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/lit/ - Literature

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15468897 No.15468897 [Reply] [Original]

>people on this board shill kaczynski
>read his manifesto
>it's just a collection of schizophrenic rants with no empirical basis in reality
How the fuck do people think this is good? He provides no justification for anything he writes in it. It's completely unfalsifiable. For instance, this paragraph can be completely dismissed on the basis that it has no justification: "Leftists tend to hate anything that has an image of being strong, good and successful. They hate America, they hate Western civilization, they hate white males, they hate rationality. The reasons that leftists give for hating the West, etc. clearly do not correspond with their real motives. They SAY they hate the West because it is warlike, imperialistic, sexist, ethnocentric and so forth, but where these same faults appear in socialist countries or in primitive cultures, the leftist finds excuses for them, or at best he GRUDGINGLY admits that they exist; whereas he ENTHUSIASTICALLY points out (and often greatly exaggerates) these faults where they appear in Western civilization. Thus it is clear that these faults are not the leftist's real motive for hating America and the West. He hates America and the West because they are strong and successful."

>> No.15468907

just read something else, it's clearly not meant for someone like you

>> No.15468919

I will never waste my time reading the works of a man who saw it fit to waste the lives of his fellow man. G*d alloted him a long life and he spat in his face by making others' short.

>> No.15468929

At least they don't have to live in a post-industrial society anymore.

>> No.15468934

The justifications don't need to be written. The justifications are the connections that the reader makes to their own past experiences.

>> No.15468973

Im gonna read him soon, the memes have definitely convinced me.

>> No.15469082

yeah hes trash and only appeals to poltards who like hearing someone notorious affirming their views, but hes right that leftists really do hate america. one of my college profs liked to do a thing where she asks every 200+ person lecture to raise their hands if they would be proud to be American and less than half did, and she noted that this number decreases every year. for whatever misguided reasons, lefties undeniably hate America.

>> No.15469098

>nooooo you can't just vanquish evil where you see it

why respect the life of a man who doesn't respect the lives of others?

>> No.15469102
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secular judeo christians always love rebels waving their hands int he air

>> No.15469104

He's a prime example of how much spooks can ruin your life and make you do irrational things that hurt you and those around you

>> No.15469107

>only appeals to poltards but he's right
hark! ensared in thine own creation forsooth

>> No.15469109

America deserves hatred, especially for this pretense that enough self-flagellating cat lady professors will somehow discharge your karmic debt to the world. think again muttbrain

>> No.15469171

conclusion is right, how he arrived at the conclusion (which is most of his work) is garbage.

>> No.15469214
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Leftists seethe more, he is objectively right. If America had the exact same values and had done the exact same things but had a global reputation as a weak and defeated nation leftists would love it.

>> No.15469219

you basically undermine all of politics with that argument as well. you're basically throwing a baby bitch tantrum that you can't connect dots. that's only going to make you dumber in the long run while your peers race ahead of you

>> No.15469404

Of all the schizo ramblings of Ted, you chose the one where he is right. Guess you also have a problem OP.

>> No.15469435
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>Leftists tend to hate anything that has an image of being strong, good and successful.
America has definitely not been projecting the image of being strong, good and successful. In fact, the past 20 years have demonstrated just how weak, evil and flailing America has become.

>> No.15469491

I would say read the true believer. Its a book about the nature of mass movements and it was in Teds bookshef. It explains the rhetoric against leftist more in depth and is pretty good imo.

>> No.15469495

Ted, despite being whatever you might want to call him actually spoke the truth and gave a solution to a very present problem to anyone with eyes. Technology moves too fast for people to perceive the little changes around, that in reality escalate into out of proportion things either by lack of regulation, or by forceful regulation. God knows where it will takes you, but be aware that i didn't bother reading any of your reddit tier reasoning and writing style.

>> No.15469546

There is no problem, only a supposed "need" to control what's totally uncontrollable. People like Ted are deeply afraid and butt clenching at the prospect that they can't take ownership over the totality of reality, technological complexity makes them feel weak and small which is understandable but the solution is to get over it not kill random people

>> No.15469566

reminder that ted wanted to become a tranny and admitted in his psychiatric competency test that he wanted to change genders.
that’s why /pol/ loves him so much

>> No.15469636
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>reminder that ted wanted to become a tranny and admitted in his psychiatric competency test that he wanted to change genders.
>that’s why /pol/ loves him so much
I love how Uncle Ted makes Leftist squeal and screech.

