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/lit/ - Literature

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15468598 No.15468598[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You know that women are absolutely not impressed by the fact you read and they probably think that makes you "boring", right?

I know you're going to say you don't care, but deep down you do.

>> No.15468605

I'm good looking and whenever I say something sharp in class, panties drop.

>> No.15468607

>Women on Twitter represent 50% of the population
Delusional. Just as many women read as men.

>> No.15468616

>hasn't taken the borepill

>> No.15468622

She's right. I used to try to get women to watch movies like Andrei Rublev with me. Obviously anyone who's watched it knows a lot happens but to girls like @pixievin nothing could be more boring, which is a sad fact I was very slow to accept.

>> No.15468623
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id rather watch a movie where nothing happens than the same movie over and over again

>> No.15468624

To be fair, Apocalypse Now is much better than the book.
>women are absolutely not impressed by the fact you read and they probably think that makes you "boring", right?
You're aware /lit/ is a clamfest, right?

>> No.15468629

Lol I didn't know trannies counted but okay.

>> No.15468632

>Apocalypse Now is much better than the book

>> No.15468637

My wife likes art house films. The issue with modern Western culture boils down to Jews, porn, and negative side-effects of some intellectual movements.

>> No.15468638

why are people responding to this stupid thread

>> No.15468642

my fiance is happy to watch artsy movies if they have an "indie hipster" vibe, so we watch jim jarmusch alot

>> No.15468644

More women read than men. They prob read books that you guys wouldn't tough, but they undeniably read.

>> No.15468647

There are a few but hibari-kun was the only one that read much and I think it's been dead for years. The rest are arguing with the rest of the dicks in the obvious /pol/bait threads which never mention books.

>> No.15468656

My gf is 23 and still skips the "be prepared" scene in the lion king where scar and the hyenas reenact the third reich because she gets too scared. I don't even consider showing her movies I like anymore. I turn on the Disney cartoons and watch them with her the same way I do when I'm watching my 5 year old nephew.

>> No.15468658

Sounds like you found yourself a keeper. How'd you meet her?

>> No.15468663

My gf thinks it's cute that I read books, but is absolutely repulsed by the things I read (pretty standard literary fiction that isn't very objectionable).

>> No.15468664


Jesus, I almost acted like a f jerk. Anyway some people are immature, anon. Don't generalize, ok? Doing that with women and with us. Don't act like we are all the same thing. I'm way different than a lot of fucking retard on this board.

>> No.15468666
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Women media and artistic preferences literally revolve around 1. pretending to care about social issues 2. wanting to be a child forever. They'd like you a lot more if you could pretend to love Disney movies and Harry Potter at age 30 instead of doing all that reading you do.

>> No.15468667

Is she retarded? Like, genuine question here.

>> No.15468668

lol i recently watched aristocats with my gf

why do they love disney so much

>> No.15468674

Who cares what women think when you have abs? It’s literally impossible not to get hookups on tinder

>> No.15468675

>Heart of Darkness > Apocalypse Now
I see you don't read.

>> No.15468678

to be fair edward scissorhands is a great film imo

>> No.15468679

harry potter movies are based

>> No.15468680

>caring what women think

A woman's opinions are only valuable if she can prove they are valuable, and she does this by discussing literature. Any woman who does not read is not worthy of my attention.

>> No.15468683

found the dumb bitch

>> No.15468689

shut the fuck up

>> No.15468694

Seems like I touched a nerve.

>> No.15468711

Well, I did go through a phase (and may very well still be going through that phase) where all I would do is read/talk about James Joyce.
I've read everything he's ever written multiple times, and feel that his work has had a profound impact on my life.
Mentioning Joyce in front of her will absolutely set her off at this point as she thinks I have an unhealthy obsession (not realizing that an author like Joyce requires years of dedicated reading to appreciate).
I still remember the first time she saw me reading Finnegans Wake (she didn't know that it was my third time reading it).
She thought it was cute that I was reading a "quirky" book and just let it be for the time being.
After about 6 months of reading nothing but that same copy (my second) of Finnegans Wake, which by now has been read all the way through at least twice and is heavily annotated, she began to suspect that I have autism.
It used to be a little inside joke between the two of us that I had autism, but now I'm beginning to suspect that she actually thinks I'm autistic.
I just wish she could understand that Joyce is a respected literary figure and reading his work isn't some kind of freak activity.

