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15469733 No.15469733[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What philosopher will help me understand what’s going on in pic related

>> No.15469747


>> No.15469753

My snout grazes over your moistened diaper. Your cries of ecstasy motivate me to continue on, my whiskers twitching with equal excitement. I open my mouth-- ever so slightly and bite a thicker part of your diaper. The crinkling orchestra of my fangs lightly pushing up and down on the material ignites my primal urge.

>> No.15469755

I live in Toronto, and all the crime is caused by black kids who got illegal guns and drugs, how long until we become america?

>> No.15469759

Might is right

>> No.15469787
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>> No.15469792
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>> No.15469795

The cop killed the nigger

>> No.15469799

What if... he killed himself..

>> No.15469803
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>> No.15469817
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>> No.15469819

no philosopher, but you can check out the fbi crime statistics

>> No.15469820

The hard-working white man was too tired from his job to stand up and the criminal black man was too weak to shake off the knee of his master and subjugator.

>> No.15469823

Why won't Americans go to sleep and stop shitting up EVERY board?

>> No.15469830

The nigger is dead

>> No.15469848

These sorts of things wouldn't happen if you not only stop committing crime, but stop fighting officers and putting them into situations where they could kill you either justifiably of not.

I would recommend Descartes. Everyone is a skeptic until something like comes along and confirms their preconceived notions. We don't know what happened before this video started or what's going on in peoples heads and for most people it doesn't matter one bit.

>> No.15469890

Bedrock level shit take

The answer is unknown to us all

>> No.15469893
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Why are black people so averse to the idea of following the law?

>> No.15469895

Frantz Fanon. Reading Black Faces, White Masks atm and it's very illuminating

>> No.15469899

>be black
>See a cop abuse a black man unnecessarily
>Become skeptical towards the law

Gee I wonder why. /lit/ is becoming dumber by the day

>> No.15469902

How do you know the abuse is unnecessary?

>> No.15469907

Police aren’t more likely to commit unjust violence towards blacks though

>> No.15469911

He was literally already detained.

>inb4 nigger lover

I hate niggers just as much as the other guy, but the cops got to be fucking retarded to think this would yield any good results for them, especially after seeing someone filming them

>> No.15469912

Police never commit violence against anyone, nope. Paying a bunch ot dipshit baboons to kill people is a good use of my money.

>> No.15469914


>> No.15469915

>black people

>> No.15469918

He was holding him down. Why was he doing that?

>> No.15469920

>quotes that aged poorly
>quotes that aged well

>> No.15469929

He probably commited a crime, and was detained for it so thats good. The problem comes when the police officer becomes fucking autistic and chokes the other guy to death lmao

>> No.15469935

>aged well
>Reich was dead just 3 years later, USA is still just fine 75 years after

>> No.15469938

Well, they actually dont. White vs black violence is a fart in the wind against black vs white and black vs black violence, according to every single crime statistic released over the last 50 years
Of course that fact doesnt go well with the evil whitey narrative that you have been brainwashed for

>> No.15469939

Yeah, why was he doing that?
The man was accused of paying at a store with a false cheque. The force used to detain him was completely out of proportion.
Besides, this isn't the first anecdotal example but one of the many examples of police overusing (abusing) force to detain people. Why is this problem of black detainees dying nearly exclusive to the US?

>> No.15469951

Lol what a shit angle

Racial minorities are over represented in other countries as well, and yet, the US is the only country that seems to have this issue where all detained racial minorities just die during the arrest process.

But the US somehow does not have an excessively violent police problem?

>> No.15469956

>where all detained racial minorities just die during the arrest process
I rest my case, you are clearly young and/or retarded

>> No.15469963

>Why is this problem of black detainees dying nearly exclusive to the US?

racism. People in this board will try to be edgy but this was purely a hate crime

>> No.15469970

Lmao what an excellent retort

Fact is only US police is dumb enough to unnecessarily kill their detainees

>> No.15469973

There isn't a problem of black people from the police. If you look at statistics they show it's white people who are more likely to die during an encounter. The problem is black people commit more crime and more often put themselves into interactions with police leading to the perception they are more often targeted. Stop committing crime and stop fighting the police and the problem goes away.

