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File: 33 KB, 361x288, philo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15463321 No.15463321 [Reply] [Original]

Why are we living in such a lousy century for philosophy?

>> No.15463324

Yes, sure. Philosophers are always like that image.

>> No.15463344

Systematic thinking is logophalocentric and lead to fascism

Seriously though the war for the soul of the West was fought and lost in WW2. We are living in a corpse.

>> No.15463357
File: 9 KB, 180x279, enlightenment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can read this if you actually want to know.

>> No.15463361

We still have great thinkers today: Agamben, Ranciere, Sloterdijk, Nancy

>> No.15463364

Because Liberalism has a philosophy behind it, and it demands totalitarianism. All competing thought MUST be snuffed out, to ensure maximum increases in the increase of Production-Consumption (the first derivative of Production-Consumption is what is maximized). Because you are thus required to adhere to a pre-defined system in order to even be in academia, all of academia can thus only be people adding incredibly minor problems that are given incredibly minor non-solutions or non-answers (because actual solutions and actual answers are Illiberal).

To put it another way, the reason there aren't any more big-brain systemic thinkers (there are, they just aren't in the West) is because the only way to get into academia is by already believing and supporting The Right Opinions in the first place.

>> No.15463396

buttmad philosoloser alert

>> No.15463426


No, I just listened to that philosophy podcast: Philosophize This!

But I'm a college dropout, used to be in Physics. Maybe I'll get back to it this year, but I'll do something else.

>> No.15463438

You're not searching hard enough, also the century is still young, just wait for the zoomer philosophers

>> No.15463472

liberal societies have demonstrated the greatest diversity of thought of all systems. this is factually incorrect.

>> No.15463483

system building has been proven to not work. if you complain about a lack of current day system building it proves you're far more interested in sitting around jerking off about your favorite thinkers and trying to seem smart instead of actually solving any problems.

>> No.15463504

i read this, doesn´t provide an answer though

>> No.15464154

What are you on about anon

>> No.15464344

hehe dijk

>> No.15464381

Because Spain's military might ended and the anglos propaganda began to suppress their language which in turn left the world without all the answers.

Read Teresa of Avila and beat the contemporary world

>> No.15464392

>just wait for the zoomer philosophers
oh no i don`t even want to imagine it

>> No.15464394

Liberalism, fascism, and marxism were all formulated under illiberal ancien regime monarchies.

>> No.15464397

I keep saying this and I don't care who makes fun of me:
The Joe Rogan podcast is literally the most important "literature" of the 21st century and will be studied millenia as one of the first sources to understand how people lived in our times. Nothing else captures the spirit of today more.

>> No.15464411

That doesn't make him a philosopher you faggot. Reading Kant is not the best way to get a snapshot of what life was like in his time.

>> No.15464417

Rogan is only important for the people he has on not for his actual insight into anything.

>> No.15464430

Nothing of the sort was "proven". We just got tired of everything and took the easy way out with Foucault.

>> No.15464435

I was responding to a joke list, i'm not actually saying he's a philosopher i'm just saying he'll be remembered as a very important figure.
Agreed. He's almost like a character in a book of dialogues rather than the guy who wrote the book.

>> No.15464455

Joe has his mind finger on the pulse of America. He is the average of American opinions inkarnate

>> No.15464471

Modernity is literally so retarded that it stifles all pretensions toward articulating any notion of a higher reality than the one you see and experience. Thereby stifling any true metaphysical doctrine.

Even if one were to be written today, it would just be so fringe that it would garner no attention and be dismissed by academia even if it did get attention.

>> No.15464478


philosophy as a rigorous form is tapped out. the only advancements have been in the scientific field, and that only relates to mathematical descriptions and technology. advancements in those areas make philosophy even more complicated. so there will be no philosophical innnovation soon in terms of ethics or ontology, or anything else that we care about. our job right now is to rediscover the old wisdom, and take lots of drugs to communicate with the astral beings. more experiences must be collected

>> No.15464771

nihilism is difficult to refute and strict materialism rules out any form of metaphysics and capitalism/mercantilism won't entertain any discourse without itself as a central facet

