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File: 546 KB, 2048x1536, MN wendys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15475834 No.15475834 [Reply] [Original]

What comes after Burgerpunk?

>> No.15475922

Berkem al-Atomi

>> No.15475997

Postmodern mythological epic poetry

>> No.15476006

Post Burgerpunk

>> No.15476007

Or maybe this will be one of those failures that leaves us more at peace with ourselves and our place in the world

>> No.15476043

The USA is too big to fail. It will not break unless the entire world breaks.

>> No.15476071
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Also known as Detroit-core.

>> No.15476086

they owe trillions to China. and going up and up.

>> No.15476093
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>unless the entire world breaks

>> No.15476100

We have a lot of photography from Detroit but I personally think the decay is far too charismatic and place-y. I would recognize a Detroit Decay picture from a mile away.

No, I think collapse core evokes a placeness rust- all those towns in the middle of the country whose sole population will be dying out in the next ten years. Wallace Stegner's American Western Placelessness idea, which I think is no longer in the West but spreading from Idaho, skipping Utah and Colorado, and hitting everywhere up to the new england southern coastal states.

>> No.15476119

What's the corporate take on destruction and looting stemming from riots? Do CEOs shit their pants when they hear of impending chimpouts?

>> No.15476130

>No one tagged the burger and possibly the drive through menu

Peak burger

>> No.15476142

The USA tanking would also take China and pretty much everything else with it.

>> No.15476147

why would you think that? China would be fine.

>> No.15476170

>everyone except actual Anglos becomes deracinated

>> No.15476172

whats after post burgerpunk?

>> No.15476173

They're codependent on each other. China really wants people to think this is not the case, but it is. Both China and the USA are too big to fail and either failing would make the whole world fall apart.

>> No.15476174

>China would be fine not having anyone to buy their crap
why would you think that? China would be fucked.

>> No.15476200

The world might fall apart, but the geostrategic power left standing would most certainly be China
China has the resources and manufacturing to look after itself, the US does not.

>> No.15476211
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>> No.15476213

The US is not China's only client. They'll manage.

>> No.15476239

drugs are going to take over, the doomer archetype has won. expect a lot of psychedelic usage from millennials and zoomers

>> No.15476757

us has the consumption ya dumb shit

who do you think buys all that chink crap

>> No.15476786

There in the the process of owning Africa.

>> No.15476872

New sinsearity.

>> No.15476885

>China would be fine
Yea, this is why they are constantly trying to get out from under the US dollar as the global standard. Neat fact no one knows: China is the number lender of loans to nation states, all in US dollars. If the US dollar fails, China will fail. Our economies are currently inextricably linked.

>> No.15476980

turning technological luxury artifacts like plasma screen tvs and stereo systems into makeshift shacks since people are too poor to afford building materials

>> No.15477009


>> No.15477103

good luck with that

>> No.15477108


>> No.15477233


>> No.15477240

if the world falls apart, the countries which survive will be the ones which can self-sustain, not the one which can make the most trading partners lmao

>> No.15477286

They're raising Africa out of poverty, it's difficult as a European to imagine someone going to africa and not butchering and enslaving everyone there though.

>> No.15477311


>> No.15477334

They probably just take out more life insurance policies on employees in the area

>> No.15477340

Its not to big to slowly crumble

>> No.15477466

>t. Roman watching Rome fall
China did fine then too

>> No.15477561


>> No.15477593

>it's difficult as a European to imagine someone going to africa and not butchering and enslaving everyone there though.
speak for yourselve kike

>> No.15477664
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Already been written.

Unlike Burgerpunk, whose google document never achieved completion.

>> No.15477696

oh the chinese are doing plenty of that

>> No.15477852

Cadia broke, the US will break too.
It won't be pretty for anybody on this planet, but we are far past the point where the US can be stabilized. It's sole saving grace is that its local elites aren't as divided aa the population and the federal states right now gain nothing from breaking the union, but it will change it the next 10-15 years.

>> No.15477858

Cyberpunk 2.0

>> No.15477895
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Everything after the 90s was a mistake, and we should just pick back up there. I'm never giving up on the Internet, I don't care what the dumbasses did with it so far.

>> No.15478079

dumb /pol/ tourist

>> No.15479104
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>> No.15479121

Why do people think it will be an immediate collapse? The US will just slowly devolve into a 2nd world country minus all the values and drag the rest of the western world with it.

>> No.15479131

no offense, but I live in W-Europe, and your country is already 2nd world
everyone is so focused on a couple of cities America seems rich, but taken as a whole..

>> No.15479134

China has less than 1/3rd of America's arable land with more than three times the people. China needs to the US to not starve.