>> No.15469975

>Why is this problem of black detainees dying nearly exclusive to the US?
Because of a very long history of blacks suddenly pulling a gun and killing police officers

>> No.15469978

>USA is still just fine 75 years after

>> No.15469979

>These sorts of things wouldn't happen if you not only stop committing crime, but stop fighting officers and putting them into situations where they could kill you either justifiably of not.

They also wouldn't happen if the anglojew didn't bring in the niggers from Africa.

>> No.15469981

>The force used to detain him was completely out of proportion.
You know that he violently resisted arrest right?
Literally look up an article about him and it says that.
Not saying the cop should have killed the guy but just stop lying about the facts.

>> No.15469982

>all detained racial minorities just die during the arrest process.
This is made up, you just hear this on r*ddit and accept it as truth. It's not more likely for a black to be killed

>> No.15469984

It seems just fine, especially compared to Germany in the few decades preceding Hitler's statement

>> No.15469995
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>You know that he violently resisted arrest right?
> just stop lying about the facts.


>> No.15470005
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>The Minneapolis Police Department said it had been responding to a report of a “forgery in progress” on Monday night and were advised that the man, believed to be in his 40s, appeared to be under the influence.
>forgery in progress

>> No.15470008

Are you being genuine when you say America seems "just fine"?
Their economy is tanking, the country has extreme racial tensions with a growing white population, literally race riots in the streets right now, participating in a million wars without winning any, most countries in the world hate them because they're fucking pricks.
Read the Hitler quote
>racial problems
>social in equalities
>half Judaised
well, more like 100% since they run the country and they're running it into the ground fast
>other half negrified
That will soon be the case (negroes, mexicans etc.)

>> No.15470009

>growing white population
declining white population*

>> No.15470011

>CBS news edited footage
The nog was absolutely resisting arrest if you watch the other videos, they had to drag him out of the car.

(Not the poster you're replying to and I do think the cops went overboard.)

>> No.15470015

unironically nietzsche

>> No.15470029

None of those things are at the level that can actually break a nation. Every country has problems. Compare that to the German economy in the 1920s, the racial tensions that involved outright murdering citizens of the wrong race, violent riots all the time, starting the deadliest war in human history, and being actually despised by every non shithole country on Earth.

So yeah, comparatively I'm saying the USA seems just fine to me.

>> No.15470038

André Gidé

>> No.15470051

Even this were the case (which it isn't), this doesn't change the fact the US police force seemingly only consists of incapable overly violent mouth breathers. It's completely unnecessary to arrest people in such a violent manner for minor thefts. Why is every other country capable of doing this except the US?

This is completely unfounded lmao

>> No.15470053

You comparing a country fresh out of a resource draining war with a large population of traumatized men trained to kill to the US though. Germany in the 20s was a ruin, not a nation. The US on the other hand has has nigh three hundred years of no invasions and one civil war, economic prosperity and a good 75 years of global domination. Yet it's been trash for all of it, even worse now, no outside force putting it in a position where it could only fail.

>> No.15470067

I don't see this as a black vs. white issue at all. Police kill white people all the time, it just doesn't make national news. Police do not exist to protect you and they are not your friend, even if you are white.

>> No.15470068

A country (the US) as well that is in the unique luxury position of having barely noteworthy neighbors and the ability to just sap their natural resources for 300 years without any noteworthy outside interference

>> No.15470072

taylor stop lurking here and go back to study plato

>> No.15470084

It's a matter of history and biology. Rather simple and boring if you think about it.

>> No.15470085

Nobody gets arrested like this for minor thefts, they get arrested like this for resisting arrest and fighting with the police. You close your eyes and ignore facts that contradict the narrative. Whites get killed by police at higher rates. That means that if whites and blacks were committing the exact same amount of crime, more whites would be killed. There is no racist conspiracy among police to kill black people. This is the inevitable consequence of black criminality and violence they show the police.

If they wouldn't put themselves in the position to be killed or wrestled down by police, they wouldn't be killed or wrestled down.

>> No.15470090

>This is completely unfounded lmao
No it isn't, at all
In your world, is the police just violent for no reason at all other than racism? Every cop just out there every single day looking to keep the black man down?

