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/lit/ - Literature

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15476098 No.15476098 [Reply] [Original]

>semi depressed
>very few friends
>lazy and undisciplined
>19 y/o NEET
>no gf
Any books that will help me get out of this rut? I just want to be happy

>> No.15476109

Tomorrow I will be 22 and I'm still in that position.

>> No.15476137

Read Joan Didion's essay on self-respect. Not being a smart-ass. It's excellent, short, and 1000% better than any Jordan Peterson bed making bullshit

>> No.15476153

no book. Improve your body first and then your mind will naturally follow.

>> No.15476158

I can take you in as a disciple, but you have to pay hourly in bitcoin.

>> No.15476160


>> No.15476161
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This is a faggoty off-topic thread and you should kill yourself.

>> No.15476162

/fitlit/ chad

>> No.15476171

time to man up. You should feel lucky mommy and daddy still like to wipe your butthole for you.

>> No.15476223
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On a similar note, what book is good to make up for lack of company due to COVID isolation, lit/?

>> No.15476252

as long as you want happiness you won’t be happy. stop wanting happiness. this isn’t done by thinking btw

>> No.15476286

Happy Early Birthday

>> No.15476298

>Any books that will help me get out of this rut?
No, but try asking >>>/r9k/

>> No.15476306

Storm of Steel is unironically a decent book for this.

>> No.15476312

It's a pandemic, this is literally the best time to be a NEET

>> No.15476351

"La Voix et le Phénomène" by Jacques "Jackie" Derrida aka "L'homme orange".

>> No.15476366
File: 47 KB, 304x372, Jacques 'Jackie' Derrida aka L'homme orange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.15476499

I used to be like that. I tried self help books, becoming disciplined, meditating, working out, becoming a positive person and etc. but none of them worked. The most effective thing for me was getting a minimum wage job and having to work with really shitty people. I started reading more because I was super stressed all the time and I wanted to verbalize my emotions better and I started working out because I wanted to be at least physically intimidating so people would hopefully give me less shit. I still dont really like reading or working out but i dont really have anything better to do and naturally if you put hours into something it becomes a habit and you find it much easier to do.

>> No.15476514

I do not care that girls do not like you. You are probably ugly inside and out.

>> No.15476730
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All shit and praises aside, 12 Rules is a decent self help book

>> No.15476766

unironically hydewars (get a skill)

>> No.15476777

I'm almost 30 and I'm in that position.

>> No.15476840

It's not a rut. This garbage is your home now. You'll have the exact thoughts at 29.

>> No.15478806

Wind in the Willows fren

>> No.15478937

>intermittently depressed; such is life
>isolated but don't really care
>zero friends, recently left my entire social life behind
>filled with motivation and self-discipline
>31 y/o, with a life of rich experiences behind me
>no gf, but know having one is overrated from experience
Just take the schizoid pill.

>> No.15479010
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>All shit and praises aside, 12 Rules is a decent self help book

>> No.15479069

Not him but I have an incurable disease that makes me shit blood 5 times a day, giving me anemia and weight loss, and that frequently cripples me with debilitating stomach pain, how am I supposed to improve my body?

>> No.15479091

how do you cope with it?

>> No.15479118

By dilating until I cringe. Based on... well, not much really, this is an effective method for coping.

>> No.15479329

Act from now on with the probable truth that life will never, ever get better unless you personally make it better, and that means really facing pain and suffering. You can't tip-toe around it either, you have to dive in. Unless you are naturally driven with an idea that could improve humanity, fuck it all, do what you like, or don't.

>> No.15479354

Thanks anon

>> No.15479368

checked and literally me

>> No.15479369

Just disregard it bro, sometimes we, as humans, have been known to bring ourselves down just because of our physical circumstances or our way of thinking about the situation. Make sure you fix your mentality first.

Also, do more push ups man.

>> No.15479387

No, you don't get book recs, because you won't read them anyway. You just want to wallow in self pity on a Tibetan puppet-show imageboard, whilst pretending to be smart by posting on the board that used to discuss literature before people like you came to it low-effort post. No books will help you until you figure out to just stop being a little faggot bitch. You absolutely should kill yourself if you're too pathetic to even try to improve on your own.
Based and redpilled

>> No.15479476

>he thinks there's an escape
hahahahah. see you in 10 years, kid

>> No.15479759

You better get used to suffering and learn to fight it

>> No.15479824
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>no friends
>lazy and undisciplined
>29 y/o NEET
>never had a gf

Happiness comes from within yourself, if you don't have it there is nothing you can do that will fully satisfy your need for superficial obsession like tfw no gf.
You are just a lazy sad boy.

>> No.15479830

Are you a coomer

>> No.15479842

The Bible

>> No.15479852

Get in employment or education. Stay in it. This will not solve all your problems but it is the first step in the right direction. You’re only 19 so you have plenty of time to turn this around but if you don’t act now, I can promise you will deeply deeply regret it.

>> No.15479869

Just do what I am in the process of doing anon. Have a mental breakdown that freaks you out so much it stokes your desire to survive even more, then plan to get on medication for a long time and then just spend the rest of your life trying to come to the best worldview possible so that the next generation aren't a bunch of flaming retards, and hope that God will save your insane self.

>> No.15479873

My favorite /lit/ hobby is seeking out these threads and reporting them lmao

>> No.15480479

Not an argument.

>> No.15480508

It's this thread again. Why does every autistic failed normalfag think he's so special and totally the first to ask this question? Why is he so incapable of lurking for even a day before asking utterly inane questions?

>> No.15481113
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Read this in one sitting and then hit the gym

>> No.15481735

Why does it feel like there are a lot of newfags all of a sudden?

>> No.15481791

The Fall by Camus

>> No.15482211

cringe. I'can't fall asleep, too tired to get up, whole body is always aching down to the joints in my fingers and I don't know why
>muh exercise
fuck off, I hate going outside in the summer because the sun makes me uncomfortable

>> No.15482335

>minimum wage job and having to work with really shitty people
God, those kinds of jobs are full of failed people and human trash. I worked at a regional grocery store chain when I was 16 and everyone there who wasn't a teen was a disabled 62 year old or a 34 yr old ugly balding manlet (the managers were mostly the former and spent 3-4 hours playing fantasy football). There was this 40 something guy who was deaf and had huge hearing aids, two sex offenders, a 20 year old that married a Russian exchange student at my HS after she was impregnated by someone else, and this tall lanky dude with a psychology degree who almost died stocking lettuce when his lung randomly collapsed.

>> No.15482488

Have you ever had a girlfriend? How old are you?

>> No.15483540


-Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
-The Sun Also Rises
-Things Fall Apart

>> No.15483636

unbelievably based