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/lit/ - Literature

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15472676 No.15472676 [Reply] [Original]

I'm so fucking smart. I'm still in my early 20s and I've already settled most big philosophical questions.Questions like
>Is there free will.
>Does god exist?
>Why is there evil in the world?
>What is consciousness?
Should I write a book with my answers and proofs?
Would anyone read it?

>> No.15472698
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t. Homer Simpson

>> No.15472707

Nah dude I'm legit a genius.

>> No.15472727

Write those things down and scrutinize them first.

>> No.15472745

>Is there free will.
>Does god exist?
God is a concept
>Why is there evil in the world?
To move the universe towards a greater good
>What is consciousness?

>> No.15472750

>There isn't
>A quirk

>> No.15472752
File: 117 KB, 700x817, gin-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. You are very wrong on most of these questions. I suggest you think about them harder like I did before you come to conclusions because now you just look like a child.

>> No.15472753
File: 18 KB, 600x600, lqbait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow you're hilarious

>> No.15472766

Not bait. I'm asking a genuine question. Is there any demand for a philosopher like me who's not an academic? Where should I go to get published?

>> No.15472771

So you haven’t figured out the answers
No. Your book would be as dumb as Kierkegaard if not worse

>> No.15472777

That is just a picture. It doesn't represent my beliefs. I'm not even a christian.
You have a schizophrenic mind.

>> No.15472997

Have you clicked yet anon?

>> No.15473000

Clicked what?

>> No.15473004

You should know that since you're so smart, faggot.

>> No.15473014
File: 52 KB, 564x597, 37d824faa0444df02a3d4c2768174f80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smart != know everything. Your erroneous conception of intelligence is highly suggestive of low IQ on your part.

>> No.15473018

clicking is when you make logic you highest value and instantly become one of the smartest people on the planet

>> No.15473027

Same, but none of those are particularly difficult questions OP.

>> No.15473035
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Logic is definitely not my highest value. Sure, I think being logical is very important when constructing a philosophical theory but for me it doesn't go beyond that. So no, I haven't "clicked".

>> No.15473047
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>none of those are particularly difficult questions OP.
I think they are pretty difficult. Perhaps you haven't thought about them hard enough like I did.

>> No.15473070

Does objective morality exist?
>Why is there evil in the world?
What is evil?

>> No.15473072

sorry but that means you are an idiot

>> No.15473440

Evil is subjective

>> No.15473458

are you a god OP? can I worship you?

>> No.15473463

Publish papers on academia.edu and turn it into a book

>> No.15473471

>No. Your book would be as dumb as Kierkegaard if not worse
how dare you

>> No.15473487

they have already been answerd long ago my man

>> No.15473505

>>Is there free will.
>>Does god exist?
>>Why is there evil in the world?
Because God gave us Free will.
>>What is consciousness?
See the conway lectures on free will.

I am in my early twenties too, where is my entry into the "genius club".

>> No.15473556

>he can't deduce most knowledge using sheer intellect
Lmao, absolute dunce

>> No.15473633

So you finally learned how to use a tripcode

>> No.15473660

Who cares about your opinion on things if you cannot manifest them upon the world? You are going to die, having done nothing to shape the world around you. Sure, I'm presupposing values, but what is there in life beyond communicating to others and taking action in the material plain?

>> No.15473755

You just but my younger brother killed himself because his intelligence became a burden on him. He graduated university at 15 and spent the remainder of his years wandering different countries essentially realizing that he was going to peak very soon and when the gradual mental decay came, he wouldn't be able to handle. He published some proofs of some mathematical concepts, agonized over the big seven and when all was said and done went over to the bathroom and shot himself with my dad's old service revolver. I found his diary and it saddened me to see a bright man destroy himself because his emotions couldnot battle his intellectual framework. Being a genius in your early twenties is a curse not a blessing. Be very careful OP

>> No.15473769

>Hi, I’ve been here for three whole days!

>> No.15473925

That's very sad. I'm sorry for your loss.

>> No.15474016

You should have "solved" those questions in your teens amoebabrain
Time to grow up

>> No.15474031

I did "solve" them in my teens. But I only actually solved them (no quotes) recently.

>> No.15474434

>i can answer all these questions but i’m not going to answer them for you

>> No.15474455

What are the big seven?

>> No.15474512

Then how come I haven’t heard of the retard then?

>> No.15474563

Few highly intelligent people will openly boast about their intelligence, you midwit. Being intelligent necessitates the understanding of everything that you are not, the awareness of your limitations. Moreover, my very own example far exceeds your own; I am an 18 year old midwit struggling to truly comprehend the implications of the following figures: Parmenides, Kant, Spinoza, Heidegger, and Deleuze. Though my capabilities outstrip the vast majority of my age group, I am driven by the constant desire to escape the idea that I have it all figured out. That very moment when someone makes such a proclamation marks the beginning of the end, intellectual degradation.