>> No.15470160

Force was excessive, stop coping
>https://youtu.be/SCMyyPz2t3o?t=96 [Embed]
So somehow, after 300 years of slavery and other bullshit, black people managed to scare the US police into becoming overly violent? The idiocy of US police is well documented. Stop bootlicking


>> No.15470163
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>> No.15470187

T. Black nigger

>> No.15470189

Okay then, just completely ignore the argument. Listen to me. I'm not saying the guy should have died or that the police acted properly. I'm saying the police officer did not intentionally kill the guy. I'm saying the guy forced the officer into a situation where an accident like this could happen by resisting arrest. I'm saying that sort of criminality or violence toward the police is the primary reason so many black people get killed by police. It is not racism against blacks if white people are more likely to get killed by police on a case by case basis.

>> No.15470200

I'm a white nigger

>> No.15470202
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>> No.15470214

Whites don’t get killed at higher rates you idiot. Where is your source for that claim? I can’t find that anywhere

>> No.15470225

>300 years of slavery
cant even make this up anymore
you are a very very good goy but should probably join the twitter mob instead of posting here

>> No.15470234

You don't know the source for the claim yet you feel confident enough to declare that it's wrong. You seem like a reasonable person I could have a conversation with.

>> No.15470240

Read for more than 4 words, you're on lit. I come here to feel superior, thankfully it's not very difficult

>> No.15470242

He put his knee on the guy’s neck and leaned on him for over 7 minutes while the guy was begging him saying he can’t breathe and is going limp. If a civilian did that to another civilian, they would go to jail for murder, but somehow a cop doing it makes it OK.

>> No.15470243

Burden of proof is on the idiot who provides the claim, not the people who have to suffer through reading it

>> No.15470244

>So somehow, after 300 years of slavery and other bullshit, black people managed to scare the US police into becoming overly violent?
What is the logic in this supposed to be?

>> No.15470247

I have absolutely zero obligations to you. You're going to believe whatever you want to believe because you're not a reasonable person.

>> No.15470252

>Because of a very long history of blacks suddenly pulling a gun and killing police officers

>> No.15470253

Because I looked it up and couldn’t find it anywhere. I found one study saying the rates are equal but not a single study saying the white rates are higher. Most of what I saw said the black rates are higher, so much so that getting killed by cops is a 1-in-1000 occurrence for young black men.

>> No.15470254

Be honest, did you read the post you're responding to? Interactions like this are one of the biggest reasons I've become a fascist. You motherfuckers are dumb and you need to be told what to think for your own good.

>> No.15470255


>> No.15470259

In your superiority you casually ignore every single fact that condratics your funny view of violent racist police vs humble surpressed blacks, being fully convinced that the police are out there killing blacks every single day for the sole reason of hating blacks
You sure are one 300IQ dude and I wish I was as smart and superior as you

>> No.15470260

Yes? We hunt and kill sharks, but you'd probably still be scared if you saw one close to you.

>> No.15470261

Okay, thanks for the update.

>> No.15470262

>He was just minding his own business!
>Oh, there's security footage... Well, he didn't steal much!
>So what if he robbed a store? He wasn't resisting arrest!
>Oh, there's bodycam footage... Well you could've arrested him nicer!
>But what if a white guy robbed a store and then did drugs in its parking lot until the police came. at which point he threatened them with a gun? I've never heard of a white person being shot for that!

Every fucking time.

>> No.15470263

You’re justifying it while at the same time saying the cops were wrong. You contradict yourself.

>> No.15470264

I literally don't understand how anyone, even /pol/tards, can defend this.

>> No.15470268

Okay, so you just talk out of your ass as long as it fits your narrative?

>> No.15470269

It's bizarre isn't it? They've gotten to the point of conflating "pro white" with "pro police" which is ridiculous. It's like they don't realize police do this same shit to white people.

>> No.15470271

He paid at the store with a false cheque. The police got a report of a “forgery”. They got him to the floor and held their knee on his neck while he begged for his life and eventually he died.

>> No.15470274

It is only time before you vote in a Hitler or Lenin character, just look at the peaceful wars of coexistence you've been waging for the last couple of decades.

>> No.15470275

I mean, here's the same thing being done to a white person -- pinned on the ground for an extended period of time eventually causing him to die.

>> No.15470278

How comes that blacks are responsible for over 50% of the murder cases in the USA despite only making up about 13% of the population?

>> No.15470279

So he commited a crime and then resisted arrest? Seems justified to me.

>> No.15470281

There's not a bootlicker claim in this thread that is based on any facts

>> No.15470283

He was a good boy, he didnt do nuffin

>> No.15470284

But it doesn't matter what race they are. It's murder. If you're defending this when the police is clearly in the wrong, you're just biased.