>> No.15468722

She also loves Hallmark movies even though they follow the same basic 2-3 plot variations with only a few details altered. Sometimes I'll predict plot points and dialogue correctly before they occur and she will look at me like I'm performing a magic trick and tell me I should write scripts for them.

>> No.15468723

>I read a book that has phonetic Irish in it while annotating it, and probably never thought to learn enough Irish to understand what I was annotating
That is pretty autistic, anon. Like Sanic levels of autism.

>> No.15468730

oh no women don't LIKE me what the fuck am i gonna do bros women don't LIKE me they think i'm boring or gay or stupid bros what the fuck am i gonna do if women don't LIKE me i can't take it my entire worldview revolves around being desired by women a life where they don't LIKE me isn't even worth living

>> No.15468740

>a man trying to convince himself that he doesn't care about sex and women
you know all that snark and sarcasm come from a place of despair, anon.

>> No.15468759

You have to learn it the hard way.

I played a spotify playlist of Roxy Music and Depeche Mode at a small semi-formal dinner party and I had to change it because it was too "depressing" and "wtf is this?" Keep in mind...this is accessible 80s pop music.

When you're with people who you havent vetted, stick to "yep. Im just a happy, well-adjusted guy haha. Yup tough day at work. Did you see that Michael Jordan documentary? Wow! Very well done" maybe not that "basic" but you get the idea. I dont even tell people I read since they get this weird fucking look on their face

>> No.15468762

I am familiar enough with Irish for the purposes of reading Finnegans Wake. I still have to look up a lot of words in the dictionary when I come across them, but I have developed a pretty good eye for recognizing the language when I read it.

>> No.15468764

>admitting to women that you read
>admitting to anyone

>> No.15468767

>I dont even tell people I read since they get this weird fucking look on their face
lmfao where do you live?

>> No.15468770

I can't stress enough that I am definitely NOT autistic.
I thought you guys would be more understanding.

>> No.15468784

ih mare la is ay is ka shuh shin ah raw.

>> No.15468785

you don't understand
i hate women
a part of me is sexually attracted to them, sure, but beyond that i am repulsed by them. i find their appearance disgusting, the way they act, the way they dress, those shitty tattoos they all get, i fucking hate every part of them. whenever i see a woman laugh i want to punch her dumb fucking whore face, i want to knock her teeth in, the thought of one touching me makes me want to die, like she'll infect me with whatever horrible mental disease makes them like that
the only despair i feel in relation to women is that there is some demented part of me that actually finds these disgusting creatures arousing, the rest of me despises them right to the core

>> No.15468790

They're like that because of Jewish control of media.

>> No.15468794

base perspective. time to listen to the smiths and become volcel buddy

>> No.15468801


What is wrong with you? They usually smell nice. I love smell of women.

>> No.15468806

People will freak out if you tell them you watched an old film from the seventies or talk about a band more then 20 years old. Those people have no personalities of their own.

>> No.15468807

No, channel that anger into righteous hatred of Jews and become paladins of light to reestablish a virtuous society where women are no longer praised for being whores, but rather, they are encouraged to be modest and traditional.

>> No.15468813
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But, it’s a tragedy, bae

>> No.15468815

I think these are amerimutts raging at their shallow culture

>> No.15468816

So what do women find interesting in men?

>> No.15468823

You're schizo level delusional if you actually believe removing Jewish people from power will magically change how women are.

>> No.15468831

You have to take control of the media and learn basic social engineering principles. Most people become whatever society conditions them to be.

>> No.15468832

Suburb of Los Angeles County.

Its hard to explain but its like high school/college never ended for a lot of people here. On top of that, the yoga, faux-Buddhist organic kombucha meditation retreat nonsense drives me fucking nuts. Went to the beach during the subset and I saw a solid row of different people taking selfies. Not a "we live in a society" joe rogan listener but its hilarious and slightly disturbing

>> No.15468834

More women read than men.