>> No.15479148

>and they owe more to Japan.
implying this actually means anything bad for the US rather shows further necessity for the US to persisit for the endurance of one of their future "foes"
Destroying cultural sites is a war crime

>> No.15479179

I dunno, the times I've visited a big western European city, it always has been a pleasant experience. And the countryside looks nice and green. Spain is kind of shithole but I can't say a bad thing about the rest.

>> No.15479193

The US will die with the white majority. No other race is more productive, inventive, or charitable than white people. These are the only people in the world who care about the environment and the welfare of people who will not benefit them in any way. They will be replaced by the Chinese and the world will reflect that.

Oh but some cop killed a black guy so they deserve it. Let's get back at whitey in the meantime by burning down his business's.

>> No.15479202

Best ending: Hipster futurism
Bad ending: Techno dystopia

>> No.15479299

More importantly, Whites are the only race in the US that actually pay taxes. Literally everyone else is either too small to matter (Asians, Indians) or exists purely handouts from the government (Blacks, Hispanics).

The world needs the US to not starve. Most of the world's food is produced by US exports. The only other two countries with actual food security are Canada and the Netherlands.

A lot of it is planned. Here's how it works: take out a big fucking insurance policy on your unprofitable store, then give money to some Charitable Foundation like the SPLC, the ADL, etc etc etc, and oh look suddenly a horde of rampaging Negroes just burnt it down, good thing literally everything was insured for 2x its value! If people with power didn't want this sort of thing to happen, it wouldn't happen, which is why mostly Black owned businesses are the ones getting destroyed (those pictures with "Minority Owned Business plz don't burn" on the front door are in 99% White areas). That Target that got burnt down? 99% of its customers were Black.

>> No.15479328

That’s not how debt works, retard. If anything it’s leverage. Nations don’t work like you or me. China can’t exactly repossess America’s car.

>> No.15479665

>These are the only people in the world who care about the environment

The US is literally the most wasteful country in the world. I think its the only developed country where major political forces outright deny climate change.
For all the polluting that India and China do, they actually acknowledge that environmental degredation poses a threat. China is making a heavy push towards nuclear, and both India and China lead the world in reforrestation

>> No.15479674


>> No.15479739

nothing is "too big to fail" you double digit iq libbrain

>> No.15479760

>let them eat plastics

>> No.15479822

Almost all of the plastic in the ocean comes from China and India. I suppose we can just ignore this because they acknowledge it, you fucking cunt. I hate ideologues like you.

>> No.15479882

Too big to fail means that it failing would make everything else fail, so people will hold it up at all costs.

>> No.15479901

tank girl

>> No.15479909

it doesnt effect their vacation home in new zealand or argentina

>> No.15479939

These niggers think they're hitting whitey which is bad enough but everybody gets hurt by it. Insurance companies pay and justifiably raise their rates which then cause business to raise their prices. People buy less, businesses which usually operate on short margins end up going bankrupt, people lose their jobs. Black people are the most self destructive people in this country. We should be done with them and the Jews who instigate this shit.

>> No.15479958

Are you a political conservative?

>> No.15479977 [DELETED] 


>> No.15479998

based retard

>> No.15480044

The Ottoman empire 2.0.
The Secrete Sultanate Sleeps, but soon they will awaken.

>> No.15480063
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Nah its cool and good what these people are doing. Unironically they are doing more for democracy than the entire U.S. military has for the last idk like 30 years. Lmao sniff my ass don't @ me nigga.

>> No.15480104

Now that's what I'm talking about!

>> No.15480243

Cops should just stop bothering in majority black areas. Both sides would love it.

>> No.15480250

Lol seethe harder retard. The top 2 countries in terms of plastic pollution are China and Indonesia. The US literally exports trash to Indonesia for them to deal with. No surprise most of it ends up in the ocean. India actually banned all single use plastics recently. Could you imagine the US trying to implement that? People would turn it into a culture war issue and it would go nowhere.

>> No.15480299

Shut the fuck up Rajesh

>> No.15480315

exactly. it's in even China's interests to keep USA alive.

>> No.15480459

Lol I'm not Indian. I don't even think China or India are good countries. I'm not looking forward to a future dominated by them.
The fact that the US is worse on these issues than China and India should be worrying.

>> No.15480517

people can say what but this is true. A world order led by any other group will be not be kind.

>> No.15480521

also this, your first point is one of the biggest contributors to a us slow or quick decline. It cannot be sustained as is without whites, and they are a becoming a minority

>> No.15480594



>> No.15480605

I agree, the US elites are pretty much all in agreement on important issues and that's what's keeping it stable. They might fight each other to achieve power, but they don't actually want to change the system.
These retard riots don't really matter in the long run, they're just for venting.