>> No.15470287

I know it doesn't matter. I'm saying that's why these idiots (like >>15470279) are defending. They've gotten it into their heads that police are pro-white in some way when they're most certainly not.

>> No.15470288

Just because you are too retarded to find or read statistics doesn't mean other people are aswell. The statistics cited here are by and large correct, your gutfeeling narrative that exclusively white racist policemen are speficially targeting random blacks to surpress them on the other hand is not

>> No.15470289

>Germany in the 20s was a ruin, not a nation.
Financially drained and in the throes of social dicontent*
Germany went through the war basically unscathed, the vast majority of the war and its destruction found place in France and Belgium.

>> No.15470290

>why yes, I do believe that police should be able to drive their knee into our necks until we die if we don’t immediately obey them when they try to arrest us
I’m glad I don’t live in America

>> No.15470292


>> No.15470294

dude answer me >>15470278

>> No.15470302

So you get some people - White and Black - out there with pitchforks thinking this crime was committed by "White people" to "Black people", instead of seeing this as a bad cop who needs to be jailed. Meanwhile the other half can't accept that a White person could do this, so they try to blame the Black man, and also make this about race.

I have yet to see any reasonable, sane reactions to this.

>> No.15470303

Can you explain to me why the footage conveniently cuts out the entire section where the man is put to the ground and why?

>So somehow, after 300 years of slavery and other bullshit, black people managed to scare the US police into becoming overly violent?
No, but blacks managed to discard their belief in the family unit in preference for their current nigger culture. Niggers are violent and prone to outbursts, violence breeds violence. You are not above the law just because you feel upset.

>> No.15470304

>they dont
>starts going on about something other than law enforcement killing non-violent offenders

>> No.15470305
File: 45 KB, 673x486, Kelly-Thomas-pool-of-blood-crime-scene-exhibit-photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was this one justified too?
>After the officers grab Thomas to arrest him for stolen mail they apparently found, Thomas can be heard repeatedly screaming in pain while officers are heard repeatedly asking him to place his arms behind his back. He audibly responds "Okay, I'm sorry!" and "I'm trying!" while the officers stretch his arm back. The police officers claim that, unable to get Thomas to comply with the requests, they used a taser on him (up to five times according to a witness statement, and the video footage), and in the video Thomas can be heard screaming for his father.
>Orange County District Attorney ... Using digital audio recording devices carried by the officers, surveillance video from a pole camera ... provided evidence that Thomas did comply with orders from Ramos, who had put on latex gloves and asked Thomas "Now see my fists? They are getting ready to fuck you up." ... went on to describe how Thomas begged for his life, before being struck repeatedly by the officers. He was admitted to the hospital, slipped into a coma, and died five days later.
He was white by the way.

>> No.15470306

I don't live in America either, but I'm fine with it. Only retards, junkies and niggers resist arrest, and all of these people deserve death. A normal white person would never fight police even if they're wrongfully arresting him. Only people who are already detrimental to the society do this.

>> No.15470314

That has nothing to do with this. What is the point you’re even trying to make? Blacks commit more crime so it’s okay for police to brutally murder them? So if the reverse happened and a white person was in this position, you would think it’s not okay? So your judgement on the morality of this action is based entirely on the fact that the victim was black?

>> No.15470315

>Kelly Thomas (April 5, 1974 – July 10, 2011) was a homeless man diagnosed with schizophrenia
>Between 1990 and 2011, Thomas had 92 encounters with the police. These encounters ranged from minor infractions such as trespassing to a guilty plea in an assault with a deadly weapon case sixteen years prior
What a tragedy!

Just proves my point btw >>15470306

>> No.15470317

But how does it happen that, when a minority makes up only 13% of the population, that minority is responsible for over 50% of violent murder cases in the country?
Please, someone enlightened and superior, explain

>> No.15470321

Because they are in fierce competition with other blacks over mating rights and resources, a competition white people usually play out through education and careerism.

>> No.15470322

The real origin of this is not in the suspect's intransigence or in any flavor of police training: it is in black people always making as much trouble as possible as a short term focused strategy. The suspect is being executed for all the times over all the years leading up to this when a cop asks to see a god-damned driver's license and gets a fight.

>> No.15470323

And this somehow allows police to beat you to death even when you're cooperating with them? People like you are bootlicking filth.