>> No.15468835

>/lit/ is a clamfest
ladies I have a six inch dick and I'm only mildly autistic. not into feet. please apply below

>> No.15468841

>not into feet.
Dealbreaker. Try /cgl/

>> No.15468846

Being someone who does a lot of normie fun things while also having a lot of ambition and being able to navigate different social landscapes

>> No.15468847

okay. but in the meantime, while you're doing that, listen to the smith and become volcel.

>> No.15468848

i like to think i have a perfectly healthy level of antisemitism but you can't blame everything on some nefarious other
at some level personal responsibility must be assigned, the nature of the thing itself has to be considered
get some woman cologne then you big faggot
all they'll do is drag you down to their level, every cute face, every skimpy outfit, the smell of her body is just a part of the web they spin, with the fat ugly spider of fleshy desires at the center of it. that they do this unconsciously just further illustrates the innate nature of women that their conscious lives are subordinate to

>> No.15468862

>propaganda does not work

>> No.15468863

Literally this happened to me, but it was her fault telling me she loves sci fi movies, and loves art films, and just absolutely loves foreign films. So I put on Stalker and she fucking falls asleep and complains about it later.

>> No.15468867

hey bro do you have grindr? Looks I need to ram my cock into your ass, dry style. After I cum on your face, we can have some beer and rage together.

>> No.15468873


I do already, I'm in here but I'm not a retarded like most of you.

>> No.15468874

It's three factors: Jews, porn, and negative side-effects of some intellectual movements.
If you get rid of the Jews and ban porn, I can help create a new zeitgeist that leads to more harmonious families and growth of traditional sensibilities.

>> No.15468880

it's capitalism

>> No.15468889

You can regulate capitalism in a manner that benefits your interests. You make economics subordinate to communal concerns.

>> No.15468891

>free yourself from the bondage of Jewish Capitalism
>enjoy the chains of Jewish Marxism

>> No.15468893

>that benefits your interests
that serves your interests*

>> No.15468899

okay let's become China
imagine actually wanting to tread on people because you get triggered by porn
guess what? no woman Will ever love you even if you family paid their family with two sows and a goat

>> No.15468900

You can add certain fascist mechanisms into capitalism to enforce certain norms. Basically close and strengthen certain markets relative to others.

>> No.15468908

No, I'm saying to become like National Socialist Germany. Hitler was a good man. He had honor, integrity, and love for his people. He was much better than Churchill.
>guess what? no woman Will ever love you even if you family paid their family with two sows and a goat
You don't know me. I'm just pointing the way for greater stability and prosperity for your peoples.

>> No.15468910

Status within what she sees as her social group.

If she's an "art whore", she will love the fact that you read books.

If she's an Instawhore, she will want you to have a great social media life and great looks.

If she's a common whore, she will want you to be rich and powerful.

If she's a looks whore, she will want you to be Brad Pitt.

If she's a sports whore, she will want you to be the best and sexiest player.

And so on... It all depends on what she sees as her social group. For instance, "metal" whores tend to go out only with men who are tall, skinny, and have long hair; "Beatles" whores go out with feminine looking young men with big, roundish heads of hair; same for "K-pop" whores and so on, but the men are Asian; and so on, so on, so on...

This is literally and undeniably how it is. Girls rely 100% on status, but status is group-dependent - a soccer star has status in the celebrity world, but no status in academia.

Even girls who claim to be traditional and conservative are like that. How many messages do you think Paul Joseph Watson receives per day from hungry, lonely "traditional ladies"? How many messages do you think Barron Trump will receive in five or six years?

>> No.15468911

Yes, I recognize this. I was just poking fun at the two faces of materialism that pretend to combat each other.

>> No.15468914

I care about the opinion of women the same way I care about a fly landing on my arm - I'm quick to shake it off of me.

>> No.15468916

using mind control on citizens to rat out neighbours and family members isn't a society I would like to be part of

>> No.15468917

>Hitler was a good man. He had honor, integrity, and love for his people.
*assassinates his best friend*

>> No.15468922

What you need is a charismatic philosopher-king who cares for his people. Some fascism is fine.

