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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 44 KB, 600x470, elitist-powerlifters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15473816 No.15473816 [Reply] [Original]

This might sound strange but I have a hard time staying humble whenever I talk about my love for books and classical music. There seems to be a feeling of being superior to the average citizen in the back of my mind which bothers me. Just because I like to engage in "intellectual stuff" does not mean I have intellect, yet I cannot escape the elitism which stems from these activities. Anons, how does someone overcome this type of superiority complex?

>> No.15473838

Just don't talk about those things with people you know won't understand you.

>> No.15473900

My elistism about classical melted away thanks to two things - interacting with classically educated musicians and composers who clearly know much more than I do, and realizing that I enjoy plenty of simple pop/rock/electronic music that in the past I would steer clear of because it is "low culture".
The point of reading literature and listening to ANY sort of music is to enjoy yourself and to profit and grow personally, in ways which are very private and nearly useless to compare between people. I know what I enjoy, and others have the right to enjoy whatever they want themselves, it's their own matter entirely. In everyday life, unless you live in some especially "cultured" circle of people, your "superiority" means nothing whatsoever, at least on the surface, and there is no real reason to feel above others. In fact, you likely remain a typical 4chan autist in everyday life.

>> No.15473951

>staying humble
Don't worry, the greater your display of assumed superiority the harder everyone around you will laugh at behind your autistic loser back

>> No.15473966

Remember that there are books and music much more intellectual than what you read/listen to.

>> No.15473995

Sounds like you have a working class background, so are surrounded by vulgar plebs.

>> No.15474022


Have a strong ego, I'm sure you are into some legit bullshit, there must be something that is terribad but you like anyway.

Then try to see the bright side of things, instead of getting right into "analyze mode", "I'm going to dissect this and see if it is really worth my appreciation", you know? "How much blood the artist put into that thing".

Just enjoy and think about it later.

>> No.15474034

A good example satire in your mind may help. You can overemphasize what that satire is in the traits you dislike and separate yourself from it. Obviously the impactful it is the better but you're never an object you're a subject so you can't ever be the satire so it's just a mental game of separation. Also you might learn something new

>> No.15474055

you're a 16th century normalfag

>> No.15474061

I do not care if people have separate interests but anyone who gifts what THEY want and not what the gift receiver wants should be shot. Do I look like someone who enjoys "family fun?" "Oh it's clean family fun! I'm young at heart!" Do either of those sound like things I would say or even care about? How many threads on Bob Hope ofr Gilligan or the Beverley Hillbillies have I made? I'll give you a hint, zero cause I don't give a shit. I absolutely understand if you don't want to gift something with lots of violence and sex like von Trier or Pasolini movies but you should at least put one OUNCE of effort into gifting instead of giving me sitcoms or baby shit. You may as well have given me a DVD of the Teletubbies.

>> No.15474075

Imagine thinking listening to classical music in 2020 is highbrow music taste

>> No.15474092

Sounds like you have an exceptionally plain middle-class life, and so are surrounded by wannabe sophisticated parvenus.

The Queen Mother famously said her favourite author was Dick Francis. Having high taste in the arts is not a sign of greater social status, it is quite often the opposite.

>> No.15474094

I do not care if you have zero interest in discussing the books or writers I want to but quit trying to get me to read or watch what YOU want when I clearly do not have the slightest fucking interest in it.

>> No.15474103

You are on an internet forum dedicated to the discussion of literature, you obviously are superior in some limited sense to the average citizen. Work on improving other factors in your life to meet new people and live with those who are on your own level.

>> No.15474114

Middle class = working class.

I wasn't attacking you, just explaining why you may feel uncomfortable.

>> No.15474115
File: 56 KB, 1068x601, gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not reading Tolstoy while listening to nigger rap

>> No.15474119

You are a bad gift giver. I am saying so. I do not want sitcoms or genre fiction or baby shit. I am not sorry if that offends you.

>> No.15474125

Would you prefer the gift of AIDS?

>> No.15474142

Dude, if you are reading this, you are a terrible terrible gift giver. I would never give you the Complete works of Plato or the Criterion Bergman collection just because I liked those. Put some fucking effort in.

>> No.15474147

No, fuck that. What are you gonna do about it?