>> No.15470332

>So if the reverse happened and a white person was in this position, you would think it’s not okay? So your judgement on the morality of this action is based entirely on the fact that the victim was black?
Not the guy you're replying to, but yes, I do value white lives significantly more than blacks, because that's the way humans work: we value the ingroup more than the outgroup. This was true of all peoples throughout history and is still true for all peoples today, with the notable exception of brainwashed white retards who are more than happy to roll over and die out.

>> No.15470333

That's the point you fucking 80iq mongloid, the suspect wasn't cooperating, if you are cooperating you don't get killed, no matter what the tv and twitter tell you

>> No.15470335

Our law talkers decided that the most important legal problem in the universe was not the never-ending war against our Constitution, nor the invasion of Asian or Latin competitors, nor the three felonies a day, but the nefarious process by which a conscious adult rejects spoiled food and prefers fresh food. That, they determined with their huge juridical minds, was what needed to be stamped out.

>> No.15470338

You are not a serious person if you think that resisting arrest should carry a death sentence. This wasn’t the case even in Medieval times.

>> No.15470339

It's also objectively true that whites are more valuable: consider the valuation of white lives by blacks who insist on moving to white countries or towns.

>> No.15470340

Did you miss this part, retard?
>Thomas can be heard repeatedly screaming in pain while officers are heard repeatedly asking him to place his arms behind his back. He audibly responds "Okay, I'm sorry!" and "I'm trying!" while the officers stretch his arm back.
That's one of the things that gets counted as "resisting." When they tell you to do something but prevent you from doing it so that they can torture you more.

>> No.15470341

He should've been put down or locked for life long before that. Why would such filth be given human rights and allowed to continue being a detriment to the society? He almost killed somebody at least once. What would you say to the victim's family? 'We are sorry, but we just had to let him go because we have to be compassionate, he's just a human like you and me'?

Can't see a downside.

>> No.15470347

You are not a serious person if you think that combat is a neat little math quiz. Should they coldly elect to kill him because a rulebook proscribes this punishment for that act? Never. But back up a minute, you dishonest son of a bitch -- resisting arrest embraces fighting. It normally means fighting. As in fighting a cop. You start a fight with a grown man, you can easily end up dead.

>> No.15470348

>violently resist arrest
>when there is no way out otherwise, shout ok I am sorry
clearly he did nothing wrong, he said he is sorry after all. surely there would have been no immediate chimpout as soon as pressure was released off of him

>> No.15470354
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>> No.15470363

Clearly the only way for this mad racism to end is a strict segragation. Fine black folk can't be forced to live together with those evil whites any longer. I have read enough about racist whites killing unarmed blacks and I think everyone else has aswell.
In order to combat this century old injustice, whites should be forced to live among themselves in a country for themself, where they can not harm and minorities any longer

>> No.15470366

Also I forgot to mention that one of the reasons why white people countries are so nice to live in is because for generations they have been mercilessly executing and exiling violent criminals until only the nice people were left.

>> No.15470374

Nice strawman dude!
Police brutality is an issue for sure. If you don't make the cops life miserable by acting like an intransigent fucker you'll never end up in a situation where you might be killed on accident. (yes, this was an accident, the cop did not wake up in the morning thinking "today I'll kill a nigger for fun")

Don't you think cops meet thousands of fuckers pleading and begging and making all kinds of diversions to run away or pull out a gun or knife?
Why did the policemen need to force him to the ground in the first place? Why does he yell out "okay, I'm sorry" as if he did resist arrest and then regrets it later? Don't aggrevate cops in the first place and you wont end up in situations like this. Cops are people too, most of them will be pumped full of adrenaline after you force them to over-power you. Why do you feel the need to justify people who lash out and fight to the last second and once the cops are put in a position where they have to use force you start crying and begging. How can the cops trust you if you don't act calm from start to finish?

>> No.15470378
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I'm not necessarily defending the police incident, but things like pic related make me completely indifferent to any time i hear black people complaining at whatever white people choose to do or not do

>> No.15470381

It's crazy how disingenuous /pol/ and White supremacists have become. Do you not realize that to get people on your side you need not to have evil intentions. I'm really glad the average white person looks down on you too.

>> No.15470385

Are they in one area? Do locals capitulate to them? It could be less than 10 years.

>> No.15470387

missing black on black, by far the most cases

>> No.15470389
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Preach, brother.