>> No.15468942

Röhm got too greedy. He should have learned to control himself a little better, but he was drunk on cock, like most fags are, so he failed to see the gravity of his errors.

>> No.15468943


I hate women

>> No.15468944

me too king

>> No.15468946

>using mind control on citizens to rat out neighbours and family members isn't a society I would like to be part of
It is already like this in the USA.

>> No.15468948

This is literally a nerd thing, not a gender thing. If she were a lesbian, she would find art hoes equally boring because she's a brainlet.

>> No.15468949

So present day west?

>> No.15468952


>> No.15468955

Damn retard girlfriend sounds kinda based

>> No.15468957

Women are only interested in schizo chads

>> No.15468960


>> No.15469002

>tfw go to arthouse theatre to watch kino, and realise the girls that go there are all lesbians.

>> No.15469011

brb running all of my actions past a committee of aging women for approval

>> No.15469016

That's unironically why women need to be controlled. Nothing gets done when men are all jostling for status bullshit because of women, instead of building things.

>> No.15469033

My gf likes watching exclusively WWII documentaries.

>> No.15469041
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That's actually fascinating anon. Where do you think the fear comes from?

>> No.15469061

Being a normie but also being rich and loyal.

>> No.15469085
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women aka the most fucking boring creatures on Earth unironically think this. God bless I'm infinitely more interesting than a woman. The difference is so absurdly abismal that when I think about it I end up laughing to myself. Holy fuck. Women are the opposite of me in every aspect.

>> No.15469115

>Imagine developing hobbies for the sole purpose of impressing women

Idk what is with people who obsess over women, nothing could be further than my experience, I know I haven't had... well any real experience with women beyond sharing glances during my school days. I only care about developing myself and honing self mastery and knowledge by studying literature and contemplating. All this other stuff doesn't really matter to me. Then again I was pretty much a loner kid growing up and eventually managed to get friends in my early teens but couldn't hold on to them for long, so my experience isn't very common, but I still feel happy and don't regret anything.

>> No.15469120

Yeah and they read shit.

>> No.15469144

she's jewish

>> No.15469145

misogyny is unironically hilarious

>> No.15469572

I think people conflate women with a lack of individualism. People who really have issues with others who blindly conform to social norms and expect them to as well, view women as a locus of this kind of behaviour which they don't like, and then erroneously believe it's women as such that are the problem.

Even if >>15469085 is satire, if you replace his mentions of 'women' with 'normies', I think you would accurately reflect how most people on this board generally feel. Ultimately I think a lot of woman hate stems from the underlying conflict between people who believe in individualism and everything it entails like not having faith in conventions just because they exist, and the normies who not only sacrifice whats individual about themselves for clout, but also completely under appreciate and borderline ostracise people who live/think drastically differently to them.

>> No.15469599


>omggg you make me laugh lmaooo ur so pathetic


>> No.15469603

So? You think you are impressive because you don't read and instead watch series on netflix or play vidya?
I don't care how boring I am, there has to be a female e/lit/ist somewhere and she will be my girl.

>> No.15469607

who cares what women think. leave them alone. it doesn’t matter if some 5’2 goblin doesn’t think your books or movies are fun. she’s a goblin. she’s a dwarf. economy sized. useless. let her have fun with other goblins. accept that all she is good for is engaging in goblinry amongst her own kind. go form a book club. never look at a woman again.

>> No.15469619

women have preferences???

>> No.15469627

Reading YA doesnt count as reading.

>> No.15469644

>you know that these walking cum repositories only crave the BBC and Mary Kay, right?

>> No.15469666


>> No.15469840

this but unironically

>> No.15469891

>implying I talk to females
>Implying I go outside

>> No.15469988
File: 12 KB, 477x268, MV5BYzBiOWYyYmItNGYzNC00MDljLWExZDYtZDAzM2U3YTZmZDE2XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzU1NzE3NTg@._V1_CR0,45,480,270_AL_UX477_CR0,0,477,268_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came here to post this pic lmao.
Das Boot scares the female.