>> No.15474151
File: 224 KB, 1011x572, 1590702788747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not reading Tolstoy while listening to nigger rap

>> No.15474160

>read classics
>hehe Socrates listens to a fart trumpet
>lol Oedipus fucked his mum
>listen classical music
>hehe Figaro fucked his mum
>haha ducks do sound like oboes, ducks are such nerds

>> No.15474189

there’s a bit of ambiguity here that’s confusing a brainlet like me

do you guys mean that the “chad” thing to do is to read Tolstoy and listen to nigger rap at the same time? or that the “chad” thing to do is to not read Tolstoy and listen to nigger rap instead?

>> No.15474215

Meeting people who REALLY know about music / literature / whatever you're getting a sense of superiority from. I'm not talking about people who love those things - there are plenty of them - but people who actually dedicated their life to a specific domain. The ones who are completely immersed in it are often the most humble, and the most humbling.

>> No.15474246

That's because they're often forced to beg on the street.

>> No.15474247
File: 93 KB, 1200x905, THE MAN HIMSELF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot the highbrow classic, Lick My Asshole by Mozart
This is very true. I'm lucky enough to be a tenor working on Debussy's Pantomime. I'm not arrogant, superior or whatever, just autistically into singing above my second passagio.

>> No.15474305

You sound like a natural countertenor.

>> No.15474336

>Lick My Asshole by Mozart
I prefer the one about shitting on his mom's face, in case you could not tell my preferences from my initial post.

>> No.15474394

>natural countertenor
Interestingly enough most countertenors are baritones who work very hard to strengthen their falsetto. I'm a lighter-voiced lyric tenor, my voice stalls out around E5 so countertenor isn't quite doable. For the music I sing, I'd need to get up to a Soprano C. I'm just really, really, into being able to sustain a high (lyric tenor) tessitura.
Ahh, a man of refined tastes I see.

>> No.15474720

Canterbury Tales and Decameron are also full of crude sex humor.

>> No.15474822
File: 14 KB, 236x339, Corneliu Zelea Codreanu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do I not fall into elitism because I read books and listen to classical music?
Be older than 15.

Or maybe you can just accept the masses as they experience in the world, and from this your treatment of them not stemming from a pride of superiority in being a smug asshole; but rather from a true compassion for all life to relieve their suffering, and a love for your people so when one is in the presence of the categorical masses, they are treated as an individual and not a mass. This was in Christ, but also in a Hitler or a Codreanu. That is to say, the Heroic, who necessarily is beyond, by his own nature any mere historic context.

>Only the love that springs from pity, and carries its compassion to the utmost breaking of self-will, is the redeeming Christian Love, in which Faith and Hope are both included of a—Faith as the unwavering consciousness of that moral meaning of the world, confirmed by the most divine exemplar; Hope as the blessed sense of the impossibility of any cheating of this consciousness.

>> No.15474883

The meme arrow is honestly the most linguistically interesting thing to come out of the internet. The first guy is saying it’s the chad thing to do, the second guy is saying it’s the chad thing not to do.

>> No.15474916

I’ve studied literature my whole adult life and some of the most arrogant people I’ve ever met were doctors on the subject. You’ve got it backwards, find those who really love the subject (of any education level) and you’ll find the non pretentious group

>> No.15474949

Music and literature are created by human beings and human beings have always used sex and crudeness for laughs. It’s not a recent development. OP you are no better than anyone else just because you enjoy works that the creators of would probably have gotten along better with your crude friends who you believe yourself to be better than. Just get over yourself

>> No.15475009

nothing bad with elitism if its not braindead like racism, sexism etc... philosophers are objectively superior to plebs for example. There's no such thing as a undelying human dignity that we all share. What is true of art, tools, lovers, landscapes, etc, that is to say, that they posses unequal value across individual instances of those things i mentioned, is also true of people.

>> No.15475026

sounds like you're projecting here

>> No.15475034

>racism is braindead
>sexism is braindead
>there's no such thing as a undelying human dignity
>yet these two things are still bad
maybe you want to be less retarded

>> No.15475037

>philosophers are objectively superior to plebs for example.

>> No.15475054

its braindead because they put the cause of black people and women being dumb on an underlying essence specific to those groups, like they are stupid because of blackhood or womanhood, which is as stupid as placing an underlying positive value on everyone, a.k.a. cosmopolitanism

>> No.15475068

in reality, they they are dumber because of the system yada yada u know the deal. HOWEVER, this does not mean that one should not treat a pleb like what it is, a pleb, even if he is black or a woman, but not because of it, rather, because he is a pleb

>> No.15475114
File: 90 KB, 733x857, C4361C35-F02C-4244-96F0-343C42F0ED24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why no, I’m not reading Tolstoy while listening to nigger rap, how could you tell?