/22 I will kill myself live on 4channel. I will recite a pun base poem on the number 2. the post will be blessed by kek and end with 22 .

Ps. I am well know N on 4channel

I hope you think it's based

>> No.15479305

Do a suicide bombing or some shit would be 500% cooler

>> No.15479367

But his meaning was the book, as soon as he finished it he kyssed himself
He should have aimed for a larger book to last his whole life lmao

>> No.15479927

I’ve had a similar process. Used to be an ardent atheist but then I came to realization that it adds zero value to my life to think that way. It wasn’t worth solving whether God exists or not which is something many of us personally struggle with even though it’s similar to if everyone tried to solve the blackhole information paradox themselves.

>> No.15480295


>> No.15480805


I agree with you but I don't think it's relevant to Heisman. Trauma left him in pain, and, recognizing that being dead is just as real and true as being alive, made the decision to end that pain.

We do have a weird social stigma about dying being The Worst Thing That Can Possibly Happen To You, so much so that terminally ill people or people in incredible pain are denied a dignified end. We are not granted bodily autonomy.

Of course it's hard to break it to someone that they may not get to make decisions for other people, that their happiness is no-one else's responsibility, that a person has a right to decide their own destiny. Denying suicide is as sick as telling a pregnant woman to hold it in until her family thinks they're emotionally prepared.

It's one of those "breaking the matrix" level realizations that societal values aren't law, like realizing both bathrooms are functionally identical and the only thing that dictates where you go is the picture on the door. But one only people faced with lives worse than death have to face. It's unpalatable at every stage to think about, let alone live. It's no wonder more happy people don't care about it.

That said, "life is meaningless" 14yo nihilists don't often kill themselves. I think the fact he was a philosopher and referenced his work as a nihilist experiment translated to his normie family as "nihilism brainwashed and killed him".

>> No.15481588

Is this the endgame of philosophy?

>> No.15482052

do a suicide bombing of corrupt politicians and leave a note inviting all suicidefags to take other politicians with them if they dont stop their evil ways, suicide terrorist manifesto basically

>> No.15482152


>> No.15482158

i thought he was cool but then i read some of his suicide note and he quotes richard dawkins unironically.

>> No.15482180

its him rambling about philosophy with a focus on nihilism for about 2000 pages with the goal of demonstrating life is meaningless. he actually is self aware enough to notice at the very beginning that nihilism is self contradictory (he's attempting to use reason to communicate the meaning that there is no meaning) but then he just kinda ignores that. Maybe theres more to it than that but fuck if I'm going to read 2000 pages of his schizo ramblings.

>> No.15482308

really? he didn't even take into account what will and will not be fashionable to wave around on a mongolian basketweaving forum a decade after his death? definitely not based enough for me.

>> No.15482453

Maybe they assumed that no one would ever read his manifesto.
I can't blame them for it.

>> No.15482511

should talk to some ppl and get some help anon, depression is no joke

>> No.15482841

Philipp Mainländer's suicide was far more aesthetic than this attention whore.

>In his central work Die Philosophie der Erlösung (The Philosophy of Redemption or The Philosophy of Salvation) — according to Theodor Lessing, "perhaps the most radical system of pessimism known to philosophical literature" —] Mainländer proclaims that life is absolutely worthless, and that "the will, ignited by the knowledge that non-being is better than being, is the supreme principle of morality."
>...on the night on April 1, 1876, Mainländer hanged himself in his residence in Offenbach, using a pile of copies of The Philosophy of Redemption (which had arrived the previous day from his publisher) as a platform. He was thirty-four years old.

>> No.15482917

its more that he thought richard dawkins had anything worth quoting

>> No.15483300

>shoots himself in nihilistic despair
>"Well he wasn't really convinced since he dated these women previously."

>> No.15483414

Is it really worth reading?

>> No.15483430

if you’re depressed and want to continue your nihilist larp

>> No.15483477

>Include 200 cited references to Neitzche in your suicide note
Fucking cringe. Imagine being obsessed with high school philosophers.

>> No.15483496
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What have you been reading during quarantine, anon?

>> No.15483558
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>The success of the Jewish state among nations is partly dependent on gentile assimilation of Jewish ethics, but by those ethics, Israel’s struggle for existence appears that much more hypocritical and villainous. Zionism highlights how Jewish genes and Jewish ethical memes reach towards incompatible ends.

>> No.15483640

do it faggot