>> No.15469996

What is your favorite ~3 hour long movie where absolutely nothing fun happens? Mine is Hakuchi

>> No.15470017

>You know that women are absolutely not impressed by the fact you read
Of course. Most people read.
>they probably think that makes you "boring"
This is false. I'm boring for lots of reasons other than that I read.

>> No.15470022

Why would you ever suggest someone engage in your chosen hobby without first knowing it's also their hobby?

>> No.15470023


>> No.15470024

certifiably based

>> No.15470027

Nobody watches rom-coms anymore. Women with normie tastes just watch the Office.

>> No.15470030

>They prob read books that you guys wouldn't
/lit/ doesn't read.

>> No.15470031

most women are dog brained, i dont care. what i do care about is my small penis

>> No.15470033

>tell me I should write scripts for them
There are worse ways to make money.

>> No.15470046

Dreamers of the Golden Dream Country is wild. What city do you live in?

>> No.15470060

Based. If women did not produce male children I would not be convinced that they were human beings.

>> No.15470071


I finally found myself a girl who can appreciate the subtle interpersonal fireworks in Rohmer and the exuberant playfulness in Godard but I had to plow through so many boring women in the process that whatever capabilities for emotional attachment and pair-bonding I once had have vaporized. I lost when I thought I'd won.

>> No.15470078

>womyn commenting on Art
hum hum sweetie

>> No.15470088

Post again when you realize that underneath her artistic facade she's just a stupid whore like every other women on this planet.

>> No.15470107

I used to date a girl who liked more highbrow films. She actually introduced me to The Lighthouse and Tree of Life and Parasite and Wes Anderson and that black and white Indian film whose name I forget and many others. Almost every day she’d be telling me about a new film she watched. She liked reading too, mostly poetry, and went to study English because her parents wouldn’t let her do film studies. It’s all about finding someone with your own interests. There are plenty of women, usually those who went to university, who like to read good lit and films.

Most people, including men, are not interested in artsy films or literature; they would rather watch Netflix and read self-help. This is not something that’s exclusive to women. Although the woman in your picture is probably referring to those films like Godfather, Taxi Driver, No Country For Old Men, and others, which are all particularly masculine films dealing with and catering to the male sentiment. Yes, most feminine women are not going to enjoy those, even my ex I talked about above didn’t, but that’s not a character flaw, it’s simply a natural consequence of those films being masculine in nature. Just like most men wouldn’t like to watch chick flicks, even the more highbrow ones like Frances Ha, most women don’t like to watch films specifically made for the male taste.

>> No.15470110

They’re have the minds of children.

>> No.15470116

>She doesn't like Dogville

>> No.15470131

You're probably the autistest man itt, learn to live with it.

>> No.15470142

What kind of faggot finds women attractive?

>> No.15470158

Women don't actually like any of those things. They adopt an "image" that they think will be sexually appealing and form their tastes around that. Most of them will conform to the immediate popular culture but some will try to find a different niche to make themselves seem unique.

>> No.15470193


>> No.15470241

Anyone judging you too harshly has never done a properly deep dive into Finnegans Wake. When I read it, I have about a dozen books open on the table with me, I talk to myself constantly as I read aloud for puns, and my pages are filled with notes from top to bottom. One page takes me on average 40 minutes to work through to my satisfaction. Keep doing your thing anon.

>> No.15470258

Honestly, I like the fact that my girlfriend doesn't watch anything more complex than Disney movies
I don't want to spend my life debating on Sartre with her to be frank

>> No.15470267
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If a woman starts complaining, just punch her in the face. It'll actually make her more aroused as well.
Take the cave pill.

>> No.15470293

utterly based

>> No.15470301

You cant compare the two.
At best it is said that Apocalypse now draws inspiration from The Heart of Darkness.
AN might hold higher esteem in the movie world than Heart of Darkness does in literature but that does not make AN superior to the novel, you faggot.

>> No.15470324

Most women aren’t meant to...

>> No.15470329

>It'll actually make her more aroused as well.
The fact such women actually exists truly boggles my noggin.