>but it will change it the next 10-15 years.
I doubt it will happen so fast. People overestimate the impact of demographic changes. LA has become minority white in just a few decades and nobody seems to care.
As long as the economy is at least 2nd world tier not much will happen. People are too sedated, fat, lazy and individualistic.

>> No.15480624


>> No.15480633

If all of America is leveraged to China,

What is the difference between this and the colony of an empire?

>> No.15480666

deep ecology druggy shamanism

>> No.15480695

Is this the most divided the US has been since the civil war?
It's horrible how much things have changed culturally for the US and Europe both over the last 100 years. What happened, and why?

>> No.15480707

Ethnic hivemind, leftism, and welfare.

>> No.15480728

>Is this the most divided the US has been since the civil war?
I think things were much more serious in the 70s.
The divisions you see now are heavily amplified by the media.
Add some quarantine boredom/frustration and you get these meaningless chimpout, which is basically over nothing.

>> No.15480770

>What happened, and why?

Incidentally, race tensions increased tremendously when Obama took office.

>> No.15480807

China is already food secure, they grow 95% of their own wheat. Plus, rice? China has had to cut back on rice production because they grow it way faster then they can consume/sell it. Total cope

>> No.15480818


>> No.15480947


>> No.15481094

Internet filter bubbles are accelerating and reifying division. People on opposite ends of the spectrum have no common ground in what they see and thus are building non-intersecting world views.They effectively live in different realities.

>> No.15481114

it's all fake money

>> No.15481124

>not butchering and enslaving

Are we talking about the same China?

>> No.15481155

Wont this whole thing just end up killing more black people indirectly?

>> No.15481217

what comes "after" burgerpunk is the sort of thing that obviates the need for a concept of an "after"
like if you asked "what happened after the sun went supernova" or "what happened after the asteroid hit" - sure, something happens, but whatever it is, it's only tangentially related to the original subject

>> No.15481245

The USA cannot be overthrown or balkanize you absolute idiots. The US military is more powerful than all the civilians in the world combined. Even if 200 million people took up arms, they would lose. Why? Because the US military has autonomous drones that can just mow people down from the sky without risking any loyalists. They have sonic cannons that can burns people to ashes from a distance. And those are just the things we know about. And because the USA is a nuclear power, no foreign entity can back up any sort of separatist or insurgent movement. It is de facto impossible for civilians to beat the US government, so what will happen is that it will just become more authoritarian in order to suppress protesters as it loses strength and slips into becoming a smaller power. Any sort of meaningful change in the USA will have to go through official democratic channels, which as you are probably aware are ultimately meaningless.

>> No.15481250
File: 79 KB, 772x1000, DEF5A33C-A1DF-4289-B8BB-7A5C19F585C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rome is too big to fail, it will not break unless the entire world breaks
>the French empire is too big to fail, it will not break unless the entire world breaks
>the British empire is too big to fail, it will not break unless the entire world breaks
>the USSR is too big to fail, it will not break unless the entire world breaks

>> No.15481260

You forgot to mention how they're also always spying on people. If people got together for a genuine militia group, they would be immediately suppressed. Unless you're a computer wiz who knows how to set up secure communication channels, which NSA and other powerful groups can't reach, then I don't know how would even be able to group together.

>> No.15481266

Modern technology is unprecedented though. We never had a superpower with such technology, especially for surveillance.

>> No.15481267


>> No.15481278

This too. The past empire collapses are a false comparison. They didn't have NSA level powers that recorded and analyzed every single thing that happened 24/7. They have backdoors into every single piece of consumer technology from the past 20 years or so. There is nothing you can do to organize against them.

>> No.15481323
File: 102 KB, 1071x695, 13060560-F4EF-41F1-B2E8-A1381AFE526A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>US federal government starts vaporizing protestors in the street
>instantly lose the support of the population and a large portion of the army
>supply chain quickly breaks down, cities descend into chaos, rural lolbertarians that supply the countries food are now guerrilla fighters

It all comes down to food, water, steel and information. The US could barely sustain a fight against a bunch of rice farmers after dropping more bombs on them than all that were dropped on Europe in WW2, all because they didn’t have support at home. It doesn’t matter if you can nuke New York City 10x over, once your population tips you lose. The government is the spirit of the people as much as the feds try and separates themselves from that. The Chinese understand this well, they don’t let their population reach threshold, and they control the information given

>> No.15481333


>> No.15481407

Yeah because white people have been so kind throughout history, what a load of horseshit, and you mutts really are obsessed with race.