>> No.15470390

You're an idiot and you get fooled easy.

>> No.15470400

Why do you make this into an issue of race (which it is not) instead of arguing against american police culture and the prison economy? Makes you seem disingenuous somehow. There are two possibilities; either you have an agenda (evil intentions) or you are too stupid to take seriously.

>> No.15470403

It's because these attacks against police are actually attacks against white people. These activists don't give a shit when black cops kill white people.

>> No.15470405

Depends on when the US decides to end the facade of autonomy.

>> No.15470406

>cop, most likely negligently, kills black person while in custody therefore all cops and whites be racist and let's burn down cities because of a statistical anomaly propaganda tells us is "systemic oppression" >>15470354
>but any form of stereotyping blacks is "evil"
You are indoctrinated. You are brainwashed.

>> No.15470408

In this case it’s very clear. He drove his knee into the man’s neck for over 7 minutes. That means the guy was detained laying on the floor for over 7 minutes. All it would take is one guy to handcuff him (which I don’t know if they already did) and then you could change position and stop leaning on his neck. There is no ambiguity here whatsoever: a police officer should be trained enough to understand that driving your knee into someone’s neck, putting all your 200lbs weight into it, is not the way to go about arresting someone. This would never happen in any other country.
So you admit you don’t care about the rule of law, your moral principles are inconsistent, and you think it’s essentially fine for police to murder someone in this way as long as the victim is black. There is simply nothing to say to you; you are a morally and intellectually undeveloped person.

>> No.15470411

Most poltards don't actually want change, they love this shitshow.
And black people would rather get killed by cops every day than live on their own, away from whitey.

>> No.15470413

The police are trained not to do this which is why he was fired.

>> No.15470414

yes, it misses that and white on white, but i dont care about those.

>> No.15470418

>your moral principles are inconsistent
You are so irrational, you literally can't comprehend it.

>> No.15470420
File: 527 KB, 1303x859, 1467973825647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blacks will never, ever, in the history of this planet be equal to whites or asians. You would assume 10000 years of human history would have tought everyone that basic fact, but no.
How does that make you feel?

>> No.15470422

It's like there is a giant shredder in the middle of a street. For some reason only known to them, sometimes insane people, junkies and niggers jump into the shredder and kill themselves while hundreds of normal people pass by it without any problem. And if you remove the shredder, the number of undesirables on the street would increase tenfold and they would start pillaging and murdering because they are not afraind anymore.

Why on Earth would you want to remove the shredder? Are you stupid?

>> No.15470424

Cicero was banished from Rome because he executed people without giving them a trial. You literally have no idea what you’re talking about. I wouldn’t be surprised if you get your ideas from some Stefan Molyneux style YouTube channel.

>> No.15470430

Explain then dumbass.

>> No.15470433
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but muh socioeconomic factors

>> No.15470435

what is it about liberals and always caring more about the rights of criminals than about the rights of innocent people?

>> No.15470437

People say things to make you mad. LMAO

>> No.15470451

And then he got killed (in complete accordance to law) for talking shit about Mark Antony. Don't know what it says about the society, though. Maybe that back then nobody cared about bullshit like human rights.

>> No.15470452

I don’t claim they are equal. Blacks are poorer, more prone to criminality, less intelligent, and all that shit there. I don’t know if they will “NEVER” attain equality, as you claim. There is no reason Africa shouldn’t eventually rise above what it is now similar to how north Europeans rose above their primitive status in antiquity. But none of this is relevant to this discussion.

>> No.15470454

The people who support police officers killing people like this are anti-white. A society of law and justice is white. Goons going around and beating or choking people to death on the street is what you get in lawless shitskin countries.

>> No.15470461

Funny how a single isolated case gets such attention when it is just business as usual that white policmen kill innocent black men on a regular basis according to media

>> No.15470463

Police culture bad
Nigger culture bad
Rioting and calling for ethnic violence because someone got killed by a cop is bad

>Goons going around and beating or choking people to death on the street is what you get in lawless shitskin countries.
So why are supporting them?

>> No.15470478

>So why are supporting them?
You left out the subject of your sentence.

>> No.15470500

It won't be the same for us, since we've never had as large a black pop. as the U.S. and most of our immigration is coming from south-asia/china. So yeah, we have our 'mini-hoods' for now, but I think when the poos and chinks take over they're going to shrink the black pop. even further.