>> No.15470334
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It's almost all women.
You must understand that women are extremely intellectually deficient, and despite those 20th century feminist ideals, there's still a lizard brain calling the shots, and it loves to get grabbed by the neck and raped.
Im not saying you should become a psychopath, but at least become a psychopath when it comes to women.

>> No.15470462

>It’s all about finding someone with your own interests
It's more about finding someone with a compatible character and similar values

>> No.15470467

Of course I care because I would want to like women, but they prove on a daily basis they are inferior.

>> No.15470495

Agreed, people who like Godard are as soulless as his movies

>> No.15470509

You’re too cynical. If someone says they like something and spends their time talking about it and engaging with it then they probably like it. You also seem to see women through the lens of your own sexual desire for them rather than looking at them objectively. Either way you should recognise that 4chan does not give you an accurate view of women.

>> No.15470516

>If someone says they like something and spends their time talking about it and engaging with it then they probably like it.
This is true for men.

>> No.15470535

Lol. You hate women so much you let them control your feeling. I bet all muh cash your hate stems from some issue within yourself or intimacy you're missing. Being based is playing women's silly games but not giving them any weight beyond that. Like I play with my cat when she asks.

>> No.15470542

Many people are childish and don't grow parts of their psych. Especially women who have less pressure to grow and can seem 'cute' for remaining childish.

>> No.15470554

>Caring about women opinions
literal retard

>> No.15470555

Playing the intellectual is like 70% of my game. Women love that shit if you're confident and good looking.

>> No.15470557

>Just do what women want you to do, bro, if you dislike them it means you're controlled by them -- unlike me!
Retarded faggot simp logic.

>> No.15470560

I’m curious about what makes you think this way. Are you incel (genuine question)? Do you love your mother? Do you talk to a lot of women, ones that are older than the typical young college girl? Have you read female authors before? Have you researched female psychology?

>> No.15470570

>If you say anything bad about women I will need to question your sexual experience and psychologize you.
That's fascinating, but no thanks.

>> No.15470597
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I had a girl that was hopelessly in love with me for months, she would come over regularly to hang out and try to start something with me but she knew I was not over some other girl that I broke up with. Anyway, I'm not going to say that I didn't enjoy the perceived power that gave me. She was a philosophy student and """painter""" but mostly a very basic girl with very mundane interests. Once I made her watch Andrei Rublev with me while she was literally trying to get into my pants the whole time, going into discussions on Christianity, Dostoevsky and Asceticism, using my power play to explain how nice it would be to live free of primal urges like sexuality. I did eventually bang her but she was a prime example for my utter disgust with women, how fake they can be. The saddest thing about it was that I truly think she was convinced she was interested in art/books/philosophy while at the same time succumbing to the lowest tier normie interests if they would present themselves to her.

>> No.15470606


>> No.15470615

kill yourself

>> No.15470629

I care to the extent that it's hard to find a woman who likes to read, and yeah that's a bummer. But who the hell reads for chicks?

>> No.15470645
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>I know you're going to say you don't care, but deep down you do.
I only started reading a lot after I was having sex regularly and intellectual pursuits killed most of my sexual interest.
>You know that women are absolutely not impressed by the fact you read and they probably think that makes you "boring", right?
This is only true if you're going after lower class girls with a chimp brain. If a girl thinks you're boring, it's because you're physically repulsive, and even then Sartre, a hideously ugly pedophile sophist, could get laid. I've only experienced more interest from girls because i read, but that's because I read literature and philosophy, not genre fiction for children.
>They'd like you a lot more if you could pretend to love Disney movies and Harry Potter at age 30 instead of doing all that reading you do.
they don't care about that if they want to date/fuck you, they want those traits in a friend.
the handful of decent films on their list does not make up for 90% children's movies, half of which are very bad children's movies
If you're baiting you should kill yourself for being so lazy about it, if you aren't baiting you should kill yourself for being abjectly pathetic

>> No.15470650

Oh hey man, you're like an alternate version of me.

>> No.15470675

dangerously based

>> No.15470681

what's better /lit/?

To read trash-tier romance and YA

Or to pretend to read literature and philosophy but never actually read it?