>> No.15474567

>See the conway lectures on free will.
Just deflecting your answer on someone else's answer isn't genius behavior, you are out.

>> No.15474572

So what are your answer to these questions?

>> No.15474579

Allow me to compete for the smartest person in the thread award.

>Is there free will.
>Does god exist?
>Why is there evil in the world?
>What is consciousness?

I hope I win.

>> No.15474620

what are the big seven?

>> No.15474699
File: 57 KB, 300x177, Technobanana+rolls+88+here+have+some+dubs+check+em+_9de3e253e4b3112ed350953d7620a65f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is there free will.
No, everything to the smallest aspect of reality is deterministic, although this level of extreme determinism means that we may as well behave as if we do have free will, because our decisions matter, they just aren't technically decisions.
>Does god exist?
Yes, though it depends on your definition of God.
>Why is there evil in the world?
Why wouldn't it? You must define evil, it is an extremely subjective term. When a hawk kills a mouse, it is evil to the mouse, but necessary to the hawk. An objective "Evil" is a childish concept.
>What is consciousness?
A complex way to process and relate information together, possibly going as far as to attempt to understand the very laws underlying reality.
>Should I write a book with my answers and proofs?
Yes, but first you should actually answer your posited questions in this thread to prove you aren't larping.
>Would anyone read it?
I would if it seemed sensible and thorough in it's logic, rather than the schizoid ramblings of narcissists that are usually left when people think they've figured everything out.
Extremely based knower of nothing, this is better than my answer, we cannot know anything certainly.
Now, check'em.

>> No.15474721

>>Is there free will.
>>Does god exist?
>>Why is there evil in the world?
>>What is consciousness?
these are all irrelevant questions

>> No.15474741

Based dubs poster is correct. Also checked!

>> No.15474744

Fuck off with your false certainty of things, and accept your inherent inadequacy.

>> No.15474812

>he still won't answer his own questions because he's either larping or trolling

>> No.15474844

cope harder, it humours me.

>> No.15474890

only proof you can provide is that you're one big tart.

>> No.15474893


>> No.15474903

>Does dog exist?
Fixed that for you. He does, he's a good dog. And your mother says he needs a walk.

>> No.15474923

you will remember this post with disgust, you will always find that things are more complex than you once thought, and be allarmed if time doesnt delivers you such a thought. Only dunning krueger effect pieces of dumb shits say what you said shamelessly

>> No.15474932

ITT: faggot OP thought he was clever and confused that with intelligence and now that /lit/ has proven how much of a poof he is he went full damage control under an over-confident façade because he's too embarrassed and insecure to actually come clean.
shit thread.

>> No.15475111

Hes probably talking about the Millennium Prize Problems

>> No.15475131


>> No.15475156


This is literally the only based answer here, just because its B-fly you guys get mad. OP is an insufferable faggot with illusions of grandeur

>> No.15475166

are you trans?

>> No.15475174

Based and butterpilled.

>> No.15475177

Noxious midwit. Objective evil consists in precisely the fact that what is necessary for the hawk is evil for the mouse.

>> No.15475294

>Is there free will.
>Does god exist?
Yes as ineffable three persons in One
>Why is there evil in the world?
To triumph over and subsequently create higher goods
>What is consciousness?
Integrated Information Theory
>Should I write a book with my answers and proofs?
>Would anyone read it?

>> No.15475306

in just a couple lines of text you've managed to convince me that you're a total stupid faggot retard so i dont know how good a book written by someone like that would be

>> No.15475334

>No, everything to the smallest aspect of reality is deterministic
Pseudoscience belongs on >>>/x/

>> No.15475369

Wow OP this guy is only 18 and he is much more mature and realistic than you. You Okay?

>> No.15475510
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>> No.15475702

>I claim I'm smart. I claim to be as unwise as most people aged 20, and I claim objective answers to human-conceived questions.
>Should I publish my schizo diaries?

>> No.15476106

>tripfag is stupid enough to fall for the bait
come back when you are over 18 and maybe you won't be insecure enough to fall for this shit

>> No.15476363
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>Claims to have solved the biggest philosophical questions
>Can't answer for himself simple pragmatic questions like should he write a book or would anyone read it
I unironically believe you OP

>> No.15477275

OP here. Just thought about it a little more and realized sucking cocks all day maybe isn't the answer.
Sorry to have wasted your time.

>> No.15477323

>I'm so fucking smart.