>> No.15464920

>Why are we living in such a lousy century for philosophy?
there is no lousy century for philosophy. philosophy is the best discipline in the world
it is not lousy. you fell for the /lit/ meme and started with the greeks, and then stagnated. you have not read 21st century philosophy. you wasted libgen's bandwidth building up your files.

do not start with the greeks. instead, start reading papers. do not fall for /lit/'s memes. philosophy did not end. even if it ended, /lit/ couldn't tell. /lit/ cannot read books. you cannot read books. i cannot read books. nobody in this generation can read books. read the papers instead. you can read the papers.

start with the papers. papers written this decade. you did not go to university. you need to develop a culture of reading the papers and keeping up to date with the state of the debate. that's why they start with the greeks in university, for the dialectic. you cannot do this. it's not a question of intelligence. nobody can force themselves to do it unless their grades depend on it, and even then it takes 8 years. reading old philosophy hurts. reading papers does not hurt. yes there is progress. philosophy improves over time. read the papers to see its fruits. read the cutting edge discussions of your favorite philosophical questions, in papers. see how they work, what arguments survived the test of time. you will be surprised by many things.

read the clear, concise, inviting, clear, humble, english papers. philosophers write good now. analytical philosophy fixed it. philosophers can't get away with bullshit anymore. they get bullied when they try, so they write good now, and their papers make sense. it feels nice when things make sense. you know what doesn't feel nice? doing homework. starting with the greeks.

so do not start with greeks. read the papers. the papers are the only philosophy written in the same historical era as you. nobody else in history is better equipped than you to understand the papers. don't waste this unique advantage. understanding the papers is your birthright as an english speaker. you do not need philosophical training to understand the papers. do not waste your era. you do not have the attention span to read books.

instead, read the papers. actually alive philosophers are not lousy. they're the best philosophers to date. they had the best teachers - other actually alive philosophers, and 2500 years worth of hindsight. they understand the past. they have read more than you, and more than everyone else before them, because they had to read the papers to get the phd. they are all better than /lit/ posters. even the lousy ones are. no academia is not that corrupt. philosophy departments are have the best immune systems, they're protected by living philosophers. only the best people become philosophers, because only the best people know what the best discipline is. read what they say. read papers. if you like someone try their books.

>> No.15464935

>do not start with the greeks
Filtered and ignored

>> No.15464980

recc papers

>> No.15464988

>philosophers write good now.
I really hope you are ESL.

>> No.15465002
File: 81 KB, 1080x269, Screenshot_20200525_114937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still being a moralist in the 21st century

>> No.15465392

sign up to academia.edu with a real email account. search for topics you personally care for and already have some intuitions about - the kind of topics that you can't resist arguing about on /lit/. when you find the papers, try to read them. if you don't enjoy reading them and feel like stopping, stop immediately. after a while the algorithm will learn your tastes and then email you new papers relevant to your favorite topics / authors. once you've rediscovered the joy of learning you'll have a formed a positive feedback loop.

be sure to parrot neat things you've read while shitposting on /lit/ to see if they really work. greekfags will upload portraits of philosophers in confusion but you but you can intimidate them into submission by smugly activating rare trap cards mid argument by revealing your stolen memes. 9 times out of 10 the greekfag will be hearing it from you for the first time because their meme antivirus definitions are 200 years out of date. be sure to really maximize the smugness when you do this, so they remember the embarrassing incident for the rest of their life. bullying /lit/ with your improvised plagiarism will help integrate those ideas into your worldview as you're forced to paraphrase them in your own words from memory. as your arrogance and competency grow in tandem you'll become even more aggressively smug which is the second feedback loop.

>> No.15465420

Ripped bong and had a good think yesterday lads. Philosophy will be fine.

>> No.15465676

dumb schizo

>> No.15465720

Because Jews and stupid white women control much of the publishing industry now. Sometimes people get lucky and are able to find connections via different routes though.

>> No.15465729

Well it's only been 19 years

>> No.15465936

not sure you're being ironic or not but you raised a good point

>> No.15465969
File: 26 KB, 460x416, az1zj1m_460s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>philosophers write good now
>now philosophy no bad now philosophy good
>old philosophy bad bad
The absolute state

>> No.15466023
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>> No.15466061

holy shit...