>> No.15470689

I agree you might not be, but this post screams autism and I think you might be low on spectrum

t. not a doctor and don't know anything at all

>> No.15470691
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I don’t care
I read to grow my brain

>> No.15470705

>If she's a looks whore, she will want you to be Brad Pitt.
Okay boomer.

>> No.15470710

the fact that you were able to spot the pure retarded r9k anti-life view of this anon before he showed us it in this post is impressive

>> No.15470723

Should've gone with Solaris.

>> No.15470727

yeah, its no some crazy esoteric thing, easily accessible and understandable

>> No.15470736

you must be 18 to post here retard

>> No.15470746

>They usually smell nice
Women stink, they’re disgusting

>> No.15470757

This is easily the best answer in the thread, one that isn't filled with the assblasted copes of losers. Men and women are different so they like different things

>> No.15470762

I don't care what women think.
If I want to fuck one I fuck a escort, otherwise they are non entities for me

>> No.15470779
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I'm gonna do that later today

>> No.15470813

virgin hands typed this

>> No.15471072
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thoughts on Sheva Apelbaum reading list?

>> No.15471116

dangerously based

>> No.15471126

> try to be nice
haha anon you are such a nice guy
> try to tease
anon, you are kinda rude...
> try to be myself
wow anon, you are such a geek
> try to be normal
come on anon, don't you do anything for fun?

0 matches on dating apps, never had any romantic interaction, halfway through college.
It's over, isn't it

>> No.15471134

>It's over, isn't it

>> No.15471140

You're just physically unattractive to the girls you've talked to, there is no secret loophole that you are yet to find.

>> No.15471161

I know. that's exactly what I implied by the entire post. It's never about anything but looks at the end of theday

>> No.15471174

If they like the way you look, they will overlook everything else to fuck you. If you have a good career and good prospects of increasing income, they will stay with you. If the two of you enjoy each other’s company, the relationship will probably last.

People who try a certain “approach” with women are getting it all wrong.

Now just because looks are all that matter doesn’t mean you don’t have to talk to them. It just means that even the simplest, most mindless chit chat will work if you are sufficiently attractive because they will backdate it as “cute,” whereas if you are not attractive they will ignore you and make fun of you as boring. One thing I have had success with is asking pairs of “favorite questions” such as “favorite animal and favorite ice cream?” Ask them lots of questions about themselves, don’t talk about yourself too much. If they think you’re attractive, it will work, if they don’t or if they are using you for attention, they will either ignore you or reply very slowly to your messages.

>> No.15471179

I thought it was obvious from my post that I am not attractive.

>> No.15471182

That isn’t true at all. Many ostensibly ugly men find women. It’s mostly about confidence. Either way anon, you’re only in college, you’ll find someone someday.

>> No.15471214

In middle school, they said I would find someone in high school.
In high school they said I would find someone in college.
Now in college they say I will find someone "someday."

Yeah, sure

>> No.15471224
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Mein Neger
Last girl I was seeing unironically watched disney channel shows marketed towards pre teens. She's 20. It's painful

>> No.15471238

I didn’t pick up on that from your post, my apologies. Anyway, if you honestly believe you are too ugly to pull women that you consider worth talking to, I suggest giving up on them all together and focusing on other things. It really is true that they sometimes start to care if you don’t notice them. But for this to work you have to ACTUALLY not care or notice them, which will require a great deal of meditative focus if you have hang ups about them. Anyway sex isn’t that great especially if you’ve watched lots of porn, it desensitizes you to the visuals and makes it hard to cum without jerking off with the specific technique you use when jerking.

>> No.15471257

Attractiveness, despite all the societal-conditioning odds, is relative. This is why African women will not date Asian men (shit example, but you get what I'm saying). But also don't be naive. date within your range. I have pulled 8s under extraordinary circumstances, so, naturally, my long-term partner is a solid 6 on her best day (and that's factoring in personality too). And you know what. That's fine. That's as good as it will get. I'm not going to waste my precious time convincing myself otherwise or engaging in some rudimentary self-help regimen to slughtly better my chances when I can make the most out of my life. There's porn and boipussy if I ever actually get bent out of shape about it. But I'll take the meaningful relationship I've formed any day.

tl;dr >>15471182
College really is key for all this. It's such a specific context.