>> No.15469639
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>> No.15470207
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IIRC shills can''t get permission to put you on a watch list unless you admit to having read certain books. I don't have the list of books offhand though

>> No.15470309

America is in the downfall state of an empire, but it has a solid stranglehold on the world with its military

>> No.15470326

>gets subjected to torture designed to make you go temporarily insane
>goes temporarily insane
>gets better shortly afterwards
oh my god stop the fucking presses you've uncovered something that fucking NOBODY on this site has heard before! not a single person who actually listens to what ted has to say has EVER heard that he was subjected to MKULTRA before! this is BREAKING NEWS!

>> No.15470375

>While the bombing devices varied widely through the years, all but the first few contained the initials "FC," which Kaczynski later said stood for "Freedom Club
What a weirdo lol

>> No.15470440

>>>it's just a collection of schizophrenic rants with no empirical basis in reality

same could be said about /lit/

>> No.15470641

Serious question, OP: haven't most philosophers spewed claims that were unfalsifiable?

Locke and Rousseau wrote the philosophy that became the basis for modern liberal democracy. Most of what they claim is based on pure conjecture. Hobbes, before them, even more so. Hegel bases everything on anecdote, and Marx's historical eschatology is more fiction than political philosophy. At the very least Kaczynski can't be worse in his arguements than any of them.

Without judging its correctness, can you at least admit that Kaczynski inspires critical thinking? The reader should be keen enough to draw from their own personal experience to fill in the gaps of his writing, and make a conclusion for themselves about whether or not it's bullshit.

>> No.15470671

>be right
>pick the part where Kaczynski's actually right
You fucked it up, OP. You're gonna have to take a penal cock up your ass for that.

>> No.15470682

Yes because neither of them have a future haha

>> No.15470684

t. Leftist

>> No.15471884

He fucked dogs.

>> No.15471955

>but it has a solid stranglehold on the world with its military
Does it though? How many outright strategic victories has America had since WW2?

>> No.15471982
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>> No.15472000

Surely there was a spare copy of Toni Morrison kicking around Berkeley while Ted was there.

>> No.15472096

Man every single one of these points are on 100% on the money

>> No.15472204

>I'm scared of big crowds so technology bad

>> No.15472214

I really think some people need to be deported to flyover rural outskirts, I genuinely would like to see someone like Ted happy in his own environment, but not in adult society where he'll throw a tantrum

>> No.15472234
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>It's completely unfalsifiable

>> No.15472326

That's not his real name, you know

>> No.15472365

>it's a glorified pocket calculators acts like he's a well-rounded human being again

>> No.15472403

Yeah he is pretty retarded. There is also some passage in the manifesto where he complains about leftists being too aggressive and that they would get what they want if they asked "nicely" lol.

>> No.15472492

>Only reads the manifesto and thinks he can critique the man
Gotcha! You are supposed to read Das Kapi...eh..Technological slavery to fully understand his philosophy!

>> No.15472511

They like him because he mocked leftists. That is it. I don't even like the mass industrialization of society but this guy is missing a few screws.

>> No.15473388

yee he´s autistic edgelord central

>> No.15473416

>He provides no justification for anything he writes in it. It's completely unfalsifiable

Just like every other work of philosophy ever written.

>> No.15473516

The bits about leftists are a small side note to his main point. He is discussing potential revolutionary movements and his section on leftists is to explain his claim that leftists should be excluded from any movement as they will inevitably divert focus from the main goals of the movement toward identity politics. This is objective fact and you can see this in the history of various movements in the '60s and '70s or, more recently, Occupy Wallstreet.

He also has a section where he criticizes conservatives. This is not a right wing guy shitting on leftists, it's a guy who is advocating for an extreme revolution offering advice on ways to avoid common pitfalls of failed revolutionary movements from recent decades.

>There is also some passage in the manifesto where he complains about leftists being too aggressive and that they would get what they want if they asked "nicely" lol.
What he actually says is that it's counterproductive for minorities to lobby for equal rights/treatment via open hostility rather than reasoned discourse or peaceful protest. We can see evidence of this happening as we speak in Minnesota: blacks who are ostensibly protesting the murder of a black man by police are rioting and destroying random properties and businesses. The result is that a significant number of people who might have otherwise been sympathetic to the protests are now going to side against the protesters after seeing images of burnt out department stores.

>> No.15473527
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>empirical basis

>> No.15473568

Can you falsify falsifiability?

>> No.15473573

>How the fuck do people think this is good?
/lit/ isn't very good at judging writing, but I doubt very many even read it. The point of shilling Ted isn't because he's a disregarded genius, but because doing so is edgy. It's all about signalling one's membership in a non-normie group.

>> No.15473686

evil copes too

>> No.15473902
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>I really think some people need to be deported to flyover rural outskirts, I genuinely would like to see someone like Ted happy in his own environment, but not in adult society where he'll throw a tantrum