>> No.15466071
File: 312 KB, 640x629, you 15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is no lousy century for philosophy. philosophy is the best discipline in the world
>it is not lousy. you fell for the /lit/ meme and started with the greeks, and then stagnated. you have not read 21st century philosophy. you wasted libgen's bandwidth building up your files.
>do not start with the greeks. instead, start reading papers. do not fall for /lit/'s memes. philosophy did not end. even if it ended, /lit/ couldn't tell. /lit/ cannot read books. you cannot read books. i cannot read books. nobody in this generation can read books. read the papers instead. you can read the papers.
>start with the papers. papers written this decade. you did not go to university. you need to develop a culture of reading the papers and keeping up to date with the state of the debate. that's why they start with the greeks in university, for the dialectic. you cannot do this. it's not a question of intelligence. nobody can force themselves to do it unless their grades depend on it, and even then it takes 8 years. reading old philosophy hurts. reading papers does not hurt. yes there is progress. philosophy improves over time. read the papers to see its fruits. read the cutting edge discussions of your favorite philosophical questions, in papers. see how they work, what arguments survived the test of time. you will be surprised by many things.
>read the clear, concise, inviting, clear, humble, english papers. philosophers write good now. analytical philosophy fixed it. philosophers can't get away with bullshit anymore. they get bullied when they try, so they write good now, and their papers make sense. it feels nice when things make sense. you know what doesn't feel nice? doing homework. starting with the greeks.
>so do not start with greeks. read the papers. the papers are the only philosophy written in the same historical era as you. nobody else in history is better equipped than you to understand the papers. don't waste this unique advantage. understanding the papers is your birthright as an english speaker. you do not need philosophical training to understand the papers. do not waste your era. you do not have the attention span to read books.
>instead, read the papers. actually alive philosophers are not lousy. they're the best philosophers to date. they had the best teachers - other actually alive philosophers, and 2500 years worth of hindsight. they understand the past. they have read more than you, and more than everyone else before them, because they had to read the papers to get the phd. they are all better than /lit/ posters. even the lousy ones are. no academia is not that corrupt. philosophy departments are have the best immune systems, they're protected by living philosophers. only the best people become philosophers, because only the best people know what the best discipline is. read what they say. read papers. if you like someone try their books.

>> No.15466112
File: 279 KB, 1854x669, read_the_papers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm confused. What is it we're supposed to do? Can you tell me a few more times so that I may understand?

>> No.15466263

On the internet, yes. You will not get a job in academia as an Illiberal, you will be denied status, and you will be ignored.

Coincidentally, this is why you can disregard academic philosophy, as nothing it has to say will be worth anything, for the reasons outlined in >>15463364: Academic philosophers are unconcerned with actual philosophy and only want to maintain status and lifestyle. Nothing they write will be remembered or discussed after their death, because it isn't supposed to be. It's merely supposed to continue the illusion of "Progress", an illusion that they are compensated for.

>> No.15466320

Because all the Jews left Europe in the 40s!

>> No.15466326

>system building has been proven to not work.
Who proved it to not work?

>> No.15466355

>.t assblasted liberal of "superior morality"

>> No.15466363

Go to bed Nick

>> No.15466370


Because thinking has been industrialized and taken under the wing of the capital demiurge. Even the communists have now simply become simpering advocates for the oligarch's power via their control of state governments. There are numerous responses to the techno-capital dystopia course we are on, including things like ethnonationalism, eco-facism, eugenics, escapes to space, but none of them look particularly likely.

Technology will get better, control will get tighter, ideas will fit neater and neater into the framework of maximizing the numbers in the economic game until one of many dysopia situations is reached. Either complete algorithm managed conditioning of the mind from birth, genetic manipulations that elevate the upper class and crush the lower, AGIs being in control of a few super powered groups.

It's not looking good when even the thinking apparatus of global society has simply become an enabler of this runaway train into dystopia.

>> No.15466389

This is true for every field in academia, not just philosophy

>> No.15466430

this is the truest thing I've read today

>> No.15466438

lmao that's a meme, not everyone is like that... try leaving your room once in a while, incel

>> No.15466455

You perceive it that way for the same reason people think that about literature or music or anything else. Only the best of the past remains well known in the present.