>> No.15470508

I would add that somalians are already quite a problem here, but they'll never have the numbers to fight the poos and chinks.

>> No.15470521


>> No.15470523


>> No.15470533

Why am I supporting who? Police or rioters? Because I don't support either one.

>> No.15470537

Poo immigrants never create issues in their receiving countries, they work hard, they study, they get jobs and get involved in politics, they marry their own kind, they have opportunities and financial possibilities and stay out of trouble.
Blacks cause trouble because they are actively demoting a culture of education, either through misguided spite or through intellectual inability. Illiterate somalis are the worst. 70% receive benefits their entire lives and never contribute, their kids don't learn anything in school because their parents are too dumb to figure out how to open a book.

>> No.15470541

Mmmm hmmm das rite...

>> No.15470558

Look up biopolitics. Foucault and Fanon have been mentioned. Also check out Achille Mbembe, Giorgio Agamben, Donna Haraway, Antonio Negri and Roberto Esposito.

>> No.15470565

Agreed, but I'd still rather not just surrender white nations to poos. The European genetic cluster is a beautiful and diverse array of peoples, and we should stop comitting ethnic suicide.

>> No.15470573

Indians have not been a significant minority group until very recently. Your conclusions are completely irrational.

You'll see problems become more apparent as their numbers increase.

>> No.15470594

that's easy to say, good luck getting white people to make children. century initiative will be the end of old stock canada

>> No.15470596

Animal control in action

>> No.15470616

violent drugged up african american male high on PCP gets pinned down by hard working police, then dies from OD

>> No.15470626
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>> No.15470658

A professional niggerologist

>> No.15470688


>> No.15470708

I don’t know, but I was thinking about this a lot.
I really don’t think this cop killed him on purpose.
I actually think the fact that he didn’t do it on purpose makes it worse than straight up murder. In this case where he accidentally killed the man out of pure negligence for the life of another human being. You wouldn’t even treat a dog like this. You cannot treat a human being like this who has no weapon or will to fight you. This would be a war crime if a US soldier did this overseas and he’d probably be facing execution

>> No.15470732

If you're white and you're going after the cops you're a race traitor. You don't have to think the cop did the right thing or that the guy should have died, but these events are only blown up to serve an anti-white agenda. You don't have to know what you're doing to be complicit with that agenda.

There is no reason to think this was racially motivated or even intentional on the part of the officer. This isn't indicative of bad police training in general since they're obviously not trained to do what the officer did, and we was fired and is likely going to sued for it. Accidents like this can and will always happen so long as there are criminals who fight the police. It seems like blacks are disproportionately target by police because they are in fact targeted more often by police and this is due to the increase criminality and violent nature of the black community.

If you want to stop police from killing black people the solution is to stop black criminality, or at the very least stop them from physically attacking police and resisting arrest.

>> No.15470752

I think the cop should rot in prison. He fucked up. I also think that at this point the media should be crushed by the state and I also think the rioters should be arrested and held legally liable for every penny of damage they’re causing.

>> No.15470832

>none of the officers involved saw jailtime

>> No.15470847

Bootlicker poltard detected.
The cop pushed his entire bodyweight onto this guys neck and he obviosly suffocated on the spot. He was on the ground in handcuff, unarmed and not moving for minutes.
Noone deserves this

>> No.15470853

It seems to be common for officers to get jury acquittals in cases like this.

>> No.15470855
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Why are Americans so obsessed with race? This is a problem with the police exclusive in 1st world countries to the United States, and yet they all turn it into a racial issue. Instead of confronting the fact that these state-backed thugs can get their rocks off by bullying and enacting a twisted version of justice, toting military-like firepower, and killing people that don’t pose them equal threat, all extremes focus in on the racial aspect.

The guy was a person, with a life and value, it doesn’t matter what his skin colour was or what other people with that skin colour do. Next time it could just as easily be someone you know or love

Also jannies should delete this thread

>> No.15470857

When did this site go from edgy nihilists to bootlicking racists?

>> No.15470858

Why should the cop rot in prison? That would be a punishment widely disproportionate for an accidental manslaughter in the course of his duties. He didn't pick out some innocent person and intentionally kill them so he shouldn't be criminally liable. He was forced into a situation where he could accidentally kill the guy.