>I'm legit a genius


>>Is there free will.
>>Does god exist?
>God is a concept
>>Why is there evil in the world?
>To move the universe towards a greater good
>>What is consciousness?

You're confusing being young with being smart.

>> No.15477351

Apply yourself

>> No.15477410

OP here. Just used my divine intellect to determine that I am actually a big smelly dumb-dumb. Thank you for your time.

>> No.15477426

>Just deflecting your answer on someone else's answer isn't genius behavior
Every genius stood on the shoulders on giants!

>> No.15477460
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holy shit i thought i was an arrogant retard for being dismissive of most disciplines and thinking for myself. you've made me feel a lot more confident. i don't even think you understand those questions.

>> No.15477467

literal schizo

>> No.15477939
File: 597 KB, 1920x2599, yi-liu-1920-22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actual OP here.
The person that you're replying to is not me. They're completely wrong.
My divine intellect tells me that you're extremely insecure about your own intelligence. I suggest you read some books on self-esteem.
The third poster you're quoting is not me.
My answers are
>Is there free will.
>Does god exist?
Likely, yes. There is much to be said that I cannot possibly contain in a 4chan post (hence the book).
>Why is there evil in the world?
Evil definitely exists. The reason why is also too complex to explain in a 4chan post.
>What is consciousness?
My answer here explains why this is the wrong question to ask. That essentially we cannot hope to explain what it is but not for the reasons that other philosophers have outlined.
Maths presents a good example where human-conceived questions have definite, objective answers. I'm sorry but you talk like a low IQ individual. I'm a genius.
This is a very common thing that people of low intelligence who are insecure of their intelligence say. It's not a sign of maturity, it's a sign of a midwit. Midwits are insecure about their intelligence so they act humbly for fear of being found out as a midwit. Actually intelligent people are not like that. If you actually knew any history you would be aware of the fact that many actual geniuses were not always deferent to others when it came to intelligence. Read about people like Nash, Newton, Gauss. You will have your delusions about how actually smart people act quickly shattered.
>lit/ has proven how much of a poof he is
>he went full damage control
Huh? Are you posting in the right thread?
> to actually come clean
About what? The fact that I'm smarter than all of you combined?
Keep telling that to yourself, midwit. Just because you were severely disappointed after every insight you thought you had doesn't mean that everyone is like that, it merely means that you're not that smart.
I bet that sounded good in your head before you posted it.
The book would contain the proofs. Hence my question.
For you.
>No, everything to the smallest aspect of reality is deterministic, although this level of extreme determinism means that we may as well behave as if we do have free will, because our decisions matter, they just aren't technically decisions.
You're approaching the question from the direction that most midwits do, so I can't blame your for that. This is an extremely unproductive direction to take the question to. Not only is it a dumb argument, it actually doesn't even work because there's no proof that the smallest aspects of reality are deterministic (assuming you can explain what you mean by the word deterministic, which is an extremely vague and shaky notion that requires way more thought to adequately justify, as shaky as you probably think the notion of free will is, though it isn't).

>> No.15477984

>You don buliebe in gawd? You a skizo!
That’s reverse, dude

>> No.15477990

probably worth it, if you are what you say you are, people will appreciate being able to interact with someone with that level of intelligence, if not, then we can all laugh at you

>> No.15478006

I'd buy it and give it a bad review on amazon and goodreads.

>> No.15478028
File: 417 B, 400x343, images (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is there free will.
Yes and no, we live in multiverses, multiple fates and at the same all scripted.
>Does God exist?
Yes, you can call him God or the administrator and creator of this simulation.
>Why is there evil in the world?
Because evil is necesary to know what is wrong and right, we exist to prove a point.
>What is consciousness?
Life myself.

>> No.15478029

Pride comes before destruction

>> No.15478054

>people will appreciate being able to interact with someone with that level of intelligence
This thread demonstrates just how insecure people are about their own intelligence. I doubt that demonstrating your high level of intelligence in a book would bring anything but resentment on the part of the reader.

>> No.15478108

Buddy, you're on a board dedicated to reading books where people talk about books fondly (not all the time, obviously). If you write a good book you'll have an audience. The reason you're getting shit on is because you come across as a young, arrogant pseud. Who knows, you might not be, but you're going to have to write the book to find that out.

>> No.15478325


>> No.15478373

i disagree strongly on the god question, but the answer is very good. your consciousness answer is a total copout.

>> No.15478433

maybe if they're some sub 130 caveman
typically people read this variety of content to learn rather than to flaunt what they already know, if not, then that's terribly sad

>> No.15478435


>> No.15478478

Not all "evil" acts are done out of necessity. Joy, pleasure, want. That is evil