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/lit/ - Literature

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15473172 No.15473172 [Reply] [Original]

I'm the biggest pseud on this board. I literally haven't read a single book in my life, learned the entire Western Canon from wikipedia articles and notes. I've watched over 2 years worth of opinionated videoessays and I can thoughtlessly regurgitate all the points I've been spoonfed. I purposefully try to direct a consversation so that I come of as smart and well read. Teachers and lecturers have been falling for this trick for the last 20 years, I am currently finishing my PhD that will be shamelessly assembled from bits of information found on the Internet. I have never put any effort into questioning or digesting anything I've ever learned, at this point I'm suspecting I might actually be unable to do so due to some measurable retardation. I spend most of my free time watching porn and scrolling through my Facebook feed which consists of philosophy and literature memes that I pretend to understand, I will later use them in my dissertation to appear witty. If you don't believe me, feel free to check my pseud credentials.

>> No.15473198

tldr, just like you
grab a rope and jump in it
people with zero knowledge on the subject are impressed by you
anyone else knows you're a fucking retard
you'll realise when you're older and it's too late to start reading books

>> No.15473209

Nice one OP. Beats anything in the catalog rn

>> No.15473218

Yeah me too

>> No.15473235

so you are like most women in education

>> No.15473246

I can respect that.

>> No.15473258

I admire you, reading books was the biggest waste of time I ever happened upon and soft conning people is much more thrilling

>> No.15473270

I think within a certain framework you aren't a pseud. You have learned things and you have applied what you learned. You have trained yourself to be quick witted and understand social dynamics to further your goal of appearing smart. All those things are elements of being smart.

Good job OP, love ya bud.

>> No.15473279

Dare I say it...

>> No.15473285

I respect your honesty. Some people who do this are not self-aware and do not realize they are pseuds

>> No.15473344

holy... based

>> No.15473368

Tell me your opinions about the work of William H. Gass, OP. Be as opinionated as possible.

>> No.15473408
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Is this thing on? Can you hear me? Okay good, everyone gather around. I have an important announcement to make, and you'll want to be here to hear this!

>> No.15473433

based OP

it´s pathetic of people when they chimp out
just cause one wants to know the reductive essence of a concept,
without learning 1000pages of stupid context,
be it historical, or whatever.

>> No.15473482
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el basado de los chado

>> No.15473525

is this the THAT word speech again? if so I want to hear it

>> No.15473535


>> No.15473543
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>> No.15473555
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based department? yeah i have the guy

>> No.15473561

Thunder strikes
And a pale echo reasonates
A smug smile grows
On this ghastly creature
Grasping for straws in the air
Forging himself a scarecrow
To hit lightning in the dark

A playful madness abounds
A spiteful deceit complete
Could this fiend of ours
Claim wisdom as his own
As a raven rambling
About things unknown

And so they flock about him
Like a peacock on a cruise
A murder of pretenders
They too, don't know
So feed the hungry crowd

Perhaps they like their feathers
Stroken smooth and soft
Delicate hearts
In a world that is naught

So we'll drink to this, Felicia
And hope that their forlorn eyes
Are seduced by telltale lullabies

And what is left of you?
A petty actor

Performing for a tasteless crew

>> No.15473657
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Let me fucking tell you something about Nietzsche. Most people be like "oH NeEtZscHe GOd bE dEaD". I mean, sure, he does say this, but the ride doesn't end just yet. It only gets better. See, Nietzsche scholars like to divide his oeuvre *obliterates the pronounciation because he's too pseud to actually learn French* into three parts - first there is the Romantic part, the most pronounced influences here are the pre-Socratics and Wagner, most important works include "Birth of Tragedy" and "Untimely Meditations"; then there is the positivist part, here his focus is on the positivists (Spencer, Comte) and scientists (primarily Darwin); finally there is the mature Nietzsche and it is HERE that he utters his famous "God is dead" phrase in "Thus Spoke Zarathustra". I think it's important to remember that Nietzsche was emphatically NOT a nihilist, it's surprising that so many people perceive his work as advocacy of nihilism. The whole point of the Ubermensch *fucks up the pronounciation yet again* is to go BEYOND nihilism and please don't ask me how he wanted to do that, one could talk about it so extensively that we're gonna have to leave it for another time *sweating intensifies* But yeah, Nietzsche is misunderstood, it's mostly because of pseuds and wikipedia readers who have a very superficial familiarity with his works *winks* I mean, if it was possible to win an award for The World's Most Misunderstood Philosopher, Nietzsche would really only have to compete against one person - that being of course Marx. And just PLEASE don't get me started on Marx, guys. You probably have some preconceived notions of Marx yourself, right? You probably think that Marx wanted all people to be equal, that he thought capitalism was unfair and that he wanted to take away surplus toothbrushes? Well, fasten your seatbelts then, because you just won a ticket for cognitive dissonance of your lifetime. As a matter of fact, Marx wrote very little about how socialism would look like...

>> No.15473744

Gaining a mild understanding of something leads to the ability to gain a much broader understanding of it. Good luck.

>> No.15473774
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My favorite allegory? You guessed it, Plato's cave.

>> No.15473797

>As a matter of fact, Marx wrote very little about how socialism would look like...
Critique of the gotha program

>> No.15474891

Anyone who has read Nietzsche would know to reference the more forceful and memorable utterance of 'God is Dead' in the Gay Science section 125. At least you know you're a pseud.

>> No.15475048

Honestly openly embracing the fact that you’re a pseud and intentionally gaming the system is pretty based

>> No.15475137

It’s pathetic when lazy pseuds want to pretend their intellectual when they’re too lazy to pick up a book and too stupid to read for a length of time

>> No.15476466

William H. Gass, OP. isn't a Dominican. In fact I am pretty sure her isn't even Catholic.

>> No.15476480

What Uni are u at? What subject are u getting ur PhD in ?

>> No.15477163

I agree desu. Reading books is a waste of time. You can just read Wikipedia articles and lectures to gather the same knowledge but whatever, it's still a better hobby than playing videos games or watching shows (which I do as well btw so I'm in a position to compare them both).

>> No.15477943

>dumb frogposter is truly dumb
Wow, never would of thought it.

>> No.15478093

Quit wasting your time, OP, and ours, with all this bullshit. Do something useful instead of posting meaningless dreck for retards to argue about and achieve nothing.

>> No.15478131

>I am currently finishing my PhD that will be shamelessly assembled from bits of information found on the Internet.
Impossible, but nice bait OP.

>> No.15478150
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you disgust me
> read something like 100 non-fiction books, for pleasure and interest and brain growth
> I despise reading and hearing other people's stupid opinions on what I'm reading/ have read
> I do not express opinions on any serious topic that I have not read about and/or meditated on seriously
> nearly 40, married, feel like a dinosaur because these are oldschool values, and everyone is uneducated and poorly read these days just like faggot OP

>> No.15478164

Yeah you people are even stupider than OP's presented character if you think someone could finish a PhD without reading a single book. Stop getting angry over a LARP.

>> No.15478166

> I despise reading and hearing *about
everyone who agrees with OP can promptly end your lives by suicide please you worthless cunts

>> No.15478179
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