>> No.15481426

negro if you think that rome failing didn't immediately constitute the end of western civilization as it was then known, resulting in an extremely touch-and-go period known as the Dark Ages where we almost became another caliphate or horse-nigger wasteland, read your history again.

The rest of these are more debatable, but in all seriousness, the fall of the French empire was a huge fucking deal and the West as we know it looks very different on either side of that event. The same goes for the fall of the British empire - in an indirect way, WWI and WWII would never have even happened if the British had truly been at their height; instead the Germans thought they could actually challenge the powers of Western Europe (and they were right, of course).

The fall of the USSR similarly is something that any fuck who wasn't alive prior to 1991 doesn't really understand. History looks absolutely, stunningly different - and in large parts of the world, this really did result in the breakdown of basic rule of law.

It's not something that tore the entire world down, true, but then the big difference between all of the above is that in every case, the entire world wasn't ultimately basing their financial policy off the strength of the USD.

>> No.15481459

China's elite most likely have all their wealth in America. Probably a fair amount in USD too. The fact is the world economy is basically centralised on America, when damage happens to it the American economy other economies tank it until the world falls apart. China will take the world, slowly, but destroying America is the worst thing they could do.

>> No.15481465

>negro if you think that rome failing didn't immediately constitute the end of western civilization as it was then known, resulting in an extremely touch-and-go period known as the Dark Ages where we almost became another caliphate or horse-nigger wasteland, read your history again.
Stop reading melodramas and actually study history you dumb shit.

>> No.15481523

regardless of what you think of the cultural worth of the Dark Ages in the West, please understand that the actual people in that period were scared shitless about what I've spoken about, and understood it to be the great existential crisis of their time.

>> No.15481525

Hitler + Civil Rights psychologically broke the US, they're like a schizo in a padded cell wearing a straitjacket, staring at a corner, rocking back and forth, repeating "Don't be racist don't be racist don't be racist don't be racist"

>> No.15481547

Yeah, I'm sure it's difficult, "european". Especially when europeans are one of if not the main benefactor of african countries.

>> No.15481576

Whitey ended slavery. Whitey invented suffrage. Whitey invented antibiotic medicine. Whitey cured smallpox. Whitey revolutionized agriculture so that every country in the world can have food surplus. Is whitey that bad?

>> No.15481870

I’m not sure where you’re disagreeing with me

>> No.15481930

As a result of this, people are failing to develop sympathy for their fellow humans and are effectively dehumanizing those that they perceive to be drastically different from themselves or whose views are perceived to be incompatible with their own ideologies.

>> No.15481979

>whitey solves the problems his civilizations creates


>> No.15481991

Literally every country could invade us at once and we'd still win

>> No.15482001

>problems his civilizations creates
I genuinely can't imagine being stupid enough to think that white people created problems like slavery and the rest of the world would just be pleasant if not for their influence.

>> No.15482029


Lmao china got no resources. They are dependent on exporting cheap shit. Even their chromium for their steel industry comes from south africa and the moment the niggers and the Boer start fighting that supply dries up. Not forgetting that the US can block all their naval traderoutes and even Russia has enough of Chinks shitting on their economy.

>> No.15482041


>"dont be racist dont be racist dont be racist"

Dont worry its coming back

>> No.15482062

you seem to me to be implying that the end of US hegemony would not have devastating consequences for the rest of the world, by comparing the threat of that to past incidents which were also heralded as "end-of-the-world"-type scenarios that we have survived. I believe the point you thought you were making was that since we have survived these, we should not be as worried about the potential for the USA to also fail.

My point contra yours is that it IS worth worrying about and it would be catastrophic. Not something we as a civilization wouldn't survive, mind you, but that's a lot at stake.

>> No.15482077

At this point, without the infrastructure in-country to make many parts of the US military supply chain, our forces would be quite brittle against any enemy coalition that broad. We could win against the first few invasion attempts, perhaps, but eventually we'd run out of whatever unobtanium they could keep from us and the war machine would run into a very bad spot before industry could be brought back online in-country to save it.

>> No.15482126


>> No.15482168
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>can't even topple Assad
>can't even install a democracy in Iraq
>can't even pressure shithole countries any more like NK or the Philippines
>population is at the brink of a national civil unrest
if the US was a stock, I would be shorting it (buy bitcoin)

>> No.15482173

>>can't even install a democracy in Iraq
Not even God could do this

>> No.15482242

>>instantly lose the support of the population and a large portion of the army
>implying the US is ideologically homogeneous or that a sense of common identity exists here
>implying that one side of any conflict in the US wouldn't be filled with glee if the other side were slaughtered

>> No.15482426

Is your memory really that short?