>> No.15471274


Why do people make arguments like this if they aren't just trolling for replies for attention? It's like saying there are more female gamers because of candy crush or whatever the fuck. Like the insistence on purposefully misunderstanding is totally baffling to me

>> No.15471286

I'm pretty sure the academic data supports this as well? As in, your highest-level readers (specialists) are mostly female.

>> No.15471290

Aristocats is comfy tho

>> No.15471293

>It's over, isn't it
it never really began, anon

>> No.15471295


link related

>> No.15471305

That's basically me too. Unironically you just have to accept that you're ugly and try not to let this ruin your life, because if you remain a functional, social human being you become dating material as you grow older. It's particularly depressing when you're in college because you get to see other people have fun and you're not part of it, but it gets easier later.

>> No.15471372
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>watching a scary movie around Halloween with a group of friends
>this cute girl in the friend group always sits next to me and presses her sides into me
>grabs a blanket and throws it over us
>jump scares happen
>curls her arm around mine and grabs my hand
>slowly and very intentionally intertwines our legs
>climax of the film happening
>she gives me these eyes that say “I can feel how hard you are”

It’s never about the media on the screen for them anon. It’s always about the sex during or after.

>> No.15471375


Well you're trying at least
The thing is if you keep trying eventually you will find someone it's just a numbers game but the real question is if it's actually worth it because keep in mind if you do it this way you are also likely to break up
Most people break up/ get divorced without internalizing it's because they forced the relationship to begin with
If you want true long lasting romance the only option is to let it happen naturally which might never happen at all you can't control it

>> No.15471398

Lmao, same. Cant tell you how many of my esoteric poems get me laid. And I guarantee they don't understand more than a few words

>> No.15471399
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Nietzsche and Weininger spoke the truth about women, you're just too cowardly to accept it.

>> No.15471400
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Braindead cunts like her make me wish i was born a faggot.

>> No.15471417


I definitely believe this especially given the fact that more women are entering higher education and all that now, but it doesn't really disprove my argument

>> No.15471429

How so? Literally it does, unless I'm reading the wrong post

>> No.15471450

It's not even a woman thing, it's just a brainlet normie thing

>recommend basic ass films to my friends like Bridge on the River Kwai, Seven Samurai, Citizen Kane
>"LOL wtf brah those movies are so old, no way! If it's not from the 80s onward I won't watch!"
>proceeds to watch shitty shounen anime like One Piece and Naruto

christ I need non brainlet friends

>> No.15471475

>rec old shit that is basically shonen trash
Nah bro you need a brain transplant

>> No.15471511
File: 49 KB, 444x287, 49003d74b01c4bf9bfb1f3c26a46f14f-imagepng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rec old shit that is basically shonen trash

>> No.15471593

>You can't compare the two
Man, you're going to be really upset with media theory since the 1970s.
>does not make AN superior to the novel
He's right, you really don't read much.

>> No.15471710

Roxy Music is depressing? don't worry dude, you're epically based and tastepilled, and the others were clearly plebs

>> No.15471735

You will never have this

>> No.15471759


Imagine having a desire to impress another person
I cannot possibly imagine a more pathetic way to live your life

>> No.15471760

>men are like hey i wanna share this thing thats special to me with the girl i love
>women be like haha phone go brrrrrrr

>> No.15471808
File: 96 KB, 1200x675, rebels-of-the-neon-god-1200-1200-675-675-crop-000000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the blind side
looks like they only asked white women
>brokeback mountain
based. Honestly a better movie than 90& of the men's list
Also the lack of asian kino is sickening but to be expected

>> No.15472092

have't read the books and probably won't but I'm sure I'd enjoy them

>> No.15472102
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Imagine thinking about women constantly
Yall niggas are gay as fuck

>> No.15472113

>another shit take from some American weeaboo about the nature of man and the feminine

jesus fucking yawwwwwwwwwn




>> No.15472126

If you're reading or watching movies because you want to attract women you're either a future sexual predator in denial or such an invertebrate supine simp that I can't even hate you.