There was a long stretch of history were Western philosophy was mostly just "How do we explain that Aristotle and the Bible are really saying the same things?"

>> No.15466550
File: 83 KB, 420x960, ezgif-3-21e262b01f8c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>analytic ""philosophy""

>> No.15466577

Don’t you think literacy rates should be taken into account with this? It would seem that in the past only the best were even capable of doing philosophy, but now anyone can “do philosophy”. This is only partially an exaggeration because universal education and the academic system basically allow midwits or people who in another era never would have picked up a pen to participate in the life of the mind. It seems like these people are responsible for the relentless multiplication of pointless secondary scholarship that nevertheless haunts would-be philosophical systematizers. If someone published something akin to Spinoza or Aristotle today they would have an actual army of academic midwits at their throats for doing something “outside of the conversation”. This conversation serves an inherently conservative function of course, because to modern academics you cannot “make progress” without being engaged in a dialectic that presupposes acceptance of mainstream axioms. Not to mention the material conditions of this, imagine any ancient philosopher having dozens of schoolmarmish interlocutors breathing down their necks, coupled with the fact that liberal ideology dictates that these people must have their opinions respected to remain if one is to remain “one of the good guys” i.e “not an illiberal”

>> No.15466621

>analytical philosophy

>> No.15466681

All these midwits you speak don't even read the important half of the canon, they don't have enough time because they're making piddling exchanges and reading people who wrote an essay on their specialty ten years prior so they can add a single adjective to the conclusion and make their "mark" on thought following the academic process.

>> No.15466767

Yeah I’m not typically the kind of person to make that A Room of One’s Own-style argument but it seems like a big structural problem with academia. I mean it wouldn’t be a problem if academics didn’t feel obligated to respond to each other, but at this point these discussions have become so far removed from the original texts that they’ve created a self-replicating system of junk work. I became aware of this problem when a lit crit professor told me he loved lit crit because “you don’t have to be right”. This kind of ethic presupposes a never-ending conversation, and this in itself reveals an extreme prejudice against the kind of systematizing work that most non-academics identify “philosophy” with. Philosophy will be stifled as long as it remains embedded in academia for this and some of the other reasons alluded to in this thread

>> No.15466784

People in the early XXth century were probably thinking the same thing.

>> No.15466806


>> No.15466813


>> No.15466870

>Philosophize This!
How is it, would you recommend it anon?

>> No.15466908

as much as I think he's a pseud, I appreciate his willingness to engage with all viewpoints.

>> No.15466920

It's trying to communicate

>> No.15467390

Absolutely fucking based.

Everyone else replying to this post is a fucking midwit.

>> No.15467435


>> No.15467539

His episodes on Schmitt were pretty good.

>> No.15467563
File: 130 KB, 242x240, 765675465743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do not start with the greeks
>yes there is """progress"""

>> No.15467568

>nobody can force themselves to do it unless their grades depend on it,

>> No.15467763

other anon here
influential philosophy (NRx, Fully Automated Luxury Communism, etc) is happening outside of academia, wether we like it or not.
I don't know anyone who isn't already inside that reads tons of new papers.
it's unironically up to people like us to keep doing this

>> No.15467783
File: 49 KB, 454x463, 1567881582436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh progress
stopped right here. Philosophy began and ended with the greeks

>> No.15467996
File: 619 KB, 572x603, kermit laugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>influential philosophy (NRx, Fully Automated Luxury Communism, etc) is happening outside of academia, wether we like it or not.

>> No.15468003
File: 128 KB, 736x950, choke_the_state.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Zizek and the mass of books he's published in the past 20 years
>Moldbug, Land and the dark enlightenment
>Speculative Realism / Object Orientated Ontology
>philosophers like Micheal Huemer and Jason Brennan writing pretty good books against democracy and Statism
>philosophers like Whitehead and Heidegger coming back in certain circles (see the speculative realism above)

And those are the ones I fully know of (pic unrelated)

>> No.15468020
File: 115 KB, 665x465, joe rogan laughing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Moldbug, Land and the dark enlightenment

>> No.15468035
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Only in the West

>> No.15468038
File: 176 KB, 540x600, brainlet 9.11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Seriously though the war for the soul of the West was fought and lost in WW2

>> No.15468051
File: 116 KB, 1080x1240, Straightuplookslikeasteveosmile_f2f74b49bbf9c77b0f1e0fdae9ee3523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, was that all you got or are you going to make a actual point?