All because there were some shitty mortgages in the US

The world economy is now based on total real-time interconnectivity, and reliant on a structure of globalized accounting that either the US or the PPRC can raze in an instant.

>> No.15482458

americans have perpetual amnesia, its like this whole country is black out drunk, but people get angry at me for drinking in public, its very annoying

>> No.15482700

>phone posting
>reddit spacing
>I reference 2 millennia of history, you umm sweaty me over a literal nothing burger wikipedia link
>mobile wikipedia link
>so the something that happened like 10 years ago
who the fuck let you out of your retard cage?

>> No.15482711

Reminder that second world means Soviet block. Fucking idiot Americans

>> No.15482774

Current events in the US completely contradict your argument
I agree with this. I was just telling the other anon that plenty of world dominating states have risen and fallen throughout history and the US won’t be an exception. What is particularly worrying is that large scale societal breakdowns are horrific but usually gets swept under the rug by western nations. In the U.S. it will be a fully televised event. Expect a culture shock similar to that of WW2 or Vietnam when the world watches what happens in places like NYC and LA

>> No.15482776

What the fuck is burgerpunk?

>> No.15482806


>> No.15482856


The best part about this painting is the noble crane rising above the burned husk, which is being used to build yuppieblocks to gentrify the niggers out of existence. The crane represents the ultimate futility of their 70 IQ struggle, the perfect victory of noble Capital.

>> No.15482857

You could try by paying reparations for starters.

>> No.15482861

What follows you ask? Eternal squalor.
In the coming decades, things will only get trashier and trashier to the point of no return.

I'm convinced we're at the gates of a century long dark age.
The stream of consciousness of the Internet that was once seen as a holy frontier will bece like the Ganges.
Obscenity will become common place and race will blur.

It's like that shitty flick Idiocracy, except much more mundane and with much more mass killings, sex and suicide.

>> No.15482863

What exactly do boogaloo LARPers think a civil war would happen over? Libertarian gun nuts are a minority. White nationalists are a minority. Communists are a minority. Most people just want the status quo and maybe some mild social democratic policies.

>> No.15482871
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>> No.15482878


>> No.15482885

what does 12 mean

>> No.15482981


It's a clear reference to the police, in any event. After a short search it appears to refer to the alphanumeric "AB" (=12) of "ACAB", All Cops Are Bastards. So if read literally, it becomes "Fuck Are Bastards", itself an incoherent statement but they're not concerned about that (coherence). The alphanumeric 12 can also be read like gang signs (MS-13), sports jersey numbers, and I initially thought it might have to do with the specific officer's badge number but apparently not. In a word: nigger culture.

>> No.15482989

this has made me so happy. thank you.

>> No.15483134

I live half a mile from that Target and you are talking out of your ass.

>> No.15483141

treadmill funk

>> No.15483166

That's actually a really nice vacuum cleaner, WTF

>> No.15483181

it's the canine unit I think

>> No.15483214

when America fought Germany they were 90% White, and the communist rights act hadn't happened yet. this time around, Whites are a minority of births

>> No.15483226

its a shitty tv show from the 70s called Adam12 morons
fuck12 was slang for fuck vice, braindead twitter idiots dumber than you guys started using it

>> No.15483439

double bypasspunk

>> No.15483452


>> No.15483458

Theres a lot of libs seeming to blame hicks for all our racial woes, its like their own version of the JQ, the HQ if you will.

>> No.15483463

The farcical return of K-Mart realism.

>> No.15483475

Don't worry. After Rome's republic crumbled it was quickly turned into an autocratic empire. This is just the beginning. Prepare for Donald Caesar.

>> No.15483494

>K-Mart realism
What the fuck is that?

>> No.15483497


>> No.15483507
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Think outside the bun. (Trademark of Taco Bell company)

>> No.15483510
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>> No.15483521

Purchasing the vacuum is central to the fantasy that one day they will clean, that they have every intention to clean, and are essentially clean people. This is just a temporary mess and will be removed once they have a free afternoon. So no need to spare any expense. They'll need a really nice vacuum cleaner to get things as clean as they like, after all.

>> No.15483550

McDonalds has fallen, to risen no more.

>> No.15483581

It hurts how much truth is in this post

>> No.15483585

this is what the average /pol/ user thinks is a good metaphor

>> No.15483619


>> No.15483632

Americanised Kitchen Sink realism. Americans are incapable of breaking their ideology about having a classless society, the only acceptable way for them to imagine working class depictions is through a weird consumerist lens.

>> No.15483720

thread hidden btw

>> No.15483766

Detroit is elegance in ruin

Burgerpunk is dystopia in ruin