Think of a guy getting drunk, getting behind the wheel of a car and then running somebody down and killing them. Normally the guy drinking and driving would be criminally liable, but suppose the guy that got hit by the car somehow forced the drunk guy to drive the car. I think this is a similar situation with a badly trained officer who normally wouldn't have killed anyone until he was forced into the situation by the guy who was killed. Sure, the drunk guy and police officer in these situations still hold some liability, but not the criminal liability deserving of prison.

>> No.15470864

It's a case by case basis, buddy. Sometimes they are right for rioting, sometimes they are not.

In the Baltimore case, the guy died in a police cruiser, Baltimore has been systemically racist, so maybe they were somewhat justified.

In this case, the guy died after getting picked up by an ambulance because of the drugs in his system. PCP is a hell of a drug, when the guys are on PCP they literally DO NOT cooperate, so there was no way to get this guy in the police cruiser.

I challenge all of you to mention this fact, and draw a contrast between a JUSTIFIABLE protest and a NON-JUSTIFIABLE protest, and you should MAKE DAMN SURE that when you talk to people about it you make this distinction: that other protests have been MUCH MORE JUSTIFIABLE than this one in the past, and some of them have been sufficiently SMALLER as well. This is not a good combination, because it means people are being or starting to be lead by passion as opposed to reason :3

>> No.15470867
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>I live in Toronto, and all the crime is caused by black kids who got illegal guns and drugs
Here’s one of them now!!

>> No.15470869

I like how everybody forgot about Ahmaud Aubery case overnight

>> No.15470870

Ignoring the racial aspect completely is retarded.
It's a fact that negroes tend to be more violent, including this one who resisted arrest.
Of course the cop went too far as well, but you need to look at the big picture.

>> No.15470871

He died by overdose you guys, had nothing to do with the cop. This makes this whole thing like all of the protests in the 20th century regarding Marx and/or Fascism: a bunch of hoopla about absolutely nothing.

>> No.15470886

When you make all politics racially charged, which the left has done, people can no longer respond to issues appropriately. You have to stand with the police regardless or else you capitulate for countless other issues. I don't care how many innocent people police kill as a result, there are more important issues at stake.

>> No.15470893

Because more and more evidence of Armed Robbery's criminal past started popping up.
Even John Oliver didn't couldn't defend him, let that sink in.

>> No.15470898

Hehe based. One less nigger.

>> No.15470906

I haven’t heard. So a guy With a gun was killed while he was robbing a place?

>> No.15470911

>Hehe based. Murder is cool
Wrong board, kiddo

>> No.15470924

No, he was killed when he tried to fight some dumb redneck vigilantes.
But the media wanted to make him look like an innocent jogger, when he was in fact a violent character with a criminal past.

>> No.15470928

What exactly is the point of these protests? Nobody advocates for people being killed and nobody wants badly trained police officers. I think these things are nothing more than a cover for anti-white attitudes because nobody ever protests black cops killing white people. Therefore, any white people who supports these protests is a traitor.

>> No.15470944

how do you know this? more importantly, how do you know that the man kneeling on his neck did not contribute to his death from the overdose?

>> No.15470954

What do these people suggest to solve this miniscule issue? Honestly if they let cops take iq tests it would solve it but oh wait smart people dont become cops and usa is a crime infested shithole

>> No.15470956

I think you're a traitor for having these mentalities. Even if they were just about anti-white attitudes, aren't you doing the worst thing imaginable? You're simply taking the other, extreme side...

Lets see what we can do with a mentality which is viciously moderate and understanding of others. A sure injection of REASON into this country, that's what we need :3

Lets assume for a second that the blacks engaging in these protests are simply just anti-white, which some may be. If that is the case, wouldn't it hurt them MORE to say that SOME of the protests were justified and SOME unjustified than to say that ALL are unjustified?

You, quite simply, are not putting enough thought into your world view if you think that mentality is actually going to irritate or even ACCOMPLISH anything.

Now it just so happens that I, nor anyone else who holds MODERATE views, is trying to irritate anyone. However, if you spread this view around, of having better or more correct judgment than the masses, it might make you more confident, less afraid, and even more respected by others, because, after all, it's an intelligent opinion. What you're doing is actually incredibly stupid: if what you're saying they're doing is dumb, you are simply doing the reverse. You've accomplished nothing.

Also, stop being racist, because assuredly some blacks are anti-white, but not all of them are. :3

>> No.15470959

Gravity's Rainbow