>> No.15468063

Moldbug is a complete meme and his writing fucking sucks.

>> No.15468076


>> No.15468102
File: 611 KB, 1506x1701, 4B6D09D5-B67B-4924-99BC-95FEBD5ED61E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But anon.

I am the greatest philosopher in the history of the world, including all future philosophers. How can you say that THIS century is the worst for philosophy, when it hosts the greatest thinker of all time? I have personally solved the question of whether or not a commodity has intrinsic value (yes, it does!) I have also created my own economic system that utterly destroys everyone else’s.

So this is what we do for a literal utopia.
>Abolish all private property
>However, it cannot be replaced with state property
>It also cannot be replaced with collective ownership
You might ask, well, what does that leave!?!?!? I’ll tell you. We keep the market system, but we also outlaw all businesses. We stop the means of production from existing at all. Nobody should buy or sell their own labor, it must be illegal to work under someone else. Everyone should have to be self employed. Then, they cannot complain about working under a boss or a state. This also rejects the anarchist view of “workplace democracy” in exchange for being your own boss.

>> No.15468113

Congrats, your system doesn't work with modern methods of production which require large institutions to control.

>> No.15468118


>> No.15468125
File: 51 KB, 911x567, image0-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's kinda weak but I partially agree, his ideas of Patchwork and The Cathedral were both interesting to me (even if stated better elsewhere and by earlier writers)

>> No.15468133

this, but unironically.

>> No.15468140

How so?

>> No.15468142

Without philosophical progress, you wouldn't have the internet to post your ignorant musings on. You wouldn't have science, or law, or any of the other trappings of life post-antiquity.

>> No.15468199

How do you extract resources, ship them across the ocean, bring them to a plant, manufacture goods, ship the goods to market, and finally sell the goods without vertical organization?

>> No.15468237


>> No.15468266

>The Cathedral
Gay term already well understood by any serious political theorist, which Moldbug should not be mistaken for.

>> No.15468348

>That's kinda weak but I partially agree, his ideas of Patchwork and The Cathedral were both interesting to me (even if stated better elsewhere and by earlier writers)

I even said other writers stated it better else

>> No.15468924

best schizopost ive ever seen by a landslide

>> No.15468976

> philosophers, and 2500 years worth of hindsight.

implying they actually read and not just secondary literature and others opinions. if they did read they were prepped with some trash about meaning being subjective to the read and there is no actual meaning or content the author is trying to communicate. just read it from a feminist lens bro

>> No.15469032

You have no idea what philosophy is.

>> No.15469165

Honestly the best post I have read on this app in a long long time.

>> No.15469191

Redundance is a rethoric device to hammer key messages in. Watch any politician.

>> No.15469206

Hey bro just wanted to let you know that you're retarded sorry you had to find out this way

>> No.15469349

is it possible to be a pseud if you call yourself stupid and try to be humble constantly?

>> No.15469385

Absolutely based.
Best thing I've read in maybe years, anon. It doesn't matter if you were ironic or not.

>> No.15469451


>> No.15470544

8 years to read the greeks? Lolwut?

>> No.15470625

I hear what you're saying anon and less people would make fun of you if you didn't use the word 'literature' to describe a podcast, call it art or w/e but literature should obv be a word only used for books (you fucking brainlet). Nonetheless, Joey's pod does capture a lot of what you're talking about


>> No.15470632


>> No.15470644

>I cannot read books
>I am dumb and have no attention span therefore everyone else must be dumb.

>Reading old philosophy hurts
>Philosophy improves over time
(says this and then doesn't back it up with a single fucking anything)
>You do not have the attention span to read books
you must be 18 to post on this board
Regardless of your opinion on modern philosophy this post objective shit

>> No.15470651

First part is okay

>growing aggressively smug is good
Holy shit you must be the most insufferable person on the planet

>> No.15470670

>just let the algorithm feed you mortal
nice try psychovampire, you're not getting me
only order physical magazines and journals